
AcidRainActionParsnip, i enjoy lubuntu. but what are your thoughts on snow linux?00:00
alazare6193.2 no go...figure maybe a conflict  then i fresh reloaded00:00
AcidRainim downloading the debian version now00:00
con-mancan someone tell me how to disable unity?00:00
con-manit's crashing my gnome session00:00
ActionParsnipAcidRain: never used it, lubuntu is badass00:00
Dr_Williscon-man:  select a differnt desktop at the lightdm login screen perhaps?00:00
alazare619so my only real option is a 10.04 install :S00:00
AcidRainActionParsnip, lubuntu is bad ass. but i feel that it lacks a few things that ubuntu 10.04 has00:00
seijirouTrying to follow the ubuntu cloud instructions, after juju bootstrap the "chosen" node is trying to connect to itself on 2181...  i think it has something to do with zookeeper... shouldn't it be trying to connect to the maas / juju box?00:01
AcidRaincon-man, logout, and select the session.00:01
ActionParsnipAcidRain: well snow linux isjust ubuntu with different apps, you can make your OS just like snow linux and get full support here....00:01
AcidRainActionParsnip, how?00:01
con-manAcidRain, Dr_Willis, it only gives me Ubuntu and Ubuntu 2D00:01
con-manand unity still loads in both00:02
ActionParsnipAcidRain: just install the apps it has and then use the theme, not hard00:02
AcidRaincon-man, have you installed gnome2 shell?00:02
Dr_Williscon-man:  so install some other de/desktop if you want.  Unity 2d and Untiy are 2 differnt apps..00:02
AcidRainActionParsnip, what desktop does snowlinux use?00:02
ActionParsnipcon-man: install gnome-panel and you will get a gnome2 like desktop00:02
Dr_Williscon-man:  unity2d is a fallback 'safer' option.00:02
con-manwelp TIL I'm not running gnome. should have figured that00:02
Dr_Williscon-man:  unity runs on top of gnome...00:02
ActionParsnipAcidRain: looks like XFCE00:02
zykotick9Dr_Willis: i'd say "unity runs on top of compiz" myself...00:03
seijirouIs there a better channel for UbuntuCloudInfrastructure help?00:03
Dr_WillisUnity is a compiz plugin. so its running IN compiz ;)00:03
ActionParsnipAcidRain: may be mate00:03
con-manif unity is a compiz plugin, why does the cube get so glitchy00:04
ActionParsnipAcidRainits not supported here too, it will have its own irc channel and forum00:04
Daekdroomcon-man, they're incompatible plugins.00:04
Dr_Williscon-man:  forget the cube even exists..00:04
AcidRainActionParsnip, my main thing is i want to be able to rename files in realtime. no popup that asks me. other things like that00:04
con-manthen how do I rotate the 6 sided thing with equal lengths and 90 degree angles00:04
ActionParsnipAcidRain: ubuntu does that...00:04
DaekdroomYou found a way around that in the internet.00:04
DaekdroomBut they're not meant to be used together.00:05
ActionParsnipAcidRain: click file and hit F200:05
AcidRainActionParsnip,. lol. i dont wnat that00:05
con-manActionParsnip, so I have installed gnome-panel, log out and back in?00:05
ActionParsnipAcidRain: well, what do you want? You are going to be using the keyboard to type the new file name, so a keyboard shortcut makes sense00:05
ActionParsnipcon-man: log off and change the session00:06
ActionParsnipAcidRain: snowlinux has #snowlinux here on freenode00:06
AcidRainActionParsnip, i think im just going to install xfce4 and see how it is00:07
AcidRainbut ill keep lubuntu for now00:07
ActionParsnipAcidRain: what do you want in  a rename procedure then....?00:07
AcidRainActionParsnip, another thing, is that the terminal "transparency" isnt true. it just takes what is behind and puts it as the background. it leaves out files and windows00:07
michelfphalp, how to force quit an application?00:08
ActionParsnipAcidRain: not used it, so can't help there. It doesn't interest me00:08
AcidRainActionParsnip, i want renaming to be like in windows xp. NOT a separate window that pops up00:08
michelfphalp, how to force quit an application?00:08
zykotick9michelfp: "kill PID#" or "killall APPNAME" or "xkill" click the app00:08
ActionParsnipmichelfp: you can run:  xkill    and click the app00:08
AcidRainActionParsnip, u dont use terminal? :/00:08
ActionParsnipAcidRain: I use guake with no transparency00:09
zykotick9michelfp: ActionParsnip i find xkill the least reliable or the options... doesn't always work00:09
michelfphow to find out process name?00:09
michelfpi want to force quit mozilla firefox00:09
ActionParsnipmichelfp: what is the app name?00:09
zykotick9michelfp: "ps aux" or top00:09
ActionParsnipmichelfp: killall firefox00:09
AcidRainmichelfp, sudo killall firefox00:09
michelfpActionParsnip, worked00:09
ActionParsnipAcidRain: no need for sudo, users can kill their own proceses00:10
AcidRainActionParsnip, ah. right you r. im used to killing servers :P00:10
ActionParsnipAcidRain: you only need sudo if the process doesn't belong to the user who is trying to kill it00:10
michelfpfor some reason i'm not able to play mp3 files00:10
michelfpwhen installing codec an error is returned00:10
harrisActionParsnip,  in this video he has the launcher at the bottom00:10
michelfp The following packages have unmet dependencies:00:10
michelfpplayonlinux: Depends: wine-unstable but it is not installed00:10
michelfp             Depends: python-wxgtk2.8 but it is not installed00:10
michelfp             Depends: imagemagick but it is not installed00:10
michelfp             Depends: cabextract but it is not installed00:10
michelfp             Depends: icoutils but it is not installed00:10
ActionParsnipmichelfp: did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras00:10
harrishttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjkyvvj1-yU ActionParsnip00:10
FloodBot1michelfp: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:11
con-mannow I can't right click00:11
ActionParsnipAcidRain: the rename process in windows is identical to Ubuntu, click file. Hit F2 and change name00:11
con-manle freaking sigh00:11
AcidRainActionParsnip, i hardly run any server as my user00:11
AcidRainusually as many different users00:11
michelfpActionParsnip, no, how do i do that?00:11
ActionParsnipmichelfp: its the same as ANY other package installation00:12
AcidRainActionParsnip, i must be doing something wrong. because regardless how i try to rename file, weather right click-> rename, or click->f2. a separate window pops up00:12
AcidRainin ubuntu 10.04, that didnt happen00:12
ActionParsnipAcidRain: in LXDE?00:12
AcidRainActionParsnip, yes, not openbox00:12
Dr_WillisIts the file manager that would matter.. not the window manager. ;000:13
ActionParsnipmichelfp: can you give a PASTEBIN of the output of:  apt-cache policy playonlinux; lsb_release -a        Thanks00:13
Dr_WillisI HATE how windows has the 'inline' file renameing.. always accidently renameing  things00:13
michelfpActionParsnip, ok00:13
ActionParsnipmichelfp: http://pastie.org   or similar can hold the text00:13
ActionParsnipmichelfp: I suggest you run;   sudo apt-get --purge remove playonlinux; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove00:15
ActionParsnipmichelfp: then reinstall the app with:  sudo apt-get install playonlinux    to get the one from the official ubuntu repos00:15
michelfpi'll give you results later, since i'm downloading something00:16
con-man_so I have disabled unity, but something odd about compiz, I can no longer right click the menu bar and choose which desktop to show on, or always show on desktop00:16
con-man_what up with that00:16
michelfpdownloading the ubuntu-restricted-extras :p00:16
harrisActionParsnip,  i havent even started the trailer and its do at 5:30 i still need the program00:16
con-man_brb unity is still running I think00:16
ActionParsnipharris: yes, but you can install the one known to work which will make your packages square00:16
harriswhich is00:17
ActionParsnipharris: if you added the playonlinux PPA, you will need to remove it00:17
harrisi didnt00:18
ActionParsnipharris: the packages are like a pyramid, each package has dependencies, if those deps aren't met the OS will moan and will not run the app til each app is at the desired version or higher00:18
shawnyAnyone else having trouble with Chrome on 12.04?  Anyone know how to fix it?00:18
con-manbetter! thanks guys00:18
Dr_Willisshawny:  whaty kind of trouble?00:18
ActionParsnipharris: its like if you want to make a cake, if you don't have all the ingredients you can't make the cake00:18
ActionParsnipharris: your packages are all out of whack so you are getting issues and the OS is complaining, so you need to get this squared  off00:19
harriswhat square00:19
ActionParsnipharris: again, why are you doing all this when time is not a luxury, it makes no sense at all00:19
monkersso i've been asking for help with getting my raid array back up and working for the last week since i installed 12.04 and moved my raid array over.  Turns out the problem was some sort of conflict between udev, mdadm and dmraid. when i did an apt-get remove dmraid, mdadm went to town and was able to find all my disks and reassemble the array without problems.  So, maybe make a mental note,00:19
monkersDMRAID AND MDADM DO NOT PLACE NICE TOGETHER.  uninstall the one you dont need if you're having raid partition/assembly issues.  thanks for the help all.00:19
ActionParsnipharris: all deps met and all packages having what they need00:19
harrisok whatever i will get an f00:19
shawnyWhen I scroll on various pages it doesn't work proper.  part of the screen will scroll while the rest stays put and it doesn't refresh, also, I believe none of the links would work.00:19
harrishow do i find out what packages are not being used by anything00:20
ActionParsnipharris: why are you doing this now? You have brought this on yourself00:20
michelfpfyi i started using linux yesterday >.>00:20
con-manOR NOT00:20
ActionParsnipharris: deborphan can tell you the unused packages but I don't suggest using it while your packages are not solid00:20
con-manman what happened with 12.04?  my graphics are all glitchy00:21
harrisill tell my teacher i didnt have the progtam00:21
con-manI cannot rotate windows to other sides of the cube00:21
harriswhat do you mean not solid00:21
ActionParsnipharris: I don't care00:21
con-manalt tab doesnt work00:21
ActionParsnipharris: all deps met, you have a dependancy issue caused by you installing some 3rd party deb00:21
ActionParsnipcon-man: is compiz running?00:21
* Dr_Willis wonders why people are so obsessed with the lame cube00:22
ActionParsnipcon-man: if you like the gnome2 smell I suggest you use xfce00:22
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: I know, its a mystery00:22
con-manI like eye candy00:22
zykotick9monkers: reporting back to the channel on solutions is really helpful - thanks! (it's too bad i don't personally care about raid/fakeraid issues...)00:22
ActionParsnipharris: why did you start messing around like this NOW?00:23
icerootwhy is the update-manager (running as normal user) able to start the update of sec-updates without a sudo-password? (sudoers does not contain a line about that)00:23
con-manforgetting the cube, I cannot alt tab, or right click my desktop or right click the top or bottom menus or move windows to other desktops00:23
ActionParsnipiceroot: did you use gksudo recently?00:23
icerootActionParsnip: no00:23
Dr_Willismichelfp:  search Youtube for 'Compiz cube'00:23
icerootActionParsnip: login maybe 15 minutes before, no sudo action then00:23
ActionParsnipmichelfp: its a plugin for compiz, there are plenty of vids of it for people who think its cool00:24
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Dr_WillisThe cube is the kind of thing you enable to show off to the windows users looking over your shoulder.. then turn off when they leave so you can get some work done.00:24
ActionParsnipiceroot: maybe its a post login thing. Which release?00:24
con-manI don't think I've turned it off since 200600:24
icerootActionParsnip: 12.04 (unity), lubuntu is not acting like that00:24
ActionParsnipiceroot: weird indeed. Is it part of polkit etc?00:25
con-manbut back then it was called Beryl, not compiz00:25
suduhey can anyone help me with software center00:25
ActionParsnipcon-man: check settings in ccsm00:25
icerootActionParsnip: will look into that00:25
ActionParsnipsudu: ask and see00:25
ActionParsnipharris: you didn't answer my question...00:26
suduit will not open it will not uninstall and i cant update00:26
ActionParsnipsudu: if you run:   sudo apt-get update    is it smooth?00:26
icerootActionParsnip: in my opinion a big security issue when the system can install software without extra sudo00:26
ActionParsnipiceroot: I suggest you report a bug00:26
suduhold on ill give u the error00:26
con-manActionParsnip, check for what exactly?00:26
harrisno i want to from a long time ago00:27
ActionParsnipcon-man: what is enabled and disabled, or even reset to defaults00:27
icerootActionParsnip: guess you are right00:27
harrisi have packages i dont use00:27
Dynoseconnect #OpTrapWire00:27
ActionParsnipharris: you need to remove playonlinux, then work from there, then you can uninstall as you wish00:27
harrisi dont have play on linux00:27
diminotenhey kind of a niche question00:28
suduThe package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.00:28
ActionParsnipharris: ok, if you run:  sudo apt-get -f install     does it sa 0 upgraded|installed  etc?00:28
diminotenanyone know much about the killer NIC and ubuntu support?00:28
ActionParsnipsudu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1149835    run that one line after the other00:28
JokesOnYou77Hi all00:28
harrisReading package lists... Done00:29
harrisBuilding dependency tree00:29
harrisReading state information... Done00:29
harrisThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:00:29
harris  language-pack-zh-hans kde-l10n-de language-pack-kde-de fortunes-min00:29
FloodBot1harris: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:29
harris  language-pack-de-base language-pack-kde-zh-hans fortune-mod kde-l10n-engb00:29
michelfpActionParsnip, how to tell what applications do i have installed?00:29
Dr_Willisdiminoten:  that overhyped 'gamer focused' nic?00:29
diminotenyeah it came on my motherboard00:29
ActionParsnipharris: sudo apt-get --pure autoremove00:29
diminotengot it on a good newegg deal00:29
diminotennow ubuntu won't detect it00:29
bekksdiminoten: whats the line from the lspci output showing that NIC?00:29
Dr_WillisOn The MB? thought it was a stand alone nic.00:29
harrisCommand line option --pure is not understood ActionParsnip00:29
suduill try it00:29
diminotenlet me look00:29
ActionParsnipdiminoten: run:   sudo lshw -C network    it should show you the network chip00:29
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ActionParsnipharris: --purge   typo00:30
Dr_Willisharris:  notice a line where it said --> Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.00:30
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: I did ;)00:30
michelfphow do i see how much disk space do i have in my linux partition00:30
diminotenhuh this output is strange00:30
ActionParsnipmichelfp: df -h00:30
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diminotenAtheros Communications Inc...?00:30
ActionParsnipharris: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove00:30
ActionParsnipharris: you really need hand holding don't you...00:31
Dr_WillisNo one ever reads the error messages/info messages it seems. ;P00:31
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: I do <300:31
bekksdiminoten: Just put the complete output of that lshw .... command in a pastebin.00:31
diminotenhum it's on the ubuntu box00:31
diminotenwhich has no network access00:31
bekksdiminoten: So you dont have an USB stick or something? :)00:31
JokesOnYou77Does anyone know, if I need to change any configuration files when moving /home from a primary partition to a LVM00:31
ActionParsnipdiminoten: there will be an ID like:   80EA:1E3C    use that to find guides00:31
diminotenrofl yah yeah hang on a min00:31
ActionParsnipharris: is it removing ok?00:32
harrisi am a slow learner00:32
suduhow long does line 4 take00:32
ActionParsnipharris: cool00:32
harrisi will try to be better00:32
ActionParsnipsudu: long time, let it play. Its the fix broken packages from the official docs, I just have it in a script :)00:32
harrisReading package lists... Done00:33
harrisBuilding dependency tree00:33
harrisReading state information... Done00:33
harrisThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:00:33
harris  language-pack-zh-hans kde-l10n-de language-pack-kde-de fortunes-min00:33
FloodBot1harris: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:33
harris  language-pack-de-base language-pack-kde-zh-hans fortune-mod kde-l10n-engb00:33
ActionParsnipharris: use a pastebin for large text outputs.00:33
sududo i have to copy line for line or can i do all at once00:33
Dr_Willisharris:  removeing those packages are not going to make your system amazeingly faster or anything special...00:33
Dr_Willisharris:  and after those lines it says  -->   Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.00:34
ActionParsnipsudu: you can run:   wget https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/fixpackage; chmod +x ./fixpackage; sudo ./fixpackage00:34
ActionParsnipsudu: you can run that after the last command finishes if you want00:34
* ActionParsnip loves dropbox00:34
diminotenokay so here's the pastebin: pastebin.com/mRrWiUch00:34
diminotendoesn't look that good00:35
harrisCould not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)00:35
harrisE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?00:35
bekksdiminoten: and the output of lspci -k too, please00:35
ActionParsnipharris: do you have software centre open?00:35
diminotenanything I can filter on?00:35
ActionParsnipharris: close it, its locking the packages00:36
bekksdiminoten: would be more effort than just using the complete output :)00:36
harrisit still says Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)00:36
harrisE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?00:36
sl3axhi guys, how can i remove GnuPG from Ubuntu 12.04?00:36
probyhi after playing a game , gnome3 gets that strange blured resolution , how to solve that??00:37
ActionParsnip!aptfix | harris00:37
ubottuharris: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »00:37
TJ-diminoten: In response to a question, the Killergaming community manager said on 12/7/2011 "I do not believe we currently have official Linux support on our current road map beyond the general desire to offer as much support as we can to as many people as we can. Hopefully this is something that we will be able to offer in the future."00:37
diminotenTJ-: hum that makes sense...00:38
JokesOnYou77Does anyone know, if I need to change any configuration files when moving /home from a primary partition to a LVM?00:38
probyTJ- hi after playing a game , gnome3 gets that strange blured resolution , how to solve that??00:38
diminotenI might have a network card00:38
Dr_WillisJokesOnYou77:  juust the fstab.. same as moveing home in any other way i i,magine.00:38
diminotena reasonable one, that'll make this easier00:38
sudumade it to line 15 its getting packages00:38
diminotencrap no I don't00:39
diminoten...we'll see00:39
diminotenhm I bet I could make it to microcenter00:39
suduhow did u find the script so fast00:39
TJ-diminoten: As the 'killer' is just an embedded Linux device itself, my bet is the communication between it and Windows (with windows drivers) isn't via regular PCI hardware device, but using some hybrid communications method. Which would make a Linux driver extremely difficult00:39
faithcan anyone help me00:40
JoeQueryHello: I'm getting "E: Internal Error, No file name for libssl1.0.000:40
Dr_Willis!ask > faith00:40
diminotenTJ-: yeah that's why I don't want to spend too much time on this00:40
ubottufaith, please see my private message00:40
JoeQuerytrying to apt-get upgrade00:40
JokesOnYou77Dr_Willis: Ok, thanks.  the ARCH wiki mentioned some changes to rc.conf for installing with an LVM but I wasn't sure about this case00:40
TJ-JokesOnYou77: Yes you do ... "/etc/fstab" will need updating to reflect the /dev/mapper/<volgroup>-<logical-volume> path to the device00:41
Dr_WillisJokesOnYou77:  arch is radically differnt from most disrtos. :)00:41
JoeQueryBeen looking on forums for a while, can't find a solution. I'm told I have unmet dependencies (and to use apt-get -f install to fix it), but then the No file name for libssl1.0.0 error comes up00:41
JokesOnYou77Dr_Willis: yeah, but the documentation rocks.  and it's not all that different when you get down to it.  Just a lot more elbow grease in the setup00:41
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Dr_WillisJokesOnYou77:  learning the fundamentals of Linux and the disrto dosent matter much. :)00:42
Dr_WillisJoeQuery:  could be some of the files in /var/cache/apt/ have became currupted.00:43
JoeQueryDr_Willis: What should I do about that? clear out the directory?00:44
Dr_WillisJoeQuery:  DONT just delete the files in the directory. :) perhaps rename them.. so you can restore them later..00:44
harrisActionParsnip,  it erased software center and terminal00:45
harrisnow i have a problem00:45
JoeQueryDr_Willis: then the standard update => upgrade?00:45
Dr_WillisJoeQuery:  apt-get clean   might clean them out for you.00:45
Dr_Willistry a 'sudo apt-get clean' then update, upgrade00:45
TJ-JoeQuery: Have you tried "sudo dpkg --configure -a"00:45
JoeQueryTJ-: Yes, I have. I was met with another list of errors, which I can put into a pastebin.00:46
harrisDr_Willis,  i did what you guys told me and it erased everything i need00:46
Dr_Willisharris:  you need to give more details...00:46
suduanyone use the new pinguy os?00:46
TJ-JoeQuery: those could be useful00:46
michelfphey, when using wget, how do i specify location to save?00:46
Dr_Willissudu:  it has its own support channels. :)00:46
harrisdropbox is gone terminal is gone00:46
Dr_Willismichelfp:  saw that on a wget faq page just yesterday,., ;)00:46
harrischromium is gone00:46
sudurealy ill check it out cool00:46
harrissoftware center is gone00:46
michelfpDr_Willis, answer my question00:46
TJ-michelfp: -O <output-file>00:46
Dr_Willisharris:  we have NO idea what you are doing, or have done.00:47
harrisi typed the codes you told me to00:47
gunarmanyone know why Disk Utility created my raid array on md127 instead of md0?00:47
Dr_Willisharris:  be more specific.. assume people on IRC have the attention span of a newt.00:47
harrisnow i have a f#$%^&n problem00:47
harrishow do i get it back00:48
Tony_Starkharris: sounds like a reformat and reinstall now00:48
* Dr_Willis has no idea what 'codes' were used.00:48
harrisi cant reinstall00:48
sudugpart it and start over00:48
Tony_Starkharris: why not?00:48
TJ-gunarm: See http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10907831&postcount=600:48
harrisi dont have time00:49
gunarmTJ-, thanks00:49
harrisand i would lose my wifi because i have to download the drivers and i dont know where they are00:49
Tony_Starkharris: Doesnt seem to be any other option.  Sounds like you are dead in the water00:49
TJ-harris: Are you using regular Ubuntu 12.04 desktop?00:49
histoharris: What is your problem? Can you please ask a question on one line with details as to what you are having issues with.00:50
TJ-harris: You can reinstall all the desktop packages with something like "sudo apt-get --reinstall ubuntu-desktop" ... BEFORE you do that, let ActionParsnip and Dr_Willis confirm what I have said00:50
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TJ-Dr_Willis: Will that force reinstall of all the dependencies? I've never messed a system up so far as to need that :p00:51
Dr_WillisTJ-:  im not even sure what his actual problem is..  last i noticed he was  worried about unused packages that could be removed via 'apt-get autoremove'00:51
suduis there a chat package that supports SMS00:52
TJ-Dr_Willis: I think he removed some virtual package that has taken away all its dependencies... I've seen it happen in the past00:52
Dr_Willis sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop00:52
Dr_Willisforces a reinstall of the desktp packages.00:52
TJ-Dr_Willis: I thought that would do it, see that harris ?00:52
rocky_I keep getting often this error message, unlock login keyring, the password you entered on login computer doesn't matches login keyring00:53
TJ-And if those packages are still in the local cache (if not cleaned!) then they won't need to be downloaded00:53
rocky_how to avoid this message?00:53
Dr_Willisrocky_:  that in the browser? or the desktop?00:53
TJ-rocky_: see https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-help/user-changepassword.html00:54
rocky_Dr_Willis, it can come anytime00:54
Dr_WillisI normally set my gnome keyring password to be blank. :)  Actaually i dident even notice that feature in 12.04 ....00:54
Priapus_DHello ubuntu00:55
w0rm_xHello Priapus_D00:56
rocky_Dr_Willis, i see have to change the login keyring password00:57
Priapus_DI wonder if anyone can tell me whether Epson LPB 1120 printer is supported by ubuntu 12.0400:57
rocky_it appears i forget my old password, so it won't allow me to change the password00:57
rocky_can i delete the login keyring00:58
Priapus_DSorry it's the canon lpb 1120. It gave me headaches earlier and wonder if the 12.04 supported such printers00:59
suduACTION you are amazing it WORKED00:59
Priapus_DAnd thanks in advance00:59
rocky_Dr_Willis, alright i deleted the login keyring, hopefully it resolves the issue and thanks all00:59
historocky_: how'd you delete the login keyring?01:00
TJ-rocky_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/65281/how-to-recover-reset-forgotten-gnome-keyring-password01:00
rocky_go to password keyring, right delete01:00
rocky_TJ-, thank you01:00
rocky_histo, thank you01:00
Ping-Winhello room. i need help concerning a desktop environment i am trying to uninstall.  can anyone help?01:00
historocky_: you could have just changed the password to the same as your login password01:02
histo!ask | Ping-Win01:03
ubottuPing-Win: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:03
Priapus_DAny suggestions for a good Tab that I can install ubuntu on?01:04
Ping-Wini was playing around with edubuntu, but decided that it wasn't my cup of tea.  i uninstalled through the software center, but still see elements of it in my unity desktop. namely the dash home icon and the log in wallpaper.  how do i completly remove these items?01:06
bitbarronI am installing ubuntu on a 32GB thumb drive.  Which file system should I pick, and which mount point should I use?  A bootable Ubuntu install is all I want to put on this flash drive.01:06
icerootbitbarron: ext4, just use the default ubuntu will offer (everything goes to /)01:07
bitbarronPriapus_D, I don't think you can install ubuntu on a tablet yet.  If you find out different, let me know!01:07
bitbarroniceroot, Thx!01:07
bitbarronIs ubuntu available (and moderately stable) for any tablet PC yet?01:08
TJ-Priapus_D: the SmartQ T20 has Ubuntu firmware available01:09
Tony_StarkIf the tablet has usb..you might be able to use unetbootin, but the touch controls may not work01:09
icerootbitbarron: depending on the hardware the tablet is using01:09
b3rz3rk3rPing-Win, "sudo aptitude remove edubuntu-desktop" should do the trick01:09
icerootbitbarron: but the architecture is supported by ubuntu01:09
Priapus_DThank you TJ-01:09
bitbarroniceroot, Really?  What about i/o issues?  Don't you need some sort of touch screen technology for most tablets?01:10
michelfpthis program01:10
michelfphas .rpm .deb and .tgz versions01:10
michelfpwhich one do i get?!?!01:10
icerootbitbarron: ubuntu is supporting touchscreens by a long time already01:10
Priapus_D<bitbarron> one of my friends was talking about ubuntu on Asus Transformer Prime01:10
TJ-bitbarron: I'm porting it to the Notion Ink Adam01:11
icerootbitbarron: the bigger problem is propitary hardware which dont have drivers in the kernel01:11
icerootbitbarron: wifi, 3g and so on01:11
icerootbitbarron: but the touchscreen-part is working fine on GNU/Linux with X1101:11
histomichelfp: deb01:11
Stanley00michelfp: try find that prog in Ubuntu Software Center first ;)01:11
TJ-michelfp: Ubuntu is based on Debian, and their packages have the extension ".deb"01:11
bitbarroniceroot, I see.  Interesting.  I see Priapus_D is talking about Asus Transformer Prime.  Maybe that is something to check out?01:12
icerootbitbarron: its a nice device01:12
TJ-Priapus_D: also see http://www.engadget.com/2012/02/22/asus-gives-transformer-prime-a-bootloader-unlock-tool-ubuntu-pr/01:13
icerootbitbarron: but i would prefer nexus devices because normally the kernel itself is supporting the complete hardware or the drivers are available01:13
icerootbitbarron: so the hardware-support may be better01:13
eossif you have an ftp server, is it safe to give anonymous ftp users 777 privlidges inside the ftp folder01:13
TJ-iceroot: That's nirvana :)01:13
bitbarroniceroot, I will check out both.  Cool.01:14
icerooteoss: ftp is never safe01:14
icerooteoss: and 777 is always a stupid idea01:14
eossso how do you expect them to read or write to the folder?01:14
icerooteoss: by the owner or group-flag01:15
histopeople still use ftp?01:15
eosshisto: wat do you use?01:16
histoeoss: ssh01:16
icerooteoss: something secure instead of ftp01:16
eosshisto: me too sftp, this is for a noob that doesnt know any of that01:16
icerooteoss: ftp is the most unsecure thing out there (like telnet)01:16
histoeoss: there are windows based scp clients01:16
histoeoss: it would appear like an ftp server to them01:16
eosswell then i will just set him up with a user account then for ftp with user pass, chroot him to the folder or something01:17
Tony_Starkiceroot: use vsftp  very secure ftp01:17
Ping-Winterminal message says "sudo: aptitude: command not found ??01:17
eossvsftp is win so far..01:17
icerootTony_Stark: ftp can not be secure01:17
icerootTony_Stark: doesnt matter which client or server01:17
histoeoss: yeah jail him the folder. and test to make sure he can't get out to other folders01:17
icerootTony_Stark: because ftp is complety unencrypted01:17
eossbasically your password goes over the wire unencrypted01:18
histoeoss: yes and all data01:18
eossbut if they chrooted i dont care what they do to the folder01:18
gunarmwhen I set up my raid in Disk Utility, put GUID partition tables on all the drives, and then did Create > Raid and selected them all and when it finished all the disks say "warning, this partition is misaligned by 3072 bytes, this may reult in very poor performance", the md itself with 512k stripe says its off by 509952 bytes.  the array is new and empty so I can remake it if I need to but how can I not have the same problem again?01:18
digitalgypsyTony_Stark: I think the 's' in 'vsftp' stands for 'simple'01:18
eossnope, secure01:18
digitalgypsynot 'secure'01:18
Tony_Starkiceroot: that is why I prefer ssh01:18
Tony_Starkdigitalgypsy: oh...it has been a while since I set it up.01:18
gunarmwhy not just use ssh01:19
digitalgypsyno... you're right... I'm talking out of my ass01:19
digitalgypsyheh... my bad01:19
gunarmits super easy to open01:19
digitalgypsyssh is just as easy, tho01:19
TJ-vsftp is used by most of the major Linux vendors and projects01:19
histoeoss: true01:19
gunarmit cant get easier or more secure than ssh01:19
gunarmsudo apt-get install openssh01:20
gunarmssh hostname01:20
gunarmwinscp hostname01:20
bobweaver /join #woppsie01:20
michelfpwhat is command for finding out disk space again?01:20
eossi didnt even have to do that..i had ssh running on my server...set up my ftp client for sftp..and it just worked >.<01:20
icerootmichelfp: df -h01:20
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JAyGamma /join #woppsie01:20
TJ-ssh derivatives depend upon an account on the system. In many cases admin's don't want the ftp users to be real users on the system01:20
Tony_Starkdf for diskspace01:20
bobweaveris there a .. thanks JAyGamma01:20
gunarmTJ-, good poitn01:21
bobweaverThere is not a woppsie channel there should be ...01:21
TJ-FTP daemons are great for doing virtual hosting in combination with web-server virtual hosts01:21
* bobweaver puff the air and hunter games is on 01:22
icerootTJ-: then dont give them a login-shell01:22
Priapus_DTJ- thank you but have you ever tried what is in this page: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=158500901:22
b3rz3rk3rPing-Win, open the Synaptic Package Manager and make sure that you have "apt" installed01:22
bobweaverWho invented woopsie ?01:22
b3rz3rk3rPing-Win, if not, check the box and install it. then re-run the last command in terminal01:22
suduis ther a fast format converter app for ubuntu like format factory01:23
icerootPing-Win: aptitude was removed from the default installation, if you need aptitude use "sudo apt-get install aptitude" but for normal users apt-get is fine and there is no need for aptitude01:24
TJ-iceroot: Often the issue is that accounts are all managed in a company database, and FTP daemons are much more inclined to do their authentication via a database. When they've got 100,000 users the database 'seems' safer to many companies. I and you know of pam_ldap and pam_mysql, but their techies often aren't that well versed.01:25
icerootTJ-: ftp is still evil01:26
TJ-Priapus_D: No, my work is focused on a native port of Linux kernel supporting all the hardware, so a vanilla Ubuntu can be run on it01:26
icerootTJ-: doesnt matter how you manage the users01:26
icerootTJ-: when we are talking about ftps, ok then ftp is fine :=)01:26
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TJ-iceroot: what's evil about it, specifically?01:27
bobweavericeroot, +1 ftp is evil01:27
icerootTJ-: unencrypted passwords01:27
TJ-iceroot: so HTTP Basic auth is evil too01:27
bobweaver!info scp,sftp01:27
ubottuPackage scpsftp does not exist in precise01:27
icerootTJ-: when not using https, yes of course01:27
bobweaver!info scp01:28
ubottuPackage scp does not exist in precise01:28
Priapus_DTJ- that would be a great thing. Is anything or any device out there that one can install Linux with gnome natively on that you know?01:28
icerootbobweaver: scp is part of "openssh-client"01:28
TJ-Priapus_D: I don't think so at this point, tablets still aren't in the same league as PCs01:28
bobweaverthanks iceroot  :)01:28
icerootTJ-: imap is bad of course too, when not using IMAPS or encryption for the password01:29
Priapus_DTJ- still it would be great to have a tab with ubuntu on01:29
TJ-Priapus_D: They are coming01:29
bobweaverhow to make better sense of the rubix cube of iptable ?01:30
b3rz3rk3rPing-Win, is that command working now?01:30
bobweaverany one want to teach me how to use iptables better or is there a better way ?01:31
Ping-Winthe command is working now guys! THX!01:31
icerootbobweaver: man iptables  or #iptables01:31
icerootbobweaver: or use ufw01:32
iceroot!ufw | bobweaver01:32
ubottubobweaver: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.01:32
bobweaverLike I guesss my question is more abut01:32
bobweaversearching for name of program sorry ...01:32
TJ-bobweaver: what do you want to know?01:33
bobweaverwell I want to use a poxy to gather cached info01:33
bobweaverbut I have to open up tables on the machine this is a sandboxed machine01:33
bobweavermeaning that it has its own little network behind some things01:34
bobweaverthings being honeypots01:34
bobweaverI think it was called rsucl or something like that01:35
bobweaverrsuck *01:35
bobweaverit is for my tv hang on01:36
TJ-I have this rule to run transparent squid: "-A loc_dnat ! -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3128"01:36
NetEchowhere might I find the Screen and Device configurations for Xorg on the livecd? I'm trying to diagnose my config on a live install and the livecd seems to support my card nicely01:36
TJ-bobweaver: That's taken from the rule chains and targets configured via Shorewall01:36
TJ-NetEcho: check out /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:36
icerootNetEcho: there is no static config anymore by default01:36
icerootNetEcho: udev is doing that automaticly on every start01:37
NetEchoiceroot is there still a way to see how it's configuring it?01:37
TJ-NetEcho: Xorg auto-configures nowadays and you can see the config in the log reports01:37
diminotenI'm an idiot01:43
diminotenI uninstalled unity but didn't put anything else in01:43
diminotenis there like a shortcut to the command line01:44
DrManhattanim quite disgusted, I never did get WOL working on my atl1e, I had to switch my server box over to my biostar p43-a701:45
diminotenscreen went blank01:45
DrManhattanin the long run though, I suppose its best since it only had ich10 with ahci and not fakeraid, and i had mismatched drives and wanted to mix up raid types anyhow01:46
TJ-DrManhattan: Did you try "echo enabled >/sys/class/net/eth?/device/power/wakeup"01:47
DrManhattanTJ-, tried everything. Isn't going to happen with that module01:47
DrManhattanon r8169 it doesn't work either but the proprietary driver for that compiles and installs just fine01:47
DrManhattanit works great01:48
sambagirlhey is there any procedure for reversing an iphone upgrade?01:48
bitbarronShould I expect my linux OS booting off my USB 2.0 drive to be considerably slower than if I am booting of a SATA drive?01:49
aristidesflwill rm -rf follow symbolic links?01:49
bobweaverok I finaly found the program01:49
aristidesflbitbarron yes01:49
TJ-DrManhattan: strange; I know the atl1e supports AT_WUFC_MAG (magic packet)01:49
aristidesflwill rm -r follow symbolic links?01:50
sambagirlcan you install ubuntu on an iphone?01:50
bobweaver!info rtmpsuck01:50
ubottuPackage rtmpsuck does not exist in precise01:50
bitbarronaristidesfl, Do you have a "from the hip" guess as to the decrease in speed?  1/2, 1/4?01:50
aristidesflbitbarron maybe 3 times more01:51
bitbarronaristidesfl, OK.  Thx.01:51
TJ-bitbarron: SATA 1.5/3.0/6.0 Gbps ... USB 480Mbps01:51
aristidesfldepending on the ratio between the speed of the hard drive and usb01:51
trism!info rtmpdump | bobweaver01:51
ubottubobweaver: rtmpdump (source: rtmpdump): small dumper for media content streamed over the RTMP protocol. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.4~20110711.gitc28f1bab-1 (precise), package size 43 kB, installed size 140 kB01:51
DrManhattanOh im sure it does,. I bet it can send magic packets in linux like its going out of style01:51
DrManhattanwhen it goes to sleep, it goes nighty night.01:52
TJ-bitbarron: and its unusual on USB to get all that claimed 480Mbps os USB 2.001:52
bitbarronTJ-, So does that mean my ubuntu installation on my thumbdrive will be painfully slow?01:52
aristidesfldepends on the purpose01:52
aristidesflI had a server running off a flash drive01:53
bobweavertrism,  correct I am trying to make a interface for that but am unsure about the i[tables and how that would ever package01:53
aristidesflto save energy01:53
DrManhattanbitbarron, compared to a 3gbps or faster connection to an actual hard drive, probably01:53
aristidesflbut it requires you to fine tune a lot of things01:53
aristidesfllike some options of the file system01:53
trismbobweaver: oh, sorry, I have no idea, thought you were searching for the binary01:54
aristidesfland not use swap partition01:54
bitbarronI am thinking of using the thumbdrive for email, web browsing when I visit my sisters house.  Not wanting to log into her computer.01:54
aristidesflso it doesn't write so much to the disk01:54
bobweaverMy iptables question what does this do ?  http://askubuntu.com/questions/54787/record-live-streaming01:54
aristidesflbitbarron if the computer has enough RAM01:54
bitbarron1 or 2 gigs01:55
aristidesflassuming you disable swap01:55
aristidesflI only have 1 gig01:55
aristidesflI ended up switching to hard drive because every time the Ram would run out, the compared would crash01:55
bobweaverI fdo not know iptables and am reading that article that the bot suggested01:56
aristidesflflash drive also has shorter life span than hard drive01:56
aristidesflbut if it is only to use occasionally it's a good solution01:56
bobweaverI always use ipcop or pfsense01:56
bobweaversets up the rules for me :/01:57
bitbarronaristidesfl, I will check it out.  Just wanting a mobile solution when I travel to friends who have computers.  That is a good tip though, to disable swap.01:57
bobweaverthe only part that I dont get is this    \! --uid-owner01:58
bobweavermeaning that it must be by the owner only ?01:58
bobweaverand I take it that the owner is the proxy model01:59
bobweaverbut just not sure01:59
danbeamhello, does anybody know the config file I'd edit to turn off sticky edges? right now I'm being hit by RANDR error messages when trying to run gnome-control-center display so I can't edit from the GUI01:59
danbeam(sticky edges in 12.04 + unity)01:59
bobweaver2d or 3d danbeam02:00
danbeambobweaver: hmm, not sure02:00
danbeambobweaver: one sec02:00
bobweaversorry unity 2d or 3d02:00
danbeambobweaver: ya, I know, not sure which one I'm running...02:01
danbeambobweaver: how does one find this out? env?02:01
ferrisI cannot seem to find out how to backup my settings and messages with thunderbird in ubuntu 1202:01
bobweaversee what I want to do is set up a ical table for aend user to record ;live streams and then set that up as a lens02:01
ferrisany help would be great02:01
bobweaverwith rmtpsuck02:01
aristidesflbitbarron there are more things you should disable in /etc/fstab02:02
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bobweaverwell sticky edges are defined by a manger danbeam  it real depends on what you are trying to run but I see no reason to have no gui in a stick edge sitution02:04
TJ-bobweaver: It watches for any TCP connections to port 1935 and REDIRECTs them if they are not (!) owned by the user rtmp to localhost where rtmpsuck is operating as a transparent proxy. So it makes the connections to the video site and saves the data as it passes through the proxy on its way to the browser02:04
bobweaverTJ-,  thanks a ton !02:05
danbeambobweaver: I have a GUI, I just can't launch the "Displays" settings UI02:05
danbeambobweaver: as it segfaults when I do02:06
danbeam(it's a known bug)02:06
bobweaverTJ-,  tis is why I ask BTW :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfrm117Ukr0&feature=g-upl02:07
harriswhat is the wine channel02:07
TJ-danbeam: Try starting it from a terminal under control of the debugger so you can capture a stack backtrace. "gdb --args gnome-control-center display"02:07
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TJ-harris: #winehq02:07
gunarmdoes anyone know a good guide for setting up raid that doesn't require reinstalling ubuntu with the alternate cd?  I just want to make some drives into an array, not my os drive02:08
danbeamTJ-: why? it's in some bug somewhere, but it doesn't help me02:08
danbeamTJ-: looked for bug, couldn't find02:09
bonhoefferanyone know why i can't mv *.jpg in a directory -- i get  Argument list too long02:11
bobweaverdanbeam,  you have gone to gnome-settings and made sure that sticky edges where enabled02:12
bobweaverwhat bonhoeffer02:12
TJ-danbeam:  the first step to fixing is knowing where the problem is :)02:12
bonhoeffer-bash: /bin/mv: Argument list too long02:12
danbeamTJ-: there's no symbols02:12
danbeamTJ-: I'm on a backtrace02:12
TJ-bonhoeffer: That'll be because the shell glob "*" will be expanded to a list of every .jpg filename... which is probably too long for the command line02:13
danbeamTJ-: #0  0x00007ffff77fff77 in gtk_widget_size_allocate () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgtk-3.so.002:13
TaJMoXHow do I delete some stuff from the Unity "Installed Programs" ? There is some stuff I installed with WINE that I have removed manually, but the icons are still there. (Ubuntu 12.04)02:13
bonhoefferTJ-, hm. .. how would you recommend moving all the jpegs from the directory?02:13
bobweaverfind /home/dir/ -name '*.jpg' -exec mv whatever /whatever  { } \02:13
TJ-danbeam: OK... if you're that good, you need to install the -dbgsym packages for the relevant package and libraries from the ddeb archive02:13
bobweaverbonhoeffer,  ^^02:14
NetEchois there a way to have X spit its config into a config file (the one thats configured at runtime?)02:14
TJ-bonhoeffer: "for jpg in *.jpg; do rm $jpg; done"02:14
danbeamTJ-: ok02:14
bobweaverbonhoeffer,  there sould not be a space in { }02:14
bobweaverlol TJ-02:15
danbeamTJ-: Like I mentioned before, this is definitely a known issue with a full stack trace02:15
danbeamTJ-: somewhere on launchpad or some tracker02:15
TJ-NetEcho: "Xorg -configure"02:15
NetEchoTJ- thanks02:15
TJ-danbeam: OK ... you point me to it, I'll hack the source02:15
TaJMoXHow do I delete/edit icons in the Dash? Under "Installed Programs" there are some old WINE apps that I have removed, but the icons are still there.02:16
NetEchoTJ- this will yield the same results as the dynamic configuration?02:16
nina666hi... I know i can get a program's process ID by pgrep. using that, how can I switch to that program?02:16
TJ-NetEcho: according to "man Xorg" : "When this option is specified, the Xorg server loads all video driver  modules,  probes02:16
TJ-               for  available  hardware, and writes out an initial xorg.conf(5) file based on what was detected."02:16
bobweaverhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfrm117Ukr0&feature=g-upl&webm=1   9minutes in how to fix ?02:17
