
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
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T|ASKHi, just a general question: is Gnome 3.6 coming to 12.10?11:47
BluesKajHi all11:58
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MrChrisDruifAloha BluesKaj13:08
BluesKajhey MrChrisDruif13:08
MrChrisDruifHow goes BluesKaj ?13:08
BluesKajjust fine , and you , MrChrisDruif?13:09
MrChrisDruifPretty good13:09
* smartboyhw waves at everybody13:09
BluesKajhaving morning coffee here13:10
BluesKajMrChrisDruif, what's the default video/media player in ubuntu ,..kubuntu here and the the dragon layer drops the audio after fast forwarding in all the players I use ..just wondering if the same effect happens in the ubuntu player13:12
BluesKajnot only the dragon player that is13:12
MrChrisDruifBluesKaj; Last time I checked it used Banshee for music and Totem for videos. But I think they'll drop totem for coming releases. But I might be mistaken and they might be using Rhythmbox again for 12.04 and switch back again for 12.10 but now also drop totem.13:14
BluesKajhad to switch back to the 12.04 drive to watch a video that synced the audio with the video properly13:15
* MrChrisDruif is currently running Fedora 17 because I had enough of the hassle with Ubuntu trying to remove gnome-shell and/or unity during development.13:15
BluesKajMrChrisDruif, so KDE isn't an option (Kubuntu)13:16
MrChrisDruifKDE was never an option. I don't "get" how it flows (it doesn't work for me)13:17
MrChrisDruifI'm not saying everyone should drop KDE, but it's just not for me. (Just like Unity btw)13:17
DebolazUnity ftw. :)13:20
BluesKajwell, I agree about Unity , i tried it for a couple of weeks , then switched to gnome 3 , but neither one is my cuppa tea, so KDE it is . it's more familar to me coming from many yrs of using windows on the job13:20
=== ARGinianPeon4444 is now known as dweez
Logan_micahg, are you around?15:12
micahgLogan_: yes15:12
Logan_micahg: What should I do if a package needs a no-change rebuild in order to fix a bug?15:12
micahgLogan_: ask in #ubuntu-motu :)15:12
smallfoot-i just updated ubuntu some mins ago, and now i have theming problems17:37
smallfoot-things look ugly, and i cant change theme17:37
smallfoot-anyone have same issue?17:37
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headBangerhey guyz how is ubuntu 12.10 for production use18:33
headBangeris ti so unstable??18:33
headBangeris it so unstable18:33
headBangerno bodyz is here18:34
BrokenThumbheadBanger: it's not ready for production use, as it's a development release. Any update can bork it up18:34
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:34
headBangerok thanks <BrokenThumb>18:35
smallfoot-or answers.launchpad18:36
smallfoot-or ubuntu-forums18:36
DaekdroomDoes anyone else have a broken gnome-settings-daemon?19:04
DaekdroomGTK/GNOME settings aren't loading and running it in terminal returns "Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)"19:04
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DaekdroomNow it started successfully.19:16
DaekdroomAnd I shall remain puzzled.19:16
trismDaekdroom: bug 1037646 it would seem, I am getting it here too, but it crashes my session in the process, so once it restarts g-s-d starts too19:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1037646 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with signal 5 in g_object_newv()" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103764619:26
trismDaekdroom: though the linked file-roller part is strange19:28
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^MikeWhen should we expect 12.04.01?21:14
ESphynxWill we able to program in eC in Quantal Quetzal? :)21:15
FernandoMigueloh hay22:38
FernandoMiguelyou guys are quiet today23:22

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