
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
Jonni_nice to meet you04:11
AlanBellmorning all06:57
agent_linux_1520hi there07:24
agent_linux_1520hi..h u doin07:25
agent_linux_1520is any body here07:26
agent_linux_1520i think all r sleepin07:26
* popey goes back to sleepin07:27
ali1234well this java issue is really starting to annoy me now07:30
open_sourceall u need is to update it07:31
open_sourceu can try07:31
ali1234that is precisely the thing that does not work07:31
ali1234but this is a windows issue, so no surprises that it fails hard07:31
ali1234microsoft + oracle... it doesn't get any worse than that07:32
open_sourcewat a joke07:32
ali1234the thing is, i can;t install java using the online installer. if you google for this it is an extremely common problem caused by a number of different issues07:34
ali1234the answer is always the same though: install using the offline installer07:34
ali1234if i do that, then i can never update it, because updates work the same way as the online installer07:34
ali1234the odd thing is it worked fine three days ago. today it doesn't07:35
ali1234since then, oracle released update 6. but it isn't on the downoad pages yet07:36
ali1234so i dunno if they have screwed up the download servers somehow or what07:36
ali1234afaict the download pages still point to the same files they did 3 days ago07:36
* AlanBell just cleaned the laptop fan07:41
AlanBella 40 minute job involving *lots* of screws07:41
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hoovermorning all07:55
christelmorning pretties08:06
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diploMorning all08:36
hooverHey diplo08:37
* hoover still cannot connect to is galaxy s3 via mtp on 12.0408:37
hooverI flashed it with CM9, but still no joy 8(08:37
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extrasolarsup peple09:22
AlanBellhi extrasolar09:28
AlanBellhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2012-August/034895.html what do people think about the other things on the list?09:36
popeylike the idea of a global jam09:36
popeybe interested in taking part in that09:36
popeyespecially if we can find a decent size venue09:37
popeyroom at the maltings?09:37
AlanBellcould do09:37
AlanBelldo the new Canonical offices have any useable section?09:37
* AlanBell has not been invited to visit yet09:38
popeyI'll find out09:38
AlanBellgot an out of office from Marianna when emailing about the launch party09:39
extrasolarCan you just turn up to these events or do you need to be a sys admin or developer?09:39
AlanBelljust turn up09:39
AlanBellmost events involve the ability to hold a pint glass (or other glass if preferred)09:40
extrasolarThat's my speciality09:40
AlanBellthe global jam is more computer based, testing and filing bugs and maybe packaging stuff09:41
AlanBellpartly learning, partly doing. All depends on what people want to do09:41
gordAchievement unlocked: scared by own roomba.09:42
AlanBellpopey: I can't do the thursday/friday of the global jam, Paralympic shifts09:42
popeyAlanBell, marianna will be back start sept, it can wait till then/09:42
popey(the release party that is)09:42
AlanBellok, sure09:42
extrasolarSo a friend wanted to meet me at a tea room in London. As I entered the place every damn table had a macbook on it09:45
AlanBellthat is the native habitat of the macbook09:46
extrasolarit was a situation I've never been in before09:48
extrasolarSo I got out my cheap acer09:48
davmor2Morning all09:57
extrasolarjust woke up?09:58
davmor2To everyone off to oggcamp, Have a great weekend guys 'n' gals09:58
davmor2extrasolar: nope just started work09:59
extrasolarwhat's the daily amount of coffee you shouldn't exceed?10:00
christelyar, have fun at oggcamp \o/10:00
Laney6 music are playing the singing from "Genie in a Bottle" by Christina Aguilera on top of the music from "Hard to Explain" by The Strokes10:01
Laneyit's grim and yet somewhat compelling10:01
mgdmI heard that one around 2005, I'm sure10:08
mgdmif not before10:09
mgdm<-- used to work in a student union doing sound10:09
ali1234it's much older than that10:09