NetEchoTJ- ok I'll give it a try02:17
TJ-nina666: how do you mean, switch to it?02:17
danbeamTJ-: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/97995902:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 979959 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) ""gnome-control-center display" crashes if no RANDR extension" [Medium,New]02:17
TJ-Thanks danbeam02:17
quazimodoguys /usr/bin/ruby is a symlink to /etc/alternatives/ruby which is a symlink to /usr/bin/ruby1.802:17
quazimodois there a proper way to change that (via the alternatives system) to ruby 1.9.302:18
danbeamTJ-: I should mention that I know RANDR is turned off (it says so in my xorg.conf) but I don't exactly know why my xorg.conf turns it off...02:18
s3aIs it safe to browse the internet with a live cd or does it introduce a new security risk (network-wise - excluding the fact that it's not updated with the latest patches which can be done on the live cd/dvd)?02:18
quazimodoor should i just remake the /etc/alternatives/ruby as a symlink to /etc/bin/ruby1.9.302:18
nina666TJ-, for example program A is intiated and running, but minimized, or closed (but it is running); how can I relaunch it? by relaunch i dont mean re-initiation, just switch to the program so I can see the interface..02:18
danbeambobweaver: re: gnome-settings, that's the thing that crashes (if by that you mean gnome-control-center display)02:19
RoDiMuS-Xs3a don't mount your harddrive and you should be fine02:19
TJ-danbeam: No, that is strange. usually there shouldn't be an xorg.conf anyhow. I run nvidia with multiple screens and don't get the symptoms described in comment #202:19
s3aRoDiMuS-X, couldn't an attacker mount it "for me" remotely?02:19
RoDiMuS-Xs3a: if they get your root password02:19
danbeamTJ-: I could obviously disable (mv xorg.conf xborg.conf) it and set the option, I guess...02:19
danbeamI guess I'll try that for now02:20
s3aRoDiMuS-X, but the live cd's root password is either nothing or "ubuntu" or something easy to crack through02:20
danbeamTJ-: if that doesn't work I can install the dbg symbols and look through the gdb bt02:20
s3aRoDiMuS-X, ok so a solution would be to change the password right before connecting to the internet?02:20
NetEchoTJ- how do I use xorg -configure on the livecd it won't allow me to run it02:20
=== danbeam is now known as danbeam_
RoDiMuS-Xs3a: telnet, FTP services such as those are turned off by default02:20
TJ-danbeam_: if you can pastebin your xorg.conf maybe I can reproduce it02:21
TJ-NetEcho: maybe you need privileges: "sudo Xorg -configure"02:21
s3aRoDiMuS-X, so in other words, only stuff that would NOT allow someone to remotely do anything is turned on?02:21
NetEchoTJ- no it says the server is running, but every time I kill Xserver it reboots02:22
RoDiMuS-Xs3a: yes02:22
s3aRoDiMuS-X, alright, thank you.02:23
spioukihey how can i pm someone?02:24
Peckerwhy would you wan tto pm?02:24
TJ-NetEcho: ahhhh of course! Sorry, you'd need to go into a VT terminal (Ctrl+Alt+F1) login, stop X ("sudo service lightdm stop") run that command "sudo Xorg -configure" then restart X "sudo service lightdm start"02:25
spioukiwell I should answer others when they pm me :)02:25
TJ-danbeam_: I think I see the problem02:25
Peckerok weird spiouki.. if someone messgaez you your cleint will open a new tab02:25
Peckerif you want to message someone type /msg NAME Myourmessage02:26
Peckercucuzz: hi02:26
NetEchoTJ- simpler question how the heck do I get gnome back to its old style? like debian and other distros have it?02:26
TJ-NetEcho: You mean the Lucid 10.04 look? That was gnome2. Ubuntu is now using Unity or gnome302:27
andrewh192Hey, I am wondering, I downloaded the mini.iso file and have burned it to a cd and running it from my laptop... Am having some trouble connecting to the network.. It tries to auto configure using DHCP, and can't seem to do it... was wondering how to fix that02:27
andrewh192or how to setup the installer without using the autoconfigure thing02:27
=== danbeam_ is now known as danbeam
NetEchoTJ- can I switch back? the new GNOME is slow and I dislike it a lot02:27
Calthropstuhello, I'm having an issue in ubuntu and need help02:28
PeckerCalthropstu: question is?02:28
TJ-NetEcho: any slowness will be caused by running the liveCD02:28
danbeamTJ-: PM'd you xorg.conf02:29
NetEchoTJ- even when installed its slow02:29
NetEchoand again I dislike how its layed out02:29
andrewh192hey TJ- I am installing finally after getting my hands on some blank cds, that mini.iso file... its having some trouble "configuring the DHCP" thing...02:29
Calthropstuis anyone available?02:30
TJ-NetEcho: Unless the hardware *is* slow I'd think that's more likely caused by the system not using an accelerated video driver.02:30
NetEchoTJ- the laptop is 7 years old02:31
NetEchothe video card is unsupported by ATI now02:31
TJ-NetEcho: aha!02:31
NetEchoand I'm not much for flashy interfaces like the current Gnome02:31
NetEchowait debian is using gdm3 and it looks nothing like ubuntu02:32
TJ-NetEcho: So I'm going to guess the video driver in use is the VESA driver, with no acceleration. You'd be better off using something like Xubuntu or one of the other lightweight GUIs02:32
NetEchoTJ- debian wheezy runs fine on the system aside from an annoying flicker that ubuntu doesn't have however ubuntu has gnome configured to be all flashy and whatnot with special effects02:33
NetEchoso I'm at a catch 2202:33
NetEchoI like plain old gnome02:34
TJ-NetEcho: I'm afraid gnome2 and metacity from 10.04 is no longer around02:34
NetEchoTJ- gnome3 doesn't look like this by default02:34
NetEchoUbuntu has done something to gnome3 to make it heavy and full of effects02:35
TJ-NetEcho: I suspect that's because you're seeing Unity since its the liveCD02:35
andrewh192TJ-: Hey Was wondering if you knew what to do in order to fix my problem with installing ubuntu from the mini.iso burned cd...02:35
NetEchoTJ- even when I had it installed yesterday02:35
henricohi there02:35
TJ-andrewh192: Is it still failing with errors?02:36
andrewh192TJ-: no.. well, its saying that when it tries to autoconfigure the installer with DHCP, that your network "probably" isn't setup for DHCP, or whatever...02:37
andrewh192so when i say, i don't want to setup my network at this time, it asks me for my hostname02:37
nina666TJ-, so... ? :D02:37
andrewh192which i have no idea what that is, or how to find that out02:37
VERISTEADok it is working02:38
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andrewh192TJ-: ok, so nevermind about that, i can use anything for that right now...02:38
NetEchoTJ- vanilla gnome 3 not this horribly bloated version ubuntu installs02:39
andrewh192TJ-: I thought it might be a ip address of the router or something02:39
andrewh192TJ-: but i guess, its just the name of your computer, that's all...02:39
veristeadso anyone here familiar with using netfilter in ubuntu?02:39
xangua!anyone | veristead02:39
ubottuveristead: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:39
veristeadwell ok... i'm using ubuntu as my firewall for my lan and i'm trying to set up a nat (post routing) in netfilter and having issues02:40
wavmne1 help open .mdb in base, its not working02:41
veristeadthe rule i have currently is: -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3389 -j DNAT --to-destination
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veristeadwhich looks right to me but it isnt working :-\02:42
TaJMoXHow do I delete/edit icons in the Dash? Under "Installed Programs" there are some old WINE apps that I have removed, but the icons are still there.02:43
trismTaJMoX: the .desktop files are probably in ~/.local/share/applications/02:44
TaJMoXThanks trism!02:44
TJ-andrewh192: Sorry, I was doing something else. The DHCP messages means your PC is calling on the network asking to be assigned an IP address by the DHCP server, but isn't getting a response.  Usually a home router runs the DHCP server.02:46
phonebook_has anyone ever had trouble on ubuntu with youtube videos just stopping a few seconds in? on both chrome and safari02:49
andrewh192TJ-: that's ok... i realized that the cord wasn't plugged all the way into the port on my laptop.. no lights prolly means no activity...02:49
phonebook_am doing updates atm02:49
andrewh192TJ-: now, was wondering, if i need to fill out the part asking for domain name02:49
andrewh192TJ-: do i just leave that blank?02:50
andrewh192is that like if i was on comcast's cable network thing... i would go, "comcast.com"02:50
andrewh192TJ-: ????02:51
phonebook_and fail02:53
phonebook_1 minute 53 seconds02:53
TJ-veristead: this may help http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/please-help-with-iptables-rdp-3389-a-444083/#post224604002:53
phonebook_virtual box crashed on me so its looking like windows if an explicit flash update doesnt fix this gfross oversight - go ubuntu02:53
TJ-andrewh192: You mean in the installer? I think that's for the local network so it is by default "localdomain" but you can set it. E.g. mine is set to "lan.iam.tj"02:54
soliloquy1Hi. I just installed Ubuntu on my macbook air using this guide (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleIntelInstallation). I got through the install (went fine) synced boot tables with refit, and then, I load OS X - fine. I try to boot into Ubuntu however and get the error "missing operating system". What now?02:55
andrewh192so its not asking for the DNS servers online for comcast?02:56
andrewh192or anything?02:56
andrewh192i can just put anything, even if its not the same thing it says on the other computers connected to the same network?02:56
TJ-andrewaclt: no ... it wants a domain to append to the hostname so it ends up with pcname.domain02:56
TJ-andrewh192: best not to use anything that is used on the Internet... that's why by convention we use "lan.xxxx.xx"02:57
en1gmai have ubuntu 12.04 amd 64 unity installed to my hdd. i then did -get update and upgrade. i am trying to use gpsd and gpsctl with my usb gps device (BU-353). when i plug my device in 'ps -aux | grep gpsd' shows "gpsd -F /var/run/gpsd.sock"02:57
en1gmadoes that mean it is in serial mode and not usb mode as it is not showing gpsd /dev/ttyUSB0?02:58
TJ-en1gma: I suspect you'd set the port in gpsd's config file02:58
nina666I found partly answer to my question, the way to get the window if running program using its pid, is somehow by using command "wmctrl"... but now as  Im searching, I still cannot totally get what I want..02:58
en1gmasee i think it might be auto detecting my device wrong and since its a pre compiled package im not sure how to fix it02:58
en1gmaif i can get it to stop auto loading gpsd i could prob get it done from there02:59
mwilliams1220Here is my question:  I am using 12.04 on a dual booted Toshiba laptop and I can no longer change the volume on my computer.  when I check output on the sound settings, there is nothing listed and all the options are greyed out.  I still have volume that I can control through what ever program I am using (VLC, Rhythm Box, YouTube videos).  The volume control works fine when I boot into Windows, so I am pretty sure it is not a hardware issue.  This ha02:59
mwilliams1220ppened sometime after I upgraded to 12.04.02:59
nina666i tried: # wmctrl -ia 253202:59
nina666and got:X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)  Major opcode of failed request:  20 (X_GetProperty)  Resource id in failed request:  0x9e4  Serial number of failed request:  8  Current serial number in output stream:  802:59
TJ-en1gma: you need to do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gpsd" and answer the questions03:01
en1gmak thnaks03:01
en1gmathat sounds like a good command you just gave me03:01
phonebook_im loggin onto windows, i need something that works03:01
TJ-en1gma: after that you will need to restart gpsd "sudo service gpsd restart"03:01
en1gmak thanks i gonna write down those commands03:01
mwilliams1220Here is my question:  I am using 12.04 on a dual booted Toshiba laptop and I can no longer change the volume on my computer.  when I check output on the sound settings, there is nothing listed and all the options are greyed out.  I still have volume that I can control through what ever program I am using (VLC, Rhythm Box, YouTube videos).  The volume control works fine when I boot into Windows, so I am pretty sure it is not a hardware issue.  This ha03:03
mwilliams1220ppened sometime after I upgraded to 12.04.03:03
andrewh192TJ-: ok, kewl, i got it to work.. :-)03:04
TJ-andrewh192: well done :)03:04
nina666ok now i got to this point: #wmctrl -l -p lists x windows as well as PID... but a closed running program (like skype) would not be appearing there.. so Im still stuck how to get skype window back...03:05
soliloquy1Hi. I just installed Ubuntu on my macbook air along with OS X Mountain Lion following this guide (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleIntelInstallation). Install went fine, I booted into OS X fine after partition sync via refit as in directions; went to boot into Ubuntu and get this friendly error - "Missing Operating System". What in the world now?03:06
TJ-nina666: does Super+W help? (Super key is usually the 'Windows' key)03:07
nina666TJ- , no.. thats the problem.. I have closed skype actually, but its running on the background, and when I try to resume the window, it says "another instance of skype exists" so there is now way for me to get the window back. when I try pgrep skype, the PID is there...03:08
xibalba_anyone using ircii?03:08
TJ-nina666: is it possible the Skype process has got 'stuck' whilst closing? that happens to applications sometimes. The best thing is to send them a TERMinate signal and then start them afresh ("kill -TERM $PID")03:09
quazimodoim trying to get ruby1.9.3 on ubuntu 12.04.... but I cant :(03:12
Nautilusanyone know a good url to help me upgrade php from 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.17 to 5.3.(current) ?03:13
soliloquy1I just installed Ubuntu on my macbook air along with OS X Mountain Lion following this guide (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleIntelInstallation). Install went fine, I booted into OS X fine after partition sync via refit as in directions; went to boot into Ubuntu and get this friendly error - "Missing Operating System". What in the world now?03:14
nina666TJ-, actually i dont think so... skype is always like that, when I close it, it does mean its signed out, the interface is just closed. but unfortunately doesnt have any icons or anything in taskbar as well... and yes I do always have to kill it, but this time I have something on it important that will be erased if i sign out...03:14
cfhowlettsoliloquy1: your ubuntu is likely still present, but the bootloader scrambled.  reinstall refit.03:16
soliloquy1cfhowlett: alright, I'll try that now03:16
soliloquy1cfhowlett: How would I install grub from the live cd without reinstalling Ubuntu?03:18
NautilusI ran Uppdate Manager in 10.04LTS but php is still 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.17 and I need at least 5.3.3 ... need info on doing that please03:19
ubottusoliloquy1: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)03:19
trismquazimodo: sudo update-alternatives --config ruby;03:19
TJ-nina666: will this help? http://askubuntu.com/questions/104750/how-do-i-reopen-an-instance-window-once-it-has-disappeared-from-desktop03:19
iToastI gave up on trying03:21
iToastas the same op that +b'd thinks everyone needs to goto a higehr admin to get a -b.03:22
IdleOneiToast: drop it now.03:22
iToastIdleOne, I'm welcome to speak in other channels :)03:22
TJ-nina666: long shot but I wonder if sending the skype process a HUP or USR1 or USR2 signal would tell it to show itself. Do that using "kill -HUP $PID" (change HUP for the others to try it)03:22
somsipnina666: without needing to know details, what is it that will be lost on skype if you have to restart. I know this is not a fix as such...03:23
IdleOne!guidelines | iToast Please read the guidelines because I am not going to give any warnings if you break any of the rules.03:23
ubottuiToast Please read the guidelines because I am not going to give any warnings if you break any of the rules.: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines03:23
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nina666TJ-, done that.. just killed without popping up03:24
iToastIdleOne, I'm welcome to speak about anything outside the #ubutnu channels.03:24
TJ-nina666: Hmmm, that's a pain. problems with proprietary stuff03:25
nina666somsip, my chat history is set not to be saved, and I have an important thing on there with signing in it'll be erased..03:25
cfhowlettiToast: follow the rules like everyone else please.03:25
TJ-nina666: it's bug #86032203:25
somsipnina666: ok - I understand03:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 860322 in unity (Ubuntu) "[Oneiric] Skype Icon in Unity has problems" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86032203:25
nina666TJ- , oh ok... thats good(bad) to know..03:27
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kaosuDoes anyone know where I can find documentation that illustrates the cryptography used for full-disk encryption when selecting it from the alternate installation CD? I am just curious to know the algorithm used, key-length, and any other implementation information. Thanks in advance for the reference or information.03:27
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:29
Nautilusasking again due to all the scrolling: I ran Uppdate Manager in 10.04LTS but php is still 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.17 and I need at least 5.3.3 ... need info on doing that please03:29
soliloquy1I just installed Ubuntu alongside OS X; my install from live CD went fine, and I followed the Mactel instructions. I now need to install GRUB2 to my GRUB parition because it isn't seeing Ubuntu ("Missing operating system"); the only issue is, when I now try to boot off my live cd, I get a black screen with a white blinking cursor. What now?03:31
Stanley00Nautilus: well, then try find some ppa, or upgrade your Ubuntu03:31
nina666TJ-, ok i have followed this part of the post: dconf-editor from the dconf-tools package. Use the tool to browse to desktop...unity...panel and change systray-whitelist parameter to ['all'] . This will allow all icons to show. Alternatively, you could add 'skype' to the list.03:32
nina666TJ-, now im gonna restart and see how..03:32
NautilusStanley00: ppa?03:33
Stanley00!ppa | Nautilus03:33
ubottuNautilus: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge03:33
Nautilusah, yuk03:33
Nautiluswhen I upgraded from 8.04LTS to 10.04LTS it broke stuff (I primariliy use the LAMP stack).  Think 10.04->12.04 would go any better?03:34
gr72How can I add ubuntu to the grub.cfg thatbI have on a different system? I have the kernel and the initrd stated and I try to boot an only get a blck screen with a blinking underscore. Any thoughts?03:38
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kaosuI assume no one here knows any specifics regarding the full-disk encryption that is used from the alternate CD? I have tried looking online, but can't find any real information, and I am attempting to verify if it is standards compliant with a strict policy I am implementing.03:41
Nautilusif I want to upgrade 10.04LTS should I do it in increments or go straight to 12.04?03:43
Peckergo straight03:43
Peckerbut eprsonally id clean install03:44
Peckeror sitck with 10.0403:44
Nautilusthe php is 5.3.2 but I need at least 5.3.3 and don't know how to do that :(03:44
Peckerid say 3rd party repos but then people would chew me out03:45
gr72Here is the grub.cfg http://fpaste.or/X7b003:45
Nautilussounds troublesome too03:45
SnapSnapWhen I try to run a script with a limited account, terminal asks for the limited account's password. When I input the password I get the error message "[account-name] is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported." How can I run the script in this account?03:45
Peckerdoes the script functrions require something to be sudoed>03:46
Nautilusguess I need to make a backup too, what's an easy way to do that?  I want it to include things like my Filezilla configs, etc03:46
SnapSnapPecker: Yes, it installs an application.03:46
Peckera lto of app configs are in your home folder03:46
kaosuNautilus: Why not just remove PHP with APT, and download the source of the version you need from the official website. After that, just extract the contents to something like /usr/src, cd to it, and then simply configure, make, install, clean with the correct rights.03:47
goddardi have a icon stuck in my unity toolbar03:47
goddardit wont go away03:47
kaosuAPT *should* detect the manually compiled software as a "manually installed" package, so it should not create conflict with APT in the future.03:48
pfalguien habla español03:48
Nautiluskaosu: not sure I know enough to do that either03:48
pfalguien sabe como instalar Video DownloadHelper en srware iron03:48
SnapSnapWhen I try to run a script with a limited account, terminal asks for the limited account's password. When I input the password I get the error message "[account-name] is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported." How can I run the script in this account?03:48
kaosuSnap: Add that user to whatever group the the sudoers file specifies.03:49
kaosuIf a group called "sudo" exists, add them to that group. If not, add them to wheel.03:49
kaosuThose are the most common, and doing so will allow that user to access sudo without issue.03:50
kaosuYou should be able to easily do that by going to System -> Users and Groups. Select the user from the list, and click on "Manage Groups".03:51
Nautilusi wouldnt mind a clean 12.04 install, but that takes me back to making a full backup. don't want to find out I missed something later03:51
kaosuThen add the user to the appropriate group.03:51
Nautiluscan I "cp" the whole drive for a proper backup?03:51
goddardSnapSnap: a limited user isn't in the sudo user group so run it as another user03:51
SnapSnapgoddard: Will it still install the program to the limited account?03:52
kaosuNautilus: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem03:53
goddardSnapSnap: yes03:53
Nautiluskaosu: thanks03:53
SnapSnapThanks. I'm off to do just that03:54
goddardi have a icon stuck in my unity toolbar03:57
goddardit wont go away03:57
kaosuIf anyone else wanted to know, I finally found information about Ubuntu's alternate CD methods for encrypting an entire disk. The implementation used seems to be AES-CBC with a 128-bit key-length.  Which is sadly lacking. However, with a little tweaking, I found you can easily use AES-XTS-PLAIN64 with a 256-bit key-length if so desired. So, I guess I found my answer, lol.04:00
kaosuI hope that information helps anyone else who may have been also wondering.04:00
Nautilusfor backup purposes, do I just backup all the files? what about my sql DBs?04:03
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Guest75anyone know how i can use for default unity 2d04:11
Guest75anyone know how i can use for default unity 2d04:12
luftikussNautilus: For Bbackup purposes it is generally not necessary nor desirable to copy all files. --  I am backing up my MySQL DBs together with my normal backup procedure. But many power users do backup MySQL DBs differently using a dump.04:19
netecho_Hi, I've switched from Unity / lightDM to GDM/Gnome3-Classic on my system however I seem to be missing the ability to right click panels to add / remove panels, keyboard shortcuts , and well the Close Minimize and Maximize buttons are on the left which bugs me, can anyone help with this?04:23
Nautilusluftikuss: I am hoping for a complete backup, so I dont miss something.  How do you do your MySQL backup?04:23
drounseis there a way to turn apci off?04:24
drounsebefore i boot04:24
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linuxuz3r_my chrome cant seem to play html5 video player04:24
zombie-yI can't get this python script to see USB!04:26
zombie-ydoes anyone program in Python in here?04:26
Guest60273whats an easy command to move all files of a certain extension recursively from a directory? like I have alot of .mp3 files in subdirs of a folder but only want to move the .mp3 files elsewhere04:26
rgenitohmm, not sure if this is the right place...04:27
rgenitobut any ideas why (all of a sudden) ubuntu cannot boot?04:27
rgenitono hard drive is found... and 2.2TB Infinity boots up instead (my BIOS will try booting from 2.2TB infinity if no other boot device is found)04:28
rgenitoHOWEVER, when i boot from a CD rom, the ubuntu install does find the normal hard drive to install to.04:28
rgenitoany ideas?04:28
dalek_Does anyone know what the little white numbers in a bubble over the icons in the unity dash mean? I have a (   2   ) over my "home" dash icon.... why?04:35
rgenitonope =[04:35
astrochumpGuest60273,     find  /yourmp3dir -iname '*.mp3' -print0| xargs -0 cp -t /newmp3dir04:36
dalek_when it appears over the update manager dash icon, it represents the number of updates... but over the home icon??? and other icons??? what is the little number for?04:36
Guest60273astrochump, thank you. I am sure that works however it will be a long time before I can test it since I gotta wait for this conversion script to finish04:37
JKnaaki need to get drunk04:37
chanyeolhello, I want to upgrade bluetooth module based on current release version... where could get the simple manual ?04:37
rgenitohey guys, is there a way--from the installer--to boot the ubuntu machine on the harddrive?04:37
rgenitomore importantly... i need to do it from the installer04:38
Guest60273JKnaak, nah you need to get drunk and stoned.04:38
JKnaakGuest60273 sounds much better04:38
JKnaaki should do ur way =)04:38
JKnaakrgenito u lost the mbr?04:39
dalek_does anyone here know anything about the unity interface?04:40
rgenitoJKnaak: actually, i think my motherboard just wont recognize my normal 500GB SATA drive (as opposed to 2.2TB infinity) in the instance where i have 4 GPUs hooked up04:42
_skplirc; the place where white people go.04:43
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gmagnohello, is there a script, like rc.local, that is run when a certain user logs in?04:45
gmagnoby certain, I mean specific04:46
MocHow does one Alt-Tab with a file being drag in Ubuntu 12.04 ?04:47
MocFor example, draging file from nautilus to a thunderbird for attachement04:47
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coviAre there any good emule clients that support web interface or has a good CLI?05:00
rexisanyone know a great bittorent client for command line05:10
theadminrexis: Try aria2c. Deluge has a command-line interface too but it feels weird.05:11
covitheadmin: aria2c does not support emule right?05:12
theadmincovi: I don't think it does05:12
covitheadmin: do you know of anything that does support ed2k, and also provides a cli/webUI?05:13
theadmincovi: Nope, I never looked for anything to support emule specifcially, so even if I do I overlooked that feature05:13
cellofellowI've got a strange problem. I've got a directory (actually /var/tmp) full of tens of thousands of jpeg files of the name format brender.jpgNNNNNN. I need to remove them all, so you'd think rm brender.jpg* would do it, but that command exits immediately and deletes none of them. I'm now doing find brender in brender*; do rm $brender; done; but that is slow, but it is working. Anything to make rm actually work?05:14
cellofellowI do have write access to the files.05:14
cellofellowand, just like that, it's about done05:14
cellofellowok, I deleted those 2GB of files, and df -h on my / still says it's full.05:15
bugzc_Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone could tell me why the following outputs in chunks every now and then instead of the intended 'tail -F'-esque live output (one liner)? tail -F /var/log/squid3/access.log | perl -pe 's/^\d+\.\d+/localtime($&)/e;' | ccze -C05:17
bugzc_not entirely ubuntu-specific I suppose =)05:18
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lotuspsychjebugsc_:you know colortail?05:29
lotuspsychje!info colortail | bugzc_05:30
ubottubugzc_: colortail (source: colortail): log colorizer that makes log checking easier. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3.3-1 (precise), package size 24 kB, installed size 144 kB05:30
bugzc_I want to use ccze because it colours the squid logs the way I like05:30
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bugzc_Though regardless of what I end up using, I am quite curious to know why what I did yielded such weird results05:31
lotuspsychjebugzc_:you want it to log in realtime?05:31
lotuspsychjebugzc_:try installing colortail, then colortail -f /var/log/whatever05:32
theadminbugzc_: Second command... Change to: perl -pe '$| = 1; s/^\d+\.\d+/localtime($&)/e;'05:32
theadminbugzc_: Perl has buffering by default.05:32
bugzc_theadmin: Any way to bypass?05:33
theadminbugzc_: I just showed you how ;)05:33
bugzc_Whops, just noticed. Must be getting tired!05:33
bugzc_Let me give it a shot here05:33
lotuspsychjethe real experts are in tha house05:34
lotuspsychjeu gotta love opensource community05:34
bugzc_theadmin: it's much better :) thank you!05:35
bugzc_It does scroll from the top down though oddly hm05:36
lotuspsychjebugzc_:many logs happen in short time?05:37
bugzc_lotuspsychje: what?05:37
k_szeHow do I know if I am in a jailshell or if I have real Bash?05:37
bugzc_lotuspsychje: Alrighty05:37
theadmink_sze: If you are in jailshell, $0 is likely set to something other than /bin/bash05:38
dgsafewrightHas anyone tried to run Oil Rush on an Intel HD 3000?05:38
lotuspsychjedgsafewright:describe your problem mate05:39
k_szetheadmin: `echo $0` gives me "-bash". I guess I'm in real Bash.05:40
dgsafewrightI was thinking about getting the game. But from the forums on the oilrush site an intel hd 3000 may not have enough power to run it05:40
theadmink_sze: Guess so05:40
lotuspsychjedgsafewright:isnt there like a demo you can run on ubuntu?05:40
dgsafewrightnot sure, I can look further into it05:42
daemontuxi have  a newb question even tho im far from a newb but its a irritation05:43
dgsafewrightI don't think there is a demo available05:43
lotuspsychje!ask | deamontux05:43
ubottudeamontux: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:43
daemontuxmouse pointer wont go away when playing full screen video in compiz05:43
daemontuxxine, parole, mplayer, vlc etc05:43
dgsafewrightIt looks like there is a demo version available on desura, just not in ubuntu software center.05:48
dgsafewrightIf the demo works then the full version could be supported from either the devolopers site or ubuntu software center.05:48
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silv3r_m00nwhy this http://pastebin.com/PYPL6TgZ   ?05:54
SilvereXAnybody here good with mass storage devices?05:57
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jagginessSilvereX, well it can be large but in a very thumbnail package..05:58
SilvereXOkay then, more specifically, anybody good at troubleshooting MP3s?05:59
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AcidRain_hey is there any type of system monitor that can run in like its attached to desktop all transparent cool looking kinda like a widget?06:01
RentonTrying to install Ubuntu and I'm having a bit of trouble. I previously dual-booted Windows and Slackware, I deleted the Slackware partition and installed Ubuntu in its place. However, LILO still exists and I can't boot into Ubuntu with it. I tried using the Windows Repair options to reset the bootloader to get rid of LILO but that doesn't work either... Any ideas of how I can purge LILO?06:01
crimsonmaneAcidRain_: there's lots of such widgets if you use K Desktop Environment (KDE)06:02
crimsonmaneotherwise Conky i think it's called06:02
crimsonmanebut it's less than pretty06:02
AcidRain_crimsonmane: ouch... i use LXDE06:02
AcidRain_crimsonmane: wat are some examples of these widgets?06:02
crimsonmanelook up Conky as a tool that will give you the goal but without the pretty06:02
crimsonmaneAcidRain_: well, your "desktop" is nothing more than a folder, and KDE displays your "desktop" as a widget. there's weather, calendar, social media, system load monitoring, heat monitoring... there's a LOT06:03
crimsonmanetell me about your computer. LXDE is for older/slower hardware, you might be able to use KDE06:04
AcidRain_crimsonmane: -,- so your telling me after hrs of pimping out the ldxe u are suggesting that using anything other than kde is waste of time?06:05
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crimsonmaneAcidRain_: no. it'll take you hours to pimp out kde too06:06
crimsonmanebut it's worth taking a look at IF your hardware can handle it. and the learning you gained by pimping LXDE is extremely valuable. you won't learn that by using hand-me-downs06:07
AcidRain_well if they dont have the cool widgets for lxde06:07
goddarddoes anyone know how i can manually remove an item from the unity toolbar?06:07
crimsonmaneAcidRain_: they might. you'll have to do more research.06:07
AcidRain_omg. what is the kde package called so i can install? lol06:07
crimsonmanegoddard: right click it and remove it06:07
goddardcrimsonmane: manually06:07
crimsonmaneAcidRain_: one moment06:07
SilvereXgoddard: right click it and remove it?06:08
crimsonmaneSilvereX: i think he means command line06:08
IdleOnegoddard: rename/remove the proper .desktop file06:08
goddardIdleOne: i see thank you06:09
IdleOnegoddard: simplest way is to right click and remove06:09
crimsonmaneAcidRain_: kde-standard06:09
goddardIdleOne: i would but it isn't working06:09
SilvereXSo anyway, I guess I'll ask my question again06:09
AcidRain_aight cool. imma do a little more research before i switch06:09
crimsonmaneAcidRain_: also "kde-desktop"06:09
SilvereXI just bought an MP3 player today, but it's not showing up when I plug it in. Anybody know why?06:09
crimsonmanethat's it06:10
crimsonmanethere's two that look like "the main one"06:10
goddardSilvereX: did you check and see if it was compatable?06:10
crimsonmaneSilvereX: is it usb?06:10
SilvereXgoddard: I'll check06:11
SilvereXcrimsonmane: Yes, it's USB06:11
goddardcrimsonmane: what else would it be?06:11
crimsonmanegoddard: bluetooth06:11
crimsonmaneSilvereX: in a terminal type "lsusb"06:11
crimsonmanewith it plugged in of course06:11
goddardguess i dont stay up on all the bluetooth devices cause ive never seen one you couldn't plug in06:12
AcidRain_crimsonmane: found something called screenlets. gonna check that out06:12
SilvereXcrimsonemane: http://pastebin.com/XtcQqPN006:13
AcidRain_looks like ill have to have python knowledge06:13
crimsonmaneAcidRain_: you should do it. be smart in linux. don't take no for an answer.06:13
crimsonmaneSilvereX: is the device turned on?06:13
wifioregonMy "M" key on keyboard is barely working. How do I make another key work as an "M" key? Ubuntu 12.04 gnome-classic06:14
CosmicBI'd say that in fact many apps in linux was created just because someone said it couldn't be done:p06:14
SilvereXcrimsonmane: Of course. When I plug it in, it says on the MP3 player screen "USB Connected"06:15
CosmicBSilvereX: type 'dmesg' in a terminal right after you plugged in the player, see if it says anything interesting06:16
cfhowlettwhat's the package name for the community art alternatives??06:16
CosmicBcfhowlett: try : apt-cache search communit | grep art06:16
cfhowlettCosmicB: thanks.  will do06:17
SilvereXEvery time I plug it in06:17
CosmicBI'd say : community-themes - desktop artwork by the Ubuntu community06:17
SilvereXcrimsonmane: Every time I plug it in, I get this06:18
SilvereXcrimsonmane: [ 6383.424087] usb 2-5: new high-speed USB device number 21 using ehci_hcd06:18
crimsonmaneso the computer sees it06:18
crimsonmanei don't know how to mount things in terminal, but that sounds like your next step of research06:18
CosmicBSilvereX: install gparted, and see if it can see your mp3 player partition .  or you could unplug the player, iussue: ls -l /dev/sd*, then plug in the  player and issue ls -l /dev/sd* and see if any new drives show up06:19
SilvereXI have gparted06:20
SilvereXIt doesn't seem to recognize it06:20
CosmicBdmesg should show that though06:20
CosmicBSilvereX: ah, ok. seems so then06:20
SilvereXCmosmicB dmesg showed that the computer does recognize it's been connected06:20
tom___is it a common problem where upon shutting ubuntu down, it hangs at the 5 dots screen?06:21
CosmicBSilvereX: yes, could it be that the player is one of those that doesn't show up like a usb drive or usb pen ? for like 10 years ago I had an mp3 player that needed a special application to upload/download files to ...I thought they didn't make them like that anymore06:22
theadmintom___: Not too common, but happens. Try booting with "reboot=bios"06:22
crimsonmaneSilvereX: make and model of your player?06:22
SilvereXIt never came with any special software06:22
SilvereXNor does it say on the packaging you need it06:22
tom___theadmin: safe to hard-poweroff? i've just installed updates and stuff. thought it might be tidying up etc before shutdown06:22
tom___it has been a few minutes now though06:23
CosmicBSilvereX: do you have any other computers to test on, any other OS available, to compare how it works over there ?06:23
crimsonmaneSilvereX: make and model of your player?06:23
theadmintom___: Well, it's not really "safe" but nothing too awful will happen now that it's shutting down already06:23
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crimsonmanetom___: ubuntu does not do update stuff at shutdown. that's a windows thing.06:23
SilvereXcrimsonmane: Not sure of the make06:24
SilvereXcrimsonmane: But model is "A8704"06:24
SilvereXcrimsonmane: http://dicksmith.com.au/product/A8705/dick-smith-mp3-video-player-8gb-red06:24
CosmicBhe he, yeah, and ubuntu doesn't spend half a day to update ALL packages (compared to windowz who might spend half a day to upgrade only microsoft software) :p06:24
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Guest67680hey all06:27
crimsonmaneSilvereX: http://reviews.dse.co.nz/8465-en_nz/A4753/reviews.htm06:27
SilvereXcrimsonmane: http://reviews.dse.co.nz/8465-en_nz/A8706/reviews.htm06:30
linuxuz3ri have problems with my lightdm. i have dual monitor setup when i go to login window in lightdm it used to display the interface on my primary display now it is showing on my 2nd display how do i make it so that it only display in the primary monitor and not in the 2nd monitor06:38
crimsonmaneSilvereX: sorry i'm going to bed. but you might look at doing some research into your device, if you need a particular driver or manually mount it.06:39
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drounseis there a way to turn apci off? before i boot06:41
SecretFireIm trying to compile this program using the make command http://paste.ubuntu.com/1150156/ , but the make command freezes or something and won't compile for some reason. Can someone explain why its getting stuck?06:45
tnmhellow! I've installed Xubuntu and Ubuntu 12.04 over Oracle VM VirtualBox. Some of the https pages are working and some are not working (the non working pages are gmail, singn into google chrome, facebook login, ...) If i got through Widnows OS, pages are working. Any idea?06:45
wifioregonIs there anyway I can map my keys in Ubuntu? I want to change which keys on keyboard do what. (My "M" key is having a lot of trouble and would like to setup another "M" key)06:45
somsipwifioregon: xmodmap?06:45
wifioregonsomsip:  I'll check that out06:46
wifioregonsomsip:  thanks06:46
SilvereXIf I open up a Windows XP VM, would it recognize my MP3?06:46
somsipwifioregon: np06:47
SecretFire Im trying to compile this program using the make command http://paste.ubuntu.com/1150156/ , but the make command freezes or something and won't compile for some reason. Can someone explain why its getting stuck?06:47
MonkeyDustSilvereX  you mean mp3 player? better ask in #windows06:47
linuxuz3ri have problems with my lightdm. i have dual monitor setup when i go to login window in lightdm it used to display the interface on my primary display now it is showing on my 2nd display how do i make it so that it only display in the primary monitor and not in the 2nd monitor06:48
SecretFireseems like the make command is taking forever06:49
auronandace!checkinstall | SecretFire06:50
ubottuSecretFire: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!06:50
SecretFirethanks auronandace i forgot about checkinstall06:50
Geofhow can I install lubuntu on usb flash&06:54
Geofnot like live usb06:54
SecretFireis it normal for checkinstall to take a while?06:55
Geofhow can I install lubuntu on usb flash fully not like live usb06:56
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Marzatahave problems upgrading07:07
Marzatadpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 0:07:07
Marzata field name `../../../../../share/pyshared/UpdateManager/Core/MetaRelease.py' must be followed by colon07:07
MarzataE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)07:07
Calthropstuanyone alive?07:08
Marzatawhat could be the reason?07:08
tavishhi, i am suddenly unable to log in to ubuntu 12.04 unity-greeter screen. It keeps looping to the login screen when i try. Where should I look for the problem?07:10
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MarzataPreconfiguring packages ...07:11
Marzatadpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 0:07:11
Marzata field name `../../../../../share/pyshared/UpdateManager/Core/MetaRelease.py' must be followed by colon07:11
MarzataE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)07:11
MarzataA package failed to install.  Trying to recover:07:11
FloodBot1Marzata: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:11
MarzataFloodBot1: ah, sorry07:12
somsipMarzata: working solution here: http://superuser.com/questions/392035/e-sub-process-usr-bin-dpkg-returned-an-error-code-107:13
somsipMarzata: sorry - this is a similar issue rather than exactly the same. Worth checking out though07:13
Marzatawe got it this morning out of nothing07:14
tavishi was able to do 'service lightdm stop; startx' which did get me to my desktop. so i assume there is some problem with lightdm, or unity-greeter. anyone?07:16
thufir_update-alternatives --config java  when I run that I don't see openjdk.  however, openjdk is installed.  how do I switch to it?07:16
Marzataany idea for a fix? we got this an error  while upgrading this morning http://paste.ubuntu.com/1150188/07:19
somsipMarzata: did you follow up those links?07:19
thufir_how do I switch to openjdk?07:21
Knight_Of_Nithufir_: sudo apt-get install *; sudo apt-get remove *07:22
thufir_Knight_Of_Ni: pardon, I mean how do i switch to it?  it's already installed.07:22
GG_shineMSG oy  http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/how-to/linux/3351312/how-install-ubuntu-using-usb-flash-drive/07:23
Knight_Of_Nithufir_: Hmm, i think those options are in your WM07:23
timfrostthufir_: is openjdk offered by 'update-java-alternatives --list'?  Which Ubuntu release?07:24
thufir_WM?  windows manager?  not update-alternatives --config java?  it doesn't sho w in that list.  i'm on 12.04 pangolin07:24
Knight_Of_Nithufir_: Woops, i meant DE07:24
Knight_Of_Nithufir_: For editing default/preffered applications (if i inderstand your question correctly)07:25
BlackWebI have a Hard Drive that I recently bought, Which sometimes when I boot then the device identifier changes, so example /dev/sdc to /dev/sdg - Which i have 2 Hard Drives and only the new drive does that occasionally, Which reason i care is it takes longer to boot when it does that trying to locate the drive in fstab, Which I run FSCK on the Drive and it's like it freezes I left my computer running for 2 days and it never finished,07:26
BlackWebwhich on the other hand then the other drive i have it took only 5 hrs to FSCK it same capacity, But other then that the Drive still mounts fine and i can copy to and from it, but does that mean its going bad or I received a bad drive07:26
thufir_err, no.  I want to switch java versions.  I use java for programming and whatnot.  when I run update-alternatives it doesn't show openjdk.  however, openjdk is installed.07:26
Knight_Of_Nithufir_: Its kind of a stupid solution, but have you considered to just remove the jdk you do not want?07:27
Knight_Of_Nithufir_: But i can see im not of muxh help since Java isnt really my language....07:28
icerootBlackWeb: much text... your "problem" is that in fstab you are using /dev/sdb  and sometimes it will change to /dev/sdc?07:28
BlackWebYa have to hard drives and sometime one will change the on the identifier, which that hard drive wont complete a FSCK either07:30
icerootBlackWeb: which ubuntu version? because newer versions are not using /dev/sdb anymore but UUID07:30
BlackWebWhich reason i care is computer wont boot sometimes or takes like 10 Minutes coming on when it changes,07:30
timfrostthufir_: Are you wanting to change the default java used by the system, or change the java used by your IDE?  Because update-alternatives or update-java-alternatives set the system java, which will affect anything that needs the system java.07:30
BlackWebUbuntu 12.04 Server07:30
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BlackWebso should i modify fstab to use UUID07:31
icerootBlackWeb: can you paste your fstab please07:31
