
Ahmuckhow do i get accents for spanish language?02:11
kanliotcharmap is the simple way02:12
kanliotnot the best02:12
wxlor you can know the codes02:12
wxlthere are probably combinatorial diacritics but it's better to actually use the letter/accent combinations02:12
wxlhm that's not useful hold on02:13
wxlman i can't find a good place for it02:15
wxlbut the windows/html codes are not equal to the unicodes02:15
wxlyou can do decimal to hex conversion XD02:15
wxlbut uppercase en-yay is U+00D1 so if you do ctrl-shift-u and then type 00d1 you get Ñ02:16
silverarrowI have latest gnome player and gecko !!02:16
Ahmucki found the keyboard map02:18
wxlthat works too02:18
wxlbut if you normally converse ni español you might want to know the codes02:19
wxlU+0303 is a tilde tho02:20
wxlcombinatorial diacritic02:20
wxlyou can use it with anything02:20
wxl↑ multiple combinatorial diacritics on one character. whoa didn't know you could do that02:23
* wxl is a geek in case you couldn't tell :)02:23
Ahmuckkeyboard map ... use ' and02:23
Sentynelwxl: you can stick as many on as you want - http://www.eeemo.net/02:24
Sentynelanyway, in most cases with accents I use the alt gr + punctuation, letter shortcuts02:26
Sentynele.g. ö is alt gr + [, o on my keyboard02:26
SentynelI dunno where the heck those are documented though02:26
Ahmucksi, link por tu02:28
Ahmuckdead kéys02:32
Ahmuckgot it02:32
DerpianHello, is the i386 release of 12.04 non-PAE05:44
bioterrorlast of the non-PAE's05:45
bioterrorif you're going to use mini.iso, you have to pick it up from non-PAE folder05:46
alek66Hey anyone can help me getting vino (remote desktop) to work05:51
Derpianthank you bioterror05:56
kanliotalek66,  did you read the wiki?06:09
alek66kanliot: I just realized I didn't execute the /usr/lib/vino/vino-server dummy me… got it working now.06:09
Ahmuckhi hi.  is there a way i can view thumbnails for photos in the file browser17:32
Ahmucki deleted some program early in the graphics area, would that have been the helper program17:33
silverarrowis there a way to check if gecko mediaplayer is installed?18:13
silverarrowhi again Ahmuck , did you manage to sort out your keyboard?18:14
bioterrorAhmuck, increase the filesize for tumbnailing?18:23
bioterrorsilverarrow, man dpkg18:23
punffini have to say, from all linux distros i have tried, lubuntu stands out with its simplicity and usability, it also runs smooth on my old laptop, unlike the rest of the linux distros18:41
punffinis there4 a guide to secure it?18:41
squareI've had a few weird issues, but I really like it so far18:41
bioterrorpunffin, unplug network cable from nic and wear a tinfoil hat18:42
punffinthats a good one18:43
punffinbut sometimes i need to check my emails18:43
punffinand use online banking, so i dont want to get hacked18:43
bioterrorwhy would you?18:43
punffinpeople want to steal others personal information18:44
silverarrowlubuntu is good for average use like that punffin18:44
bioterrorif you have openssh installed, you better have a username thats not like firstname or sometying like that18:44
silverarrowiced tea manages java, there are options18:45
bioterrorotherwise you dont have ports open to outisde18:45
Unit193Could always netstat -lp18:45
punffinwhat is the p for?18:45
Unit193By default, there are no openports.18:45
bioterrorand mostly people connects behind a nat18:45
punffinbut when i check there are some weird ones listening18:45
punffini had to remove cups, and there is   sunrpc, that i still cannot figure out its real name to apt-get remove it18:46
Unit193Cups is printing, and things listening at don't matter.18:46
psichasgnome-brave-icon theme looks better than lubuntu (elementary) icon theme19:12
mynicknamewhere do you get it?19:13
silverarrowget what?19:14
psichassudo apt-get install gnome-brave-icon-theme19:15
mynicknamethanks :D19:15
mynicknameshould have looked in synaptic before asking19:15
mynicknameso those wouldn't work in lxde?19:16
psichasall works dude :)19:16
mynicknamethanks :) installing now19:18
psichasgnome brave like lubuntu(elementary) blue icons but looks better :)19:19
mynicknameoh, wow. That looks nice19:19
mynicknameyeah. Orange doesn't work with lubuntu19:19
psichasDo you need orange icons? ;D19:21
mynicknameonly ubuntu can pull off orange icons19:22
psichasfind all theces icons :)19:23
