
FloatingGoatdoes ubuntu studio have00:42
len-dtFloatingGoat, do you mean on the ISO?00:52
FloatingGoatyeah yeah00:52
FloatingGoatI hav eno USB's00:52
FloatingGoatno DVD's00:52
len-dtSame as any Ubuntu.00:52
FloatingGoatand jack with regular ubuntu isnt00:52
FloatingGoatstarting and its making me le mad00:53
len-dtDoes it say why?00:53
FloatingGoatill tell you00:53
FloatingGoatTue Aug 14 19:53:52 2012: [1m[31mERROR: ALSA: Cannot open PCM device alsa_pcm for playback. Falling back to capture-only mode[0m Tue Aug 14 19:53:52 2012: [1m[31mERROR: Cannot initialize driver[0m Tue Aug 14 19:53:52 2012: [1m[31mERROR: JackServer::Open() failed with -1[0m Tue Aug 14 19:53:52 2012: [1m[31mERROR: Failed to open server[0m Tue Aug 14 19:53:54 2012: Saving settings to "/home/randy/.config/jack/conf.xml" ...00:54
len-dthave you tried different devices?00:55
len-dtAre you using qjackctl to start jack00:55
FloatingGoatdifferent devices?00:56
FloatingGoatwhat do you mean00:56
len-dtda you have more than one card?00:56
FloatingGoatI dont think so00:57
len-dtin a terminal what does aplay -l  print out?00:57
FloatingGoatcard 0: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]   Subdevices: 1/1   Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 card 1: Generic_1 [HD-Audio Generic], device 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog]   Subdevices: 0/1   Subdevice #0: subdevice #000:57
FloatingGoatI think there are more than one00:59
len-dtweird... to me. You may be pointing at the wrong device.00:59
len-dtOh yes, you have more than one.00:59
len-dtcard 0:3 is your video out.01:00
len-dtcard 1:0 looks like what you want.01:00
FloatingGoathow do i get that one lol01:00
len-dtOn the left side of qjackctl there is a setup with wrench01:01
len-dtClick on that01:01
len-dtYou will get the setup dialog01:01
len-dton the right side there is an interface selection01:02
len-dtit probably says (default)01:02
len-dtThere is a > button beside that.01:03
len-dtclick on that01:03
len-dtselect hw 1:001:03
FloatingGoatokay i did that01:04
FloatingGoatand it still wont start01:04
len-dtThe problem now is that you machine may boot different every time. So if it happens again check to see if your HW is now 0:001:04
len-dtOk what does it say now?01:04
FloatingGoatJACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 60 Tue Aug 14 20:04:51 2012: [1m[31mERROR: Cannot lock down 82246176 byte memory area (Cannot allocate memory)[0m Tue Aug 14 20:04:51 2012: control device hw:1 Tue Aug 14 20:04:51 2012: control device hw:1 Tue Aug 14 20:04:51 2012: [1m[31mERROR: Failed to acquire device name : Audio1 error : Cannot allocate memory[0m Tue Aug 14 20:04:51 2012: [1m[31mERROR: Audio device hw:01:05
len-dtOk... from your terminal try : ls /etc/security/limits.d01:06
len-dtWhat file does it say is there?01:07
FloatingGoattaudio.conf  audio.conf~01:07
len-dtWith the t in front or is that a typo?01:07
len-dtAre you in the audio group?01:08
len-dtcat /etc/group |grep audio01:10
len-dtYour user name should be there01:10
FloatingGoatthats all01:11
len-dtThat makes sense.01:11
FloatingGoatam I in there?01:11
FloatingGoatoh O.O01:12
FloatingGoathow do i get in there01:12
len-dtI am trying to think how the proper way to add you is?01:12
FloatingGoattake to google?01:12
len-dtailo, do you remember how to put a user in audio group?01:12
FloatingGoatI think i know how!01:13
len-dtYou can open system -> users and groups from the main menu01:14
FloatingGoatyeah thats what i though01:14
len-dtI will be back in two minutes01:15
len-dtI think advanced settings01:18
len-dtuser privileges select "use audio devices"01:20
FloatingGoat_THANK YOU SO MUCH! Yoo pretty much just saved my week!01:22
FloatingGoat_it works now!01:22
FloatingGoat_you dont even know man01:24
FloatingGoat_I live in ND01:24