iceroot!paste | BlackWeb07:31
ubottuBlackWeb: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:31
icerootBlackWeb: always, yes07:31
icerootBlackWeb: see "sudo blkid"07:31
bonhoefferi have a bunch of photos, i need to look through them a delete a ton of stuff, what is a good application for that?07:32
thufir_timfrost: I want to change which java is used system wide.  but, I'm not seeing open jdk as an option.  I'll pastebin what I see07:32
BlackWeb# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>07:34
BlackWebproc            /proc           proc    nodev,noexec,nosuid 0       007:34
BlackWeb# / was on /dev/sda1 during installation07:34
BlackWebUUID=737fc583-636a-44e0-a23e-e650109022b4 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       107:34
BlackWeb# swap was on /dev/sda5 during installation07:34
FloodBot1BlackWeb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:34
BlackWebUUID=36eeb46a-0129-494f-9e16-ba40d34821d4 none            swap    sw              0       007:34
BlackWebI tried pasting with http:://past.ubuntu.com and it wouldnt work07:34
BlackWebSo with FSCK not being able to complete the Scan of the Disk then does that mean that the hard drive is bad07:35
Marzatasomsip: yes. thank you, but didn't help07:35
thufir_timfrost: lol, I think it's user error.  pardon, I was reading something wrong.07:35
linuxuz3ri have problems with my lightdm. i have dual monitor setup when i go to login window in lightdm it used to display the interface on my primary display now it is showing on my 2nd display how do i make it so that it only display in the primary monitor and not in the 2nd monitor07:37
somsipMarzata: try https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/1026507:37
somsipMarzata: or http://lifeonubuntu.com/07:38
oyGG_shine: can you stop spaming me?07:47
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ControllerSYRi need type arabic in termenel how ?07:51
islandmonkeyControllerSYR: What are you trying to do?07:52
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ControllerSYRi need send mail in termenel in arabic languge07:54
ControllerSYRi cant07:54
islandmonkeyControllerSYR: Why can't you use something like Thunderbird?07:55
fishbaithow do i get ubuntu to scan for new hardware?07:55
islandmonkeyfishbait: udev should detect it automatically. Go to Log File Viewer, click on syslog.log and pastebin what that says07:56
islandmonkeyObviously, just pastebin what is relevant07:57
BlackWebSo if a Hard drive wont complete a FSCK, but appears to work for the most part does that mean its going bad07:58
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
retFrom where can i learn about OS?08:00
DJones!manual | ret08:00
ubotturet: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/08:00
retAnd for learning shell script08:01
fishbaitwhen i installed ubuntu i had already put in radeon hd 6670 pcie card now i'm making sure its detected the recently enabled onboard radeon hd 4250 http://paste.ubuntu.com/1150224/08:01
Andy80ret, you should look for a Bash manual then08:01
hateballret: #bash can probably point you to some useful resources08:01
tnmwhere do i set mouse scrool because it is not working?08:03
ControllerSYRشىي صاشف هس فاهس08:03
ControllerSYRand what is this Thunderbird ?08:03
islandmonkeyControllerSYR: Mail program08:03
ControllerSYRcan i open image in termenel ?08:04
Marzatasomsip: thank you very much! sudo dpkg --clear-avail did the job.08:05
islandmonkeyControllerSYR: Nope.08:05
Andy80ControllerSYR, are you a bot?08:05
ControllerSYRwhat bot ?08:06
trond-is it so that 12.04.1 arrives today?08:06
fishbaitislandmonkey: when i installed ubuntu i had already put in radeon hd 6670 pcie card now i'm making sure its detected the recently enabled onboard radeon hd 4250 http://paste.ubuntu.com/1150224/08:07
islandmonkeyfishbait: Can post the relevant stuff only there? It's a bit hard to find what's wrong08:08
DJonestrond-: /w 2108:08
DJonestrond-: It looks like its due for release today08:08
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DJonestrond-: Actually, just checking, today is final freeze, the schedule page suggests August 23rd for 12.04.1 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule08:10
ControllerSYRno i am human08:10
somsipControllerSYR: yes - you need to look up details about fbview08:10
trond-DJones, I also thought that it was August 23, but I read somewhere that it would happen today... Ok. so another week of waiting then.08:11
fishbaityeah i'm not certain i'll look more into it tommorrow i just scanned throug the log didn't look like it added anything. but sleep tonight play with gpu tomorrow08:11
DJonestrond-: First search I did suggested today, but I'd go with the official date08:11
DarsVaedawhere do I put programs I build myself?08:11
DarsVaeda/usr/bin ?08:12
trond-DJones, that and if the Update Manager tells you that there is a new version out.08:12
DJonestrond-: Yep, thats a good way of knowing08:12
ControllerSYRwhat fbview ?08:13
nydelwhere are the default sounds?08:14
timfrosttrond-: DJones: update manager won't detect 12.04.1 as a new version if you are already running 12.04, because 12.04.1 = 12.04 + lots of package updates08:14
nydelin which directory i mean08:14
trond-timfrost, DJones I am running 10.04.08:15
DarsVaedaI have compiled a program on console and now I want to be able to run it with just "program -options" how do I achieve that?08:15
ControllerSYRtank you08:15
fegocan anyone point me to some cool resources on encription of Ubuntu server08:16
timfrostDarsVaeda: put it in $HOME/bin and add that to your path08:16
DarsVaedahow do I add it to my path?08:16
fegothe root partition is all i have to encrypt08:16
timfrosttrond-:  what does 'gksu update-manager -c' report?08:18
nydelfego: in system -> sounds, there are default system sounds.. do you know where they are in filesystem?08:18
fegoDarsVaeda: or while running the program pri\ovide the absolute path08:18
fegonydel: i am on a headless ubuntu server08:19
fegothere is no GUI08:20
yuanyelelehi, why doesnt cp -r copy files in alphabet order?08:20
nydelfego: any chance you know of a good free collection of system sounds? i'd rather not make my own right now, i used to download drumkits then modify them or make my own with a red bull can etc but in the interest of doing as little work as possible..08:21
llutzyuanyelele: they will be copied in the order they appear in the filesystem index. if you want to copy alphabetical, use rsync -av    not cp08:22
DarsVaedatimfrost: thanks figured out how to put it in the path, works now08:23
trond-timfrost, does not report that there is a new version out. So I am just holding. No rush.08:23
yuanyelelellutz: does copy in filesystem order faster?08:23
J0BIhow i will make this TP-Link Wireless USB Adapter N150 TL-WN723N work in lubuntu08:23
J0BIi can see it in lsusb08:24
llutzyuanyelele: i never benchmarked it, idk08:24
J0BIbut i think there is no driver08:24
GeofI created Lubuntu Live USB from lubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso using Unetbootin, it didn't boot on netbook and desktop, what could the reason be?08:24
s1n4unity crashes so much for me, my ubuntu is up to date but as always unity sucks for me, I'm looking for a good replacement, a useful think for a programmer, does anyone know one?08:24
J0BIi found this http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/rtl819x  is can someone tell me how to install this driver08:25
=== fego is now known as codemaniac
kaosuXubuntu is a good lightweight replacement to Ubuntu if you want to get away from the nightmare that is Unity.08:25
emmymy machine seems to think my headphones jack is surround sound... any way I can fix this?08:25
J0BIs1n4:  try lubuntu,xubuntu,solusos,mint08:25
kaosuTo get your wireless adapter working, you will need to get NDISWrapper, and the driver from a Windows installation or the CD itself. You will need the .INF and .SYS file in most cases.08:26
yuanyelelellutz: thanks, that works!08:26
s1n4J0BI: I will never migrate to anythoer distros, but I think Xubuntu sounds good08:26
timfrosttrond-: If you are running 10.04.x, then you won't be offered 12.04 until the update-manager package for 10.04 has been updated to detect it ( which is likely to be on/after the 12.04.1 release date)08:26
=== sun is now known as GG_shine
s1n4any other08:26
islandmonkeyYou don't even need to use another distro08:26
J0BIs1n4:  lubuntu is faster08:27
islandmonkeyJust sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop08:27
s1n4islandmonkey: of course, so what do I do with unity?08:27
GeofI created Lubuntu Live USB from lubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso using Unetbootin, it didn't boot on netbook and desktop, what could the reason be?08:27
J0BIi suggest clean install xubuntu08:27
islandmonkeyJ0BI: Why?08:27
islandmonkeyMakes no difference08:27
codemaniacnydel: gnome-look.org has a vast amount or resources to swallow08:28
nydelcodemaniac: great, thank you. can i ask, do you use unity?08:28
kaosuWhen you install xubuntu-desktop from APT, will it automatically remove all of the old Gnome/KDE/whatever software as well as their heavy dependencies?08:29
islandmonkeykaosu: You can remove what's left yourself08:29
codemaniaci have used unity on my dads desktop08:29
wilee-nileekaosu, no it just adds that desktop at your choice at login.08:29
nydelcodemaniac: this /is/ quite a bit to swallow! wow, what fun!08:29
tnmhellow! Anyone else cannot access gmail.com through chrome browser. I'm using Xubuntu 12.04 throught VirtualBox08:30
codemaniacthere are system sound files in the path /usr/share/sounds/08:30
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kaosuWell, that would be reason enough for most people to do a clean installation of Xubuntu versus the APT method. Having a system full of heavy, useless dependencies and bloated software (Unity) taking up disk space that you don't even want seems a bit.... Well, counter-intuitive to such a fork.08:31
kaosuYou would also think having to go through and remove software, bloated dependencies -- it would just be faster to do a clean install.08:31
islandmonkeyUnity ain't bloated08:31
islandmonkeyWhat's so bloated?08:32
kaosuI can see the APT method being good for just checking it out, though.08:32
jtachello all, i got some issue with my network interface when i try to assign an IP address i get following output :/  http://pastebin.com/z9irzBhn08:32
jtacalso the mac address of ifconfig eth0 give me 00:00:00:00:0008:32
wilee-nileeIf you want to remove full desktops look at playing around in the left column here. Removing unity is not advised. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/08:32
pitzjtac, your command makes no sense whatsoever08:33
pitzjtac, you need to assign a specific IP to an interface, not a range08:33
kaosuI consider software to be bloated using two different measurements: (1) The amount of dependencies required for the Desktop Environment / Typical software pulled in by it on an average installation. (2) The amount of system resources it takes up under normal conditions.08:33
kaosuHowever, "bloated" is a subjective terms in software, and many opinions will differ - so it is best not to argue over it.08:33
kaosuWhat one may consider to be bloated, another might find to be rich in support or features, etc.08:34
jtacpitz: an itnerface needs IP address and a Netmask08:34
wilee-nileekaosu, all terms are subjective I'm not sure objectivity actually exists.08:34
kaosuObjectivity exists in areas where fact can be widely documented, in controlled environments, across a wide spectrum of test-beds.08:35
wilee-nileekaosu, that is a weak argument, but that is my opinion from my own reality. ;)08:35
s1n4anyway, what do I do with unity?08:36
kaosuWell, I just choose to believe that most fundamental things such as math and science can be considered to have objectivity in their nature.08:36
kaosuBut, with anything, you can get into a realm where one could feel like it no longer exists.08:36
wilee-nilees1n4, leave it alone it is just a plugin in compiz which is running with a gnome base08:37
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wilee-nileekaosu, any theory is a theory until proven different, plenty of examples of this, math is a creative art, and it is this creativity in the higher math which gives it a subjective nature it is not all objective, but probably closer then many things.08:39
kaosuif nothing else, s1n4, give Xubuntu a shot. You might really like XFCE. I personally think XFCE is really awesome, and I enjoy its fundamental approach to a lean system in terms of dependencies, stability, as well as resource consumption.08:39
kaosuWith APT, trying it out would be fast and simple.08:40
s1n4wilee-nilee: I know, but I dont know what to do with this shit, I like it but it's annoying me with its bugs08:40
kaosuWith an easy way to default back at the login screen if you don't like it.08:40
Rojhi where i can my ubuntu  programing quastion?(irc chanal08:40
Rojhi where i can ask my ubuntu  programing quastion?(irc chanal08:40
s1n4kaosu: thanks :)08:40
wilee-nilees1n4, Don't use it choose another desktop and use it I use gnome 3 mainly. Unity is very small in actuality, people have put ways of removing it on the web, but you are subject to messing around where it is a waste of time really, and subject to a bricked setup.08:41
kaosuRoj: A programming question isn't going to be that specific to Ubuntu, unless you're talking about some obscure modification the developers have done to the kernel or package that is not common among distributions.08:42
kaosuIf anything, you might be better off asking the question in a IRC channel suited for the programming language you're using.08:42
Rojhow i can get my application installation in ubuntu  with python when try to package it?08:43
Rojhow i can get my application installation path  in ubuntu  with python when try to package it?08:43
kaosuI would agree with not attempting to remove Unity. Trying to uproot it from a vanilla Ubuntu installation is far more hassle than it is ever going to be worth.08:43
kaosuEspecially given that it isn't eating up too much space on a modern disk drive.08:43
s1n4wilee-nilee: I like unity but it sucks sometimes, and I just would like to fix the problems, and if I could find something better then I'm glad to switch08:44
J0BIhow to make TP-Link Wireless USB Adapter N150 TL-WN723N to work in lubuntu08:44
kaosuMake sure to file bug reports if you would like to help improve Unity.08:45
wilee-nilees1n4, if you want just  xubuntu follow this sites instructions. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexubuntu08:45
s1n4wilee-nilee: thanks08:45
wilee-nileesafest way to go s1n4 no problem enjoy.08:46
gillie-monsteri have no sound on an ibm thinkpad r32 laptop and a compaq evo n610c laptop. ibm is priority08:46
gillie-monsterany one have any experience with sound problems?08:47
diverdudeHow can i see what resolution my screen is running at ?08:47
kaosugillie-monster: Open the terminal and issue the command: aplay -l08:48
jave_I'm trying to remove a package, but I get "error in pre-removal script"08:48
kaosuIs your sound card listed there?08:48
jave_how do I debug this?08:48
kaosuIf so, it could be something as simple as changing the default playback device.08:48
jave_the pkg is flashplugin-installer08:48
gillie-monsteronly thing familiar i see is intel ich308:49
emmydoes anyone know how to make my headphone jack stereo rather then 5.1?08:50
gillie-monstershould be in multimedia in the system settings08:50
rexiswhat is the purpose of having a shell acount?08:52
rexislike shellium08:52
emmygillie-monster: I don't have a multimedia option in my system settings =\08:52
gillie-monsteroh must be different on my computer08:52
gillie-monsteru see anything in there about "phonon"?08:55
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e66any idea? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12175585#post1217558509:02
e66Please mention my name when you reply09:02
up_the_ironscan anyone direct me to where I should direct this request -- I registered a mirror about 45 days ago, and it is still in "Pending Review", https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/mirrors.arpnetworks.com-archive, anything else I need to do?09:03
gillie-monsterso i did apay -l and it returned intel ich309:04
amcsi_workI have problems on my ubuntu 10.04. When git pushing to it though ssh, it gets stuck while writing files. There seems to be some sshd problem that causes this. Is anyone familiar with this?09:04
DJonesup_the_irons: looking at the mirror website it says to contact them at mirrors@ubuntu.com (From the bottom of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors/#Communication )09:05
gillie-monsternot me. 12.04 solved all my technical problems untill this sound issue09:05
amcsi_workhow do I upgrade ssh?09:06
up_the_ironsDJones: ah cool, thanks09:08
rexisin youtube i always get sorry there was an error please try again later09:08
luftikussFirefox: "With this XML file:///usr/src/linux-source-3.2.0/Documentation/DocBook/mtdnand.tmpl there is no style information associated. Firefox will only show the tree view of this document." What program is better suited to view the information in this document in human-readable format?09:09
linuxuz3rubuntu just locks up09:09
emmyaudio still sounds... flakey =\09:13
llutzluftikuss: how do you expect us to have a look on a local file on your system?09:15
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emmylots of middle tones, not much bass at all09:16
treebueycan u use vlc? it has an equalizer and boost09:17
linuxuz3rwhat is the package for python dev09:18
Dr_Willisapt-cache search python | grep dev        perhaps?09:18
Dr_WillisI bet theres a lot of them09:18
Dr_Willispython-dev - header files and a static library for Python (default)09:18
linuxuz3rwhat is there a meta package for python09:19
Dr_Willispython-all-dev - package depending on all supported Python development packages09:19
Dr_Willispython - interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version)09:20
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pacquiaoanyoe here that have prior experience with monit? I try to monitor sevveral processes but most of the time it only says 'System 'system_$HOSTNAME:' Running' when I run summary09:21
luftikussllutz: I described precisely the subject of my concern. So I guess it will be easy for you to view what display image is on my computer just now. Or am I wrong?09:22
llutzluftikuss: posting a "file:///" URL is plain useless, thats what i wanted to show you.09:24
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Dr_Willisthat would be a neat feature to share individual files that way.09:25
luftikussllutz: I do not understand you well. Why is »posting a "file:///" URL is plain useless"?09:25
Dr_Willis  ubuntuone:///somthing/somthing/filename09:25
llutzDr_Willis: "we're all cloud" :)09:25
Dr_Willisluftikuss:  file:// works on YOUR pc..  its a local only path.09:25
luftikussDr_Willis: It works on your computer as well. It Ubuntu 12.04.09:26
luftikussDr_Willis: It works on your computer as well. It is Ubuntu 12.04.09:26
Dr_Willislike putting file://c:\stuff\wgatever.gif in your browser.09:26
fidelluftikuss: but it will be always local09:26
Dr_Willisluftikuss:  i cant see YOUR file on your pc. using  your FILE://path/09:26
llutzluftikuss: it might work, if someone has installed linux-source09:26
fidelso while file://foo.blub works on your box - willis will not be able to see/access that particular file09:26
Dr_Willisbbl. off to work.09:27
lesshastehow do you tell the mime type of a link?09:27
luftikussllutz: Yes. I supposed that readers of this channel have installed the package linux-source.09:27
e66any idea? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12175585#post12175585 and how can I solve it?09:27
linuxuz3ris there a meta upgrade?09:27
linuxuz3rmeta package upgrade09:28
nydelwhat is the command that shows packets if you're setting up an infra remote control?09:29
llutzluftikuss: i'd guess, 99% won't because they'll never need it09:29
nydelin terminal?09:29
luftikussDr_Willis: I did not suppose that you see my file on my pc. I thought you would see an identical Ubuntu file on your pc.09:29
luftikussllutz: I see. So what do you suggest me to do?09:30
rexisubuntu is debian based right?09:30
luftikussrexis: Yes.09:30
llutzluftikuss: either paste that file to pastebin or look for a website containing it, to use that link09:31
nydelrexis: in short yes, but some people have opinions about that question that go over my head09:31
rexisthen if linux mint is ubuntu based, but linux mint debian is debian based then what the hell....09:31
dreimarkis there a new freetype2 available?09:31
rexisreally linux mint, linux mint debian and ubuntu are all debian based.. rigtht??09:31
dreimarklots of my documents aare unreadable09:32
dreimarkbecause of GPL Ghostscript 9.05: Error: Font Renderer Plugin ( FreeType ) return code = -109:32
antonio__I just got a droid razr. Is there any kind of desktop software to use with this thing?09:32
icerootrexis: ask there channel, offtopic here09:33
gillie-monstermy moto droid requires no software, but its 2 years old09:33
rexisantonio__, i found this page today: http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/android09:33
antonio__thanks rexis:09:33
Jonnedoes anyone know how to figure out how a backup failed with deja-dup?09:37
Jonnei sometimes get a notification telling me the backup failed, and i should check the dialog for details09:37
Jonnebut the deja-dup prefs dialog has no details09:37
Jonneand there's nothing in /var/log related to deja-dup either, AFAICT09:38
icerootJonne: start it from the shell and see if it is generating output09:38
d2kagwIs anyone else having difficulties running `apt-get updates`? I'm getting 404's and lengthy timeouts for http://security.ubuntu.com sources on my Ubuntu 12.04 machines.09:38
icerootd2kagw: you can ping for example google.com from the shell?09:39
d2kagwiceroot: aye - the machines have full net access09:39
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d2kagwiceroot: this is the output: https://gist.github.com/0b49b915e04efa6c270209:40
icerootd2kagw: natty is not 12.0409:41
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110409:41
iceroot!eol | d2kagw09:41
ubottud2kagw: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:41
icerootd2kagw: ah sorry, 11.04 should be still supported09:41
icerootd2kagw: but your sources list is massiv wrong when you are using 12.0409:42
amcsi_workhow do I restart sysclt?09:42
Jonnehmm, when i run deja-dup --backup it shows a progress bar and stuff, it's not in the bg09:42
d2kagwice root & ubottu: i'm running 12.0409:42
Jonnei guess i'll let it run and see if it fails09:42
icerootd2kagw: output of "cat /etc/issue"09:42
d2kagwoh sorry - that output is from 11.04, but the same issue is happening on 12.04 too09:42
d2kagwiceroot: output is "Ubuntu 11.04 \n \l"09:42
icerootd2kagw: please post real outputs here09:42
icerootd2kagw: from the machine which is affected09:43
Jonneah yes, it's just some files i don't have permissions for (owned by apache)09:43
icerootd2kagw: and run "ping -c 4 google.com" from the affected machine09:43
d2kagwiceroot: i've got two machines, one is 12.04 and the other is 11.0409:43
icerootd2kagw: or better "ping -c 4 ubuntu.com"09:43
d2kagwiceroot: this gist: https://gist.github.com/0b49b915e04efa6c2702 is the output for 11.0409:43
d2kagwiceroot: zero packet loss for that command09:44
icerootd2kagw: you are using a proxy? (maybe a proxy for apt)09:44
auronandaced2kagw: if you're having problems on the 12.04 machine then why are you giving the outputs from the 11.04 machine?09:44
d2kagwauronandace: i've got two machines, one 11.04 and the other 12.04 - both machine are having the same issue09:45
d2kagwiceroot: the machines are VM's inside Virtualbox. I don't have proxies enabled.09:46
icerootd2kagw: your sourceslists are wrong09:46
icerootd2kagw: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu  instead of http://security.ubuntu.com/09:46
icerootd2kagw: deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-security universe09:47
icerootd2kagw: for example09:47
d2kagwany idea how this could be the case? these are just base installs?09:47
icerootd2kagw: that is not a base install09:47
icerootd2kagw: you changed it09:47
d2kagwor should I say, any idea how these could get out of wack?09:47
JPeterson"sudo apt-get remove --purge" doesn't remove bins from /usr/bin and "sudo apt-get install --reinstall" doesnt copy them there09:47
icerootd2kagw: http://apt.newrelic.com newrelic InRelease09:47
icerootd2kagw: that is NEVER a part of a base install09:48
icerootd2kagw: so just correct your sourcesfile and everything is fine again09:48
d2kagwiceroot: is there a way to revert them?09:48
icerootd2kagw: with your backup09:49
melvincvhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2043197  Any ideas?09:49
icerootd2kagw: like this for 12.04 http://alpha-unix.de/~iceroot/ubuntu/sources.list09:49
d2kagwiceroot: thanks mate09:50
icerootd2kagw: you are welcome09:50
snowgrl373hey everyone09:51
snowgrl373i just installed ubuntu 12.04 on my hp mini and having some wireless issues09:51
cretsiahhas any1 got a "realtek high definition audio" system working?09:51
melvincvAlso, I need a good download manager for 12.04...09:52
melvincvcretsiah, it should work out of the box.09:52
tnmcan i convert .img to .iso ?09:54
melvincvcretsiah, try the package pavucontrol for adjusting volume levels if the default controls don't work.09:54
snowgrl373when i installed, i didnt setup wireless, then after install i plugged in the network cable to do updates. i enabled wireless through restricted drivers and it found my wireless card, i restarted and found my router and tried to connect, it looks like its trying to connect then after about 5 mins it says network disconnected09:54
cretsiahso far i havent found any linux distro that it works "out-of-the-box" something about it being a 64-bit driver file on xp09:54
snowgrl373any ideas?09:55
auronandacemelvincv: with the user you are having issues with, what is the output of: id09:55
kexworkhey guys, does anyone know why i cannot connect to ssh via my external IP?(connection refused) but ssh -v localhost works fine?09:55
mat619Hey guys, got a kinda difficult question today: Could I set up an Ubuntu based print server that hosts a PDF printer in such a way, that a ages old legacy software running on a UNIX system (old Solaris 8) can print on it? That software usually just prints to a hardware printer with a given ID, likely with plain PS or PCL.09:56
snowgrl373kexwork, port forwarding?09:56
cretsiah@ melvincv i will try another ubuntu on it, but im a lil low on ram for the machine09:56
DJoneskexwork: Have you forwarded the port on your router to the machine you're trying to access?09:56
melvincvauronandace, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1150345/09:56
mat619TBH I've got no idea how linux based print servers work. I just know that in the given environment a windows print server won't work, that's why I'm exploring alternatives09:56
melvincvcretsiah, what version of Ubuntu are you running?09:57
Dr_Willismat619:  should be possible. cups still supports the lpd stuff. or have the old box just print to .ps and use postscript09:57
snowgrl373mat619, it will probably work, will just take some setup... not really sure how though, ide turn to google maybe09:57
auronandacemelvincv: you need to add your user to the sudo group09:57
mat619Dr_Willis: the old box is running such a heavily closed software (written in COBOL some time in the 80s, 90s) that I've got no idea how it prints. I just know that if I give it the IP of a real network printer, these print it09:58
melvincvauronandace, that's it, thanks.09:58
mat619snowgrl373: tried googling the issue already, can't find anything really useful since everyone seems to try to host a printer for fellow linux or windows boxes on the network, not something like this dinosaur here09:59
kexworkDJones: It is a work machine, so am not sure of the rules09:59
auronandacemelvincv: just so you know, that is what the other guy meant in your forum post too09:59
Dr_Willismat619:  depends on what printing service its using. or make it print to itself to a ps pr pcl file and capture the  output perhaps and transfer it over09:59
snowgrl373hm, well someone in here will probably be able to help you09:59
cretsiah@ melvincv  the last ubuntu i tried was version 11 however i've only got about 1gig of ram on that machine (toshiba sat L30)09:59
snowgrl373anyone to help with my wireless issue?10:00
mat619Dr_Willis: I would guess it's really just plain lpd. you didn't have much choise on solaris back in the day, did you? it's all more of a guesswork game, but I can't find any info about it. problem is production uses it, and I got the task of creating a PDF printer appliance for it :(10:00
jbeattyDoes anyone else have trouble with Skype giving a green video in 12.04?10:01
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snowgrl373jbeatty, havent had an issue... anything on google aboutit?10:01
Dr_Willismat619:  try just shareing a printer with cups, set server to allow all connections. and give the thing the ip of the server and see.. then check the cups logs..10:02
bazhang!google | snowgrl37310:02
ubottusnowgrl373: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.10:02
jbeattybazhang: I'm no new user. ;) Just that Google isn't giving me much that is helping.10:02
jbeattyIt's actually all the more confusing since Skype worked perfectly under Arch, Gentoo, and Debian.10:02
mat619Dr_Willis: might be my best bet. but what do you mean with "set server to allow all connections"? as I said, I've never touched cups before. absolute linux print server greenhorn10:02
bazhangjbeatty, nor should it. was skype installed from partner repos?10:03
ylmfosis there any aplication i can use to recover a harddrive under ubuntu?10:03
Dr_Willismat619:  cups web settings.  http://localhost:631   has options and docs and info. ;)10:03
bazhang!undelete | ylmfos10:03
ubottuylmfos: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel10:03
jbeattyI added the repo and apt-get skype.10:03
Dr_Willisbeing paid to go learn.. gotta love it..10:03
bazhangjbeatty, let me check the forums, hang on a second10:03
DJoneskexwork: To be able to access a machine via ssh from the internet, you will need to have the port forwarded from the router the machine, I don't think there's any other way you can do that10:04
snowgrl373ubottu, ah, sry about that10:04
ubottusnowgrl373: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:04
mat619Dr_Willis: oh, nice. at least as far as I can see from screenshots. the cups I installed on my ubuntu server test VM can't be reached cause it's NATting through my workstation. :(  gotta fix that.10:05
mat619Dr_Willis: thanks for the advice, will try what I can do :)10:05
Dr_Willismat619:  cups.org has tons of docs. ;)10:05
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=11719496&postcount=52 jbeatty here is one possible solution, let me check for any others10:06
snowgrl373well i guess i dont have the google fu... cant seem to figure out my issue on there lol10:06
jbeattybazhang: that seems like it should work, I figured there was some LD_PRELOAD sorcery I could do10:10
jbeattyI will test it ASAP10:10
subdesigncan I set ubuntus calendar to monday - sunday scale? now my last day is saturday. v11.1010:11
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Dr_Willisi seem to recall a 'day begins on...' setting in the time/date settings once... ages ago..10:12
subdesignok checking10:12
subdesignno day begins.. line10:13
Dr_Willisid have to say check askubuntu.com i bet its been asked befor10:16
Dr_Willisi could be thinking of the old gnome10:16
subdesigni found some, thanks :)10:17
trond-subdesign, what did you find?10:17
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subdesignediting /etc/default/locale file10:17
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subdesignor you need exact finding?10:18
trond-subdesign, no, that's fine... thanks :) Should have been another way than editing a file though.10:19
subdesignin the above file enter LC_TIME="en_GB.UTF-8" that makes monday the first day of week10:19
subdesignor type sorry10:20
subdesignsame value with LC_PAPER makes paper size for A4 default :)10:20
PromythyusHALP. Just installed ubuntu 12.04 on a spare hard drive on a system that was already running windows 7, booting via EFI. I am following this (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting) guide on how to set up UEFI grub, but when I run efibootmgr I get told to modprobe efivars as root even though I have already done that10:20
Promythyusexact error message: root@Hyperion:~# efibootmgr10:20
PromythyusFatal: Couldn't open either sysfs or procfs directories for accessing EFI variables.10:20
PromythyusTry 'modprobe efivars' as root.10:20
AdvoWorkis there any way to watch what files are increasing in size in a certain directory? ie continually?10:21
snowgrl373anyone for my wireless issue?10:21
cfhowlettsnowgrl373: I can help with broadcomm10:21
Dr_WillisAdvoWork:      watch ls -l10:21
snowgrl373cfhowlett, thanks, ya its a broadcom. keeps trying to connect and wont10:21
Dr_Willisi think thats right10:22
snowgrl373says network disconnected every 3 mins or so10:22
cfhowlettsnowgrl373: did you install the broadcom sta driver?10:22
snowgrl373ya, through restricted drivers10:22
snowgrl373i mean additional drivers10:22
cfhowlettsnowgrl373: and you're sure your wifi signal is clean and constant?10:22
snowgrl373cfhowlett, yes10:22
snowgrl373i checked other devices10:23
SectorX8Hello there? Anybody here from the security team?10:23
SectorX8Please join the security channel or pm me.10:23
snowgrl373cfhowlett, should i try removing it and reinstalling? everything looks fine10:23
bazhangSectorX8, ask here10:24
SectorX8OK, bazhang. Are you in the securty team?10:24
cfhowlettsnowgrl373: thinking - is it acting up ONLY on that one network?  test with other hotspots B4 reinstalling10:24
snowgrl373cfhowlett, tried different network, same thing, wireless icon just shows as if its trying to connect10:25
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jdrabhi guys, is there something like ubuntu HIG or some sort of guidelines for developing applications?10:25
SectorX8bazhang: I want to be a part in it. So I wonder how to contribute?10:25
cfhowlettsnowgrl373: completely update before you reinstall...or try a manual installation.  download the STA drivers from broadcom's site.10:26
Promythyusjdrab: try this: http://developer.gnome.org/hig-book/10:26
snowgrl373cfhowlett, did a complete update and also did manual install as google suggested, forgot to mention that10:26
SectorX8bazhang: Do you know who I can ask  for tasks, to be a member there?10:27
SectorX8Do anyone know?10:27
cfhowlettsnowgrl373: grr.  ok, then, next thing I'd try would be reinstalling.10:27
minhusi have a question here. i want to run gui apps in console. i mean without installing the desktop enviroment how can i do that10:27
snowgrl373cfhowlett, reinstalling the os? isnt that a little drastic?10:28
Dr_Willisminhus: wht app?10:28
cfhowlettsnowgrl373: NO NO NO - just the wifi drivers.10:28
siavashserverminhus: no way, unless they use a curses interface10:28
babilenminhus: Where should they be displayed?10:28
snowgrl373just did, checking now :p10:28
minhusso i have to install the gtk10:28
snowgrl373cfhowlett, same issue10:29
Dr_Willisminhus: or install vnc and have them use it to display10:29
cfhowlettsnowgrl373: sorry, then, I can't be of help.  stay in channel and ask again...10:29
minhuslets say i have gtk  can i run apps10:29
snowgrl373its like its taking forever to connect forever10:29
snowgrl373cfhowlett, ok thanks10:29
Dr_Willisminhus: gtk is just a librayr10:29
babilenminhus: What do you want to do? If you want to run a prgram with a GUI you need to run Xorg and a suitable window manager (fluxbox, awesomewm, ...) or desktop environment (Gnome, XFCE, KDE, ...) by definition. You *might* want to run a GUI program from a remote machine and have it displayed on your local box though. In either case you need X somewhere.10:30
Dr_Willisnot allapps yse the gtk libs10:30
snowgrl373anyone here to help with an odd broadcom issue? ubuntu 12.04 wireless just sits and tries to connect...10:30
minhusbabilen: i want to run an app from console but i dont want to run desktop enviroment is it possible?10:31
snowgrl373cfhowlett, could it have been that when i installed the system installed a generic wireless driver of some sort and its conflicting?10:31
ThinkT510minhus: depends on the app10:31
minhusit is written in wxwidgets ThinkT51010:31
ThinkT510minhus: if it requires a gui then no10:31
cfhowlettsnowgrl373: certainly possible.  actually there's one thing I just thought of.  wait one ...10:32
luftikussHow to conviently view the DocBook document /usr/src/linux-source-3.2.0/Documentation/DocBook/mtdnand conviently? See http://paste.ubuntu.com/1150382/ . Firefox: "Mit dieser XML-Datei sind anscheinend keine Style-Informationen verknüpft. Nachfolgend wird die Baum-Ansicht des Dokuments angezeigt.10:32
minhusThinkT510: and?10:32
babilenminhus: No, that is not possible. The application can't work because it can't be displayed *anywhere*.10:32
ThinkT510minhus: and what?10:32
minhusso i have to run startx first10:32
minhusand it will load the dekstop enviroment and window manager10:32
minhusand then my gui will start10:33
credewhy wont ubuntu 12.04 lts connect and install drivers with my broadcom wifi adapter? it is using my last memory stick with the belkin wifi usb stick just fine10:33
snowgrl373crede, you might want to get in my boat... im having a similar issue10:33
snowgrl373not driver issue but connection issue10:34
ThinkT510minhus: its not rocket science, if you want to run a gui app you need a gui, it really is that simple10:34
minhusi know10:34
credeok then10:34
minhusi will have to install a desktop enviroment to my konsole based distro10:34
cfhowlettsnowgrl373: on last clean upgrade, I used the "no internet connection" method to pull the required files directly from the ISO, a little command line magic and POOF!  wifi.  didn't even need to reboot.10:34
minhusthank you so much ThinkT510 babilen10:34
minhusand others10:35
snowgrl373cfhowlett, taking a look...10:35
luftikussHow to conviently view the DocBook document /usr/src/linux-source-3.2.0/Documentation/DocBook/mtdnand? See http://paste.ubuntu.com/1150382/ . Firefox: "Apparently there is no style informationen associated with this document. Firefox will show the tree view."10:35
babilenminhus: You can just install Xorg (apt-get install xorg) and a small window manager such as fluxbox (http://fluxbox.org/) -- No need for a full desktop environment such as Gnome, KDE or XFCE.10:35
aciculaluftikuss: check the readme file, maybe you need to build/render the documentation first?10:36
Dr_Willisminhus:  or details as to what you want to acomplish.. we may have other ideas10:36
minhusby the way . ubuntu is ok but why wont they release it on dvds . we have to install some parts after installing ubuntu.10:36
Dr_Willisminhus: 12.10 will be on dvd10:37
aciculaminhus: there is a live dvd i think?10:37
cfhowlettminhus: so download the dvd version10:37
cfhowlettacicula: correct.10:37
Dr_Willisminhus:  legal reasons is also a big part of what can go on the cd10:37
minhusdoes dvd version have gtk gnome settings apps10:37
Dr_Willisminhus:  gnome uses gtk....10:37
minhusi want to change some of the settings10:37
minhusDr_Willis: i know i am not talking about restricted extras10:38
minhusin cd some apps dont be installed10:38
luftikussacicula: I should build/render documentation delivered in an DocBook document? Hardly.10:38
Dr_Willisrestricted = legally restricted.. so wont be on the offiicial dvd either i imagine10:38
minhusDr_Willis: really will it be on dvd?10:38
Kartagisis there a way to query for an IP address of a subdomain in a ns which can't be reached?10:38
Dr_Willisminhus:  will what be on the dvd?10:39
minhusDr_Willis: 12.1010:39
k1l_minhus: do you know what the fact behind the restricted extras is?10:39
snowgrl373cfhowlett, same issue10:39
snowgrl373i dont get it10:39
minhus[13:37] <Dr_Willis> minhus: 12.10 will be on dvd10:39
Dr_Willisminhus:  blog posts say so.10:39
minhusk1l_: yes i do know10:39
k1l_minhus: no you dont10:39
cfhowlettsnowgrl373: sorry, man.  officially out of my depth ...10:39
k1l_minhus: if its forbidden to ship them ootb, ubuntu cant ship them.10:40
minhusfor example ubuntone package does not come with the cd you have to install it10:40
minhusi hope they will add these kinds of apps on dvd10:40
ThinkT510minhus: they can't, licence prohibits distribution10:40
Dr_Willisi imagine they will try to keep it small10:40
snowgrl373cfhowlett, lady :p10:41
Kartagisis there a way to query for an IP address of a subdomain in a ns which can't be reached? <--- sorry for repost in short time, but urgent matter10:41
snowgrl373its ok :)10:41
minhusDr_Willis: keep small?10:41
cfhowlettsnowgrl373: I stand corrected10:41
minhuswhy do they do that10:41
minhusThinkT510: i know10:41
snowgrl373sudo modprobe b43 did the trick!10:41
Dr_Willisno need to put in 4gb of stuff thatpeople wont use10:41
minhusalso i cant change fonts in 12.0410:41
k1l_minhus: if you know it, why do you want it tp be on a cd/dvd? that doesnt make any sense10:42
ThinkT510minhus: then why do you hope they add it to the dvd if you know they can't?10:42
minhusi want to customise my ubuntu10:42
Dr_Willismyunity - can change font settings i belive10:42
snowgrl373minerale, how so?10:42
minhusThinkT510: cant they add gnome-settings bla bla to the dvd?10:42
minhusthey make the distro small cause they release it on a cd10:42
aciculaminhus: whats the problem with downloading the package directly?10:42
Dr_Willisminhus:  we dont know what you mean by 'gnome-settings'10:42
gillie-monsterokay so i have 2 laptops that have SoundMax Integrated Digital Audio. neither have sound. nothing is muted or turned down.10:42
minhusbut as Dr_Willis said if 12.10 will be released on dvd there is no need to make the distro small10:43
Dr_Willisthe single cd has been a design goal for ages..10:43
snowgrl373hm, it connected, now its not again, ugh10:43
minhusDr_Willis: it is for changing fonts and themes10:43
aciculaall a dvd will do is force you to download a ton of stuff you either wont need, or which will get immedeatly replaced with newer packages on installation10:43
Dr_Willisthey dont want to make a 4gb iso that will be 50% useless stuff10:43
gillie-monsterwhat about offline installations?10:44
minhusall i want to say is that linux is getting bigger10:44
zykotick9acicula: +1 (big install media makes no sense to me)10:44
snowgrl373going to restart10:44
Dr_Willislast i looked it was about a 1gb iso10:44
minhusand a single cd is not enough10:44
k1l_minhus: just download the packages you want with apt-get10:44
aciculagillie-monster: if you are in that situation you are much better off using the tools available to you with which to create a tailored installation cd/dvd with updated packages10:44
gillie-monstersingle cd is not enough. hell using a CD is bad for the drive, and if the drive is getting worn out, installing is a bitch n u might end up with a frankenstein when its done10:44
minhusgillie-monster: i am agree with you10:45
gillie-monsternot all systems support DVD is the idea10:45
k1l_minhus: but you can create your own cd/dvd with you favorite apps. just take  a look at remastersys10:45
Dr_Willisi dont even put optical drives in my box's10:46
minhusthey must add more customising tools i know iso file will be bigger but i dont say that i will be 4gb10:46
ThinkT510!remaster | minhus10:46
ubottuminhus: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility10:46
gillie-monsternot all systems boot from cd. not all systems boot from USB, not all systems support DVD10:46
minhusgillie-monster: it is 201210:46
gillie-monsterthe idea is 1 disk that works for all10:46
k1l_minhus: and since you dont have a support questtion pls transfer the question to #ubuntu-discuss10:46
aciculagillie-monster: then those systems wont run 12.04 very well either most likely10:46
minhusi think everybody does have a pc with dvd driver10:46
gillie-monsterand this is linux. it will run on anything. why throw out a computer when it would make the best firewall money can buy?10:47
gillie-monsterur wrong10:47
minhusgillie-monster: can you run ubuntu 12.04 on a 256 mb ram computer10:47
minhusit cinsumes more than 512 mb10:47
gillie-monsteroh and WTF is up with the one laptop per child developers?10:47
minhusthere are other distros which work well on slower mahines10:48
Dr_Willistime to move it to #ubuntu-offtopic10:48
gillie-monsteryes. i ran 12.04 on a compaq made in 1996 that had a P2 266 w/ 256 RAM10:48
minhuswell done10:48
r0xgod bless you10:49
gillie-monsterthats when i found out support for 386 n 486 got dropped..... stupid... im still upset10:49
minhusyou must have deactived something10:49
aciculagive this man his firesticks back10:49
k1l_!ot | gillie-monster minhus10:49
ubottugillie-monster minhus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:49
minhusgillie-monster: go and buy a ned brand computer10:49
minhusubottu: oky i am going10:49
