
pleia2but maybe over here00:12
knomemmh, true00:16
pleia2I like the ones that were originally on the main page, the "new to" ones are kind meh00:18
pleia2maybe keep chapter 4 link00:18
knomebtw, we have this too: file:///usr/share/doc/xfce4-utils/html/C/index.html00:18
pleia2oh brother00:18
pleia2I forgot about that00:19
knomewell, we can use that...00:19
knomebut it's 2008 too.. ;]00:19
pleia2yeah, link to it00:19
knome(at best.)00:19
pleia2maybe they updated it for 4.10 :)00:19
knomesome parts are 200400:19
knomeThis manual describes xfwm4 version 4.8.3 00:19
knomesays the xfwm page, for example00:19
knomei think they had the idea to update00:20
knomebut i'm not sure if anything good came out of that00:20
knomewe could just rewrite that too.00:20
knomeit doesn't really seem to take too long to rewrite some stuff.00:20
pleia2ok, you sleep on monday, wednesday and friday, I get tuesday, thursday and saturday00:20
knomedo i need to sleep at all if i don't want to?00:21
pleia2bits stop working after you don't sleep for a couple days00:21
knomenot really.00:21
knomeonly after 4 days.00:21
pleia2I think we ignore xfce for now00:21
knomei used to be able to do *months* with a few hours of sleep per night when i was younger...00:22
pleia2ah, to be young again!00:22
knomeyeah. young, arrogant and all that stuff.00:22
knomeanyway... back to docs00:22
knome"backing and support" clearly doesn't deserve its own subpage00:22
knomeso does not "version and release numbers"00:23
pleia2I think both can go under "What is Xubuntu?"00:23
knomei'll do that.00:23
pleia2do we want to create a 3. Installing and upgrading00:24
pleia2and pretty much copy docs from the website?00:24
knomei'm thinking how much our users would benefit from having "installing" there00:24
knomethey are already running the cd at least00:24
knomeoh but yeah, i suppose we would benefit of such section00:28
knomeeven if it was just upgrading00:28
pleia2mostly I was just trying to find a home for upgrading :)00:28
knomebut maybe we could group that with the existing 300:28
knome"migrating from other OS'es"00:28
pleia2"importing their favorites from Microsoft Internet Explorer 6" hehe, IE600:29
pleia2remember 2003?!00:29
knomei was 17 then00:30
knomei suppose i barely do00:30
knomethat was about when i met my wife00:30
pleia2I was 22 and working at a webdev firm, trying to continue supporting IE5 and swearing a lot :x00:31
pleia2browser compatibility pain is what made me learn I wasn't cut out for webdev :)00:31
knomehah :)00:31
knomelike IE6 wasn't still a pain...00:31
knomeok, see http://dagobah.princessleia.com/Xubuntu/12.10/What%20is%20Xubuntu%3F now00:32
pleia2maybe just make Upgrading its own thing, I can't think of how to merge it with "if you've been using windows"00:32
knomegimme 2mins and i'll tell you00:33
pleia2that's nice00:33
knomemain page "Getting up-to-date"00:33
knome"whether you're coming from windows or upgrading your old xubuntu installation..."00:33
knomewell, that's just an idea00:34
knomebut i don't want too many pages00:34
pleia2it does imply that windows isn't up to date :)00:34
knomeit's just horrible to even look at the old TOC00:34
knomeheh, well is it? :P00:34
pleia2it's certainly not as shiny as linux00:35
knomeor just "Migrating and Upgrading"00:35
pleia2yeah that's good00:35
pleia2Migrating from Windows00:35
pleia2Upgrading from an older version of Xubuntu00:35
knomemental note to self: do not typo page names00:36
knomemmh, then we need to suppress those windows pages :)00:38
knomei just noticed you were editing the page00:38
pleia2haha, sorry00:39
pleia2fixed a little typo, I'm out now00:39
knomethe lock should be a hard lock00:39
knomewell i updated already :P00:39
pleia2no conflicts, we're ok00:39
knomehehe, good00:39
knomei think the "glossary of windows terms" is actually quite useful, but that isn't quite what the title says00:39
knomeit's more like a windows-linux dictionary00:40
pleia2heh, file:///usr/share/xubuntu-docs/about/xubuntu-index.html00:41
pleia2yeah, what do you call a thing that translates terms00:42
knomedictionary? :P00:43
knomeisn't that essentially what it is00:43
knomewe should drop some of the stuff there, but some are good00:43
knomelike control panel <> settings manager00:43
pleia2I don't think I know enough about Windows anymore00:44
knome(and stuff under "system")00:44
knomeheh :)00:44
knomemaybe we can ask somebody who does00:44
pleia2I don't know people like that00:44
pleia2the internet has some00:45
knomeyeah, some00:45
knomeshould i group the windows pages whatsoever00:45
pleia2I think maybe the dictionary can be merged with "migrating data"00:46
pleia2since we can drop some of them if we do that, because 00:47
pleia2"migrating" covers some of them00:47
knomei wonder if there's some page in the ubuntu community wiki about converting stuff00:47
knomehttp://dagobah.princessleia.com/Xubuntu/12.10/Migrating%20from%20Windows is loooong00:49
knomethat should be much shorter, to not scare people00:49
knomethe migrating data page does kind of the same thing00:50
knomeor, describes00:50
knomehow can it be so much text.00:50
pleia2I don't love that the page exists at all to be honest00:50
knomeyeah, but i imagine it's valuable information for somebody coming from windows00:51
knomebut yeah, users migrating from windows aren't our main target00:51
pleia2I'd rather see a page explaining that Xubuntu is not Windows, here are a few things that are different, see <online docs> for more about specific things00:51
knomewhat if we start by dropping the converting stuff?00:52
knomelet's see how it looks after taht00:52
* pleia2 looks at ubuntu docs for inspiration00:52
pleia2yeah, they don't mention windows at all ;)00:53
knomedo we want a list of things users need to configure their internet?00:53
knomeisn't that what their operators should do00:53
pleia2it should happen with magic00:54
knome  ipconfig /all > C:\network_settings.txt00:54
knomesome samba stuff might be cool.00:54
knomeor not cool, but actually useful00:54
pleia2yeah, enough people want to do shares00:55
knome"if there are stil idio^Wusers using windows in your local network, ..."00:55
pleia2I use samba, I get all kinds of goofy devices connecting to my share00:56
knomeyeah, goofy00:56
knomehttp://dagobah.princessleia.com/Xubuntu/12.10/Migrating from Windows00:56
knomeso that then00:56
knomewhat do we want to keep?00:56
knomei imagine we could replace the loooong files section with a simple table00:57
knome"where are my files"00:57
pleia2photos and music are obsolete00:57
pleia2does windows have a photo manager?00:58
knome"Xubuntu does not include a powerful photo manager by default."00:58
knomeeven if we didn't, DON'T SAY THAT00:58
knomeobsolete, but should we rewrite them?00:58
pleia2I think we just delete the photos thing, windows doesn't do any better by default00:58
pleia2same with music I think00:59
pleia2they just live in directories and you clicky on files to make them go00:59
knomei think we could have a small section on default apps00:59
knome"how to add your music to gmb"00:59
knome"how to import your settings to firefox"00:59
knomeand just really quickly go through that00:59
knomeand link to online, app-maintained, docs01:00
pleia2but that should go in 5. Music, Video and Photos01:00
pleia2not in windows part01:00
knomeand do that on *one page*, so we don't have to go through everything if we change our default apps01:00
knomewhat about new section01:01
pleia2like so maybe, under Music - Xubuntu offers gmb to organize your music, see [[Music]]01:01
knome"Quick guide to the default applications"01:01
knomeand link to each one's one docs01:01
knomeand add some really useful/common tasks01:01
knomei'm just thinking what should we have there01:02
knomeprobably tb/ff import and that gmb collection thing01:02
knomewhat else?01:02
pleia2so we put "Office" and "Music, Video and Photos" under that subheading01:02
knomepossibly yes...01:02
knomeand definitely yes too :P01:02
knomebut what else would there be to it?01:03
knomethat's quite a lot of stuff01:03
pleia2aww exaile01:03
knomeDownload Music from the Internet01:04
knomeand then there's some mic troubleshooting01:04
knomethat's just a mess :D01:04
knomedo we need rip/burn audio cd?01:04
