
Jordan_Ucc11rocks seems awefully confused, and I can't figure out how to un-confuse them.00:11
bazhanglordie that looks like a complicated set up01:10
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel
bazhang@mark #kubuntu PerfM cursing / offtopic05:10
ubottuThe operation succeeded.05:10
bazhangspicemaster was jungli?06:21
* gnomefreak thought i banned him for a long time. brb smoke06:25
gnomefreakbazhang: is he causing trouble again?06:37
bazhanggnomefreak, not that  I have seen06:38
ubottuIn ubottu, rangz said: but that is not working the STA drivers are not working06:49
ubottuIn #ubuntu, rangz said: ubottu:that is not working. I am not able to see any drivers in my additional drivers06:50
Flannelwell, that doesn't raise any alarms or anything...07:35
AlanBellbkerensa: o/08:52
groupcat12:59 -!- Learn_bot [~Learn_bot@h184.179.191.173.dynamic.ip.windstream.net]12:00
groupcat12:59 -!-  ircname  : Please notice that Im not logging anything Im a py12:00
groupcat12:59 -!-  channels : #ubuntu12:00
groupcatI had to kickban that from some other channels12:01
mneptokwhat's with the cell* clients in #u?14:00
DJonesI wondered that last night, don't think I've seen any of them speak14:04
mneptoksame here. saw them yesterday, and was reminded when they all cruised back in after the netsplit./14:07
* mneptok contemplates a preemptive +b and -ops forward on cell*14:25
DJonesThey haven't said anything and their ip/host doesn't show up in the ban tracker, the bots picked up on the mass join yesterday and flagged it up in the monitor channel14:26
=== knome_ is now known as knome
vibhavcan anybody ask areallygayuserna to change his nick16:16
Tm_Tvibhav: can you?16:17
vibhavTm_T: sure16:18
* bkerensa waves AlanBell 18:20
AlanBellbkerensa: I updated the ops trigger, you can probably update factoids too19:43
bkerensaAlanBell: Oh How? I would love to update some factoids :)19:43
AlanBellum, lets pick a harmless one19:43
bkerensathat should be a factoid19:44
AlanBellwell that should totally exist19:44
Piciso: !juju is <reply> Something about juju19:44
bkerensa!juju is Juju is a DevOps platform. Through the use of charms, juju provides you with shareable, re-usable, and repeatable expressions of DevOps best practices. You can use them unmodified, or easily change and connect them to fit your needs. Deploying a charm is similar to installing a package on Ubuntu: ask for it and it's there, remove it and it's completely gone.19:46
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, bkerensa said: !juju is Juju is a DevOps platform. Through the use of charms, juju provides you with shareable, re-usable, and repeatable expressions of DevOps best practices. You can use them unmodified, or easily change and connect them to fit your needs. Deploying a charm is similar to installing a package on Ubuntu: ask for it and it's there, remove it and it's completely gone.19:46
AlanBellah, right it didn't obey your command19:46
DJonesNeeds somebody with bot wrangling ability to add it doesn't it19:47
* bkerensa slaps ubottu with a bamboo switch :P19:47
AlanBelltry now?19:47
bkerensa!juju is Juju is a DevOps platform. Through the use of charms, juju provides you with shareable, re-usable, and repeatable expressions of DevOps best practices. You can use them unmodified, or easily change and connect them to fit your needs. Deploying a charm is similar to installing a package on Ubuntu: ask for it and it's there, remove it and it's completely gone.19:47
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, bkerensa said: !juju is Juju is a DevOps platform. Through the use of charms, juju provides you with shareable, re-usable, and repeatable expressions of DevOps best practices. You can use them unmodified, or easily change and connect them to fit your needs. Deploying a charm is similar to installing a package on Ubuntu: ask for it and it's there, remove it and it's completely gone.19:47
bkerensa<ubottu> Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops.  Thank you for your attention to detail19:47
FlannelYou'll want to include <reply>, thats probably a little on the long side, and it also has zero substance.  Factoids aren't places for marketspeak.19:48
* bkerensa will re-write in non marketspeak19:48
AlanBellubottu: @admin capability add bkerensa encyclopedia19:49
ubottuAlanBell: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:49
AlanBellI did that in PM and it succeeded19:49
bkerensa!juju is <reply> a open source devops platform created to allow rapid deployment of applications in the cloud19:49
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, bkerensa said: !juju is <reply> a open source devops platform created to allow rapid deployment of applications in the cloud19:49
Flannelbkerensa: "foo is bar" means that when you type !foo, it responds with "foo is bar", if you type !FOO it responds with "FOO is bar", if you use "!foo is <reply> Foo is bar" then when you type !foo, or !FOO, or (some other aliased one) it responds with "foo is bar" always.19:49
Flannelbkerensa: If ubottu echos it here like it's doing, it's not actually being set.19:50
Flannelbkerensa: everything after the <reply> is the only thing shown.19:50
FlannelYou'll see what I mean once you can actually use it :)19:50
ubottuIn ubottu, bkerensa said: !juju is <reply>  Juju is a open source devops platform created to allow rapid deployment of applications in the cloud19:50
Flannelbut that last one would... yeah.19:50
Flannelthat last one (now) is the right way.19:51
* DJones suggests a change of wording, Juju is an open source....19:51
FlannelIt'd be plainly obvious if you had edit capabilities already :)19:51
ubottuIn ubottu, bkerensa said: !juju is <reply>  Juju is a open source devops platform created to allow rapid deployment of applications in the cloud19:53
AlanBellone more try bkerensa19:54
AlanBellhttp://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins documentation here19:54
AlanBellfairly sure you are an editor now19:59
ubottuThe operation succeeded.19:59
* mneptok slithers back under the floorboards20:00
ubottuIn ubottu, bkerensa said: !juju is <reply>  Juju is a open source devops platform created to allow rapid deployment of applications in the cloud20:03
bkerensaAlanBell: :D20:03
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:03
MrChrisDruifOh bkerensa....<_<"20:04
bkerensaMrChrisDruif: what did I do wrong?20:04
mneptokbkerensa: if you don't login, what prevents ANYONE from editing factoids?20:05
ubottuJuju is a open source devops platform created to allow rapid deployment of applications in the cloud20:05
mneptokbkerensa: you have tried adding without logging in. you have not tried it now that you have logged in.20:05
mneptokor yes, you have.20:06
AlanBellthen you can use the other commands to edit factoids20:06
mneptokubottu: no !juju is <reply>i got my mojo workin'.20:06
ubottuI know nothing about !juju yet, mneptok20:06
bkerensaAlanBell: cool20:06
ubottuJuju is a open source devops platform created to allow rapid deployment of applications in the cloud20:07
mneptokubottu: no !juju is <reply>i got my mojo workin'.20:07
ubottuI know nothing about !juju yet, mneptok20:07
mneptokthat is quite interesting.20:07
AlanBell!no juju is something to do with witchcraft20:08
ubottuI'll remember that AlanBell20:08
ubottujuju is something to do with witchcraft20:08
AlanBellnow you can fix it again ;)20:08
ubottuJuju is a open source devops platform created to allow rapid deployment of applications in the cloud20:11
AlanBellmneptok: you don't put the ! in front of the factoid after !no20:11
bkerensaAlanBell: is there a way to delete a factoid?20:12
AlanBellyou can tell it to forget20:13
AlanBellbut it kind of remembers that it forgot it20:13

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