
scooterZacarias, yes, it shows 3 options, all containing muon, software, update, and package, but when  i click on any off them noyhing happens00:00
scooteralso did alt f2 same results00:01
Zacariasscooter: and if you open a terminal and type "muon"? It should run muon if you have it installed. If not, you can try sudo apt-get install muon00:02
scooterThank you gonna give it a try now00:03
scooterlooks like its working00:05
Zacariasscooter: great!00:05
gillie-monstergstreamer has been @ 50% for 40 minutes. abort?00:06
scootersystem notification just poped up00:07
gillie-monster....im stuck i cant do anything00:08
gillie-monstergstreamer is stuck @ 50% i cant close the installer or shut off the computer00:09
gillie-monsterdo i have to power it off?00:09
scooterZacarias! Thank you! I got update and package manager back and running, thanks again!00:09
Zacariasscooter: you're welcome!00:09
scooterZacarias, one last question, is "muon" a part of KDE or kubuntu?00:13
varunpr97developed by jonathan00:14
varunpr97but i dnt think so//00:14
varunpr97atleast nt a part of kde00:15
varunpr97nt sure about kubuntu00:15
Zacariasscooter: It's a part of Kubuntu, but I'm not sure if it is a part of KDE. Or maybe it was and now it has been removed. If you go to the KDE home page you will see if it is a part of KDE or if it has been removed with 4.9 (which may explain why you lost it).00:15
scooterThanks, I'll check it out00:17
=== AD is now known as Guest59726
scooterZacarias, sorry, one more question if you dont mind, before I updated (upgraded) not sure what the differance is, I did something like "sudo apt-get dist.upgrade(or update) do you know what that does? because thats when i begain to have probs. and reinstalled00:26
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datruth_Is there something better than dolphin?00:36
datruth_as a file manager it sucks it forever crashes00:36
scooterjust got Muon package manager back, want to install java, specifcaly plug ins for browsers, any sugestions?00:38
=== annalee_ is now known as annalee
scooterthink I just found it, thanks00:40
scooterdatruth, a quick easy way to look at your home dir is to open a web browser and type in file:///home00:50
scooteras for managers, I'm also looking myself00:52
scooterdatruth, try Xfe01:07
datruth_i fucking hate dolphin01:07
datruth_im getting ready to try a new os01:07
IdleOnedatruth_: please don't swear01:07
gillie-monsterwats up?01:08
datruth_gillie-monster: not dolphin file manager thats for sure01:08
gillie-monsterneither is sound on SoundMax audio devices01:09
scooterdatruth, also try Krusader01:14
datruth_scooter: how can I set that to be the default file manager01:17
scooterdatruth, dont know, let me see if I can do it. Wich fm?01:21
Zacariasscooter: it should do a general upgrade of the system01:58
ZacariasDoes anyone know where udevd comes from? It's eating most of my cpu!02:04
=== rafa is now known as Guest90262
iharpCan someone point me in the direction of a good guide to installing (K,L,X)ubuntu from a network..?02:53
PerfMoh goddd03:18
PerfM254 ircers, not bad03:18
decciHello Guys03:37
decciI have been following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupPC/smb03:37
PerfMit's sleeping hour decci, shhh03:37
decciIt says It is advisiable to keep your clients (Hosts) on the same Domain. In this example it is "WORKGROUP"03:38
decciWhat if I have machines in different domain03:38
datruth_how can I switch master volumes for the audio?04:16
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PerfMbuncha bitches04:59
jakentbunging something up when trying to configure vsftpd ...05:04
jakenttrying to allow local users to log in and write files to their home directories (or a folder in their home directories)05:04
jakentbut get a 553 error, 553 Could not create file.05:05
noaXesshow can i enable doubleclick in dialog windows of thunderbird and firefox? are this GTK apps?05:55
hateballnoaXess: Yep05:57
noaXesshateball: hey ;) how are you?05:57
noaXessthink we chat earlier about some other things ;)05:57
hateballMay well be :)05:57
noaXessso how to enable doubleclick in dialog windows (file) in GTK apps?05:57
