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CyclicFluxI was curious if anyone had any idea why ubuntu did not have a make.conf, for compilation settings+c-flags, etc... For example more BSD-like systems, i.e. Gentoo & Archlinux have make.conf or makepkg.conf's00:38
CyclicFluxI just was not able to find anything on the net about it.00:38
xnoxCyclicFlux: because we are a binary distribution and we only offer pre-compiled packages.00:40
xnoxCyclicFlux: we do have dpkg-buildflags for example00:40
CyclicFluxxnox, Yes I know, with that said, there are utilities to compile from source/etc... i.e. apt-build, which I am playing with right now, I mean the system comes with gcc00:41
CyclicFluxSo I was just curious where one would find that info/information, aside from /cat/proc/cpu00:41
CyclicFluxsorry *'cat /proc/cpu'00:42
CyclicFluxBut what I may not have been so clear on above is that ubuntu now has a utility, with a few helper utilities for compiling code from source, apt-build.00:43
CyclicFluxand I was setting the make options for it, etc...00:44
xnoxcompiling packages with specific cpu optimisations makes the resulting deb packages not portable to other machines. hence we compile to the lowest/common denominator00:45
CyclicFluxxnox, I def. know that I am not really into portability for my own system software. However for c, c++, java, python, etc... I def. go for portability. I am trying to optimize some of my system packages00:49
patdk-lapsounds like you want gentoo :)00:50
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Assidhmm i think cause  iam using apt-fast .. the firewall isnt closing the connections quick enough.. and hence its getting stuck04:23
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Assidhow do i reduce the number of connections apt-fast makes ?05:07
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iToastI'm having a problem doing ./Config for anope...07:15
iToasteven as root07:15
iToasti dont have permission to do it.07:15
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MacroManJust installed 12.04 on a new server. Having some boot problems. When I boot, it gets past grub, but then nothing. Blank screen, not online (can't ping server). If I move the selector on the grub screen, but still choose the top option, it then boots.07:47
MacroManWell sort of, I have another problem after that.07:48
MacroManThe other problem I have is when I do get past grub, it boots to ramdisk and I have to type exit at this prompt for it to continue.07:54
MacroManCould be connected07:54
MacroManAh, never mind, found solution here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197661708:04
dax_rocMorning all08:29
dax_rocI've done a test upgrade on a VM instance from 10.04 to 12.04 and performance has become slugish at times. There's very little wa and no swapping going on. It's under minimal load.08:31
dax_roc*slugish, lags for upto 40seconds08:32
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maxagazI'd like to encrypt a text file in a simple way, what should I use ?09:26
jpdsmaxagaz: openssl, gnupg, ...09:27
maxagazjpds: I don't want to have to use some key file to do it09:28
maxagazjust a passphrase09:28
jpdsmaxagaz: Those both have options just for that.09:29
maxagazjpds: and both can easily be decrypted from ios ?09:29
maxagazfrom some ios code09:29
jpdsmaxagaz: ios, as in Cisco, or Apple?09:29
jpdsmaxagaz: No idea.09:29
apwDaviey, hey, is there a guide for using cloud-init?  i am using openstack but doing things "the hard way" and would like to find some examples or the like of how we are expected to do things09:50
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koolhead17apw: there is i suppose10:02
apwkoolhead17, ta10:07
Davieyapw: if that doc isn't suitable, feel free to shout back for more10:10
Davieyapw: what are you trying to outcome?10:11
apwDaviey, thanks, i think now i have spotted just giving it #!/bin/bash lets me run my own code, i can just use that10:11
Davieyapw: ok, if you are doing anything funky, would be interested in hearing out it. :)10:11
apwDaviey, initialise an instance doing data handling, right now i start the instance, wait for it to start, pull the IP addy, ssh in, run random things to init it10:11
Davieyapw: switching kernel?10:12
apwDaviey, clearly the kind of shenanegans that cloud-init is designed to avoid one needing to do10:12