ali12342002 at least10:09
mgdmI left there in 2005, so that's the latest I could've heard it :)10:09
mgdmbut I couldn't remember when the originals came out10:09
ali1234hard to explain was out in 2000 i think10:10
hooverwohoo, finally I'm able to connect to the SIII using jmtpfs10:10
hooverhad to compile from source (including libmtp), but that wasn't too hard.10:10
Laneyshe said it came out in 2001/210:12
Laneyi feel an urge to hear it again10:12
ali1234it's called "a stroke of genius" by freelance hellraiser10:13
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:13
hoovermorning brob10:19
brobostigonmorning hoover10:19
AlanBellhttp://www.remainsofthegames.co.uk/ lots of interesting stuff to collect from Nottingham10:21
arsenso i've whacked 12.04 onto an amd box with a quadro 400 something nvidia card in it10:25
arsenactivating two screens seems to give some strange almost elastic behaviour to the cursor transitioning between displays, is that normal now?:s10:26
AlanBellyou can turn it off in the display settings10:26
arsenso it's a feature :D10:27
arsen(thought it was a bug..)10:27
ali1234it gets harder to tell every day10:27
AlanBellyes, it is a feature that looks like a bug10:27
AlanBellanyone running quantal with two displays and got the launcher on only one of them? whatever I do it displays on both screens10:28
davmor2arsen: it's so you have to deliberately move from one display to another and not do it accidentally10:28
ali1234actually it's to make revealing the launcher when it is hidden possible10:29
* directhex moos10:30
AlanBellnever mind, it works on a guest session, must be something wrong with my profile somewhere10:30
AlanBellarsen: you can use ccsm to tweak the amount of force required to transition between screens, default is the "erk, how on earth do I get over there?" level of friction10:31
arsenyeah, the thing for me is i run 8 screens and i'm constantly moving around, cant see id want that on by default.10:33
ali1234why would you even want unity on a setup like that?10:34
arsendoes anyone use ubuntu in the office as a desktop os? ive picked up an environment backed by NIS auth and i'm not a huge fan, but looking for ideas to replace.10:34
arseni'm not sure i do want unity on it :p its just out of the box install ali1234  :)10:34
AlanBellI use it in the office as a desktop OS, but no clever auth stuff going on here10:41
AlanBellCanonical don't appear to be going in the direction of the office PC very aggressively10:42
arsenyeah noted.10:43
AlanBellthey do have customers using it in the office, but the development is more consumer focussed and server/cloud stuff10:44
AlanBellnot integrated fleets of desktops10:44
directhexit's interesting, aiming for consumer10:44
directhexthe "year of the linux desktop" has been a constant disappointment, but the ubuntu app store seems serious, and with steam landing soon, it might just happen that suddenly, desktop linux is worthwhile to the universe10:45
arseni like the app store10:46
arseni just installed some 2d tux platform game :d10:46
ali1234yeah. and we only had to fill it with proprietary software and remove any semblance of choice in order to achieve it10:46
directhexali1234, who cared about "choice" other than nerds who are statistical noise?10:47
ali1234you mean the nerds who actually wrote all the software?10:47
directhexyeah, them10:47
AlanBelldoes anyone have a local network of machines that share authentication?10:48
ali1234i can log in to any machine on my network using the same ssh key10:48
AlanBellso can I because I copied it to all of them10:49
AlanBelland created a user on each of them10:49
ali1234define "share" properly then :)10:49
arsenand how do you get onto your machine to do that?10:49
AlanBellok, I have my machine, and three kids have machines, they each have an account on their own machine but each one is a separate individual device, they can't go log onto another machine and get their stuff there10:50
arsen^ :)10:51
ali1234so you want some kind of shared filesystem too10:51
davmor2popey: check your broadband speeds now too I think you might be surprised for me I went from 28-35 meg to 60 using modem only mode10:51
