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SergioMenesessmartboyhw, \o06:12
SergioMeneseswhat time is there?06:12
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, Im going to sleep I see you later06:17
phillwsmartboyhw: do you ever use facebook?07:21
smartboyhwNo, that's the problem07:24
smartboyhwphillw: I need to go soon07:24
smartboyhwI'm 14, and I don't use Facebook, my Dad hates it07:25
phillwsmartboyhw: get yourself a FB account, it is a means to and ends when used correctly,07:25
phillwah, then it does need to be restricted... I'd have to ask about that.07:37
phillwgema: ping08:45
gemaphillw: pong08:47
phillwgema: one of the guys explained it earlier... are you familiar with FB?08:48
gemaphillw: I sent a request to join the group this morning08:49
phillwhow do I make make you admin?08:49
gemaafter reading your email08:49
gemaahh, I have no idea08:49
phillwYou are accepted.08:49
gemaphillw: ahh, cool, thanks08:49
phillwI lost my chat with wxl who explained how to make him and the graphics lad admins08:50
gemaphillw: I don't need to be admin, but I don't mind being either08:50
phillwgema: if we do decide to keep a FB presence (And after the survey, I think we should). then as per my email, I'd rather it be less spam infested08:51
phillwyou have more experience than me on this side of things, but I have honestly found the lubuntu way on this to be pretty darn good in having little spam to clean up.08:52
gemaphillw: you want to stop the mailing?08:53
phillwBut, it is just a beta version. It has not even been put to any vote yet!08:54
phillwgema: no, It is the fact that "Tom, Dick & Harry" after a night on the alcohol cannot come on and scrawl obscene messages. I just prefer that we keep it as closed group.08:55
gemaphillw: I don't mind either way08:56
gemaI have meeting now, sorry , I have to go08:56
phillwokies. catch u later08:56
gemasee ya later08:56
smartboyhwI need to kill phillw now11:19
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=== smartboyhw is now known as ubuntustudio
=== ubuntustudio is now known as smartboyhw
smartboyhwballoons: ping14:01
smartboyhwballoons: ping14:24
balloonssmartboyhw, lol14:24
smartboyhwI'm getting kicked out of #ubuntuforums, since those ops want to practise their skills of banning14:25
smartboyhwAnyway, problem solved14:25
smartboyhwAlso, balloons, I got bullied by phillw today14:26
smartboyhwballoons: Can I make a blog post to promote Ubuntu Studio testing in your Orange Notebook:)14:32
balloonssmartboyhw, I would encourage you to blog.. and ubuntu planet is a great way to get your posts to a wider audience14:33
smartboyhwUbuntu planet?14:33
balloonsmore so than even having me post it :-)14:33
smartboyhwballoons: I am not yet a Ubuntu member, how can I write one!??14:35
njinballoons, is this a bug, the pointer follow the right click, till now reporducible only in drupal  http://youtu.be/ZJUMIYJgfWk14:37
balloonsnjin, hmm14:39
balloonslet me watch again14:39
balloonssmartboyhw, ahh yes! your still working towards membershio14:39
smartboyhwballoons: After njin, deal with my problem 10 lines above. (njin, you first)14:39
balloonsI would be happy to link to your blog and post once your up and running14:39
smartboyhwOriginal link: http://smartboyhwubuntu.blogspot.co.uk/14:42
balloonsand eventually you can apply for membership and end up on planet yourself14:42
smartboyhwballoons: That will take me till November14:42
balloonsnjin, ok I get it now14:43
balloonsumm.. could be a browser thing or something else14:43
balloonsmight be a drupal bug14:43
balloonslikely not anything we've coded14:43
njinI think to ask to drupal guys then14:44
balloonsit's kind of interesting but doesn't hurt anything really14:44
balloonsnjin, yes, asking them is a goo dbet14:44
njinok, thanks,14:44
smartboyhwballoons: Will you link my blog?14:47
smartboyhwBTW, I'm on Google+, count me in then14:47
balloonssmartboyhw, yes I will link after you have a post up14:52
balloonssmartboyhw, kk :)14:52
smartboyhwballoons: I really like Google+ and don't like Facebook14:53
balloonssmartboyhw, yep.. everyone has there own preferences14:54
smartboyhwWho will set up the QA page on Google+?14:54
phillwballoons: HIYAS, SAFELY ARRIVED.15:47
phillwoops, caps!15:47
balloonsphillw, safely arrived?15:49
smartboyhwballoons: phillw bullied me with a PM about COPPA15:49
* balloons is quadra-tasked and confused15:51
phillwballoons: yup, I'm safely on the East of England, having travelled over the spine (well, in some cases through) it.15:51
phillwballoons: smartboyhw what was offered to smartboyhw wss15:51
smartboyhwphillw said that I messed with COPPA15:52
smartboyhwand they will extradite the a**hole15:52
