
lunverWhen I'm booting my asus eee pc from an usb stick with the latest lubuntu iso on it i get prompted by grub saying "possible commands are: background blocklist boot cat cdrom chainloader checkrange checktime etc etc etc and i dont know what command to write to execute/commence the install of lubuntu. Any ideas? thanks a million!06:45
kanliotlunver, sounds like a bug06:54
kanliothow did you create the usb stick06:54
lunverwith sardu, hang on ill get you the exact version06:54
kanliotdon't bother06:55
lunverill try with yumi? or is there a better way?06:55
kanliot using linux?06:55
lunverright now in on my desktop win win706:55
lunverim* on my desktop06:55
kanliotusb disk creator works great06:55
lunverah, sweet, ill try that, thank you!06:56
kanliotimho it's the best one06:56
kanliothow much ram on your netbook? you dual booting?06:56
lunverhowever, at the moment i have a 16gb usb pen drive with some avira rescue cd/avg rescue cd etc i will likely lose all my stuff on the usb when using usb disk creator?06:57
lunver1gb ram in my netbook06:57
lunverno dualboot06:57
lunveror well, at the moment i have slackware and a failed windows xp installation that does not work :P06:57
kanlioti can't remember man if it does a format06:57
kanlioti think it doesn't require it06:58
lunverwhatever, im on a pretty decent connection at the moment so its not a big deal to download the isos again. just want to install my netbook atm :)06:58
kanliotusing 12.04 desktop?06:58
lunverthe lubuntu iso?06:58
lunveri think so yes06:58
kanliotokk cool06:58
kanliotjust checkin :)06:58
lunveris there a 10.10 atm?06:59
kanliotyes and i would never recommend it06:59
lunverhaha ok, thanks for the warning!07:00
kanliotif you have any questions/comments about the wiki please let me know07:01
lunverwill do mate, thanks for the help :)07:01
lunverofcourse im on the 12.04 and not the 10.04, sorry i was confused earlier. :)07:06
lunvermaking the usb atm, and i didnt have to format, which is good!07:07
lunverthanks again :)07:07
lunverthe boot is stuck on "SYSLINUX 4.06 EDD 4.06-pre1 Copyright derp derp etc"07:21
lunverdont know... :P07:21
kanliotdo you have anti-virus?07:25
lunveron my desktop?07:26
lunveryes, avg some shit out of date crap07:26
kanliotyeah on the pc making the usb07:26
kanliotlemme keep looking07:26
lunveravg 2012 something something07:26
lunverthanks mate :)07:27
kanliotwell nobody said it worked, so i'm only guessing07:27
kanliotcan you type in the exact errror07:28
lunverim not getting an error07:29
lunverSYSLINUX 4.06 EDD 4.06-pre1 Copyright (C) 1994-2011 H. Peter Anvin et al"07:29
lunvernothing more07:29
lunverand i get the blinking coursor thingi, like the machine is waiting for something :>07:30
kanliotuh try it again, this time get unetbootin for windows, and format the usb07:33
kanliot(still guessing)07:33
lunverits fine, thanks mate, will try it :)07:33
bioterroror dd for windows!07:34
bioterrorunetbootin just sucks07:34
kanliotwell it does07:34
Unit193http://www.linuxliveusb.com/ Windows. :P07:34
kanliotbtw what model laptop07:34
bioterrorUnit193, yeah, with that better and working results07:34
lunverasus eee pc 1000H07:34
lunverits shit but, what the fuck, its the one i got atm07:35
bioterrorwatch your language ;)07:35
bioterrorwe are family friend channel07:35
lunverwill do07:35
kanliotlunver is it possible your usb was partitioned as GPT and not MBR?07:42
kanliotthis guy solved it by formatting his usb07:46
lunversweet, will probably work for me too then i hope!07:47
lunversoon done with making the drive. will report back, thanks mate :>07:48
lunverit worked like a charm Kanliot, thank you :)07:58
lunverbooted up to the splash screen with language options in 1 second. installing atm :)07:58
mhmhow can iconfigure grub08:19
mhmhow can i configure grub08:20
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)08:21
begineerI just installed Lubuntu on Mk802 device. does anybody knows what the default password is? this is my first time to useing L(U)buntu.08:22
