
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
jocarterstgraber: where do I get python3-lxc these days? I notice it's not on your experimental ppa anymore13:16
stgraberjocarter: ?? it's still in my experimental PPA13:19
stgraber(built by lxc)13:19
jocarterstgraber: hmm, indeed, apparently I'm drunk :)13:20
stgraberthough if you're using quantal you'd need to pin that version as I haven't yet rebased on the new version from the archive13:20
TheProfGood afternoon.  I hope everyone is doing well today.  My question is in regards to how to retain /home when doing a format and clean install of Edubuntu 12.04?  Is it enough to tar.gz, move to external drive, install, and then untar into /home?20:11
jocarterfor the data, yes. if your users are created on the local machine it wouldn't hurt to copy along /etc/passwd too20:16
jocarter(and their passwords are in /etc/shadow if you'd like to preserve that, if they're local users)20:16
jocarterTheProf: it's also possible to choose to preserver the /home directory during installation. so you could make that tarball backup for the worst-case scenario that something goes wrong20:17
TheProfjocarter, that's an interesting option.20:17
TheProfFor the user information I usually use webmin to export the users (UID, GID, etc) and then I import it again after installation and it seems to work each time.20:18
TheProfNow if I wanted to make the question more confusing for part II : ) - I currently have a 1 TB drive on the ltsp server set to /home.  I bought a new 1 TB drive to install to make it a Mirror Raid (RAID 1).20:18
TheProfSo I don't think I can add the second drive AND retain /home correct?20:19
jocarteryou can convert an existing disk to a raid 1 setup... but doing raid over USB sounds a bit dodgy to me20:19
jocarter(/home on use is already something I'd avoid for performance reasons already)20:20
TheProfjocarter, I'm sorry I wasn't being clear. The 2nd drive is an internal one.20:29
TheProfthe external drive was for backing up /home.20:30
TheProfI think the ideal situation would be to add the second drive internally, convert the setup to RAID 1, then clean install and ask it to leave /home as is.  I'm a bit nervous with adding the second drive and converting to RAID 1.20:57
TheProfI found these instructions online -- does anyone see any issues with them please? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=170390420:57
jott_I'm having problems with my new install of edubuntu23:55
jott_12.04 and having problems with the NIC23:55
jott_is anyone available that knows how I can get my Network card working properly?23:58
jott_I'm stuck here23:58

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