ubottuminhus: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:49
zetheroosomething I am wondering about it slightly slower performance when I have an external monitor attached to my laptop ... is this just in my mind or is there something that would cause this?!10:49
gillie-monsterthe linux community has lost its way....10:49
minhusok thank you os muhc guyz10:50
Dr_Willisits finding its way....10:50
gillie-monsterhow powerful does a set top box really need to be?10:50
minhustc all10:50
Dr_WillisraspberryPi. ;)10:50
ThinkT510gillie-monster: stop the offtopic please10:50
gillie-monsteryour DVD player runs linux10:50
aciculazetheroo: when do you notice the difference10:50
FloodBot1gillie-monster: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:50
DJonesgillie-monster: Can you take the offtopic chat to #ubuntu-offtopic10:50
zetheroo acicula: sometimes when moving windows around the screen space ...10:51
k1l_zetheroo: if its an onboard video-chip that can be caused by big resolutions (i know this from my netbook)10:51
zetherook1l_: the native laptop resolution is 1680 x 1050 and the external is 1920 x 108010:52
zetherook1l_: and yes, it's an onboard gfx chipset10:54
luftikussHow to read a DocBook document conveniently?10:54
k1l_zetheroo: i couldnt solve the problem. but i think its caused by the too weak onboard-chip10:55
zetherook1l_: ok ...10:55
_raventhunderbird 14 + imap.arcor.de produces "unable to connect" since several weeks - did anything changed? limiting open connections to 1 did not help10:56
Kartagisis there a way to query for an IP address of a subdomain in a ns which can't be reached? <--- sorry for repost in short time, but urgent matter10:57
T|ASKHI, is the page https://errors.ubuntu.com/ broken? I can't change the timeframe :(10:59
the_weardcan eny one tell me how do i add a repository that contains all the needed libs for openchange?10:59
the_weardi need libmapi11:00
=== chrisfranklin is now known as hairychris
the_weardand apt-get does not find it so i guess i must add the repository11:01
debianichooseyousudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list11:01
debianichooseyoumake sure you have the 'universe' repo there11:01
the_weardok ill check11:02
debianichooseyoualso, package name should be 'libmapi0'11:02
T|ASKCan someone check the ubuntu errors page for me?11:02
the_weardnope there is no universe repo there11:03
T|ASKhttps://errors.ubuntu.com/ broken for you, too?11:03
debianichooseyouthe_weard: so add it to the end of the deb line then do `apt-get update`11:03
debianichooseyouT|ASK: works here11:04
the_weardok but isit there a source i need to add to the repository list?11:05
debianichooseyoulibmapi0 is in the main universe repo11:05
the_weardok if i type apt-get libmapi0 it tells me there is no such pakage11:05
nopcodehow do i get a recent subversion on 10.04?11:05
the_weardok if i type apt-get install libmapi0 it tells me there is no such pakage11:06
Flashtekapt-cache search libmapi11:06
the_weardsorry my text was wrong but still does not resolve it11:06
hairychrisnopcode: can you not apt-get it or is it too old?11:06
zykotick9!info libmapi0 | the_weard it is there...11:06
ubottuthe_weard it is there...: libmapi0 (source: openchange): Client library for the MAPI protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.0-1 (precise), package size 478 kB, installed size 1543 kB11:06
nopcodehairychris: its a very old version, 1.611:06
nopcodeoh wait11:07
nopcode1.6 isnt that old11:07
debianichooseyouthe_weard: did you do `apt-get update` ?11:07
nopcodedont know11:07
hairychrisis compiling it from source out the question11:07
nopcodeis there no way to get a current packacge?11:07
hairychrisyou could check it out with svn and compile it :P11:07
T|ASKdebianichooseyou: and you can change the timeframe, too?11:08
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debianichooseyouT|ASK: yes11:08
luftikussHow to read a DocBook document conveniently?11:08
T|ASKdebianichooseyou: wirred, doesn't work for me in any browser. thanks11:09
debianichooseyouT|ASK: day/month seem to hang... but year works11:09
hairychrisnopcode: are you forced to use svn by someone? try and persuade them to move to git or mercurial if you are11:09
hairychrisnopcode: subversion sucks hard11:09
debianichooseyouluftikuss: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DocBook11:12
rovalentIs anyone having issues with keyserver.ubuntu.com? I am getting timed out when trying to use apt-key. I can ping however.11:13
gillie-monsterlots of timeouts on apt tonight11:13
gillie-monstertry diff mirror11:13
Abhijithi. anyone using ibus? whats the synax for space bar keyboard shortcut?11:17
Guest1100101Hi, is there any reason why df -h shows less available free space than discus? (df -h shows ~10GB less free space)11:17
raphaHow do I disable, say "mysql" in Ubuntu? I don't mean "stop", I mean "disable".11:18
raphaAs in, I don't want it to start automatically during boot.11:19
Flashtekrapha: rmserv11:19
zykotick9rapha: look in /etc/init/ find teh mysql service name and rename it to foo.disabled11:19
zykotick9Flashtek: is rmserv real?  and does it do upstart?11:20
raphaFlashtek: command not found11:20
raphazykotick9: did that, thanks11:21
aboudreaultdamn intel driver :(. my xorg is freezing if I sleep it, then restore, then try to reneable my second monitor11:22
Dr_Willis!find rmserv11:22
ubottuFile rmserv found in nagios-images11:22
debianichooseyouGuest1100101: please pastebin outputs of both df and discus11:22
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Guest1100101debianichooseyou: http://pastebin.com/HVpspEtY11:26
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ferniGuest1100101: maybe something that filesystem has 5% reserved and df counts it but discus doesnt11:28
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* r0x saluta tutti e scappa via :|11:29
debianichooseyouferni: hm my available reported bf df seems off by 3 GB too... what do you mean by 'reserved' ?11:29
barneyyyyany way to make workspace swicher like GNOME3 ? (move mouse on left corner and Switcher will appear)11:32
zykotick9debianichooseyou: when you create a filesystem a certain % is reserved for the "root" account - so if it gets filled, root can get in and fix it11:32
thildred_wfhSo i'm sure you've seen this many times, but I've seen 2 dates now for 12.04.1: Aug 16th and Aug 23rd. any ideas when I can upgrade from 10.04?11:33
zykotick9!schedule | thildred_wfh Aug 2311:34
ubottuthildred_wfh Aug 23: A schedule of Quantal Quetzal (12.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule11:34
fernidebianichooseyou: man mkfs.ext4   and search for reverser-blocks or -m option11:34
debianichooseyouthildred_wfh: according to launchpad, 23rd11:34
DJonesthildred_wfh: The official schedule for 04.1 is 23rd11:34
thildred_wfhcool (nuts), thanks gang!11:34
thildred_wfhi'm really excited about out of the box mtpfs11:35
thildred_wfhotherwise, i probably wouldn't upgrade at all, i really do love 10.0411:36
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Guest35710hallo.. everybody11:37
thildred_wfhhallo Guest3571011:37
T|ASKbtw. is Gnome 3.6 coming to 12.10?11:38
zykotick9!info gnome quantal | T|ASK you might want to ask in #ubuntu+111:40
ubottuT|ASK you might want to ask in #ubuntu+1: gnome (source: meta-gnome3): The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.0+6ubuntu3 (quantal), package size 2 kB, installed size 51 kB11:40
Guest1100101ferni, debianichooseyou: thanx for the hint, it's the 5% reserved free space on ext4 for root user and system services11:40
diverdudeHello. I have made this bash script: for count in {1..20} do     echo 'plot "metric.dat" using 1:4 with lines' | gnuplot -persist    sleep 1;done   which plots some data once every second. This works great. The problem however is that the windows are not closed again. is there anywhere to close a window after a period or update the same window or something similar?11:42
Guest1100101ferni, debianichooseyou: btw I am on reiserfs and noticed this on another Ubuntu with ext4 - seems to be ext4 specific...11:42
debianichooseyousame in ext3 here also11:42
aboudreault!file modprobe11:43
aboudreault!find modprobe11:43
ubottuFile modprobe found in alsa-base, augeas-doc, augeas-lenses, autoconf-archive, barry-util, bootcd-mkinitramfs, broadcom-sta-common, capiutils, classmate-initramfs, dahdi (and 31 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=modprobe&mode=&suite=precise&arch=any11:43
bekksGuest1100101: The 5% root reserve is not ext4 specific. It exists on all linux filesystems.11:43
bekksGuest1100101: And for ext filesystems, you can change it using tune2fs11:44
Guest1100101bekks: tnx, found it11:44
Guest1100101bekks: my old ubuntu 9.10 with reiserfs does not have this reserved space ;-)11:47
bekksreiserfs always had it, too. :)11:47
geekbriyou know what else reiserfs has? A murderer for a maintainer!11:48
geekbriReiserfs was great back in the day, but now a days I can't see a compelling reason to use it.  Too many other file systems journal just as well now :)11:48
debianichooseyoua murderer ?11:49
debianichooseyoujust wiki'd that..11:49
luftikussdebianichooseyou: "The purpose of this page is to give an overview of the DocBook format." But I have put a different question. Can you see the difference?11:50
Guest1100101using reiserfs for 3 years without a single problem11:50
geekbrithere is certainly nothing WRONG with reiserfs, I just don't see a compelling reason to choose it over some other FS11:51
debianichooseyouluftikuss: "6. DocBook to PDF"11:52
debianichooseyouluftikuss: "7. Editing Programs"11:52
mat619back with another issue: how the heck do I create a samba share that's wide open for everyone to access nowadays that security=share is deprecated?11:52
Andy80I know I'm OT here, but I'd like to know which mailing list or IRC channel is more appropriated to discuss this topic https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuReleaseSprint anyone can help me? Thanks :)11:53
luftikussdebianichooseyou: Are you going to tell me that I need conveting this Ubuntu document first to pdf in order to read it normally?11:54
debianichooseyouluftikuss: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DocBookEditors11:54
DJonesAndy80: Maybe try in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss11:54
Andy80DJones, I will try on #ubuntu-discuss thanks :)11:55
debianichooseyouluftikuss: I personally suggest either abiword or libreoffice11:55
namoamitabuddhaCan anybody suggest a free software to improve the speed of inputing?11:57
namoamitabuddhaMy speed of inputting is very low!11:57
mat619I've read just about 30 tutorials on samba share setup, but none has been working so far because they're outdated11:57
debianichooseyounamoamitabuddha: what input ?11:57
bekksnamoamitabuddha: What do you men by "speed of inputting"?11:58
namoamitabuddhaspeed of typing.11:58
debianichooseyouohhh he wants training11:58
BluesKajHi all11:58
Shadow`is there a SCP package or similar for ubuntu?11:59
icerootmat619: right click on a folder and select "share"11:59
icerootShadow`: its in the package "openssh-client"11:59
icerootShadow`: should be installed by default11:59
Shadow`ah ye i see :P no wonder i couldnt install it, cool thanks iceroot11:59
mat619iceroot: server, no GUI.11:59
luftikussdebianichooseyou: LibreOffice Writer does this job exellently. --  Thank you very much for your help.12:00
debianichooseyounamoamitabuddha: you might want to try something like the 'junior-typing' package ( `sudo aptitude install junior-typing` )12:00
icerootmat619: the default /etc/samba/smb.conf  shoudl hold an example for a normal share12:00
namoamitabuddhadebianichooseyou: well, first aptitude search '~njunior-typing'12:00
icerootdebianichooseyou: please suggest apt-get because aptitude is no longer installed by default12:00
mat619iceroot: i know that. please reread what I asked. I'm looking for a way to create a share open for everyone, with no authentication required.12:00
icerootmat619: its also in the smb.conf12:01
Shadow`no aptitude? :/ crazy ubuntu ppl12:01
icerootmat619: its the guest allowed = yes part12:01
mat619iceroot: this is set.12:01
namoamitabuddhaiceroot: The faculty of aptitude to solve the dependency problems is so much stronger than apt-get.12:01
icerootShadow`: ubuntus idea is to provide exactly one package for a need12:01
ThinkT510!aptitude | namoamitabuddha12:02
ubottunamoamitabuddha: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.12:02
icerootShadow`: but the real reason is that there was no space left on the 700mb iso, because of that aptitude, vim and gimp are removed12:02
icerootShadow`: ah and the text from ubottu is showing another reason12:02
debianichooseyouiceroot: does ubuntu default to gnome?12:02
Shadow`ah, my 12.04 still has aptitude, luckely, and usually its prefered to stick to 1 arch anyways, no? :p12:03
icerootdebianichooseyou: ?12:03
debianichooseyouiceroot: ?12:03
Shadow`yes default gnome312:03
icerootdebianichooseyou: default to gnome?12:03
namoamitabuddhaThinkT510: Well, mine is singlearch.12:03
debianichooseyouiceroot: yeah, default tasksel for desktop ?12:03
icerootShadow`: you can easily install aptitude "sudo apt-get install aptitude"12:03
ThinkT510debianichooseyou: default desktop is unity (based on gnome3)12:03
icerootdebianichooseyou: unity12:03
namoamitabuddhaI asked somebody from #debian and they said that apt-get && aptitude are interchangable now.12:04
Shadow`changed it again? i remember installing ubuntu desktop not to long ago (maybe a few eeks) and it had gnome3 as default ;/12:04
mat619something must be entirely wrong with my samba setup. just noticed I can't even see the share from smbtree on the local machnie.12:04
debianichooseyoudebian has a Git commit to default tasksel to Xfce for the exact reason that gnome3 wouldn't fit on the 700 MB CD1 :P12:04
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klaaskhello, I'm struggling with setting a default gateway that is not on my local subnet. Anyone done that?12:04
icerootShadow`: ubuntu never had gnome3 as default12:04
david23400How can i print a file using my prisnter which is connected to my laptop on lubuntu?12:05
icerootdebianichooseyou: the reason why debian removed gnome3 is not the size12:05
icerootdebianichooseyou: not the main reason12:05
zetherooI am trying to follow this How-To (http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/how-to-setup-a-dedicated-web-server-for-free/) using a VM with VirtualBox, and I get to the part where I check out my IP address and test it in a browser ... but my browser times out ... my IP is
debianichooseyouiceroot: uh... 1. gnome3 isn't "removed"? 2. yes it is. I read the Git commit changelog.12:05
icerootdebianichooseyou: its removed but the reason is not the size12:05
debianichooseyouSo explain the changelog there?12:06
debianichooseyouAnd, where exactly are you seeing that it's "removed" ... ?12:06
k1l_!ot | iceroot debianichooseyou12:06
ubottuiceroot debianichooseyou: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:06
icerootdebianichooseyou: #debian is offtopic here12:07
debianichooseyouyeah whatever. ubuntu only exists because of debian12:08
namoamitabuddhaWhat about GNU typist?12:08
thildred_wfhzetheroo, what is the ipaddress of your vm?12:09
zetheroothildred_wfh: ifconfig tells me it's
thildred_wfhand have you either opened port 80 in iptables or disabled iptables on the vm?12:10
zetheroothildred_wfh: have not done anything ... just installed Ubuntu Server 12.04 fresh with options OpenSSH and LAMP selected during setup. Then I did a system update ... that's all12:11
thildred_wfhzetheroo, just for the record, you did all that on a vm, right?12:11
thildred_wfhrunning on some other operating system12:11
zetheroothildred_wfh: yes, on the VM ... which is running on an Ubuntu Desktop 12.04 host via VirtualBox12:12
stevecamzetheroo, could you summarise the problem you are having again, i haven't seen the history12:13
thildred_wfhok, zetheroo, easiest thing to do is on the vm, do a sudo ufw disable12:13
zetheroothildred_wfh: what will that do?12:13
thildred_wfhand then try opening the page from your host (the desktop machine) again.12:13
thildred_wfhthat will turn off12:13
thildred_wfhthe firewall on the vm12:13
thildred_wfhif you run it on the vm12:13
thildred_wfhand i think zetheroo that you are trying to open that url (the ipadress of your vm) from the host (desktop)12:14
zetheroothildred_wfh: yes, that is what I am trying to do12:14
thildred_wfhhost = base computer hosting vms, guest = virtual machine12:14
thildred_wfhso try that ufw disable12:14
thildred_wfhon the vm12:14
thildred_wfhand then try opening the url on your host pc (desktop)12:15
zetheroothildred_wfh: ok will try that now ...12:15
rainbowwarrior2hello , can anyone recommend me some good software for a samsung galaxy s 3 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS please ?12:16
thildred_wfhrainbowwarrior2, gmtp12:16
zetheroothildred_wfh: I had just booted up the VM just now and it is saying "Waiting for network configuration ... "12:16
thildred_wfhmight take a second12:16
zetheroothildred_wfh: now it says "Waiting up to 60 more seconds for network configuration ..."12:17
rainbowwarrior2ok thank you thildred_wfh12:17
acicularainbowwarrior2: software to do what?12:17
acicularainbowwarrior2: if you mean storage/modem access, think that should just work without any extra software12:17
rainbowwarrior2acicula,  so i can save contacts, put mp3's and games etc on my phone12:18
zetheroothildred_wfh: "Booting up computer without complete network configuration ..."12:18
bekoranyone here using ultimate edition 3.4 or know a channel for it?12:18
thildred_wfhzetheroo, your host pc usually works as a dhcp server for the guests (virtual machines) that run on it.12:18
thildred_wfhzetheroo, thats ok12:18
thildred_wfhzetheroo, so long as it boots, we can see whats up with networking when you've logged in12:18
acicularainbowwarrior2: you can just put the device in usb mode to transfer files, dunno about syncing the phone with the pc though12:18
aciculai just use google contacts for that12:19
rainbowwarrior2ok thank you acicula12:19
acicularainbowwarrior2: you probably dont have to use google contacts to do it though, its just convenient in my case12:21
zetheroothildred_wfh: now ifconfig does not even show a network device but only "lo"12:22
thildred_wfhwell, if you try ifconfig -a12:22
thildred_wfhyou'll see more NICs12:22
thildred_wfhand if you take the results of that zetheroo and run dhclient <interfacename>12:23
thildred_wfhyou may get an IP address12:23
zetheroothildred_wfh: ok, with that I can see eth1 but it's got no ip adress info12:23
thildred_wfhzetheroo, try dhclient eth112:23
zetheroothildred_wfh: tried that - RTNETLINK answers: Operation not permitted12:24
thildred_wfhsudo dhclient eth112:24
nb-benmeh been oging over like 20 games12:24
nb-benonly decent ones are FPS12:24
nb-benand I suppose HoN12:24
zetheroothildred_wfh: sudo dhclient eth1  ............ returns nothing12:26
zetheroothildred_wfh: I think my network setting on the VM might be wrong12:26
aciculanb-ben: ?12:27
thildred_wfhthat could be zetheroo, what do you have it set to?12:27
thildred_wfhfrom the perspective of virtual box?12:27
nb-benacicula, native linux games12:28
aciculanb-ben: yeah there are some. there is this though http://steamforlinux.com/12:28
zetheroothildred_wfh: I just shut down the VM and set the network settings to  :   PCnet-FAST III (NAT)12:29
thildred_wfhare you gonna fire it up again and see what happens?12:29
zetheroothildred_wfh: have already ... checking now ...12:30
nb-benacicula, non-free12:30
zetheroothildred_wfh: no change :(12:30
thildred_wfhzetheroo, but it was working before? your virtual machine got an ipaddress before?12:31
zetheroothildred_wfh: hang on ... when I do ifconfig -a I get eth1 with an IP address now12:31
aciculanb-ben: ah yeah then there isnt much, westeroth or openttd arent to bad if you like that sort of game12:31
thildred_wfhthats good12:31
zetheroothildred_wfh: IP address is
zetheroosame as before12:31
thildred_wfhfirst things first12:31
thildred_wfhon your host machine, can you open a terminal and ping that ipaddress zetheroo12:31
zetheroothildred_wfh: but how could it ping that address when my local lan is on 192.168.x.x ?12:32
thildred_wfhdid you try it?12:32
zetheroothildred_wfh: trying now ...12:32
thildred_wfhzetheroo, your host machine acts as  a dhcp server for vms running on it12:32
zetheroothildred_wfh: not getting any feedback from ping12:33
TJ-zetheroo: All operating systems maintain a "routing table" which tells them how to direct network packets from on sub-network to another, and when no rules match, which interface provides a 'default route' (usually the Internet router)12:33
TJ-zetheroo: To check the routing table do "ip route show"12:34
zetheroothildred_wfh:  98 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 97766ms12:34
thildred_wfhthats weird zetheroo, if you do ifconfig -a on the host, do you see any ipaddress that look like 10.something?12:34
zetherooTJ-:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1150546/12:35
eyepatchI tried to replace xscreensaver with gnome-screensaver (I wanted to add my own and the instructions were for the latter) but gnome-screensaver-preferences didn't come with the package.12:35
TJ-zetheroo: thildred_wfh There is no host route for the subnet12:35
nb-benzetheroo, it's not uncommon for machines to have ICMP packets disabled by default (those packets are used for ping) in order to prevent packet-flooding attacks from multituding (the machine sends equal size response and a 5mbit attack becomes 10mbit)12:35
zetheroothildred_wfh:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1150547/12:35
nb-benmultiplying *12:36
TJ-zetheroo: On the host, what hypervisor are you using? Is it KVM managed by "Virtual Machine Manager" ?12:36
thildred_wfhTJ-, its virtual box12:36
zetherooTJ-: Virtual Box12:37
TJ-thildred_wfh: thanks :) I came in late12:37
thildred_wfhzetheroo, can you do the sudo ufw disable on the vm, and try that again?12:37
zetheroothildred_wfh: ok12:37
zetheroothildred_wfh: ok Firewall disabled12:38
TJ-zetheroo: thildred_wfh I don't use VB, but it would seem to me it must have an option to enable networking via NAT and that should add the necessary IP to the vboxnet0 interface, or bridge it, and adjust the routing table12:38
thildred_wfhyeah, thats been done TJ-12:38
thildred_wfhi think12:38
thildred_wfhits already set to NAT from the virtual box side12:38
thildred_wfhunless thats not what you mean12:38
TJ-thildred_wfh: well there's no IP for the vboxnet0 i/f and it isn't bridged either... so VB isn't doing something12:38
TJ-thildred_wfh: It can't NAT if it has no IP on the host side12:39
zetheroothildred_wfh: after disabling there is still no difference with any of the previous commands/actions12:39
MonkeyDustthildred_wfh  just entered, havent followed... set NAT to bridged in your VB settings, to make a bridge to your existing network12:40
thildred_wfhzetheroo, ^^12:40
MonkeyDustset = c hange12:40
zetheroothildred_wfh: does a proxy need to be setup from VB side?12:40
zetheroook will shut the VM down and change that12:40
thildred_wfhMonkeyDust, i would have thought NAT was fine for getting set up?12:40
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thildred_wfhbridged is ideal12:40
thildred_wfhbut not required12:40
thildred_wfhnat or bridged you should have ping between guest and host, no?12:41
MonkeyDustthildred_wfh  use the one that works12:41
zetheroofiring the VM back up ....12:41
lotuspsychjeis there a way to force an old laptop (that have no boot device options) to install ubuntu with usb anyway?12:41
TJ-"bridged" means its all one ethernet segment ... no sub-net to route between12:41
zetheroothe VM always gets stalled at this point of "Waiting for network configuration..."12:43
thildred_wfhzetheroo, that seems strange. i am kind of tapped out though.12:43
TJ-zetheroo: thildred_wfh: regarding the host having no IP I see this in the VB docs: "The interface is configured when a VM set to use Host-Only. Until such a VM is started, the interface is not configured."12:44
zetheroook, VM finished booting ... should I disable the firewall again?12:44
thildred_wfhand try your pings12:44
thildred_wfhand see if ifconfig gives anything on both host and guest12:45
thildred_wfhbasically you want to see that they both have an ipaddress on the same subnet12:45
TJ-zetheroo: thildred_wfh: and the docs go on to say that the host-side isn't brought up until something on the guest tries to use the network12:45
zetherooifconfig on the VM shows no ip address for eth112:45
subdesignhi, after my system self-upgraded to my boot halts. previous version boots. what could be the prob?12:45
zetheroothildred_wfh: pinging from the host is unsuccessful ...12:47
thildred_wfhshucks. zetheroo, based on what you've said, it sounds like a problem with virtual box networking12:47
thildred_wfhthat virtualboxnetwork12:47
thildred_wfhor whatever should have an ipaddress12:47
zetheroothildred_wfh: yeah - I am thinking that too12:47
thildred_wfhhold on12:47
thildred_wfhfireing up virtual box12:48
Bigbirdsubdesign: can you describe it mor points?12:48
lotuspsychjesubdesign:can you try a clean install?12:48
sambagirlis there an openoffice channel?12:48
MonkeyDustsubdesign  the most recent kernel is -29 -- what ubuntu version do you have?12:49
ThinkT510!alis | sambagirl12:49
ubottusambagirl: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*12:49
Bigbirdif boot error , maybe you can look up in the dmesg12:49
zetheroothildred_wfh: just be clear... in Vbox settings for this VM I have Adapter 1 enabled with12:49
zetherooAttached to: Bridged12:49
zetherooName: wlan112:49
zetheroo 12:49
MonkeyDustsambagirl  #libreoffice12:49
zetheroooops .. :P12:49
sambagirlahh thanks12:49
zetheroothildred_wfh: and then there is an "Advanced" section ..12:49
subdesignBigbird, when the five point comes in boot sequence, there halts the system12:49
Bubbelgumwhat window manager do u ppl run in Ubuntu?12:49
subdesignMonkeyDust, 29? sorry i use 11.1012:50
zetheroothildred_wfh: Adapter type is PCnet-FAST III (Am79C973)12:50
lotuspsychje!ot | Bubbelgum12:50
ThinkT510Bubbelgum: depends what desktop they have installed, unity uses compiz by default12:50
ubottuBubbelgum: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:50
subdesignlotuspsychje, im devving coutinously havent time to reinstall :/12:51
Bubbelgumwell the problem i have is that compiz does crasch when exiting Minecraft12:51
lotuspsychjesubdesign:any error on the halt point?12:51
lewisdoes anyone else have high Compiz memory usage?12:51
thildred_wfhwhat ubuntu are you running zetheroo ? TJ- MonkeyDust maybe you guys can correct me, but i didn't think bridging and wlan played nice together12:51
TJ-subdesign: To boot into the previous kernel, when the PC starts and you see the BIOS screen hold down the SHIFT key which will allow you to enter the GRUB boot menu. Choose "Previous operating systems" then in the resulting menu, choose the previous kernel version12:51
ThinkT510!info linux-generic oneiric | subdesign12:51
ubottusubdesign: linux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel. In component main, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 1 kB, installed size 36 kB12:51
Bubbelgumthays why o wounder, what other ppl running12:51
subdesignTJ- i did that so im here :)12:52
MonkeyDustthildred_wfh  ah, wlan, missed that part12:52
lotuspsychjesubdesign:did you enable wifi during install proces?12:52
zetheroo thildred_wfh: I am running Ubuntu 12.04 on the Host and on the VM guest12:52
TJ-thildred_wfh: bridging is an ethernet thing. The only reason it is not so optimal for WiFi is the number of packets it can cause to be sent across the WiFi that aren't necessary12:52
ojiiso I try to umount a disk but it fails because it's busy, but neither lsof nor fuser show anything for that disk, what can I do?12:52
lewisCompiz (on my system) is using 250mb of RAM; is this a memory leak?12:52
TJ-subdesign: So it still hangs up using a previous kernel version?12:52
AdvoWorkwhat exactly would sudo -i -u postgres psql do? is it simply: allow postgres user to run psql?12:52
aciculalewis: if it is it would keep growing12:52
subdesignnot the pervious, the most current hangs up12:53
TJ-ojii: You're probably got a terminal session or program that has changed-directory (cd) and is inside the mount point12:53
lotuspsychjesubdesign:during install you can choose to see install details, maybe it can help you see the freeze part?12:53
lewisI submitted a bug report, but I was told to submit the report to Nvidia instead ;  is this information correct?12:53
ojiiTJ-, why wouldn't fuser/lsof show that?12:53
subdesignlotuspsychje, yes i continue so booting text mode it hang on part: checking battery status12:53
subdesignor same12:53
aciculalewis: ask whoever told you to submit the bugreport to nvidia?12:54
Bigbirdgod knows what happened .Just try again ,maybe it will work .I f error again,maybe is the cpu bugs12:54
TJ-subdesign: OK, so boot into the previous version that works then immediately examine the log files. /var/log/kern.log /var/log/syslog and also, from the last boot /var/log/dmesg.112:54
lotuspsychjesubdesign:i had that once for upgrade to precise too, trying few times again solved it12:54
subdesignok TJ- thx noting ..12:55
lewisI got an email from someone when I submitted a bug report and the email stated I had to submit instead to NVIDIA; I though the drivers were closed source?12:55
Bigbirdsubdesign: which cpu arch you choosed ?12:55
subdesignlotuspsychje, really? hmm12:55
thildred_wfhok. so zetheroo, i think you do need bridging. TJ- MonkeyDust, you need to set up bridging properly for it to work, right?12:55
thildred_wfhlike you can't just turn it on12:55
thildred_wfhNetworkManager and bridging dont work together12:55
thildred_wfh(i think)12:55
TJ-subdesign: Some of the logs will, obviously, most recently contain messages from the *good* boot so you'll have to look at the timestamps and scroll back to the time it failed.  From the GUI use "Log file viewer"12:55
MonkeyDustthildred_wfh  not sure with wlan, bridged works out of the box with ethernet12:55
Bigbirdx86_64 have a bug on install time for amd cpu12:56
ThinkT510lewis: nvidia drivers are closed source, doesn't mean they don't want bug reports12:56
TJ-thildred_wfh: I'll try it here I've just installed VB12:56
lotuspsychjesubdesign:maybe this can help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=189691512:56
ThinkT510lewis: just means that nvidia are the only ones who can fix it12:56
thildred_wfhzetheroo, meet TJ-12:56
lewisOkay, do I just email Nvidia or do they have a 'git' style bug report site?12:56
subdesignTJ- nice suggestion, checking12:56
zetheroothildred_wfh: ha - thanks ;)12:56
ThinkT510lewis: no idea sorry12:56
Bigbirdchuyizi : hello12:56
the4tresseverytime i add this to my sshd_config i can't log in via ssh any more. im trying to setup an sftp server using OpenSSH and all the tutorials say this is part of the process: http://pastie.org/452127912:57
TJ-thildred_wfh: well I would - but the VB install fails because I'm running on kernel v3.512:57
subdesignlotuspsychje, good fintind man, thanks12:57
lotuspsychjesubdesign:got an ati card inside?12:57
subdesignyes as i remember it was an nvidia update too12:57
TJ-thildred_wfh: I'll fix my own bug first :p it's a failed-to-build-from-source issue with the VB DKMS kernel module12:58
thildred_wfhi'm fresh out of juice here. except maybe sudo apt-get install boxes12:58
lewisHere's the bug report I submitted to the upstream kernel team: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4572112:58
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 45721 in Video(DRI - non Intel) "High Compiz memory usage, eventual crash." [Normal,Resolved: invalid]12:58
zetheroo TJ-: thildred_wfh: My current network settings http://tinypic.com/r/2d0xcmq/612:59
compdocthe4tress, I use sftp without having to make any changes to openssh-server conf files12:59
PessimistCan someone link me to a good tutorial for newbies in git?12:59
ubottugit is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)12:59
the4tresscompanion, how did you do it? these are some of my configs: http://pastie.org/452107112:59
companionthe4tress, buzz off highlight some one sle12:59
the4tresscompdoc, how did you do it? these are some of my configs: http://pastie.org/452107112:59
Pessimistlewis, it looks like a memory leak. Try reporting it to compiz bugzilla12:59
the4tresscompanion, sorry, sent to the wrong person13:00
lewisPessimist, will do.13:00
companionthe4tress, np just bit pissed off atm -.-13:00
ThinkT510!language | companion13:00
ubottucompanion: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.13:00
biebhow do I check in apt-get to see if a package is available without installing it?13:01
Pessimistlewis, https://launchpad.net/compiz13:01
compdocthe4tress, maybe I dont understand what youre trying to do, but I use an sftp client to transfer files as soon as I install openssh-server.13:02
lotuspsychjebieb: use apt-cache search packagename13:02
lewisPessimist, should I just copy and paste the bug report. I can also try and valigirid on compiz.13:02
the4tresscompdoc, oh, i want them locked down to their home directory, i dont want them to access any other folders13:02
compdocthe4tress, I see13:02
lotuspsychjebieb: or !info packagename in channel here13:03
ksinkarhey guys I am not able to start posgresql 9.1 on my ubuntu13:03
bieblotuspsychje: thanks.. can I use a wild card to see what packages with the same name exist? ie java* would that give me java_5.0, java_6.0 etc?13:03
ksinkarsudo service postgres status returns nothing13:04
lewisOkay, here's my compiz bug report, I'll try and get some more crash reports in later today. https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/103756113:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1037561 in Compiz "Compiz high memory usage" [Undecided,New]13:04
lotuspsychjebieb: it will show all kinda packagenames revelant to your search13:04
bieblotuspsychje: thanks!13:04
lotuspsychjeand relevant too13:04
Pessimistlewis, yeah. You can also try emailing nvidia... a quick search tells me that there is no bug tracker for nvidia dirvers.13:04
denys_Cannot watch videos.Pls help13:04
lotuspsychjedenys_:did you try vlc player?13:05
lewisPessimist, maybe. I'd think they wouldn't really care about a stray bug report.13:06
kexworkdenys_: you need to provide some more information for anyone to be able to help..13:06
PadouHi there, i got a installation issue with server 12.04 x86. Nothing happens after hostname set.13:07
ThinkT510!hostname | Padou13:08
ubottuPadou: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.13:08
monkfishHELP! I need to upgrade my kernel to 3.3.6 (I'm on 12.04 32bit) because apparently it's the fix to the freeze ups experienced by Ivy Bridge processors, but I get a plethora of issues when I booted into it, advice?13:08
ekarlsoanyone here got experience with flashcache ?13:08
lotuspsychjeekarlso:whats your purpose?13:09
ThinkT510monkfish: we can't support your kernel13:09
ekarlsolotuspsychje: speed up a virtualization box13:10
monkfishThinkPad, dang.13:10
lotuspsychjeekarlrso: i think there might be better tricks to speed up virtual machines then flash speedup13:11
gr72can someone help me with adding my Qubes boot into the Ubnuntu grub.cfg?13:11
ekarlsolotuspsychje: like ?13:12
lotuspsychjeekarlrso:if its a dedi virtualbox, maybe an ssd drive would be interesting, and install the vm on it13:12
gr72The top is the loading sequence for Qubes and underneath the hashtags is the Ubuntu grub.cfg13:12
ThinkT510gr72: you're not meant to edit grub.cfg directly13:12
ekarlsolotuspsychje: that's expensive ;p13:12
ekarlsowhat's bad about using flashcache for it ?13:12
denys_I tried, but theres an error13:13
lotuspsychjeekarlso:there are pretty cheap ssd's these days, nothing wrong with cache13:13
compdocyou should put the VM images on a seperate drive than the host, if you want speed13:13
gr72I wouldn't have to if it worked when Ubuntu saw that it was a linux System.13:13
ekarlsocompdoc: pardon ?13:13
lotuspsychjeekarlso:or maybe html5 as flash alternative13:14
ThinkT510gr72: you're not meant to edit it directly, the files you edit are in /etc/grub.d/ (when you run sudo update-grub it replaces your grub.cfg)13:14
ekarlsoekarlso: eh, html5 ??? what does that have to do with a flashcache ?13:14
compdocekarlso, do you store the VM image on the host's boot drive?13:14
ekarlsocompdoc: lvm on mdraid 5 3*2tb13:14
compdocekarlso, and the host boots from that?13:15
thildred_wfhzetheroo, i gotta go to bed13:15
ekarlsolike wth13:15
ekarlso256 gb ssd for 1300 NOK13:15
ekarlsocompdoc: nope13:15
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: he isn't talking about flash (the browser plugin)13:15
thildred_wfhgood luck zetheroo TJ-13:16
lotuspsychjeThinkT510: yeah makes sense, there are tricks to speed up web flash too13:16
gr72ThinkT510: Ohh well didn't know that, but O.k. THe grub isn't booting to My Qubes OS partition.13:17
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the4tresshow can i see what group a user is in?13:18
ThinkT510gr72: looks like qubes is using grub legacy13:18
ThinkT510the4tress: id13:18
gr72ThinkT510: O.k. Thanks, got any ways that I could translate that into grub/grub2?13:19
ekarlsocompdoc: what things can I do to speedup ?13:19
zykotick9the4tress: if you are logged in as that user "groups" works13:20
luftikuss /usr/src/linux-source-3.2.0/Documentation/DocBook/Makefile: "This makefile is used to generate the kernel documentation,13:20
ekarlsothe issue is that say when I install a vm the IO wait goes through the roof13:20
luftikussThis makefile is used to generate the kernel documentation,  primarily based on in-line comments in various source files13:20
Kartagismy computer freezes when I leave it on for the weekend and I suspect it's the nvidia card. how can I fix it?13:21
ThinkT510gr72: no idea sorry13:21
bekksKartagis: First, you gotta know why it is freezing. Did you check the logs in /var/log/ yet?13:21
luftikussThis makefile is used to generate the kernel documentation,  primarily based on in-line comments in various source files13:21
Kartagisbekks: I've never been able to13:21
Kartagisbecause I have to reboot it13:22
TJ-zetheroo: any progress? I've just fixed up the VBox kernel module and its building for Linux 3.5 ... I should be able to replicate your scenario soon13:22
gr72ThinkT510: O.k. I'll keep googling. Thanks.13:22
bekksKartagis: ??13:22
bekksKartagis: you dont have to reboot for changing the vm settings for the network.13:22
bekksKartagis: Sorry, mixed it up with someone else.13:22
bekksKartagis: Never been able to... why?13:22
zetherooTJ-: on the #vbox channel I am being told that bridging with wlan won't work :(13:23
Kartagisbekks: I have to reboot it because it freezes13:23
TJ-zetheroo: really? did they give a reason?13:23
bekksKartagis: And what is keeping from looking into /var/log after rebooting?13:23
zetherooTJ-: not quite13:23
TJ-zetheroo: I'll read up on that aspect now. I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't13:24
Kartagisbekks: next time I'll do that13:24
ekarlsocompdoc: ?13:24
TJ-zetheroo: OK, I can start VBox now13:25
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zetherooTJ-: bekks is the one chatting with me in #vbox :)13:25
zetheroohe seems to be in here too13:25
evenflowhihi, connected a usb 16gb to my ubuntu, tail /var/log/messages shows there's a new high speed usb device using ehci_hcd and address 11, however i am unable to see it under lsusb or anywhere else for this matter, can someone assist?13:27
lotuspsychjeevenflow:what format is the hd drive?13:27
evenflowi dont know, i would like to erase everything on it13:28
evenflowand reformat if possible13:28
lotuspsychjeevenflow:can you see it with gparted or something?13:28
evenflowlotuspsychje, downloading gparted right now13:28
evenflowwill tell you in a secv13:28
evenflowlotuspsychje, nope, cant see it under gparted13:29
lotuspsychjeevenflow:what was last Os to see the drive?13:30
evenflowmost likely yes13:30
lotuspsychje!ntfs | evenflow13:30
ubottuevenflow: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE13:30
evenflowit belongs to one of our IT guys13:31
lotuspsychjemaybe try installing this one13:31
evenflowi installed it13:31
Andek1980how can I do registration, I trying but I cant received mail to finish registration process13:31
evenflowi have ntfs-3g already13:31
evenflowmaybe im not doing it right, there's ntfs-3g.probe, which returns nothing13:31
lotuspsychjeevenflow:what kind of brand is the hd13:31
lotuspsychjeevenflow:1 or 2 usb split cable power suply or adapter power?13:32
SaCruMOne question, is there a way to make the ubuntu unity desktop wall, two different desktops? For exemple, if i have a folder opened on my first desktop, if i change to desktop 2, that folder will appear minimized, is there a way to make it not appear at all? Making two completly different desktops?13:32
evenflowsandisk ultra backup 16GB sdcz40-015G13:32
evenflowlotuspsychje , i dont understand the question :)13:33
lotuspsychjeevenflow:thats a regular usb stick then?13:33
lotuspsychjeevenflow:nothing happens when you plug it in?13:33
evenflowit shows the following line on /var/log/messages:Aug 16 15:15:37 flipbox kernel: [98590.636093] usb 2-1.4: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 1113:33
the4tressevery time i try to connect to my ssh server for sftp i get Connection Refused13:34
evenflowand thats it13:34
lotuspsychjeevenflow:some sandisk usb sticks might require a little twitch to work (make the light work) inside the usb13:34
evenflowthe4tress, use scp instead13:34
the4tressbut i only get that after i add this to sshd_config http://pastie.org/452127913:34
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lotuspsychje!info testdisk | evenflow13:34
ubottuevenflow: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.13-1 (precise), package size 516 kB, installed size 1209 kB13:34
evenflowlotuspsychje, hmmm, im not sure what to do13:34
lotuspsychjecan you try this one13:34
evenflowok, is it in the repos?13:35
lotuspsychjeevenflow:does the usb stick light up red?13:35
lotuspsychjeevenflow:yes, sudo apt-get install testdisk13:35
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the4tressevenflow, it doesn't matter. even after i add this to sshd_config (http://pastie.org/4521279) i cant even ssh in to the box13:35
evenflowlotuspsychje, nope, no red lighty13:35
the4tressevenflow, im trying to lock the user to just their home directory13:35
ekarlsolotuspsychje: got a clue on getting performance ?13:35
the4tressevenflow, if i dont add those lines to sshd_config then i can sftp in just fine, but the user can also browse outside their home folder13:36
evenflowok installed testdisk13:36
lotuspsychjeevenflow: first get the light to work, otherwise it will not mount in ubuntu(broke or little shake the usb until light works)13:36
evenflowok trying13:36
TJ-zetheroo: I found the 'limitation' and it won't affect you. VBox says " functionality is limited when using wireless interfaces for bridged networking. Currently, VirtualBox supports only IPv4 over wireless. For other protocols such as IPv6 and IPX, you must choose a wired interface" - but you are not using IPX or IPv6 so you're OK13:37
kristenbbHow can I toggle a window to fullscreen in 12.04 ? I've tried editting the shortcut in settings/keyboard/shortcut/window/toggle fullscreen or in compiz, but the shortcut doesn't work in either case. With another computer, on 12.04, the same shortcut works. I don't understand, is this a bug ?13:38
evenflownope, not seeing it in testdisk either13:38
lotuspsychjeekarlso:as suggested like before, the hd that had virtualbox installed must be fast13:38
evenflowhaha, okok13:38
TJ-zetheroo: Which release, architecture, and flavour are you trying to install? Is it Precise, amd64,  Desktop?13:38
evenflowi plugged it from the back and now it had a red light13:38
evenflowweird, maybe its usb3 only?13:39
AlxxyDoes anyone know how I can check if my ubuntu computer is "scanning the network for open ports"?13:39
evenflowvery weird13:39
evenflowthank you lotuspsychje13:39
lotuspsychjeevenflow:no its just that sandisk is a little itchy showing up inside an usb slot13:39
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evenflowbut it shows as read only13:39
evenflowahh cool testdisk can pass this13:40
lotuspsychjeevenflow:format, or get data back :p13:40
zetherooTJ-: Ubuntu 12.04 Server 64bit13:40
TJ-zetheroo: OK, fetching the same image13:40
evenflowlotuspsychje, format through testdisk13:41
subdesignre, so I have problem with X. nvidia drivers. if I reinstall it affects my working kernel version?13:41
kristenbbdoes someone know why the toggle fullscreen shortcut doesn't work in some cases ?13:41
lotuspsychjeevenflow:get data back with testdisk, format with gparted, ubuntu default disk tools13:41
TJ-kristenbb: toogle full-screen in which application?13:42
evenflowok ill try13:42
kristenbbTJ-: in no specific application, just in any application. Most of them should allow that, there's a system shortcut for that.13:42
lotuspsychjeevenflow:after installing testdisk, you can can recover data with photorec, best data recovery ever13:43
kristenbbTJ-: it's in system configuration->keyboard->shortcuts->window->toggle fullscreen13:43