apwDaviey, nope just a stock instance, all very simple, install two packages, bzr checkout some stuff, add cronjob, done10:12
Davieyapw: sounds good.. if you get success, blog posts for this are always appreciated :)10:13
apwDaviey, ok :)10:13
apwDaviey, how big can your cloud-init data be ?10:15
apwbefore one needs to host it10:15
Davieyapw: 16K for the whole user-data10:17
apwDaviey, ok so pretty big10:17
Davieyapw: you can also gzip10:18
* Daviey screams at keyrings.10:30
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1038044 in munin (main) "munin-node: apt_all does not Grok Ubuntu (possible regression)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103804411:51
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apwDaviey, is there any way to reboot in cloud-init, as you offer update which may pull in a new kernel, does that reboot automatically?12:52
Davieyapw: it does not12:56
apwDaviey, that seems like something it should grow really12:57
Davieyapw: yeah, smoser might like that suggestion12:58
smoserapw, you're saying you want first boot to say "oh, i need a new kernel", "apt-get update && apt-get install <kernel-update> && reboot" ?13:11
apwsmoser, well i suppose i am saying i want "when i seleect update/upgrade mode that if a new kernel was installed to reboot and continue"13:12
apwor something13:12
apwsmoser, the kernel does drop something to tell you, as the notifiers notice it13:13
smoserthat was my next question.13:13
smoserthats a bad location for it13:13
smoseris it not?13:13
smosersomething has to clean that up on next boot?13:14
smoser /run would seem better.13:14
apwi think that is an _input_ to update-notifier rather than an output from the kernel13:14
apwand indeed /run would seem more appropriate these days13:14
smoserwell, there was /var/run before.13:14
smoserso, apw, open a bug. i dont think its unreasonable. i would'nt make it the default though.13:15
smoseri think its a good suggestion13:15
smoserthank you.13:15
apwsmoser, no a nice new option perhaps .., against ?13:15
smoserrbasak, did you make my apt massively parralelizable yet?13:16
smoseralthough, if rbasak made installation parallelized too, that'd be cool13:17
Davieysmoser: openssl emits notify-reboot-required aswell13:17
smoseremits ?13:18
smoseras in an upstart event?13:18
apwDaviey, i assume my user init stuff is only run the first boot?  nothing later ?13:19
Davieyapw: correct13:19
smoserapw, right.13:19
smoserand it would makr that the upgrade had already been done13:19
Davieysmoser: no, sorry.. creates the file13:19
smoserthis is half way through the normal update.13:19
smoserer... hte normal boot.13:19
Davieysmoser: fwiw, byobu also looks for that file13:19
smoserso some things would occur the "first time" on the "second boot"13:19
smoseri wonder what cleans it.13:20
apwsmoser, probabally the silly notifier thing, as it didn't go away on reboot :/13:20
smoseranyway. this is doable. the biggest issue is that cloud-init gets ticked off when 'reboot' occurs while its running.13:20
smoserapw, i can just have cloud-init do:13:20
smoser reboot && rm -f that-silly-file13:20
smoseror the reverse order.13:20
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Davieyapw: err, are you sure it;s /usr/share and not /var/run?13:21
Daviey/usr/share/update-notifier/notify-reboot-required is the script.. /var/run/reboot-required is the file to touch13:22
Davieyso [ -f /var/run/reboot-required ] reboot13:22
apwDaviey, oh, we run that ... doh13:22
Davieyzul: the precise-staging uploads haven't been through CI yet, right?13:24
Daviey.. and still no way to point CI to a PPA branch, is there?13:24
zulDaviey: no...you would have to talk to adam_g about that13:25
Japje_dea?/w 15613:33
* apw screams at launchpad, timeing out when filing bugs today13:34
Davieyapw: we found, our bug stats improve if the bug tracker doesn't function. The intention is, that you'll walk away, and we'll have less bugs raised.. improving our stats13:40
apwDaviey, its working13:42
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Davieyapw: dammit13:44
apwDaviey, am talking to launchpad peeps, probabally DC related13:45
