
TheProfHello - I tried to post to the mailing list but for some reasons my messages are not going through.  I have downloaded edubuntu 12.05 DVD x64 for clean installation.  How do I specify 2 identical drives to be set up as RAID 1 for /home please?01:26
TheProfIt's driving me crazy as I can't figure it out in the options.01:27
TheProfJust some further description until someone can respond.  I have 3 drives: one SSD for the OS (where I will put / ), and 2 identical 1 TB drives for /home.01:30
TheProfSo on the SSD will go / and swap, and on a mirror RAID 1 will be /home.  I had it running for 2 years this way without raid no problem, but I wanted to take this opportunity to upgrade to install the 2nd drive for reliability.01:31

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