
CoreyLovely!  "Wiki surge protection."05:17
CoreyI've hit four wiki pages in the last half hour.  I'm the only one home.05:17
CoreyFiltering problem, or ridiculously low limit?05:17
Coreyhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/ <-- that working for anyone else?05:21
bioterrorSurge protection05:21
bioterrorYou triggered the wiki's surge protection by doing too many requests in a short time.05:21
bazhangSurge protection05:21
bioterrorPlease make a short break reading the stuff you already got.05:21
bioterrorWhen you restart doing requests AFTER that, slow down or you might get locked out for a longer time!05:21
bioterrorso yes, it's not working ;)05:21
bazhanginterpol is on the way05:21
bioterrornot the first time ubuntu's wiki is causing problems :-)05:22
bioterrorthe one and only page which I hate to edit05:22
CoreyYeah, I'm trying to figure out the canonically correct way to set up pam_ldap05:24
bioterrorCorey, I bet it will require lots of this: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/393913_10151112676893469_1033769409_n.jpg ;)05:27
bioterrorI've never much configured ldap, but what I've heard it's quite understandably if you have done it few times before and you know what you're doing :-)05:27
CoreyOoh, Aeropress.05:29
bioterrorseems like we have here a friend of good coffee, Corey  ;)05:44
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