balloonsphillw, smartboyhw give me 10 mins :-)15:52
smartboyhwBut then I'm NOT in USA15:52
phillwwas a COPPA account, protected by law in USA. It is, of course for smartboyhw and his parents to decide if they wish to make use of such a faility.15:52
smartboyhwphillw: I'm not a USA citizen, sorry15:53
phillwsmartboyhw: neither is our penguin, but he is protected by the same rules.15:53
smartboyhwBTW, COPPA was for under 13, right?15:53
phillwyou mess with his accounts, you mess with people you really shouldn't do. It was offered as a way to calm your parents down. It is in no way mandatory for anyone & runs fully independent of Ubuntu.15:54
phillwit runs up to 1615:55
smartboyhwphillw: My mum knows about it, and she has NO comments.15:55
smartboyhwI'm not in USA, again, I have to state15:55
phillwsmartboyhw: neither is Nathan, just that his email system goes via it. That means that an ex senior moderator for AOL looks after all his accounts. He left because they were weakening the rules, He has not and offers that protection to any who wish it.15:57
phillwballoons: on the plus side, it seems julien's couple of days off has reaped benefits, He's ploughing through bug reports faster than my email can keep up with :D16:01
njincan someone remeber if seen plymouth starting up a server installation ?16:01
balloonsok, back16:01
balloonswell.. at least in channel16:01
balloonsmy brain is possibly still o n vaca16:02
phillwnjin: I did, it hung.16:02
njinah, then is not a mine problem... bug 103009416:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 1030094 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "LVM encrypted, screen turned off after grub" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103009416:02
phillwnjin: no, I was using encryption nor asking a VM to run as VM16:03
xnoxnjin: also bug 103805516:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 1038055 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "fails to boot when used ubiquity to install with full disk encryption in kvm" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103805516:03
njinbut the strange thing is why plymouth is started in a server '16:03
phillw*I was NOT using encryption*16:03
xnoxsimilar but slightly different16:03
phillwnjin: it sure surprised the hell out of me16:04
njinjust to ask the passphrase ?16:04
xnoxnjin: plymouth is actually printing all the console messages as well =)16:04
phillwI just got the start of the 4 dots on my remote VM.16:04
phillwI did volunteer that VM to anyone from server area to use, had no takers. The offer is still there.16:05
njinI other way I can see just black screen during boot16:06
njinbah, let's write down a testcase, so balloons this night go to sleep (dancing) one hr before16:08
phillwnjin: from my distant memory, you can ask a KVM to switch to console; I'm just out of practice. I do have my training notes with me, so I'm up for it if you are.16:08
* balloons is SO SO SO lost by the scrollback in here16:08
phillwballoons: server install is calling GUI!16:09
phillwupon it's 1st boot.16:09
phillwnot good for server that has no 'X'.16:09
phillwnjin: I take it that we no longer have the alternate install for any ubuntu flavour?16:11
phillwIs it ubiquity, or tough titties?16:11
phillwIf the minimal install iso is stable, I can try via that... make the most of me having a good speed link this week!16:12
njinphillw, oh that the only thing good here it the hot italy16:13
njinahi this keybd want to fly i think16:14
njinphillw, seems to me that we have lubuntu minimal from the server software selection16:15
* njin going to cook, spaghetti al ragu alla bolognese16:17
phillwnot sure of ragu, I cooked spaghetti with a tomatoe & chille sauce, served with salmon fillet that had been gently cooked in garlic butter..... Pretty damn good, do try it some time - as always, it may sound mad, but it "just works"16:20
phillwthe garlic in the butter really draws the flavour out of salmon, whilst most people would expect it to over-power it.16:21
* roadmr is now drooling :O~16:21
phillwlong time since I've been discussing recipes, good to catch up now and again.16:22
* phillw has just died and gone to heaven.... 1,7 Mb/s when I'm lucky to get 512mb/s16:24
balloonsphillw, you should housesit more often!16:25
phillw3.1 sound even now works!16:25
balloonsfresh air, a dog companion and high speed internet!16:25
phillwballoons: life could be worse :)16:26
balloonsnjin, ok so let's catch up on the server testcase migration.. where are we at?16:26
balloonsphillw, btw.. did you go through the wiki and info on testcase admin stuff?16:27
njinballoons, cooking tomatoes16:27
phillwballoons: it doesn't install.16:27
balloonsnjin, ahh.. please don't let me interrupt!16:27
