
wangelHello everyone :)00:13
wangelif anyone has time... I bought a Hauppauge HVR-1600 .... I did quick research, found that it was supported (or so I thought) in linux.   I'm having 1 HECK of a time getting it to work in Mythbuntu.  Any tips?  I followed what was in the wiki, it seems the kernel see's the card, blah blah blah ... just can't get it to scan for channels?00:41
tgm4883`wangel, my hvr-1600 works fine01:00
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wangeltgm; man I am having 1 heck of a time getting it to work =(01:12
wangelare you using it for OTA signals only?01:12
tgm4883wangel, use my full nick and it will ping me when you respond01:19
tgm4883wangel, no, I'm using it with comcast01:19
tgm4883wangel, what type of card did you set it up as in mythtv-setup?01:19
wangeltgm4883; ahh.  Hmm.  My cable company requires us to use a "digital minibox" so I assume that means the channels are encrypted.  I wanted to use it to grab the OTA signals.01:20
wangeltgm4883; I set it up as the DVB using the frontend0 device, and the analog as Mpg2 using /dev/video001:20
tgm4883wangel, Have you tried using it connected to cable without the box?01:20
tgm4883worth a shot I say01:20
tgm4883I don't even bother with the analog01:21
wangelI have not, but I can try.01:21
wangelthen I'll leave analog alone.  nothing uses it right?01:21
wangelWhen I told it to do a channel scan, it used uhm... VS8 ?  It never found anything... figured that's where I was going wrong.01:22
tgm4883yea that isn't right01:22
tgm4883where do you live?01:22
wangelif it's any help01:23
wangelI uhm01:23
wangelfound a website in the uk ... forgot the url01:23
wangelthat had me install dvb-utils01:23
tgm4883wangel, insight cable?01:24
wangeland I was able to something like scan /usr/share/dbn/atsc/us-atscxxxxxxxxx01:24
wangelYep, insight cable01:24
tgm4883hook it up to cable and use qam25601:24
wangelreally?  haha01:24
wangelthey don't encode channels?01:24
tgm4883wangel, it's possible some are encrypted01:24
wangelah, ok01:24
tgm4883wangel, http://www.silicondust.com/hdhomerun/lineup_web/US:47130#lineup_831282101:24
Zinn[www.silicondust.com] N/A01:24
tgm4883OTA is 8vsb01:25
wangeloh wow01:25
wangelyah, 8vsb!01:25
wangelthat's what I used01:25
wangelor thought I did01:25
tgm4883there is no guarentee that you will get anything on cable, but it's worth a shot01:25
tgm4883wangel, I don't recall the last time I scanned for channels01:25
wangeli'll try it :D01:25
tgm4883I might have just fetched via schedules direct01:26
tgm4883or fed in a channels.conf01:26
tgm4883wangel, what version of mythtv?01:27
wangelI downloaded the latest version of mythbuntu off the website01:27
wangelI didn't run apt-get upgrade or anything tho01:27
tgm4883I'd activate the mythtv updates repo and do the upgrade01:28
tgm4883lots of fixes since the released version01:28
wangelI'll do that01:29
wangelAre you around during the day?  err, are you in the states?  Heh01:29
wangeloh, cool01:30
wangeli'm gunna mess w/ it more tomorrow.  I'll let you know01:30
wangelthank you so much for the help :D01:31
mdurkqAnyone successfully using a HVR-4000 in 12.04?05:03
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].07:17
ZinnI am alive.07:18
=== dekarl1 is now known as dekarl
malhi, I have a 2 pc mythbuntu setup running, frontend and a separate backend obviously. I have a second hard drive in the backend, with a heap of videos and music on it. I have it mounted at /media/data2 on the backend. How can I get the frontend to see it please?10:04
=== peterpops_ is now known as peterpops
malhi, I have a 2 pc mythbuntu setup running, frontend and a separate backend obviously. I have a second hard drive in the backend, with a heap of videos and music on it. I have it mounted at /media/data2 on the backend. How can I get the frontend to see it please?11:34
=== smartboyhw is now known as ubuntustudio
=== ubuntustudio is now known as smartboyhw
wangelgood morning all --- anyone awake yet  Haha14:09
wangelmorning =)14:11
smartboyhwHow are ya14:11
wangelgood :P14:11
wangelstill having trouble getting my install to work, heh14:12
wangeloh wait, maybe i got it fixed!14:13
=== qwebirc12790 is now known as carl_dog

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