begineerI was searchng and applied ubuntu for password and lubuntu, but seems not working.08:23
begineerHi kanliot BTW08:23
mhmisnt there grub configure application on lubuntu 12.04?08:23
kanliotmhm not 100% sure but i think it's command line08:24
kanliotbegineer, or you could just reinstall if those instructions are difficult]08:24
begineerThanks. I was follwing this instruction. http://liliputing.com/2012/06/how-to-run-ubuntu-linux-on-the-mk802-74-pc-on-a-stick.html08:26
kanliotbegineer, it gives the password on that page08:27
bioterrorquite expensive that mk80208:27
mhmbut when i update lubuntu, grub is change default os, everytime.08:27
bioterrorkanliot, Thu11:23 <begineer> I was searchng and applied ubuntu for password and lubuntu, but seems not working.08:28
kanliotso you can't login?08:28
kanliotcould it be a non-english keybaord?08:29
begineerunfortunately, no I cant not08:29
begineerubuntu / lubuntu for password is not working08:30
kanliotwhere did you get the image file from08:30
kanliotand your username should be ubuntu also08:30
begineerI only can login with guest account.08:30
bioterrorbegineer, did you grab that miniand lubuntu?08:30
begineerit'sminiand lubuntu.08:31
begineerI thik.08:31
begineerbioterror.yes. it is.08:31
bioterrorpassword should be "miniand"?08:32
bioterrorif that works, I'll make you buy yourself a pair of glasses ;)08:32
begineerOMG, I am such a loser. I thoghtu, it's just lubunt. so i didn't try that.08:33
begineerThanks all, I just loged in.08:33
bioterrorbegineer, why did you endup with that one instead of rasbpi?08:34
mhmi love you topunuzu ak08:35
J0BIhow to make TP-Link Wireless USB Adapter N150 TL-WN723N to work in lubuntu08:45
kanliotJ0BI, you might ask on the networking section in the forum08:49
J0BIi'll try our forum first ubuntu-gr, thanks anyways08:54
bioterrorif it doesnt work out of the box, I would suggest to look into ndiswrapper direction09:04
coldjack_hello i installed lubuntu on my netbook09:08
coldjack_now i want some change in my terminal09:08
coldjack_but the terminal window is empty09:08
coldjack_can anybody help me09:08
bioterrorI do not understand09:08
coldjack_no cursuor in my terminal09:08
coldjack_i cannot write anything09:08
bioterrorsounds weird09:09
bioterrorinstall rxvt-unicode and grab this to your ~/   http://ricecows.org/configs/X11/.Xdefaults09:10
bioterrorthen you should get black urxvt -terminal ;)09:10
coldjack_ah wait i can show you my problem09:10
kanliottype, alt-f2 ....lxterminal09:14
bioterrorofcourse, uses same configurations :D09:15
coldjack_on alt f2 its okay09:15
bioterrorreally? :D09:15
bioterrorquite weird09:16
=== chalced is now known as chalcedony
coldjack_i think anything with my graphics is wrong09:17
coldjack_but i don't know what;)09:17
kanliotyou running it from pcmanfm>09:18
psichasWhat are the system requirements for lubuntu sosftware center?09:24
kanliotno requirements09:26
psichasqt d-bus?09:27
kanlioti thought you meant hardware09:27
psichassrry :) i asked about software09:28
kanliotshould tell you if you do apt-get install09:28
kanlioti have to guess, but you aren't running lubuntu?09:29
psichasno i ranning lubuntu09:29
psichasi use it09:29
kanliotthe bugfixed version of LSC is in 12.0309:30
psichasi use 12.0409:31
kanliotit should be already installed09:32
psichaswtf errors after errors :)09:35
psichasreported and reported09:36
kanliotyou new to linux psichas?09:37
psichasoh yes :D09:40
kanliotuse synaptic09:40
psichasi had ubuntu xubuntu fedora centos hmm and i think that's all :D09:40
psichasfrom this os's i think one of the best is centos 6.2 and lubuntu 12.04 :D09:41
kanliotwelcome to lubuntu09:43
psichasi just love long time support os, centos was really cool, and long time support, but, it's still only with gnome :) so my old pc with amd sempron 1.8ghz and 512MB ram run it not so fastly like lubuntu :)09:45
kanlioti run lubuntu at 4Ghz09:46
psichasawsome :)09:47
psichascpu name?09:48
kanliotyup.  if you find any more bugs please report them09:48
kanliotamd 410009:48
