
soliloquy1I'd like to have both Unity and XFCE sessions available to me; can I do this without breaking Xubuntu?00:25
Adm_HartwellI"m not an expert at all, but I think if you install ubuntu-desktop on top of xubuntu, you will have the option of choosing whichever desktop you want for that session at login. I'd like confirmation from one of the more experienced xubuntu users here though.00:30
SeHHello; how to add layout in xubuntu!!00:33
knomecan you elaborate what you mean with "layout" ?00:33
=== Murtaugh_ is now known as Murtaugh
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SeHknome: layout of language00:40
David-ASeH: keyboard layout (keyboard) or language settings (menus and messages)?00:43
SeHDavid-A: Keyboard!00:43
SeHDavid-A: well how I can active alt + shift for change layout00:48
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David-ASeH: there is a "Keyboard Layout" panel applet with where one can chose what key to switch layout. (have not tried it myself)00:52
blackgatonegroyup. every xubuntu has one00:53
blackgatonegrosettings / settings  manager / keyboard00:54
SeHyes it worked thanks :)00:55
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decciHi Guys03:38
decciAnyone out there awaken03:39
decciMurtaugh: Hi03:40
Murtaughhave a question?03:40
decciMurtaugh: Yes03:40
decciMurtaugh: I have been following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupPC/smb03:40
decciMurtaugh: I have configured Backuppc and its working great for Windows and Linux smb shares03:41
decciMurtaugh: Now the link says It is advisiable to keep your clients (Hosts) on the same Domain. In this example it is "WORKGROUP"03:41
decciMurtaugh: I have few machine in different domain.so when I run smbtree -b -N it doesnt show Windows machine. What need to be done under that case?03:42
Murtaughuh, that's a bit beyond me, but it sounds like #networking may be able to help03:42
=== SeH is now known as SeH[SSH]
hanslandahello there! i have a problem..yesterday i made some updates and now my graphics card is not working (nvida geforce gt 430). Anyone can help me please??04:34
hanslandahello there! i have a problem..yesterday i made some updates and now my graphics card is not working (nvida geforce gt 430). Anyone can help me please??04:38
hanslandahello there! i have a problem..yesterday i made some updates and now my graphics card is not being recognize (nvida geforce gt 430). Anyone can help me please??04:41
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hanslandacan anyone help me? im very new to linux... You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.04:53
[deXter]Hi all05:39
[deXter]My WM stopped working suddently.. ie, no window decorations appear, I can't minimize/maximize the windows etc05:40
TheSheep[deXter]: press alt+f2 and type xfwm406:41
OrmieHELP! Help me. When I type my password and click login. It takes A TERRIBLELY Long time to load until it shows me the desktop icons, background and the panels.06:43
OrmieIs this normal?06:43
OrmieI am running this on a core i5 processor06:43
Artemis3this sounds familiar06:44
OrmieJust tell me it is normal or not06:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 996791 in accountsservice (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu 12.04 extremely slow login" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:46
Ormieso it's a bug or it's a personal issue?06:47
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Artemis3i have not experienced this on the 3 machines i use, but it appears to be a real bug06:48
Ormieok, fix this on 12.1006:53
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TheSheepany recommendations for mtp device support?08:24
knyn_Can someone tell me why Xubuntu restarts whenever I tell it to shutdown?08:26
MurtaughAre you using the -r flag :s08:27
knyn_Murtaugh: No I mean in XFCE, whenever I click on shutdown it restarts.08:28
knyn_I don't know...08:28
MurtaughOh, I normally do shutdowns/restarts from a terminal08:29
knyn_Maybe I should do that.08:29
knyn_What is the command to shutdown?08:29
Murtaughtry bringing up a terminal and using "sudo shutdown now" and seeing if it restarts itself08:29
livingdaylightshouldn't need to shutdown from a command unless you wish to. That is not normal.08:30
MurtaughI just do for the heck of it08:30
Murtaughsince I don't very often08:30
livingdaylightMine restarts/shutsdown fine according to which button I hit08:30
knyn_Murtaugh: It freezes.08:35
well_laid_lawn!find libmtp08:36
ubottuFound: libmtp-common, libmtp-dbg, libmtp-dev, libmtp-doc, libmtp-runtime08:36
wavmguys what dock can u recommend? thnx10:56
=== recon69_lap is now known as recon_lap
recon_laphi, setup openSSH on a local pc with a standard xubuntu 12.04 install. going to use it as a local server. it has the UI installed. now I'v been using "sudo halt" to shut it down when not in use, but it does not fully shutdown, the shutdown screen freezes and the PC stays on using power. it's not contactable but not off either. is this a bug, a pc issue or is there a better way to shut it down?11:21
knomerecon_lap, have you tried 'shutdown -h now' ?11:23