knomerip is exaile too, btw01:05
knomei don't think we ship anything to rip cd's by default01:05
knomegmb with a plugin might do it, but i'm not certain01:05
pleia2I think if we don't do it out of the box, just drop it01:06
knomei created a new section, 5 def apps01:07
knomewe don't even ship 3/4 of those apps by default01:07
knomeever shipped01:07
knomethat's out01:08
pleia2I think I'm in "delete everything" mode now, I don't think I can do this for much longer tonight :)01:09
knomedid you just say to*night*? :P01:10
pleia2this evening? :)01:10
knomemaybe we should start writing something then.01:10
pleia2I do have some blueprint questions before you go sleepies01:10
knomei'm not going too soon01:10
knomebut go ahead ;)01:11
pleia2on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-q-xubuntu-website-improvements we have a couple that I think may be done01:11
pleia2[xubuntu-website] Cleanup and review website: INPROGRESS01:11
knomewhat about /about ? : /01:11
pleia2aha, wasn't gridcube working on that?01:12
knomei can't remember he was01:12
knomebut didn't beardygnome write a draft of that ages ago?01:12
pleia2ah, yes01:12
pleia2ok, I'll dig up drafts01:12
pleia2any other pages? I think we got most everything else01:12
knomethat would be it01:13
pleia2oh good01:13
knomehmm, about/ and contribute/development/01:13
pleia2hrm, I suppose /contribute/translating/ still needs love01:13
knomethose are the standing issues01:13
knomeprobably that too, though i went through it and gave as much love as i could01:14
knomei don't know too much about translating, and i don't know if anybody does01:14
pleia2how about the wiki, any work to be done there? I think we deleted almost everything :)01:14
knomewell, we have about/ there too01:14
pleia2alright, but I think that's it01:15
pleia2we should review that /About, merge the two and delete the wiki page01:15
knomeprobably yes.01:15
pleia2then we will be done with the wiki!01:15
knomeyeah, plus the testcases need to be moved01:16
knomethey are still on the wiki01:16
pleia2yeah, what's the holdup there?01:16
knomelazyness i suppose01:16
knomeand the lack of "general test intro"01:16
knomesee https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-q-xubuntu-qa-procedures for those things01:16
pleia2I don't mind doing it, but I don't want to upset QA people by doing the wrong thing :)01:16
knomewe shouldn't copy them to the QA wiki01:17
knomethey've built stuff to integrate all that to the ISO tracker01:17
knomebut that's not so much a wiki issue01:17
knomei'm okay with marking the wiki stuff DONE once about/ is ok01:17
pleia2wiki AND "community wiki" I think, since it's turned only into a development wiki really01:18
knomewith community wiki...01:18
knomei mean the community help wiki01:18
pleia2oh, help.ubuntu?01:19
knomethere's some xubuntu-categorized stuff01:19
pleia2I haven't even looked at those01:19
knomewe should go through those and see how current that is01:19
knomeand maybe see if there's something else worth categorizing under xubuntu01:19
knomeprobably search for all pages that say "xfce" or "xubuntu"01:19
* pleia2 nods01:20
knomethere isn't a lot of the categorized pages01:20
pleia2ok, going through that will help some with docs in general anyway01:20
knomenow wait a minute01:20
knomethis didn't look like this the last time i checked? :P01:21
pleia2spiffy huh? :)01:21
knomethat was the official document01:21
pleia2I love how their search doesn't search the wiki01:22
knomethere we go.01:22
knomethat. isn't. much.01:22
knomethat's like so little i would just like to delete that all.01:22
knomeseriously, what is there for us :P01:22
knomecompiz installation guide01:23
knomebut sounds quite general01:23
* pleia2 facepalm01:23
pleia2kind of silly01:23
knomego delete that.01:23
knomethat sounds like something we should consider adding to our blog as an article01:24
knomeand tag with FAQ01:24
knomei suppose that's pretty much the only sensible thing in the community wiki about xubuntu01:24
pleia2huh, does this work? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager#Xubuntu_10.04.2C_10.10.2C_11.04_and_11.10_12.0401:26
knomei have no idea01:26
pleia2suppose I could test it on my laptop01:26
knomecompiz has never been supported any way under xubuntu01:26
knomepeople have it working, but i'm not sure if i still want that on an official wiki01:27
knomewell, official/community01:27
pleia2it covers all the flavors, so I'm inclined to leave it if it works01:27
knomethe whole tutorial is poorly written01:28
knome"all the flavors"01:28
pleia2https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingXubuntu isn't so horrible as a thing, but it needs to be rewritten01:28
knomewhat about ubuntu studio? :)01:28
pleia2DEs? :)01:28
knomedon't we have the installing guide on our website?01:28
pleia2sort of01:28
knomemerge those01:28
knomewell, again just an idea01:29
knomebut why maintain two versions01:29
pleia2so /getxubuntu is the closest we have to an install page01:29
knomelet me look at the CW page01:29
knomeInstallation process01:30
knomeThe installation process for Xubuntu is basically the same as for Ubuntu. Please refer to the Ubuntu Installation Guide for more information. 01:30
knomethere isn't much else to it01:30
knome"Unlike the Windows family of operating systems, an early machine does not require an early version of Ubuntu. If you are installing Xubuntu on an old PC or with early hardware, jump straight to the most recent version. It is not necessary to hunt down an old version of Ubuntu to use your PC. One of the newest (that is, supported) versions is the appropriate one."01:30
knomenot completely true either, if your pc is ancient01:31
pleia2blah blah blah01:31
knome(and some willing to use xubuntu has those)01:31
knomethat guide simply isn't very useful imo01:31
knomeCandidate for Deletion01:32
pleia2the german one too01:32
knomeis the community wiki EN only?01:32
pleia2no, but EN is most maintained (which says a lot about the others :x)01:32
knomeagain, i wouldn't mind all the pages deleted01:33
pleia2yeah, I'll go through them a bit more to see if there are nuggets we can pull out01:33
knomeand if somebody else has gone through the non-EN pages and think they might be removed, maybe delete those at least.01:33
knomeuntil we can really enable translations on xubuntu.org, we can create some subpages for other-language guides, if those are useful01:34
knomeor translate an essential part of the site01:34
knomemostly i think the site is quite easy to read if you have the least english skills01:35
pleia2ok, and I didn't make a marketing blueprint, so while I have todo list items there it's not blueprint critical01:36
knomewhat kind of stuff?01:36
pleia2still have to define our marketing target, and collect info for handouts01:36
knomewhat about putting that under strategy document (#1)01:37
pleia2marketing target is different than general target01:37
knomebut isn't that still kind of under the same umbrella?01:37
knomeif you want, we could just create the blueprint too01:37
knomei'm sure we can find other things we want to list there at a later stage01:38
knomeespecially if we get far enough with the handouts and other stuff like that01:38
pleia2well, I did actually do a fair amount that wasn't blueprint tracked and probably should have been01:38
pleia2like make and ship stickers, make pins, made a trial t-shirt01:38
knomeyou can add those too to the blueprint.01:39
knomejust list them as done and it'll be fine01:39
knomeor if you don't want to list, that's okay too :P01:39
pleia2yeah, I should, it'll make it look like I did stuff!01:39
knomeyeah, you're currently not even listed!01:40
knomebtw, things under xubuntu-web and those; feel free to change the assignee to yourself if you complete an item01:40
knomeideally, i'd like all items to have a person as an assignee when we release 12.1001:40
pleia2other-q-xubuntu-marketing ?01:40
knomethat way we can actually track who did stuff01:40
knomeyup, that sounds fine :)01:40
knomewe're going to have to poke skaet or somebody else to make it accepted for quantal :)01:41
knomeor wait01:41
knomecan i do that? :o01:41
knomejust ping me once you've actually created the blueprint and i'll look01:42
knomeah, it's still just proposed01:43