J0BIi run lubuntu in a compaq laptop with celeron and 256mb ram09:49
psichaslol :D09:49
J0BIpsichas: why you lol??09:49
psichaswhat's so awsome that just funy :)09:50
lamogoHello, I am wondering if there is a command I can run to reconfigure my hardware on my Lubuntu pen drive. I installed it at home and on another computer at work which I will normally use it for.10:40
bioterrorwhat hardware?10:41
bioterrormostly you only get tons of network connection names10:41
lamogoNetwork is fine. I installed on virtual box, now running on a P4. The cpu meter is pegged 100% non-stop.10:42
kanliotpkill lxpanel10:44
kanliotsee if that fixes it10:44
lamogois the pkill command for me?10:46
lamogook let me try10:47
lamogoThat seem to help. Do I need to do it every boot?10:48
kanliotso it's fixed really?10:49
lamogowell I brought the panel back by running lxpanel. But it seems to be using the wrong settings, cause it came back black and different icons.10:49
lamogoI also ran hwinfo but not sure if that did anything.10:50
bioterrorlamogo, lxpanel --profile Lubuntu10:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 906825 in lxpanel (Ubuntu) "[11.10 - 12.04] lxpanel crashing randomly. High CPU-Load nothing is clickable correctly. Redraw fails" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:50
kanliotlxpanectl restart10:51
lamogoThat brings up task manager which I had been observing. It isn't at 100% even if I open a dialog or load program10:51
kanliotmight work also10:51
kanliotok fixed it10:51
lamogoIs it permanent?10:51
kanliotyeah that must've fixed it10:51
kanliothopefully it will be fixed in 12.1010:52
kanliotjust do a lxpanelctl restart when it goes to 10010:52
lamogoah it's a bug. Well I have this install on another USB, and I have no issues.10:52
kanliotyou use a lot of libreoffice?10:52
lamogoI'm not using it ATM. I use this mainly for Skype cause I teach on-line lessons. The computers here at my work are sub-par and running Windows XP. I just have been using my USB to work with cause the speed is much greater. I bought a bigger USB stick and made it more permanent. Since I switched to this USB it has had a problem10:54
kanliotmight be pulseaudio then10:55
kanlioti donno10:55
lamogoI just tried running lxpanelctl restart and no panel comes up.10:56
livingdaylightwhat's lubuntu like?10:57
lamogoI uninstalled pulseaudio and just use alsa10:57
kanliotlxpanectl restart should work if lxpanel is running10:57
livingdaylightIs it more or less resource-efficient than Enlightenment WM ?10:57
bioterrorE17 was horrible10:58
bioterrorI tried it couple of days ago10:58
lamogoStill coming up with wrong settings10:58
livingdaylightbioterror, which one? bodhilinux?10:58
kanlioto/ leszek10:58
bioterrorlivingdaylight, on arch ,)10:58
bioterrorlamogo, remember the profile10:58
livingdaylightbioterror, maybe the wrong combination ;)10:58
bioterrorlivingdaylight, I have too slow laptop10:59
livingdaylightbioterror, and lxde serves you better?10:59
bioterrormore or less10:59
leszekbioterror: its definitely a problem of arch then :P because I also tested it and it worked flawlessly :P10:59
livingdaylightthere is openbox too, which should be even lighter10:59
bioterrorlivingdaylight, lxde is mostly used on top of the openbox11:00
leszeklivingdaylight: yeah but it isn't a desktop environment11:00
leszekits a window manager11:00
livingdaylightok ok... my bad11:00
lamogosorry, still not working...11:00
bioterrorbut I forgive you this, Timothy Dalton ;)11:00
livingdaylightgood distinction to remember, but still, the fact remains openbox is 'lighter' yes?11:00
livingdaylightDo we have a openbox buntu derivative?11:01
bioterrorlivingdaylight, no11:01
bioterrorbecouse openbox is not a environment11:01
bioterrorit's just window manager11:01
livingdaylightcrunchbang is nice but debian based and miss ubuntu apps. Their wine is still v 1.1 in repos11:01
bioterrorwhy not just install LXDM, and configure openbox to your liking?11:01
bioterrornothing stops you to do it11:01