hateballnoaXess: a bit of googling suggests https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-nouveau/+bug/936463/comments/306:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 936463 in xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (Ubuntu) "Doubleclick interval not set for non kde apps" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:01
hateballnot sure why it's filed in that category06:02
noaXesshateball: hm.. i don't use nv driver, i use nvidia...06:02
noaXessso it's a xorg problem?06:02
hateballnoaXess: No06:02
hateballIt's a Kubuntu KDE problem, it has nothing to do with your video driver06:02
hateballnot sure why it's filed in that category06:03
noaXessaha  ;).. srry06:03
VIZIOhey guys. how do i have different wallpapers for each side of the cube kwin?06:40
VIZIOhey guys. how do i have different wallpapers for each side of the cube kwin?06:42
Graf_Westerholt!patience | VIZIO06:44
ubottuVIZIO: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.06:44
hateballVIZIO: Go into workspace behavior and set it to have different widgets for each workspace06:46
hateballVIZIO: then you can set wallpaper/widgets per workspace06:46
VIZIOAH thanks!06:46
VIZIOis kde 4.9 possible in kubuntu 11.10?06:51
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VIZIOhttp://www.spartanburgcountyjail.org/x/AA-AM.xml  this page renders fin in firefox but shows blank in chrome, any ideas?08:32
VIZIOviewing web based xml is broken in chrome. any ideas?09:19
Graf_WesterholtNow he is gone.09:33
FloodBotK1Graf_Westerholt: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:33
rootlinuxusrAny plugin for Amarok to sync Google Music yet?10:01
lordievaderGood afternoon10:16
Peace-rootlinuxusr: mm there is a software to keep google drive sync10:23
Peace-but nothing more i guess10:23
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gotwigdo you know any good kde alternative for gimp?12:40
gotwigany please dont say krita..12:40
Peace-gotwig: nope there is not12:44
Peace-gotwig: i was saying krita :D12:45
* gotwig should get a real life12:45
BluesKajhowdy all12:47
gotwigwhy are K's so popular at KDE?12:47
gotwigcouse they are Kool? ;D12:47
BluesKajgotwig, , good question , the original meaning of the K in DE was "Kool", hence "Kool Desktop Environment" and thus to maintain the kool theme , ks were applied to any many apps dev'd for kde desktop12:50
gotwigI like it, that so many KDE apps have German names :-)12:50
gotwigKupfer, Kbruch, theres gotta be Kuchen ;P12:51
gotwigKuchen means Cake in german12:51
BluesKajwell, I'm sure there germans involved in the devel12:51
BluesKajthere were12:51
jdrsThere's gotta be Hitler too.12:51
jdrsNailed it.12:52
gotwigsome folks thing all Germans are still nazis12:52
gotwig*think P12:52
BluesKajjdrs, why that unesessary comment , no need for that , beside it has nothing to do with kde12:53
gotwigAmerican, right ;P?12:53
BluesKajwho ?12:53
gotwigjdrs ;P12:53
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:53
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gotwigM$ should advertise, that Windows 8® is KDE 4 ready...12:54
jdrsBluesKaj: I was joking?12:55
gotwigjdrs: are you American? ;D12:55
BluesKajdidn't come across in print as a joke , jdrs12:56
gotwigits ok, at least from my side..12:56
* gotwig cooks something12:56
BluesKajgotwig, do you have W8 installed?12:56
jdrsat least gotwig got some sense of humor, alright.12:57
Peace-BluesKaj: are you there?12:58
BluesKajyes Peace- , I'm here12:59
Peace-BluesKaj: can you say me what it says ?        echo $(awk '/processor/{print}' /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l)12:59
Peace-BluesKaj: have you multicore?12:59
Peace-cpu i mena12:59
gotwigjdrs: Germans gotta be funny, right - HAHAHAHAHAHA?12:59
BluesKajyes just 2 cores tho12:59
Peace-BluesKaj: so the outout of that says 2?12:59
* gotwig heard Germans can't be funny12:59
BluesKajPeace-, ^13:00
* gotwig is afk13:00
Peace-BluesKaj: perfect :D13:00
* Peace- upgrading ffmpeg-peace-service-menu13:00
phil__happy weekends13:34
=== SeH[Connect] is now known as SeH
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:56
