
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
SuperEngineernever seen one before17:26
* SuperEngineer opens that link17:26
* SuperEngineer loves the name Macroglossum stellatarum - that summed it up straight away!17:27
SuperEngineerjacobw: nope- wasn't that one, no audible humming noise, no orange flashes on wings17:32
SuperEngineerfollowing links - it appears it was however, some sort of Sphinx moth17:33
* SuperEngineer has been bleesed by a sphinx? ;)17:34
jacobwooh that's pretty17:36
Azelphur*facedesk* lodger just showed me a newspaper clipping telling everyone that the ipad 2 is better than the nexus 717:36
Azelphurthis is why I never read newspapers, yay for uneducated crap17:36
SuperEngineerAzelphur: suggestion - teach yourself [& more so the *facedesk* lodger?] self censorship!!!17:38
Azelphurself censorship?17:38
MartijnVdShttp://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/The_Lodger_(TV_story) ?17:38
dogmatic69Azelphur: haters gonna hate :P17:38
SuperEngineerlet their brain know as well the difference between reading truth & rumour17:38
AzelphurSuperEngineer: yea, I just pulled up side by side specs on gsmarena and said look, if this newspaper had done any research at all it'd be obvious17:39
MartijnVdSIf you already have an ipad/phone and have bought apps, ipad might be a better choice17:39
MartijnVdSif you already have android stuff, go for the nexus17:40
SuperEngineer*self censorship  - the art of ignoring all the c**p - sorry, rubbish, that's out there17:40
MartijnVdSIf you have neither.. go by the specs/your anticipated future needs17:40
MartijnVdShow hard can it be17:40
AzelphurMartijnVdS: nah they are talking about buying one straight, and the ipad 2 being £330, and the nexus 7 being £200 (It's actually £170)17:40
Azelphurand even if you do have a stockpile of apps, it's still economically unsensible to buy an ipad 2 over a nexus 717:41
jacobwif it's a newspaper it must be true17:41
AzelphurI doubt many people have £160 worth of apps haha17:41
Azelphurjacobw: yea, that's what people think :(17:41
SuperEngineerjacobw: lol17:41
MartijnVdSjacobw: but if it's on the internet is MUST also be true17:41
MartijnVdShow can it be true and false at the same time?!17:41
Azelphurindeed :P17:41
jacobwMartijnVdS: the world's gone mad17:41
dogmatic69Azelphur: also, why compare the iPad2 that is a year older?17:42
SuperEngineerMartijnVdS: double lol17:42
dogmatic69like comparing a i7 with a 48617:42
Azelphurdogmatic69: I have no idea, but that's what htey did17:42
jacobwi hate that phrase so much17:42
Azelphurthe funny part is even the ipad 3 vs the nexus 7, the nexus 7 still beats the ipad 3 in a lot of important areas while being less than half the price17:43
SuperEngineeranyone else tried "Zorin OS"... damned if it'll run [for me] in a vm!  giving up methinks17:43
SuperEngineerif I was really that bothered btw - I'd check the md517:44
dogmatic69Azelphur: the iPad3 kicks ass in pretty much every category http://www.gsmarena.com/compare.php3?idPhone1=4620&idPhone2=485017:44
ali1234isn't zorin the bad guy from that james bond movie?17:44
Azelphurdogmatic69: really? dual core 1ghz > quad core 1.3?17:44
ali1234didn't he have a space laser or something?17:44
Azelphurpowervr > geforce?17:44
Azelphursame ram = kicking ass? :p17:45
penguin42Azelphur: nice display17:45
SuperEngineerali1234: zorin might the the jb bad guy - but curently he's the bad guy on my iso storage partition ;)17:45
Azelphurpenguin42: yep, the ipad 3 has some cool stuff that the nexus 7 doesn't, but it's the same vice versa17:45
Azelphurand when you consider how much the nexus 7 has over the ipad 3 while still being half the price, it's pretty impressive imo17:46
dogmatic69Azelphur: *if* android apps can manage using the cores, no.17:46
penguin42Azelphur: Could be argued 4 cpus and so little ram could be a waste17:46