kristenbb(for 12.04)13:43
kristenbbI have this shortcut working for one computer, and yet the very same shortcut doesn't work for the very same application on another computer, both of which run ubuntu 12.0413:44
kristenbbI would like to know what could prevent this shortcut from working.13:44
evenflowlotuspsychje , i dont want to recover the data, just delete everything but it tells me its write protected13:45
bharathI am using ubuntu 11.10 , it is crashing while I am copying a file from removable storage device to hard disk13:45
lotuspsychjeevenflow:first unmount the drive, then format as your wishes13:45
TJ-kristenbb: It's disabled on my Precise install. I don't think anything responds to the event.13:46
evenflowit is not mounted13:46
jrserver i brasil13:46
kristenbbTJ-: well I have this working on one computer13:46
TJ-kristenbb: If you hold down the Super key (often the Windows key) you'll get a menu of available key shortcuts13:46
lotuspsychjeevenflow:can you read its content?13:46
zetherooTJ-: are you also using only a wlan connection on your host machine?13:46
TJ-kristenbb: Same version of Ubuntu on the other PC?13:46
kristenbbTJ-: yes you're right there's no default shortcut assigned to it, but you can assign one. I did so. And it worked on one pc, not on the other.13:47
TJ-zetheroo: Yes, I can do that. I have three (2 wired and 1 wireless)13:47
evenflowi just used fdisk with /dev/sdb and cleared the partitions on it13:47
kristenbbTJ-: yes both 12.04 lts x64 desktop edition.13:47
zetherooTJ-: ok, cause I cannot plug into an ethernet here ... too far from the router13:47
lotuspsychjetry sudo gparted on it evenflow13:47
kristenbbTJ-: one is a laptop (the one that doesn't work).13:47
TJ-kristenbb: Then something else has probably bound to the same keypress first... that used to be an issue with older gnome installations... trying to find out what was grabbing the keypress first13:47
evenflowthis is what i get with gparted13:48
evenflowUnable to open /dev/sdb read-write (Read-only file system).  /dev/sdb has been opened read-only.13:48
kristenbbTJ-: and also, one is using 2d, the other 3d13:48
TJ-zetheroo: I'm sure I can figure it out, once I've got the ISO downloaded13:48
zetherooTJ-: thanks!!13:48
lotuspsychjeevenflow:are you not logged in as root on the system?13:48
TJ-kristenbb: and which one won't do full-screen? 3D ?13:48
evenflowi am13:48
kristenbbTJ-: yes13:48
lotuspsychjeevenflow:did it have special encryption software on it (windows)?13:49
kristenbbTJ-: the laptop, with unity 3d, doesn't do fullscreen.13:49
acermehow to lang13:49
bhaveshaw my theme change automatically while I was watching youtube video13:49
namoamitabuddhaevenflow: You need to erase the hard disk. ARE YOU SURE?13:49
acermehow to land as root?13:49
namoamitabuddhaevenflow: ANY DATA WILL VANISH SOON!13:49
bhaveshoh looks like I hit a wrong button :)13:49
lotuspsychjekeep it to topic guys13:50
evenflowlotuspsychje, not sure13:50
kristenbbTJ-: ok as a matter of fact this is the problem, I've just tested using ubuntu 2d with the laptop, and it works13:50
evenflowi was able to make changes with fdisk13:50
namoamitabuddhaevenflow: Well. Are you booting the liveCD?13:50
kristenbbTJ-: so my question now is13:50
evenflowdeleted all partitions, created a new one13:50
evenflownamoamitabuddha, wtf?13:50
kristenbbTJ-: how to enable 'toggle fullscreen' on ubuntu 3D?13:50
namoamitabuddhaevenflow: ?13:50
P4NCakeOh, hello guys.13:50
namoamitabuddhaevenflow: Are you booting the LiveCD or the system on your hard disk?13:51
TJ-kristenbb: My bet is, unity disables full-screen because of conflicts within compiz... I've found bugs about that already13:51
lotuspsychjeevenflow:can try sudo testdisk and wipe from there13:51
P4NCakeSo I want a portable USB, should I install buntu to it, or should I just use live cd?13:51
P4NCakeIf I use live CD how do I allow it space??13:51
namoamitabuddhaevenflow: O, SORRY.13:51
namoamitabuddhaevenflow: IS /dev/sdb YOUR USB STICK?13:51
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.13:51
evenflowlotuspsychje, will try13:51
kristenbbTJ-: unity 2D allows them though ... so maybe the conflict is not hard to solve13:51
namoamitabuddhaevenflow: Is /dev/sdb your USB stick?13:52
evenflowlotuspsychje, - This media may be physically write-protected, check the jumpers.13:52
acermei see,thanks13:52
P4NCakeWanted: Portable USB, Use live cd or clean install? want space for filesystem. wat do?13:52
lotuspsychjeevenflow:there is no special button for security on the stick perhaps?13:53
evenflowthere is only a button saying "backup"13:53
lotuspsychjeevenflow: yeah thought so13:53
lotuspsychjeevenflow:can you erase data from nautilus?13:53
TJ-kristenbb: Because '2D' doesn't use all the fancy 3D compositing13:54
P4NCakeubottu, can you search portable for me?13:54
ubottuP4NCake: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:54
subz3r0P4NCake, youre looking for a persistant usb stick installation. google for it.13:54
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evenflowlotuspsychje , trying13:54
codemaniacacerme: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:54
acermeis there someone can speak chinaese13:54
lotuspsychjeP4NCake:wich Os are you on?13:54
namoamitabuddhaacerme: forward #ubuntu-cn13:54
Pici!zh | acerme13:54
ubottuacerme: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:54
P4NCakesubz3r0, but can I use it on other pcs?13:55
P4NCakeWindows, came by default. I hate it anyway. lotuspsychje13:55
lotuspsychje!wubi | P4NCake13:55
P4NCakesubz3r0, I mean.. Will it detect the drivers like the live cd?13:55
ubottuP4NCake: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe13:55
subz3r0P4NCake, yes.13:55
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110413:55
subz3r0google it, check youtube..etc..13:55
namoamitabuddha!precise | namoamitabuddha13:56
ubottunamoamitabuddha, please see my private message13:56
P4NCakethanks guys.. But isn't wubi dangerous? And what do you do if the system doesn't have windows?13:56
subz3r0there are a bunch of tutorials out there13:56
lotuspsychjeP4NCake:better livecd precise then13:56
namoamitabuddhaevenflow: OK?13:56
evenflowlotuspsychje, bope, cant open with nautilus13:56
subz3r0wubi? do not use it. :)13:56
P4NCakelotuspsychje, I want 10.04 though...13:56
TJ-kristenbb: See bug #100735213:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1007352 in compiz (Ubuntu) ""toggle fullscreen mode" keyboard shortcut not honoured" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100735213:56
P4NCakeThanks guys13:56
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)13:56
lotuspsychjeevenflow:what about sudo nautilus?13:57
namoamitabuddhaevenflow: sudo cat /dev/zero > /dev/sdb13:57
namoamitabuddhaevenflow: sorry13:58
MasterOfDisasterevenflow, namoamitabuddha13:58
evenflownamoamitabuddham, dont be sorry, im not listening to you :)13:58
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evenflowlotuspsychje , cant see the drive either13:58
namoamitabuddhaevenflow: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb ...13:58
MasterOfDisasteroops, nevermind13:58
dini'm having trouble with padsp and LD_PRELOAD for libpulsedsp.so. anyone hear of this yet?13:59
lotuspsychjeevenflow:thats really odd..13:59
P4NCakeguys, If 9.04 is not supported, I won't be able to download it?13:59
P4NCakeAlso, no updates?13:59
lotuspsychjeP4NCake:why no precise?14:00
evenflowlotuspsychje, im reading about this drive, looks like it is being blocked by a sandisk software thats created the backup14:00
P4NCakelotuspsychje, I don't really like unity14:00
lotuspsychjeevenflow:thats why i sugested you to see if you can erase stuff with nautilus14:00
lotuspsychjePANCake:you can install gnome-shell on precise if you like14:00
namoamitabuddhaevenflow: lsusb -vnn14:01
P4NCakelotuspsychje, but would it still be compatible with gnome2 software?14:01
namoamitabuddhaevenflow: lsusb -v14:01
TJ-evenflow: Have you tried "sudo blkid /dev/sdb" or (if it has partitions) "sudo blkid /dev/sdb1"  ?14:01
evenflowlotuspsychje, i see14:01
evenflowTJ, nope14:01
acerme_error no screen found14:01
lotuspsychjeP4NCake:you can !info packagename in here to see if precise still has software in repos14:02
acerme_how to save14:02
benassihow can view my harddisks like in win7 ... I have win7 and ubuntu installation on my hdds ... I have two hdd 320,500GB... every hdd is divided into two partitions14:02
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lotuspsychjeP4NCake:but i guess most will work yes14:02
benassiI want to format disk where is win714:02
DasEibenassi: sudo fdisk -l14:02
P4NCakelotuspsychje, thanks14:02
DasEibenassi: use gparted for gui14:02
DasEi!info gparted14:02
ubottugparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.11.0-2 (precise), package size 530 kB, installed size 1872 kB14:02
TJ-benassi: I think you want the disk partition manager. From the dashboard type "gparted"14:03
DasEibenassi: farmer command list your partis'14:03
P4NCake!info aircrack-ng > P4NCake14:03
evenflowlotuspsychje, there a suggestion to use u3-tools14:04
tech1how can i check if a specific program is installed via terminal... without running the program with it's name14:04
benassiDasEi http://paste.ubuntu.com/1150703/14:04
lotuspsychje!info aircrack14:04
ubottuPackage aircrack does not exist in precise14:04
tech1or using a string search which will turn up lots of other stuff14:04
wNtech1: try using the deb command14:04
wNlike deb -l or something14:04
DasEilotuspsychje: missed the -ng14:04
* wN not on ubuntu atm14:04
benassihow can I determinate on which partition and hdd is win714:04
P4NCake!info tkiptun-ng > P4NCake14:05
benassiso I dont format wrong partition and hdd14:05
lotuspsychjeP4NCake:manual install mate14:05
Pici!msgthebot | P4NCake14:05
ubottuP4NCake: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".14:05
tech1it says "deb command not found"14:05
P4NCakeoh lawl thanks pici14:05
acerme_how to solve :no screen found .when start?14:05
P4NCakethanks lotuspsychje14:05
sliptteeswhy brasero is crap?  why it still comes with ubuntu?14:05
DasEibenassi: so it'll be sda5, as said above, use gparted for an easy format/erase14:05
TJ-evenflow: You should check the logs they usually reveal something. /var/log/kern.log is favourite14:06
DasEi!best | slipttees14:06
ubottuslipttees: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:06
namoamitabuddhatech1: try aptitude14:06
Picitech1: if you know what package it is in, you can use apt-cache policy or dpkg -l to determine if it is installed.14:06
icerootslipttees: there is no better burning app (because the one which is better is pulling kde stuff)14:06
tech1ahh "dpkg" works thanks14:06
benassiDasEi how did you determinate that?14:06
P4NCakeIf a package does not exist in precise, does it mean it does not support it?14:06
sliptteesiceroot: very bad... :(14:06
namoamitabuddhatech1: yeah, dpkg -l also words.14:06
icerootslipttees: just install what you want14:07
sliptteesiceroot: why not GnomeBaker?14:07
lotuspsychjeP4NCake:you can always add deb lines to get software14:07
DasEislipttees: also can burn from cmd-line, and oc more than just few gui-apps14:07
DasEibenassi: from your pastie14:07
lotuspsychjeP4NCake:most will work with precise mate dont worry14:07
benassiexplain me please .. so in future I would have not need to ask DasEi  :)14:07
P4NCakethanks lotuspsychje, really helpful.14:08
lotuspsychjeP4NCake:even run gnome classic after14:08
sliptteesiceroot: I see that you do not think in the end-users.14:08
sliptteesDasEi: I see that you do not think in the end-users.14:08
namoamitabuddhaslipttees: What did they do?14:08
icerootslipttees: what is not fine with brasero?14:08
sliptteesbrasero is very bad14:09
icerootslipttees: does it not burn cds with an easy gui?14:09
icerootslipttees: that is your opinion14:09
namoamitabuddhaslipttees: Burning CD?14:09
namoamitabuddhaslipttees: Try this:14:09
sliptteesnamoamitabuddha: no copy, eject problems14:09
namoamitabuddhaslipttees: eject?14:09
=== cryptfu_ is now known as Guest64765
sliptteescopy finish give me an erro14:10
icerootslipttees: the eject is done by the kernel, not the burning app14:10
namoamitabuddhaslipttees: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-cdburn/index.html14:10
DasEibenassi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1150703/ (by the way, it's sdb, not sda) you can see the filesystems/sizes/marked as bootpartition  there14:10
lotuspsychjeslipttees:many problem can be solved buying good blank cdroms and good cdrom writer14:10
namoamitabuddhaslipttees: cdrecord14:10
evenflowlooks like the only way to remove the u3 launchpad is using a windows software by sandisk14:10
sliptteesnamoamitabuddha: terminal eject work, brasero never eject cd or dvd14:10
icerootslipttees: if you dont like an application you are free to install another program, you can not put a program as default which everyone likes14:11
Picislipttees: have you filed a bug?14:11
sliptteeslotuspsychje: i wont have problem nero on windows!14:11
icerootslipttees: i dont have problems with brasero on GNU/Linux14:11
icerootslipttees: so what is the point you want to tell us?14:11
DasEislipttees: if you got a valid key, can also use nero on 'buntu14:11
benassiDasEi dont know why but cant format it14:11
sliptteesLofS: than, blank cd is okay em cdrom writer too14:11
DasEibenassi: the hd has to UNmounted, gparted must be run as root14:12
DasEibenassi: no OS on sda ?14:12
sliptteesDasEi: I just wanted a decent burner in ubuntu.14:12
namoamitabuddhaDasEi: Eh, one cannot unmount rootfs.14:12
namoamitabuddhaslipttees: Try cdrecord14:13
benassiI removed partiton where sdb is14:13
sliptteesnamoamitabuddha: cmd line?14:13
DasEinamoamitabuddha: go live/other hd, sure can14:13
benassiwhere win7 is14:13
namoamitabuddhaslipttees: Yes. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-cdburn/index.html14:13
benassi.. and now when I try to format other partition it says it is locked14:13
benassior somewhat14:13
ThinkT510slipttees: xfburn works great for me14:13
sliptteesnamoamitabuddha: and end-users?14:13
namoamitabuddhaslipttees: That tutorial is enough.14:14
sliptteesThinkT510: thanks14:14
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DasEislipttees: brasero seldom failed, though I like k3b better (pulls lots of libs from kde, though) or go by dd or wodim, nero is also possible, if you own a registered key14:14
icerootslipttees: there are so many burning applications (k3b is imo the best), just install another software and everyone is happy14:14
namoamitabuddhaslipttees: It's not a manpage. It teaches you step by step.14:14
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namoamitabuddhaiceroot: k3b needs KDE environment.14:15
icerootnamoamitabuddha: as i said earlier, yes14:15
sliptteesnamoamitabuddha: You should review another recorder for ubuntu, because this is no longer acceptable to a level distribution of ubuntu.14:15
win-failplease can someone tell my the differences between 32 & 64 bits of ubuntu?14:15
icerootslipttees: brasero is working fine for most users14:15
icerootslipttees: as said already14:16
DasEislipttees: ...14:16
icerootslipttees: maybe your problem is not brasero related14:16
icerootslipttees: if you find a bug fill it14:16
namoamitabuddhaiceroot: He thinks that CLI is not for end-users.14:16
iceroot!bug | slipttees14:16
ubottuslipttees: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:16
siavashserverwin-fail: x64 supports more memory + faster execution times14:16
PiciCan we move on?14:16
DasEislipttees: you could start brasero from cmd-line to see debugging output14:16
sliptteesDasEi: i known it14:17
icerootnamoamitabuddha: i think that too and the nice thing is that you dont need the cli anymore to use GNU/Linux14:17
siavashserverwin-fail: x86 only supports up to 3.75GB of memory iirc14:17
DasEibenassi: do you get along ?14:17
icerootsiavashserver: 4gb14:17
denys_cannot watch video14:17
Pici!details | denys_14:18
ubottudenys_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:18
denys_when I wanna watch smth14:18
kennenHi, i have a Problem with SMSTools3 can some help me with my error "modem is not registered" AT+CSQ Says 17,99 so the network is availibil14:18
siavashservericeroot: you are wrong14:18
icerootsiavashserver: no14:18
denys_it tels me that I need a mp4 codec14:18
sliptteesDasEi: I'm just here to say that would put other default writer in ubuntu brasero why not give more.14:18
siavashservericeroot: google it for yourself14:18
icerootsiavashserver: 32bit = 4gb adressable memory14:18
namoamitabuddhaiceroot: No, I don't think so. Working with command line interface and practicing enough, we can work more efficient. Shells and scripts work well.14:18
DasEidenys_: what kind of ? try vlc14:18
denys_I am choosing it, and then I get an error. I tried vlc14:18
denys_Package dependencies cannot be resolved14:18
denys_This error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Furthermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time14:18
icerootsiavashserver: i dont need to google that because i know it14:18
sliptteesDasEi: cause**14:18
treebueyi use k3b but use lxde or gnome. the dependencies get fixed on install. might want to install systemsettings to manipulate KDE settings tho14:18
icerootsiavashserver: 32bit = 4gb (ram + vga + pci adressbus)14:18
icerootsiavashserver: vga = shared memory vga14:19
namoamitabuddhatreebuey: How did you start k3b?14:19
DasEidenys_: partner/medibuntu repos enabled ? libdvd... ??14:19
namoamitabuddhatreebuey: I failed to do that.14:19
namoamitabuddhatreebuey: Maybe permission problems.14:19
TJ-The Ubuntu 32-bit images (except the mini.iso) use PAE enabled kernels and can address more than 4GB of physical memory (if the hardware chipset supports the additional address lines)14:19
denys_what? 0o I am noob in ubuntu14:19
siavashservericeroot: i don't have a shared memory vga and available memory is 3.75 on 32bit os14:19
DasEi!libdvdcss | denys_14:20
ubottudenys_: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:20
Dr_Willisi dident think lubuntu used the pae kernel by default either14:20
icerootsiavashserver: ram + vga + pci adressbus14:20
icerootsiavashserver: google it14:20
TJ-Dr_Willis: maybe... I've not looked.14:20
siavashservericeroot: google something i'm sure about? gimmie break14:20
treebueynamoamitabuddha:  it seems to install itself in the gnome menu.  or run /usr/bin/k3b from a terminal14:21
DasEidenys_: nvm, I'm having a break before going on, so.. open a terminal14:21
Dr_Willisfinally slowly breaking away from the old old hardware. ;)14:21
icerootsiavashserver: lets stop this useless discussion, 32bit can adress 4gb memory (memory is not only ram)14:21
denys_my friend uses ubuntu 12.04 too, and he didn't got any of theese problesm14:21
namoamitabuddhatreebuey: Yes, but some error arose.14:21
treebueynamoamitabuddha:  what error did you get?14:22
namoamitabuddhatreebuey: I didn't remember.14:22
DasEidenys_: please put my nick in replies;; when we finished this issue I'll give you a link for further setup ;) ,enter : sudo apt-get install pastebinit14:22
namoamitabuddhatreebuey: roughly about authority/permission.14:22
bharathcan anyone please help me , my ubuntu 11.10 is crashing while I am copying a file of big size?14:23
namoamitabuddhabharath: file a bug.14:23
DasEidenys_: pastebinit    /etc/apt/sources.list14:23
icerootnamoamitabuddha: that is not usefull in this context14:23
Dr_Willisbharath:  how big, from where to where, copying how...14:23
treebueynamoamitabuddha:  interesting. did you try running k3b as root or with sudo?14:23
DasEidenys_: give resulting url here14:23
namoamitabuddhatreebuey: No, normal user.14:24
TJ-iceroot: The thing is, most "32-bit" processors actually have an address-bus width of 36 bits, allowing addressing 64GB if the kernel supports PAE.14:24
icerootTJ-: we are talking about 32bit, not pae14:24
Dr_Willisnamoamitabuddha: k3b has a k3b setup tool/wizard you may want to run14:24
namoamitabuddhaiceroot: It works because the system crashes.14:24
bharathDr_Willis, size = 500mb from my local drive to Desktop14:24
Dr_Willisbharath:  desktop is on the same hd? or 2 different hds or partitions?14:25
bharathDr_Willis, two different partitions14:25
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bharathDr_Willis, I am also facing same problem while I am extracting a file14:25
Dr_Willisbharath:  checked dmesg output when it fails? or 'tail -f /var/log/dmesg' as it copies and watch for errors14:26
DasEidenys_: anybody out there ?14:27
rustler770canon MG5320 works with USB but not wireless...any ideas?14:27
Dr_Williswith canon.. be thankfull it works at all.14:27
bharathDr_Willis, this is dmesg http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1150745/14:28
rustler770sya unable to get printer status14:28
Dr_Willisrustler770: try the cups web interface to configure it. the webgui has a lot more settings i fine to twiddle with14:28
DasEirustler770: can't look after it now, my pixma does fine, if no reply here, try looking in the forum, too14:28
histoInteresting flash plugin just completely stopped working14:29
rustler770I used system settings > printing to configure downloaded drivers from canon14:30
histochromium-browser doens't even think it's installed any more14:30
DasEidenys_: pastebinit installed ?14:30
Dr_Willisbharath:  monitor dmesg logs via that tail command and try copying the files.. to see if any errors appear.. you did check that your hd sient full?14:31
bharathDr_Willis, and one thing when I am changing the permissions of a certain folder it is again changing its permission to is default14:31
Dr_Willissounds like fs curruption, or hd hardware issues to me14:32
denys_sry, my dog is sick, went to give her medicine14:34
denys_I am here now14:34
DasEidenys_: nick, please (what was the bot-trigger again, highlite ??)14:34
denys_erm, what?14:35
* DasEi pets dog, let's proceed14:35
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:35
=== Ormie is now known as Guest18062
=== Guest18062 is now known as Ormie
bharathDr_Willis, is there any solution for this?14:36
DasEidenys_: if you don't put nicks in irc-conversations, your partner won't see message highlited, so it's easily lost, reading pastie now14:36
Dr_Willisbharath:  so fay you havent proven its either issue.. watch dmesg output for any error messages. fsck your filesystrm from a live cd, wont hurt either14:37
denys_<DasEi> like this?14:37
bharathDr_Willis, if you don't mind can you tell the procedure for that?14:38
DasEidenys_: so first let's enable partners repos : gksu gedit  /etc/apt/sources.list14:38
DasEidenys_: that works, but look in the channel , its         DasEi:14:38
Dr_Willis!fsck | bharath14:38
ubottubharath: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot14:38
denys_DasEi like this?14:39
histoCan anyone confirm that the flashplugin-installer is not currently working with chromium-browser?14:39
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)14:39
DasEidenys_: so first let's enable partners repos : gksu gedit  /etc/apt/sources.list14:39
Dr_Willisis that factoid still correct?14:39
bharathDr_Willis, can I run the command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" directly now14:40
denys_DasEi: I have widow opened ing gedit14:40
Dr_Willisbharath:  that will reboot the pc and fsck the system when it boots14:40
Dr_Willisor should at lease14:40
DasEidenys_: if you look at the pastie, see lines 53,54 ?  in gedit, remove the '#' in front that two lines14:40
denys_DasEi: with lots of string in it14:40
histonvm just started working again after installing ubuntu-restricted-extras not sure what the issue was14:41
DasEihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1150752/  , denys_14:41
denys_DasEi: 53,54. y . done14:41
DasEidenys_: SAVE file14:41
namoamitabuddhaNO proprietary software!14:41
=== Squarepy_ is now known as Squarepy
denys_DasEi: saved14:41
DasEidenys_: close gedit14:41
denys_DasEi: closed14:42
namoamitabuddha-> FREE software14:42
Dr_Willisnamoamitabuddha: do you have a support question?14:42
Ormiehe is a buddhist.14:42
DasEidenys_: sudo apt-get -f install -y  && sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y14:42
namoamitabuddhaDr_Willis: Support what?14:42
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com14:42
namoamitabuddhaDr_Willis: I heard somebody was talking about ubuntu-restricted-extras14:43
Ormienamoamitabuddha, this is an ubuntu support channel. You can ask questions about ubuntu here.14:43
namoamitabuddhaDr_Willis: Now I'm just against that.14:43
Dr_Willisnamoamitabuddha:  so you just started ranting...14:43
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:43
namoamitabuddhaDr_Willis: ranting?14:43
fidelnamoamitabuddha: this channel focuses on support not theoretical discussions which might be better held in the offtopic channel ;)14:43
fidel!ot > namoamitabuddha14:43
ubottunamoamitabuddha, please see my private message14:43
Ormie!ot > namoamitabuddha14:43
denys_DasEi: done14:43
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
DasEidenys_: any errors from apt ?14:44
dzupjust kick him out14:44
denys_DasEi it writes in last string 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.14:44
DasEidenys_: fine, so :14:44
DasEidenys_: sudo apt-get install gnome-mplayer* ubuntu-restricted-extras vlc14:45
namoamitabuddhaI suggest smplayer.14:46
namoamitabuddhasudo aptitude search '~nsmplayer'14:46
Ormiei still have ubuntu 7.10 desktop edition cd. What shall i do with it?14:46
DasEidenys_: sudo apt-get install libdvdread414:46
denys_DasEi: seems it got installed14:46
DasEidenys_: sudo apt-get install libdvdread414:46
fidelOrmie: i doubt that is a support question either ;) do whatever you do with old useless data ;)14:47
denys_DasEi: ok14:47
denys_DasEi: sec14:47
namoamitabuddhaOrmie: 7.10 is out-of-date and out-of-support.14:47
DasEidenys_: sure, what kind of file you try to watch ? btw, now try again, gnome-mplayer or vlc14:47
Ormie!OB > namoamitabuddha14:47
denys_DasEi: libdvdread4 is already the newest version.14:48
DasEiOrmie:dist-upgrade might be harsh, backup, reinstall14:48
denys_DasEi: I'm trying to watch mpeg414:48
DasEidenys_:good sign14:48
Ormieno. i just have the cd. i am using 12.04 here.14:48
DasEidenys_: no prob with vlc/mplayer now14:48
DasEiOrmie: ic, well do a mobile with it ;)14:48
DasEidenys_: working now ?14:49
namoamitabuddha!lts > Ormie14:50
ubottuOrmie, please see my private message14:50
DasEidenys_: further enhancements : http://tinyurl.com/6vdrngz14:50
kandinskidoes ubuntu have some kind of antiflood protection for the keyboard?14:50
denys_DasEi: it works nicely14:50
Dr_Willisvlc should be able to play a mpeg4 by default i think.14:50
kandinskiI have programmed something that generates uinput events, and the third one in a row is getting lost somewhere14:50
Ormiei already know what it is.14:50
denys_DasEi: can you tell me, what did you do? I'm interested in understanding14:51
DasEinamoamitabuddha: could you lean back a little ?14:51
namoamitabuddhaOrmie: LTS only supports for 3 years.14:51
DasEi!repo | denys_14:51
ubottudenys_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories14:51
DasEidenys_: in the sources.list ubuntu is told where to fetch software from, and further on some requirements might not have been installed yet is what we did, see above link for more tasks14:52
DasEidenys_: further enhancements : http://tinyurl.com/6vdrngz14:52
=== Ormie is now known as O-73-6d-61-72-74
DasEidenys_: another good place are the forums, as they are not so crowded and fast as irc14:54
* DasEi back to homeworks14:55
denys_DasEi: thanks a lot, I got some nice reading here14:55
Dr_Willis!manual | denys_14:56
=== O-73-6d-61-72-74 is now known as Ormie
ubottudenys_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/14:56
Dr_Willisgotta love official manuals14:57
=== Ormie is now known as O-73-6d-61-72-74
namoamitabuddhaHow to introduce ubottu into domestic community, for example, #ubuntu-tw?15:02
DJonesnamoamitabuddha: You should ask in #ubuntu-irc they'll be able to identify which bot is best and make arrangements15:03
namoamitabuddhaDJones: thanks!15:03
nsahoohow can I turn off or on the anti-aliasing setting in gvim?15:05
pashay algien por roquetas15:06
fidel!es > pas15:06
ubottupas, please see my private message15:06
rustler770searched forums-still can't get canon MG5320 to work wireless, works fine USB15:08
Assidhow do i get apt to be multi threaded.. its ownloading only 1 package at a time.. which is extremely slow15:11
bazhangAssid, you don't15:12
Assidi have a multi homed connection and i can max out 4 connections at a time15:12
OerAssid, change mirror for faster download.15:12
AssidOer: slow no matter what i do15:12
bazhangonly one instance of apt can run at a time Assid15:12
Assidcrap :(15:13
PiciAssid: take a look at man apt.conf, its likely an option in there.15:13
AssidPici: i tried with access15:13
=== manu is now known as Guest27779
AssidAcquire::Queue-Mode "access";15:13
Assidbut thats still not helping15:13
mirakI have an issue with kubuntu, the fonts are extremely small and unreadable15:14
PiciAssid: access = one per URI type, so that will never be two connections if all your sources are HTTP.15:14
leevis there an openssh+lpk package for 12.04?15:15
namoamitabuddhaAssid: You can get URI and manage to download them.15:15
namoamitabuddhaAssid: For example15:15
akamustangHow to do this in one line?15:15
akamustangvar1="I am a string"15:15
akamustangvar3=${$var2/ /-}15:15
FloodBot1akamustang: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:15
Piciakamustang: #bash would be the best place to ask that15:16
win-failsystem freezes when I open cheese, some help, please?15:16
win-failworked fine before upgrading15:16
kenshiroHi, I had installed Grub Legacy in my Ubuntu 12.04 . All works fine, just I want to disable recovery menu entries. What file is required to edit and how ?15:16
VampsDaBeastis it poosible to install another flavor of linx while in ubuntu? i have the partition already there and the iso needed. is this possible15:17
VampsDaBeastkenshiro, you mean grub not grub 2 right15:17
GirlyGirlVampsDaBeast: depends on the distro15:17
kenshirovampsdabeast yes, I had reverted to Grub Legacy15:17
namoamitabuddhaEh, why "apt-get -y --print-uris install foo" doesn't work?15:17
VampsDaBeastGirlyGirl, wanting to install ArchBang15:18
namoamitabuddhawhy doesn't* ... work?15:18
GirlyGirlVampsDaBeast: Possible in theory but in practice no15:18
VampsDaBeastkenshiro, edit menu.lst to remove unwanted entries in the grub menu15:18
kubanchow do i install PyGPGME15:18
GirlyGirlVampsDaBeast: It would be faster to backup and reinstall15:19
kenshirovampsdabeast but when I install a new kernel, it will not autogenerate recovery options?15:19
user82does anyone know if i can trust the lmsensors values for the single cores? http://screencloud.net/img/screenshots/5377fe2e3fde68d9732cb11e9798c9c6.png15:19
VampsDaBeastGirlyGirl, not reinstalling.. adding a daul boot option15:19
user82it looks really high to me(also compared to the cpu temp sensor on the MB)15:19
VampsDaBeastkenshiro, when you install a new kernel be sure to grub-update15:19
bharathDr_Willis, even though I ran fsck I am getting the same problem15:19
rypervencheVampsDaBeast: You can.15:19
Dr_Willisbharath: and dmesg logs mention any errors?15:20
rypervencheVampsDaBeast: You'll need to install in in a chrooted environment though.15:20
namoamitabuddhaOh, sorry!15:20
kenshirovampsdabeast I mean, when ubuntu autoupgrade to new kernel, it autoupgrades grub legacy. It works, but I think it will generate recovery options, is true?15:20
rypervencheVampsDaBeast: Or from a like cd15:20
Assidokay made it host based.. added more servers for hosts15:21
VampsDaBeastrypervenche, ok, i put archbang on a usb, and its given me a loop on intial menu for boot to live15:21
bharathsorry I haven't observe that15:21
win-failcan you help me? my system freezes when I open cheese after upgrade15:22
bharathDr_Willis, actually it is coping to certain extent and then blocking the os15:22
VampsDaBeastkenshiro, once you remove the recovery options you shouldnt have to deal with them again. ubuntu just updates the ubuntu kernel and location.15:22
namoamitabuddhaAssid: try this: https://launchpad.net/apt-fast15:22
NuxRoHi, how do i see info about an installed deb package? (something like `rpm -qi php-gd` in the redhat world) ?15:23
kenshirovampsdabeast ok thank you !15:23
_DanN_NuxRo: dpkg -l15:23
namoamitabuddhaNuxRo: dpkg -l15:23
Dr_Willisbharath:  when it hass the issue - then check dmesg output. it might be a read/write issue15:23
rypervencheVampsDaBeast: That's something you'll need to take up with archbang then.15:24
NuxRothanks namoamitabuddha & _DanN_15:24
mspongeUsing curl, I'd like to upload a file to a server as part of a POST but I want it to be a value as part of a name/value pair. What I'm trying is 'curl -d image=@img.jpg -d orientation=landscape http://blah but the server is only getting @img.jpg, not the actual file's contents. Is there an easy way to do this?15:24
k1l_!rootirc | root15:25
ubotturoot: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.15:25
=== root is now known as Guest83202
Guest83202is there any chat irc for backtrack users???15:27
mspongeah, never mind, figured it out. Need --data-urlencode name@filename15:27
Psi-JackGuest83202: /msg alis help15:27
win-failhow can i install java on ubuntu?15:27
Psi-Jackwin-fail: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java15:27
bazhangGuest83202, #backtrack-linux15:28
Guest83202help please . is there any irc for backtrack users??15:28
Oerwin-fail, sudo apt-get install openjdk ( safe open source java )15:28
jdstrydombazhang: thanks15:28
Oer!backtrack > Guest8320215:29
ubottuGuest83202, please see my private message15:29
Guest83202ok send me15:29
Psi-JackI smell troll.15:29
Oerthey will love you when you use irc with root in backtrack irc :-D15:30
Assidhmm.. so i moved it back to access.. but its still doing only 1 at a time15:30
Assiderr .. host15:31
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest96260
=== Guest96260 is now known as kykytest
Jon--Ubuntu 12.04 is so buggy. My battery indicator was displaying time, told it to stop displaying time, battery indicator is now gone.15:32
Jon--One of 100 bugs since moving from 11.1015:32
Psi-JackJon--: Hmmm. haven't had many issues with 12.04 to date.15:33
=== milind is now known as abyss42
Psi-JackAnd I use it on 2 desktops, 1 laptop, and 18 servers.15:33
davis776looking for 12.04 x64 beta 2, is there any official archive?15:34
Jon--Psi-Jack, I am sure server is fine, most of the issues have been with GNOME for me. (running gnome-session-fallback)15:34
Jon--For ex I can't take screenshots at all. gnome-screenshot just doesn't work15:34
Oerdavis776, why beta2 ? 12.04 is out now15:35
Psi-JackAhh. Gnome, I don't use. Unity I completely despise and think should be given it's funeral already, though I do like Gnome 3 with gnome-shell proper. I just use XFCE, fast, reliable, solid.15:35
win-failcan you help me? my system freezes when I open cheese after upgrade15:36
davis776Oer, cant pass Welcome screen, beta2 was ok, so I will install beta2 and upgrade15:36
Psi-Jackdavis776: That makes -50% sense.15:36
davis776Psi-Jack, okay, so give me something better15:37
Psi-JackState the /actual/ problem you are having, rather than asking completely off-the-wall ones, and maybe someone, anyone, can actually help you.15:37
superfabbbhi , how can install epsondx4400 in ubu 12.04?15:38
superfabbbthe print is ok, scanner not why?15:38
Oerdavis776, try the daily build >> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/precise/daily-live/20120813.2/15:39
Guest83202how to install image viewer for kde???/15:39
davis776Psi-Jack, okay. once I enter Welcome srceen (boot from CD or even USB) I can click on anything with my mouse, keyboard also works but doing nothing... tried same dvd/usb on different pc and works just ok15:39
=== BedMan_ is now known as BedMan
Guest83202how to install image viewer for kde???15:39
OerGuest83202 ask in backtrack or #kubuntu15:39
bazhangGuest83202, sudo apt-get install gwenview15:39
davis776Oer, thank you man :)15:39
bazhangsuperfabbb, using simplescan ?15:40
k1l_Guest83202: i really recommend to logout of the root account and use a user account for internet-programs like irc. besides that you were already pointed to the backtrack support channel15:40
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo superfabbb this may help15:41
superfabbbno scanner detected15:41
jazzkovskyOn my fresh precise pangolin install (all updates done), my hitachi usb drive won't mount. instead I'm hearing 6 low beeps. Any ideas?15:41
bekksjazzkovsky: Then take a look at "dmesg"15:41
DasEijazzkovsky: sudo fdisk -l sees it ?15:42
k1l_jazzkovsky: try a different usb-channel?15:42
jazzkovskybekks: unplugged drive. typed sudo dmesg -c then plugged drive. typed sudo dmesg: no output15:42
DasEijazzkovsky: if not, lsusb ?  try to find it with id and ubuntu on the net15:43
bekksjazzkovsky: Clearing it deleted all error messages...15:44
jazzkovskyk1l_: yes. same thing on all usb channels (but only with this drive)15:44
bekksjazzkovsky: That was the worst idea you could have.15:44
jazzkovskybekks: ähm ... but after deleting it I plugged the drive, to see if plugging it caused any errors. it didn't15:44
bekksjazzkovsky: Which doesnt change the fact that now all error messages that were in the ring buffer are gone now.15:45
jazzkovskyDasEi: sudo fdisk -l doesn't show the drive15:45
jazzkovskybekks: well, this procedure ws suggested on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197245015:46
bekksjazzkovsky: I asked you for the output of dmesg, not for following some forum threads :)15:47
jazzkovskybekks: well i kind of tried to find a solution before bothering this channel :/15:48
DasEijazzkovsky:  lsusb ?  try to find it with id and ubuntu on the net15:49
shrek1is selinux installed by default in ubuntu 12.04 ?15:49
DasEishrek1: no15:49
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DasEishrek1: apparmor isn't (as in usefull configured) either, but as selinux can use tomoyo, too15:49
jazzkovskyDasEi: lsusb does not list the drive either :(15:50
DasEijazzkovsky: do other boxes (aca win) see it ?15:50
Assidyep apt-fast seems to be the only way i could max my connection15:50
DasEijazzkovsky: last tries (as root) lshw, hwinfo15:50
kristenbbI have two default 12.04 machines. ssh -X doesn't work. $DISPLAY is not set. What can I do ?15:51
jazzkovskyDasEi: other boxes? you mean other usb dlots?15:51
DasEikristenbb: allowed forwarding x in sshd_config ?15:51
DasEijazzkovsky: other pc's15:51
kristenbbDasEi: yes, as is the default.15:51
kristenbbthe error is 'error: can't open display'.15:52
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DasEikristenbb: http://tinyurl.com/8cupvp6 , Post 615:55
jazzkovskyDasEi: could not find it on the usb slots with lshw;  hwinfo doesn't seem to work: "sudo: hwinfo: command not found"15:56
DasEijazzkovsky: sudo apt-get install hwinfo15:57
xanguajazzkovsky: withouth the dots :::15:57
DasEijazzkovsky: the drive is detected on other boxes ?15:58
jazzkovskyDasEi: I'll find that out in a minute15:58
zwircHi! How can I add a user to the computer so he only can access and see one folder ?15:59
codemaniacanyone familiar with micromax 3g modems here ?15:59
codemaniacmicromax gives a tough time in linux .!!!16:00
DasEizwirc: adduser, then re-permit it's home folder and the desired one16:01
DasEizwirc: man adduser, chmod, chown16:02
vicapmy ubuntu 12.04 installation seems to have encountered some turbulence overnight16:03
vicapI get to the log in screen, but when I type in the correct password rather than going to the desktop it shows a command shell in the upper left corner where I can't type or interact in any way16:04
vicapcan anyone help me recover?16:04
vicappretty please :)16:05
BluesKajvicap, yes use the recovery kernel , the choose 'repair broken packages" , the partial install should finish and reboot16:06
DasEivicap .. err has left16:06
BluesKajyes , i see , instant gratifaction expected and no patience whatsover16:06
DasEiBluesKaj: or a fuzzy client/connection , ;)16:07
BluesKajDasEi, you're too kind ...I think it's the former16:07
djnickI am having some issues with file permission modes... this is really confusing :/16:08
bharathDr_Willis: unable to change the permissions of the file in ubuntu 11.1016:08
bazhang!permissions | djnick this may help16:09
ubottudjnick this may help: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions16:09
jazzkovskyDasEi: this is the only usb slot i was not sure bout: 61: USB 00.0: 10a00 Hub16:09
jazzkovsky  [Created at usb.122]16:09
jazzkovsky  Unique ID: k4bc.9T1GDCLyFd916:09
jazzkovsky  Parent ID: 5YuN.SxJlZerZbOB16:09
jazzkovsky  SysFS ID: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-0:1.016:09
jazzkovsky  SysFS BusID: 1-0:1.016:09
FloodBot1jazzkovsky: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:09
djnickthanks bazhang16:10
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bharaththough I use chmod +x dbsetup command , and ./dbsetup  but it gives exec: 203: ./db2setup: Permission denied16:13
bekksdbsetup != db2setup16:13
davis776Oer, still the same :/16:13
davis776Psi-Jack, so any suggestions? :)16:13
djnickis there any way to target only directories with chmod? or do I have to individually change each one? :/16:14
bharathbekks: I use db2setup in both cases16:14
bekksdjnick: you can use find . -type d16:14
fegodbsetup != db2setup16:15
jazzkovskyDasEi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1150944/16:16
bharathfego: sorry ,I use db2setup in both cases16:16
OerHow do i remove the paid software list from softwarecentre ?16:16
DinosaurPorkchopMy flash videos are choppy. How can I fix this?16:16
OerOr is that unsupported too, like the crapware in that list?16:16
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djnickI guess I will need to write a bash script to chmod on only directories...16:18
Dr_Willisdjnick: or an alias16:19
DasEijazzkovsky: that's just the hub, you need the drive16:19
trismdjnick: find is useful, depending on what you are doing (just walked in)16:19
pigliti have one ssd and one 500 gig sata disk how can i did sudo hdparm -S 1/dev/sda to make the sda quit but it still ceeps on booting u16:19
piglitand making noise16:19
trismdjnick: find -type d -exec chmod something {} +16:19
djnickahh, cool thanks trism!16:20
DasEijazzkovsky: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo hwinfo | grep usb | pastebinit          ,give url here16:20
pigliti use grub to choose between hda and hdb16:20
piglithda is not mounted i think16:20
piglithda is the noisy 500 gig disk16:20
djnickDr_Willis: what is an alias?16:20
Dr_Willisalias ll="ls -l"16:21
Dr_Willisthen try ll16:21
jazzkovskyDasEi: plugged it on another box (win laptop); laptop didn't recognize the drive and i got the same 5 or 5 times low error beep fromn the drive16:21
Dr_Willisits a bash feature16:21
jazzkovskyDasEi: 5 or 6 times16:21
djnickDr_Willis: I really need to read up on Bash... thanks for you help!16:21
djnick*Your help16:22
Dr_Willisbash foo skils are handy16:22
bharathDr_Willis: I am unable to change the permissions in properties of a file16:23
Dr_Willisbharath: what file..16:23
knyn_Hi, I tried to run a game but I get this error message... "./teeworlds: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"16:23
bharathDr_Willis: db2setup file16:24
Dr_Willis!info teeworlds16:24
ubottuteeworlds (source: teeworlds): online multi-player platform 2D shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.1+dfsg-1 (precise), package size 335 kB, installed size 860 kB16:24
bharathDr_Willis: even to a folder16:25
Dr_Willisbharath: whats the full path toit. who oens it. ls -l thefile. to show info onit16:26
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jazzkovskyDasEi: Strangely, it didn't work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1150965/16:27
bharathDr_Willis: l 116:27
bharathdrwxrwxrwx 5 bharath bharath 1024 2009-05-31 19:16 expc16:27
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DasEijazzkovsky:  sudo lspci -vv | grep usb | pastebinit          ,give url here16:28
jazzkovskyDasEi: I get: "You are trying to send an empty document, exiting."16:32
Dr_Willissounds like a typo somewhere16:33
DasEijazzkovsky:  sudo lspci -vv | grep usb         does this generate output ?16:33
bharathDr_Willis: can you help on this?16:33
jazzkovskyDasEi: negativ.16:33
TJ-jazzkovsky: Try this: "sudo lspci -vv | grep -A 15 -i USB | pastebinit"16:34
Dr_Willisbharath:  your directory is executable.. you gave no info on the actual file you are trying to run16:34
DasEijazzkovsky: strange...16:34
DasEijazzkovsky:  sudo lspci -vv         does this generate output ?16:35
jazzkovskyTJ-: : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1150986/16:36
nico__i go16:36
TJ-jazzkovsky: not sure what the original problem is - I was just correcting the command :)16:37
bharathDr_Willis: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1150992/16:37
jazzkovskyDasEi: yes, it does. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1150994/16:37
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zenhi there16:39
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padhuwhy mail clients can't download mails after 4000 messages configured for gmail?16:39
