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bombaeHello, who do I ask for help?06:34
bioterror!ask | bombae06:34
ubot2`bombae: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:34
bombaeThis is awesome.06:35
bioterrorso, shoot06:36
bombaeI recenty deleted my Mac OS X off a macbook 4.1(intel, 64bit). When I restart my computer I have to hold down F1 to get Ubuntu to run, other wise I get "Missing Operating System".06:36
bioterrorI've seen that question before!06:37
bombaeI tried reinstalling, like 3 or 4 times. I still have to hold down F1 to get Ubuntu to run.06:37
bombaeDoes that mean you can help me?06:37
bioterrorjust a moment06:37
bioterroryou had to say it something06:40
bioterrorI'm not a mac user, but I remember this :D06:40
bioterrortakes a moment06:40
bioterrorhold on and enjoy your flight!06:40
bombaeNo problem and thank you so much.06:41
bioterrorsome people seems to prefer this: http://refit.sourceforge.net/06:41
bioterrorthose should help you06:43
bombaeI'm not sure. I'm not triple booting, I now only have Ubuntu installed.06:50
bombaeCan you tell open this file in Terminal ~/.config/inkscape/?06:52
bombaeCan you tell me how to open this file in Terminal: ~/.config/inkscape/06:52
bioterrorcd ~/.config/inkscape/06:53
bombaeAre you a robot?06:56
bioterrorI am highly developed AI06:58
bombaeHahaahaha, awesome.07:00
bombaeOnce Terminal finds this file: ~/.config/inkscape/07:00
bombaeHow do I delete it?07:00
bioterrorthat's a directory07:00
bioterrorcd ~/.config/07:01
bioterrorrm -rf inkscape07:01
bombaeHmmm, not working for me.07:03
bombaeI'm trying to delete the Inkscape preference file, to restore Inkscape's default settings. I got this location off a forum: ~/.config/inkscape/07:07
bombaeYou are saying its a directory, is that safe to delete?07:07
bombaeand what are the exact steps to delete it?07:08
bioterrorFri10:01 <bioterror> cd ~/.config/07:09
bioterrorFri10:01 <bioterror> rm -rf inkscape07:09
bombaeThank you so much, it worked.07:11
bombaeIf there any free way to obtaining all the terminal commands for Ubuntu?07:15
bioterror!cmd | bombae07:19
ubot2`Factoid 'cmd' not found07:20
bioterror!bash | bombae07:20
ubot2`bombae: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:20
bioterror!apt | bombae07:20
ubot2`bombae: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)07:20
bombaeThis is such a relief. I was the using the askubuntu.com forum for days with no help aside from the spell checks.07:22
bioterrorglad to hear  ;)07:23
bombaeFor the record, I just moved into this chat. Thank you for housing me :-D.07:25
bioterrorthat's why this is called beginners07:26
bioterrorwe are openminded groub with slow paced channel activity07:26
bioterrorbetter than #ubuntu itself for the beginners, as we have only ~50 users here and there's like 200007:27
=== Joeb454_ is now known as Joeb454
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bombaeany Ubuntu experts present?12:25
bioterrorbombae, you know the procedure12:28
bioterrorjust ask12:28
bombaeStill have not figured out how to get Ubuntu to boot up from start up, without having to hold down the f1 key.12:29
BlazemoreWhy do you have to hold f1?12:30
BlazemoreWhat happens if you don't?12:30
bioterrorbecouse of apple12:30
bombae"Missing operating systems"12:30
Blazemorebombae: Your BIOS is set to boot from the wrong hard drive?12:30
BlazemoreWhat does F1 do?12:30
bombaeI dont know, this grey globe just pops up12:31
bombaeand then Ubuntu loads.12:31
bombaeI figured it out by accident, just holding down keys when I was in prayer mode.12:31
Blazemorebombae: So, back a bit. How many hard drives do you have?12:32
bombaeAs far as I know one.12:32
bombaeit is a macbook 4.112:33
bombaeI found a lot information how dual booting, but im not. I completely deleted my Mac OS X.12:35
BlazemoreOK so you have *only* Ubuntu on this machine12:36
BlazemoreAnd unless you press F1 during startup, you get an error message "Missing operating system"?12:36
bioterrorbut your problem is still related to those things12:48
bioterroras it doesnt understand your partition12:48
bioterrorbombae, have you blessed your device?12:49
ubot2`Factoid 'bless' not found12:49
bioterrorit's not a matter of laughter12:50
bioterrorthat's stupid apple stuff :D12:50
bombaeThat is why I'm here :-D12:51
bioterroryou did it by this guide?12:51
bombaelet me see.12:51
bombaeI did not use that guide.12:53
bioterroryou could give it a shot?12:54
bioterrorand give a thought about that bless thing :P12:54