ali1234oh right yeah, it's the one where christopher walken wants to sink california with an earthquake machine17:46
Azelphurpenguin42: *shrug* it works great for me, lots of gaming etc :p17:46
Azelphurbeen playing GTA 3 on it hehe17:46
SuperEngineerI'm very tempted at this point to suggest somebody starts up a "download a kindle" website ;)17:47
Azelphurand tether it to my phone so I get internet everywhere without the extra bill17:47
AzelphurSuperEngineer: seen download more ram? :P17:47
SuperEngineerAzelphur: ;)17:47
Azelphurhttp://www.downloadmoreram.com/ most useful website ever, highly recommended17:47
dogmatic69the ipad has a better / bigger screen17:48
Azelphurdogmatic69: ipad 3 yes, ipad 2 no17:49
penguin42Azelphur: And doesn't it just have one camera on the nexus ?17:49
Azelphurpenguin42: yes, in the article they are comparing the ipad 2 to the nexus 7 though :)17:49
* AlanBell is on a cable car17:49
dogmatic69ipad2 == dinosaur tech17:50
Azelphuryep lol17:50
SuperEngineerAzelphur:  just done downloading a [failed] zorin iso to sneak a peek, that's enough for my patience for one day17:50
MartijnVdSIT IS HOT17:50
AzelphurMartijnVdS: MAKE IT COOLER17:50
penguin42AlanBell: Hmm, that might be an irc first - where?17:50
SuperEngineerMartijnVdS: stop calling me hot!17:50
dogmatic69so compare ipad3, that is still older than the nexus (and better)17:50
MartijnVdSSuperEngineer: you're IT?17:50
SuperEngineeryou naughty person you17:50
Myrttioh look, it's professor Slughorn from Hogwarts discussing with Indiana Jones on BBC17:51
jacobw31.9C here17:51
SuperEngineerMartijnVdS: I am IT, I am Hot, I am SuperEngineer17:51
jacobwSuper Hot IT?17:52
jacobwthat's not a good acronym :p17:52
MartijnVdSwhat does that abbreviate to17:52
SuperEngineerjacobw: sorry mate... suffolh beat you17:52
jacobw32.6 C at 12:5417:53
* jacobw edges suffolk17:53
SuperEngineerjacobw: hmm -worryingly - I use Hotot for my twitter client - nearly all the initials there in one!17:53
SuperEngineerjacobw: that's a big youch - last time /me was near [but above] those temps - I was in Gambia!17:54
SuperEngineerloved the heat so much I went back for a 2nd visit 2months later17:55
penguin42hmm, that reminds me, I hadn't installed yawp17:56
SuperEngineer..but then I came back to UK .... brrrrrr17:56
ali1234we had a power cut last night so when i woke up this morning first thing i wonder is "why is it so quiet?", and next thing was "why is it so cold?"17:56
SuperEngineeroh the joys of one's travels17:56
* SuperEngineer sends ali1234 a virtual household ups17:57
SuperEngineer[hope you enjoy the virtual voltage]17:58
penguin42hmm, yawp says it's 18c - but it feels nicer17:58
SuperEngineerZorin - your last chance - I'm wasting DVD on you to see if you'll boot live - if you don't - get your darn download sorted - uupc plug or not.18:07
AlanBellI am on a boat18:07
* SuperEngineer is jealous of AlanBell 18:08
SuperEngineerAlanBell: das boot?18:08
SuperEngineer[litery pun there folks]18:09
AlanBellthames clipper18:09
* SuperEngineer even more jealous - stop it18:09
AlanBellEmirates cable car is cool18:10
SuperEngineerthe cable car taking you to the peak of mountain in Austria from where you see 3 counties & shi down is pdg as well18:14
SuperEngineer[damn my keyboarding (lack of) abilty]18:15
christelwine.. should i drink wine?18:18
* SuperEngineer thinks: cross a river in a cable car or travel topside in a cable car? hmmm... 2nd 118:18
* brobostigon is.18:18
* brobostigon is christel 18:18
SuperEngineerchristel: yes - it's very hard to eat18:18
* christel nods18:18
* SuperEngineer looks out window - *very* pretty sky18:23
SuperEngineercomplete with hot air balloon18:23
* penguin42 waits for his ice cream to soften18:28
christeli want ice cream18:30
christeland hot air balloons18:30