recon_lapknome, no, but i will, thx :)11:23
recon_lap'shutdown -h now' work great, had to sudo it though11:29
knomerecon_lap, sure :)11:29
Sysipoweroff is alias for that11:30
Sysineeds sudo too11:30
recon_lapthx, can't be wasting energy :)11:35
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels12:53
aquixhmm. ubottu also say crunchbang is based on ubuntu, so I think it's outdated12:56
Ormiehey, i liked xubuntu :)12:57
GridCube:D awesome12:57
aquixsame here :)12:57
GridCubeif you want to chat but you dont have any real problem please go to #xubuntu-offtopic12:59
Ormiea bug :)13:01
Ormieis it really important having your own chat channel instead of defocus?13:03
GridCubei dont understand13:04
Ormieyou should... :q13:04
aquix/join #xubuntu-offtopic13:05
aquixtype that here13:05
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phunyguyhey folks, how do you get a global proxy set up in Xubuntu?13:39
phunyguyI can't find the option.13:39
GridCubephunyguy, temporarly or permanent?13:41
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phunyguysocks4 included13:42
GridCubephunyguy, this should still be current: http://forums.legitreviews.com/about17852.html13:46
phunyguyGridCube: will that export line follow along with apt-get as well as the Xubuntu installer?13:50
phunyguyGridCube: will that export line follow along with apt-get as well as the Xubuntu installer?13:57
GridCubephunyguy, read the last post on that thread14:01
GridCubeit says how to edit your apt configuration files14:01
phunyguy /etc/apt/apt.conf doesnt exist.... lol14:02
phunyguysounds like an awful lot of work for something that is a gui in reg ubuntu14:03
phunyguyahh and i would sudo apt-get install mc if I COULD APT-GET ;)14:05
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phunyguyok so I fixed that.  Good to go.  Is there a pretty easy way to unclone both monitors without using xrandr and a script? or is that my option.  If so, can it be done for the login screen as well?14:37
Ormiehm... this is weird. My old installation of xubuntu, I have the bug of the system sleeps for 85 seconds after successfully entering my password on login. This time. I re-installed it. It doesn't happen :) Nice. The old installation i installed cheese and it gives me all the gnome junks.14:44
blackgatonegroanyone knows how to play pingus secret levels?14:49
GridCubenever played that much :P15:03
smed66anyone on?16:13
smed66what am i doin16:22
GridCube!hi | smed6616:23
ubottusmed66: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:23
marcpvhi! Anyone know why rhythmbox ask me for the password to unlock keyring when I just start it?16:54
marcpvanyone there?16:56
Unit193I am, but I last used that program in 6.10.16:57
marcpvhaha... ok... any recomendation, then?16:58
knomecan't imagine what for rhythmbox would ask for your password though16:58
knomemaybe you'd have better results on #ubuntu16:58
marcpvknome: thanks, let me try there...16:59
knome(especially if you are certain it is rhythmbox needin the password)16:59
Unit193Can't you buy stuff online from that?17:00
marcpvgmusicbrowser is ok but i need podcast too and ipod suport, so I installed rhythmbox17:00
marcpvyes there is ubuntu one17:00
marcpvI think I'm sure its rhythmbox asking17:00
knomemaybe it's asking the keyring pass for your U1 pass17:00
marcpvmaybe yes... I dont know17:01
marcpvlet me try on #ubuntu... I'll let you know17:02
marcpvby the way, any suggestion for audio player with podcast and ipod support?17:11
Unit193Audio player?  VLC supports podcasts. :P17:14
martinphoneI theoretically have 4GB RAM, but htop, bios and sysinfo all say it is 3952, why?17:16
marcpvVLC support podcast?17:16
Sysimarcpv: 32bit xubuntu?17:16
martinphoneand swap is 2043, shouldnt swap be 4048 too?17:16
Sysiswap partition's size doesn't change when adding RAM, you need to manually change partitioning if you need it17:17
GridCubemartinphone, not if you didnt gave that much to swap during the install17:17
Barnabasmartinphone, in windows swap is a file in a file system17:17
martinphoneill leave soon, low batteri17:17
Barnabason linux it is, usually, a dedicated partition without a file system17:18
martinphonecan I do that from BIOS?17:18
Barnabasmartinphone, no17:18
martinphonebut, why my 4GB RAM are 3952 and not 4098?17:18
marcpvhave to go, bye!17:19
Barnabassome of it used by system hw probably17:19
martinphonehw = ?17:20
Barnabasa GPU for instance, to tell for sure you need to post your hw spec on pastebin17:20
Barnabasand link here17:20
martinphonewhen I come back Barnabas17:20
phunyguywait, so Xubuntu 12.10 doesnt have a livecd yet?17:21
martinphoneterminal hw? just that?17:21
knomephunyguy, it does.17:22
knomephunyguy, unfortunately, we're still oversized, so you should use some other media17:22
phunyguyI can only seem to find an alternate install image17:22
knomehttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/12.10/alpha-3/ for the alpha317:23
phunyguys'ok.  have 12.04 installed, I will just do-release-upgrade17:23
knomephunyguy, if you're looking at dailies, the desktop image is probably still building17:23
