
chris4585I highly recommend lxde00:27
binarymutantwhich one's that?00:32
binarymutantopenbox is awesome, just looked it up00:33
binarymutanttiling is better though00:40
chris4585yeah LXDE is basically openbox with pcmanfm and a panel but its setup pretty nice00:47
binarymutantI use pcmanfm too00:47
binarymutantI wish that dev would actively develop on it :/00:47
chris4585yeah, it could be better, but I just <3 nautilus00:48
binarymutantnautilus is way too big00:48
binarymutantbut it does work very well00:48
binarymutantI need something like `ranger` but without the python3 dependency00:49
chris4585I like rox too00:53
chris4585its pretty lightweight00:53
chris4585but not as functional as pcmanfm00:53
binarymutantis that the one that will not no matter what just use 1 window?01:03
binarymutantor is that the one that uses libfox01:04
binarymutantrox is the one that opens multiple windows, I don't like that at all01:08
kanliothi from johnson city01:27
kanliotand pcmanfm is releasing version 1.0 any week now01:28
kanliotit also lets you create shortcuts, which is nice01:28
chris4585uh, I'm pretty sure rox has only ever opened one window for every folder01:45
chris4585er doesn't open multiple windows01:49
binarymutantit does02:08
wrstxTEMPLARx: what up?13:33
xTEMPLARxall of the above?  :D13:36
wrstha ha same here :)13:42
cyberangersimilar mess here14:04
wrstcyberanger: guess i should have been bragging on the ubuntu net install in here14:07
xTEMPLARxshould have?14:23
xTEMPLARxor shouldn't have?14:23
xTEMPLARxheya cyber LTNS14:23
wrstshould have xTEMPLARx :)14:24
xTEMPLARxwrst:  good :D  its about time something went right for you!14:24
wrstxTEMPLARx: its actually more fun when it goes wrong!14:24
* xTEMPLARx sees what you did there...14:24
xTEMPLARxwrst:  what did you end up doing?  did you go the ubuntu server route to get a more minimal initial install?14:30
xTEMPLARxor just standard ubuntu14:30
wrstno use the net install cd, works wonders14:30
wrsti like installs that after the installation you get a little blinking bar asking for your username and password14:31
xTEMPLARxbest way to keep co-workers out of your system :D14:31
wrstso this satisfies my arch itch, and also i shouldnt have a total meltdown until the scheduled six month meltdown14:32
wrstxTEMPLARx: i sadly don't get to use ubuntu at work14:32
xTEMPLARxawww :(14:34
xTEMPLARxwhat is it you do, again, for work?14:34
wrstsupposed to be an accountant today well we shall see what the job description is :)14:34
xTEMPLARxwelp i'm headed back home to get some rest14:42
wrstxTEMPLARx: at lunch time??15:07
=== elijah-mbp is now known as elijah-away
wrsthello ChanServ17:20
wrstagain?? really17:21
wrsthello chris4585 :)17:21
wrstcyberanger: i have determined my messing with arch has made me more capable now to mess with ubuntu :)20:14
=== elijah-away is now known as elijah-mbp
cyberangerwrst: or at least less clueless (I dove in headfirst, the markings said 10 feet, more like 4 feet21:18
pace_t_zuluso whats the word in here21:18
pace_t_zuluwe been having monthly meetings at all?21:18
wrstyep beleive it or not :)21:20
wrstcyberanger: yeah when you remove ubuntu of a lot of its fluff its nice but you still have some of the other stuff if you need to lean on it21:20
cyberangerwrst, yeah, lean distro, save the fat & grease for my five guys burger22:41
wrstyep i'm very happy so far23:19

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