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jonorobru, I think I fixed your bug01:15
jonocan you retry01:15
robrujono, sure thing01:15
robrujust a sec01:15
jonoI just commited it to the ubuntu-accomplishments-daemon trunk01:15
jonoso bzr pull that01:15
robruok, app is launched, just setting it up01:17
robrujono, my 'opportunities' tab says 'no collections installed' and the only option is a 'quit' button01:18
robruwhat did I miss?01:18
robruI have all four things and I set the python path as per the instructions01:18
jonorobru, I know the issue here01:18
jonoI need to update the wiki page01:18
jonoedit .config/accomplishments/.accomplishments01:18
jonoand edit accompath to point to the ubuntu-community-accomplishments branch01:18
robrujono, did that, restarted, still says no collections01:20
jonorobru, can you paste me the contents of that file01:21
jonorobru, we should take this to #ubuntu-accomplishments01:21
jono_robru_, around?04:08
robru_jono_, for a bit, yeah04:08
jono_robru_, that bug is still there04:08
jono_even after we changed those little bits of code04:08
robru_but it looked so good? what changed?04:08
jono_if I set the number of columns for the IconView to 5 to force the wrapping of the icons, the space still exists between the sections04:09
robru_are you using it as a gtkgrid, or still gtkbox with False,False?04:09
jono_I tried it with a grid and just the box04:10
jono_whatever I try the space still appears04:10
jono_the good thing about using the grid is that the wrapping happens04:12
robru_did you try setting the horizontal scroll policy to never for the scrolledwindow?04:13
jono_I am trying one other approach04:14
robru_well I'm outta time here. gf just served dinner04:14
robru_push a branch for me to play with and I'll check it tomorrow!04:14
jono_thanks robru_04:27
didrocksgood morning05:20
TheMusodidrocks: Hey there.05:33
didrockshey TheMuso05:33
RAOFMorning didrocks!05:41
didrockshey RAOF, how are you?05:42
RAOFPretty good, thanks!05:43
didrocksI'm fine, thanks ;)05:43
didrocksgetting some sleep?05:43
RAOFYeah, a reasonable amount.05:43
didrocksah, so you are part of those lucky parents group for who the child is sleeping quietly during the night? :)05:44
TheMusoSeems that FOSS xorg drivers work even when a proprietary GPu driver is installed now... I just installed nvidia-current in quantal for my thinkpad, and reboot to discover I am still using nouveau. I haven't seen X promoted from quantal-proposed yet, unless it was done without being broadcasted to quantal changes... Seems my NVIDIA chip is not considered by any proprietary NVIDIA drivers according to ubuntu-drivers.05:50
RAOFTheMuso: That sounds odd; are you getting Unity3D?05:52
RAOFdidrocks: Yeah. Zoƫ sleeps reasonably well through the night. Better through the day, of course!05:52
TheMusoBeen using 3D for ages, but want to use NVIDIA to improve performance a bit.05:53
didrocksRAOF: sweet :)05:55
RAOFTheMuso: I'm surprised. I don't *think* we've done anything to make that work!05:56
TheMusoRAOF: Hrm ok, well in any case, checking the lsof output for xorg drivers, and nouveau is loaded, but nvidia is not.06:01
TheMusoOh, interesting bit from the xorg log...06:03
* TheMuso pastes...06:04
TheMusoAnd... the nvidia-current package has /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers listed as a directory, but is empty in the package.06:05
TheMusoHrm ok, I am guessing the usr/lib/nvidia-current/xorg/nvidia_drv.so file should be symlinked or some such...06:07
TheMusoHrm ok, an alternatives symlink should get set up according to postinst, but wasn't... Hrm.06:10
RAOFRah raw!06:12
TheMusoHah! Running update-alternatives manually with the nvidia_drv alternative causes a crash.06:29
TheMusoOdd. The package installed correctly on a fresh install of quantal on another box with nvidia.06:34
chrisccoulsonheh, https://twitter.com/riffraff40/status/235986910265356288/photo/108:44
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:44
seb128hey chrisccoulson, how are you?08:46
seb128chrisccoulson, can find anything on twitter?08:47
seb128twitter is the new internet :p08:47
chrisccoulsonhi seb128 :)08:47
chrisccoulsonseb128, i like one of the responses. "PETA - People Eating Tasty Animals"08:48