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apwsmoser, bug #103810814:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1038108 in cloud-init "cloud-init should offer an option to reboot following updates if the kernel was changed" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103810814:00
AdvoWorkif i've just done sudo apt-get update  can i now see a list somehow of what it's going to upgrade?14:00
smoserapw, gracias.14:00
smoserAdvoWork, you can type 'apt-get dist-upgrade'14:01
smoserand it will prompt you14:01
smoserbefore you continue (ie, that is safe)14:01
smoseryou can also : apt-get dist-upgrade --dry-run14:01
AdvoWorksmoser, i dont mean for a dist upgrade,i mean just general new packages etc?14:03
smoserthat is what dist-upgrade is14:03
smoserdist-upgrade is not "upgrade me from 11.10 to 12.04"14:04
smoser(that is a common source of confusion)14:04
RoyKAdvoWork: dist-upgrade just takes you the latest updates in your current distro version14:05
RoyKdo-release-upgrade (not apt-get) takes you to next distro14:05
RoyKnext release, even14:05
RoyKor next LTS release if you were running one14:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #1038108 in cloud-init (main) "cloud-init should offer an option to reboot following updates if the kernel was changed" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103810814:06
AdvoWorkahh ok i see, so dist-upgrade is just listing whats available since doing udpate?14:08
smoserAdvoWork, update is only "download the listings of what is available"14:11
smoser"upgrade" is "apply them"14:11
smoser('dist-upgrade' is just a more complete version of 'upgrade')14:11
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AdvoWorksmoser, thanks14:22
AdvoWorkI have a further query, if doing a symbolic link(so at the moment nothing exists in /auto/) is it ln -s /etc/myconfig.cfg /auto/  so that will make auto/myconfig  (which links to /etc/myconfig.cfg) ?14:22
smoserAdvoWork, i think the answer is yes.14:26
smoser(as in if i understand the question properly)14:26
AdvoWorkbut now I've got: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   14 Jun 20 15:54 test -> ../cfg/test  (and the first test is blue). I've just done: ln -s cfg/new auto/  which has made it, but new is red. the permissions are the same, any ideas what the colour difference means?   replacing myconfig.cfg with "new"14:27
AdvoWorkfixed it14:34
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zulsmoser: ping did the config-drive v2 make it in yet?15:04
smoserzul, yes.15:04
zulsmoser: cool just updating blueprints15:04
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1028711 in glance (main) "glance-api.conf contains incorrect sqlite connection string path" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102871115:42
uvirtbotNew bug: #1030152 in glance (main) "missing dependency on python-jsonschema" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103015215:42
zulDaviey: f3 is uploaded15:59
SpamapShallyn: ok so perhaps I am running into the umask problems...16:14
SpamapShallyn: re the "failing to open /etc/sudoers" problem I was whining about yesterday16:15
hallynSpamapS: i didn't see that whine.16:16
hallynSpamapS: i've grepped and am not sure where the umask is being set.  though i may have been looking at the wrong juju version16:16
hallyn(since only some seem to have the probem)16:16
SpamapShallyn: you did you're just forgetting I think16:16
hallynheh could be16:17
SpamapS/usr/bin/lxc-ls: line 36: cd: /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset///lxc: Permission denied16:17
SpamapSthats also kind of weird16:17
SpamapSisn't it?16:17
hallynSpamapS: *that* is umask problem at lxc-start16:17
hallynlxc calls mkdir() and passes in the righ tmode to create the lxc dirs16:18
hallynyes, i suppose lxc could save the umask, set its own, do mkdir, then reset umask, but that's kind of silly16:18
SpamapShallyn: so is that possibly caused by umask tightening on sudo run commands from 0002 to 0022 ?16:19
hallyni'd prefer to have lxc-start and lxc-create fail on bad umask16:19
hallyniirc juju was actually doing 0077 umask16:19
SpamapS$ sudo bash -c 'umask'16:19
hallynedit lxc-create to save its umask to a tmpfile, create a container with juju, see what it sa\ys16:20
hallynwe always call lxc through sudo so i don't think so16:20
smoserutlemming, i just pushed fix for growpart and nbd or loop devices16:20
utlemmingreally? cool, I'll take a look...does it apply only to lucid?16:20