phunyguythanks knome17:24
phunyguycool nickname btw17:24
phunyguyits like gnome for kde!17:24
knomephunyguy, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/20120815/ for the daily-live17:24
phunyguyare you currently running the alpha build?17:24
knomei'm not17:24
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martinphoneim back18:39
martinphonewhat was that hw command I had to paste Barnabas ?18:39
martinphonewhat commands other than  sudo dmidecode --type memory can give me a more complete description of my RAM? id accept gui suggestions too18:47
martinphoneand, if I reinstall xubuntu, will it by default create a 4096 swap partition, now that I have 4GB RAM?18:47
blackgatonegromatin, will you format the hard disk?18:50
martinphonewhen I reinstall? didnt have it planned, no19:06
GridCubemartinphone, you are thinking GB and reading GiB19:14
martinphoneGB = 1024 MB, GiB = 1000 MB?19:15
GridCubeGB is an unit made of powers of 10, and GiB is an unit made of powers of 219:15
martinphoneso the other way round, GB = 1000 MB, GiB = 1024 MB19:15
GridCubeoh, yes19:16
martinphone10^3 = 100019:16
GridCubehere, read this: http://www.dr-lex.be/info-stuff/bytecalc.html19:16
martinphone2¹0 = 102319:16
martinphonehey, I wrote a super index19:16
GridCube:D yeah xchat does that :)19:17
martinphonecool link19:18
GridCubemartinphone, you don *need* more swap19:18
GridCubein fact swap and ram can be what ever you want19:19
GridCubei have about 6gb of swap because a 6gb partition came with this computer for windows 7 backups, and i was to lazy to resize it19:19
martinphonehtop's RAM bar is frozen, it doens change like the core bar does, furthermore: I now use 1500/3952, but the bar occupies more than that percentage, close to 80% of the bar extension, why?19:30
Unit193free -m|grep cache19:31
TheSheepmartinphone: linux always uses almost all ram -- when it's not used by application, it's used for caching and buffers19:33
martinphoneI have a 365 GB HDD in my laptop and a 1 TB HDD I wish to put in its place, in the laptop. Is there any way I can make an exact copy of all directories present in the 365 GB HDD to the 1 TB HDD, first as an external hard drive just to take it out from the case, and in the laptop?19:50
martinphoneand put it in the laptop*19:51
martinphoneso there is no difference when I reboot with the 1TB HDD in the laptop19:51
shpankboot the laptop with a live cd19:56
shpankunmount your internal drive and your external hdd19:56
shpankcopy everything with dd if=/dev/internal_hdd of=/dev/external_hdd19:57
shpankthen replace the drive in your laptop19:57
shpankand try booting it19:57
shpankif it doesn't work, just fire up gparted or fdisk and play around with the partition table19:57
Sysidd isn't good for hdd, it copies all bad blocks too, use ddrescue or just copy all files and install grub from livecd19:58
Sysiyou need to fix fstab to match new partition UUIDS19:59
=== SeH[Connect] is now known as SeH
shpanki didn't assume he has bad blocks on his hdd20:01
shpankbut in this case, ddrescue is better, yes.20:01
shpankSysi: if he copies the entire drive (including mbr and partition table), it should work without changing uuids20:02
Sysishpank: partition table expands automatically, changing uuids20:03
shpankso in this case20:03
shpankbut it's not a big problem20:03
Sysior actually I'm not sure.. I did this once but it was a while ago20:04
shpanki hate this uuid thing20:04
shpankyou can't remember them20:04
shpankor distinguish between different partitions just by looking at the uuids20:05
SysiI seldom change partitioning scheme, when I do I probably reinstall20:05
shpankyeah me too20:07
shpanki always try new stuff and to avoid compatibility problems, i usually take the lame route and wipe the system :)20:08
shpankalso, it feels so much better working on a fresh install without all the crap that i've introduced before20:08
martinphonehello, I have just installed nvidia drivers from the repo, but it happened what happened last time I used nvidia: splashscreen's logo now occupies the whole screen, and looks blurry, can I fix that= return splash's screen to its original size?21:40
martinphonealso for the splash screen while closing the OS21:41
=== recon69_lap is now known as recon_lap
martinphonedoes it have to do with grub?22:00
malv1now i can say that i am not aware of any xfce bugs22:57
malv1first time i can say that about any linux de22:58
David-Amalv1: Dont kid yourself, there is one bug: The Xfce Timer panel applet does not show if timer is on or off unless mouse is on it. (If by design, its a usability bug)23:19
recon_lapthere is the earphone bug as well, probably nothing to do with xface though23:22
recon_lapDavid-A: timper panel applet shows all the time for me23:24
recon_lapDavid-A: maybe we talking about different applets though23:26
David-ADavid-A: its called "Xfce4 Timer", I have xfce 4.6.1 (xfce4-timer-plugin 0.6.1) so maybe has improved23:31
recon_lapDavid-A: guess I got the wrong applet, was thinking of the date-time applet23:33

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