marcus_anyone here15:03
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.15:03
c_smithhello, is there any way to safely purge the Kubuntu Backports PPA and downgrade to KDE 4.8?15:04
c_smithor would I need to reinstall?15:05
bazhang!ppa-purge | c_smith15:05
ubottuc_smith: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html15:05
gotwigjo, I just broke my 12.10...15:06
bazhanggotwig, #ubuntu+1 for 12.1015:06
marcus_ how to upgrade 12.04  to 12.1015:08
bazhangmarcus_, 12.10 is just alpha 3. details in #ubuntu+115:09
marcus_i knwo what it is i need damn 3.4 kernel15:10
marcus_ and i dont afraid its alpha its freeking debian sid and i used it for ages15:10
bazhangmarcus_, #ubuntu+1 for that15:10
marcus_im there15:10
c_smithbazhang, I tried PPA Purge, and that wanted to delete close to my entire system (most of the packages installed)15:13
bazhangc_smith, kubuntu-desktop? please give details15:13
c_smithbazhang, it want to get rid of Wine, gstreamer, almost all the X.org stuff. and a whole heck of a lot of other stuff.15:17
bazhangc_smith, any other PPA than the backports one?15:18
c_smithbazhang, let me check.15:18
c_smithBazhang, only the Wine PPA and Y-PPA-Manager.15:18
c_smithyeah, if one goes to #wine for support while using their distro's wine package, they will tell them to use the latest Wine package.15:20
c_smitheh, I'll just give up on purging it.15:23
c_smiththanks for trying to help.15:24
dpwrussellI recently installed Kubuntu 12.04 on my desktop. I'm used to Ubuntu server having /etc/network/interfaces for defining my network interfaces. If I look in /etc/network/interfaces on my desktop though, there is no entry for eth0, but yet somehow magically it works...15:39
dpwrussellWhat gives?15:39
dpwrussellif I want to (for example) spoof another mac address or temporarily configure a static IP I'd usually edit that file.15:40
Peace-dpwrussell: do that via the normal network icon15:45
armyriadIs there a Kubuntu Server edition?15:46
Peace-ah the server edition15:46
Peace-armyriad: ubuntu o kubuntu server edition is the same15:47
Peace-armyriad: if you install DE then you get ubuntu if you have unitu15:47
Peace-unity or kubuntu if you install kde15:47
Peace-so if you have kde you can configure your stuff via the network manager15:48
dpwrussellPeace-: but if I was to boot up without KDE, would I not get networking? What service is no responsible for managing my network?15:48
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Peace-dpwrussell: i would ask to ubuntu it's not a kde related stuff15:49
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devilcryjoin #ubuntu.es16:37
devilcryjoin ./ #ubuntu.es16:37
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devilcryquisiera saber como conectarme a ubuntu.es16:38
Unit193Type without quotes: "/join #ubuntu-es"16:39
jmutHi. anyone ever got   "cannot get C/H/S values" error message on boot?17:00
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=== julian is now known as Guest69632
lordievaderFew days back someone asked for amarok 2.6, it is now in the backports ppa.19:33
compaqhow can I fix the problem with ati driver quality is poor and full screen freezes constantly quality is not hd19:35
compaqdriver is instaled19:35
lordievadercompaq: What driver? The one from AMD's website?19:36
lordievadercompaq: Which one then?19:37
compaqоф аддитионал дрижерс19:38
compaqof additional drivers19:38
lordievadercompaq: Sorry I don't speak russian, however you might try a manual install of the driver. What card do you have?19:39
compaqati mobility radeon 4250 hd19:39
lordievadercompaq: Do you have experience with manually installing a driver or with the terminal in general?19:41
compaqa have19:41
lordievadercompaq: The former, or the latter?19:42
compaqi tried install19:42
compaqfrom amd website19:42
compaqbut system19:43
compaqnot working property19:43
lordievadercompaq: You need a 3d driver? Else you could also try the radeon (open-source) driver.19:44
lordievadercompaq: Here you have a guide on manually installing the driver on 12.04: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Precise_Installation_Guide19:45