_DanN_padhu: more details please16:40
DasEijazzkovsky:  sudo lsusb | pastebinit16:40
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padhuDanN_: I tried to download all of my mails from my gmail account using mail client Thunder bird & claws Mail. Bother are can't download mails after getting 4000 mails from server. I used POP3. Logs are not show any errors16:42
marsfligthHi, I need to set root cronjobs via shell script. I read the file in '/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root' and it says 'DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE'. Why it's not permit to edit it via shell? I'd use 'wc' and 'printf'. Thanks for reading16:42
_DanN_padhu: use imap ....16:42
bharathDr_Willis: I have send you the details16:42
paulgnuquien puede ayudar con ldap16:43
_DanN_padhu: and make thunderbird work with imap folders offline - settings16:43
padhuDanN_: Why? any restrictions?16:43
_DanN_padhu: possibly yes ...16:44
padhuDanN_: can i continue my downloading of mails from previous stage? or i must start fresh16:44
_DanN_padhu: not according to RFC though16:44
_DanN_padhu: this is "benefit" of using pop316:45
davis776does alternate version containt default ubuntu gui?16:45
_DanN_padhu: if you need just backup your emails then use fetchmail16:45
_DanN_there won't be any limit from client side I think16:45
jazzkovskyDasEi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1151009/16:45
aaa801is there a way to prevent ubuntu from writing to external drives until they are unmounted?16:46
padhuDanN_: okey, i will try ...... Third time :-(.16:46
Psi-Jackdavis776: Is this a brand new install? Have you tried to CTRL+ALT+F1, to get a a text console, and try to do an aptitude update; aptitude upgrade?16:47
_DanN_aaa801: your ubuntu is writingto drive which is not mounted ?16:47
aaa801Nono, i mean i have a lfs build on a sdcard for the pi16:47
aaa801extracting files takes forever if its writing to the actual device16:48
GH0What are some programs that let you write into PDF files, and perform similar tasks as Adobe Acrobat Writer? Orkut is not doing the job I need to do.16:48
aaa801if it could just do it in ram and then copy it over the the partition after16:48
adeeaaa801: until unmounted? after unmount there is no writing either..16:48
aaa801usauly when i unmount it wont say unmounted until all data is clean16:49
Dr_Willisaaa801:  make a partition in a file and mount it via the loopback feature, then dd it to the sd16:49
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aaa801Thats a good idea Dr_Willis :D16:49
Dr_Willismy sd cards are decently speedy..16:49
Psi-JackDr_Willis still lives! Holy crap! ;)16:49
aaa801ye but extracting gcc to a class 4 is horid ;)16:49
Dr_WillisPsi-Jack:  im at work. on dayshift now. ;)16:50
_DanN_aaa801: create ramdisk and use it as buffer ...16:50
Psi-JackDr_Willis: Finally moved up in the world, eh?16:50
lotuspsychjeworking on irc, a dreamjob16:50
Dr_WillisPsi-Jack:  got forced to days..  ;)16:50
adeeaaa801: use tmpfs (depending on the size requirements)16:50
Dr_Willislotuspsychje:  i never said i aork on irc... ;)16:50
Psi-JackDr_Willis: You mean voluntold, right?16:50
Dr_Willisgot told.. you go to days... ;) not been on irc much lately16:51
nicolegnuI have ubuntu server 4.12 and the following error16:52
fidelnicolegnu: 12.04 i guess ;)16:52
nicolegnuUse of qw(...) as parentheses is deprecated at /usr/share/perl5/smbldap_tools.pm line 1423, <DATA> line 52216:52
DasEijazzkovsky: doesn't look too good, you can hear the drive spinning up when plugging it ?16:52
nicolegnuI have ubuntu server 4.12 and the following error Use of qw (...) as parentheses is deprecated at / usr/share/perl5/smbldap_tools.pm line 1423, line 522 <DATA>16:53
OerHow do i remove the paid software list from softwarecentre ?16:54
TJ-nicolegnu: That's a PERL error. What command are you issuing to get that16:54
lotuspsychjenicolegnu:maybe this can help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198820416:55
nicolegnumodify the lines but generates other errors16:57
dae448I have a hot key already that opens gnome-terminal (Windows+R). How can I change it so that the hot key opens a new tab in an existing instance of gnome-terminal instead of a new gnome-terminal? E.g., I want to force gnome-terminal to have a single window at a time16:58
TJ-nicolegnu: Is this the bug #98481016:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 984810 in smbldap-tools (Ubuntu) "-u options fails with "Undefined subroutine &main::user_by_uid"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98481016:58
dae448Or, even better, if I could bind separate hot keys to open new gnome-terminal tabs with specific tab profiles.16:59
jazzkovskyDasEi: I don't think so. What I do hear, is that 5 beepsound error coming from the drive. Not sure wht it means.17:01
TJ-dae448: Have you checked "man gnome-terminal" ? I see this:  --tab-with-profile=PROFILENAME17:02
E3D3dae448, If you man the program 'konsole', try settings in the menu.17:02
TJ-jazzkovsky: what's the external drive make/model? Is it USB 2.0 or 3.0 ?17:02
E3D3dae448, * man = mean17:03
dae448TJ-, --tab-with-profile works, but it opens a new terminal window with that profile, it doesn't attach it as a new tab in the existing window17:04
TJ-dae448: ahh ok, I wondered if it was subtely different from --window-with-profile17:04
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TJ-dae448: what is intriguing is "--disable-factory" implies that by default it *should* reuse an existing terminal17:05
twemProbably the wrong channel but I was wondering if anyone has got CS:GO running?17:06
twemRight now it loads up but if you change anything in the menu/settings or join a server it kills the application and places me back to my desktop.17:06
Picitwem: try #winehq17:06
dae448TJ-, --disable-factory seems to reuse the existing terminal's connection, just in a new window. Not sure what it would be useful for17:06
DasEijazzkovsky: so it's possibly a dead drive then, re-check on another box, last chance is hitachi firmware (parked or something), can't help there any further17:07
twemOkay, thanks. Was just trying here first to see any ubuntu users had a fix.17:07
dae448The best I can do is a hot key that runs gnome-terminal --tab-with-profile=Prof1 --tab-with-profile=Prof2 ... and have them all open at once17:07
Praxihmm my ubuntu box keeps logging me out, its like it runs out of resources, then just dumps me to a login screen17:07
jazzkovskyDasEi: k. thanks.17:08
TJ-dae448: see this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1188959/open-a-new-tab-in-gnome-terminal-using-command-line17:08
Dr_WillisPraxi:  you mean its 'crashing' back to the login screen. ;)17:08
Praxiya, just a very graceful crash hehe17:09
Praxiits like I intentionally did a ctrl alt del17:09
Dr_WillisPraxi:  x server is crashing and lightdm service restarts17:09
PraxiI assume there is some log file I should be looking over?17:09
morningHaving a problem with network manager: "wireless disabled by hardware switch" on a Lenovo laptop. But the switch is ON, not off. rflist shows Wireless soft blocked: no, Hardblocked: yes. Same for Bluetooth. Rfkill unblock all doesn't seem to remove the hardblock. What to do?17:09
E3D3dae448, excuse for my wrong reply.17:10
Dr_Willismorning:  windows on that machine?17:10
morningDr_Willis: Lenovo T420s thinkpad17:10
morningNo Windows.17:11
Dr_Willismorning: ive a few laptps i have to boot to windows to turn on wireless17:11
morningDr_Willis: Doesn't seem an option for me.17:11
Jordan_UDr_Willis: Have you tried rfkill on those machines?17:12
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Jordan_Umorning: Could it be a hardware problem?17:14
marcus___any one know how to make apu amd laptop run turbo mode ?17:15
marcus___my cpu can run on 2400 turbo but all i got on buntu is 150017:15
morningjordan_U: I don't think so. Yesterday, the hardware switch would turn Bluetooth on, but not the Wireless. And both are controlled by the same switch. So it looks like the switch isn't the problem. Also, the F5 key DOES toggle softblock for Bluetooth, so that hardware key is okay too. So I would think that hardware isn't the problem.17:15
marcus___any help pls ?17:15
newbchessplayeri have KAlarm (a kde app) setup on two computers to start at login (its an option in the app itself). im using ubuntu on both PC's but one uses unity  2D and the other uses gnome2. Neither one of them start KAlarm on login. any suggestions?17:18
dingbatfoohow do I undo a rm -rf dir1 dir2?17:18
luftikussdingbatfoo: Use your backup.17:18
Jordan_U!undelete | dingbatfoo17:18
ubottudingbatfoo: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel17:18
subz3r0luftikuss, lol :D17:18
TJ-morning: Was it you I helped recently with changing the behaviour of the hot-key to stop it affecting the Wifi as well as Bluetooth?17:18
dingbatfooJordan_U, thanks17:18
Dr_Willisnewbchessplayer: put link to it in .conf17:18
newbchessplayerwhat kind of link17:19
Dr_Willisoops.. .local/autorun17:19
superfabbbhi, i've a roblem with epson dx 440017:19
morningTJ-: No, it wasn't (though I'm glad someone was helped).17:19
superfabbbscanner not found17:19
superfabbbwhat can i do?17:19
lotuspsychjemorning:can you set BIOS to network boot:on?17:19
Jordan_Udingbatfoo: You're welcome. But as you'll see, it's not at all simple or guaranteed.17:19
TJ-morning: OK, because you sound to be describing the same issues that person also experienced. Trying to remember about the hardware switch side of things but my memory isn't playing ball17:20
dingbatfooJordan_U, yes, I've actually gone through that a couple of years ago17:20
Dr_Willis~/.config/autostart/  i mean17:20
morninglotuspsychje: Not sure what that means. Last time I looked at the BIOS (a few minutes ago) all relevant settings seemed ON.17:20
newbchessplayerDr_Willis, what kind of link17:21
lotuspsychjemorning: i had several netbooks/laptops freezing on ubuntu with network boot:off (previous Os win7)17:21
Dr_Willisnewbchessplayer: ln -s foo bar   a soft link17:21
scribawfHow do I clean up/remove old kernals from boot?17:21
ekarlsoapt-get autoremove17:22
ekarlso>> scribawf17:22
lotuspsychjescribawf: ubuntu tweak can remove all sorts of stuff17:22
Dr_Willisnewbchessplayer: or a script. or a copy of its .desktop file17:22
newbchessplayerDr_Willis, what is "foo" and "bar" in that?17:22
scribawfekarlso:  OK Gud 'nuf thank you17:22
DasEiscribawf: manually or by synaptics, unless you specify howmany17:22
Dr_Willisnewbchessplayer: example names17:22
dingbatfooJordan_U, I used the coroner's toolkit then, seems not to be mentioned any more...17:22
morninglotuspsychje: I see. I don't recall such a setting in my BIOS, but I suppose I could reboot and check. Should I?17:23
scribawfDasEi probably manually17:23
lotuspsychjemorning: i would defenatly check, to be sure17:23
DasEiscribawf: was in grub farmer and I remember one can add it again, but ubuntu-tweak will be the easier way17:23
cloudgeekcan .pcap file can merger with .cap file for IVS17:23
DasEiscribawf: manually? cd in the /boot and delete by rm, same for initrd's then sudo update-grub17:24
lotuspsychjecloudgeek: is it ubuntu-related?17:24
scribawfTnx many and all, gud info will proceed to do/consider or try all the methods recommended17:24
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newbchessplayerDr_Willis, where is the .desktop folder located?17:25
cloudgeeklotuspsychje: yep !17:25
morningTJ: Missed your message in a flurry. Whatever you can remember would be appreciated. Other people do seem to be having similar issues. But the fixes they say have worked (varied moves with rfkill unblock) don't seem to be working for me.17:25
ThinkT510DasEi: deleting manually like that may upset apt17:25
Dr_Willisnewbchessplayer: each app has a related appname.desktop file. thats used by the system17:26
DasEiThinkT510: true, though I never had complaints17:26
TJ-morning: to be clear; have you recently booted that PC with Windows?17:26
morningTJ: Definitely not. Been nearly 2 years since I've had Windows on this machine.17:27
newbchessplayerDr_Willis, i searched for "KAlarm.desktop" but it didn't find anything17:27
TJ-morning: OK, so that rules out Windows doing anything to the hardware... good!17:27
TJ-morning: Have you restarted that PC after removing the battery?17:28
morningTJ: Yes. Did that.17:28
TJ-morning: darn! You've covered all the easy ones :)17:28
Jordan_U!msgthebot | cloudgeek17:29
ubottucloudgeek: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".17:29
Dr_Willis!bot > cloudgeek17:29
ubottucloudgeek, please see my private message17:29
TJ-morning: have you seen the last comment in this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/143782/wireless-is-disabled-by-hardware-switch-lenovo-b46017:30
newbchessplayerDr_Willis, could you please let me know where the file is17:30
marcus___amd a6-3420m turbo mode how to make it works ?17:30
Dr_Willisnewbchessplayer: no idea i dont use kde17:30
marcus___srly is rly important im loosing hell of cpu power here17:30
Dr_Willisnewbchessplayer: could be its a kde widgit17:30
TJ-newbchessplayer: According to "apt-file search KAlarm.desktop" that file doesn't exist17:31
lotuspsychjeTJ-:cool bios reset17:31
morningTJ-: No, I hadn't seen that. Thanks for pointing it out. I'll log out and try it. Will report back.17:31
newbchessplayerTJ-, what do i do then17:33
TJ-newbchessplayer: see https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepim/+question/5220117:35
marcus___so no help with my cpu problem ?17:36
TJ-newbchessplayer: this is much better! http://askubuntu.com/questions/166743/kalarm-wont-start-at-login17:37
lotuspsychjemarcus___:can you manually overclock cpu in bios?17:37
marcus___and i dont want oc it17:38
kayleehey, I've got what's probably a stupid question for ya... I've got something that's looking for libmtp, but I've got libmtp9 installed... what's the best way to go about directing it to look for 9?17:38
kayleecan I just to a symlink or somethign?17:38
marcus___ i want it works as apu turbo mode like it should17:38
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marcus___ocing cpu on laptop is stuid batterys die in seconds  obviously17:38
morningTJ: Unfortunately. . . . . . . . . No change17:39
marcus___ld run 1 or 2 cores on 2400 if there is need f power and rest n 800 in thet tie17:39
marcus___all it cna run is 1500 as non turbo on windows17:40
Dr_Williskaylee:  some precompiled binary not from the repos wants an older version?17:40
TJ-marcus___: As I understand it, 'turbo' mode turns off 2 of the 4 cores to boost their clocks...*only* if the running applications are lightly threaded. In other words, if the processes running on the system are using lots of threads more performance is gained by keeping all 4 cores busy at the regular clock rate17:40
kayleeno, not a precompiled binary17:41
TJ-morning: Grrrr17:41
kayleetrying to compile, and didn't want to muck with the config file unless I have to17:41
Dr_Williskaylee: what then exactly?17:41
morningTJ :-)17:41
Dr_Williskaylee:  ahh.. thats. different then17:41
marcus___tj yes but its dont works at all17:41
kayleeyeah, sorry :)17:41
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marcus___i googled alot and non seems to find any solution17:41
Dr_Williskaylee:  you may need to compile the older lib also17:42
marcus___for games this is game breaking cuz most games are singel core games17:42
marcus___ and this gaming laptop simly cannto run games on linux17:42
lotuspsychjemarcus___:maybe they know something more in ##hardware about this issue?17:42
marcus___its not problem for normal use but i play HoN so i need some etra power on single core17:42
marcus___ty i check17:43
kayleeis there even any possibility that something as simple as a symlink may work?17:43
histomarcus___: what type of cpu do you have?17:43
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Dr_Williskaylee:  it may need the older version for a reason. but i guess you could try..17:43
talasHi, i have a problem with a midi keyboard. I cant find it in qjackctl or anywhere else.. only in lsusb. what might be the problem?17:44
histokaylee: Is it possible that the app you are trying to build from source has alredy been packaged in the software center?17:44
kayleeI guess my main question is ... is that a retard option that's going to fubar stuff?17:44
kayleeor is it just something that probably won't work?17:44
histotalas: driver issue maybe?  see if dmesg has any info when you are pluging it in17:44
kayleehisto: not that I've found, but probably ought to doublecheck17:45
histokaylee: what app is it?17:45
kayleetrying to get my new android phone to mount17:45
TJ-marcus___:  "Turbo Core kicks in when 3 or more cores (on a 6-core part) are idle. When this happens, the frequency of those three cores is reduced to 800MHz, the voltage to the entire chip is increased, and the remaining three cores are turboed up by as much as 500MHz. It doesn’t get any more granular than this. If you have 3 or more cores idle, then the remaining turbo up. In any other situation the CPU runs at its normal clocks."17:46
Dr_Willisthought that wes in 12.0417:46
histokaylee: most android phones get mounted when they are plugged in17:46
TJ-marcus___: see http://www.anandtech.com/show/3641/amd-divulges-phenom-ii-x6-secrets-turbo-core-enabled17:46
talashisto: yes, theres some error like "device descriptor read/64, error -32" and "unable to enumerate USB device on port X".. thanks17:46
kayleehisto: yeah, I tried that first ;)17:47
killownanyone help me downgrade packages updated from latest 24 hours?17:47
Dr_Willis!pin | killown17:47
ubottukillown: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto17:47
Dr_Willispin the old versions basically17:47
histokaylee: let me look some things up hold up17:47
histokaylee: what type of android device is it?17:48
kayleeSamsung Galaxy SIII17:48
lotuspsychjeTJ-:interestinf link17:48
Dr_Williskaylee:  omgubuntu and/or webupd8 blog site had guides on that mtp android thing i recall17:49
histokaylee: are you running a modded firmware?17:49
lotuspsychjeis there a tablet yet with precise on?17:49
kayleeah, I was looking through xda-developers forums17:49
Dr_Willislotuspsychje:  not that ive seen17:49
kayleenope, it's still stock... for now17:50
Dr_Willislotuspsychje: a kubuntu one was supposd to be shipping soon17:50
lotuspsychjeDr-willis: i heard there was an ubuntu project for tablets, not sure whats it called17:50
kayleeI just got it last night17:50
Dr_Willislotuspsychje:  'a work in progress' i think. ;)17:50
lotuspsychjeDr_Willis:cool lemme google that17:50
histokaylee: there is the mtpfs and mtp-tools packages17:51
Dr_Willislotuspsychje: omgubuntu had some info last ,onth ok that kde tablet17:51
Dr_Willis!info mtpfs17:51
lanwin1hi. I need help in getting my server ubuntu server to shutdown when I press the power button. The common suggestions to install the acpid package dose not help. It dose nothing if I press the button. Not even a log to syslog.17:51
ubottumtpfs (source: mtpfs): FUSE filesystem for Media Transfer Protocol devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-3build1 (precise), package size 15 kB, installed size 88 kB17:51
histokaylee: also found this http://askubuntu.com/questions/146529/how-to-connect-samsung-galaxy-s3-via-usb17:51
lotuspsychjeDr_Willis:how cool would that be ubuntu on tablet and usb ports all sides17:52
kayleeyup, that's what I found... which lead me to http://research.jacquette.com/jmtpfs-exchanging-files-between-android-devices-and-linux/17:52
histokaylee: if the first package doesn't work I would look at installing mtp from git as described in my second link there17:52
Dr_Willislotuspsychje: my toshiba thrive has full sized usb ports allrready. ;)17:52
kayleehum, I HAVE mtp-tools17:52
histokaylee: you could just install the mtpfs and mtp-tools packages unless you need the newer versions for the s317:52
kayleenot sure when that got added though17:52
lotuspsychjeDr_Willis: is that also linux based?17:53
Dr_Willislotuspsychje: technically android is linux based. )17:53
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lotuspsychjeDr_Willis:would be cool to see unity on a tablet :p17:53
Dr_Willisim not so sure unity will work well on a tablet as it is now17:54
morningTJ-: I was offline briefly to try something (also didn't work). Now I have to head off to an appointment. I suppose I'll check in here again sometime later in the day. Many thanks for your efforts.17:56
TJ-morning: OK ... I'll keep looking17:57
TJ-morning: one last thing...17:57
tcialEvery so often my HDMI audio makes a screetching noise whilst playing music or sounds17:57
tcialIt's a very electronic screech, almost like an 8bit sound, and it's intermittent :(17:57
tcialIt's an Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 05)17:57
TJ-morning: ... does bluetooth work and wifi not work? ... in other words, is the hardware rfkill switch doing something17:57
tcialI have not installed any drivers, do I need to?17:57
kayleeah! see? this is what I get for not reading all the way17:58
drag0niuswhere are all places i can set up DNS server?17:58
kayleesupport for the S3 is in git, but not released yet17:58
drag0niusi think it went down on my ubuntu server17:58
tcialNo matter what audio software I use, it happens :(17:58
morningTJ-: I think it's been hit and miss. Bluetooth has *sometimes* worked. But I've rfkill'ed so many times now, I've lost track.17:58
lotuspsychjeDr_Willis: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41yVOS6fao17:59
morningTJ-: It *has* been doing something because it has sometimes changed the state of hardblocked or softblocked.17:59
drag0niusi'm using ubuntu server as router and at other comps everything works, but ubuntu server itself cant resolve names17:59
TJ-morning: The reason I ask is this... on my laptop the hardware switch developed a fault where it would turn off randomly... I had to eventually open the laptop and compress the physcial switch body... what had happened was the switch terminals were no longer making firm contact they'd become loose from wearing17:59
morningTJ: I suppose it still could be a physical problem. . .18:00
TJ-morning: I couldn't see any difference physically but since then its been entirely reliable18:00
lotuspsychjemorning:did you look if there isnt like a bios flash for this problem?18:00
histokaylee: so you'll have to install from git I recomend following the instructionis using checkinstall so you can easily remove it later18:00
tcialCould it be something to do with pulseaudio?18:00
TJ-morning: Also, sometimes, the link between the plastic switch you press and the switch internally can wear or break away so you don't know its not moving the real switch18:01
morningTJ-: I had such a problem on a previous machine. The switch would slide, but the little plastic flange inside broke off, so it didn't move the "real switch."18:01
TJ-morning: yes... I think it is worth investigating18:01
TJ-morning: let us know, either way :)18:01
morninglotuspsychje: Where would I look for that?18:01
morningTJ-: Well, I have an onsite warranty with Lenovo. So they'll come if I call them.18:02
TJ-morning: Even better!18:02
lotuspsychjemorning:lenovo type?18:03
lotuspsychjemorning:lemme take a look18:04
morninglotuspsychje: Standing by. . . .18:04
end_guySo I'm trying to get my HDMI port working on my laptop... but the system doesn't know when things are plugged into it. I've researced through Google and Ubuntu forms and found that I need to get nvidia-settings to handle it.18:05
zykes-wonder why my raid5 has so freaking large io wait :(18:06
end_guynvidia-settings tells me that I'm not running the nvidia X driver and to run nvidia-xconfig, but nvidia-xconfig is not a thing.18:06
end_guyCommand not found.18:06
talasAnyone know how to get ubuntu to recognise a midi keyboard? is there some configuration about this somewhere? It lists in lsusb..18:07
TJ-end_guy: You need to install the nvidia driver and enable it using System Settings > Hardware > Additional Drivers18:08
end_guyTJ-: I have the binary installed from nvidia's website because System Settings > Hardware > Additional Drivers (aka jockey-gtk) showed nothing to be installed18:09
TJ-end_guy: sounds like something has messed up. The nvidia drivers have to compile and install a kernel module to be able to control the hardware.18:10
end_guyTJ-: So when I got the laptop it chose to use my Intel display drivers instead and I had to disable that in place for nvidia... it was a pain in the butt.18:11
end_guy$ lspci | grep VGA18:11
end_guy00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)18:11
end_guy01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF106 [GeForce GT 555M] (rev a1)18:11
end_guyI'm not sure I remember how to check to see which display controller is actually using, does anyone else?18:12
lotuspsychjemorning:not sure if its gonna fix your prob, but worth a try for sure18:12
morninglotuspsychje: For sure. I have to leave now. But thanks for your help, both you and TJ-. Best wishes.18:13
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tcialAh well, Guess I have to use the analog audio -_- Another cable behind the TV18:14
end_guylshw -c video I think18:14
jagginesslol he said analog18:14
TJ-end_guy: Ahh you've got one of those dual-video setups. You need a special package to manage switching between the chipset video (Intel) and the discrete video (nvidia)18:16
jagginessTJ-, like.. ?18:16
TJ-end_guy: The facility (low power internal video, high-power external video) is called optimus.18:18
TJ-end_guy: there's a project called BumbleBee that deals with Optimus18:19
end_guyTJ-: Right I have bumblbee-nvidia for that (at least that's the kind of package I think you're mentioning)18:19
MoTecHow well does Bumblebee work?  I gave up on Ubuntu on my Alienware laptop a while back because the battery life was seriously short.18:20
TriBeCa99Hi there, I have a softRAID array mounted for my home drives on an existing 10.10 installation, but I need to replace all of the drives. I'm not really sure where to start.18:20
TJ-end_guy: Not having done it myself I can't really help you aside from pointing you to links that seem authoritative18:20
delinquentmeso im getting this message: " Duplicate sources.list entry "  when running updates on my 10.04 installation ... and heres my sources.list http://pastie.org/4522800  any idea which is a duplicate?18:20
TJ-MoTec: "A service runs and waits for users to ask for 3D accelerated graphics. When a user starts a program using the special command optirun, the service loads the Nvidia driver, starts an X server using the discrete graphics (with the display disconnected from the actual screen) and runs the specified program on that “background” X server. Then it copies the visuals from the program that is rendered using the discrete graphics to a window on the main X server. W18:21
TJ-hen the program terminates, the service closes the secondary X server, removes the driver and powers down the graphics card – putting us back into the ~10 hours battery life."18:21
TJ-delinquentme: Have you also checked the lists in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory?18:21
MoTecTJ-: Thanks.. It'd be nice if I could get the 10 hours or so of battery life I get in Windows with Ubuntu.. Might have to check it out again.18:22
TJ-MoTec: It's down to Nvidia again... supporting Windows fully but not alternatives18:22
end_guyTJ-: It'd be nice if I could force my machine to always use the nvidia driver... I don't care so much about battery life if I can just get the HDMI/nvidia settings to work18:22
delinquentmeTJ-, the pastie is updated with the whole error message ...18:22
TJ-end_guy: I'm reading this, it may help: http://geek.co.il/wp/2012/02/19/nvidia-optimus-on-ubuntu-12-0418:23
delinquentmelike ln 45 and ln 46 look like they might be duplicates18:23
delinquentmeOOH wait18:24
delinquentme50+51 ... and 52 + 5318:24
TJ-delinquentme: nope... do "grep 'archive\.canonical\.com' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*"  ... that will show if there are other entries18:25
delinquentmegrep 'archive\.canonical\.com' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*18:27
delinquentme/etc/apt/sources.list.d/lucid-partner.list:deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner18:27
delinquentme/etc/apt/sources.list.d/lucid-partner.list.save:deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner18:27
delinquentmeis a list and list.save .... are those supposed to have duplicates?18:27
delinquentmeshould I remove one of those TJ- ?18:28
Dr_Willis.save is a backup i belive18:28
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TJ-delinquentme: There you go! You have the archive listed in the main sources.list and in an add-on... check "Software Sources" from the Software Center and disable the additional sources18:28
TJ-delinquentme: pardon me, you're on 10.04 ... use Synaptics ... Software Sources menu option18:29
delinquentmeok so im in "other software" ( tab ) and theres two of the same address18:29
TJ-delinquentme: I'd suggest disabling the latter18:30
delinquentmeone which has ( Source Control ) at the end18:30
TJ-delinquentme: hang on...18:30
TJ-delinquentme: I suspect "source control" means the source-code link (deb-src ...) there's usually one of those for each "deb"18:30
TJ-delinquentme: just disable both of them in the Other sources, update, and test18:31
headBangerhey guyz18:31
navatwoAny idea how I can fix my min,max,close buttons? They swapped back to being on the rigth hand side.. :<18:31
headBangerhow is ubuntu 12.10 for production use18:31
navatwoheadBanger: its not released yet, so I would say its a poor idea.18:31
headBangernavatwo: i am really having issues with 12.0118:32
DJonesheadBanger: I would say ask in #ubuntu+1 thats the support channel until its released, they'll have a better idea of its stability18:32
zaggynlIn other news, Ieciel and ACL is brilliant18:32
navatwoheadBanger: new or old hardware?18:32
headBangernew hardware18:32
Allan_hey guys. I have a gt210 with hdmi audio. i am using ubuntu 12 and the nvidia sound driver is installed. it is marked at card2 with aplay -l. how do i configure the system to use that card?18:32
TriBeCa99So I have my home drives mounted on a softRAID10 array, but I need to upgrade to larger capacity disks. Is there a clean way to do this?18:33
delinquentmeTJ-, looks like we're good!!!18:33
headBangerhaving problem with suspend and hibernate etc...18:33
Dr_WillisAllan_:  i had to install the 'pauvcontrol' app and twiddle with it to select my hdmi sound.18:33
headBangerthanks DJones18:33
TJ-delinquentme: great :)18:33
TriBeCa99Naturally I don't have enough SATA ports to have both arrays up at the same time18:34
Allan_Dr_Willis, will try that. cheers18:34
navatwoHow would I change the -+x buttons to be on the left.. they magically made their way to the right side18:34
Dr_Willispavucontrol pauvcontrol.. i forget what one its calld18:34
ubottuStarting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information and workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/53263318:35
Dr_Willisnavatwo:  different themes can move them18:35
Allan_Dr_Willis, what package is the pauvcontrol part of?18:35
Dr_WillisAllan_:  its own i belive.18:35
Dr_Willismay be paVucontrol18:36
navatwoDr_Willis: nope, changing between the two doesn't work and I can't move them back lol18:36
Dr_Willis!info pavucontrol18:36
ubottupavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.2-1build1 (precise), package size 140 kB, installed size 949 kB18:36
Dr_Willis!info pavumeter18:36
ubottupavumeter (source: pavumeter): PulseAudio Volume Meter. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-1ubuntu2 (precise), package size 27 kB, installed size 103 kB18:36
headBangerok time to leave18:37
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navatwohmm, Dr_Willis I got it to work.18:38
navatwoJust "unset it"18:38
navatwoStrange though, I didn't actually change it before..18:38
Dr_Willisa theme set it and never unset it is my guess18:39
navatwoI'm using default haha18:39
Dr_Willisthemes can have a script they run to tweak thangs.18:40
Dr_Willisnot all thmes have that script, so they use the setting that was there18:40
hellyeahi am using ubuntu 12.04 why gparted is not over there18:43
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rustler770No solution to Canon MG5320 wireless problem found, work around... move the printer and plug it in USB.18:43
superfabbbhow can i add universe in repository?18:46
hellyeahroot@hellyeah-VPCF136FX:~# apt-get install gparted Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package gparted18:46
hellyeahjust write universe at the end of adrs line18:46
hellyeahsuperfabbb:  which version of ubuntu are you using18:47
hellyeahjust a sex18:47
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories18:48
hellyeahcheck this out http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Precise_Repositories18:48
superfabbbi want to install epson dx4400 and the wiki guide say to add  universe component in repo18:49
hellyeahhttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Precise_Repositories may be it helps18:49
Dr_Willisits possible its allready added18:49
hellyeahDr_Willis:  there is no gparted package here18:49
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abyss42How can one source a script from inside another bash script?18:59
Dr_Willisabyss42: the source command18:59
Dr_Willisshortcut for it is '.'   ie... . filetosource19:00
Dr_Willisor source filerorun19:00
superfabbb"You will have to enable component called 'universe'" how have i to do?19:01
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Dr_Willisuse the software sources tool, or edit the sources.list file by hand19:01
Dr_Willis!info gimp19:02
ubottugimp (source: gimp): The GNU Image Manipulation Program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.12-1ubuntu1 (precise), package size 4611 kB, installed size 12814 kB19:02
joubinSorry butt in | Can someone point me to a proper guide that would help me create an AP on my ubunty?19:02
superfabbbi've ubu 12.0419:03
CMOHi all need to ask if anyone knows any good app for windows to copy the hole operating system into a file the tricky part is i need to run it hidden from console so it need to support command line please help19:03
superfabbbwhere is this option in ubu soft?19:03
ricky90i love ubuntu19:04
Dr_Willissuperfabbb:  should be a software sources tool or menu item in the software center19:05
jagginesssuperfabbb, it's the "update manager" somewhere in the menu, probably system/19:06
abyss42Dr_Willis, I get a source: not found error19:07
Allan_hey guys. trying to get hdmi audio working. i have tried playing a wav file through each sound device on the card and i am getting no audio. command: aplay -D plughw:1,3 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Right.wav   - the card and device numbers are correct as stated with aplay19:07
shasts_Hi all. my touch pad pointer has flickering problem. device hp dv6. anyone has idea how to fix ? I'm using 12.04 LTS19:09
DreadKnighthey... seems I did something bad and I'm not sure how to fix it "Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: mount: only root can mount /dev/sdc1 on /media/sdc1"19:09
Allan_DreadKnight, run dmesg19:09
shasts_being xorg.conf deprecated, any other workaround for this issue ?19:09
Allan_DreadKnight,  you need to be root to mount lol19:09
Allan_DreadKnight, prepend sudo to the command or run it as root19:10
DreadKnightAllan_, want to avoid that and just mount the darn flash thumb as a regular user19:10
tangent3hi everyone, my apt seems to be messed up, would anyone know how to resolve this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1151260/19:10
subcoolcould someone help me with a ssh public key?19:10
centrelink"Currently supported versions 8.04 LTS (server only)"19:10
Allan_DreadKnight, hmm, im not sure what manages policies in ubuntu but dmesg might give you more info19:11
centrelinkI fail to understand the difference between ubuntu server and ubuntu desktop19:11
Allan_pastebin it19:11
TJ-DreadKnight: A line like this in /etc/fstab will do it: "LABEL=USB /media/USB vfat defaults,ro,user 0 0"19:11
r4gDreadKnight, add the "user" flag to fstab19:11
Allan_TJ-, doesnt that only work at boot?19:11
DreadKnightI only have /etc/fstab.d btw19:11
TJ-DreadKnight: You could use "UUID=xxxxxxxxxx..." instead to be sure it's the correct device19:11
Allan_fstab.d is a directory19:11
TJ-Allan_: no... if you're running the GUI the automounter will handle it19:12
shasts_Hi all. my touch pad pointer has flickering problem. device hp dv6. anyone has idea how to fix ? I'm using 12.04 LTS. since xorg.conf deprecated in 12.04, any other workaround for this issue ?19:12
Allan_hey guys. trying to get hdmi audio working. i have tried playing a wav file through each sound device on the card and i am getting no audio. command: aplay -D plughw:1,3 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Right.wav   - the card and device numbers are correct as stated with aplay19:12
macer1how can I run extended ext4 checks19:12
Allan_any ideas?19:12
macer1my filesystem crashed19:12
TJ-DreadKnight: There must be an /etc/fstab surely!?19:12
macer1and some files are corrupted19:12
macer1fsck says filesystem clean19:12
Allan_ok then it has no bad blocks19:13
DreadKnightTJ-, yes, found it19:13
DreadKnightlast line is "/dev/sdc1                                  /media/sdc1  ext4  defaults             0  0  "19:13
Allan_macer1, well if the files are corrupted it's not necessarily still a filesystem issue19:13
macer1my git repo is corrupted, but source files are not. also system updates failed because of md5sums fail19:13
Allan_because theya re corrupted19:13
macer1but new files written to disk are corrupted19:13
Allan_macer1, do you get random segmentation faults when compiling?19:14
macer1huh, no.19:14
TJ-DreadKnight: Change it to "/dev/sdc1    /media/sdc1  ext4  defaults,user   0  0" although - it being ext - the permissions on the device will control who has access19:14
macer1I don't have any c++ projects atm19:14
Allan_macer1, maybe the files were corrupted when cloning your repo?19:14
Allan_i mean on transit19:14
macer1ahh no, it was started on my computer19:15
macer1also problem of new files being corrupted like system packages19:15
Allan_did you run the fsck on the right partition?19:15
Allan_macer1, what abotu otehr partitions? they get corrupted fiels too?19:16
macer1luks: { lvm: { ext4,swap }}19:16
macer1Allan_, I need to check that. my seconds partition is osx.19:16
macer1I am now on live cd so can't access that19:16
Allan_macer1, might be a low level issue if there is. + dont you use a separate partitoon for /boot and /home ?19:17
sulphur16Ubuntu 12.04, laptop goes to standby because of broken battery19:17
macer1Allan_, /boot is on efi partition19:17
macer1no seperate /home19:17
macer1on lvm there is ext4 and swap19:17
sulphur16Does anyone know where the power settings are saved in 12.0419:18
Allan_macer1, try MDD, it's a low level hard disk utility19:18
macer1Allan_,  what package?19:18
mortezawhen I want to boot ubuntu 12.4 , I see just a desktop + mouse19:19
Allan_macer1, may pippoint some issues. also run a memtest and ensure that it's not a memory issue19:19
mortezaother part can't load . how to solve it?19:19
Allan_macer1, it's a separate boot disk. mdd, i think it might be dos based19:19
aloiecehi people, first time here, so I'm not sure of how this works, but i'd need help with something?19:19
macer1can memtest be run from system?19:19
Allan_i think it's part of the ubuntu install yes. but then again if you're having hd issues it might also be corrupt19:20
LinixGuys, I'm having problems with install VMWare player in Ubuntu 12.04. I already installed it but it fails to compile. Any one can help me?19:20
Anonymous_this Ubuntu is good now days19:20
sulphur16Guys, How to stop a laptop from going into standby due to low battery?19:21
mortezamy ubuntu has crash on boot, how to solve it?19:21
Linixhere's the logfile, I'm not experienced enough to understand it: http://pastebin.com/wTtRKZBi19:21
Anonymous_where can you get Google earth on this Ubuntu19:22
Linixsulphur16: click on the batery icon and then it will show up with the options19:23
macer1can memtest be run from a running system?19:23
TJ-sulphur16: System Settings > Hardware > Power > "When battery is critically low"19:23
LinixAnonymous_ First Google result: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/04/install-google-earth-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/19:23
sulphur16TJ: There is no option selected there19:24
TJ-sulphur16: Not sure then!19:24
fpoescAnonymous_ http://www.google.com/earth/index.html19:24
sulphur16TJ: Only two options available, Hibernate(Dimmed) and Shutdown19:24
Linixsulphur16: Is it going to stanby or locking?19:25
TJ-sulphur16: Same here. I can't explain that then!19:25
sulphur16Linix: standby19:25
fpoescAnonymous_ Click the download button and then then depending on your architecture choose one of the .deb-packages19:25
macer1SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED19:25
Linixsulphur16: Then IDK19:25
sulphur16Linix: The battery in this laptop is broken19:25
sulphur16Linix: So the power level keep hovering around critical levels19:26
LinixI'm getting sick of this... I'll, once more, reinstall ubuntu 12.04... It's like the 13th time I do this!19:27
DreadKnighthow do I give myself permissions to /dev/sdd ?19:31
DreadKnightthanks for the previous help, making some progress fixing the crap...19:31
Linixdildo_anus: change your nick19:33
dildo_anusYANAMI REI                           __.-"..--,__                                __..---"  | _|    "-_\                         __.---"          | V|::.-"-._D                    _--"".-.._   ,,::::::'"\/""'-:-:/               _.-""::_:_:::::'-8b---"            "'            .-/  ::::<  |\::::::"\            \/:::/::::'\\ |:::b::\            /|::/:::/::::-::b:%b:\|             \/::::d:|8:::b:"%%%%%\             |\:b:dP:d.:::%%%%%""19:33
djzntrism: hello!19:34
dildo_anus                                                 ,g88bg,                                        ,g8888g, ),  "8b                                        ),  "88b<     CP                                       <     C8I \_ ,'|'                                        \_ ,-'88,  |  (      H0R53S3X0R                          |  |88b ,'   \                                         ,'   Y8P/ ,'   `,                                       ,'19:34
Linixsomeone kick dildo_anus19:34
dildo_anus,--------------------------------------------------------------------------. |:::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: : :.: : : : : : : : .. .. :. ..   | |:::::::dHHHbo._ ::::::::.:.:.:.:.:.: : :.: : :.: : :.: : : :..:..: .. :.  | |::::::dHF""HHHHb.::::::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: : :.: : : : : . :. .. . ..  | |:::::dHH  _ "HHHHb.:::::.:.:.:.:.:.: :.:.: :.:.: : : : : : :.::.: ..: ..  | |:::::HHH_'o  "HHHHHb.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: :.:.:.: 19:35
dildo_anuswhite people should di19:35
nwilson5anyone know, in the terminal, if you can append "date" to some file you're tailing? I.e. I'm doing "tail -f file.txt" but each line that comes out i want to see the system date/time appended to it. not sure if it's possible19:35
bzzzzwow, really?19:36
bzzzz!op dildo_anus19:37
DreadKnightdildo_anus, I hope you die in real life19:37
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!19:37
Bishdildo_anus, your lifetime seems very valueable19:37
bzzzz!ops dildo_anus19:37
nwilson5man spammed out my q19:37
nwilson5anyone know, in the terminal, if you can append "date" to some file you're tailing? I.e. I'm doing "tail -f file.txt" but each line that comes out i want to see the system date/time appended to it. not sure if it's possible19:37
zykotick9nwilson5: append which is >> should work.  so "date >> file.txt" would add the date to the end of the file19:38
Picinwilson5: multitail might be able to do that.19:38
soliloquy1I'm a Mac user migrating over. I've seen screenshots like this http://browse.deviantart.com/customization/skins/linuxutil/desktopenv/?order=9#/d31mal5 in which the menus are all at the top of the screen, like on a mac. How do I get this?19:38
nwilson5hmm well see the file has a new line written to it every X seconds it's some custom log for some process and i'd like the date to print out as i'm tailing the file, not just be at the end of it19:39
nwilson5i'll look into that Pici sec19:39
zykotick9Pici: multitail is for multiple file monitoring?19:39
nwilson5you can19:39
Picizykotick9: Yes, but it can do single files as well. It does multiple files better than using tail on many files at once.19:39
nwilson5do tail -f * anyways or whatever files you want to see19:40
xanguasoliloquy1: using the latest Ubuntu19:40
soliloquy1xangua: I'm running Xubuntu - if I run Ubuntu's panel instead of Xfce's, can I install the packages to move the menus to the top?19:41
=== fxhp is now known as fxhp-idle
soliloquy1xangua: What are the packages called that do that?19:41
credei cannot load firefox19:42
nwilson5just wanting to see the interval between lines showing up while viewing tail -f of a file though i suppose it may not be possible19:42
nwilson5without modifying the file creation itself19:42