arsenthe worst thing im enduring at the moment is an entire team's /home being on an nfs share10:51
arsen= nightmare10:51
AlanBellwould be quite happy if you could sit down at any Ubuntu desktop and log into it with launchpad credentials (or Ubuntu SSO) then Ubuntu One Syncs down the important bits of your profile like the dot files and you just carry on10:52
ali1234given how slow U1 is, i don't think i would like that10:53
ali1234especially since it would have to download everything before displaying any kind of UI10:53
ali1234dotfiles = dconf now anyway10:54
AlanBell.mozilla isn't dconf10:54
ali1234the only other thing in there is monstrous stuff like firefox cache10:54
ali1234you really really really do not want to put firefox cache onto your synced homedir10:54
AlanBelloh yeah, that is bigger than I thought it was10:54
mgdmwhat's dconf? /me hasn't been paying attention10:55
ali1234it's like gconf only the wheels are a different shape10:55
AlanBellit is gconf but new10:55
AlanBellso some things use dconf and some things use gconf10:55
mgdmyay, brilliant10:55
directhexwe need to unify them10:56
ali1234someone get lennart on the job10:57
mgdmali1234: NOOOOOOOOOOO10:57
extrasolarHi I want to log into my system a different way. instead of the gdm I want a terminal log in10:58
extrasolarany idea how to do this10:58
extrasolarI use xmonad as a windows display manger10:59
ali1234that is probably out of date10:59
arseni get the feeling he wants xserver, but not for login?11:00
ali1234also you shouldn't do that whole "log in on terminal, run X manually" thing11:00
ali1234it's insecure because you can lock the screen, and then I can just ctrl-alt-backspace and get to your terminal11:00
ali1234assuming you have turned off dontzap like any sane person would11:01
ali1234what you should actually do is make a gdn session for xmonad11:01
ali1234this is not as hard as it sounds11:01
extrasolarso you wouldn't recommend this?11:02
ali1234don't disable the xserver11:02
extrasolarhow about this though http://www.debianadmin.com/how-to-disable-x-or-gui-on-boot-in-debian.html11:02
ali1234yeah same principle applies11:03
ali1234unless you don't want to use X11 at all, use a login manager, not startx11:03
ali1234this is how to do it properly11:03
ali1234configure the xmonad.session however you want11:04
ali1234and then login using the normal login manager11:04
extrasolarhmm well I am actually using debian11:04
ali1234well they have instructions for debian too11:04
extrasolarWhy would you want to disbale x or GUI on boot? I only want to do it because it's cool11:05
extrasolaris there any other coo reason/11:05
extrasolarpractical *11:05
ali1234well yeah, if you have no monitor cos it's a server and you accidentally installed from desktop cd...11:07
ali1234you might also want x server installed on a server so you can xhost software from it, but it doesn't need to run a server to do that11:08
ali1234but it does need most of one installed11:08
extrasolarahh ok11:09
extrasolarwell cheers for your help I am off to test11:09
AlanBellmy laptop is nice and cool now I cleaned the fan11:43
Azelphurdirecthex / AlanBell got a response from the seller http://pastebin.com/dVaG9uRg11:53
Azelphurat the bottom is what I'm planning to reply with11:54
arsenepic. good show Azelphur.11:56
directhexYou're. and the last para seems petty IMHO11:56
Azelphurdirecthex: fair enough, will drop it11:56
Azelphurdirecthex: where should the you're be? I've read through and can't see it o.O11:57
directhexlast para ;)11:58
arsenthe first word of your last para :)11:58
Azelphuroh, I dropped the last paragraph anyway because you're right it seems better11:59
arsendirecthex are you still workin at the same place these days?11:59
Azelphurhttp://typewith.me/p/rmMsmKd7MQ is what I have now11:59
Azelphurkinda tempted to bill him for my time too if he keeps up with this crap :P11:59
directhexarsen, collabora? yes12:00
Azelphurrighto, gonna send that :)12:01
arsenoh no, i'm behind the times then. last time i knew where you worked involved a university.12:01
