
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilosmorning all05:31
Kiloshi jrgns 05:32
Kilosyou early05:32
jrgnsi'm usually in at 7 :)05:32
jrgnsso a bit late, actually05:33
jrgnsi just don't speak up until later05:33
jrgnsbut thnx for noticing :P05:33
Kilosim the greeting bot you know05:33
jrgnsso nice to be greeted by an automaton05:34
Kilosbetter than being lurked apon05:34
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kiloshi Trixar_za 06:16
Trixar_zaHey Kilos06:17
Kilosmorning Squirm 06:18
Kiloswish i could tab complete morning06:18
Kilosi often type mor tab06:19
Squirmit's bad, Im about to start relying on tab completion in bash06:22
Squirmit is actually quite handy06:22
Squirmuntil you start pushing tab more times to try and find something than it would have done just to type it out06:22
Trixar_zaWell, I do cheat and sometimes type something wrong just so I can use xchat to correct it for me :P06:23
Kilostell me what i use by method and credential please06:29
Kilosauthenticate <account> [on source] using <method> [<credential>]06:30
SquirmKilos: what's that for?06:30
Kilosaccount=Kilos  and source=freenode06:30
Kilosfor my ibid06:30
SquirmI don't know06:32
Kilosmagespawn, and inetpro know but they will be a while still06:33
Kilosthe pro is still asleep06:33
Kilosand mage most likely chsing rhinos06:33
Kiloshehe deegee__  where might drussel be06:34
SquirmKilos: is that in the config file?06:37
Kilosits to get permissions Squirm 06:37
KilosMaaz, permissions06:37
MaazKilos: Permissions: none06:37
KilosMaaz, how do i use auth06:38
MaazKilos: Adds and removes authentication credentials and permissions. You can use it like this:06:38
Maaz  authenticate <account> [on source] using <method> [<credential>]06:38
Maaz  auth <credential>06:38
Maaz  (grant|revoke|remove) <permission> (to|from|on) <username> [when authed]06:38
Maaz  permissions [for <username>]06:38
Maaz  list permissions06:38
Kilosthose things Squirm 06:38
Kilosfirst one06:38
Kiloslol my bot says shes not my bitch06:38
Trixar_zaHe probably didn't see it if he's using the same ZNC version as me :P06:39
Trixar_zaKind of flooded us out and the ZNC just detached from the channel for a bit06:39
SquirmTrixar_za: what's that?06:39
SquirmI wasn't dtached06:40
KilosTrixar_za, who is he?06:41
Trixar_zaMaybe my flood module is loaded while yours isn't06:42
SquirmKilos: don't mind us06:46
Squirmwe go way back06:46
Kilosoh you and Trixar_za ?06:46
Trixar_zaYeah, we've known each other for years06:47
Squirmyet I've never met him06:47
Trixar_zaLike 6 years now06:47
Kilosthats the joy of the internet06:47
Squirmyeah, get sick of a friend, just close irc06:47
Trixar_zaEh, I'm just online to feed my webcomic addiction06:48
SquirmKilos: which are lame, I might add06:49
SquirmI havent even laughed at xkcd for a while :/06:49
Kilosyou like commics Trixar_za ?06:50
Kiloscomics as well06:50
* Squirm kicks his MikroTik enclosure06:50
Squirm8, 5cm long screws06:50
KilosTrixar_za, if you get bored help fix nm06:51
Trixar_zaWell, Go Get a Roomie is hilarios06:51
Trixar_zaI so need to reboot06:52
Trixar_zalibao got updated and every time somebody says my nickname, it kind of slows down the system06:52
* jrgns is tempted to type Trixar_za a couple of times...06:53
Squirmjrgns: like this? Trixar_za 06:53
Squirmoh hai Trixar_za 06:53
Squirmsup Trixar_za ?06:53
jrgnsno, more like Trizar_za06:53
jrgnsTrixar_za Trixar_za06:53
* Squirm quickly makes a while loop06:53
Squirmwhile True:06:53
Kilosshame thats nasty06:53
jrgnsSquirm: while (Trixar_za is online)06:54
SquirmKilos: he'd do the same :/06:54
Kiloshe will be in 486 mode now now06:54
Kilospoor Trixar_za 06:54
SquirmI'll chat later06:58