knomeactually, i have to be the approver01:44
pleia2oh ok01:44
knomei'll set you as the drafter01:44
pleia2alright, that's sorted01:47
knome...aaand it's linked from the roadmap01:47
pleia2now I feel better about what I'm supposed to be doing :)01:48
knomegood :)01:48
knomeso, you up for some more docs stuff?01:51
pleia2oh right, -art01:51
knomeheh, yeah01:51
pleia2I think I need to take a computer break01:51
knomehow long would that be? :P01:51
pleia2probably one ST:TOS long01:51
knomelike that was off-computer... :)01:51
knomehave fun :)01:52
pleia2it is! I walk over there to the couch and watch the tv :)01:52
knomelet's see if i'm *still* online...01:52
pleia2hehe, ok01:52
knomemight go for an all-nighter...01:52
knomehah, looking at the ultrabook monitor after watching these dells for hours, ohhh it's so lousy...01:53
pleia2knome: still about?02:52
knomeumm :)02:52
pleia2I am being picked up for dinner in a little bit, but I have some time02:52
knomesee the docs front02:53
pleia2"More reading around Xubuntu" is kind of awkward02:54
knomefeel free to change the name02:54
knomebut look at the page first02:54
knometo grasp an idea what we could say there02:54
* pleia2 nods02:54
pleia2something like "More about what Xubuntu is built on" or something02:55
knomequite long :|02:55
knomejust "more reading"02:55
knomeor "what xubuntu *REALLY* is?"02:56
pleia2"More about Xubuntu"02:56
knomeyeah, but in a way it's not about xubuntu02:57
knomewhat if we added say ubuntu (or a link to the derivatives page) or shimmer project there02:57
knomethat's the kind of thing i'm looking after02:57
knomethat's why "around"02:57
knome"Learn more about the things behing Xubuntu"02:58
pleia2hm, maybe "Related projects" ?02:58
knomebehind too02:58
pleia2"things" :)02:58
pleia2need a better word02:58
pleia2Learn more about what makes Xubuntu02:59
knomeyeah, that could work02:59
pleia2I don't think I agree that "Add/Remove Programs" is analogous to the software center, Windows doesn't have anything so awesome (there has been talk of a windows app store, but I don't think it really exists yet)02:59
knomeyeah, i think we need to review that03:00
knomewe probably just want more than A = B anyway03:00
pleia2windows people just clicky clicky around the internet and install random cr..stuff03:00
knomei just dropped those there03:00
knomei think those are the ones which we should keep03:00
pleia2this looks good03:01
knomeyeah, it looks better than i hoped about 10 hours ago03:02
knomeevery deleted (striked) link should now have a footnote03:03
knomeand pretty much every alive link should have one too03:03
knomeand every link should point to 12.10/something03:04
knomethe footnotes should desribe how i've moved stuff around03:06
pleia2yeah, that's good03:07
knomei'm wondering if i should stay awake or try to sleep some03:20
pleia2probably sleep :)03:20
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein
* pleia2 dinner03:31
knomebon appetit03:31
Unit193On the calendar, it has the meeting listed at 1800 local time, whereas it is at 1100 local time.04:35
Unit193Yes?  Is there something we can help you with?04:36
Unit193So the point of that was what?04:44
knomeUnit193, it's 15UTC, whatever the calendar says ;)08:37
Unit193Yeah, oddly enough, I'm looking at two that say something different (from each other, one agrees with you and I figured somehow the second is goofed...)08:38
knomewell, the meeting's always been 15utc08:39
knomemail is lagging08:39
Unit193Yeah, one calendar is showing those events in UTC time, but the rest of the events in local time, weird.08:59
malvdaily reminder: fix for 12.04 branch still has yet to be committed. Fix requires 10 minutes of time to complete. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/xfwm4/+bug/100193609:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1001936 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu Precise) "GTK3 Grab/Move Triggered on Mouse Click" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:32
malvpreserve my sanity, make Xubuntu a viable Ubuntu alternate. Thank you09:32
malvmr_pouit: btw, this is mostly directed at you09:37
knomenot really.09:38
malvbtw, you should be proud that a great person like me has decided to use XFCE as his default DE09:38
malvyou can put that in your testimonials09:38
malvknome: yes?09:38
knomewe won't.09:39
malvawww, too bad09:39
malvknome: rationale for not porting the patch to 12.04?09:39
malvit applied directly, btw09:39
knomei didn't speak of that09:39
knomei just told we won't add you to the testimonials.09:39
malvoh, =(09:40
malvthere is a 99% chance I am Linus09:40
knomethere's not; and this is useless09:40
malv"this" referring to?09:40
knomethe more you try to lie to us and the more you have an arrogant attitude, the less i feel like getting that bug fixed, even if it affects me too.09:41
knomethis referring to this discussion; it's just pointless09:41
Sysiwas this guy banned from #xubuntu already? he's trolled half of channels I'm in, apparently wants to keep up the series09:41
malvyou guys don't really want to apply a patch that causes spurious window teleportations?09:42
malvare you serious?09:42
malvi am trying to help you here09:42
knomemalv, we got the message.09:42
knomemalv, is there something else we can do to help you?09:42
malvI don't think you have, because I have been banging on this bug ever so slightly the past 3 months09:42
knomepatches/contributions *are* always welcome09:42
malvif you are going to tell me that the offical XFCE stance is that you will not fix this bug, I will gladly direct my energy elsewhere09:43
knomewe don't have any official xfce stance. we are the xubuntu development team.09:43
malvthe patch is there09:43
malvyou just need to apply it to the 12.04 branch09:43
Sysiif you want it so badly, grab 4.10 packages09:44
malv12.04 is the LTS release. The patch need to be ported to 12.0409:44
malvI already fixed it on my end09:44
malvthe general point is ensuring that XFCE becomes a viable DE09:44
knomefine. then is there something else you need help with?09:44
Sysiso you want to cause unnecessary noise?09:44
malvoh, jesus christ, I am trying to help you here because I like XFCE09:44
malvwhy are you giving me flac09:44
malvjust fix it or dont09:44
knomeyou are wasting our time with continuing the discussion; we got the message, we have seen the bug and the patch; we have applied for an exception to get it in .109:45
Sysihow's making unnecessary noise "helping"09:45
knomeis there something else you need help with, or can we continue on fixing other bugs and issues in xubuntu?09:45
malvI am not making unnecessary noise. I have been patient for 3 months.09:46
malvI administer a research lab and have chosen XFCE as the default DE.09:47
malvcertain researchers in this lab have brought this bug to my attention and I told them I would work to have it fixed09:47
Sysilinus and head of research lab, awesome.09:47
malvnot a head of a research lab09:48
malvmerely administer it09:48
malvjust tell me to f-off and we're done here09:48
knomemalv, good luck with your choice; we have heard your issue09:48
malvare you going to fix it?09:48
malvafter I have probably spend at least 4 hours of my time trying to get it fixed?09:49
knomedid you read at all what i wrote earlier? try to read the backscroll.09:49
malvI have no idea what this means: "we have applied for an exception to get it in .1"09:49
knome"if possible, we will fix it in .1"09:50
malv.1 of what?09:50
Sysiyou just said you've been patient for months, now you say you've just ranted for hours09:50
malvI spent only 4 hours of my time following up on this bug09:50
knomemalv, well, probably don't need an exception for 14.04.1 yet09:50
malvhow come you cannot apply a simple patch to 12.04?09:50
malvit's an LTS release09:51
knomemalv, we will fix the bug for 12.04.1 if possible09:51
malvwhat are the protocols for submitting fixes to LTS releases?09:51
malvis there a reason for why it takes longer09:51
knomei have no motivation to keep up the discussion; ubuntu governancy and other LTS based reading can be found in the internet09:52
malvfyi, that kind of attitude does not lead people to support your software endeavors09:52
malvI like to think you hope to make XFCE popular09:52