phillwwqell, actually it does, it just goes into GUI on boot up and hangs.16:27
phillwI did mention it on the area, but never even got a reply, so installed 12.04 for the user who was happy to use 12.1016:29
njinballoons, remaining the 3 maas+ raid1+preseed+jeos+4 run at once and 1 optional16:30
njin6 mandatory 4 run a t once and 1 optional16:30
phillwnjin: has ssh + LAMP been tried?16:30
balloonsnjin, excellent work!16:31
phillwthat is what fails for me.16:31
balloonsphillw, lol.., there's no need to "install" for the testcase admin stuff16:31
njinphillw, everytestcase is working16:31
balloonsI wanted to know if you had tried out and understood how to do it16:31
phillwballoons: the description of QA is, from the majority who replied is ... "That it works".... the rest is useless.?16:32
njinI've tried out every testcase that I write16:32
balloonsphillw, ?16:32
phillwas ubuntu ships server without ssh access, you have to ask yourself if it is a server environment16:33
njinballoons, but for the Ubun tu Cloud Image we have a testcase?16:33
balloonsnjin, could is hard to test be end users16:34
njinfirst time I see it16:34
njinsorry, but what mean ubuntu Cloud Image (instance) ?16:35
phillwI'll leave you two to chat, I have my views quite plain that shipping a server with no ssh; where you have to install it afterwards is shear idiocy. If you cannot ssh in, how do install it?16:35
njinmean server or client ?16:35
phillwto accept ssh connection16:36
balloonsphillw, why would you ship an os with open services by default?16:37
njinphillw, why you cannot install openssh ?16:37
phillwnjin: because you cannot ssh into the remote client to install it?16:37
phillwnjin: how else do you securely log into a new server installation?16:38
njinAh, i was thinking that you are installing a openssh server from scratch16:38
phillwnjin: nope, just the ability to ssh into a new installed server.16:39
njinand the server is not working?16:40
phillwI'm lucky that I can go in via the MAC address and virt-manager to get access.16:40
phillwnjin: the server works fine, just that ssh access is an 'optional extra'.16:41
njinsure and I don't know why16:41
phillwit did not used to be.16:41
njinprobably a security thing16:42
phillwI was told, curtly, that it is now an optional add on.16:42
njingoing to boiling tomatoes, sorry16:42
phillw"security"... yeah, that secure you cannot even log onto a newly installed server?16:43
phillwnjin: drop them into boiling water, 5 seconds... then they peel dead easy.16:43
phillwafter skinned, they cook really well.16:44
balloonsnjin, you make me dream of Italy again16:46
balloonsI'll brb.. switching pc's16:46
phillwballoons: ping17:29
njinphillw, yes, but you don't tell me that they are hooooottt, now I've to type with my tongue17:36
phillwif you can type with your tongue, you will be popular with the girls :D17:38
phillwballoons: please avert you eyes from the last comment!17:39
phillwnjin: just reached critical mass, the FB area is no longer a number... we are now https://www.facebook.com/groups/UbuntuQA/17:42
njinballoons, can i proceed with server preseed ?19:22
balloonsnjin, sure19:23
balloonsphillw, fb is legion19:23
phillwballoons: ??19:26
balloonsthe borg.. a collective19:26
balloonsmeaning you are a force to be reckoned with19:26
phillwballoons: with a lttle beg... we are now https://www.facebook.com/groups/UbuntuQA/19:27
phillwwe are no longer just a number :P19:27
balloonslooks good19:28
balloonsI'm knee deep in precise19:28
phillw20 people, do I have permission to sort a banner out now that we official on FB?19:29
balloonsphillw, but of course!19:29
balloonswe need a cool banner ala lubuntu artwork19:29
balloonsthat's some nice stuff19:29
phillwI'm VERY good at begging :)19:30
phillwis there any standard artwork for QA that he needs to include?19:31
phillw....me... knowing rafael, I'd like to give him a blank canvas and let him him produce a couple of different ones upon we will vote. That is the lubuntu way. and the only way I know... Ubuntu uses a beauty competition,... But, you are the boss.19:34
balloonsno i don't think we have official artwork19:41
balloonslet him come up with some designs19:41
phillwballoons: can you /j #sii please19:43
njinballoons, preseed is done, remain minimal (jeos), raid1, 3maas, 4 run at once and 1 optional.20:36
njinNow is late for me20:36
balloonsget some sleep njn20:36
njintomorrow i go on with the remaining20:37
balloonswe're very close20:37
balloonsvery good work20:37
njinok, thanks20:37
njindo you need some other more urgent or I finish with server20:37
njinballoons, good weekend ^^20:38
=== salem_ is now known as _salem

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