AfCseb128: sorry it took me a day to get it done, but I filed the GTK backport request I mentioned yesterday as https://bugs.launchpad.net/gtk/+bug/103746908:59
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1037469 in gtk+3.0 "GTK 3.4.2 crashes in GtkEntry gtk_entry_get_icon_pixbuf()" [Undecided,New]08:59
seb128AfC, thanks09:00
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seb128Laney, hey10:38
Laneyseb128: you want that backported? ;-)10:42
seb128Laney, hey, I want to know if you have time to do it or if I should do it, we got over 300 reports according to errors.ubuntu.com10:43
seb128it's frequent enough that I don't want to wait another week ;-)10:43
Laneyyou're talking about gtk or glib?10:43
seb128oh, sorry10:44
seb128Laney, I'm speaking about the glib issue I pinged you about tuesday10:44
seb128the one where I suggested we revert the commit10:44
seb128the g_file_mkdir... segfault10:44
Laneysorry, I didn't realise it was urgent10:44
LaneyI have it ready but ... https://launchpad.net/builders10:44
seb128they announced taking them down on friday evening?10:45
seb128not today?10:45
LaneyI think it's an accidental bit of fallout from the maintenance that's happening today10:46
seb128the announce said "Official Ubuntu distribution builders will be largely unaffected by this maintenance. "10:46
Laneyhopefully will be back soon10:46
Laneyi'll upload anyway10:46
seb128well, it's not that urgent10:46
seb128but as said it collects enough issues that I don't want to wait another week10:47
seb128especially if the revert is trivial10:47
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dobeyseb128: care to take another poke at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1035392 ? all the concerns you raised should be fixed now12:53
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1035392 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] u1db" [Wishlist,In progress]12:53
seb128dobey, hey, can do12:53
dobeygreat, thanks12:54
seb128dobey, looks fine to me, get kenvandine or mterry or micahg to upload and I will NEW it (if I upload I can't do the NEWing so you need to find another archive admin)13:06
kenvandinedobey, i can do it now13:06
kenvandinepoint me at it please13:06
seb128hey kenvandine, good timing ;-)13:06
seb128kenvandine, how are you?13:06
kenvandinemuch less grumpy today :)13:07
kenvandineand you?13:07
dobeykenvandine: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/103539213:07
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1035392 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] u1db" [Wishlist,In progress]13:07
dobeykenvandine: thanks :)13:07
seb128kenvandine, I'm good thanks13:09
kenvandinedobey, is there a bzr branch for the packaging?13:10
dobeykenvandine: no13:11
kenvandinedobey, i can't extract that package13:49
kenvandineit is looking for a .bz213:49
kenvandinenot .gz13:49
dobeykenvandine: the watch file looks for either a .gz or .bz213:50
kenvandinemore specific a .orig.tar.bz213:50
kenvandineyeah... i can't extract it though13:50
dobeykenvandine: run uscan?13:50
kenvandinewith dpkg-source -x13:50
dobeyit worked fine here13:50
kenvandinedpkg-source: error: cannot fstat file ./u1db_0.1.1.orig.tar.bz2: No such file or directory13:50
kenvandinedo you have that file ?13:50
kenvandine 5d4c0b45af480ee55d243ee02ff832ec 163354 u1db_0.1.1.orig.tar.bz213:51
kenvandine 2573477d66fee0a93aeef63af222cbba 2980 u1db_0.1.1-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz13:51
kenvandineare both in the .dsc13:51
dobeydo i need to attach it? i thought i could just leave it off the bug since the watch file points to the right thing?13:51
kenvandinedobey, i guess so13:52
dobeykenvandine: attached it to the bug13:53
kenvandinedobey, uploaded13:54
dobeysorry; didn't realize it wouldn't grab it via the watch file13:55
dobeyseb128: ^^ :)13:55
seb128dobey, kenvandine: I went to launchpad.net/u1db/+download to get it, but thanks ;-)13:56
cyphermoxseb128: kenvandine: hey14:08
seb128cyphermox, hey, how are you?14:08
cyphermoxnot bad, not bad14:09
cyphermoxI was just finishing up testing a fix for NM; bug 102348614:10
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1023486 in network-manager "Cannot resolve domain names if eth0 is in /etc/network/interfaces" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102348614:10
seb128cyphermox, btw do you know if that's a known?14:50
