
=== horstle_ is now known as horstle
tjaaltonwoohoo, the new stack has moved, and 15 video drivers purged04:32
brycehyay is one of the two words Zoë knows04:35
brycehthe other word being 'dada'04:35
Sarvattbryceh: which was first? :)04:36
brycehSarvatt, of course they came together ;-)04:41
rippsokay, latest xserver-xorg updates prevent me from logging in now06:23
tjaaltonusing nvidia?06:25
tjaaltonteh blob06:25
RAOFBlobitty blob blob.06:27
tjaaltonyeah it'll do that :)06:27
tjaaltonlo and behold, --enable-gl-osmesa breaks xa-vmwgfx build?06:28
rippsI've managed to login using gnome classic (no effects), can someone help me figure this out?06:30
tjaaltonusing the nvidia blob?06:30
rippstjaalton: yes, only choice, nouveou doesn't work with my card06:30
tjaaltonyou're screwed then06:30
rippsthat wasn't the answer i wanted... any workarounds, maybe i can help figure out what's going wrong06:31
tjaaltonthe driver is broken06:32
tjaaltonnot much we can do about it06:32
tjaaltonthan wait for a newer version06:32
tjaaltonnvidia is aware of it AIUI06:33
tjaaltonyou can roll back of course06:33
tjaaltonthough it's kinda tedious06:33
tjaaltoni'll send a note to ubuntu-devel06:36
rippswell, things seem to work well enough in gnome-classic, I can even run glxgears, so it must only be in the compositing. I can survive here for a little while06:38
tjaaltoniirc it's related to glx06:38
tjaaltonbreaks with the current xserver06:39
rippsha, I'm even able to use minecraft, so if it's glx, then it's pretty specific part of it that's causing it06:46
tjaaltonok maybe it wasn't that06:46
tjaaltonhm it's the swrast targets that make the build fail, damn threads making the output nonlinear :)07:19
tjaaltonmesa build07:19
tjaaltonmaybe we can drop it anyway07:20
tjaaltonprobably best to break the build more on the ubuntu branch :P07:25
tjaaltonRAOF: quick ack; drop swrast, we have llvmpipe anyway?07:25
RAOFDoes that work on arm?07:26
RAOFOr !{x86_64,i386}?07:26
tjaaltonit's not built elsewhere07:26
tjaaltonie. not tested either i guess07:27
RAOFSo we'd no longer have a software fallback on !{x86_64,i386}?07:27
RAOFThat seems bad07:27
RAOF(Sorry for slow replies; baby)07:28
tjaaltonI'll check the actual failure then :)07:29
tjaalton/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -l-O207:30
tjaaltontypo somewhere?07:30
tjaaltonoh it was reported already07:33
tjaaltonon mesa-dev07:33
tjaalton--disable-shared-glapi should do the trick07:36
tjaaltonwell, it got further07:37
RAOFWe don't want to build with --disable-shared-glapi, though.07:44
tjaaltonit doesn't make sense for swx1107:48
RAOFOh, we're still building swx11?07:51
tjaaltonthat's what I meant yes :)07:52
tjaaltonsorry, not swrast then07:52
tjaaltonln -f .libs/libGL.so.1.6.0 ../../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/libGL.so.1 CC     fakeglx.lo07:52
tjaaltonln: accessing `.libs/libGL.so.1.6.0': No such file or directory07:52
tjaaltonhow it fails now07:52
RAOFWe should just dump swx11 like a month-old tuna07:54
RAOFAs far as I can tell it's entirely pointless.07:55
RAOFIf you'd said swx11 in the first place, rather than swrast, I'd have been all for it :)07:55
tjaaltoni'll do it on the ubuntu branch though07:56
tjaaltonmlankhorst: enjoy the new x in quantal :)08:06
mlankhorstI saw :)08:07
tjaaltoni hope to get mesa ready for testing today08:07
mlankhorst804 or 8.1?08:07
tjaaltonprobably not a good idea to upload it before the weekend though08:08
tjaalton8.0.4 is there already08:08
mlankhorstindeed not, just leave it for monday :)08:08
mlankhorstalthough I can't argue against swx11 being gone08:09
tjaaltonyeah it was the diff from edgers that should make it build08:10
tjaaltonlots of packaging changes needed though08:10
mlankhorstno surprises there, they're finally fixing the make procedure :)08:14
tjaaltonooh, a single-pass build comes as a result of dropping swx11 and --enable-gl-osmesa08:14
mlankhorstthanks raof :p08:16
tjaaltonRAOF: should 116_use_shared_galliumcore.diff or the equivalent be upstream?08:48
RAOFtjaalton: Bits of it are, I think.08:48
RAOFI forget precisely what happened to it.08:48
tjaaltonok just wondering since it failed to apply but can't find where it should apply08:49
