
chilicuilAlanBell: hi, sry to bother you, I'm part of the ubuntu-classroom-es team, and we're planning to run interpretations in real time for the udw, so, I wonder if you could help me to log the channel #ubuntu-classroom-es , we're currently loging the sessions in the wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom_ES/Anteriores/31jul2012-bugs-rc00:33
chilicuilalso if you could help us to log the #ubuntu-mx channel would be great00:34
JoseeAntonioRchilicuil: logs are requested to rt@ubuntu.com00:35
chilicuilI'll that then, thanks JoseeAntonioR o/00:36
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AlanBellthought classroom-es was already logged06:53
AlanBelleither way it is an RT thing06:53
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ashley88323Hey - irc user returning after 20-year absence. Trying to remember all the  commands. Can anyone help with ignore?13:26
ashley88323I want to hide the join/part/nick messages in a channel13:26
Sidewinder1ashley88323, What IRC client?13:28
ashley88323Xchat on Ubuntu13:29
k1lashley88323: right click on the channel tab an then settings - hide join/part13:29
ashley88323And there's me looking in chatting prefernces - ta very much!13:30
Sidewinder1Also, please check topic above, your question/s is/are probably better asked in #ubuntu or #ubuntu-beginners channels. :-)13:30
ashley88323I was directed here in #ubuntu!13:31
ashley88323But the hint to #ubuntu-beginners is a good one13:31
* Sidewinder1 Scratches his head and wonders why. :-/13:31
Sidewinder1Either weay, Welcome Back!!13:32
ashley88323I'm trying ubuntu again (after an upgrade went wrong) and learning it all again13:32
Sidewinder1way, even.13:32
MyrttiSidewinder1: I actualy see no harm in answering IRC related questions14:11
Sidewinder1Myrtti, Nor do I; :-) I just thought one of the other channels would garner a faster response. Hope I didn't screw up..14:13
MyrttiI seem to participate in IRC discussions less and less nowadays, and it seems like my only contribution is a weekly request for someone to explain why people should go to #ubuntu-beginners to get answers to their questions14:14
Myrttiand I *never* get a proper answer14:14
head_victimMyrtti: in theory it's a good suggestion, in practice, there needs to be much more activity before I'd recommend it. I'd say the suggestions come from those who have only heard of the place, never been :/14:17
Tm_Thead_victim: why it's good suggestion in theory?15:49
Unit193#ubuntu is quite a busy channel, and that high traffic doesn't work for everyone.15:51
Tm_Tthat still doesn't explain the "why"15:51
Myrttiif I'd get a penny every time #ubuntu being busy is used as an argument for an arbitrary channel that would help new users get answers they need, I'd be rich15:52
Unit193I'm sure the actual reason is something else, but that's one concept that would be nice.15:54
Myrttinice, but faulty15:55
Unit193In practise or concept?15:57
AlanBellaskubuntu.com is a reasonable suggestion, as are some loco channels if people are overwhelmed by #ubuntu15:58
Tm_Tloco channels where you can use your native language15:59
Tm_Tbut #<randomchannel> no15:59
MyrttiUnit193: as predicted in discussions eons ago, the abundance of different channels that make the discussion easier to follow, inherently means that they're so quiet and unpopulated that there isn't enough mass to answer those questions16:03
Tm_Tif someone wants discussion that focuses only to their topic, askubuntu is actually rather good option16:05
lubotu2`Indian-Wolfgang called the ops in #ubuntu-in ()16:59

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