
bkerensajono: Do we want people to be doing testing for upgrades to Quantal?00:09
cjohnstonI would assume always00:18
pleia2we'll be doing iso testing at our jam00:19
jcastrohey bkerensa00:19
jcastrodo you happen to know if subway is going to get multiple server support any time soon?00:19
jcastrothe alice guy just sent me a mail, he's finishing off the project and I'm going to need a new client soon. :-/00:20
jcastrobkerensa: oh, nm, I found the bug00:22
jcastroaha, some guy is running multiple tabs for multiple networks00:23
jcastrothat sounds good enough00:23
bkerensajcastro: I dont know I will ask... but right now its over 100 degrees00:23
bkerensaso Im shutting off all appliances00:23
head_victimbkerensa: your link to the global jam actually appears to go to the March jam, not the September one (in your bog post).02:07
head_victimThat being said, that one has a lot more relevant information on it than the actual page :/02:07
bkerensahead_victim: its actually a link from the global jam wiki04:07
bkerensahead_victim: its because the UGJ wiki is outdated04:07
head_victimbkerensa: ah well there you go, at least you know someone read your blog ;)04:12
SergioMenesesczajkowski, morning06:10
czajkowskiSergioMeneses: hey hey how are you06:12
SergioMenesesczajkowski, fine ty I have to sleep if I want to go to work in a few hours06:13
czajkowskiSergioMeneses: I'm up early as doing a half day before I head to oggcamp06:14
SergioMenesesczajkowski, great!06:14
SergioMenesesI had a meeting about ~ubuntu-es early06:15
czajkowskiSergioMeneses: cool you can fill me in and the others via mail go get some zzzz's06:15
SergioMenesesczajkowski, sure! and I go to take your word! jeje06:16
SergioMeneseshave a nice day06:16
czajkowskitoodles SergioMeneses06:16
pleia2czajkowski: have fun :)06:19
czajkowskipleia2: will do06:20
czajkowskipleia2: is it late where you are or just uber early for me06:28
pleia2czajkowski: it's 11:3006:31
pleia2I'm often still awake at this time, just not always online :)06:32
czajkowskihows the cats doing?06:34
pleia2good good06:34
dholbachgood morning07:09
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jcastropopey: your cat looks like our old cat.13:39
jcastronow I miss my old cat.13:39
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=== Joeb454_ is now known as Joeb454
nigelbpopey: So, best advice so far I've got re:microsim get a normal sim and cut it :/13:52
popeynigelb, know of any particularly good deals out there?13:52
nigelbapparently that's what everyone does!13:52
popeyfor people on a short stay13:52
popeyyeah, my phone has a cut down one in :)13:53
nigelbSo, Airtel and Vodafone are the okay providers to go to. They do prepaid.13:53
nigelbBut be warned though.13:53
nigelbIndia is pretty crazy about doumentation.13:53
nigelbWe usually ask for address proof and ID proof. I don't know how it would work for foreigners.13:53
popeythey don't do pay as you go?13:54
popeyor sim rental?13:54
nigelbprepaid is pay as you I think.13:54
popeythanks nigelb !13:57
nigelbpopey: np!13:57
dholbachpopey, going to India?13:57
nigelbHe's going to shut us down13:57
popeynot me, my wifes cousin13:58
nigelb(sorry, that was hard to resist)13:58
popeynot heard that in a while13:58
nigelbI should get someone to do a memeable picture of you ;)13:58
popeythere's a few of them floating around13:58
nigelbha \o/13:59
popeyis one of my faves13:59
nigelbthe picture is too tiny to make a meme out of it ;-)13:59
dholbachnigelb, it should be be hard to shut down a country of one billion people who are all capable of things like this: http://goo.gl/I0uZy14:04
nigelbOn that note, the internet has delivered. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCiY1y3uJ3o14:05
nigelbdholbach: hahahaha14:07
nigelbthat is epic, lol14:07
JoseeAntonioRmhall119: got anyone for the Ubuntu TV session? schedule about to close14:14
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: let me check again14:19
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: not this time for the TV team14:24
JoseeAntonioRmhall119: ok, then :)14:25
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dakernigelb: http://youtu.be/wEtWxIL_b2U :D14:34
dholbachdaker, haha, great video14:37
dholbachI'd love to sit on the top of a train14:37
dholbachnigelb, ^ if I come and visit you - can you arrange that? :-P14:37
dakerdholbach: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=8Vhr01cesDk <= US14:38
nigelbdholbach: hahahaa14:40
dholbachdaker, ok, I've got to stop watching these now :)14:41
dholbachnigelb, I'll take that as a 'yes' - thanks14:41
dholbachshukriya :)14:42
dakerdholbach, nigelb http://i.imgur.com/sHHQv.png popey :D ?14:43
nigelbIs that Elvis?14:44
mhall119daker: no beach ball?14:45
dakerno https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=164QsKFlq4o 1:50min14:47
dholbachhey jono15:01
jonohey dholbach15:01
jonolets roll15:01
jonosetting it up15:01