seb128$ gsettings-data-convert14:50
seb128(gsettings-data-convert:17538): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.gnome.evolution.mail' does not contain a key named 'force-message-limit'14:50
seb128issue in /usr/share/GConf/gsettings/evolution.convert listing a wrong key?14:50
cyphermoxI don't know if it's know, no14:51
cyphermoxbut it seems legit, I'll check git14:51
cyphermoxerr, I see it here for 3.5.514:52
cyphermoxforce-message-limit = /apps/evolution/mail/display/force_message_limit14:52
seb128cyphermox, right, that's the issue, is force-message-limit existing in the gsettings schemas?14:53
seb128the target key needs to be valid14:53
seb128which seems it's not14:53
cyphermoxright, it's not there14:53
cyphermoxI'll bring it up/ send a patch/ etc.14:54
cyphermoxis there a bug for that error yet?14:54
seb128cyphermox, not that I know about, I noticed it there why looking in my .xsession-errors14:56
mterrycyphermox, heyo.  a while ago for 12.04, you were looking into adding nm-applet to the greeter, right?15:08
cyphermoxit's funny more and more people are asking me about this lately ;)15:09
mterrycyphermox, so there's a branch to add it to the greeter again, for thin-client reasons15:09
cyphermoxmterry: I had a long discussion about this with ted, and Wellark is looking at the nm-applet code now15:09
mterrycyphermox, yup, OK15:09
mterrycyphermox, I'm assuming it required more fancy code than merely running nm-applet?15:10
cyphermoxbasically, fixing it up so that some of the features are locked down w/ polkit; and fixing up the code to hide those rather than make them insensitive15:10
cyphermoxit's not super fancy15:10
cyphermoxI had already done the polkit rule file for it, so I sent it to Wellark too15:11
cyphermoxmterry: where is that branch?15:11
mterrycyphermox, it's a WIP branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~bikini-atoll-squad/unity-greeter/network-menu/15:11
cyphermoxIt's a scary name for a team.15:12
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cyphermoxthat's a rather... limiting policy.15:14
mterrycyphermox, :)15:16
didrockschrisccoulson: hey, did you get a chance to look at this chat entry in thunderbird?15:26
mptdidrocks, hi, do you have time now to talk about the upgrade-user-config blueprint?16:05
didrocksmpt: hey, not today, but tomorrow is fine (no particular hour)16:07
mterrykenvandine, OK do you or I feel like we have more luxury time?  :)  Ted/David wanted to ask if somebody could help port thin-client-config-agent to Python 3.  I'm happy to do it, it's small.  But wanted to ping you to see your load first16:07
mptdidrocks, ok, chat to you then.16:07
kenvandinemterry, i have no room to breath16:08
mterrykenvandine, no problem!16:08
didrocksmpt: don't hesitate (I'm on holidays then, so tomorrow or september ;))16:08
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mhall119didrocks: seb128: can one of you help me understand some of the apparmor abstractions?17:28
didrocksmhall119: I was about to leave, I just know some basics for it. jdstrand and mdeslaur will of course, know way more than us I bet. If you still need me tomorrow, do not hesitate to ping me :)17:30
mdeslaurdidrocks: I believe he has a specific question about what "ibus" is17:31
jdstranddidrocks: he phrased it weird17:31
mhall119didrocks: jdstrand sent me here for what exactly the ibus stuff does17:31
jdstrandyeah, we don't know what ibus really does17:31
didrocksibus or dbus?17:31
mhall119sorry, I understand what ibus itself is, I don't understand what access the apparmor ibus abstraction gives17:31
didrocksicm input?17:31
didrockshum, I never looked at it TBH17:32
mdeslaurie: what exactly reads ~/.config/ibus/*17:32
mhall119/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/ibus is the file I'm asking about17:32
mdeslauris it a library that apps are linked against that read settings from there?17:32
mhall119specifically, do I need that abstraction in an apparmor profile for an app that just accepts input17:32
didrocksmhall119: I have no idea TBH outside of testing installing other input methods what this profile is for. we don't have an ibus maintainer though17:34
didrocks(the apparmor support is in debian)17:34
bschaefermhall119, wait are you trying to get ibus to work with an app?17:34
didrocksmaybe seb128 will know17:34