christeli've always wanted to go in one but i am a wuss :(18:30
penguin42yeh a hot air balloon would be interesting18:31
* christel nods18:31
penguin42christel: You think something held up purely by hot air is too risky?18:31
christelAlanBell: hey there's an event idea!18:31
christelpenguin42: nooo i just don't trust myself not to fall out!18:32
penguin42christel: Oh I think that's the least of the worries - the biggest problem seems to be them flying into power lines18:33
SuperEngineerchristel: just think of it as trying a release version odf a distro - you could even call it Quantel Quistel18:34
SuperEngineerso - trying to see what the Zorin distro looks like - will not load in a vm but copied to a dvd it loads live 1st time on netbook18:42
SuperEngineer -what the heck setting do I need to change in VirtualBox?18:43
MartijnVdSuse kvm?18:48
christel<3 SuperEngineer18:49
SuperEngineerooo - cruel18:52
SuperEngineerI blame uupc - they plugged it18:52
SuperEngineerI just wanted to have a looksee18:53
jacobwSuperEngineer: it looks like a debian/ubuntu derived desktop distribution based on gnome218:57
jacobwSuperEngineer: i'm sure what special about18:57
MartijnVdSWhich HP Microserver was so popular again?18:57
MartijnVdSThe N40L or the N36L? What's the difference anyway?18:57
penguin42MartijnVdS: There are only two aren't there?18:57
penguin42MartijnVdS: I think one is just a newer than the other; more RAM/CPU I think18:58
MartijnVdSah yes18:58
MartijnVdSnewer Turion18:58
MartijnVdSNot enough power :(18:58
MartijnVdSMight need to save money for a new PC and repurpose current one then18:58
MartijnVdS(as a hom VM host)18:58
MartijnVdSon the other hand, faster H.264 encoding++19:04
SuperEngineerhmmm... zorin [free / base version] - good, but not enough unless you pay methinks - darned if I'm paying to see if I'd even consider a recommendaton19:06
AlanBellI am on a train!19:09
* MartijnVdS will be on a train tomorrow19:09
MartijnVdSTo the land of the Germans19:10
SuperEngineerRumour has it EA Games is up for sale... let's start another rumour... thev've only had to do this because they weren't the ones who joined the Linux community ;)19:22
jacobwMartijnVdS: sehr geehrter :)20:15
Azelphurvalve announces major web video innovation, http://steamcommunity.com/groups/NewSteamCommunityBeta/announcements/detail/1639562542651419978 \o/20:20
=== It is now known as Guest78362
=== nick is now known as Guest14471
AlanBellcar, bus, train, tube, DLR, cable car, boat, train, bus, car21:01
penguin42no plane?21:01
AlanBellwell the emirates cable car likes to think it is a plane21:03
christelonce upon a time i wanted to be an airport when i grew up21:06
christeli wasn't a very clever child21:06
=== RaycisCharles is now known as GentileBen
* SuperEngineer decides it's time for sleepyland - been up since 5am - have fun folks, enjoy.21:21
brobostigongood night everyone, sleep well.21:30
christelnn brobostigon :)21:43
=== GentileBen is now known as JethroTroll
zumo__Good morning interwebs.23:18
zumo__Anyone have a benchmark tool suggestion?23:20
zumo__I want to see which of the two machines I have is better. I know what one is better spec wise, But I have a feeling the other machine actually preforms better.23:21
ali1234depends what you want to test23:24
penguin42zumo__: Yes as ali1234 says - depends on what to test, I think phoronix have a whole suite23:25
zumo__Yea im just looking at that now23:26
ali1234yeah, but phoronix suite is huge and the results are rather hard to interpret23:26
zumo__I just need to compare the CPU and probally the memory (I will be using the same sticks so its probally a motherboards use of it id be testing)23:26
zumo__Yea, I need to see what CPU actually performs better.23:27
ali1234memtest86 will benchmark your ram bandwidth23:27
