
ochosimorning everyone08:15
elfymorning ochosi 08:15
ochosihey elfy08:16
* ochosi slaps elfy08:16
astraljavaochosi: I take it your vacation wasn't very relaxing?08:17
ochosiastraljava: why do you take that?08:17
ochosi("take that")08:17
astraljavaWell just that you slap people who greet you made me wonder...08:18
ochosiwell, elfy (or hobgoblin ftm) mentioned i would slap him because he never remembers which apps are gtk2/3, soo...08:18
elfysilly goblin08:19
* ochosi was just trying to live up to the expectation08:19
astraljavaAhh... sorry, I wasn't aware of such prior agreements. Carry on your previously scheduled programme, then.08:19
ochosiwill do08:19
ochosiastraljava: so, how was your not-holiday in the meantime?08:19
astraljavaThe usual (ie. lousy).08:20
ochosirighty :Ö)08:21
ochosigood i was away, otherwise i'd have pestered you every day about the display-dialog ;)08:21
ochosiok, bb tomorrow08:26
astraljavaYes. Well, I have reserved this coming weekend for [*]buntu[ *] issues, so I should get it done by FF.08:30
knomeohai ochosi !09:32
knomeochosi, good to see you back09:32
knomeas if something was missing while you were away09:32
astraljavaYeah, as if.09:46
knomehey astraljava.09:53
* smartboyhw waves at astraljava and knome11:43
Sysiyou may want to check backlog of few days for ormie13:05
=== smartboyhw is now known as ubuntustudio
=== ubuntustudio is now known as smartboyhw
elfyastraljava: http://pastebin.com/4zgC7ktd14:20
knomesmartboyhw, you around?14:24
knomegah, reconnecting, this server lags for me14:30
=== knome_ is now known as knome
knomelet's hope this is better14:30
smartboyhwknome: LOL14:31
knomesmartboyhw, do you have a minute?14:31
smartboyhwOn what?14:31
knome(or two, or five...)14:31
knomewell, generally14:31
smartboyhwI have14:31
elfycam someoen look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunar/+bug/1032340 comment #18 22:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1032340 in thunar (Ubuntu) "thunar crashed with SIGSEGV in thunar_g_vfs_is_uri_scheme_supported()" [Medium,Confirmed]22:09
elfyto be honest it sums up LP - I'd love to be able to report this - but I have NO idea what to report it for 22:09
elfyI understand that this is a general LP issue - but I am only interested in Xubuntu atm22:10
elfyhope that makes some sense 22:10
elfybut is generic agaisnt pleia2's comments on her blog - where DO we report stuff22:11
elfyon a positive note - doen a bunch of work on some of the doc pages - just need to put it on pleia2's pages 22:12
pleia2blog? pages? do we mean the QA post from today?22:12
pleia2someone wanted me to do a presentation once on how to know what to file bugs against, I said "I'd like to see that presentation!"22:13
pleia2my presentation would be one slide, and it would say "ask people on IRC"22:13
micahgpleia2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/FindRightPackage22:18
pleia2micahg: yeah, I know of that page (and printed it for our last global jam where we did testing :))22:19
pleia2it's ok when you have a bug in an application, but most of the bugs I find tend to be more *environment* type bugs, that could be xfwm, shimmer-themes or who knows what else22:21

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