Squirmgoing to put up this MikroTik and hope it works06:58
Squirm nevermind06:58
SquirmI'll do it later06:58
Kilosgood luck Squirm 06:59
=== plustwo_ is now known as plustwo
Kilosyo plustwo 07:04
Kilosmorning superfly 07:07
superflyhi Kilos07:09
Kiloshi psydroid 07:23
psydroidhi Kilos07:29
superflyhappy birthday tumbleweed!07:42
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Kiloshappy birthday tumbles07:44
Kiloshow young now?07:45
tumbleweedI calculate 28. Thanks07:47
superflytumbleweed: you must be right, Facebook agrees with you :-P07:49
tumbleweedit passed the "even year, even age" parity test, too07:50
* tumbleweed has spent whole years believing I was a year older than I actually was. Presumably this only gets worse with age07:51
superflytumbleweed: I dunno, I have delusions of immaturity ;-)07:51
Trixar_zaI keep thinking I'm 2807:54
Trixar_zaand I'm 2707:54
Trixar_zaso I know the feeling07:54
Trixar_zaI'm running a year fast07:54
Trixar_zaDoesn't help when you have to quickly tell people your age and you have to correct yourself07:55
Kilosauthenticate <account> [on source] using <method> [<credential>]08:08
Kilostumbleweed, what do i use for method and credentials please08:09
Kilosi know ive done it before but cant for the life of me work it out 08:10
Kilosand on ibid vhata fights me08:11
tumbleweeddon't worry about him :)08:11
tumbleweedgenerally, you don't need to use password authentication. Ibid will check if you have authenticated with nickserv08:11
Kiloslol its just to refrain from being nasty back08:12
tumbleweedI'll tell him to be nice to you :P08:12
Kilosshe keepstelling me she aint my bitch08:12
Kilosok ill go there again ty08:12
Kilosjust gotta inject a sickish sheep first08:13
tumbleweedKilos: looks like you are registered with nickserv, here08:14
tumbleweedso your bot should recognise you08:14
tumbleweedwhat does it say in the log?08:14
plustwohi Kilos o/08:14
plustwohi everyone08:15
Kilostumbleweed, in ibid.ini?08:18
tumbleweedthat's the config file08:20
Kilosdont see a file like that in home08:21
Kiloswhere is the cheeky bot hiding it?08:22
Kilosgot it08:24
Kilosthat dash search works08:24
Kilostumbleweed, http://slexy.org/view/s2MaMvglOe08:26
Kilosvery long sorry08:28
tumbleweed2012-08-17 07:52:47,870 INFO core.auth: Checking admin permission for None/5 (Kilos!~miles@8ta-150-203-82.telkomadsl.co.za): no08:33
tumbleweedthere's the problem. it doesn't recognise you at all08:33
Kilosoh my08:34
tumbleweedwhen you ran ibid-setup, it lets you configure the first admin user. you must have got something wrong08:34
Kilosshall i run ibid-setup again?08:34
tumbleweedyou might have to delete it's database first, for it to work08:35
Kilosthats the file with the funny thing in it hey?08:35
Kilosya ibid.db08:36
tumbleweedyeah :)08:38
Kiloslol now i cant kill her to restart08:39
Kiloscheeky thing08:39
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilostumbleweed, sorry to bug you but what is happening with that network manager bug. i see no advice replies or anything there.11:47
Kilosis that guy dave on long leave11:47
Kilosand ty for the help this morning11:49
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilosoh my drussell that be you that commented in that bug13:08
Kiloslooks like its either not even being noticed at all on that link13:08
KilosSuperhuman, you here13:10
drussellKilos: yup, I just changed it so that it's no longer marked as "incomplete" and waiting for info, as from what I've seen you've given all that's been asked for13:11
drussellKilos: one sec13:11
drussellKilos: if you can just confirm based on the comment I've just made, that'd be good13:12
Kilosand its not new, there are hundreds or thousands of peeps that have nm probs with 12.0413:12