zumo__Ive used memtest86 for checking to see if my ram is good, Beyond that, I have no idea on using the tool correctly23:27
penguin42zumo__: Well do something you normally do - e.g. if you're a programmer try a big compilation23:27
ali1234CPU is again difficult to benchmark... it depends what kind of operations23:27
zumo__The PC's im using are old rubbish, Throw together from bits.23:28
ali1234maybe you could tell us the two specs, and what operations you think are slower than they should be23:28
zumo__One machine is an AMD single core clocked at 2Ghz23:29
zumo__Whilst the other I think its a celeron clocked at 2.9Ghz I think23:29
ali1234that doesn't mean a great deal... need to know processor family etc23:29
ali1234cat /proc/cpuinfo | pastebinit23:31
zumo__The machines had windows on them but they crawled, Can't figure out if its the Ram the CPU or the motherboard, Or how its setup as a whole. Even throwing linux on them felt slower than what I had been used to23:31
ali1234if you put ubuntu on old machines it won't go fast23:31
penguin42zumo__: My dad's running an athlon of about 2.2GHz; it's not too bad, but some things suck23:31
zumo__Thier newer than what I had been using.23:31
penguin42zumo__: I run Mint with the MATE interface (i.e. Gnome2) on it for him23:31
penguin42zumo__: One thing to watch out for is that Linux Flash is broken on some Athlon's23:32
zumo__I just want to use the "fastest" one for web browsing. mainly23:32
ali1234you also need to check graphics card and probably hard drive speed23:32
penguin42zumo__: Go for the celeron23:32
ali1234nvidia driver is great for gaming but dog slow with compiz23:33
ali1234especially if you have a slow CPU23:33
AzelphurOT question, I'm thinking about getting a credit card so I can build up a credit rating and have protection for online purchases to use instead of my debit card, any recommendations? I pretty much know nothing about the credit world lol23:41
ali1234they are all the same23:42
Azelphurpick the one with the prettiest logo?23:42
ali1234if you pay it off every month then sure23:42
Azelphuryea, that's pretty much what I was planning on23:43
Azelphurcan I get points / cashback things? :)23:43
ali1234they are dumb though23:44
ali1234especially the points23:44
ali1234it's always for stuff i would never in a million years want23:44
ali1234like gym memberships, or topshop23:45
Azelphurali1234: rofl, reminds me of when my brother tried to get me to switch to lloyds because they were offering air miles and a free massage23:45
ali1234air miles i might actually use23:45
AzelphurI'd be interested in points towards buying gadgetry or something23:45
ali1234yeah good luck with that23:45
ali1234maybe oyu can get a amazon or google credit card?23:45
Azelphurthat'd be fun23:46
ali1234maybe you can find a cash back one23:46
Azelphurwhat's the deal with cash back? I spend money and they give me cash sometime later?23:47
ali1234no idea23:47
ali1234read the websites?23:47
Azelphurspose so :)23:47
ali1234you should get a cash ISA too23:47
Azelphurali1234: I looked into those, the interest rates don't seem worth the effort to get it set up23:48
ali1234the interest rates are tax free though23:48
Azelphurtalking about getting paid £100 a year tops with the amount of money I have23:48
ali1234that's the whole point23:48
* Azelphur shrugs23:48
ali1234and, they are worth it23:48
ali1234i get 3.9% on mine23:48
ali1234with no minimum amount23:49
Azelphuryea, that works out at like £80 for me lol23:49
ali1234you won't get that on any normal savings account23:49
ali1234also, it is not hard to set up at all23:49
Azelphurali1234: I get more than 10x that flipping shares in bitcoin lol, so I figured my time was better spent elsewhere23:49
ali1234you don't need to do anything23:49
* Azelphur shrugs23:50
Azelphurit's usually difficult for me to sign up for things like this since I don't have a passport or drivers license23:50