FloatingGoat_theres nothing to do here01:24
FloatingGoat_but i love playing my guitar with jack01:25
FloatingGoat_and it wasnt working01:25
len-dtGlad I could help.01:28
len-dtThat is one of the things we had problems with in 11.10 I think.01:28
len-dtUbuntustudio comes set up that way by default now.01:28
FloatingGoat_ill brb01:30
ailolen-dt: There are three ways. I usually use: 'sudo usermod -a -G audio $USER'. Another command I don't remember, and lastly, just adding the username to /etc/group01:36
ailoAfter audio, of course01:36
len-dtI didn't want someone hand editing...01:38
len-dtThat is what I would have done though.01:38
len-dtWe used the user utility in mainmenu->system01:39
ailoVanilla Ubuntu, or rather, Gnome3 removed group administration from their user account manager01:39
ailoBut, I guess that is still working fine in Xubuntu?01:39
len-dtYeah, but it doesn't say "groups"01:40
len-dtI had a test user I could try it on..01:40
len-dtailo, ecasound installs timidity :P01:41
* len-dt wanted to look at Nama01:41
ailoI read the backscroll about Nama01:42
ailoNever thought about enabling blind people making audio01:42
len-dttimidity should be on our black list.01:42
ailoWhy is that?01:42
len-dtIt blocks both pulse and jack01:42
ailoAfter just installing it, or by running it?01:43
len-dtIf it ever gets used.01:43
ailoRight now I'm reinstalling virtual versions of us for both archs. Had a problem with disk space01:44
len-dtsomeone is running a mid player on a long mid file and tries to do anything01:44
ailohmm, never tried it01:44
ailoBut I remember sometime seeing timidity in the alsa midi tab in qjackctl01:44
len-dtI removed it01:44
len-dtbut it is still in the audio group :)01:45
ailoIt adds itself to audio group during installation?01:45
len-dtit is listed after my user01:45
ailoThat was something I suggested for the debian jackd package, but the consensus was that it was a bad idea01:46
ailoI tended to agree with that in the end01:46
ailoIt would solve the whole realtime privilege problem though01:46
ailoThis was on jack dev list, and on debian multimedia list01:47
len-dtI think a remote user could gain access01:47
ailoit wasn't because of security concerbns01:48
ailojackd already asks the user whether to use realtime or not01:48
ailothe audio group would just be the missing link to making that choice, since doing that now is not making it happen01:48
ailoIt works on debian though01:49
ailoOn debian, the user is already a member of audio group01:49
ailoBy default01:49
len-dtAny user? or just installing user?01:49
ailoIt's a default group for all users01:49
len-dtI think Slackware used to be that way too.01:49
ailoBut, now, PA is using audio group (I think)01:50
ailoBut jackd only uses it to gain access to realtime privilege.01:50
ailoSo, there should be another group added: realtime01:50
ailoCurrently, firewire needs the audio group for permissions too01:51
len-dtI'll leave that for someone else to figure01:51
ailoI think it seems a little messy01:51
ailoProblem occurs on Ubuntu based systems01:51
ailoPeople install jackd, and they don't get realtime01:51
ailoIt's a drag01:52
len-dtHave you looked at pulse 2.101:52
len-dtSupposed to be in Quanal01:52
ailoSomething weird about the linux image source01:53
ailoThe tarball can't be unpacked, cause there's something about symbolic links01:53
len-dt3.4, 3.5 or?01:53
ailoI solved it by installing linux-source01:53
ailoWhich installes the source into /usr/src/01:54
ailoAlso, there's the git source01:54
ailoI tell you, with all my computer problems, and all kinds of weird little obstacles, I haven't got anything done in a week almost01:54
len-dtIsn't that where it is supposed to be? Or are you trying to build more than one in diffeerent directory.01:54