tjaaltonI'll probably disable it for now08:49
RAOFYeah, should be fine.08:50
RAOFUpstream would ideally like that to be turned into “rejig things so that *all* the dri drivers are built into a single, monolithic so”08:51
RAOFBut has been moderately happy with what has actually gone upstream: ie - the dricore & co patches.09:02
tjaaltonok, build passed, now on to debian/*.install.in..09:08
seb128tjaalton, hey, do you have a bug reference for the nvidio,xorg 1.13 issue?09:32
tjaaltonseb128: bug 1037896 seems like a good master bug09:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1037896 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "Starting Firefox kills xserver immediately" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103789609:33
seb128tjaalton, thanks09:34
seb128tjaalton, you don't have any bug with a stacktrace or details?09:35
seb128how come we pushed a stack which we knew would break nvidia?09:35
tjaaltonseb128: no, it's nvidia so no point getting one09:35
tjaalton-release wanted to get it in09:35
seb128who in release?09:36
tjaalton-proposed is not meant for testing, but for getting the archive in shape09:36
tjaaltoncan't remember09:36
seb128so, why was that stack pushed to proposed when it was knew to break nvidia? ;-)09:36
tjaaltonshould blobs prevent us moving forward?09:37
tjaaltonfglrx will not work until closer to release..09:37
seb128not that discussion again ;-)09:37
tjaaltonmost likely09:37
seb128the issue is that breaking most of product stategy boxes a week before feature freeze is not a smart move for us09:38
seb128it means they are not able to work on compiz,unity anymore09:38
seb128and that screw us all09:38
tjaaltonjust put xserver on hold09:38
seb128you need to reach the people and told them before they press their morning upgrade button09:38
seb128they have been told Ubuntu was to be usable every day09:39
tjaaltonI've sent an email to ubuntu-devel09:39
seb128right, not everybody reads ubuntu-devel in the world :-(09:39
seb128we have lot of users out of -devel subscribers09:39
tjaalton"don't upgrade a week before FF" is what the small print should say :)09:39
seb128they upgraded a long time ago09:39
seb128on the promise that Ubuntu was usuable every day09:39
tjaaltonwell I can't reach out to everyone09:39
seb128and they just got screwed09:40
seb128yeah, I'm not blaming you09:40
seb128but we need to stop breaking users this way09:40
seb128we need to figure a way to put xserver on hold for a class of users09:40
tjaaltonit should've been copied there last week09:40
seb128like nvidia users09:40
tjaaltonthat's easy09:40
tjaaltontseliot: upload a new nvidia-current that doesn't provide the new abi09:41
tjaaltonwhy didn't I think of this before..09:41
tjaaltonnow lunch ->09:41
seb128why is the driver providing the abi if it's not working?09:41
seb128tjaalton, thanks09:41
tseliottjaalton: I'm about to upload 304.37 which should work with the new abi09:41
tjaaltonwell it's _supposed_ to work with it09:41
tjaaltontseliot: fixing the issues?09:42
seb128tjaalton, and sorry the discussion landed on you, good work for the transition, it's nothing personal ...  it's just creating issues and it would be nice to figure how we can do better about that09:42
tjaaltonno problem09:42
tseliottjaalton: I have to test it on quantal first09:42
tjaaltonwell the current one is broken, you can't break it any more :)09:42
tjaaltonanyway, now that nvidia-* (and in future fglrx?) provide the static list of abi's they work with, we can drop the latest one if there are issues..09:43
tjaaltonto prevent this from happening again09:43
tjaaltonit would still allow us to move forward, just keeps the sorry users from upgrading09:44
tjaaltonof course some would still say "screw it, I'm installing it by hand!" and come here later..09:44
tjaaltonbesides, it would be great for the devs to use vesa+llvmpipe for a change, and fix it ;)09:47
om26erHi! there have been a bug in nvidia which have caused X to crash and return users to login screen. People are not reporting that the latest version of  nvidia driver have fixed the issue for them09:51