malvoverall it is a good DE09:53
malvand it is in a very good position to become a mainstream DE09:53
malvand this bug, I am telling you, shatters the professional facade of XFCE09:54
malvteleporting windows is a real deal breaker to any serious desktop users09:55
malvso please fix it... I'm done09:55
=== smartboyhw is now known as silly_cloudysunn
=== silly_cloudysunn is now known as smartboyhw
=== smartboyhw is now known as ubuntustudio-hw
=== elfy is now known as pandabored
=== pandabored is now known as elfy
=== ubuntustudio-hw is now known as smartboyhw
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw_us
PjotrHello, I have a configuration request:13:27
PjotrThe tooltips in the lower panel of the desktop ("the dock"), are a bit of a nuisance. They obscure big chunks of the panel, and are therefore counterproductive.13:27
PjotrIt's easy to switch them off, but I think they should be switched off by default. What do you think?13:27
knomethe icons are not 100% self-explanatory for new users13:30
knomeand the tooltips are only visible when hovering13:30
smartboyhwI agree with knome13:31
smartboyhwHi knome! How are you today?13:31
knomei'm fine13:31
Pjotrknome: they explain themselves, when you first start an application.... Afterwards, they are just aggravating... Render the lower panel much less useful. 13:33
Pjotrso all in all, I'd like to see them disabled by default. :-)13:33
Sysithat's your personal opinion13:33
Sysiand it's easy to change like you said13:34
knomei don't use the dock-like panel myself either, but i think it's good for newcomers, and the tooltips definitely aren't unnecessary13:34
smartboyhwI like the dock13:34
PjotrSysi: for me, yes. But maybe not for beginners.13:35
smartboyhwUh oh, emergency maintence on Launchpad tmr13:35
Sysiclearness is better than minor fixable annoyance13:35
Pjotrsmartboyhw: I like the dock, too. :-)13:35
bluesabremr_pouit: I think I fixed the bug you sent in for parole.  Want to test it again?13:35
SysiPjotr: then again, for a new user it's annoying to not have tooltips, if you don't know what are those launchers13:36
PjotrSysi: launch once and you know it. Without tooltips.13:37
knomei don't think a user should need to launch an application to know what it does13:37
SysiPjotr: tooltip is much nicer, then again, that's just an opinion13:37
Sysiremoving them would benefit more advanced users like you, who can change it anyway13:38
bluesabremr_pouit: (In the latest git master that is)13:40
knomehey bluesabre :)13:41
knomemeeting in 80mins13:41
bluesabreI'll be here :)13:41
* bluesabre should make sure his blueprint items are up-to-date.13:41
knomethat would be great13:42
knomeatm it looks we're lagging behind13:42
knomebut i think the situation is rather good anyway13:43
bluesabreknome, question: If we get parole 0.3.0 into debian and ubuntu,  we can pull in after feature freeze, right?13:44
knomeif is just bugfix release; yes13:44
bluesabreGood deal13:45
knomewe need to specify every bug that fixes though, at least in some level13:45
bluesabreIt seems like most of the problems are only seen on arch, things are working great in xubuntu for parole13:45
bluesabreSure thing.  I'll be sure to address that in the release notes13:46
knomei'm sure you know but FF is aug 23, not a long time to get the pkg to debian and ubuntu :)13:47
bluesabreI'm going to be bugging mr_pouit alot between now and then13:47
knomei suppose micahg can be of help too, if he has time13:47
knomemicahg or mr_pouit, you around?14:05
knomeXubuntu community meeting in about an hour at #xubuntu-devel. Everybody welcome! Agenda at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings14:07
smartboyhwknome: I'll see if I can come14:12
knomeout for throwing the garbage and a quick walk14:26
knomebe back in <3014:26
knomei'm back14:47
elfyI'll put the kettle on then14:49
knomeheh :)14:49
* knome drinks coke14:49
* elfy doesn't 14:49
knomewalked to the store and went to buy a bottle :P14:49
knomethe thing is, i should really eat something today too14:50
knomepleia2, good morning sunshine14:51
smartboyhwWaiting for meeting now14:51
GridCubeETA to meeting?14:52
knome10ish minutes14:52
smartboyhw8 minutes here14:52
GridCubecan we have an announcement on our media outlets? (twitter, g+, etc)14:53
knomei can do twitter, but not the rest14:54
smartboyhwWhere's the twitter site14:54
knomeGridCube, twitter done14:55
knomeat least pleia2 said she's attending, so let's wait for people to show up14:57
* pleia2 yawns and puts on some coffee14:57
knomehello! :)14:57
* smartboyhw waves at everybody14:58
knomeapparently i like to do things in a rush. cooking some tortellinis now ;)14:59
knomemicahg, mr_pouit: either of you around?15:00
knome#startmeeting Xubuntu community meeting15:01
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Aug 15 15:01:21 2012 UTC.  The chair is knome. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired15:01
knome#chair pleia2 15:01
meetingologyCurrent chairs: knome pleia215:01
knomeastraljava, you around?15:01
astraljavaYes, just booted.15:01
knomegreat! i'll chair you15:01
knome#chair astraljava 15:01
meetingologyCurrent chairs: astraljava knome pleia215:01
knome(i'll be the chair, but just in case...)15:02
knome#topic Items carried on15:02
knome#subtopic Open action items from previous meeting15:02
knomelet's see15:02
knome#nick xubuntu-team15:02
knome#action xubuntu-team to investigate adding a screenlocker15:03
meetingologyACTION: xubuntu-team to investigate adding a screenlocker15:03
knomehas anybody had time to look at that?15:03
astraljavaNot me.15:03
pleia2yeah, hang on15:03
knomeok sure :)15:03
pleia2ochosi was working on that, grabbing notes :)15:04
knomeremember you can use #info and #action :)15:04
pleia2#info 16:37 < ochosi> knome, mr_pouit: let me add this to the "do away with xscreensaver, instead just use a lock-thingy", this is how far lightdm is in that respect: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-lock-screen15:05
pleia2#info < ochosi> i.e. not very far. i've been looking out for alternatives, and to be honest, none of them is working extra-smooth or great-looking15:05
pleia2#info I asked if there were others to try < ochosi> xlockmore, xlockmore-gl, xtrlock, i3lock15:05
knomelightdm-lock doesn't look good at all :|15:06
knomeshould we do some testing on those options then?15:06
pleia2yeah, I'd say so15:06
knomei imagine we wanted just a black screen, so no need for screensaver features15:06
knomeor anything else fancy!15:06
pleia2#info < pleia2> is keeping xscreensaver and just defaulting to blank xscreensaver+screen lock an option?15:06
astraljavaWell, sure can, but if they don't look/work very well, I don't see it a wise replacement for xscreensaver.15:07
smartboyhwknome: Sorry to interrupt, I want a screensaver on my lock screen15:07
pleia2#info < ochosi> sure < pleia2> I think that may be as close as we can get until lightdm gets sorted15:07
knomesmartboyhw, you are free to install gnome-screensaver or so15:07
Sysiwhat's problem with xscreensaver?15:07
pleia2that's where things pretty much ended up15:07
knomekeeping xscreensaver is probably the wisest choice, if that's doable15:07
smartboyhwI agree. Black screen on lock...:(15:08
knomeastraljava, would you be able to be the assignee on that?15:08
astraljavaI suppose, why not.15:08
knome(xss because of no regressions at least, and no testing other apps)15:08
GridCubexscreensaver with black screen15:08
knomedo we need to vote on this or should we vote?15:08
knomedo we agree or should we vote, i mean15:08
astraljavaLet's provide better results from testing before we vote.15:09
smartboyhwCount me in for the testing, astraljava!15:09
knomeastraljava, can you explain a bit further? :)15:09
pleia2will someone take an action item to test xlockmore, xlockmore-gl, xtrlock, i3lock ?15:09
astraljavaWas just thinking that maybe I should provide a more detailed report, or is that from ochosi enough?15:10
knomedidn't we just decide to keep with xscreensaver and just disable screensavers by default?15:10
knomei thought the others weren't as appealing15:10
astraljavaAhh... sorry, I'm reading it wrong, then.15:10
astraljavaOk, just vote.15:10
knomeand from the testing point of view, xss would be easiest, because it would be just a changed setting15:11