Kilosok i go see13:13
drussellKilos: one other thing... can you gather some additional debug information as described here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingNetworkManager13:14
Kilosok lemme try that13:15
Kilosdrussell, can i do that debugging? because I am still on nm as installed from cd. have put a hold on any updates13:17
Kilosto nm that is13:17
drussellKilos: have you identified the exact package which causes the problem?13:18
drussellKilos: or have you just blocked all package updates?13:18
Kilosnetwork-manager does see the modem once it has been updated13:18
Kilosi have blocked all updates to nm from the beginning. mine is as the cd installed it13:19
Kilosim sure if the enable broadband would stay enabled the thing would work13:20
Kilosbut after updating it doesnt even see when you plug the modem in13:20
Kilosi ran sudo aptitude hold network-manager and also forced nm to stay at the installed package in synaptic13:21
Kilosdrussell, ^^13:21
drussellKilos: ok so, if you make sure you have the CD versions of the package handy... remove the package hold, install the new versions, gather the debug logs, and then replace the newer versions with the older versions13:23
Kilosim scared to even try a nm update. took 4 clean installs to get it working as is now13:23
drussellKilos: ahhh13:23
drussellKilos: ok, I understand13:23
Kiloswhere do i actually fing the package that comes with the cd?13:24
Kilosthen i can put it on my desktop and use gdebi to install it maybe after doing a purge on the updated one if it doesnt work13:25
Kilosor how can i just force the enable broadband to stay enabled13:26
Kilosi dont think the nm package off the cd is in archives13:31
Kilosdrussell, ^^13:34
drussellKilos: the files are all on the cd, if you have that just get them from there13:38
Kiloslol i have tried. will look again13:39
Kilosdunno in which folder it might even be13:39
drussellKilos: I'll take a look a bit later, just buried under other things right now ;o)13:42
Kilosty drubin np13:43
Kilosty drussell 13:43
jrgnscheers all, have a good weekend13:52
Kiloscheers jrgns you too13:52
Kilossee you monday13:52
Kiloshmm these guests that dont even greet15:42
Kilosinetpro, jy was baie stil vandag15:43
zerefheeehhh, package will be built in 4 days, o0o016:28
Kiloslo zeref Tonberry 17:27
Kiloston how does one open a .deb package to see whats inside17:31
Tonberryarchive manager?17:32
Kiloswill that let you look inside?17:32
Tonberryi think so17:32
Kilosor just go dump it somewhere17:32
Tonberryi think it just opens it like any compressed file17:33
Kilosok im looking17:34
Tonberryor whatever the normal archive opening thing in ubuntu is called17:34
Tonberrythink its called archive manager17:34
Kiloswhew theres lots stuff in there when you extract it17:35
Kilosoh no im looking at my desktop in there somewhere17:36
Kilosah now we getting there17:37
Kiloslotsa conf files in each folder17:38
Kiloswould something like this turn off the auto connect function17:42
* Tonberry shrugs17:42
SquirmKilos: what you looking for?17:52
Kilosim looking for something that will make the enable mobile broadband be enabled all the time17:53
Kilosnot have to do it manually every startup17:53
Kilossame as the enable network is enabled with default17:54
Squirmif you edit your broadband properties17:56
Squirmit looks like there is a "Connect Automatically" check box17:56
Kilosare you looking at that link Squirm ?17:57
Kiloswill take me a while to read all that17:58
Squirmlook at the Modem Setup17:58
SquirmTick the box to "Connect automatically", hit "Apply" and you are ready for the next stage of the setup, as in Figure 3.17:58