bombaeOkay, so reinstall with those directions. This is like my 20th reinstall . . . I am so atheist now.12:59
bombaeI used a usb for all my reinstalls because the disk is broken on this machine. Will that change the dynamics of the directions?13:00
bioterrorhard to say13:05
bioterrorbut I use always USB for installing os's13:05
bioterrormust faster than cd's for example13:05
bombaeJust to be 100%. I break out my windows laptop that has Unetbootin and the Ubuntu ISO. I install it on to the USB that will then be used in my macbook. I follow the directions you gave me?13:09
bioterrorno need for unetbootin13:10
bioterrorjust dd it ;)13:10
bombaeI don't understand.13:11
ubot2`Factoid 'dd' not found13:12
bombaeIm confused now.13:15
bombaedd=download it?13:15
bioterrorsudo dd if=ubuntu-image.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M13:15
bioterrorwhere the sdX is the device of the usb pendrive13:15
bombaeThank you again. I will let you know if it works.13:25
bioterrorthank then if it works ,)13:26
=== Joeb454 is now known as Joeb454_
=== Joeb454_ is now known as Joeb454
ashley88323Hey all. New to Ubuntu. Is there a way to stop the screensaver when watching full screen video (other than turning off the screen saver first?)13:52
bioterrorit actually depends on software13:55
ashley88323I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS13:55
bioterrorand your video watching software is?13:55
ashley88323flash player - to watch youtube13:56
bioterrorthere has been some discussions about it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=109039313:57
ashley88323Ta for the pointer13:58
Sidewinder1ashley88323, I use Totem and it, I believe automatically disables my screensaver.14:01
ashley88323So I've got a gedit window open and pasted the code there but can't save to /bin/ or /usr/bin - any ideas?14:04
Sidewinder1Open gedit with gksudo; that'll give you root to copy, but, BE CAREFUL!14:05
Sidewinder1or save..14:06
ashley88323Maybe I'm just not ready to do this Ubuntu thing. What's gksudo?14:06
Sidewinder1In a terminal, type gksudo gedit, that being said, why do you need to copy something to /bin, which is in root. Usually not necessary and can be dangerous unless you're sure of what your doing.14:07
ashley88323Following this part of the instructions Next, save the following script as ~/bin/flash_saver.sh14:09
ashley88323without spotting the ~14:09
ashley88323and the need to create the file first14:09
ashley88323file => directory14:10
Sidewinder1I generally don't go messing with that sort of thing; that said I should probably respectfully bow out..14:11
ashley88323ok - different question Sidewinder1 - can you get youtube to open videos in Totem?14:12
Sidewinder1ashley88323, Probably not, I watch very few youtube videos, very, very few. But those that I do I think flash (non-free)is the player that is used.14:15
Sidewinder1ashley88323, As a side note, if you wish to save a youtube vid, to watch in Totem, Firefox has a plug-in/addon called "UnPlug", that works nicely. Hope that helps too.14:18
ashley88323Will take a look14:18
ashley88323Ok - different question14:19
ashley88323Big annoyance is typing away not looking at the screen and up pops another window from another application and you end up typing into that14:19
ashley88323Is there a way in ubuntu to stop that14:19
Sidewinder1To which application (pop-up) are you referring?14:21
ashley88323Anything - its the principle of preventing the focus changing to another window without my say so!14:22
ashley88323Could be a browser window wanting to report a time out or something equally pointless14:22
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kristian-aalborg/dev/sdd1             459G   30G  406G   7% /home/kristian/usb15:44
kristian-aalborgthis means that it holds 459G, right?15:44
kristian-aalborg*not* including file system overhead?15:44
kristian-aalborgsorry, this is the order of the numbers:15:45
kristian-aalborgFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on15:45
bioterroryou have 500GB drive15:45
aeorilkristian-aalborg:  what command did you use to get that output?15:47
Sidewinder1Probably fdisk -l?15:48
bioterrordf -h15:48
bioterrorgeeee guys ;)15:48
aeorilgeeez, guys ;)15:49
kristian-aalborgyes, df -h15:50
kristian-aalborgand yes, the drive is 500GB15:50
kristian-aalborgI'm doing a backup to it now... the partition I am backing up is 451GB... I would hate to run out of space, naturally15:52
bioterrorshould be enough15:58
geirhaNote that when df -h says 459G it means 459GiB ~= 493GB16:01
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