utlemmingsmoser: ^16:21
smoseri think i dont understand thw question.16:22
utlemmingsmoser: where is the commit?16:22
smosercloud-utils upstream just never worked for /dev/nbdX or /dev/loopX16:22
utlemmingah, okay, now I understand what you're saying16:22
utlemmingsmoser: I'll address the build system then for it16:23
SpamapShallyn: ok confirmed that the umask is 0077 when the template runs16:23
* SpamapS tracks down "why"16:23
smoserutlemming, right.16:23
utlemmingsmoser: what did we decide to do with lucid full disk images? drop them or we're we going to choose an arbitrary size for the disk images?16:23
smoserwe could sru that easily enough. but not really necessary forthis.16:23
smoseri dont know what to do there.16:24
smoseranything over 5G seems "too big" for some use cases.16:24
smoserand its a PITA to resize down16:24
smoseranything under 5G seems "too small"16:24
smoserso i really dont know what to do16:24
smosermaybe 10G isn't too small. i dont know.16:24
utlemmingsmoser: right...could we SRU the cloud-init-ramfs that does that?16:24
utlemmingsmoser: I know that's a long shot, but it seems like with openstack and others that we might be able to make a compelling case for doing so16:25
smoserno. we can't really sru that.16:25
smoserits a new package.16:25
smoseri dont know. you could ask what sru team thought about it16:25
smoserit is very stable and very limited use case.16:25
smoserbut it'd mean getting cloud-utils growpart back to lucid (not hard), *and* cloud-initramfs-utils a new package added to lucid.16:26
smoser(and in main)16:26
smoseri personally would'nt want to waste my effort.16:26
utlemmingugh, yeah, that wouldn't work16:26
smoserso for lucid on openstack, right now you have 2 less than ideal things:16:27
utlemmingso I'm leaning towards make arbitrary 10G images and just saying that's a limitation of lucid16:27
smosera.) the uec images: these use kernel and initramfs directly, meaning kernel upgrades dont work16:27
smoserb.) the "full disk images".  these support kernel upgrades, but without manual user action, the root filesystem is 1.4G , unless we choose a different size for them.16:28
smoserand 'a' has a work around, the loader kernel (http://people.canonical.com/~smoser/lucid-loaders/)16:28
smoserutlemming, checking resultant size of 10G16:31
utlemmingI resized one yesterday -- the qcow2 size is only slightly bigger16:32
smoseryeah. for the one i tried i see16:38
smoser$ ls -lh /archive/mirrors/uec/lucid/current/lucid-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img disk1-10G.img16:38
smoser-rw-r--r-- 1 mirror mirror 216M Aug 17 01:51 /archive/mirrors/uec/lucid/current/lucid-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img16:38
smoser-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root   217M Aug 17 12:34 disk1-10G.img16:38
smoser216M -> 217M16:38
smoseri would have expected more dirty-ness inserted16:38
smoserso maybe, yeah, 10G images sound resonable.16:38
smoserbut we should send a mail to ubuntu-cloud announcing them and their issues.16:39
utlemmingokay, I'll do that16:39
smoserutlemming, we/you are targetting next wednesday for your cloud-init image creation changes, right?16:40
smoserthat is FF.16:40
utlemmingsmoser: yes sir16:40
smoserharlowja and i put this together for cloud-init work16:40
med_zul, where are we with releasing an openstack based on 2012.1.2 (and sorry if you've been asked this already) ref: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-announce/2012-August/000020.html16:45
zulmed_:  we are going to start looking at it next and it will be in -updates when its finished16:45
smoserutlemming, ok. so i just tested natty16:58
smoserand i hit a race condition i think16:59
utlemmingrace where?16:59
smoseri think its this race:17:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 937352 in cloud-utils "root partition may not be grown" [High,Fix committed]17:00
smoserbut the result is different.17:00
smoserroot was resized, but then mount failed17:00
smoserin 2 instances i launched, i saw it once17:01
* SpamapS gets closer to chasing down this 0077 umask17:02
utlemmingsmoser: is this a udev race? from the log you can't tell whether it /root or ../cloudimg-rootfs that is missing17:04
smoserutlemming, what happens is this:17:05
smoser * root is mounted17:05