psichasuse low disk space and looks great :)19:23
psichasits use low disk space :)19:25
psichasi think lubuntu sould be installed theses icons' themes by default, but no ... :)19:26
mynicknamethanks :)19:27
mynicknameI just installed every icon theme I could find in synaptic19:31
Ahmucksilverarrow, yes, last evening, however seems like it revereted - keyboard issue19:33
jc_i've installed lubuntu 11.10 in a getaway laptop, but i doesnt have wireless card, so i got an usb wireless-card but i dont know what to do to install it19:35
mynicknameturn off the laptop, plug in the wireless card, then restart and it will probably load the firmware and driver19:36
jc_before when i used 12.04 lubuntu version, it did, but i downgradete it to 11.1019:37
mynicknamesometimes old versions do not work with newer hardware19:38
mynicknamemaybe you could install the firmware yourself but I don't know anything about that. Maybe someone else knows how to do that19:38
jc_i downgrade it because when i shut it down i didnt get off19:39
jc_it began to reboot and reboot....19:39
Unit193jc_: You tried just plugging it in?  Could you try that now?  I've never had that issue but an updated program could have fixed it.19:40
Unit193Did you happen to research that issue?19:40
jc_<Unit193: well, now im reboot it19:41
jc_i just finished to upgrade19:41
jc_just let me see19:41
jc_ok it worked19:42
Unit193Sure, nice that it's working.19:43
jc_Unit193: well about the issue of the 12.04 not  i've never19:44
jc_do you have any idea why lubuntu 12.04 didnt shut down?19:45
Unit193I'd say try sudo poweroff, but since you don't have it, harder to figure out.19:49
jc_i tried different way to shut it down but i could not19:51
jc_it always reset by itself19:52
=== punffin is now known as punffin`aw
silverarrowis there a way to burn mp4 to CD to play in a regular CD player?22:38
silverarrowin lubuntu preferably22:38
holsteinsilverarrow: i would just let whatever burning software you want to burn recode to what it needs (.wav)22:41
holsteinxfburn or brasero... whatever22:41
silverarrowI have xfburn it seems22:42
silverarrowI see22:42
silverarrowsort of auto22:43
silverarrowapparently not an audifile22:44
holsteinsilverarrow: right.. if its not an audio file, and audio player wont play it22:46
silverarrowaudacious  plays it fine22:47
silverarrowit is mp422:47
silverarrowplaying it in vlc it is a video22:48
silverarrowthat might be why22:48
holsteinyou can likely strip the audio out easily.. you can hit play and record on something and make an audio file22:49
silverarrownot sure how that works,22:50
* silverarrow keeps looking for a way to extract 22:50
holsteinsilverarrow: extract is not a bad way... if its short, you could literally just push play and record on whatever you are comfortable recording with, and be done likely by the time you learn to "extract"22:51
holsteinassuming its just the one file...22:51
silverarrowyes only one song really22:52
silverarrowplaying in audacious or mplayer?22:52
holsteinsure.. whatever you want to play it in22:53
silverarrowok playing now in audacius22:53
=== TheDrums is now known as Guest72835
silverarrowholstein, could you explain in steps?22:56
holsteinsilverarrow: sure.. press play in a player, then record on a recorder22:56
holsteinsomething like audacity22:57
holsteinsilverarrow: if i had better internet id look up an extractor.. ask in #opensourcemusicians.. i GTG22:57
silverarrowthere is a channel for everything22:58
silverarrowso, nobody using lubuntu does this23:04
zumoCan anyone recommend a benchmark tool?23:15
zumoI want to see which of the two machines I have is better. I know what one is better spec wise, But I have a feeling the other machine actually preforms better.23:15
silverarrowwhat does deprecated mean?23:33
silverarrow"this program is deprecated"23:33
SkippersBossno longer supported23:35
SkippersBossor one of it dependencies isn't23:36
silverarrowso, how to go about this mp4 to  cd audio file then?23:41
silverarrowffmpeg I just installed appears to be deprecated23:41
silverarrowno warning in package manager, but in terminal it jumps out in coloured text23:41
SkippersBosson off the libs most likely needs to be updated23:46
SkippersBosscd audio is a wav23:47
SkippersBossmy knowledge of burning is about two years out of date23:48

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