knomeso, what are we voting then?15:11
knomeoption 1) is xss with black screen15:11
knomedoes anybody disagree with that, and with what option?15:11
astraljavaGoing once...15:12
mr_pouit(xss should already use a blank screen by default)15:12
bluesabrexss with black screen is good for me if we enable monitor power management15:12
mr_pouit(or at least, we ship a config file for that, maybe it doesn't work)15:12
knomeokay, it's probably working, as i haven't seen any screensaver on my laptop15:12
bluesabre(Nothing quite like a bright black screen)15:12
Sysiis xss so big it's worth removing, if there aren't very good alternatives15:13
pleia2Sysi: just feels a bit overkill to have a screensaver app just to do screen locking :)15:13
pleia2when screen locking programs exist... but if they aren't so good...15:13
knomewhat's xss size then?15:13
Sysiit also allows user swithiching and that's good functionality15:13
pleia2I think that's why we were hoping lightdm's implementation would be done15:14
knomethe size?15:14
pleia2knome: features like user switching, presumably lightdm locking does it too since it's the session manager :)15:15
astraljavaapt-cache show xscreensaver: <snip> Size: 27353815:15
knomemmh. unfortunately that's not available yet, and tbh, i don't have high hopes for even R15:15
knomeastraljava, what's that in -h ? :P15:15
knomei think that's doable.15:17
knomedoes anybody have any other option we should vote about?15:17
mr_pouitscreen locking/user switching is already in lightdm, iirc I played a bit with it (gtk-greeter lacks a special ui for that though)15:17
Sysiscreen locker apps are a bit confusing, though i3lock would let to set image telling to type password to unlock15:17
knomeSysi, i imagine an image is not translatable :|15:18
knomeif there is no other options, let's move forward15:18
knomeno action needs to be taken, yay15:18
Sysiotherly you just get bell beeps and wonder what's happening, if you don't figure out to type passwd and press enter15:19
knomeyeah :)15:19
knome#action xubuntu-team to investigate default settings for monitor power management 15:19
meetingologyACTION: xubuntu-team to investigate default settings for monitor power management15:19
knomeanybody worked on that?15:19
astraljavaMe neither.15:19
knomeanybody willing to be the assignee instead of lousily leaving it to xubuntu-team?15:20
GridCubei would not know what to do with that15:20
pleia2are there specific complaints about our current settings?15:20
knometbh, i can't remember when this action item is added15:21
knomeor why15:21
GridCubea setting i know is bothersome with monitor power management is that parole doesnt stop it while a movie is played on fullscreen so it shuts down in the middle of the play15:21
knomeso maybe that's a more precise description15:21
pleia2I think that's a bug rather than something to do with default settings15:21
astraljavaThat's a parole bug, IMHO.15:21
* bluesabre hides15:21
knomeGridCube, is that with parole, vlc, both, or others?15:21
GridCubeok, i just said thats the only thing i can think about that aspect15:21
mr_pouitI uploaded parole 0.3.0 today to quantal, maybe that's fixed, I didn't retest that15:22
GridCubei dont remember knome 15:22
knomemr_pouit, \o/15:22
* astraljava glares at bluesabre15:22
bluesabreIt's not fixed just yet15:22
GridCubei disabled it because it bothered me too mcuh15:22
bluesabreHopefully parole
knomebluesabre, mr_pouit, well, bugfix release then. i'll do the FFe's15:22
knome(unless it lands before FF)15:22
bluesabreI'll get busy on that15:23
knome#action bluesabre fixes Parole letting screen to go black while in fullscreen mode and fixes it for
meetingologyACTION: bluesabre fixes Parole letting screen to go black while in fullscreen mode and fixes it for
knome#subtopic Enable or disable compositor by default?15:24
astraljavaSorry, no results yet.15:24
knomewe've had this in at least two meetings, should we just vote?15:24
knomei think this is more about preferences than actual problems with many users15:24
knomewe should probably look at how xfce/xfwm is started on the live CD, because we have the grey areas there15:24
astraljavaTrue. I should write on our -users ML and ask for usage stats.15:25
bluesabreWasn't there a consideration to just disable it in the live cd?15:25
knomeor if possible, disable compositor on the "install xubuntu without testing" -mode15:25
Sysicompositing causes tearing in videos and games15:25
knomebluesabre, that too.15:25
GridCubei been having some problems with composition lately too, dragged windows keep them selfs in transparent mode no matter what from time to time, i have not find a way to replicate it15:25
knomeif we disable compositing by default, we have to rethink the bottom dock-like panel15:26
bluesabreochosi uses a nice background image in his greybird release image15:26
knomei think disabling it by default might bring us more headache than keeping with it, and trying to fix what it breaks now15:26
knomebluesabre, i think that bg image works, but it's not as good as the translucent panel, i think15:26
knomeastraljava, would either of you look into disabling compositor on live CD?15:27
astraljavaRight, sure.15:27
knome#Action astraljava to look into disabling compositor on live CD15:28
meetingologyACTION: astraljava to look into disabling compositor on live CD15:28
knomeso let's wait until at least the next meeting before we vote15:28
knomeinvestigate, then act! :)15:28
bluesabreWhy not act, then investigate?  :P15:28
knome#subtopic Blueprint: Add more launchers to Settings Manager15:28
knome#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Quantal/SettingsManagerApps15:29
knomei think we're at voting stage with this blueprint15:29
knomeplease look through the specification wikipage and shout out loud if you think something in that list should *NOT* be listed under the settings manager15:29
knomewas it Q or R when jockey is going under software-properties?15:30
elfyit is now 15:30
knomeok, so that's an obsolete item15:30
bluesabreI agree with ochosi's not on the bottom of removing the settings submenu15:31
astraljavaWhat's the status of blueman?15:31
knomemicahg, ?15:31
knomebluesabre, wait, do you mean you think the submenu should be removed or not? :)15:32
bluesabresubmenu should go away, leave a shortcut for the Settings Manager15:32
knomei'm not 100% sure about compizconfig-settings-manager15:32
knomeis ubuntuone working with xfce/xubuntu?15:32
bluesabreYeah, ubuntuone works15:32
knomeok, then ok to keep that too15:33
knomeanybody else thinks something shouldn't be added to the settings manager?15:33
knomeopinions on compiz-settings-manager?15:34
GridCube:( so much lag15:34
GridCubei like how it looks :)15:34
GridCubeits personal? if it is and it brings options then it should go there15:34
Sysicompiz is not any *buntu really, but if *all* settings are there..15:35
knomewell, software-sources isn't personal either15:35
elfyknome: I don't see the need to have it listed - it's not supported so why leave a link for it 15:35
knomei'm thinking the same as elfy15:35
knomebut if somebody installs compiz, is that link visible at all?15:35
GridCubeit should15:36
elfyit used to leave a menu item in system (in gnome) 15:36
GridCubemany, many, many people like compiz15:36
knomeof course it should, but if we drop the settings-submenu and don't include it in settings manager, *will* it be visible?15:36
knomeanybody knows?15:36
* GridCube doesnt know15:36
elfyyou want me to check15:36
knomeelfy, if you can15:37
knomei'm imagining it won't15:37
elfy2 secs15:37
Sysishouldn't it (re)create that submenu, if we remove items from it instead of just hiding it15:37
knomeSysi, yes, if we do it like that, but to remove items from that is much harder than just dropping the menu15:38
knomeand i don't know how alacarte handles those "don't lists"15:38
elfyit dropped it into the settings menu15:38
knomeelfy, but you didn't *remove* the settings menu ?:)15:38
knomeohai micahg! :)15:39
elfydidn't do anything knome - the setup here is vanilla as far as menu's goes 15:39
knomeah yes, that's the issue; we're thinking of changing the menus15:40
micahgblueman SRU should make it into 12.04.115:40
knomeand we're keeping blueman? :)15:40
