
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
ibeardsleeajmitch: https://twitter.com/ZaReasonNZ/status/23592975203527475202:45
ajmitchibeardslee: well that's a pain03:05
ibeardsleestill a bit of teething pain sorting shipping processes03:09
PikioraAnyone successfully installed Openmw? I am having a bit of trouble pointing to the game data folder :(07:31
PikioraNeeds to highlight a folder, so I can choose it,  but the button is not highlighting.  http://www.ubuntuvibes.com/2012/05/have-you-played-openmw-open-source.html at least 3 other people have asked the same thing in the comments so I don't feel too newb lol.07:37
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Atamirabut jsut barely23:57

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