intr0x80Is there a decent webpage the describes the currently supported versions of Ubuntu?19:44
xanguaintr0x80: the topic does19:44
Piciintr0x80: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases19:45
=== John__K is now known as Guest95023
abec0Hi. I have a nice drum sound during the login screen, then no sound a all. aplay -l does list my card. No pulseaudio there, but same wih pulseaudio...19:45
xanguasoliloquy1:  indicators¿ not really know19:45
abec012.04 upgraded. If someone has an idea...19:45
abec0Oh, and of course, works fine in Debian squeeze.19:46
kiraslaughis it worth it to dual-boot mac osx?19:46
abec0(no troll intended, just to say that hardware is supported, as also proved by the drum sound during login...)19:46
=== mimor is now known as mimor_
alfredoalguien que me pueda ayudar con impress19:48
alfredohelp with impress19:49
DJones!es | alfredo19:50
ubottualfredo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:50
Picinwilson5: It looks like 'ts' from moreutils does exactly what you want.19:50
Picinwilson5: i.e. tail -f filename | ts19:50
nwilson5nice, thanks Pici19:52
raven_xubuntu 12.04 cannot login any more. every attempt is looped to the login screen again. auth.log tells me something about pam_environment input output error - any ideas?19:52
ControllerSYRby ssh how i can send file19:53
zykotick9ControllerSYR: scp19:53
ControllerSYRWHAT ?19:54
DJones!scp | ControllerSYR19:55
ubottuControllerSYR: scp is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/19:55
=== YogYog_ is now known as Shooot
TJ-ControllerSYR: "scp <path/to/file> [user@][hostname]:<path/to/destination>19:55
zykotick9ControllerSYR: see "man scp" for some more details19:55
=== Tux is now known as Penny
ControllerSYRthank you19:56
Anonymous_hello my new friedes of this new windows ubuntu.19:57
guntbertAnonymous_: Do you have an ubuntu support question?19:58
konserv-Startup Disk Creator doesn't work for me, when I try to add my .iso file nothing happens it doesn't appear to load or something19:59
konserv-Any ideas ?19:59
zaggynltrying to generate keys with20:00
zaggynlsudo dpkg-reconfigure freenx-server20:00
zaggynlno keys appear :(20:00
abec0I have no pluseaudio installed, but .pulse-cookie and a .pulse/ directory appears at login...20:00
zykotick9abec0: you are aware that gnome/unity basically requires pulse for audio right?20:01
butterhey guys - just installed ubuntu using wubi - x doesn't fully start and all I have is tty20:02
=== scottas is now known as zz_scottas
os_i can't find scp in repositories ..20:02
zykotick9os_: it's part of ssh20:02
abec0zykotick9: Not that aware, no... ;-)20:02
butterI tried to do "x -configure" but it says x is already running20:02
butter(I tried "x -configure" because it cannot find my screens20:02
coldpizza72iI have a samba server drive mouted on the client side but it says I dont have the permissions to put things in...20:02
butter(there are three, all connected to a triplehead2go)20:02
coldpizza72iI set the mask to 077720:03
kyle__Where is the setting for which group has rights to audio?20:03
butterFirst how do I kill X server without it automagically restarting?20:03
TJ-butter: "sudo service lightm stop" will stop the X server20:03
kyle__I've got network users, I want to add their group.20:03
raven_xubuntu 12.04 cannot login any more. every attempt is looped to the login screen again. auth.log tells me something about pam_environment input output error - any ideas?20:03
butterTJ-: that's what I thought, but it started it right back up20:03
butterI'll try it again20:03
luftikusskyle__: Do you mean /etc/group ?20:04
TJ-butter: "restart" would restart it ... "stop" should stop it only20:04
TJ-butter: unless you've got a stray X process from a failed start?20:04
TJ-butter in which case, kill -TERM it20:04
kyle__luftikuss: No, I mean a config somewhere to say, group audio has rights to the sound device.20:04
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TJ-butter: typo correction: "sudo service lightdm stop" will stop the X server20:05
kyle__luftikuss: I need to add another group (from the network).20:05
kenshiroHi, I have a slight sound delay in VLC (I use ubuntu 12.04). I had that problem in earlier ubuntu versions. I think the problem can be pulseaudio which introduces some lag to audio processing. Is there any way to safely uninstall pulseaudio from ubuntu 12.04 so it only uses ALSA or OSS ? Thank you !20:05
luftikusskyle__: " The /etc/group file is a text file that defines the groups on the system."20:06
butteralright, well I stopped x20:06
butterx -configure failed20:06
TJ-butter: "sudo Xorg -configure" any better?20:07
buttersame error20:07
butterI need to add a new mode to xrandr, because my res is 3840x1024 accross three screens20:07
butterbut it says cannot open monitor20:07
kyle__luftikuss: Yes, I know that.  In simpler times, the audio device was owned by a group, and you could just add users to that group.  Now we have that monstrosity pulse.  I need to know how to let other users use pulse, without them being in the pulse or audio group.20:07
conleyHow can I get a card reader to work? Disk utility recognizes it, but when I plug a card in nothing happens20:08
TJ-butter: can you pastebin the results of the command?20:08
butter yeah I dont' know what to do...I suppose I need to manually add my monitor(s), then add the mode, then somehow get X to use this mode20:08
butterTJ-: how do I pastebin from tty ?20:09
=== ceradon-away is now known as euphoria
islandmonkeyHelp please, SD card not working. See http://paste.ubuntu.com/1151351/ (it's the sys.log)20:09
luftikusskyle__: I do not know the answer to your problem.20:09
butterAye, forget this20:09
butterI'll figure something else out20:09
butterTJ-: thanks anyway20:09
kyle__luftikuss: The issue is the users & their groups are defined in ldap, not in /etc.20:10
soliloquy1Is it possible to install the unity app-menu without running all of Unity? I'm currently running Xubuntu 12.04.20:10
abec0zykotick9: Well, pulseaudio reinstalled, and still zero sound *after* the login drum...20:10
=== sig_wall is now known as sig-wall
islandmonkeyAnd also this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1151357/20:11
abec0The GUI says Dummy Ouput (free translation) in the sound section.20:11
abec0Any idea welcome.20:11
abec0Since I do have a login sound, I would be optimistic, but...20:12
kyle__abec0: Zero sound from which program?20:13
abec0All of'em.20:13
kenshiroHi, any way to safely revert back to ALSA or OSS in Ubuntu 12.04 ?20:13
kyle__abec0: type groups on the command line20:13
abec0Not even a nice sound level applet on the «bar»...20:14
abec0kyle__: Ah!20:14
abec0That I like...20:14
abec0I have a «pulse» in there, but no «audio».20:14
abec0Should I...20:14
abec0sudo adduser ... audio ?20:14
kyle__abec0: I think you should, but I'm not positive, 'buntu changes what's best practices all the time.20:15
kyle__abec0: usermod -G audio -a abec020:15
kyle__assuming your username is abec0.  The -a tells it to append the group, the -G tells it what group20:15
TJ-islandmonkey: http://askubuntu.com/questions/132100/errors-in-dmesg-test-wp-failed-assume-write-enabled20:15
kyle__abec0: Without the -a, it would whipe you all your other secondary groups (that would be bad).20:15
abec0OK ;-).20:16
abec0I try and report back in a few.20:16
coldpizza72iI have a samba server drive mouted on the client side but it says I dont have the permissions to put things in. any ideas?20:16
coldpizza72iI set the mask to 077720:16
guntbertkyle__: adduser is much safer in that regard :)20:16
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kyle__guntbert: I guess I'm an old fogey :)20:17
guntbertkyle__: :)20:17
newanHallo, nach einer Neuinstallation geht alles nur meine hotekeys für sound auf einem thinkpad t510. unter 11.04 brauchte ich nur xfce4-volumed installieren und es tat. nun nicht mehr, was hab ich ggf noch vergessen20:18
guntbert!de | newan20:18
ubottunewan: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!20:18
abec0Well I am quite old myself, but not to the point of not hearing sounds that would be there ;-)...20:18
kenshiroHi, any way to safely revert back to ALSA or OSS in Ubuntu 12.04 ?20:19
GotSanityI am trying to play youtube vids full screen on a nvidia twinview setup and they always display spanning both monitors. I want them to fill only a single monitor. Ive googled but am only coming up with an old bug that has been fixed 3 years ago. Anyone have any ideas20:20
islandmonkeyTJ-: Which one would be my SD reader?: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1151372/20:20
=== mrmist is now known as groupcat
adam_I have a mobile internet USB device (cricket) that gets me on the internet. I want to network this PC with another PC on network via a router.  When I plug the computer into the router, the mobile internet stops working.  Is there anyway I can keep the mobile internet device working while I'm plugged into a router used to local networking only? (No internet access to router)20:21
abec0I am now in the audio group, but... still no sound. Any ideas ?20:21
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guntbertabec0: did you log out/in?20:21
abec0guntbert: Oh! yeah.20:21
TJ-abec0: My suggestion is to always investigate the log files in "/var/log/" .. Start "Log file viewer" and start off looking at kern.log and syslog for clues20:21
abec0I did, I mean.20:21
kyle__abec0: That's weird.  If you have audio on login, and you're in that group, there is no way you should not get it.  Did you log out and in ?  Existing sessions don't get new permissions.20:22
abec0(even rebooted...)20:22
abec0(even turned off the machine, being a bit superstitius here...)20:22
TJ-islandmonkey: I'd guess the Syntek since all the others are hubs. That info gives the device's ID 174f:1442 so we can find out which driver operates it20:23
abec0TJ-: I'll tail -f and grep pulse20:23
TJ-islandmonkey: Try this: "lsusb -v -d 174f:1442"20:24
TJ-abec0: Is the pulseaudio daemon running? "pgrep pulse"20:24
abec0TJ-: Yep.20:25
abec0I prefer ps aux|grep pulse, but anyway, it *is* running...20:25
islandmonkeyTJ-: I wouldn't think it'd be that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1151391/20:26
TJ-abec0: Does pavucontrol show any output devices at all, or just dummy?20:26
dasil003does anyone here happen to have any domains registered at enomcentral.com?20:26
B0g4r7_What's the easiest way to boot into linux on a Macbook Pro?  I don't wanna install it, I just want to boot into it "live", and it needs to be native, not in a vm.20:27
Jordan_UB0g4r7_: An actual physical CD burned from the +mac iso.20:27
B0g4r7_+mac iso huh.20:27
abec0Only dummy. But I do have info about logs...20:27
B0g4r7_Sounds like the ticket.20:27
TJ-islandmonkey: That's a camera isn't it?20:28
B0g4r7_All I need to do is run badblocks really, heh.20:28
islandmonkeyTJ-: And this message repeats itself over and over again: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1151397/20:28
TJ-islandmonkey: So the reports aren't originating from a USB device20:28
islandmonkeyTJ-: No it's nothing to do with the webcam20:28
abec0I'll have to paste it.20:29
TJ-islandmonkey: OK, that log was much more helpful, I understand now :)20:29
TJ-islandmonkey: can you pastebin for me "lspci -nn"20:30
GotSanityanyone know how to stop fullscreen flash videos from displaying on both monitors on a nvidia dual monitor set?20:30
B0g4r7_Playing them with something other than Flash might do it.  I like VLC.20:30
islandmonkeyTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1151408/20:30
B0g4r7_If it's youtube, you can uninstall flash, and it will fall back to an html5 player.20:31
GotSanityB0g4r7, I never had to do that before. this is something new20:31
B0g4r7_I had to get rid of flash myself.  It kept crashing my whole system at random whenever it was active.20:32
kyle__B0g4r7_: You dont' have to opt-into the HTML5 beta anymore?20:33
B0g4r7_I didn't.20:33
kyle__B0g4r7_: Neat.20:33
B0g4r7_It just worked (in chrome anyway).20:33
B0g4r7_well, Chromium.20:34
GotSanityyeah but what about other flash sites like vimeo20:34
B0g4r7_I dunno about them.  They may not work.20:34
MonkeyDustis vimeo also flash?20:34
GotSanityyeah it is20:34
TJ-islandmonkey: From what I'm reading, what is happening is that a udev rule is firing to launch mtp-probe on some USB devices it ought not.. I'm digging into which rule we need to modify20:34
B0g4r7_To me, not having those is a small price to pay for a stable system.20:34
michelfphow do i resize a partition in ubuntu?20:34
michelfpdo i /need/ a live cd?20:35
kyle__Video Download Helper in firefox works without flash, it can snag the vimeo video down locally for you.20:35
B0g4r7_michelfp, I recommend gparted live for that task.20:35
kyle__Heh, html5 on vimeo http://vimeo.com/blog/post:26820:35
aaasApache auth:  this page says I can allow local net/pass auth external  ( http://goo.gl/oyS6D ) second grey box , so I put this in my /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default file: http://pastebin.com/7EMBxb9u   but it DOES NOT behave as expected, is there another override somewhere else (doesn't work with AllowOverride none either)20:36
michelfpB0g4r7, i try running it, it asks me to authenticate then nothing happens20:36
B0g4r7_I can't wait for the day when we are no longer afflicted with flash.20:36
GotSanitytrue, but flash hasnt made my system unstable... just cant watch videos fullscreen for some reason. I was able to do recently but something changed (and im not sure about when or what) to stop it from displaying fullscreen on only one monitor20:36
B0g4r7_I guess you're luckier than I was.  Itr crashed me mercilessly.20:36
michelfpB0g4r7, i try running it, it asks me to authenticate then nothing happens20:37
MonkeyDustvimeo is down20:37
B0g4r7_michelfp, You dowloaded gparted live, installed it onto a cd or a flash drive, booted from it, auth'd, and then nothing?20:38
TaJMoXHelp! Re-sizing windows is a pain! I only get like 1 pixel to grab the side of a window. Can I make this threshold greater?20:38
TJ-abec0: Your problem is caused because "roaraudio" (roard) is installed. It is an alternative sound-server to Pulseaudio, and therefore Pulseaudio cannot get control of the hardware20:39
michelfpB0g4r7, um i have to do that on live cd?20:39
B0g4r7_michelfp, you expected that you could resize partitions on the very system you are booted from?20:39
michelfpi can do that on windows, why not on ubuntu D:20:39
abec0That would be nice.20:39
michelfpalso, B0g4r7 http://paste.ubuntu.com/1151428/20:40
michelfpthis is the message20:40
abec0apt-get remove --purge'ing now.20:40
bekksmichelfp: Different filesystems, different behaviour.20:40
michelfpi'll boot from live cd20:40
zykotick9abec0: fyi you can use "apt-get purge foo"20:40
michelfpthanks guys20:40
islandmonkeyTaJMoX: Perhaps you could give us a screenshot of what is happening20:40
abec0Can I ? I thought that was aptitude only.20:40
TJ-islandmonkey: the rule I'm looking at is "/lib/udev/rules.d/69-libmtp.rules"20:41
KihokkiIt took about 4 hours and I've installed Ubuntu 12.04 on my mothers Macbook succesfully!20:41
bekksWhy do I get kicked when joining #ubuntu-ppc ? :)20:42
islandmonkeyTJ-: OK. Not sure what a udev rule is but meh.20:42
TJ-islandmonkey: Very end of the file; line after "# Autoprobe vendor-specific, communication and PTP devices" is the culprit20:42
WeThePeoplewould anybody be willing to help setup tor via vidalia on my comp20:42
abec0YEAH (Caps intended) !!20:43
TJ-islandmonkey: 'udev' is "user space device manager". When ever a hardware change occurs the kernel sends an event which udev listens to. It then passes that event through all its rules to find out how to configure that device for the user20:43
abec0TJ-: kyle__ guntbert : Thanks a lot! ;-)20:43
TJ-abec0: Working?20:43
abec0Anyway, if I catch the dependency-freak that had me install both when I wanted neither...20:43
islandmonkeyTJ-: Yes I know what udev is just not what a udev rulee is/does20:44
abec0TJ-: Yep.20:44
abec0As a charm.20:44
abec0As it shoulld.20:44
TJ-abec0: cool... congrats :)20:44
abec0Zero line of log. Just working.20:44
TJ-islandmonkey: OK ... sorry. The rule specifies conditions that must be matched in order to do something20:44
islandmonkeyBut I'll remove the very last line of that and I'll see what happens20:44
kyle__OK, according to here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/TheAudioGroup ConsoleKit should change the ownership of /dev/snd on login.20:44
TJ-islandmonkey: in this case conditions are being matched for devices that aren't mtp which cause mtp-probe to run against that device20:44
abec0TJ-: Thanks again!! ;-)20:45
kyle__abec0: So what was it?20:45
TJ-islandmonkey: no, don't do that! I'm figuring out a change to tighten it up!20:45
islandmonkeyTJ-: Oh sorry. I'm lost what you mean by mtp as well20:45
abec0kyle__: 't'was   sudo apt-get remove --purge roaraudio that did it.20:45
gillie-monstercan some 1 help? building free computers free the needy and i am running across a lot of computers that have SoundMax Audio Device soundcards, no sound under ubuntu or kubuntu20:46
kyle__abec0: Ahhh ha!20:46
Allan_does anyone know if the hdmi audo is supported on the gt2xx?20:46
gillie-monsteri know it is for the radeon20:46
abec0BTW apt-get purge does exist ;-).20:46
TJ-islandmonkey: mtp-probe is the Media Transfer Protocol ... some devices conforming to the MTP specs can be handled by a generic driver in the OS. MTP is commonly used in cameras for transferring images easily20:47
Allan_gillie-monster, yeah but they are completely different drivers ;p20:47
TriBeCa99is there any reason my software raid array would stop working if i swapped the ports the devices are on?20:47
KPGIn terms of licensing and Ubuntu's application policies, would forking an open source project hosted on Launchpad or Github and using parts of the code from those projects in an application submitted to the Application Review Board (ARB) for possible submission into the official Ubuntu Software Center repos be allowed?20:47
TriBeCa99and, for that matter, if that were the issue why the OS would fail to load despite not being on the RAID array?20:47
TJ-islandmonkey: I see the exact reason now... just got to check my maths20:48
kyle__TriBeCa99: Depends on how it's configured, but generally no, modern mdadm uses the device's hardware id.20:48
Jordan_UKPG: I can't see any reason why it wouldn't be.20:49
TriBeCa99kyle__ that's what i thought20:49
TJ-islandmonkey: I'll explain so you can follow. When you did that "lsusb -v -d 174f:1442" it reported amongst other things "bDeviceClass          239 Miscellaneous Device"20:49
J3fhow to unnistall driver keyboard on my lap ?20:49
kyle__TriBeCa99: And whether or not the OS loads on a raid failure is depenendt on the init and it's settings. Ubuntu is supposed to let you configure it to boot even on raid failure, but I've got some systems that ignore that and hang on raid figure.20:49
TriBeCa99any chance i borked my install by starting a "rescue" operation off of the ubuntu install cd and not finishing it?20:49
kyle__(the raid is for /home, so it shoulnd't matter)20:49
TriBeCa9910.10 alternate, i should say20:50
TriBeCa99yes, the raid is for /home20:50
islandmonkeyTJ-: YYes, so there were other devices20:50
TriBeCa99but my BIOS hangs at "Verifying DMI Pool Data..."20:50
kyle__TriBeCa99: You can try dpkg-reconfigure mdadm20:50
TJ-islandmonkey: Now, 239 decimal is 0xEF in hexadecimal (base 16)... look in that udev rule and you'll see one of the matching conditions is "ATTR{bDeviceClass}=="00|02|06|ef|ff"" .. note the "ef" as one of 5 options that can match.20:50
B0g4r7_You;ll need grub to be aware of the raid, and install into the mbr on all possible boot devices.20:50
TriBeCa99kyle__ I can't get into ubuntu at all20:50
kyle__TriBeCa99: Ooh.  That has nothing to do with linux then.  Make sure your bios is set to allow the right drive to boot.20:50
TJ-islandmonkey: So that is why that rule is starting mtp-probe20:50
TriBeCa99kyle__ it is20:51
B0g4r7_I think it's a grub/bootloader issue.20:51
* kyle__ thinks B0g4r7_ is right.20:51
TJ-islandmonkey: I suggest you do "gksudo gedit /lib/udev/rules.d/69-libmtp.rules" and simply delete "|ef" from that text and save the rule20:51
TriBeCa99so basically what happened is I started fiddling with drives, then plugged everything back in20:51
TriBeCa99so you guys think GRUB got confused?20:51
KPGJordan_U: Does the Novelty section in the Ubuntu App Showdown Rules: http://developer.ubuntu.com/showdown/rules/ only apply to applications developed for the App Showdown?20:51
TriBeCa99the BIOS definitely knows which drive to boot first20:52
TJ-islandmonkey:  so that part will read ATTR{bDeviceClass}=="00|02|06|ff"20:52
B0g4r7_You might download Super Grub Disc or something similar and see if it can get you going again.20:52
djskiddI need to put some DS games on an SDcard, but each removable drive I put in (SD card and a USB stick) is read-only. The part that makes me pissed off is that it is read-only ONLY on this computer. How do I make it so that it can write to the SDcard?20:52
TJ-TriBeCa99: any chance you plugged the drives back into different connectors (thus changing the order that the BIOS discovers them) ?20:53
islandmonkeyTJ-: Wow! My SD card just got magically detected20:53
islandmonkeyNvm about everything20:53
islandmonkeyBut still...20:53
islandmonkey!cookie | TJ-20:53
ubottuTJ-: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!20:53
TJ-islandmonkey: SD card?20:53
TriBeCa99TJ- yes, absolutely, but I keep changing the boot order to put the right drive back on top20:53
TriBeCa99the other 4 drives are all part of the RAID20:53
TJ-TriBeCa99: Hmmm!20:53
islandmonkeyYes it was an SD card20:53
TJ-islandmonkey: OK... so has that change fixed the problem entirely or left us with another one?20:54
TJ-TriBeCa99: md-raid?20:54
TriBeCa99the sata controller itself is in ide mode20:54
TJ-TriBeCa99: Is the boot partition on the raid array?20:54
islandmonkeyTJ-: I dunno I haven't tried it out because my SD card is working now20:55
TriBeCa99everthing but /home is on the SSD20:55
TriBeCa99which is the top drive in the BIOS20:55
TJ-islandmonkey: I think mtp-probe was causing constant resets of the hardware which caused udev to constantly fire mtp-probe which started the loop again!20:55
TJ-TriBeCa99: Does any part of GRUB get loaded by BIOS?20:56
TriBeCa99doesn't look that way20:56
TJ-TriBeCa99: You've tried holding down SHIFT as soon as BIOS POSTs?20:56
TriBeCa99will do that now20:56
kyle__Fsck.  firefox is being really falkey with java today :/20:56
islandmonkeyBut I'll remove the culprit line anyway20:57
Tony_StarkDoes anyone know why Pidgin has not been working or connecting lately?20:57
TriBeCa99okay now i have a "boot: " prompt20:57
TriBeCa99oh haha i had a CD in20:57
Jack_EvansI think it's a problem with libnotify20:57
Tony_StarkJack_Evans: Is that caused by an update?20:58
Jack_EvansI am not sure20:58
djskiddHelp, I have an SD card that is read-only only on this computer. I have to put some files on the card that are only on this computer, so how do I fix this?20:58
gillie-monsterwtf?! alsa is not turned down or muted. why do none of these comps have sound?20:58
BradyIs there a switch making it read only?20:58
* TJ- spanks TriBeCa99 ! 20:58
BradyA physical switch on the card?20:58
TriBeCa99i only get anything with an install cd in20:59
djskiddBrady, I fell for that the other day but I have flipped that switch in every dimension and its still not working.20:59
TJ-TriBeCa99: Which suggests that originally you managed to write GRUBs boot loader to one of the RAID drives20:59
BradyThen it is probably mounted in a read only mode.20:59
kyle__Brady: SD cards?  There can be, but A) not all cards have them, and B) naughty software can override it easy.20:59
islandmonkeyTJ-: Wait no, it's still happening.20:59
TriBeCa99i couldfn't have21:00
TJ-TriBeCa99: unfortunately its my dinner time now so I have to go... but hopefully I've given you a clue.21:00
Bradykyle__, figured that was the first question to ask though21:00
djskiddBrady, so how do I mount it in a non-read-only mode?21:00
TriBeCa99TJ- i have to go too, but i didn't set up that RAID until after installing ubuntu21:00
TJ-islandmonkey: You'll probably have to try a restart to stop udev using that rule cached in its memory21:00
MichelFPsomeone help.21:00
Bradydjskidd, unfortunately I'm not sure. Someone else might be able to help21:00
MichelFPi have a raid1 disk21:00
FloodBot1MichelFP: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:00
islandmonkeyTJ-: OK, I'll come back and tell you the results21:00
TJ-TriBeCa99: Hmmm! OK, from a liveCD get to a terminal and check what's in the boot sector of the SSD with "sudo dd if=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1 | hexdump -C | less" ... you should see the GRUB text strings at least21:01
islandmonkeyMichelFP: Keep things on one line21:01
MichelFPi have a raid disk, and i resized my windows partition down in 200 gb and add that to ubuntu; but it seems that i'm not able to allocated that free space into ubuntu21:01
MichelFPand i'm using gparted in the live CD21:01
TriBeCa99TJ- will do, thanks21:02
erictr1ckdoes anyone see any issues with running ubuntu on this ASUS setup: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E1688322015521:02
gillie-monsterdo only one operation n apply each time21:02
MichelFPand, for some reason, all my partitions are displayed as /dev/mapper/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx21:02
MichelFPdon't know why.21:02
djskiddgillie-monster, do i run that in terminal?21:02
bekksMichelFP: Which hardware raid controller is it?21:02
kyle__Any consolekit gurus who can help me figure out why a network user isn't being assigned rights to the audio device?21:02
gillie-monstersometimes i have crashes on livecd installs where i queue a bunch of operations21:02
MichelFPbekks: i don't really know21:03
MichelFPhow can i tell?21:03
gillie-monsterdlete the partition, click apply, create new, set size, click apply n so on21:03
WeThePeopledoes anybody know what a 'exit code 127' is in vidalia?21:03
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erictr1ckcorrection... does anyone see any issues with running ubuntu on this ASUS setup: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1688322015521:04
bekksMichelFP: You'd know when you'd have hardware raid controller. Most likely it is a software raid controller, and in that case, you simply cant setup a dualboot which actually works, since the "raid" is only visible from within windows.21:04
zykotick9kyle__: assuming ubuntu uses the same groups (they might not) - verify the user is in both video and audio groups.21:04
MichelFPbekks: i can dual boot21:04
bekksMichelFP: But you cant use that "raid" from within Ubuntu.21:05
MichelFPwhat do i do then21:05
kyle__zykotick9: user is in neither, but can login fine.  According to the 'buntu wiki, console kit is supposed to change the group ownership of /dev/snd/* according to who's logged in.21:05
bekksMichelFP: Forget about windows driven software raid, and re-setup your box.21:05
kyle__zykotick9: I could just fix /dev/snd* to be world writable, but that seems an ugly way.21:05
zykotick9kyle__: well add the user to the audio group for sure21:05
MichelFPbekks: box? >_>21:06
TJ-bekks: Depends; if its dmraid (aka Promise fakeraid) you can for much of the Promise controllers21:06
MichelFPubuntu novice here21:06
kyle__zykotick9: The groups for this user are all on LDAP.  I don't knwo what happens in the event of conflicting groups.21:06
bekksMichelFP: "computer".21:06
MichelFPoh right.21:06
islandmonkeyTJ-: You don't need to guess what happened :P21:06
MichelFPand what do you mean by re-setup?21:06
bekksTJ-: Windows doesnt know anything about dmraid :921:06
zykotick9kyle__: LDAP is out of my comfort zone.  good luck.21:06
bekksMichelFP: Reinstall, without any form of software raid.21:07
kyle__zykotick9: NP :)  It was either LDAP or WINS authentication.  And you can imagine how much fun WINS would be.21:07
djskiddhow do I set this SD card to non-read-only?21:07
gillie-monster<- noticing Win7 n 8 are barrowing from linux21:07
TJ-bekks: It doesn't need to! dmraid is the Linux answer to the Promise raid drivers in Windows. dmraid knows how to read the Promise disk labels21:07
MichelFPi think my RAID is hardware21:07
TriBeCa99TJ- what am i looking for exactly?21:07
MichelFPbecause I have two 500gb hard disks.21:07
MichelFPthat form a 1tb one21:07
bekksTJ-: We are talking about WINDOWS SOFTWARE raid - not hardware raid :)21:08
gillie-monsterthats not raid121:08
abec0TJ-: Thanks again. I'm calling it a night.21:08
bekksMichelFP: Thats a RAID0, not a RAID1, as you assumed earlier.21:08
bekksMichelFP: And a windows driven raid0 is totally unusable in linux.21:08
MichelFPdo you mean i cannot use linux21:08
gillie-monstercheck ur bios settings21:08
TJ-bekks: Precisely. fakeraid is software raid is what Promise RAID controllers do... and it requires the Promise raid drivers to work... which in Linux is handled by dmraid. I have systems that use it, I've had long experience with it.21:09
TenantryI get windows chatting to me about "raid" too. Never happens when I boot into ubuntu21:09
bekksMichelFP: No.21:09
* zykotick9 RAID0 the NON-RAID...21:09
TJ-abec0 good night21:09
MichelFPi just want a straight-forward answer >.>21:09
pitchersduelcan anyone help? i am in the live cd of ubuntu and i think the install just froze or stopped21:09
kyle__MichelFP: A general rule is, if it's software-driven Raid or LVM, it will only work in one OS.21:09
bekksMichelFP: I gave you a pretty precise answer :)21:09
djskiddpitchersduel, how long have you been waiting?21:09
MichelFPkyle__: right21:09
kyle__MichelFP: If you want to use it in multiple, put it on it's own box, running linux, and share it as SMB and NFS :)21:09
TriBeCa99TJ- what am i looking for in the text that appears?21:10
pitchersduelumm prob 10 minutes if not more21:10
^MikeWhen should we expect 12.04.1?21:10
wNMichelFP: you were in here yesterday but you never answered any of my questions :P21:10
gillie-monsteri dont know what board is in that asus, but iv used kubuntu successfully on similar configs21:10
djskiddpitchersduel, the install can take anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours21:10
* kyle__ has a garganturaid at home shared that way.21:10
djskiddgive it a while21:10
TJ-TriBeCa99: Well first off ensure you're reading the SSD (I said sda but you know best)... second, look for any occurances of "GRUB" or similar that tell you GRUB must have written that sector to disk21:10
TriBeCa99yes it's sda, i check with fdisk21:10
TriBeCa99i don't see grub anywhere21:11
pitchersduelwow really? i mean its towards the end...it was moving along pretty nicely21:11
TriBeCa99i don't see any words at all21:11
djskiddnear the end it can slow down a little21:11
bekksTJ-: The windows software raid has nothing to do with the promise raid drivers :)21:11
djskiddpatience is a true virtue while installing another OS21:11
TJ-TriBeCa99: Here's mine http://paste.ubuntu.com/1151478/21:11
gillie-monstermount /dev/sdx -rw21:11
bekksgillie-monster: wrong :)21:12
islandmonkeyTJ-: Yeah so my SD card isn't being detected again21:12
MichelFPbekks: if this is any relevant, look at this: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/59319743/Capturar.PNG21:12
TJ-islandmonkey: is the log seeing those messages too?21:12
djskidddoes anyone know how to mount an SD card as able to read and write any file?21:12
TriBeCa99yeah... mine doesn't say GRUB21:12
TriBeCa99soooo. GRUB was on the RAID partition21:12
Dr_Willisdjskidd:  depends on the fs of the sd card and what device is it..21:13
TriBeCa99how the heck do i get it back?21:13
TJ-TriBeCa99: So, if you are reading the SSD... then you didn't grub-install to it originally, or if you did, you've done something to wipe it!21:13
MichelFPbekks: did you see that?21:13
islandmonkeyTJ-: Just coming up with the same messages that were coming up last time21:13
djskiddDr_Willis, the filesystem is FAT3221:13
TJ-islandmonkey: And this is after you saved that udev rules file?21:13
ekarlsowhat's a optimal chunk size for a 3*2tb raid5 mdadm raid array running lvm ontop ?21:13
TJ-TriBeCa99: We write it from the liveCD21:13
islandmonkeyTJ-: Yes21:13
bekksMichelFP: Then provide the output of sudo fdisk -l from linux21:13
Dr_Willisdjskidd:  you should be able to use the mount command then.  and whatever options needed to allow permiussiosn to whatever users you want21:13
TJ-islandmonkey: It sounds weird... give me a few minutes to ponder it!21:14
MichelFPbekks: ok21:14
Error404NotFoundNot strictly relevant to ubuntu but can i use --parallel and --use-pget at the same time with lftp?21:14
MichelFPbekks: i'll be right back21:14
islandmonkeyTJ-: OK21:14
lauratikahow can i check mhz of my ram via terminal?21:14
djskiddDr_Willis sorry I'm a bit of a newbie to Terminal, how do I use the mount command?21:14
TriBeCa99TJ- great! how do I write it from the LiveCD?21:14
bekkslauratika: Maybe dmidecode show it.21:14
Dr_Willis!mount | djskidd21:14
ubottudjskidd: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount21:14
TJ-TriBeCa99: quite easily... if I can remember the obscure grub-setup sequence to do it!21:15
michelfpbekks, what was the command again?21:15
michelfpfdisk -l?21:15
gillie-monsterany one have experience with sound issues?21:16
TriBeCa99does this seem right? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435121:17
TJ-TriBeCa99: read up on this, it tells you the steps: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#Fixing_a_Broken_System21:17
TJ-TriBeCa99: What you need to do is get everything mounted and the parameters correct for using grub-install <params>21:18
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TJ-TriBeCa99: You need to follow steps 1-6 of "Reinstall from the LiveCD"21:19
TriBeCa99working on it21:19
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zykotick9TJ-: oh how i miss the chroot instructions from the old !grub2 wiki link... :(..21:20
TJ-TriBeCa99: take your time... especially when you mount to /mnt/ do a check for /mnt/boot/ and make sure you see the ubuntu kernels and config files there21:20
djskiddokay, I know how to mount, now how do I mount it with all the permissions?21:20
TJ-zykotick9: I know... in these cases I'm always tempted to just dd my saved boot-sector (384 bytes)21:20
gillie-monsterthe -rw switch21:21
gillie-monster!mount /dev/sd"x" -rw21:21
ubottugillie-monster: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:21
tomasita_/ join#valencia21:22
michelfpbekks, for some reason my ubuntu isn't installed on /dev/sda21:22
TriBeCa99installation finished, no error reported21:22
michelfpit's installed on /dev/mapper21:22
TriBeCa99so now i reboot without the live CD and pray?21:22
TJ-TriBeCa99: do that test I showed you again to be sure its there21:23
Dr_Willisdjskidd:  or see examples fat15/fat32 here -->  but thats a fstab entry. but the options are the same21:23
michelfpsomeone help. my ubuntu is installed on /dev/mapper.21:23
TriBeCa99yeah it's there21:23
michelfpnot on /dev/sda.21:23
gillie-monstersda is ur first hard drive21:23
michelfpi said21:23
michelfpi don't have an sda, only dev/mapper21:24
TJ-islandmonkey: how you getting on?21:24
WeThePeoplewhat does the app section mean? Launching Vidalia from: /usr/sbin21:24
WeThePeople<WeThePeople> /usr/sbin/start-tor-browser: 218: ./App/vidalia: not found21:24
paul__how do I bring up more than 1 desktop in Pinguy OS with Gnome?21:24
TJ-TriBeCa99: give it a go then21:24
gillie-monsterthis will create a dir for the sd card (you need to determin what number it is)21:24
islandmonkeyTJ-: Still not being detected21:24
GoldwingQ: how to i force pppd to allways use ppp0 for my inet connection?21:24
TJ-islandmonkey: is the log still being filled with messages?21:25
Goldwingto = do21:25
islandmonkeyTJ-: Still not being detected21:25
islandmonkeyTJ-: Yes. Still being flooded21:25
TJ-islandmonkey: do this "sudo modprobe -r ums_realtek"21:25
zykotick9paul__: pinguy os isn't supported here21:26
paul__<zykotick9> any idea whereI can go?21:26
michelfpsorry. uninstalling ubuntu21:26
michelfpraid0 has brought me too much trouble21:26
paul__I thought it was ubuntu21:26
|johnny|I wanted to ask you guys if some glitches with Unity have been fixed. I stopped using Unity a while ago because there were glitches like when I would close an app, the app would just disappear and not minimize correctly.21:26
michelfpthat i can't be arsed enough to fix it21:26
TriBeCa99wooooooo it booted21:27
TriBeCa99tytyty TJ-21:27
Goldwingmichelfp : ubuntu server on a raid0 with LVM.. works just fine21:27
TJ-michelfp: sounds like, unfortunately, its Windows non-standard stuff causing the issues21:27
|johnny|I have used LUbuntu for the past 2 distros that came out but would it be ok to switch back to Unity if I wanted to try it out?21:27
TriBeCa99and the RAID is working21:27
TJ-TriBeCa99: well done :)21:27
TriBeCa99okay so here's my next question21:27
kyle__michelfp: Seriously, raid0 is not a good thing to use.  Way too dangerous IMO.  Drives die.21:27
Dr_Willis|johnny|:  try it and see.. ive not any issues with it.21:27
TJ-TriBeCa99: uhoh21:27
TriBeCa99I need to upgrade the disks on the RAID1021:27
TriBeCa99which are currently mounted to /home21:28
Goldwingwhooops... raid0 ...no i mean raid121:28
adrianodasilvapralguem pode me ajudar21:28
TriBeCa99I have 6 SATA ports21:28
michelfpadrianodasilvapr, ingles21:28
TJ-kyle__: agreed... with 2 drives, RAID 1 mirrors is the way to go21:28
wNmichelfp: im going to stab you :P i already told you that /dev/mapper means that it was built on lvm or dm-raid21:28
kyle__michelfp: If you have 4+ drives, raid5, or better yet raid6.  Well supported in linux and ubuntu, pretty fast, very safe.21:28
|johnny|Dr_Willis, ok I guess I'll give it a shot. :) If I have any issues I'll be back.21:28
islandmonkeyTJ-: nvm, I need some sleep.21:28
kyle__TJ-: I've got raid6 on 4 2TB drives right now.  I have another two or three to add in the mix, haven't yet.21:28
TJ-islandmonkey: There's a simple perm fix I can give you21:29
islandmonkeyIt still ain't working BTW21:29
kyle__TJ-: It's kindof neat knowing I can loose any two drives, and not loose any data.21:29
GoldwingQ: how do i force pppd to allways use ppp0 for my inet connection?21:29
TriBeCa99So what is the cleanest way to do this? I'm thinking maybe pull 2 of the old RAID disks out and put 2 new ones in. Create a degraded array on the new disks, remount /home on them, then pull the old disks and put the new ones in and rebuild?21:29
islandmonkeyTJ-: Yes what's that21:29
djskiddgah, this is not working21:29
djskiddI think that I am doing something wrong for sure.21:29
adrianodasilvaprI need help21:30
TJ-islandmonkey: OK... the SD-car dnot working will be caused by that change you made to the udev file. I'd suggest 1) undoing that change (add back "|ef") and 2) blacklisting the ums_realtek driver permanently by doing  echo "blacklist ums_realtek" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ums_realtek.conf21:31
deadmundadrianodasilvapr: with what?21:31
fidel!ask > adrianodasilvapr21:31
ubottuadrianodasilvapr, please see my private message21:31
TriBeCa99TJ- any other suggestions? I'm going to do this tomorrow but I want to come in with the right plan.21:32
adrianodasilvaprwas installing the terminal sudo openoffice and energy fell21:32
TJ-islandmonkey: after a restart the messages will stop and udev will go back to mounting the SD-Card21:32
blakeswith the gnome desktop, I could add/install new desktop menu items in /usr/share/applications/[program].desktop.  Is there an equivalent with the 12.04 (unity?) desktop21:32
islandmonkeyTJ-: OK I shall do that tmrw21:32
TJ-TriBeCa99: That sounds like a good idea... just make sure *before* you go the degraded-array route...21:32
TJ-TriBeCa99: ... that you boot in recovery mode (root user) and comment out the /home mount from /etc/fstab temporarily, because Ubuntu has a *problem* booting with degraded arrays21:33
blakesfor instance, I need to install an app for standardized student testing and it just needs a launcher.  I can make that launcher on MY desktop, but how the f* do I make it a launcher that everyone has?21:33
TJ-TriBeCa99: Once the array is successfully rebuilt on the new drives, re-enable /home21:33
djskiddFor the love of god.21:34
TriBeCa99just screenshotted that, i'll start with that tomorrow21:34
adrianodasilvaprwas installing openoffice sudo and just by the power before you finish installing now when I try again the error.21:34
TriBeCa99so ubuntu won't boot with two drives missing?21:34
djskiddI use the mount command, and it says its already mounted. I unmount it, then suddenly the SD card doesn't exist anymore.21:34
TJ-TriBeCa99: so whilst /home is not mounted ensure you always start to recovery mode root user (or manually edit the kernel command-line in GRUB to add "single" to get a root single-user shell21:35
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TJ-TriBeCa99: There's a kernel problem with rebuilding degraded disks that boot relies upon... if mdadm gets a failed array message things get stuck21:35
TriBeCa99okay so i'll have to build the new degraded array from recovery mode?21:36
TJ-TriBeCa99: Yes... or as I said, by editing the kernel command-line to use "single"21:36
TJ-TriBeCa99: there is a better way of course21:36
TriBeCa99i'm all ears21:36
GoldwingPlease?? someone? how do i force pppd to allways use ppp0 for my inet connection?21:37
TJ-TriBeCa99: because the drives haven't failed... remove one drive from the array at a time using mdadm so the array has fewer members but is always a good array, swap drives, add the new drive to the array using mdadm and so on21:37
TJ-TriBeCa99: Basically, if you can avoid creating a failed array you'll be better off21:38
blakesOk how about this: none of the students have returned since I upgraded from 10.04 to 12.04, so is there a skel location I can drop a launcher to a custom app?21:38
TriBeCa99okay, i think i see...21:38
TriBeCa99so it's okay if the array is degraded, just not failed21:38
TriBeCa99couldn't i remove two at first?21:39
TJ-TriBeCa99: is it a mirror or something else?21:39
TriBeCa99it's RAID1021:39
TriBeCa99so there's two mirrored pairs21:39
TJ-TriBeCa99: whatever RAID level is... you can only remove drives to take it down to the minimum required for that level, if you want to avoid a degraded RAID boot hang21:40
TriBeCa99yeah, 4 is minimum21:40
TriBeCa99there's no possible way to get 2 drives into my systems without degrading the array down to 2 drives21:40
TJ-TriBeCa99: However if you've got those extra SATA ports... you could connect 2 new drives (assuming you have 2 ports free?) and add then to the mirrors, build, then take out the old disks... rinse and repeat21:41
TriBeCa99i have 1 port free.. port 6 has the SSD we just put GRUB on21:41
TJ-TriBeCa99: Grrr!21:41
TriBeCa99yeah. so i'm going to have to use rescue mode as you said21:41
TJ-TriBeCa99: If you booted from the liveCD you could use two SATA ports :p21:41
TriBeCa99but wouldn't the rest of the ubuntu install on the SSD be needed?21:42
TJ-TriBeCa99: that way they wouldn't be anything to do with /home/ as far as the running environment was concerned21:42
TJ-TriBeCa99: no... all the mdadm tools are available from the liveCD or can be apt-get install-ed into the running session (assuming liveCD has network)21:43
TriBeCa99hmmm, i have to run21:43
TJ-TriBeCa99: good luck, whatever you do :)21:43
TriBeCa99TJ- that's what I started with! but sudo apt-get install mdadm21:43
TriBeCa99decided to install postfix21:43
TriBeCa99and i couldn't get out of the first postfix config screen21:43
TriBeCa99it loaded a sort of old-school GUI in the terminal, and i could only scroll up and down but couldn't find a way to quit out or do anything21:44
TriBeCa99maybe i just need a newer liveCD than 10.10?21:44
djskiddScrew this, I'm just uploading the ROMs to Dropbox. I'll put them on the SD card on my Windows machine.21:45
TriBeCa99ahh well i seriously need to go, i'll fiddle with it tomorrow. thanks again for your help21:46
TJ-TriBeCa99: goodnight :)21:46
TJ-TriBeCa99: 12.04 would be good :p21:46
TriBeCa99oh wait, my wife just texted--she got home and relieved the sitter so i don't have to21:46
=== jcrza_ is now known as jcrza
TriBeCa99so 12.04 liveCD even though the machine is sitll 10.10?21:47
C8H10N4O2any free screensharing apps for linux?21:47
TJ-TriBeCa99: Well I do! I have to make dinner its 22:46 here and I haven't eaten since breakfast and my partner is complaining !21:47
C8H10N4O2join.me, teamviewer, showscreen.com, all paid and or not for linux21:47
TriBeCa99okay, well get to your dinner then :)21:47
adrianodasilvaprE: /var/cache/apt/archives/openoffice_3.4~precise_i386.deb: a tentar sobre-escrever '/usr/share/mimelnk/application/openoffice.org3-ms-powerpoint-presentation.desktop', que também está no pacote openoffice.org-debian-menus 3.4-959021:47
TJ-TriBeCa99: No! I thought you meant upgrade the system whilst you were at it. Stick with like-for-like21:47
Jordan_UTriBeCa99: Ubuntu 10.10 is no longer supported.21:48
gillie-monsteris 10.04?21:50
berefeiraPangolin running great on my netbook MSI U10021:51
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gillie-monster12.04 is the best yet21:52