smoser * growroot runs, and calls growpart $ROOT_DEVICE17:05
smoser * growroot unmounts $ROOT_DEVICE17:05
smoser * growroot mounts root device17:06
smoser(i'm not usre about the order on those in natty)17:06
smoserbut the issue is after unmounting and at the instance when the mount tried, udev had deleted the devices and not yet recreated them.17:06
smoser(oneiric likely suffers from some similar issue, although i've not really seen it)17:07
utlemmingthat's what I saw going on17:07
smoseri think for natty the best thing to do is just not create the -disk1.imgi files.17:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #460925 in lxc (main) "Kernel log message corruption due to incomplete /proc separation" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46092517:21
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Davieyadam_g: what would it take to be able to deploy openstack in ci, from a PPA?17:45
Davieyadam_g: there seems to be two obvious ways that jump out at me.. either the dput support jamespage was working on, to dput to jenkins, and test the package, then forward it to the PPA17:46
Davieyor the second. byhand say.. "test this whole PPA"17:46
Davieywhat do you think?17:46
adam_gDaviey: you just set a flag in each charm's config that points to a PPA17:54
adam_gDaviey: we already do that, and point it at the local CI reprepro archive17:54
adam_gDaviey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1153070/17:55
adam_gDaviey: that will install all components from the trunk testing ppa17:56
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Davieyadam_g: right.. but how hard for someone to ssh in, run ./test_from_staging.sh :)18:07
adam_gDaviey: ideally nobody would be doing that18:08
adam_gDaviey: you'd login to jenkins and hit a button instead :)18:09
Davieyadam_g: sounds super... have you done it? :)18:09
adam_gDaviey: for that specific PPA, no18:11
adam_gDaviey: but thats essentially how all of our testing works18:11
Davieyadam_g: right.. i get that.. but this differs.18:11
adam_gDaviey: how so?18:11
Davieyadam_g: just that it is on-demand, rather than a trigger really18:12
Davieybut hey, you know this more than me anyway :)18:12
Davieysounds like you have it in hand.18:13
adam_gDaviey: right, so there'd be a job there that only triggers when someone hits the button. i have a similar job for installing everything from precise-proposed18:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #1038197 in samba (main) "samba changes in system-config-samba or /etc/smb.conf do not affect server" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103819718:16
adam_gDaviey: but that dput support sounds really cool and better, for testing certain things. deploying the entire cluster and debugging after its broken is a really expensive way to find trivial packaging mistakes18:16
zuladam_g: you put in a new openvswitch in 12.04.1 didnt you?18:17
adam_gzul: it looks like it never made it out of proposed18:18
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adam_gtho clint mentioned in bug that it was due out last monday18:18
adam_gSpamapS: ^18:18
adam_gbug #102153018:20
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1021530 in openvswitch "[SRU] update to include stable fixes for OVS 1.4" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102153018:20
Davieyadam_g: yeah!18:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #1038199 in bind9 (main) "Bind9 9.8.1 high CPU utilization" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103819918:21
SpamapSadam_g: for 12.04.1 they locked down precise-updates thats the only reason it hasn't been published18:31
SpamapSadam_g: and now its Friday, so we'd rather not publish on a friday18:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #1034946 in dnsmasq (main) "dnsmasq and network manager broken if dnsmasq package has 'enable-dbus'" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103494618:31
zuladam_g: bah18:39
smoserhallyn, ping18:55
smoserdo you have a simple example of working libvirt xml for a domain on virbr018:55
hallynsure, does http://people.canonical.com/~serge/cdboot.xml suffice?18:57
smoserhallyn, thanks. thas similar to what i have that wasn't working :-(19:10
smoserhallyn, ugh.19:32
smoserthi sis frustrating19:32
smoserthis works: sudo kvm -drive if=virtio,file=/tmp/lp-1035279/disk.img -curses19:34