directhexarsen, quit at the end of 2010!12:06
Laneypeople always talk about billing others for their time12:28
Laneyhow in the world would you possibly go about doing that12:28
AlanBellget a purchase order in advance12:31
ali1234Azelphur: your bad at grammar12:54
* mgdm completes packing for Oggcamp12:55
ali1234if he didn't publish it on ebay who did??12:55
ali1234also guy who calls himself "azelphur" telling someone to grow up. LOL12:56
ali1234so yeah... i wouldn't argue with the guy. do what you are legally required to do and no more12:57
* daubers awaits a final video camera before pushing off to Liverpool13:08
ali1234damn this laptop is getting worse13:10
hoovercheers all, have a good weekend13:37
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popeybug 114:35
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/114:35
=== Ocean is now known as Guest74513
popeystupid bot14:36
popeybug 103353114:37
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1033531 in Ayatana Design "Single click inside the Workspace Switcher should always return to a workspace" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103353114:37
popeywhy doesn't it reply in pm?14:37
Guest74513hi guys. I am planing to buy a laptop and I want it to be compatiable with ubuntu especially the graphics. I am looking for one with descrete graphics card. any suggestions14:37
popeyGuest74513, my standard answer is "thinkpad"14:37
popeybut you generally can't go wrong with dell these days14:37
popeypretty much their entire range is certified to run Ubuntu14:37
popeybug  #103649014:38
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1036490 in compiz (Ubuntu) "[regression] compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_iteration() from ... from CcpScreen::timeout()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103649014:38
Guest74513I had a bad experience with switch-able graphics on HP pavilion and ubuntu. do not want to get into that trouble again14:38
Guest74513popey, is the nividia graphics card better supported on ubuntu?14:39
gordif it says optimus and its a fairly new gpu, you are gonna have a bad time14:42
aquariusGuest74513, it might also be worth looking at machines sold with Ubuntu on them. You *know* everything on them will work :)14:43
AlanBellaquarius: that would be just linuxemporium.co.uk in this country I think14:51
aquariusAlanBell, system76 will ship internationally, I think. Not sure about zareason14:52
AzelphurAlanBell / directhex, pwned https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/screenshots/2012/August/pwned.png :D14:53
Laneynot very nice to publish this guy's address is it :(14:55
AzelphurLaney: I don't particularly care, he's a scammer (multiple times on ebay)14:55
Azelphuryou don't get no nice treatment when you lie and steal :)14:56
gordyou still shouldn't publish addresses in public like that15:04
gordnot cool15:04
AzelphurAlanBell / directhex also this is how I'm sending it back like: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/Photos/2012/August/IMG_20120817_163323.jpg15:38
AlanBellwhat is the scam?15:56
=== KillerJim is now known as KillerJim|Away
AzelphurAnyone have experience with PPPay, ebid and escrow? is it really 100%?16:59
Adriannomhi.  i'm running xubuntu 12.04 and have an NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GS.  i'm using a newer, bigger monitor (HP LP3065) than before but my selection of resolutions is lower than before.  the maximum i can achieve now is 1200x800.  anyone got any tips on diagnosing the problem?17:04
Azelphurwow that thing is supposed to do 2560x1440, nice monitor17:06
Azelphurare you using nvidia proprietary?17:06
Azelphuroh wait hold on17:06
AzelphurI'm pretty sure that graphics card won't drive that monitor17:06
Adriannomheh, well i'm reading your messages on it ;)17:07
AzelphurAdriannom: not at full res, I mean :)17:07
Adriannomsure, but would that mean i would be able to use LESS resolutions than before?17:08
Azelphurwell yea, because the aspect ratio changed17:08
Azelphurand your in an unsupported setup17:08
Azelphuryou need a new card I'd think17:08