micahgdo we have a replacement?15:40
knomedidn't you talk about gnome-bluetooth or so? but no, not really15:41
elfyhere I have Settings Manager and a whole list of seperate settings listed - a lot of duplicates15:41
micahggnome-bluetooth uses gnome-control-center, do you want that?15:41
knomemicahg, no.15:41
knomeso, should we vote of keeping or dropping the compiz item first?15:42
knomethen let's see if that's technically possible15:42
knome#vote Add (+1) or don't add (-1) compizconfig-settings-manager to the Xfce settings manager15:42
meetingologyPlease vote on: Add (+1) or don't add (-1) compizconfig-settings-manager to the Xfce settings manager15:42
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)15:42
meetingology-1 received from knome15:42
elfyknome: in my opinion there should be no duplicates in the settings list 15:42
meetingology-1 received from elfy15:42
meetingology+0 received from astraljava15:42
meetingology0 received from GridCube15:42
GridCubeor is it15:43
meetingology+0 received from GridCube15:43
knomeeither one works15:43
knomeeven -0 does15:43
knomeor +-0 iirc...15:43
meetingology+0 received from pleia215:43
meetingology-1 received from bluesabre15:44
meetingology-1 received from DominicLow15:44
meetingologyVoting ended on: Add (+1) or don't add (-1) compizconfig-settings-manager to the Xfce settings manager15:44
meetingologyVotes for:0 Votes against:4 Abstentions:315:44
meetingologyMotion denied15:44
* micahg would -1 that too :)15:45
knomedoes anybody think we should vote on other items on the list?15:45
knomereferring to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Quantal/SettingsManagerApps15:45
astraljavaI didn't see any that made me go mad.15:45
Sysiwhat if there's something else that needs settings-submenu15:45
knomeSysi, we'll just sort that out15:46
knomemaybe we could then have settings manager, and if items outside that should go under settings menu, that too15:46
knomei imagine that's possible15:46
elfyI'm a bit confused as to why things are in setting manager AND the list in that settings menu15:46
knomeso, who's willing to be the assignee to do this change? (make sure the items appear at settings manager?)15:46
knomeelfy, that can be taken care of too, i think15:47
GridCubecant there be a "others" and all other goes there15:47
knomeGridCube, items need to be specifically added to the settings manager, they don't appear there automatically15:47
Sysihaving compiz in settings manager doesn't seem directly bad, except being like gnome/unity and not really supported15:47
GridCubeoh, i though it was like the items in the configuration submenu of the start menu15:48
GridCubenevermind me then15:48
elfyI feel the same about wine as I do compiz 15:48
knomeelfy, wine is fine; it's not specifically supported, but it's not quite unsupported either15:48
knomeassignee for adding the items to settings manager??15:49
knomeassigning to -team then for now15:49
knome#action xubuntu-team to add launchers specified in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Quantal/SettingsManagerApps to xfce settings manager15:50
meetingologyACTION: xubuntu-team to add launchers specified in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Quantal/SettingsManagerApps to xfce settings manager15:50
knome#action xubuntu-team to make sure other "settings" launchers will show up if needed15:50
meetingologyACTION: xubuntu-team to make sure other "settings" launchers will show up if needed15:50
knomeso next item!15:50
knome#subtopic Encryption required for testing on milestones?15:50
knomeastraljava, i think this is yours?15:51
knomeor at least concerns your stuf15:51
astraljavaYes, probably. Postpone to the next one, please.15:51
astraljavaI'll look into it during this coming weekend.15:51
knomeok :)15:51
knome#subtopic Testcases feedback15:52
knomethis? :)15:52
astraljavaHaven't received any, but ISO tracker querying is on my TO-DO also for this coming weekend.15:52
knomewe should call for testing15:53
knomewill you do that on the weekend?15:53
astraljavaI did, for precise point release.15:53
astraljavaDidn't I?15:53
knomedo we have a lot of tests?15:53
elfyI think so 15:53
bluesabreI saw it15:53
knomeyes, you did15:53
astraljavaI'll do another for Beta-1.15:53
knomei looked into the ISO tracker today, and saw one test15:54
knomeis that our daily average? :/15:54
astraljavaYeah, but I need to figure out the scripts for querying the data from all previous builds.15:54
astraljavaWe aren't getting many tests for dailies.15:54
knomewe could look together at updating the testcases in the tracker.15:54
astraljavaBut that's normaly.15:54
knome(re: the mail today about it)15:54
elfyI had to slow down I'm afraid 15:54
astraljavaFor milestones, we get more.15:55
knomeok, that's good at least15:55
knomeanyway, next topic?15:55
GridCubeim trying to fetch the latest images but my internets wheren cooperative15:55
GridCubeknome, webcam applications15:55
knomethere's the screenlocker thing again, i'll skip that15:55
knomeGridCube, let's get to that once we've gone through the other items on the agenda15:56
GridCube:) kay15:56
knome#subtopic Look at how far astraljava got with xfce4-display dialog15:56
knomeastraljava, i assume postpone?15:56
astraljavaYes, but I'll try to get it in before FF, so imagine within a week or so.15:57
* knome tries to imagine like john lennon15:57
astraljavaI'll announce on #-devel.15:57
astraljavaErr... here, it seems.15:57
knomeyes :)15:57
* astraljava always forgets these meetings aren't on #-meeting.15:57
knome(oh how i love that fact! no need to get out of way)15:58
knomeanyway, let's move forward15:58
knome#topic Team updates15:58
knome#subtopic Development15:58
knomemicahg, mr_pouit, astraljava, bluesabre 15:58
knome(this is for the reports too, so feel free repeat yourself15:59
knome(again, #info please!)15:59
bluesabre#info parole 0.3.0 released, working on fixes for to be released soon15:59
micahg#info blueman SRU in precise-proposed thanks to cyphermox, should make 12.04.115:59
bluesabre#info Working with kalikiana to release the updated/revamped catfish before FF16:00
astraljava#info xfce4-display should get in by FF, so that updates can be done as bugfixes16:00
knome#info trying to push bug #1001936 to 12.04.1 (right now)16:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1001936 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu Precise) "GTK3 Grab/Move Triggered on Mouse Click" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100193616:00
knomeerr, push the fix of course, not the bug.16:00
bluesabre#info xubuntu-shortcuts-overlay probably won't make it for Q, while its mostly done, I've just not so much time with it.  And with the compositor up in the air, it might not be an option either16:01
knomebluesabre, have you set those items to POSTPONED? :)16:01
bluesabrecurrently, its marked as INPROGRESS because I had some hope for it16:01
knomeok, fair enough16:01
bluesabreThings might change, but hard to say16:01
knomeyeah, sure16:02
knome#subtopic Quality Assurance16:02
knomeastraljava, do you have some quick news how .1 testing went?16:02
astraljavaNo, not yet. It's still going, though.16:02
knomeanything else?16:03
astraljavaWell, haven't gotten very good results with the calls for testings. I'll keep trying, though.16:03
knomeok, let's try to get more publicity for testing again16:04
astraljavaAlso, just recently the testcase admin panel was opened, but I haven't had a chance to look at it, yet.16:04
knome#action xubuntu-team to try to get more publicity for testing ...agin16:04
meetingologyACTION: xubuntu-team to try to get more publicity for testing ...agin16:04
astraljavaMean to, during this weekend.16:04
knomeyes, same here16:04
astraljava(it's a busy one, daymn...)16:04
knome#subtopic Marketing, Promotion and Artwork16:04
knomepleia2, you're up!16:04
pleia2#info so we ended up making a Marketing blueprint afterall16:05
pleia2#link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-q-xubuntu-marketing16:05
pleia2#info since our last meeting, I did a trial order of a black t-shirt from zazzle, but the printing was slightly off so I don't think we'll go with them: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/7575566200/16:05