ailoYou can get the source to any package by doing: apt-get source <package>01:55
ailoAs a user01:55
ailolinux-source is a package too01:55
ailoSo, not the same thing01:55
ailosudo apt-get install linux-source01:56
len-dtYa, but you don't want to build it for that machine, so you want it somewhere else01:56
ailoBecause of multiple problems, and trying to save some time, I'm making scripts to build multiple kernels for one arch at a time, using that arch for building01:56
len-dtIt has been a long time since I built a kernel... before 2000 I think.01:57
ailoI'm planning on sleeping when the computer works, and hoping it's all done in the morning01:57
len-dtI remember having to have a "big" 20meg swap because 4meg ram wasn't enough01:58
ailoI just got 8GB RAM. Was running out of my 3GB quite often recently01:59
ailoHave space for 32 on this MB01:59
len-dtMy max is 4 but I have 2.502:00
ailo512kb was kind of the norm for a while in the 80's02:00
len-dtI think I started Linux in early 90s02:01
ailoI think I tried it when I got my first PC, at around 2002, but since I wasn't really interested in computers, until a bit later, had no reason to get into it02:02
len-dtYggdrasil... then slackware02:02
len-dtThe first one even came with a "live"cd (and a floppy to start befoe that)02:03
ailoDidn't know they had live cd's already back then02:03
len-dtThe live cd even had X on it.02:04
ailoPretty state of the art02:04
len-dtIt normally took two tries to get X going becasue it would time out with the time it took to get most of it into swap02:04
len-dtThe second time most of it was already there...02:05
len-dtX needed 8 Meg ram/swap02:05
len-dt4Meg of ram was $40002:05
ailoGot my first usb3 memory stick now as well, since I have usb3 on my new MB02:07
ailoRead speed is fast, but writing is still not too fancy02:08
len-dtHow is it compared to a mechanical drive?02:08
ailoI read that linus has a system at home, which takes him something like 8 secs to build a kernel02:08
ailoI think SSD's are a lot faster then this usb stick02:09
ailoIt wasn't the cheapest, but not that expensive either. Memory has really dropped in price this last couple of years02:09
ailoTakes me a bit less than an hour to build one kernel02:10
len-dtSounds good. I am busy for  bit...02:29
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arunkumar413when is visit the site https://staging.ubuntustudio.org/tour/video/  firefox says the connection is untrusted07:51
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate10:43
* smartboyhw waves at MOSMarauder12:17
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cbx33hey guys17:26
cbx33 is there a decent virtual midi keyboard, that i can play with the computer keyboard?17:27
len-dtThere are two... I am not sure you would call them "decent" but they do work.17:28
len-dtthere is the virtual midi keyboard and jack keyboard17:29
len-dtcbx33, the first outputs it's signal to alsa midi and the second to jack midi17:30
cbx33can alsa midi hook up to jack midi?17:31
cbx33as that's what I need17:31
len-dtuse a2j17:31
cbx33lemme try17:31
len-dtIt makes all alsa i/os available in jack17:31
len-dtYou may have to start it as a2jmidid and probably want the -e switch17:32
len-dtThe -e switch pulls the external ports too17:32
cbx33nope a2j worked fine17:33
cbx33that's sweet17:33
cbx33are there any good free lv2 synths?17:34
cbx33long and the short of it, I used to run mainly with hardware, I had a Korg X5D and a few lexicon and behringer rack units17:34
cbx33but i want to do everything I can on PC now17:34
len-dtI am not the person to ask. I know there are some, but good is a metter of taste17:34
cbx33what do you use ubuntu studio for?17:34
cbx33last thing I used it for was doing the ubuntu start up sound in edgy :p17:35
len-dtI am a guitarist/bass player.17:35