AzelphurI mean I'm not 100%17:09
Azelphurbut I know when I bought my new 2560x1440 monitors they wouldn't work with my 9500GT17:09
Azelphurso it's unlikely your 2560x1600 will work with a 7300GS17:09
Adriannommy friend just said he has a spare card17:09
Adriannomif it'll fit17:09
Azelphurwhat type?17:09
Azelphuryea, cnet says max resolution on 7300GS is 1920x120017:10
Adriannomyeah that res is fine by me17:10
Adriannombut i guess i can't have it with this gfx17:10
Adriannomanyway his card will definitely run it17:10
Adriannomso i guess i'll go see if it can fit in my pc17:10
Azelphurand the monitor requires a dual link DVI connection, as I thought17:11
AzelphurAdriannom: what card is it?17:11
Adriannomno idea :P17:11
Adriannomgeforce hd 4780x2 he's guessing17:11
* Azelphur facedesks17:12
Azelphurso basically you don't know17:12
Azelphurgeforce is an nvidia line17:12
Azelphurhd is a ati line17:12
Azelphur4780 doesn't exist anywhere17:12
Adriannomit says 4870x217:13
Azelphur4870 exists that's an ATI card17:13
Azelphurit's also pretty old17:13
Adriannomit defo works with this monitor17:14
Adriannomjust maybe not my pc17:14
Azelphurit does apparently support 2560x1600 dual link DVI though17:14
Azelphurso it should be ok17:14
Adriannomanyway you've been a great help :)17:14
Azelphuryw :)17:14
AzelphurAdriannom: you can get new cards that'd knock the crap outta that for about £40, btw17:14
Azelphuroh wait, or not it's not as bad as I thought17:15
Azelphurcarry on, you should be fine :p17:15
Adriannomhm, psu is only 500w17:17
Adriannomneeds, 500w+, 600w recommended17:18
Adriannomah well, here goes nothing, thanks again Azelphur17:19
* Azelphur puts a cow hat on jacobw17:24
jacobwhave you seen my fedora cloak ;)17:25
jacobwi might as well have a cow hat17:25
jacobwfridaz means a new episode of 'suits'17:25
Azelphurhttp://uk.ebid.net/help_payments.php#2 this sounds pretty cool17:30
Azelphurshould make it safe to buy from anyone regardless of rep? o.O17:30
jacobwtime is money17:34
* Azelphur is in no rush17:35
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jacobwmy /etc/issue has changed to 12.04.118:39
Azelphurali1234: whelp, BS&T closed18:45
Azelphurwe shall find out if it's a scam or not on monday18:46
DJonesjacobw: I assume that 12.04.1 Has been released, although I didn't expect that the .1 release until 23rd18:47
jacobwit's a little worrying to see verion strings changing before planned18:47
DJonesMaybe the release was ready, I've seen 2 different dates, 17th and 23rd18:48
bigcalm_laptopEllo peeps :)19:22
brobostigonevening bigcalm_laptop :)19:22
bigcalm_laptopHi brobostigon :)19:23
christelhoi bigcalm_laptop19:23
bigcalm_laptopHey hey christel :)19:23
brobostigonevening christel :)19:23
christelheya brobostigon \o/19:24
christelbigcalm_laptop: did you see there is a HAPPY HOUR IN YOUR HONOUR?19:24
bigcalm_laptopchristel: Indeed, I'm super excited :D19:25
cliftontsevening all19:25
bigcalm_laptopchristel: did you see that I've been taking video of men's toilets?19:25
christelexcited is good :D19:25
christelhahaha really?19:25
christelpeeping iain!19:25
bigcalm_laptopLinked to on Twitter, Facebook and G+19:26
cliftontsOh what have I walked in on?19:26
bigcalm_laptopWhat have I missed today by not being at work?19:33
brobostigonok, is there an android app, to view and or edit your google contacts, without the normal google apps, and account syncing. ?19:34
christelbigcalm_laptop: i  bought lots of yarn, you missed that19:36
bigcalm_laptopchristel: I bet you tell a good yawn19:36
AlanBellbit of a freudian slip there bigcalm_laptop19:42
bigcalm_laptopAlanBell: I've already been drinking and now typing in the dark ;)19:42
bigcalm_laptopWe're recovering from tea before venturing into the bar for more drinks :D19:43
christeltyping in the dark eh?19:50
christeloh you're oggcamping, i forgot it was thisw eekend19:50
bigcalm_laptopYus :)19:50
bigcalm_laptopWe miss you all19:51
bigcalm_laptopThough we've only met Tony and Laura so far19:51
bigcalm_laptopI'm guessing that there are other people here based on tweets19:52