* bschaefer has worked with ibus a little bit17:34
mhall119bschaefer: no, I'm trying to determine what apps will need the ibus abstraction in their apparmor profile17:35
mdeslaurmhall119: I suspect most apps that need keyboard input need to read ibus settings from that directory17:35
didrocksmdeslaur: the profiles looks like it's the case17:36
jdstrandmhall119: I'm looking at my own profiled apps. It seems that gnome apps need it (empathy, evince, evolution, firefox)17:36
mhall119mdeslaur: ok17:36
mdeslaurjdstrand: I'm wondering if it should be included in the gnome abstraction17:36
jdstrandI don't know about Qt apps, etc17:36
jdstrandmdeslaur: that is a good question17:36
mdeslauroh, right17:36
mdeslaurmaybe it's more than just gnome17:36
mhall119mdeslaur: I don'e see it being included in any other abstraction17:37
mhall119the usr.bin.evince includes it, that's the only one17:38
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bschaefermhall119, hmm im not sure sorry :(17:38
jdstrandI'm happy to add it to the gnome abstraction, but I'd like to know more about it17:38
mhall119me too ;)17:38
mdeslaurwe should probably investigate qt apps and other apps first17:38
mdeslaurit may be more than gnome17:38
mhall119these are from debian then?17:38
jdstrandmhall119: firefox would too17:38
jdstrandmdeslaur: well, we do have a kde abstraction too17:38
mhall119jdstrand: looks like firefox duplicates what is in the ibus abstraction, but it's not including it17:39
jdstrandmhall119: actually, firefox doesn't, it is doing something on its own17:39
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kenvandinehas anyone else run into bug 103758320:46
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1037583 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with signal 5 in g_object_newv()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103758320:46
kenvandinelamalex is hitting it, said it shouldn't have been duped either20:47
kenvandineseb128, ^^20:47
seb128kenvandine, update file-roller to 3.5.4-0ubuntu520:48
seb128file-roller (3.5.4-0ubuntu5) quantal; urgency=low20:48
seb128  * debian/patches/git_src_update.patch:20:48
seb128    - update .convert as well for the schemas change (lp: #1037646)20:48
* kenvandine dupes that one20:48
seb128kenvandine, stupid gconf gateway code goes down when trying to get matching from a buggy .convert and stupid g-s-d goes down when any of the .so hits a bug20:48
dobeyyay gsettings :(20:49
seb128next on my list is to drop that hackish gconf gateway code20:49
seb128that code is too hackish, we should have dropped directly after precise ;-)20:49
seb128it basically reads all the .convert and try to write back to gconf for any of the gsettings key updated20:50
seb128which is dump and buggy in 99% of the cases20:50
dobeyprobably why my metacity keybindings keep getting broken20:50
seb128mhall119, jdstrand, mdeslaur: I don't know the specifics about ibus sorry20:59
seb128but it provides an input method for gtk to use21:00
seb128so I guess any gtk applications might need to access the config21:00
seb128with likely the same for other toolkits21:00
mhall119seb128: so gtk input widgets might not work if we don't include the ibus access?21:03
jdstrandmhall119: so, I think that 'r' access to the ibus files would be fine. I don't think it should have write access21:04
seb128mhall119, is there any reason to block read access to the ibus config?21:04
jdstrandmhall119: so it could be in the template. the template could #include the ibus abstration but we could use 'audit deny @{HOME}/.config/ibus/bus/** w'21:05
jdstrandseb128: well, this is for application insulation for my apps, so we want to be careful about the files an untrusted applications should be able to read and write to21:05
mhall119seb128: I'm defaulting to "don't give access unless there's a reason"21:06
jdstrands/my apps/MyApps/21:06
seb128well I would say that it's safe to give read access to the ibus config21:06
jdstrandmhall119: actually, this seems to have changed a bunch-- how do you want me to refer to this-- is MyApps even remotely correct? :)21:06
seb128I don't think the input method in use is restricted info21:06
mhall119jdstrand: MyApps is still correct, that's where this will be done21:07

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