om26erbug 97309609:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 973096 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "Nvidia driver causes xorg crash" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97309609:51
tjaaltoneh, this bug is old09:51
om26erhow will we get it fixed in 12.04?09:51
tjaaltonoh I thought you meant quantal09:52
om26ertjaalton, yeah, I am talking about 12.0409:53
om26eris there any way to provide 12.04 users with latest nvidia driver as updates? or do we just update point releases of nvidia drivers as well?09:59
tjaaltonhm, glsl fails to build properly11:10
tjaaltonie. no .so11:12
tjaaltonah, airlied had noticed it as well11:13
tjaaltonmight be something else though, it's not a fatal error here11:14
agrester_1Is anyone available to give some emergency advice12:14
tjaaltonif you're on quantal + nvidia, no12:16
agrester_1Okay, no Precise 12.04 LTS, basically heres my problem, I manually installed the Nvidia 304.37 drivers manually through the *.run from Nvidia, and each time Ubuntu pushes software updates and packages some file gets changed and the Nvidia installation gets corrupted12:17
tjaaltontseliot: had time to test the driver yet?12:17
tjaaltonagrester_1: you get to keep both pieces12:17
tjaaltononce you touch the upstream installer, all bets are off12:17
agrester_1If I was to use X-SWAT PPA and install drivers from there, would this endless --sanity check and reinstall dance end?12:18
agrester_1tjaalton, would the X-Swat PPA driver packages solve this problem?12:20
tjaaltoni don't know, but i'm sure it would bring other issues12:21
agrester_1This is hopeless, I have to switch back to Windows12:22
agrester_1Im so demoralized by this12:22
agrester_1Most of what I do in Ubuntu these days is just fixing stuff constantly...12:23
agrester_1Rather than actually getting work done12:23
tjaaltonsuch is life12:27
agrester_1Then Shuttleworth's idea is impossible...12:27
Prf_JakobBtw, is it possible to test the no Unity2D quantal stuff?12:30
tjaaltonPrf_Jakob: yes, just move your dri driver aside12:31
tjaaltongone ->12:32
Prf_JakobWell that or turn off 3d in the guest :)12:32
agrester_1Heres the messed up thing...according to the Nvidia sanity checker a recent Ubuntu update has "The installed symbolic link '/usr/lib/libOpenCL.so' no longer exists.", I checked apt-file and the only possible update that could have removed that file is either Nvida-Current (which I don't have installed) or FGLRX which is part of an ATI driver package...12:33
tseliottjaalton: I had to reinstall Quantal but I'll test the driver today12:53
bjsnidertseliot, what do you think of: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/112810892/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-amd64.nvidia-settings_304.37-0ubuntu1~precise~xup1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz13:05
mlankhorstsigh from time to time this whole reservation business makes me crazy..13:07
tseliotbjsnider: I'll investigate the issue13:16
bjsniderthanks. keep me posted13:16
bjsniderthe i386 versions all build fine13:17
tseliottjaalton: lightdm starts but then Unity dies13:33
tjaaltontseliot: ok, so please upöoad a version that drops the abi providws for the xserver13:54
tseliottjaalton: yes, that's exactly what I plan to do. I'll have a chat with Nvidia today13:55
agresterHaving gone out for a light walk and cleared my mind...if I use X-SWAT PPA to install the Nvidia 304.37 drivers will I have any problems with Nvidia dependencies and libraries being messed with by other updates or will they be left alone by apt-get?  And are there major advantages to doing X-SWAT versus using the NVIDIA-304.37.run scripts? 16:32
agresterIf anyone has any advice or suggestions feel free...16:33
bjsniderif you used the nvidia-installer you may have damaged your system16:35
bjsnideryou need to re-run the installer with --uninstall16:35
agresterOkay, then add 'ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates', update and then install nvidia-current to obtain the 304.37 drivers?16:37
bjsniderinstall through jockey so it works right, yes16:39
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agresterbjsnider: thanks for the help appreciate it19:27

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