pleia2(they offered a refund, but I don't want to rely upon them)16:06
bluesabreSad shirt16:06
pleia2#info I also ordered some pins which turned out nice: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/7640334336/16:06
pleia2(I'll bring some to UDS :))16:06
knomeyes, i believe we should have the best providers for our marketing stuff, because it's not going to be out in millions16:07
knomepleia2, is the white border intentional?16:07
knomeit looks surprisingly good, but just wondering16:07
pleia2knome: no, and if you look at the image it's only around about half the circle :\16:07
pleia2we might want to just print on white shirts tbh16:07
knomehmmh. bigger bleed area next time then16:08
knomewhat's the issue with printing on black?16:08
pleia2the blue ended up a bit darker than I wanted on black too16:08
knomeif the manufacturer is good enough, they can solve it out16:08
pleia2the whole shirt is just dark16:08
knomeit's too late, but maybe we should've ordered both white and black to see the differences16:08
pleia2I plan on doing some more orders, so in the future :)16:09
knomeok, great16:09
knomeanything else on this stuff?16:09
pleia2that's pretty much it for marketing16:09
knomebefore we move to docs...16:09
knome#subtopic Documentation16:09
knome#info the documentation rewrite has seriously begun!16:09
knome#link http://dagobah.princessleia.com/Xubuntu/12.1016:09
knome#action knome and pleia2 to get more publicity to docs rewrite to get those who promised to help to start working16:10
meetingologyACTION: knome and pleia2 to get more publicity to docs rewrite to get those who promised to help to start working16:10
bluesabreI should probably help more with that16:10
knomethat's fine16:11
knome#info we expect good progress on the next week or two to be able to ship the new documentation for Q16:11
knome#subtopic General updates16:12
knomesomething else?16:12
knomedone something worth mentioning?16:12
pleia2yeah website16:12
knomethat was in the same block as marketing16:12
knomebut go ahead16:12
pleia2so we need these merged: http://xubuntu.org/about https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/About https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Marketing/Website/Drafts16:13
pleia2#info so we need these merged: http://xubuntu.org/about https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/About https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Marketing/Website/Drafts16:13
pleia2I'm going to work on it, I'll nudge people in channel for review16:13
pleia2that'll knock out two blueprint items once it's done16:13
knomei'll be glad to help with that16:13
knomeGridCube, yeah?16:13
pleia2(well, 1 1/2 :))16:13
GridCubethe webcam application thingy16:13
knomeGridCube, yes, it's coming16:14
knomewe're still not at the end of our agenda :P16:14
knomefollow at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings16:14
pleia2#info We're also reviewing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CategoryXubuntu most of it is junk :\16:14
knome(we're now at team updates, general)16:14
GridCubei though we were on others16:14
knomeGridCube, the #topics and #subtopics give a good hint where we are progressing16:14
knomeGridCube, not always 100% accurate but...16:15
pleia2that's it for website stuffs16:15
knomei suppose that's it for the updates16:15
knome#topic Announcements16:15
knome#info UDS sponsorship requests should be sent by 17th of Aug; that's in two days! if you want to attend but need sponsoring, please leave your application now16:15
knome#topic New an emerging items16:17
knome#subtopic Strategy Document review16:17
knome#link http://strategydoc.knome.fi/16:18
knomeis there anything in the *contents* that people will want to have vote before approving and releasing to public?16:18
pleia2I think I nitpicked it to death enough :)16:19
knomei have a few grammar fix mails and things like that to go through at least before publishing, but are we satisfied with the content?16:19
knomeor, is there something we should remove completely, or add to the document?16:19
bluesabreSomehow, I've never seen this.  I'll review it today16:19
astraljavaI haven't looked at it in ages, but I recall enough from our last discussion. If it hasn't changed fundamentally since that, I'm fine with it. :)16:20
knome#info One more week for reviewing; after that, the SD will be published as is if no arguments against are raised in the ML or in the meeting next week16:20
knome#action knome will send one more call to review the new, proposed SD16:21
meetingologyACTION: knome will send one more call to review the new, proposed SD16:21
bluesabrethe Introduction looks nicely improved :)16:21
knomeanybody want to raise issues now? :P16:22
knomeok, good :P16:22
knome#subtopic Webcam application in Q16:22
knomeGridCube, you're up!16:22
GridCube:P cheese its the only webcam application thats worth mentioning, all others that i've found lack many features (not that cheese has too many) or are qt dependable, if there are other applications out there i havent find them, also its supposed that pidgin can do webcam chats, but i havent been able to figure out how to do that16:22
knome#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Quantal/WebcamApplication16:22
knomeok, so do we need more information, or shall we jump to voting if we want a webcam app by default?16:23
micahgwe have no space on the ISOs16:23
GridCubeso i think we should add cheese to the defaults16:23
knomei think this is quite straightforward; there is only one viable choice anyway16:23
knomemicahg, how much are we oversized, or are we?16:23
GridCubewell nvm then its not that important, it would just be nice16:23
knomewhat's the thing that takes a shot of you when you install xubuntu?16:24
knomethat uses webcam16:24
micahgon the live images 27/45MB i386/amd6416:24
knomemicahg, ugh. what's the hopes of getting under? :P16:24
astraljavamicahg: Any chance we could utilize xz compression on more packages?16:24
micahgwithout dropping anything?  pretty slim16:24
knomeouch and ouch16:25
micahgastraljava: that won't help the live images where most of the packages are in squashfs16:25
astraljavaRight, silly me.16:25
knomeshould we vote whether to have a webcam app by default IF we'd have space? :P16:25
GridCubeagain its not vital, just would be nice16:26
knomemicahg, isn't there really anything to do? it's still that python2 and gimp dragging us over?16:26
micahgand I'm not sure we can go with cheese unless we have a lot of space as it'll pull in clutter and a whole bunch of GNOME with it16:26
knomeah :|16:26
knomethat too16:26
GridCubemicahg, it does?16:26
micahgyeah, after 3.0 it needs clutter which is why Ubuntu stuck with 3.0 for precise16:27
GridCubei think that with --no-install-recommends its pretty small16:27
knomemicahg, when would you have time to look at this oversized-issue in the near future?16:27
micahgoh, maybe not, but it was in universe, so they didn't care16:27
knomemicahg, i mean, at the issue itself, and also discuss about our strategy to cope with it16:27
micahgI think I can drop webkit1.0 (needs a little porting in gimp), that'll give us ~7MB, not so sure about the rest16:28
knome#info ATM we don't have size for a webcam app, postponed until at least theoretically possible16:28
micahgwould be much easier if we had a GTK3 DE :)16:28
GridCubeknome, i know ochosi send a patch to gmb to fix it from being on random by default, but thats pretty much where all stoped with it16:28
knomeyeah, but not going to happen very soon16:28
bluesabreIf we are doing xss with a blank screen, do we get some space back by not shipping any screensavers?16:29
micahgwe can see about porting stuff to python3, that would be another ~10MB16:29
knomeor is xss-data a *depend* ?16:29
knome#subtopic ISO size issues16:29
knome#info dropping webkit1.0 (port some in gimp) gives about 7MB16:30
* GridCube idea, drop gimp16:30
knome#info port stuff to python3, another ~10MB16:30
knome#info drop xscreensaver screensavers?16:30
GridCubeif we use black screen by default, yeah16:31
GridCubeor leave the one that displays pictures16:31
knomeGridCube, that's been raised before, but that's the last resort16:31
knomethat doesn't work as expected though16:31