ali1234well get one?23:51
ali1234get a passport man23:51
* Azelphur shrugs23:51
ali1234cash ISA is absolutely the best way to invest for zero risk and zero work beyond setting it up and moving it every couple of years (means writing one letter)23:52
ali1234it's so good there a yearly limit on how much you can invest in it23:52
Azelphurspose so :)23:52
Azelphurali1234: when I bumped into ISAs I was already into the interest rates I get from bitcoin banks so the whole thing just seemed a bit meh23:53
ali1234yeah well bitcoin banks are a huge gamble23:54
ali1234you might as well go to the casino and put everything on red23:54
Azelphureverybody looses in zero sum games eventually23:54
Azelphurbitcoin isn't zero sum :)23:54
penguin42Azelphur: The cashback stuffs are often difficult to get; they often have things like 0.25% cashback that drops over time, and only actually gets paid if you spend more than say 10k a year23:54
ali1234that is by definition not true23:55
Azelphurpenguin42: http://www.aquacard.co.uk/credit-cards/reward-card I found this that looks kinda cool23:55
Azelphursays 3% on all purchases23:55
Azelphurbut I'm not sure if it's limited to £100 cashback23:55
ali1234it says "3% on all purchases*"23:56
penguin42Azelphur: That's pretty good as it goes actually23:56
Azelphur34.9%APR (variable)Apply NowWe believe that sensible spending and careful account management deserve to be rewarded, so we’re offering 3% cashback on all your purchases*. A big bonus if you’ve not been able to get credit before.It’s one of the most generous cashback credit card reward rates available in the UK – and you could be eligible for it!Here’s how the aqua Reward credit card works:Manage your account carefully by paying at least the 23:56
Azelphur3.141% or 3.432%34.92% or 39.95% or23:56
Azelphur44.94% or 49.92%Cash AdvancesN/A2.840% or 3.432% or23:56
Azelphur3.717% or 3.992%39.95% or 49.92% or23:56
Azelphur54.95% or 59.95%Balance TransfersN/A2.527% or 2.840% or23:56
Azelphur3.141% or 3.432%34.92% or 39.95% or23:56
Azelphur44.94% or 49.92%We may apply the standard interest rate to transactions before the end of the special promotion period if in any month you do not make at least your minimum payment by the payment date or if you exceed your credit limit at any time.Interest Free PeriodYou will not pay interest on purchases if you pay your balance in full and on time each month. See section 3.7 of the terms and conditions for full details.There is no interest free period 23:56
AzelphurInformationYou will not pay interest on new purchases if you pay your balance in full and on time. Otherwise, the period over which interest is charged is as follows: FromUntilPurchasesDate debited to your accountPaid in fullCash AdvancesDate debited to your accountPaid in fullBalance TransfersDate debited to your accountPaid in fullAll Other AmountsDate debited to your accountPaid in fullAllocation Of PaymentsIf you do not pay off your balance in full23:56
AzelphurCommission0%Balance Transfer Fee3% or minimum £3Cheque Fee3% or minimum £3 (on promotional rates except introductory offer)Copy Statement Fee£5Statement Date23:56
AzelphurChange FeeN/AProcessing Any Foreign23:56
penguin42Azelphur: I bet they drop the 3% as soon as the contract lets them23:57
zumo__Azelphur Try your bank. Avoid capital one or vanquis or anything aimed at building up your credit file. Vanquis will give you a stupidly large limit, Very easy to misuse.23:57
penguin42Azelphur: Halifax has a 'reward' card that gives you 5 every month you spend over 30023:58
Azelphursorry about that, terrible failpaste23:58
Azelphurali1234: the * says that it'll be fine as long as I don't exceed my credit limit and make my payments on time23:59

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