cbx33do you use any LADSPA effects?17:35
cbx33record much?17:35
len-dtdon't record much, but I like guitarix17:35
len-dtI found out that I play so much better when I have an audience to play off of and some other players to sync with17:36
len-dtSo I am mostly a live player.17:36
cbx33ahhh i totally agre with you17:36
cbx33i play drums/guitar and keyboard17:36
cbx33recently only drums really17:37
cbx33and I play SOOOO much better with other mucisicans17:37
len-dtI have not yet been happy with any recordings I have attempted.17:37
moonshiner24mUKim having troubles with a keystudio keyboard..17:45
moonshiner24mUKis there an alsa-midi monitoring program..17:46
moonshiner24mUKso a greenlight when it recieves a signal17:46
len-dtmoonshiner24mUK, can you give me more details?17:46
len-dtqmidiroute includes some midi monitoring.17:46
moonshiner24mUKsure, i plug it in and am synth does nothing17:46
len-dtWhat do you think it should do? have you routed it to anything?17:47
cbx33anyone use any midi keyboard controllers on linux?17:53
cbx33if so, what :)17:53
len-dtcbx33, I happen to use an old DX717:54
cbx33I'm looking at the Alesis QX4917:54
cbx33nice as it has faders too17:54
cbx33but I don't know whether it works under linux....17:54
cbx33can you teach ardour to use midi for the faders?17:54
len-dtMost USB KBs should show up in qjackctl's alsa panel17:54
len-dtAs far as I know... ask on #ardour for better answer, it should.17:54
cbx33ok awesome I'll try that17:54
len-dtcbx33, what I do personally is take my netbook to the music store and try it in the store17:55
cbx33yeh, I was gonna buy online17:55
cbx33we don't have a lot of stores here17:55
len-dtSame here, but the one from a bigger chain is pretty good about such things17:55
moonshiner24mUKsorry, coffee break17:56
moonshiner24mUKback though17:56
moonshiner24mUKi need a way of testing that the keyboard is work.17:57
moonshiner24mUKeasiest way of getting a sound out of this thing?17:57
len-dtOh ya moonshiner24mUK, I was asking how you routed it.17:57
moonshiner24mUKjack in to through out17:58
moonshiner24mUKim thinkiong that what jack does is awsome17:58
moonshiner24mUKbut how it does it sux17:58
len-dtamsynth uses jack midi?17:58
moonshiner24mUKfor now can i test it in a alsa midi app?17:58
moonshiner24mUKit can do17:59
moonshiner24mUKbut on alsa it makes no sound17:59
len-dtOk, if I start hexter in standalone, it has its output connected to jack out and the input is unconnected in the alsa patch18:00
moonshiner24mUKis there any app with a midi blinking light to say that its recieving a midi signal18:00
len-dtI'd have to look at them all?18:01
len-dtHyrdro gen does but it is hard to set up for midi in.18:01
len-dtqmidiroute has an event log window18:03
moonshiner24mUKithankyou.. hydrogen is best for alsa debugging18:03
moonshiner24mUKfired up18:03
moonshiner24mUKselected alsa input and i was away!18:03
moonshiner24mUKto get am synth running, i need to point to my OSS device... which sux18:07
len-dtWhat does amsynth have that other synths don't?18:08
moonshiner24mUKwhat would it be called. its somewhere in the dev folder18:08
moonshiner24mUKvisa vi - an alsa midi device selection box18:09
len-dtI am not sure, OSS is not something I have used for a long time18:09
moonshiner24mUKok, otherwise a AM synth how to?18:09
moonshiner24mUKconfirmed working keyboard18:09
len-dtamsynth's web page says it should work with "OSS, ALSA and JACK for Audio / MIDI I/O"18:11
len-dtmoonshiner24mUK, OSS devices are /dev/dsp0 to /dev/dsp* depending on how many you have?18:17
len-dtcheck out http://manuals.opensound.com/developer/oss_devices.html18:20
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cbx33how do people here save/load their sessions these days20:00
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