smoserthis works: sudo kvm /tmp/lp-1035279/disk.img -curses19:35
smoserbut via libvirt it acts like it can't find anything to boot off of19:35
smosersits and spins trying to boot network, disk, network, disk19:35
zulsmoser: you are trying to play sol.exe arent you19:38
smoserwell, yes, but only because i just beat http://www.erikyyy.de/invaders/19:39
hallynsmoser: i dunno, should work...  does it work without the 'boot order', or with order set to 0?19:40
hallynsmoser: youdon't have the boot dev=hd tag that i have in cdboot.xml19:42
hallyn(part of the <os> tag)19:42
smoserhallyn, i blame you19:47
smoseryou are the reason we can't boot in 512k of memory anymore.19:47
smoserclearly, 64k *should* be enough for anyone.19:48
smoserbut not even grub19:48
hallynsmoser: it's because i'm always pushing for all that eyecandy and video19:51
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1031761 in python-warlock (universe) "[MIR] python-warlock" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103176120:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #1031757 in python-django-compressor (universe) "[MIR] python-django-compressor" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103175720:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #1032242 in python-cliff (universe) "[MIR] python-cliff" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103224220:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #1031759 in python-django-appconf (universe) "[MIR] python-django-appconf" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103175920:26
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seijirouMy MaaS / JuJu deployment has an issue after a 'juju destroy-environment' did not complete successfully.  I no longer have an environment but nodes are still marked as deployed.20:38
seijirouAny ides on how I would "release" them?20:39
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Davieyhallyn: hey, KSM should allow greater density of concurrent VM's right?20:58
uvirtbotNew bug: #1036101 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.9.3-2~12.04.2 failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103610121:07
uvirtbotNew bug: #1036817 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.9.3-2~12.04.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103681721:07
ScottK^^^ someone please go explain that the error message actually explains you have to fix your configuration if you would actually read the error message that is.21:09
uvirtbotScottK: Error: "^^" is not a valid command.21:09
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moepI have a problem with kerberos: "kinit: Client not found in Kerberos database while getting initial credentials" all I did was follow the Kerberos guide on two VMs but on the client kinit doesnt seem to work - see http://pastebin.ca/2195577 -any ideas?21:22
hallynDaviey: uh, well, yes, adn by quite a bit, but of course that just means that when things go wrong you'll get slammed all the harder21:26
Davieyhallyn: right, just checking i wasn't going nuts.21:29
hallynDaviey: now if you're using larger pages, it's possible that ll of the pagecache wins you should gain are lost because of small offset differences...  not sure.  i've not really measured that21:33
seijirouAnybody on able to to assist with MaaS ?    Following along here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/MAAS/Juju  I get stuck at juju bootstrap.21:34
=== Haruspex is now known as Shehrazad
seijiroumoep:  Your pastebin looks like you're running as root first, then as a user...  perhaps the user you're running kinit from is not registered?   http://linux.die.net/man/1/kerberos21:39
moepseijirou: doesnt matter if I use root or a user, always the same21:42
seijiroumoep:  Hmm.  Well according to the kerberos man page, that error means you haven't been registered as a Kerberos user.  Maybe the guide is missing a step.21:44
moepseijirou: accoring to wireshark that is a server reply that the principal I want to use does not exist, however listprinc tells me otherwise21:47
seijirouSorry i'm not having any brilliant ideas21:53
=== bitmonk_ is now known as bitmonk
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
=== n0ts_off is now known as n0ts

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