bioterrorwhat you need is xfce4-power-manager and network-manager-applet11:02
livingdaylightI have Voyager (xubuntu) on Desktop which isn't too light, but still looking for something on the laptop. Bodhi is nice - nice looking and configurable and seems on the surface a nice balance between eyecandy and efficiency, but not 100% sure. For instance on xubuntu installing gnash my .swf files just played flawlessly but not in bodhi where I had to go to command line to get it working. Feels a little fragil11:05
livingdaylighte and/or quirky i guess?11:05
leszekgnash has problems all over the place. Which browser did you try that on ?11:06
livingdaylightno browser11:06
livingdaylightgnash is a stand-alone swf player11:06
livingdaylightI've realized i'm more prepared to trade off eyecandy for functionality and stability than I had realized. Hadn't considered lxde much before coz I feared it would be a bit too on the minimalist [read 'boring' ] side11:08
kanliotfirefox+ flash works well for me11:09
livingdaylightI am not talking about youtube11:09
livingdaylightI'm talking about lots of files like avi files but made in swf format11:10
livingdaylightfor those need gnash afaik11:10
leszeklivingdaylight: ah now I understand you simply didn't have gnash assigned to swf as mimetype11:11
livingdaylightpoint being that in Voyager it plays those files flawlessly and in bodhilinux nothing happened when I hit them files with gnash, even though they'reboth supposed to be ubuntu underneath11:11
livingdaylightleszek, hrmm, maybe that's it!11:11
leszeklivingdaylight: you have to simply assing the mimetype11:11
livingdaylightleszek, i see i see11:12
leszekopen with -> and then set gnash as default there11:12
leszekbodhi to my knowledge uses also pcmanfm which is used by lubuntu aswell11:12
livingdaylightleszek, in a terminal when I gnash <myswfile.swf> it did play it.11:13
kanlioti'm running swf files right now in firefox11:13
livingdaylightkanliot, you can use ff to open swf files on your computer?11:13
leszekkanliot: yeah that works also11:13
* kanliot loves firefox11:13
leszeklivingdaylight: yes then in the open with dialog just assign the gnash application to the swf file11:14
leszeklivingdaylight: so let me give you a detailed explaination11:14
livingdaylightleszek, wonder though, why, when I hit the file with Open with Gnash it did not respond? and In xubuntu i didn't have to assigm mime type or anything11:14
livingdaylightkanliot, ?11:14
leszekxubuntu seems to did it on their own. I think bodhi is still based on an older version of ubuntu so it uses an older gnash version11:15
kanliotshould be easy to install firefox, flash11:15
livingdaylightit appears when I go to properties gnash IS assigned11:18
livingdaylightkanliot, have FF, just never opened files on my computer with it11:18
kanlioti can't think of a reason to install gnash when flash is working 100%11:19
livingdaylightkanliot, well, that's not actually the point discussed11:19
kanliotyou said swf files11:20
livingdaylightgnash has always and is working fine for me, on another *buntu distro, just wondered why not in bodhi, when it will play it from command-line. It was just an example of the sort of thing which has me feeling a little suspicious of it. Its nice to have and feel 100% confidence in the computer one is using11:20
livingdaylightkanliot, no, i was comparing gnash working in xubuntu vs not working equally easily and flawlessly in bodhi ,)11:21
livingdaylightHowever, I'm interested, of course, in options and how you use FF exactly to open swf files saved to the computer11:22
leszeklivingdaylight: I really thing its not an bodhi issue but more of an filemanager issue maybe11:22
leszekwhat happens if you assign it manually to gnash by typing in gnash in the open with dialog ?11:23
livingdaylightleszek, did you seee screenshot?11:23
leszekyes I see it11:23
leszekbut you should try it anyway11:24
leszekbecause this one in the screenshot is the assigned *.desktop file which ships with gnash. Maybe its broken or simply does not work well with pcmanfm11:24