knomeand i don't think we can cherry-pick, they're probably in one big package16:31
knome#info drop xscreensavers, probably <1MB16:32
knome#info correction: drop xscreensavers, probably ~4MB16:33
knomethat would be 20ish16:33
bluesabresudo apt-get remove xscreensaver-gl16:33
bluesabreThe following packages will be REMOVED:16:33
bluesabre  xscreensaver-gl16:33
bluesabre0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded.16:33
bluesabreAfter this operation, 1,127 kB disk space will be freed.16:33
GridCube!info xscreensaver-data16:33
ubottuxscreensaver-data (source: xscreensaver): data files to be shared among screensaver frontends. In component main, is optional. Version 5.15-2ubuntu1 (precise), package size 126 kB, installed size 407 kB16:33
knome-data-extra ?16:33
GridCubeis optional it says16:34
micahgwell, I still have to see about what increased all the ISOs 40MB between precise and quantal (probably core stuff we can't drop)16:34
knomeyes, but we might be pulling that too16:34
knomemicahg, so, you have any idea when we could sit down with this?16:34
pleia2I don't have -data-extra installed so at least that I think is no-default16:35
knome#subtopic Schedule next meeting16:35
micahgknome: no, I don't have much time for the next week and a half16:36
knomemicahg, gah :(16:36
knomemicahg, i'll try to get a hold of mr_pouit then16:36
knomeGridCube, what about that?16:36
knomeGridCube, are we still keeping with the blueprint or not?16:36
micahgknome: I can pastebin the diff though if you'd like to pour over it16:36
knomemicahg, i can, if you think that might help16:36
pleia2beta1 on sept 6th, maybe meeting in 2 weeks?16:37
GridCubeknome, as we agreed i would not work on it anymore because im not objective enough, but no one else kept the work16:37
GridCubei still think in at least needs some changes in playback modes16:37
micahgknome: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1149097/ , that was from the 2012-08-11 daily against precise final I believe16:38
micahgalternate that is16:38
knomei think it's something you should really go through with ochosi, because he understands gmb best and is able to make changes too16:38
knome#info Next Xubuntu community meeting is on 22th of August at 15UTC on #xubuntu-evel16:38
GridCubeochosi fixed the default random setting, thats good, but we at least need a few more changes if we are going to keep using it16:38
knomedevel too.16:38
knomeGridCube, if we're not changing either, we're going to use it even without those changes16:39
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Aug 15 16:39:18 2012 UTC.  16:39
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2012/xubuntu-devel.2012-08-15-15.01.moin.txt16:39
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2012/xubuntu-devel.2012-08-15-15.01.html16:39
knomethanks everybody!16:39
pleia2phew :)16:39
GridCubeknome, :) ofcourse16:39
knomethat was a long one, but it was a long time since the last meeting16:39
pleia2so meeting one week from now16:39
pleia2updating calendar16:39
pleia2there w ego16:40
knomepleia2, you also want to "practice" setting up the minutes?16:40
knomei need to make a call16:40
knomeand i'm exhausted :P16:40
pleia2I can but it'll have to be later (busy at work today)16:40
knomelet's see who gets there first16:43
knomeprobably me16:44
bluesabreknome: re: Usability is one of the most important parts of an operating system,  which is used on a daily basis. This is why Xubuntu should be easy to  use and have an elegant appearance that doesn't get in the way. The  appearance should be an all-round experience, covering all user  interfaces from booting to shutting down.16:44
bluesabreI feel like "elegant" is out of place here.16:44
bluesabreI'm learning more towards "This is why Xubuntu should be easy to use and have an intuitive interface that doesn't get in the way."16:45
bluesabreBut, I might be alone there16:45
SkippersBossBlue And why would that be ?. I like xubuntu firstly because my HP mini can easily cope and second it is still nice to use16:58
SkippersBossi ve tried lubuntu a couple of times but in my setup it handling of the screens makes me come back to XU every time16:59
bluesabreI was just saying replace "elegant appearance" with "intuitive interface".17:00
bluesabreI just can't seem to make Lubuntu (or LXDE in general) look nice17:00
SkippersBossI do not think looking nice in one of the goals of the lubuntu project17:01
SkippersBossbut we are talking about XU here17:02
bluesabreOther than that, the Strategy Doc looks great!17:14
knomebug #101962117:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1019621 in abiword (Ubuntu) "Precise abiword version needs to be reverted to stable release prior to 12.04.1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101962117:28
micahgnothing doing for 12.04.1 (save for maybe a backport)17:32
* micahg -> lunch17:32
knomemeeting minutes are up at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings17:43
astraljavaYeah, that's a tricky one. And while I do see the point in the opinions for it, I whole-heartedly support the ubuntu devs' point-of-view as well.17:44
astraljavaBackporting, IMHO, is the way to go with that.17:45
knomei'm not generally too interested about abiword and/or gnumeric.17:45
knomethis is one of the reasons things like this slip through me easier17:45
astraljavaSame for me, I very rarely even open either of them.17:46
knomewell, i don't open them17:46
knomeif i need office suite on a workstation, i purge them and install libreoffice17:46
knomeif i don't, i purge them and install gedit17:46
astraljavaVery rarely == once or twice during my whole *buntu [*] history.17:47
knomenot even while testing? *trollface*17:47
astraljavaMe? TESTING?!17:47
knomegreat. only 30mins until food.17:47
* knome prepared lasagna17:48
* elfy waits 30 secs for food 17:48
knomebut it ain't home-made lasagna!17:48
elfynope 17:50
elfythe pork has been cooking really slowly for 7 hours 17:51
knomeheh, that's good too17:53
* astraljava just made sandwiches.17:53
astraljavaelfy: You do realize it's not DCC sendable?17:53
astraljavaWas it DCC? I forget.17:53
knomeastraljava, :)17:54
astraljavaNo, but it'd be delivered home, it it were?17:56
astraljavaWell yeah, both of those are considerably better than rye bread with liver sausage.17:56
astraljavaOh well, you do what you must, with 3 euros per day.17:56
knomeastraljava, too bad that ain't any more, since you could just take the bus here and eat well :P18:00
elfycheap pork ~5euro's   - cooked long - enough for me and daughter for 2 days - not got much money here either astraljava :)18:03
knomeyeah but astraljava's a pig himself, he can't eat pork18:04
* knome hides18:04
astraljavaYeah. I don't support cannibalism.18:06
Sysiastraljava: if you get tired of macaroni and pea soup, meat pasties are relatively cheap18:08
knomesome relatively good beers only cost about 3 euros too18:11
knome(as if that was any change to your regular diet...)18:12
astraljavaOh? So you think it's sand and a beer for me, daily?18:35
astraljavaPigs eat sand, don't they?18:46
elfyI guess so astraljava 18:48
astraljavaIt might have been hen, but I'm pretty sure a very common domestic animal does.18:53
astraljavaOf course not as source of nutrition, but something to do with digestion, I believe.18:53
astraljavaIt's nearly three decades since those biology lessons in elementary school, cut me some slack, dangit.18:54
astraljavaAnd before you ask, YES THIS IS ELEMENTARY TO XUBUNTU DEVELOPMENT!18:54
Unit193knome_: I did some playing with the desktop files a bit back.19:00
=== J21_ is now known as J21
elfyastraljava: gizzards and birds - stones 19:03
astraljavaRight, that.19:08
elfyI've seen pigs eat coal 19:09
astraljavaFunny. I don't recall that.19:19
astraljavaUnless of course salmiakki counts as such.19:20
=== knome_ is now known as knome
knomeUnit193, yeah. you willing to take that item ?:)19:41
Unit193Unless there's some hidden hard part, I see no reason not too, just have to revert my changes I've already done. :P19:42
knomei don't think there is19:42
knomemicahg, if you're more familiar with the SRU stuff.. well, everything's done, in a way :)22:05
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein

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