Jordan_Ugillie-monster: Yes, because it's LTS.21:53
TriBeCa99okay okay, i just ran apt-get upgrade, looks like 11.4 is on its way in21:53
TriBeCa99then if i run it again i'll get 12.4?21:53
Jordan_Ugillie-monster: (That was in response to "is 10.04? [supported]")21:53
gillie-monsterive had nothing but headaches trying to ugrade distros.21:54
Jordan_UTriBeCa99: No, "apt-get upgrade" does not do major release upgrades.21:54
Jordan_U!upgrade | TriBeCa9921:54
ubottuTriBeCa99: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:54
TriBeCa99well it did just upgrade me to 11.0421:56
d4forzeanyone install x700 mobility21:57
Jordan_UTriBeCa99: What is the exact command you ran, and what was its output?21:58
yumboDoes Ubuntu Web Apps work with Google Chrome?21:58
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TriBeCa99sudo apt-get upgrade21:58
GoldwingWhen i do a reboot, my server hangs on bind9, i allready figured out that it's a firewall problem, and i'm guessing i need to give rdnc access to the localhost (lo) interface21:58
TriBeCa99and it updated versions for tons of packages21:58
gillie-monsterokay here is a brain scratcher for you guys. i have no sound in laptops that use SoundMax sound. This is not a mixer issue, i have no power going to the speakers21:58
TriBeCa99and now "about ubuntu" claims i have 11.0421:58
Jordan_UTriBeCa99: Are you sure that you didn't already have Ubuntu 11.04?21:59
Goldwinghow do i fix this in a secure way? i don't need rdnc to be connectable from the internet21:59
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TriBeCa99the update manager has been bugging me for ever to upgrade to 11.0422:00
TriBeCa99now i'm upgrading from 11.04 to 11.10 in the upgrade manager22:00
yumboDoes Ubuntu Web Apps work with Google Chrome?22:03
gillie-monsterwhere do i look for help? i have no sound and this isnt a simple issue of volume control22:03
datruth_could virtualbox have HDMI audio?22:03
gillie-monsteri ave kubuntu running in virtual box on win7 with ati hdmi n it works22:04
Dr_Willisyumbo:  they are a work in progress.. but i think they are supposed to work with FF or chrome22:04
TriBeCa99alright well i'm out, thanks again TJ-. I'll likely be back tomorrow... :(22:05
yumboDr_Willis: it worked in chromium when I tried it, not Google Chrome though22:05
KishiI'm having some problems with Ubuntu packages22:06
Dr_Willisyumbo:  testing them in 12.10 here.. cant get them to work in anything.. ;P22:06
gillie-monsterdo u really want google spying on ur every keystroke?22:06
Jordan_Uyumbo: #ubuntu+1 for quantal.22:06
KishiWhen I download some of the packages, some Microsoft EULA pops up in bash console22:07
Calthropstuthey already are gillie22:07
KishiAnd I can't seem to continue from that point22:07
yumboJordan_U: 12.04 here though22:07
andriuspeljust wanted to ask, there is any other codec pack? not gstreamer22:07
aaasanyone know of this htop/top like program which was a gui version that has collpasable processes (collapsing all threads of that process)22:07
silverarrowcan anyone help me find /make a log report on what goes wrong with gnome mplayer and gecko in lubuntu 12.04?22:08
aaasit was like process explorer for windows22:08
zykotick9andriuspel: w32codecs or w64codecs from medibuntu22:08
harrisi have a bcm4311 broadcom card how do i install and actrivate the driver for it22:08
zykotick9andriuspel: won't work for vlc BTW22:08
Jordan_UKishi: I'm guessing that the package in question is ttf-mscorefonts-installer.22:09
KishiIt sure is.22:09
zykotick9Jordan_U: i'd guess the same22:09
Dr_WillisKishi:  tab key to select the 'ok' button, then enter key...22:09
zykotick9Kishi: have you tried "q"?22:09
KishiOh, it works now.22:09
rendehelp me i just install 12.04 and I can't login!22:10
KishiThank you very much.22:10
Dr_Willisthey really need to get away from that ncurses type dialog... it confuses people.22:10
rendeIt shows up the login page22:10
zykotick9Dr_Willis: lol...22:10
rendewhere I type in my password, I type in password and hit enter22:10
rendescreen goes black22:10
rendesee some text22:10
rendeand then it goes back to the login page22:10
FloodBot1rende: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:10
rendeI know it works and I hve the right password because, I can ssh into the machine from another computer.22:11
Jordan_Usilverarrow: Please stop.22:11
andriuspelwill need to try to construct any pack, atm studying gtk and whole linux structure22:11
Dr_Willisrende:  sounds like X is crashing . Try to login at the consoles (alt-ctrl-f1)22:11
rendeDr_Willis, yes I can do this, but I don't know how to figure out what is making X crash?22:11
Dr_Willisrende:  and your video chipset is?22:12
rendeDr_Willis, I hvae it on another monitor now, the login to console22:12
rendeDr_Willis, my shipset is ATI Radeon 5800 series22:12
rendeDr_Willis, I have installed the fglrx drivers22:12
silverarrowJordan_U: do you know how to find a log of what goes wrong when using a media player?22:13
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lordhedgehogAnyone knowledgeable about setting up a RAID1? I've got it running and using both drives, but it will only boot off one of them.22:14
Jordan_Usilverarrow: No.22:14
lordhedgehogAttempting to remove the primary drive results in a insert boot disk error on boot.22:14
Jordan_Ulordhedgehog: Run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" and make sure that both drives are selected as install devices.22:15
lordhedgehogOkay, I'll try that.22:15
harris i have a bcm4311 broadcom card how do i install and actrivate the driver for it Dr_Willis22:15
lordhedgehoggrub-pc is not installed. This is a server install...22:15
Jordan_Ulordhedgehog: What version of Ubuntu are you using and how did you install it?22:16
lordhedgehog12.04 LTS from the server install ISO22:16
rendeI just can't seem to figure out why it won't start22:17
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meoblast001hi. i'm migrating a system from ubuntu and i have some questions to prevent having to restore backups22:17
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meoblast001i have an encrypted home partition.. i'm assuming i should change the password on that, but i can't seem to find the command to change that22:18
Jordan_Usilverarrow: Can you pastebin the output of "dpkg -l | grep grub"?22:18
rendeI can go into the console and type 'startx' but then it crashes and says "Cannot create listener.  Server already running"22:18
lordhedgehogmeoblast001: The encryption password is actually a long key. It's encrypted on the drive using your personal password.22:18
rendeTHen it fails with a fatal error cause it says something about no sockets22:18
Jordan_Umeoblast001: Do you have an encrypted /home partition, or an encrypted home directory? (The latter is what is offered in the standard Desktop install CD)22:19
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meoblast001Jordan_U: encrypted home directory then22:19
r0thaJordan_U: i can't unencrypt my home directory22:19
r0thakinda sucks22:19
Jordan_Umeoblast001: Then simply change your user password, and the encryption key for your home directory will automatically be re-encrypted with the new password.22:20
meoblast001ok, that's good22:20
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meoblast001now maybe this is out of the realm of this channel, but if i install Debian and set it up with this home directory, will it be able to function with it?22:20
harrisi have a bcm4311 broadcom card how do i install and actrivate the driver for it22:20
Jordan_Umeoblast001: Why do you need to change it? Are you just following best practices about frequently changing passwords or did somethng get compromised?22:21
rendeHey guys here is the X11 log: http://pastebin.com/TnL9Mu7i22:21
meoblast001Jordan_U: well, i was afraid it might be some autogenerated one, then when i try to set up Debian, i hit a deadend22:21
rendeThat is the entire contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log22:21
rendeTHis is what it says when I type startx22:21
rendeYou see it is only a few lines, yet I don't know how to fix that error!22:21
Jordan_Umeoblast001: Debian can use ecryptfs, but I would be surprised if it worked without a lot of manual configuration.22:21
Jordan_Umeoblast001: Try asking in #debian and #ecryptfs.22:22
meoblast001ah, ok.. dang22:22
meoblast001i'll do that. thanks22:22
Jordan_Umeoblast001: I could be wrong about it not being automagic :)22:22
meoblast001lol, #encryptfs is magic22:22
harrisi have a bcm4311 broadcom card how do i install and actrivate the driver for it22:22
harrisi have a bcm4311 broadcom card how do i install and actrivate the driver for it22:22
harrisi have a bcm4311 broadcom card how do i install and actrivate the driver for it22:22
FloodBot1harris: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:22
szal!patience | harris22:22
ubottuharris: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:22
Jordan_Umeoblast001: I thought there was an ecryptfs channel, and that that was the name, sorry.22:23
harrisi have a bcm4311 broadcom card how do i install and actrivate the driver for it22:23
kirklandJordan_U: its #ecryptfs in irc.oftc.net22:23
OEI'm trying to install proprietary NVIDIA drivers through System Settings > Additional drivers. It seems that they installed correctly but it says that the driver is installed but not in use22:23
harrisi have a bcm4311 broadcom card how do i install and actrivate the driver for it22:24
lordhedgehogJordan_U: Do I need to install grub-pc? I've tried grub-install on both sda and sdb to no avail.22:24
bmanuelharris: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/22:24
szalharris: once again.. repeating your question over and over won't increase your chance of being helped22:24
rendebros, I found someelse with my exact same problem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/143179/startx-doesnt-work22:25
rendeso I"m trying this solution.  I will report back and let you know if it worked22:25
Jordan_Ukirkland: Thanks. meoblast001: See kirkland's comment, it's #ecryptfs on irc.oftc.net (not here on freenode).22:25
meoblast001ok. thanks22:25
gryI had this issue, because I upgraded and chose to keep my old sudoers file. http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/debian-26/sudo-aptitude-problem-905784/ Is there some documentation on why the Defaults secure_path is now defined in the sudoers file in 12.04?22:27
pitchersduelok i dont think this is installing right..its been stuck on the same command line thing for prob an hour22:31
jobhi all22:31
jobi have a lucid machine which seems to be in some dependency hell22:31
jobsee https://p.6core.net/p/n9eyzl0bzzmn18vz22:31
harrisdoes anyone have hp pavilion dv600022:31
jobwhat does 'subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 245' mean22:32
rendeI am happy to report that this solution has fixed my issue22:33
rendeI had to do sudo apt-get -reinstall xorg22:33
rendeand now I can login once again.  Something apparantly got corrupted but it works now!22:34
ejvand people wonder why this isn't the year of the linux destop, people reinstalling xorg! bah! :)22:34
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harrisbmanuel, it didnt work22:35
bmanuelharris: are you able to boot?22:36
bmanueldo you have access to a wired connection?22:36
Jordan_Ulordhedgehog: Can you pastebin the output of "dpkg -l | grep grub"?22:37
trismgry: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=639841 (the change was made to close two bugs listed in that report)22:37
ubottuDebian bug 639841 in sudo "sudo: secure_path change needs a NEWS entry" [Normal,Fixed]22:37
rendethanks for your help everyone, have a nice rest of your days22:38
bmanuelok.  did you try "sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer"22:38
iseneDue to this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-evdev/+bug/996801 I would like to manage a workaround until the bug gets a fix. How do I reload the keyboard module in Xorg without having to restart X altogether?22:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 996801 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (Ubuntu) "Keybord gets sluggish after a while (after upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04)" [Undecided,New]22:39
harrisi just typed it in didnt work22:39
bmanueldid apt give you an error or the wireless didnt enable?22:40
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harrisi had to type sudo wodrope something last time22:40
harrisand no22:40
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bmanuelhave you rebooted your machine?  it should help ensure all of the modules are loaded22:41
grytrism, thank you, that's exactly what I was looking for. :-)22:42
iseneI have tried this (didn't resolve the issue): sleep 0.1 ; xinput set-prop 'AT Translated Set 2 keyboard' 'Device Enabled' 0 ; sleep 5 ; xinput set-prop 'AT Translated Set 2 keyboard' 'Device Enabled' 122:42
iseneAny other way to reload the keyboard under X?22:43
harrisi rebooted still no22:44
harrisbmanuel, what time will you be on until22:44
kyle__Google chrome is whining that my icedtea plugin is out of date.  if not icedtea, what should we be using?22:44
bmanuelunfortunately I have to leave about now22:44
harrisbut we have fixed it22:45
harris*not fixed it22:45
bmanuelI know.  I should have stayed quiet given my limited time.22:46
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bmanuelTry the manual install of the firmware described on the bottom of the page ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/#b43_-_No_Internet_access )22:46
bmanuelObviously you can download the files from that machine since you have wired access22:47
bmanuelstart at step 222:48
bmanuelI wish I could help more.  Good luck.22:49
zykotick9kyle__: using google-chrome with gnash is hilarious...22:50
zykotick9kyle__: sorry iceteas is just as funny ;)22:51
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kyle__zykotick9: Well, oracle java is not exactly well supported in'buntu.  Needs several hacks to make things work.22:52
zykotick9kyle__: good luck22:52
laumonierhi ive got a sound problem : ive no sound in my headphone and the sound from my computer is not disable any tips to fix that ? thank you22:53
pitchersduelok well i'm convinced ubuntu install has stalled or stopped. is there a way to get out of it and re try?22:53
zykotick9pitchersduel: reboot?22:53
=== VriendP is now known as AimToPlease
plugwashare old versions of ubuntu source packages available anywhere?22:54
zykotick9plugwash: trying to mix releases is probably a bad idea22:54
plugwashzykotick9, i'm not trying to mix releases, i'm just trying to find copies of older source packages so I can prepare an archive of source that matches an already prepared vm image22:56
TJ-plugwash: yes they are22:56
plugwashTJ- where?22:57
TJ-plugwash: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/22:57
kyle__Humm.  On a different note, I thought unity-2d was gone, and now plain unity was supposed to work even without 3d accel?22:57
Praxihmm fieldrunners from the humble bundle shows up on the web site for the ubuntu software center, but not in the actual ubuntu software center itself.22:57
Dr_Williskyle__:  thats true in 12.1022:57
mirakI can't print a picture and make it fit the frame22:58
mirakthere is a bug22:58
kyle__Dr_Willis: Ahh ha.  I thought that was for 12.04.22:58
kyle__Dr_Willis: So in 12.10 it will cleanly fall back if there's no accel?22:58
Dr_Williskyle__:  thats the plan22:58
WeThePeoplelol i got tor workin :) :)22:58
Dr_Willisthers no fallback - it just uses some extra thing to get compiz to work in 2d22:59
plugwashTJ-, at that url I only see CD downloads and afaict ubuntu doesn't do source releases22:59
ThePendulumI don't have any pretty words for it I'm afraid: Banshee sounds like feces coming out of a buttocks all the sudden, where all other applications still sound allright.22:59
plugwashif I go up one level I see a repo with some stuff in it but not what i'm looking for22:59
SaShKOWho knov normal soung names for  Electro house???22:59
kyle__Dr_Willis: So, will it be usable in 2d then, or just not-broken?22:59
Dr_Williskyle__:  thats the plan22:59
harriswodrope code that enables bcm4311 driver22:59
Dr_Willisharris:  you mean 'modprobe' ?23:00
TJ-plugwash: ahhhh.. you want http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/23:00
kyle__Dr_Willis: Harris has the klingon keyboard.  Don't tease him.23:00
harriswhat keyboard23:00
jagginesswodrope that really is quite a misspell of modprobe.. yikes23:00
harrisno i dont23:01
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:01
plugwashTJ-, no that only has the current versions23:02
harrisDr_Willis,  this is to complex23:02
TJ-plugwash: sorry, gave you the wrong one by mistake! It's a different sub-dir on old-releases. http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/23:02
harrisi am a beginner23:02
TJ-plugwash: sorry... I'm half-asleep23:02
plugwashTJ-, no tried there too23:02
jagginessharris, derp?23:02
WeThePeopleis there a program that can make a iso, emphasis on the GUI?23:02
Dr_Willisharris:  i dont use that chipset. but theres 17 differnt answers at that site..23:02
plugwashnone of them have language-pack-gnome-en-base_12.04+20120508.dsc23:02
TJ-plugwash: What source package/version are you after?23:02
jagginessWeThePeople, k3b and brasero23:02
harriscan you help me though23:02
harrisor how much is it to buy a new card23:03
* jagginess says to use google:"List of software <type> site:wikipedia.org"23:03
Dr_Williswireless usb dongle with Plug and play ubuntu support = $8 on amazon the other day.23:03
Dr_WillisWireless Gizmo that plugs into the Ethernet port and works as a wifi conector. no drivers needed. = $40 at best buy. :)  (made for tv's and blue ray players and Game Machines)23:04
TJ-plugwash: the repos are accessible on these https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-pack-gnome-en-base23:05
sportsfreundhey guys23:05
harrisi need the old b43 driver23:05
Dr_WillisOne issue with Broadcom seems to be the cards can use several differnt drivers, 'STA' "B43' and other Variants.23:05
harrisi am b431123:05
plugwashTJ-, thanks, i'd rather have the original source packages but I guess repacking them from a vcs is better than not having them at all23:06
Dr_Willis2nd answer at that url gave how to remove the sta, and install the b43 driver..23:06
=== oakdog8 is now known as oakdog8__
Dr_Willisremove bcm driver in softtware center. install the firmware-b43-installer package.23:06
Dr_Willisor remove the sta driver..  depending on what one is causing teh issue it seems23:07
TJ-plugwash: I don't see a release for 20120508 of that package; I see hints of that version for other languages releases via the -security pocket23:08
harristhis is to hard23:08
harrislinux is supposed to be easier than windows23:09
plugwashTJ-, well google agrees that it existed but all the places it found it no longer have it23:09
jagginessharris, it will be when more companies start adopting it23:09
jagginessharris, maybe you could buy a laptop/desktop with linux pre-installed23:10
almoxarifeharris: for your distro is there a package called b43-cutter?23:10
Dr_Willisharris: remind me to tell of you of the time i had to reinstall windows to get .net working.....23:10
TJ-harris: Only if the hardware manufacturers provide drivers like they do for Windows. Broadcom have a terrible reputation for providing technical details to allow open-source drivers to be written for their hardware, which is why you are suffering with that BCM431123:10
TJ-plugwash: I'll find it for you23:10
Dr_WillisBroadcom  = about the worse wifi maker out there for linux support..23:10
Dr_WillisIf theres a  worse one.. I dont know of it..23:11
harrisTJ-,  can i buy a new card23:11
almoxarifeharris: another option, include the headers for your kernel just in case the kernel does not support your wifi23:11
Dr_WillisCan you buy a new card? You tell us.. cards can be bought yes..23:11
harrisfor how much23:11
kyle__Dr_Willis: When it works, it's great.  When they don't, they're a nightmare.  Also, their bluetooth options are pretty solid.23:12
Dr_Willisharris:  i mentioned earlier seeing dongles for as low as $8    other gizmos up to $40, most likely some wifi cards are more...23:12
TJ-plugwash: I see it here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-pack-gnome-en-base/+publishinghistory and if you expand the triangle against 2012-08-03 you'll see it was removed from disk as superseded on August 10th23:12
TJ-plugwash: that makes me think it'll be on one of the mirror servers23:12
harriswhat kind should i buy for hp pavilion dv6000 and how do i put it in23:13
Dr_Willisharris:  usb dongle plugs right into the usb port...23:13
harrisno the actual card23:13
Dr_Willisharris:  flip laptop over.. remove bay cover.. unplug card.. plug in new..23:14
harriswill anyone work23:14
Dr_Willisno idea..23:14
lordhedgehogI've made progress on my RAID1. bootinfoscript reports that one drive has Boot files /efi/ubuntu/grubx64.efi and the other has /grub/grub.cfg. Anyone know if that's why one won't boot and how to change it?23:14
plugwashTJ-, finally THANK YOU23:15
plugwashthat publishing history page has a download link for it!23:15
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TJ-plugwash: Yes... I forgot to scroll down LOL23:16
harrisi hate linux!!!!!!!!!!!23:17
harrisnothing is working23:17
jagginess!ops harris trolling23:17
ubottujagginess: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:17
jagginessyou just rant. that's all you do harris.23:17
TJ-harris: Rather like a car... if it won't run on your preferred fuel... try other fuel or get another make/model23:18
harrisyour a jerk  jagginess  i am only a kid23:18
Dr_WillisBelkin N150 Micro Wireless USB Adapter  $13 - Hmm.. Gonna have to see how well that is supported in Linux.23:18
varunpr97i guess i have that..23:18
Dr_Willisharris:  act more like an adult and you will get better help.23:18
CookieMharris everything works if you think23:18
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harrisno CookieM  not my wifi23:19
TJ-Most laptop internal wifi cards use a standard mini-PCI connector so you can simply plug in a replacement Wifi unit. The antenna connectors are standard23:19
jagginessand not a very bright one.23:19
jagginessI wonder why L.Torvalds got 600,000 euros if linux really does suck.23:19
Dr_Willisharris:  and tell us exactly what have you done to try to get your wifi going? what driver are you using now for it... what other ones have you tried...23:19
CookieMharris before you buy any hardware check if it is compatible with linux23:20
harrisdr_willis there are no drivers installed23:20
k1l!rootirc > root_23:20
ubotturoot_, please see my private message23:20
TJ-Most of driver problems come from getting several versions mixed up due to the mass of contradictory tutorials23:20
cabotmoosehi, i just installed ubuntu v12.04 on my early 2011 macbook pro and when I try to boot I get stuck at the penguin screen. i've let it sit for several minutes and it does not do anything. any advice?23:20
Dr_Willisharris:  then you should try installing some..23:20
harriswhat one23:20
varunpr97cabotmoose: sit there fr hours :P23:21
TJ-Doesn't jockey handle the BCM4311 ?23:21
Dr_Willisharris:  from that url i pasted.. seems theres 3 to try.. bcmwl-kernel-source  is the one installed by default.23:21
cabotmoosevarunpr97: lol really?23:21
VriendPIs it possible to get banned from EFNet by simply testing several irc clients?23:22
jagginessVriendP, #freenode .23:22
Dr_WillisVriendP:  we have no idea about efnet here.. this is dalnet.23:22
Dr_Williserr. freenode. ;)23:22
TJ-eh? this is freenode!23:22
Dr_Willis;P made you look TJ- !23:22
mrdigitalhelp needed wrt port forwarding my zyxel for ssh23:22
VriendPI'm new here. In fact, I'm new everywhere :D23:22
VriendPMy apologies :)23:22
TJ-Dr_Willis: made me think I'd just eaten 'funny' mushrooms :p23:22
mrdigitalhelp needed wrt port forwarding my zyxel for ssh23:22
Dr_WillisTJ-:  your milk has expired...23:23
varunpr97/msg cabotmoose23:23
varunpr97in your grub menu where you can select your kernel , add the following each on a new line23:23
varunpr97outb 0x728 123:23
varunpr97outb 0x710 223:23
varunpr97outb 0x740 223:23
FloodBot1varunpr97: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:23
varunpr97outb 0x740 023:23
TJ-mrdigital: You'll need to set up a port-forwarding rule on the router to forward public tcp port 22 to the IP address of your PC at port 2223:23
mrdigitalthanks i have done that already still does not work23:24
TJ-mrdigital: How are you testing it?23:24
Dr_Willisharris:  somthing to try --> http://askubuntu.com/questions/139168/dell-1390-wireless-bcm4311-ubuntu-12-04-no-wireless-icon-in-unity23:24
TJ-mrdigital: you have openssh-server installed on the PC and listening on port 22?23:24
jagginessDr_Willis, reading is hard. ;-)23:24
jagginessDr_Willis, freenode!23:24
berefeirabroadcom is the worst, get an alfa and be happy23:24
mrdigitali can connect locally but not from my public ip23:24
Dr_Willisjagginess:  Luckly my IRC client talks to me..23:25
TJ-mrdigital: is it possible your router refuses to forward/or is listening on port 22? Try forwarding a different port number to port 22 internally... say public 2222 to internal 2223:25
jagginessmrdigital, use dyndns or somethin.. also it's possible your isp may be blocking 22, I know my isp blocks port 8023:25
mrdigitali have tried everything the internet had to offer23:25
berefeiraTJ: it should work, i have it running on wrt-54gl23:25
TJ-mrdigital: What's the exact make/model of router?23:25
harrisdoes anyone have b431123:26
Dr_Willismrdigital:  set your router to forward some high port. like 88822 to  port 22 on the lan machine.. is also handy.23:26
mrdigitalhow do you differentiate/tell from internal/external port to the router as my zyxel router only asks for start and end ports23:26
Dr_Willisharris: have you actually Tried to do anything people have suggested? like --->   somthing to try --> http://askubuntu.com/questions/139168/dell-1390-wireless-bcm4311-ubuntu-12-04-no-wireless-icon-in-unity23:26
jagginessDr_Willis, noob. port# going go beyond 6553623:26
MonkeyDustharris  did you check out the factoid !bcm ?23:26
TJ-Dr_Willis: you're not getting me a 2nd time... I *know* port 88822 doesn't exist!23:26
jagginess(or 655535 somewhere around there)23:26
mrdigitalyes done that too..i opened ports from 22 - 800023:26
Dr_WillisTJ-:  :) ipv6 ports! ;p23:27
jagginessthey don't go beyond that #port23:27
harrisi did every you guys have said23:27
TJ-Dr_Willis: can't get out of it that easily :D23:27
harrislast time i had to do this the code23:27
harriswas some modprobe23:27
Dr_Willisharris:  but you said no drivers were installed.. so that sounds like you have done nothing...23:27
Dr_Willisharris:  the 'history' command will show what commands you have used in the past.23:27
TJ-mrdigital: What's the exact make/model of router?23:27
harristhe default one is in stalled23:27
mrdigitalzyxel p660hw t1 v323:27
harrisi had to reinstall23:27
k1lmrdigital: maybe better ask the (dd?)wrt support?23:28
Dr_Willis!info  bcmwl-kernel-source23:28
ubottubcmwl-kernel-source (source: bcmwl): Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driver source. In component restricted, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1174 kB, installed size 3176 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)23:28
TJ-mrdigital: you are configuring port-forwarding? Any router that does that has to accept an internal IP address to know where to forward to. The only way only-ports would work is if, in a separate config space, you set a server that is the default DMZ server23:28
Frostbytewhich log do I look for shutdown problems? (12.04LTS doesn't power off the machine, it stalls)23:28
jagginessharris, re-installing won't fix your bcm. It's a manual intervention and I've helped people in the past on fixing it. You need the nerve to do it but you don't have it23:28
k1lmrdigital: didnt you mention wrt is running on your router?23:29
Dr_Willisbcmwl-kernel-source - uses the 'sta' driver.23:29
harrisno i had it fixed then i had to reinstall23:29
mrdigitaldo you mean that i cant check my public ip from the same machine?23:29
Dr_WillisThis is when you keep notes ;)23:29
mrdigitalor on the same lan?23:29
TJ-mrdigital: You can't do loopback tests from inside the LAN. You have to test from outside23:30
harrisi have the default driver on and in the top network thing in unity wifi enable dosent show up23:30
mrdigitalah ok...maybe thats why @ TJ23:30
TJ-mrdigital: It works... I'm on your SSH server now23:30
TJ-mrdigital: ssh tj@host81-141-154-206.wlms-broadband.com23:30
TJ-The authenticity of host 'host81-141-154-206.wlms-broadband.com (' can't be established.23:30
TJ-ECDSA key fingerprint is 54:31:59:06:e6:1b:a8:2e:7a:25:bd:0b:13:aa:44:6b.23:30
mrdigitalreally?? thanks23:30
Dr_Willisharris:  sounds like you need to follow the directions at -> http://askubuntu.com/questions/139168/dell-1390-wireless-bcm4311-ubuntu-12-04-no-wireless-icon-in-unity   3 commands to cut/paste into the shell.. in the grey box...23:30
cc11rocksI am on my System76, which came with (think it's a loopback partition) the hard drive having a "/" (root) partition. Is there any way I can split this up into /home, /, swap, and /boot without losing/transfering/etc any data?23:31
harriswhere do i paste them23:31
mrdigitalwhy cant one test public ip loopback but we can do the private ip loopback?23:31
Dr_Willis'into the shell'23:31
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:31
TJ-mrdigital: because of how the network packets are routed internally in the kernel.23:32
harrisit says it is already installed23:32
mrdigitalthanks by the way23:32
skpl^harris: do you have a learning disability?23:32
harristhat is offensive23:33
TJ-mrdigital: there's three main chains: INPUT, OUTPUT and FORWARD. You're wanting an INPUT on LAN to go to OUTPUT on WAN (which goes to your ISP) and then straight back in on INPUT WAN which can't be done23:33
harrisi dont understand computers23:33
harrisi am a kid23:33
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:33
n1ckn4me09876543out of topic, but does anybody know what Transmission BitTorrent's irc channel?  I tried transmissionbt but its empty23:33
mrdigitalah i see...I had that doubt but you cleared it out thanks23:33
harrisTJ-,  are you saying tjat to me23:33
wilee-nileecc11rocks, Not sure why you would want a boot partition it is not needed, and makes things more complex, here is a separate home to it partition, again not really needed except upon doing a upgrade. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving23:34
k1l!alis | n1ckn4me0987654323:34
ubottun1ckn4me09876543: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*23:34
harriswilee-nilee,  what laptop do you have23:34
TJ-skpl^ The B43 stuff gets me confused so I can only guess at how frustrated and depressed harris feels. Don't expect everyone here to be able to graps things instantly that others have spent months and years getting to know23:34
wilee-nileeharris, I have two laptops and a nexus23:34
harrisis one hp pavilion23:35
Endafyok I am installing Ubuntu on a customer's system, with an nvidia card I need to set it to nomodeset and I get grub, how do I set it to nomodeset temporarily to install the nvidia drivers?23:35
harriswhat wifi cards do you have23:35
cc11rockswilee-nilee : Why would I not need a boot partition? I've always used them in the past. It is basically for when you want to keep the MBR (Master boot record, Windows uses this as it's default booting software which you can stick GRUB and other booting software one)23:35
Dr_WillisEndafy:  edit the grub boot line, (e  i recall at the grub menu)23:35
FrostbyteCan anybody tell me how to troubleshoot my poweroff problem? (My 12.04LTS hangs at the loading dots instead of completelly shutting down)23:35
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:35
harrisi am pissed23:35
harrisi need wifi23:36
EndafyDr_Willis, I see that, what do I type23:36
Dr_Willisharris:  not whats so hard about running those 3 commands and rebooting to see if it worked..23:36
TJ-I don't know why we don't have a Debian package that automates the B43 install steps! We have to do it manually so many times!23:36
cc11rocksI plan to put Arch, Linux Mint, and another distro (testing one, not for production use), and keep Ubuntu...23:36
Dr_WillisEndafy:  change 'quiet splash' to be23:36
Dr_WillisEndafy:  change 'quiet splash' to be 'quiet splash nomodeset'  basically23:36
Endafyalright ill try that23:36
wilee-nileecc11rocks, hehe a MS bootloader aficionado, why is what I ask, grub is so more reliable and can be purged and reloaded at a whim.23:36
wilee-nileegrub 2 to be specific23:37
TJ-cc11rocks: I'd recommend when you free up those partitions you switch to LVM. That'll allow you give and take space for volumes and file-systems as you wish23:37
cc11rockswilee-nilee : I'm not putting MBR/Windows/other crap on this one. Could you answer my question?23:37
wilee-nileecc11rocks, I did I gave you a link to seperate your home, could you cut the attitude this is free advice.23:37
TJ-wilee-nilee: the reason for a separate /boot is when you have the root fs encrypted, for example23:38
k1lFrostbyte: just as a global hint: did you look in the older logs in the /var/log folder?23:38
HarrisI am signing in23:38
TJ-It's also handy to assign about 512MB to a primary partition for /boot and the rest of the drive uses LVM23:39
Endafyok there is no quiet boot splash or anything like that23:39
Harris Love you Dr Willis23:39
cc11rockswilee-nilee : I don't have an attitude. I was merely saying I'm not going to put MBR/etc on it. Was an explanation and I would like to know why I should not use a  boot partition. I am sorry if I have offended you. This was not my intention.  I do appreciate your help in the link. I was only trying to be more clear23:39
Frostbytek1l: is there a specific log I can look into? I can reproduce the issue right now if needed, (it mostly does that when it has a little uptime)23:39
l3dok I am useing ubuntu 10.10 (yeah i know, but 12.04 is buggy as all on this machine) and since stop dual booting and was wondering if there was a way to skip the grub list and have it just boot in to 10.1023:39
wilee-nileeTJ-, not mentioned except in your responses why are you telling me this?23:40
Endafywhy cant Ubuntu include drivers it already contains non-free software?23:40
Dr_Williswow.. and i told him a half hr+ ago.. to follow that url...23:40
phirestalkerHow do I put a shortcut to a shared folder shared via apple file sharing?23:40
Endafyit causes so many issues23:40
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Dr_WillisLegal reasons for a lot of them.23:40
Dr_Willislack of disk space for another.23:40
cc11rocksTJ- Am I to use LVM because GRUB can only recognize a certain number of partitions?23:41
varunpr97ubuntu doesnt have non-free software...23:41
phirestalkerdrag and drop create link didn't work23:41
harrisDr_Willis,  i love you it worked23:41
varunpr97i guess u need to enable repos fr that23:41
EndafyDr_Willis, the EULA from the nvidia drivers specifically say that you can23:41
k1lFrostbyte: dmesg and syslog. but the get rotated and renamed after the reboot. so its dmesg.0  or dmesg.1 etc23:41
TJ-wilee-nilee: you said "cc11rocks, Not sure why you would want a boot partition it is not needed, and makes things more complex,"23:41
EndafyDr_Willis, would you like me to find it for you specifically?23:41
Dr_WillisEndafy:  i dont really care...23:41
namoamitabuddhavarunpr97: ubuntu doesn't have non-free software -- I don't think so.23:41
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zykotick9varunpr97: LOL - that's funny "ubuntu doesnt have non-free software"23:41
namoamitabuddhaDr_Willis: Sorry.23:41
Endafywell then why cant the drivers be included23:41
wilee-nileeTJ-, right and that is not you eh. ;)23:41
Endafyit makes installations a pita23:41
cc11rocksTJ- wilee-nilee I plan to use ext4 for all of my partitions...23:42
varunpr97not everyone wants the drivers23:42
Jordan_Ucc11rocks: Having /boot/ on a separate partition is different from installing grub's boot sector to a partition. If you install grub's boot sector anywhere, it should go in the MBR (not in a partition boot record).23:42
TJ-cc11rocks: put them inside LVM... you'll regret it if you don't23:42
varunpr97for eg. ati users may nt want d nvidia drivers23:42
Dr_WillisThe  noveau drivers work good enough for my 5 nvidia systems now.. i sometimes go for several days  or weeks befor i realize im not using the nvidia drivers.23:42
Endafy2.1.2 Linux/FreeBSD Exception. Notwithstanding the foregoing terms of Section 2.1.1, SOFTWARE designed exclusively for use on the Linux or FreeBSD operating systems, or other operating systems derived from the source code to these operating systems, may be copied and redistributed, provided that the binary files thereof are not modified in any way (except for unzipping of compressed files).   <-I see no legal issues23:42
SquareapeEndafy, no problem here, no drivers needed for first boot23:42
Dr_Willisthost that had an issue. i use nomodeset, to get to a basic desktop to install the drivers.23:43
cc11rocksI always thought LVM was for server stuff (I put it in the RAID category of stuff)...Is it easy to set up the LVM?23:43
EndafySquareape, I need to look up how to nomodeset just to get Ubuntu to boot on Nvidia systems23:43
Frostbytek1l: dmesg only speaks about some mismatches, whereas I don't see anything specific on the syslog.. is there anything I can grep it with?23:43
Dr_WillisEndafy:  from the live cd? or an instralled system?23:43
phirestalkerIs there a way to put a shortcut on the desktop to an apple file sharing shared folder? drag and drop make link didn't work23:43
SquareapeEndafy, yes let's talk about real problems23:43
Endafyfrom an installed system23:44
Endafyit is a real problem23:44
namoamitabuddhaEndafy: It could be attached in kernel parameters.23:44
Dr_WillisEndafy:  you see the grub menu when you boot up?23:44
Squareapedetails please ;)23:44
Endafyyes I do23:44
EndafyI cant boot to desktop23:44
namoamitabuddhaEndafy: As Dr_Willis said, edit the kernel parameters in grub menu.23:44
EndafyI CANT23:44
Dr_Willisshould be a line you edit (hit e at the grub menu) similer to -> linux   /boot/vmlinuz-3.5.0-10-generic root=UUID=96db155e-8d35-4766-8719-7af79fc82eac ro   quiet splash $vt_handoff23:45
Dr_WillisYou add nomodeset btween the quiet splash  words...23:45
sportsfreundhello guys23:45
aronlinehow i install cairo dock applets23:45
Endafyok ill try that23:45
sportsfreundcan somebody help me with mey dualboot problem?23:45
Dr_Willisthats what i said to do earlier... ;)23:45
Endafyso it will be at the end of linix-kernel-(numbers).whatever23:45
Endafythis shit shouldnt happen on an LTS23:46
Dr_Willis....    You add nomodeset between the quiet splash  words...23:46
Dr_Willisor right after 'splash' ;)23:46
kevincherihas anybody have ptunnel exp here?23:46
Endafyok ill try again23:46
namoamitabuddhaEndafy: Maybe F2 or another key.23:46
kevincherithis is from my local machine, trying to achieve a SSH via the tunnel23:46
Dr_Willis'quiet splash nomodeset'23:46
sportsfreundI had win 7 on a ssd first and installed ubuntu 12.04 on another hdd after23:46
kevincheri[inf]: Ping proxy is listening in privileged mode.23:46
kevincheri[vbs]: Sending proxy request.23:46
kevincheri[vbs]: Out of order. Expected: 0  Got: 2  Inserted: 2 (cur = 0)23:46
kevincheri[vbs]: Out of order. Expected: 0  Got: 3  Inserted: 3 (cur = 0)23:46
kevincheri[vbs]: Out of order. Expected: 1  Got: 5  Inserted: 5 (cur = 1)23:46
TaJMoXHelp! Re-sizing windows is a pain! I only get like 1 pixel to grab the side of a window when I want to resize it.. Can I make this threshold greater? Maybe 4 pixels?23:46
* Dr_Willis wonders why that is so hard to understand..23:46
namoamitabuddhaEndafy: Bottom of the grub menu, there's some explanation.23:46
Jordan_U!pastebinit | kermit23:47
ubottukermit: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com23:47
cc11rocks!lvm | cc11rocks23:47
ubottucc11rocks, please see my private message23:47
sportsfreundwho can I ask because of dualboot problem?23:48
harrishow do i get num lock to turn on at boot23:48
namoamitabuddhasportsfreund: Just ask your questions here.23:48
TJ-harris: That is normally an option in the BIOS menus23:48
phirestalkerIs there a way to put a shortcut on the desktop to an apple file sharing shared folder? drag and drop make link didn't work23:49
sportsfreundI had win 7 (64) installed first on a ssd and then ubuntu 12.04 at another hdd23:49
sportsfreundI can boot ubuntu without problem23:49
Dr_Willisharris:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/17207/numlock-turned-on-on-boot-up23:49
WeThePeoplekevincheri, have you looked at ptunnel --help23:49
harrisi had to download a terminal  last time TJ-23:49
cc11rocksTJ- Can I put LVM "behind" my current partitions (set it up with my current stuff) without having to start from scratch? Or is this implied?23:49
sportsfreundbut when i want to boot win 7 there is a error23:50
cc11rocksharris - Ubuntu and most Linux distros come with Bash or other terminals23:50
Squareapesportsfreund, what error23:50
sportsfreundit says "error unknown filesystem grub rescue"23:50
sportsfreundwhen I boot the hdd through entering the bios23:51
TJ-cc11rocks: Yes you can. It can take a bit of shuffling to move the space initially, but you end up in an ideal situation with sda1 as your /boot ext3 and then sda2 as an LVM physical volume which contains the volume group which contains many logical volumes23:51
kevincheri@wethepeople: yea, it didnt help23:51
WeThePeoplekevincheri, type 'ptunnel --debug' in terminal see what that does23:51
Jordan_Usportsfreund: Please run boot info script and pastebin the RESULTS.txt that it produces.23:51
Jordan_U!bootinfo | sportsfreund23:51
ubottusportsfreund: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).23:51
WeThePeoplekevincheri, are you running it from the terminal or gui23:52
kevincherifrom the terminal23:52
WeThePeoplekevincheri, start a new instance and type without quotes "ptunnel --debug"23:52
kevincherifrom the logs it  looks like the connection is establishing, but just its not completing23:52
cc11rocksTJ- so the LVM is basically a way to manage the size of your discs...Sort of like an advanced version of GRUB?23:53
Jordan_Ucc11rocks: Grub has nothing to do with managing disk size. It's a bootloader.23:53
kevincheriWeThePeople, dont even thing there is such an option23:53
kevincheri$ ptunnel --debug23:54
kevincheriptunnel v 0.71.23:54
kevincheriUsage:   ptunnel ..23:54
endafythank you Dr_Willis23:54
endafyI appreciate your help in resolving my issue23:54
Dr_Willisif you use nomodeset on the installer live cd - i belive it auto-ads it to the grub configs on theinstalled system23:54
endafyno it doesnt23:54
Dr_Willisive definiatly seen it do it..23:55
Dr_Willisive had to remove it befor.23:55
endafyright due to it overheating23:55
endafybut I promise it wasnt there23:55
endafyit kept going to the black screen with blinking cursor23:55
WeThePeoplekevincheri, this might help if you use eth0 http://paste.ubuntu.com/1151698/23:55
Jordan_Usportsfreund: Do you understand my request for boot info script output?23:55
cc11rocksOkay, that was a bad anology. GRUB gives you an "overview" of the images, partitions, and such through it's menu. LVM gives you an "overview" of the images, allows you to manage the partitions, and such. This is what I meant like an advanced version of GRUB. Does GRUB  go above or below the LVM (inside LVM or outside)?23:56
TJ-cc11rocks: No, not like GRUB at all. You can resize LVM volumes easily and use the free space for other volumes23:56
kyle__cc11rocks: LVM as in logical volume management?  Outside23:56
endafywhere is the grub config file?23:56
cc11rockskyle__ yes23:57
Jordan_Ukyle__: /boot/ can be on LVM.23:57
endafyI want to make sure its not there anymore23:57
kyle__cc11rocks: Grub undertsands enough of filesystems, partitions, guid partitions and lvm to open those up, pull the kernel, etc.23:57
kyle__Jordan_U: Yes it can.  But not on a mirrored lvm I found.23:57
Dr_Willisendafy:  'on the fly' edits like you did via 'e' do NOT get saved to the grub configs23:57
endafyoh ok23:57
endafythanks for all your help23:57
Jordan_Ukyle__: Please file a bug report about that then.23:58
Dr_Willisendafy:  thats sort of a main feature of the method. :)23:58
cc11rocksSo two partitions : /boot and lvm. GRUB looks through LVM partition to find images and such in the partition. It then launches these. The LVM partition is there to be able to manage these images and partitions.23:58
endafynice feature I appreciate that23:58
namoamitabuddhaed1703: You can edit /etc/default/grub to save these settings.23:58
namoamitabuddhaendafy: up.23:58
kyle__Jordan_U: K.  I'll have to duplicate it first in 12.04, since I found that out with 11.04.23:58
endafyI am trying to install Ubuntu on like 300+ systems for sale and for people and anything with an Nvidia 4xx and 5xx card do this23:59
TJ-cc11rocks: No... GRUB looks in sda1 and finds the boot menu and the kernels and initial ram disks. It loads one of the kernels which then gets to the /etc/fstab file and mounts the LVMs as defined23:59

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