Kilosi have done that 20 times it doesnt remember it because it needs to first have enable mobile broadband to be ticked17:59
Kilosim sure the whole prob hangs around that enable mobile broasdband18:00
Kilosif i can find a way to enable it permanently im sure it will work18:00
Kiloseven worked finein 11.0418:01
Kilosits the 12.04 that breaks completely after the first network-manager update18:01
Kilosthen it doesnt even see there is a usb modem in anymore18:02
Kilosmaybe its a managed=false that should be =true or something like that18:07
Squirmwell, I'm off18:13
Kilosnight Squirm 18:13
Kilossleep tight18:14
Squirmwho said I'm going to sleep18:14
Kilosok enjoy18:14
Kilosyou said tired earlier member18:14
Kilosfunny lad, tired but not gonna sleep18:30
inetproKilos: ek is altyd stil18:33
Kiloseven wanneer jy lawaai ne18:34
Kilosmy bot is reg inetpro 18:34
inetproKilos: was daar iets verkeerd?18:34
Kilosmaar dis die ou dom een18:34
Kilosja man dit het nog nie op 12.04 gewerk nie18:35
inetprohmm... ok18:35
Kilosof met permissions in elk geval18:35
Kiloskon nie admin kry nie18:35
Kilosnou net network manager dan werk als18:36
Kilosinetpro, daar is nog niks nuut by agenda nie18:37
Kilosjy slaap te veel18:37
inetproKilos: ai18:37
inetproweet nie of ek Maandag sal by wees nie18:38
inetprote veel ander prioriteite18:38
inetproso #ubuntu-za is tans minder belangrik op my agenda18:39
inetproKilos: sorry18:39
Kiloskinder goed?18:39
Kilosfamilie goed?18:40
inetprowel, dit en werk en ander 18:40
Kilosmoenie worry nie ons sal vir jou n paar dinge doen18:40
inetproin die aande is ek moeg18:40
Kilosjy word oud nou18:40
Kilosis als darem ok inetpro ?18:42
inetproKilos: ja alles piekfyn dankie18:42
inetprogeen nuwe pyne nie :-)18:42
Kilosgedink jy gaan miskien tronk toe of iets18:42
inetpronee, net te besig18:42
Kilosof die mafia is agter jou aan18:42
inetprogeen tyd vir sulke nonsies nie 18:43
inetproKilos: ek dink dis dalk ons aircon by die werk wat my die meeste pla18:46
inetpromaak warm in plaas van koel18:46
Kilosis dit so gestel of stukkend18:46
Kilosgas uitgeloop18:46
inetprogereeld stukkend18:47
inetproso oud soos die berge18:47
inetproen hulle wil die ding nie ordentlik regmaak nie18:47
Kilosop n tyd het ek hulle reg gemaak18:47
Kilosen yskaste18:47
Kilosmaar alle gereedskap verkoop nou18:48
Kiloshulle hoop julle sit n nuwe een in18:48
Kiloslang pond18:48
inetproas ek so kyk is die ding deesdae baie afhankli van mense om gereeld te kyk dat alles funksioneer18:49
Kilosja maar aircon is ssos n yskas, as goed herstel hou di jare18:50
Kilosnet skoon hou18:50
Kilosinetpro, ek gaan probeer om hierdie nvidia server settings te laat doen , as dit weer gaan na 640x480 resolusie sien ek jou miskien more18:54
Kilosdit het nie n keuse gegee lass keer nie18:54
Kilosdis n auto ding lyk my18:55
Kilosdit se net stop x en start x weer18:56
Kilosmaar ek moet reboot om dit te doen18:56
inetproKilos: die ene is een van daai groot sentrale stelsels vir die hele gebou18:58
Kiloseish hulle is duur18:58
Kilosonderhoud is belangrik18:58
inetproen die mense wat veronderstel is om na die goed kyk is net nie elke dag daar nie18:59
inetproelke vloer het 'n groot kamer van filters en goed19:00
inetproen die kamers is toegesluit19:00
inetproso geen manier om self te gaan kyk nie19:00
inetproenigste manier van verligting is om vensters oop te maak en hoop dat iemand iewers weer gaan kom om reg te maak19:01
Kilosnag julle. lekker slaap19:04
Kilosnight you english guys too19:04
inetproeish, and gone is he19:09
* inetpro was just disconnected from the interwebs19:10
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za

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