Pendulumchristel: how could you forget that oggcamp is this weekend? we have our club, remember?19:52
christeli know, we are so much more awesome than them19:52
bigcalm_laptopThis hotel has free wifi, yet I can't get it to work19:54
christelit is only free for all bar you19:56
bigcalm_laptopMe and Hayley :(19:56
ali1234Azelphur: deeeeeerp20:07
bigcalm_laptopTime to go and have drinks20:07
bigcalm_laptopToodles for now :)20:07
brobostigoni just found south park, on the tv, on some obscure channel, called, viva.20:09
Azelphurali1234: haha, not derp yet, he seems to want to pay out :)20:09
ali1234yah but so what? he can't, because he has no money20:10
Azelphurali1234: so if he pays out, does that mean I win?20:11
ali1234if he pays out 100% of everything he owes then yeah i guess20:11
ali1234to everyone that is20:11
AzelphurI'm in an account that was one of the first, so I get paid back first20:11
ali1234if not, you're just a lucky douchebag20:11
Azelphurfront of ze queue :)20:11
ali1234congrats for stealing from people eve more gullible than yourself :/20:12
ali1234anyway i guess we find out soon enough20:12
ali1234i can't find any information about this20:13
ali1234but clearly everyone knows but me. i can tell this by looking at gox chart20:13
Azelphurali1234: price skyrocketing?20:14
ali1234no, it dropped by about 35% in the past 2 hours20:14
ali1234$14.7 -> $11.320:14
Azelphurhaha oh yea20:15
Azelphurali1234: lol damn it was £9.8 earlier20:17
ali1234yeah i sold a couple20:17
ali1234i figured it was crazy friday20:17
ali1234and crazy friday always followed by bipolar saturday20:18
ali1234i didn't really expect this though20:18
ali1234thought irate had another couple of months left in him20:18
Azelphurali1234: yea I sold some at 8.2 the other day20:18
Azelphur£570 worth20:18
ali1234i never trade that much20:19
Azelphurali1234: I have a little south of 2k btc :p20:19
ali1234maybe pirate is actually a genius. imagine if he does this:20:24
ali1234run a ponzi with btc until breaking point20:24
ali1234then lock all accounts, sell *all* the btc, and invest the USD ina  brand new HYIP which is obviously also a ponzi, but is brand new20:25
ali1234then immediately withdraw it a couple of days later, thus making a huge profit20:25
ali1234then pay everyone back and look like a genius20:25
ali1234this would also explain the massive dip in btc price20:26
ali1234it's a huge gamble though20:26
* Azelphur shrugs20:28
Azelphurali1234:  lol wtf it's gone back up again20:48
ali1234dead cat bounce?20:48
Azelphurapparently so20:49
Azelphurali1234: http://bitcoincharts.com/charts/intrsngGBP#rg1zig1-minztgTzm1g10zm2g25zv20:49
ali1234dude, nobody cares about intersango20:49
Azelphurhttp://bitcoincharts.com/charts/mtgoxUSD#rg1zig1-minztgTzm1g10zm2g25zv mtgox says the same just with increased resolution20:50
ali1234trouble with gox is it always goes really slow at times like this20:50
Azelphurali1234: did you hear my funny phone story btw?20:52
Azelphurali1234: did you hear that I finally got him to pay postage, and see how I'm planning on sending him the phone? :P20:52
Azelphurali1234: (22:19:56) pirateat40: ErebusBat, I've signed a contact to do a tell all with a company.  I'm sure you'll see it it soon enough.21:20
simplyskaHey guys, I was wondering if someone could help. My Ubuntu box is connected to my network fine, but for some reason does not have internet access, and I can't figure out what's gone wrong. It's connected via Ethernet. I'm not running a GUI either. Thanks.22:49
brobostigonsimplyska: have you checked it is getting an ip, and dns is working correctly.?22:53
simplyskaYeah it's getting an ip via dhcp. I can ping localhost, however nslookup localhost seems to time out. I have virgin medias name servers in resolv.conf22:56
brobostigonany firewall, to block stuff?22:57
=== simplyska_ is now known as simplyska
simplyskaNo only the firewall on my vm superhub, but I've tried disabling that to no avail.23:02
simplyskaAha I found the culprit, I had it in the MAC filter list for some reason.23:05
simplyskaCheers for your help23:05

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