compaqi havae instaled fglx driver19:47
compaqi hava instaled fglx driver19:47
compaq3d rendering in terminal yes19:47
compaqbut picture is wors19:48
compaqhd is not working19:48
lordievadercompaq: Does HD (720p or 1080p?) work in, say, Windows?19:48
compaqworking in windows 7 no problems19:49
compaqlast year 4 monts tries ubuntu19:50
compaqsame problem19:50
compaqcore temp was 70 degrees19:50
lordievadercompaq: What was 70 degrees (celcius I take it), how are the settings in amdcccle? Do you got powerplay on?19:51
compaqtis drgrees was ubuntu.kubuntu working perfekt19:53
compaqtis drgrees was ubuntu.kubuntu working perfekt19:53
compaqI'm trying now one month to fix the problem but I fail I read 20 terminal themes I wrote ...19:53
compaqvideo qualiti is wors19:53
compaqtis problem i don't fixed19:54
lordievadercompaq: I'm sorry I don't understand what you are trying to say. From what I gather you have a problem with the video playback of 720p and you blame the AMD driver, correct?19:55
compaqa'm sory my english is not so gut19:56
compaqproblem is playback of 720 p19:56
compaqin full screen19:56
lordievadercompaq: Ok, just in full-screen or also windowed?19:56
compaqalso windowed19:57
lordievadercompaq: Ok, playback of 720p in general. Have you tried different settings in amdcccle19:58
compaqno i tried 3d efect in amd catalist center19:59
compaqbut problem is the same19:59
lordievadercompaq: Video-playback and 3d are unrelated, I'm more talking about the powerplay settings, on my card with powerplay turned on my browser gets really slow.20:00
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compaqmy problem is the same20:01
compaqand picture is worst20:01
=== julian is now known as Guest58441
lordievadercompaq: Is the powerplay setting turned on or off?20:03
compaqi don't now20:03
lordievadercompaq: Could you check please?20:04
=== Guest58441 is now known as julians
compaqhow to understand20:04
compaqturned on20:05
lordievadercompaq: To see if it is turned on run in a terminal: sudo amdcccle20:06
compaqenable power play20:06
lordievadercompaq: Then under powerplay make sure both the sliders are set to "Maximum Performance"20:06
compaqamdcccle already running!20:06
lordievadercompaq: It is the Catalyst Control Center.20:07
compaqit is the terminal and the catalyst control center20:07
lordievadercompaq: amdcccle opens the Catalyst Control Center.20:08
compaqCould the problem be in20:10
compaqvideo  driver20:10
lordievadercompaq: That is possible, but to remain to my question, are both sliders under Powerplay now set to Maximum Performance?20:11
compaqall in the maximum performance20:12
lordievadercompaq: Ok, that is good, and still the same problem? What kind of video are you trying to watch? Flash or something off the harddrive?20:13
compaqflash in the you tube play in full screen picture is freezeng and qulity is poor no HD20:14
compaqoff the harddrive problem i same20:15
lordievadercompaq: Is the hardware acceleration on or off?20:15
lordievadercompaq: In flash's settings.20:15
compaqi tried diffrent web browser problem is the same20:15
lordievadercompaq: Could you check the hardware acceleration setting within flash itself?20:16
compaqhow can to view this information20:16
lordievadercompaq: Right click in a flash window -> settings, first tab.20:17
compaqenable hardware acceleration20:19
lordievadercompaq: If enabled, disable it. If disabled, enable it.20:20
compaqproblem is reamins same20:26
=== GeertJoh1n is now known as GeertJohan
lordievadercompaq: That is rather annoying, I'd try downloading the newest driver from AMD and manually installing that.20:27
compaqi tried to install ati 12.6 driver20:29
compaqwith terminal20:29
lordievadercompaq: Did you disable kdm beforehand? And a reboot after?20:30
compaqkdm i don't  understand sory20:31
lordievadercompaq: I don't like the guide, they leave X running, it's best when installing video drivers to kill X.20:31
compaqi folow the steps in the websaite20:31
lordievadercompaq: The steps are correct, however they neglect to stop X first.20:32
lordievadercompaq: Do you have a secondary pc?20:33
compaqlaptop amd v160 2,4 ghz20:33