livingdaylightleszek, sorry, I meant I had already; hence the screenshot. And no, that doesn't make gnash open the file11:24
leszeklivingdaylight: if you had tried that the screenshot would look different11:25
livingdaylightok, maybe thunar>pfmanfm11:25
leszekthe open with optionbox should only show gnash then and not the describtion of the *.desktop file which is Gnash SWF Viewer11:25
livingdaylightleszek, i did try it, and now again, it doesn't change the properties dialog that I show you, which shows that file to be opened with gnash11:26
leszekok than this is an error11:26
leszeklivingdaylight: ok I tried it here. It works :P11:27
livingdaylightregarding version. I'm using 0.8.10 installed from synaptic11:28
livingdaylightleszek, so its not the file manager :)11:28
leszekOpen With -> Command line tab -> gnash %f -> save it as default - >hit ok11:28
livingdaylightsorry, pcmanfm11:28
leszekit works here11:29
leszekmaybe the pcmanfm version is too old that bodhi ships, which version is it ?11:29
livingdaylightleszek, tried to copy your steps, but no result11:30
livingdaylightbut its the little things like this that make a difference in user-experience11:31
leszekhmmpf... ok I will download bodhi right now to test this :P I know that this must work11:31
livingdaylightleszek, WoW11:31
livingdaylighthehe... I like it!11:31
livingdaylightbefore you do11:32
leszeklivingdaylight: its because you will have the same issues with lubuntu maybe, as it is the same filemanager :P11:32
leszekor uses the same11:32
livingdaylightjust to be sure I am following correct11:32
livingdaylightOpen with11:32
livingdaylightcommand tab11:32
livingdaylightgnash %f11:32
livingdaylightthere is no 'save' just 'OK' at the bottom, correct?11:33
leszekthere should be make this the default association or something like that11:33
* livingdaylight thinks its funny he's in #lubuntu getting bodhi support , lol11:33
leszekah its not bodhi support. Its support for gnash + pcmanfm, because thats the main problem here11:33
livingdaylightyes, of course. I saw it as a bodhi issue, but maybe you're right about gnash+pcmanfm being the issue11:34
leszekbtw. while I am downloading it. Did you try installing thunar and opening the swf files there ?11:34
livingdaylightanother way to test it would be for me to dl and install Thunar here, coz that is what xubuntu is using where it works11:34
leszekyeah please try that11:35
livingdaylighthaha,,, I was typing the same thought before I read what you said11:35
livingdaylightbtw, like this: http://www.enlightenment.org/ss/e-502cdb196a73a3.27281978.jpg11:36
leszekyes exactly11:37
livingdaylightok, nah... :(11:37
leszeklivingdaylight: what if you type in gnash-gtk-launcher %f instead of only gnash %f ?11:38
leszekah livingdaylight I think I might found the problem11:39
leszekjust copy one of the swf files directly to your home directory and then doubleclick it11:39
leszekif its working than the path you are currently have stored the swf is not correctly given from pcmanfm to gnash11:39
kanliotspaces in the filenames?11:40
leszekkanliot: no in the path11:41
lamogoHello again. I rebooted my computer and the problem is no longer there. Thanks for the help.11:41
leszeksee his first screenshot, there you can see the path were those files are stored11:41
leszekit has lots of spaces in it11:41
leszekbug found11:42
kanliot%s is without the path11:42
kanliotsomeone should document that11:42
leszeklivingdaylight: I can reproduce this in Lubuntu when I put a swf file in a folder (or a path which has spaces in his name)11:43
leszekkanliot: exactly this one works11:43
leszeklivingdaylight: so please try opening those swf files with : gnash %s . It should than work11:43
livingdaylightleszek, YES!11:56
livingdaylightsorry, multi-tasking; putting pizza in oven11:56
livingdaylightgnash %$ works11:57