jonodholbach, mhall119, balloons, jcastro https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/241e17663953b76ce80f9dd93e3ec5801afb3f44?authuser=0&hl=en-US15:02
balloonsI'm like the silent killer15:08
balloonsI'll be with ya'll more later15:08
twobottuxaucommunity: How to submit a feature request to the canonical team? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/177082/how-to-submit-a-feature-request-to-the-canonical-team>15:23
twobottuxaucommunity: How to submit a feature request to the canonical team? [closed] <http://askubuntu.com/questions/177082/how-to-submit-a-feature-request-to-the-canonical-team>15:41
DJonesjono: Are you expecting somebody to contact you via IRC? there's a user in #ubuntu says they've been trying to get in touch with you16:13
DJones17:11 < areallygayuserna> Hello does anyone know how I can contact Jono Bacon. I was directed by the UK Canonical office to contact him here.16:14
DJonesThey've also been asking using the nick " miririri7_dr0id"16:15
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day16:16
dholbachhave a great weekend16:16
jonoDJones, I have nop idea who that is16:50
IdleOneit is rather complicated to google you and find a way to contact.16:53
PiciI think they were asking what the 'US Canonical Headquarters' number was earlier.16:54
jonomhall119, G+?16:59
DJonesjono: Last I saw, they'd sent you a pm anyway18:12
jonoDJones, its all sorted18:13
* bkerensa waves18:21
jcastrojono: are you lunching now/soon or got time?19:01
greg-goh right, lunch time19:05
jonojcastro, not had lunch yet19:10
jonobeen on calls19:10
jcastrono worries19:10
jcastrocatch you on the flipside?19:10
jonowill ping when I am done with lunch19:10
* jcastro nods19:10
jonojust need to sync up with mhall119 first19:10
* jcastro breaks for lunch too19:11
jcastroI need to get better about eating on a schedule, lol19:11
jonojcastro, ready in a few mins?20:52
jcastroFO SHO20:52
jonojcastro, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/3ba281ac57168a7a521aa41e7754b341d0f04fcf?authuser=0&hl=en-US21:00
mhall119yay, I'm not running Quantal21:12
balloonsyea, mine is STILL going21:13
balloonsof course I haven't slowed down to be nice to it at all21:13
balloonsstill running vm's, etc21:13
mhall119wow, empathy looks different21:13
balloonsyea.. it's quite different21:14
mhall119can't I make the contact smaller?21:14
balloonsmhall119, now you now less options is better21:17
mhall119well, I'm willing to give it a try21:17
balloonsheh.. to my knowledge no you can't change it21:18
balloonsor revert back to the old style21:18
balloonsit grew on me.. but I was a heavy pidgin user before switching to empathy after the integration with ubuntu21:20
balloonsand in the end.. I have minimal needs so it meets them21:20
mhall119aw, no EnigMail for the new Thunderbird?21:26
mhall119now how will I hide my plans for world domination from the justice leage?21:26
balloonsno worries.. the Evil League of Evil can help you out21:30
* balloons inserts "horrible" dr. horrible reference.. with a pun!21:30
balloonsAND.. we're back in quantal21:51
balloonsfun times21:51
mhall119mine's broken21:54
jonomhall119, broken?22:05
jonothere was a recent X upload22:05
jonomaybe that was it?22:05
mhall119jono: no, unity upgrade bug22:09
jonomhall119, ahh22:17
* balloons knows mhall119 reported his result :-)22:58
mhall119balloons: there's already a bug for it23:01
mhall119I just needed to get the missing gschema file23:01
mhall119now it's just crashing on me a lot (using the unity-team/staging PPA though)23:02
elfyballoons: thanks for that - I needed that reply :)23:15
balloonselfy, no worries23:17
balloonsthanks for sticking with it23:17
balloonsarm desktop is broken right now23:17
balloonstill 3d driver is fixed23:17
elfyand while I would love to say it is Saturday - I shall be about on IRC support (other than #ubuntu) with forum being down23:18
elfyballoons: I am thinking that an ARM m/l is going to be worth it in the long run - better to do it now while need is low than later23:19
elfyQA list is great - but ....23:19
elfyI really don't need to know that 64bit alterante is up the creek for an odd case that has nothing to with ARM just now23:20
elfykind of thing23:20
balloonselfy, yes.. well communicating what's going on with the images is an open discussion I think23:51
balloonsthe people working on alt need to know about alt, arm about arm, etc23:51
elfyyep - agree completely - trouble comes if you have someone like that troublesome elf guy - who only uses unity with this arm - so misses most of the bugs :p23:53
elfyI filter ARm stuff  - been 3 of us I think ;)23:53
elfyon one hand I cvan understand having someone testing this stuff who is not tech - on the other I wonder if having someone who ran away from unity is any help23:55
elfythough I guess he is the ' surprise' element in the test23:56
elfyat the end of the day I am happy to keep fighting the fight for it so ...23:58

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