compaq512 k20:34
lordievadercompaq: That was not my question, do you have a pc besides this one where you are on right now?20:34
compaqi have 1 pc20:36
lordievadercompaq: That is unfortunate, since installing the driver manually involves shutting down X11. In other words you won't have access to your webbrowser which shows you what to do.20:39
compaqi have downloaden the driver but i can't startthis file tried in the terminal sudo su,sudo sh and then sudo 0 can't open tis file20:42
lordievadercompaq: Did you make it executable with chmod +x <driver> (replace <driver> with the filename of the driver), also do you know how to turn of X11?20:43
compaqi don't now how to turn x1120:45
sonic|2you dont need to stop x to install display driver20:46
sonic|2by the way, lastest ati driver is 12-820:46
lordievadersonic|2: For a manual install it is a good practice to do.20:46
lordievadersonic|2: For the M4250hd 12-6 is still the latest.20:47
compaq12.8 no linux suport20:47
compaqi have read20:47
sonic|2what's M4250hd20:48
lordievadersonic|2: AMD Mobility Radeon HD 4250.20:48
sonic|2oh hd 4250M couldnt recognize it20:49
lordievadersonic|2: Ah, yes. Sorry, well that one.20:49
lordievadersonic|2: Anyhow, compaq's problem is video playback, in particular HD playback. As an example he gave: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xXih77q_OI Do you perhaps have a suggestion upon the matter?20:51
sonic|2this only happens on flash movies?20:52
compaqyes problem is the same20:53
compaqi tried to install driver right clic start in the terminal"QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave20:54
compaqi have read the bugs in the browser in the 10.04 but i m with 12.04 with update20:56
lordievadercompaq: Open a terminal first, change to the directory (using cd), and run the installer with ./<file-name>20:56
compaqusing cd?20:59
lordievadercompaq: cd is the command to change working directory. For example cd /home/$USER, would put you in your home directory.21:00
compaqi wrote cd/home/21:05
compaqthe folder not exist21:05
lordievadercompaq: There is a space between cd and /home. Anyhow the kde-jockey doesn't install 12.6 nowadays?21:06
lordievaderHey DeadKP, how are you? Are you still alive, in contrast to your nick?21:06
DeadKPhaha :p21:06
compaqi changed workinhg directory home21:08
lordievadercompaq: That was just an example, however I have a feeling that using the jockey (additional drivers) is a tad bit easier for you, essentially it does the same thing.21:09
compaqin the moent i using fglx driver in the additional drivers21:10
lordievadercompaq: Might be a risk, but you could try reinstalling it, through the jockey.21:11
compaqi tried to instal in synaptic manager fglx update but problem is the same21:11
compaqThank you for your help tomorrow I will try to install the 12.6 driver and hopefully solve the problem thank you again21:16
lordievadercompaq: No problem, though I'm not sure if I was any help at all.21:19
compaqI'll write tomorrow if I set it so that if someone has a similar problem to deal more easily21:22
lordievaderAnyhow I'm off to bed.21:24
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=== BS is now known as BS-NOT
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BS-NOTUnable to start akonadi. ~/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/mysql.err contains '/usr/sbin/mysqld: Can't create/write to file '/tmp/ibO6v1sA' (Errcode: 13)' - how to debug?23:54
=== BS-NOT is now known as BS
wa5qjhHoi!! just in case anybody's interested, I tried the yannubuntu boot-repair-17072012  .iso to recover a lost kubuntu partition specifically using the "fail-safe" & 32bit  mode yesterday.23:54
wa5qjhWorked pretty good!!23:54
wa5qjh It did not restore my old wubi ubuntu 11.04 installation tho I think if i knew more about what I was doing,  it might have.23:56
wa5qjh But the nice thing was it didnt bother a third OS I have running. PCBSD 9.023:56
wa5qjh I call that REAL GOOD!!23:57
wa5qjhpcbsd aka FreeBSD with a topping  ( much like  ubuntu on debian)  was listed as a UFS unknown filesystem23:59

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