lunverI just installed lubuntu 12.04 on my asus eee pc 1000h and it works like a charm, howeverthe computer refuses to boot without my usb key in the machine and with it set as the 1st boot device.However im fairly certain i didnt install the linux on to my flash drive. Is there a way to fanagle with the mbr to get my computer to boot without the flashdrive? thanks a million!13:49
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)13:52
head_victimIf you look at the "lost grub" part it should be able to help.13:52
lunverthanks guys <313:52
lunverthanks, worked perfectly :)14:06
lunversmashing, id say.14:06
livingdaylightrunning lubuntu live-usb15:40
livingdaylightgot chrome and xchat open. Htop is reading 600+ ram being used. Is that normal? seems high15:40
livingdaylight643 in fact [right now]15:41
bioterrorquit htop15:41
bioterrorand say: free -m15:41
livingdaylightwhat am I looking for?15:43
bioterroryour memory usage15:43
livingdaylightin the used column?15:44
bioterrorhow of it is cached?15:44
livingdaylightsorry, cached is probably 625 and used = 170515:46
livingdaylightnot sure how that corresponds to htop. 625 is similar to 643 reading of htop...15:46
livingdaylightis it low? I know bodhilinux was using less, even on a live-cd/usb15:47
livingdaylightbioterror, thought you said earlier enlightenment was causing too much issues on your old machine?15:47
bioterrorhtop probably tells you buffers/cache15:48
livingdaylightmy question is whether those are normal readings, as it seems kinda high. Expected it to be on par if not lower than Enlightenment15:49
Sentynelunder default settings, htop's memory bar has a green section for used, blue for buffers and orange for cache15:49
Sentynelthe numbers are used/total15:50
Sentynelthe used number in htop should correspond to the used +/- buffers/cache figure in free -m15:51
psichasremoved crash and error reports, too much errors... that's ... :/18:08
psichas2012-08-16 21:13:50,922 - luciole - INFO - MainThread - (luciole.py, 123) - Starting luciole18:14
psichasTraceback (most recent call last):18:14
psichas  File "/usr/lib/luciole/luciole.py", line 143, in <module>18:14
psichas    sys.exit(main(sys.argv))18:14
psichas  File "/usr/lib/luciole/luciole.py", line 127, in main18:14
psichas    app_ctrller = lucioLib.Luciole_controller()18:14
psichas  File "/usr/lib/luciole/lucioLib/luciole_tools.py", line 91, in __call__18:14
psichas    instance.__init__()18:14
psichas  File "/usr/lib/luciole/lucioLib/luciole_controller.py", line 97, in __init__18:14
bioterror!paste | psichas18:14
ubottupsichas: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:14
psichas    self.sound_player = LSOUND.Lcl_gst_sound('./sounds/camera.ogg')18:14
psichas  File "/usr/lib/luciole/lucioLib/lcl_gst/lcl_gst_play_sound.py", line 52, in __init__18:14
psichas    self.sink = LG.element_factory_make('alsasink')18:14
psichasgst.ElementNotFoundError: alsasink18:14
pthekguys, does anyone have a SIMPLE working conkyrc script for lubuntu?19:15
pthekthe default conkyrc doesnt work19:15
pthekit says WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /tmp/keyring-HDQHjT/pkcs11: No such file or directory and just doesnt display19:18
bioterrorpthek, http://ricecows.org/conkyrc19:18
pthekbioterror: quite a few errors with that one --> http://pastie.org/4523077 <-- and it doesnt work19:20
average_guyhere is one pthek http://pastebin.com/PXhU2fXJ.  I do have xcompmgr installed and running.19:21
bioterrorthen you fix it19:21
pthekok will do19:22
pthekbioterror: thanks for the script :)19:22
bioterrorconky is quite easy to configure19:23
bioterroreven readable lines for me19:23
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=== leszek_ is now known as leszek
rtiddCan someone point me in the right direction?  I PXE boot lubuntu to a RAM disk, I really would like to also do a preseed or kickstart to load specific packages and auto start a program or two.  Is this doable from a livecd standpoint?21:35
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silverarrowcan anyone help me with logs on mplayer22:01
silverarrowhow to find or generate on22:01
silverarrowsomeone here?22:08

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