
* Symmetria spends some sicko amount of money on some adobe software04:31
magespawnmorning all06:16
Kiloshmm where ubuntulog  came from17:26
Kilosis it a logbot kinda thing17:27
Kilosoh ya17:27
Squirmcould be Freenodes logging17:29
Squirmno, nevermind :P17:29
superflyKilos: I will do my best17:39
Kilosty superfly 17:39
Kiloshi tempodivalse 17:39
SquirmKilos: much luck with that broadband thing?17:50
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=== Guest16052 is now known as smile_
=== smile_ is now known as smile
Kiloshi smile 17:55
smilehi :)17:56
smileKilos: wb :)18:16
Kilosty smile 18:16
smileyw :)18:17
* smile is happy18:17
Kiloswhy smile ?18:25
Kilosyou are always happy18:26
smileKilos: I went to see my gf :)18:26
smileKilos: she was very cute ;)18:27
Kilosyoung love18:27
smileyeah :)18:27
smileKilos: French kiss! :D18:28
Kilosyou a naughty boy18:31
smilelol :)18:31
smileKilos: you got me :o18:31
smilebye, have to go18:32
smilegood night :)18:32
zerefso a friend of mine decided to compress his harddrive, stopped it half way, rebooted his comp19:01
zerefnow on boot up he get BPTFZ is compressed error19:02
zeref(windows 7) anybody heard of this, cant find anything on google19:02
Kiloseish with windows you dont stop anything halfway19:03
Kilosbecause it can never find its way back again19:04
Kilostell him to do a recovery19:04
Kilosi dunno if it works same as xp, you boot from cd then go install then get to recovery19:05
zerefhe doesnt have a cd :/19:08
Kilosis there nothing online about doing a recovery without cd19:08
Kilosoh wait19:08
zerefwhats strang is that, is if google "BPTFZ is compressed "19:09
zerefi dont get any results19:09
Kilosbut does it not boot paste that ?19:09
Kilosso its stopping halfway in booting19:10
Kiloswhere is he19:10
Kilosnoone near with a cd?19:10
Kilosthere should be a way to boot to command line19:11
Kilosthen run chkdsk19:11
KilosSquirm, see if you can find something about running chkdsk when booting 19:12
Squirmyou'd have to have a bootdisk19:13
Squirmor take out the hdd and plug it into another pc, then run chkdsk from there19:13
Kilosdoesnt it even get to safemode before booting19:14
zerefi put an ubuntu cd to see what was on his drive, there is a file called BPTFZ there, i thought about deleting it....19:14
Squirmzeref: have you tried safe mode? though to me it sounds like nothing would work19:14
Kilosin safemode you should be able to get to command prompt and do chkdsk19:14
zerefSquirm: does not even get that far19:14
Squirmif I think of a half compressed drive, I wouldn't believe any OS would run. 19:15
Squirmzeref: you're going to have to find windows, a boot cd or slave the hdd in another machine19:15
Kilosdoesnt hitting f8 or 10 or space or something while booting get you to command line19:15
SquirmKilos: even if he got there, I still think it wouldn't work. I don't think windows would run off a half compressed drive19:16
zerefi told him to find a win cd, it's on a lappy19:16
Squirmif it's a new lappy, it's easy enough to take it out. the sata connections are the same as a desktops19:17
zeref lappy > 4 yrs19:17
zerefbut Squirm, ever heard of BPTFZ?19:18
Kilosgive him a buntu cd and tell him install19:18
Squirmzeref: nope19:18
Kiloswith ubuntu alongside you can move all the important data off19:20
zerefummm, he doesnt want to fiddle with computers19:20
zerefsooo buntu might not be the best option19:21
Squirmzeref: I know you probably have checked. but are you sure it's BPTFZ?19:21
Squirmcause like you said. I can't find anything on it19:21
zerefyeap, checked 3 times just to make sure as well19:21
Kilosthen noly way is to slave it by a friend and run chkdsk or get a cd and recover or reinstall19:22
Kilosor take to pc shop and pay19:22
Kilosthey arent cheap either19:22
Squirma windows repair might do the trick19:23
Squirmthough I think you need to somehow start the compression from where it left off19:23
SquirmKilos: he can't do anything until he finds a cd19:23
Kiloswhere is he19:24
zerefSquirm: when i booted of ubuntu to check the contents of his drive, there was a small file called BPTFZ19:24
zerefdelete it?19:24
Kilosdelete it19:24
zerefKilos: same res.19:25
Squirmso if it makes things worse, you can put it back19:25
Kilosthere must be someone there with a cd19:25
Kilosthem big places with lotsa peeps19:25
zerefKilos: he is asking around, said he'll get back to me when he finds one.19:25
zerefmost peeps have xp cd's :/19:26
Kilosthere is lots online about win7 not booting and how to repair19:26
Squirmzeref: res net?19:26
SquirmKilos: but is there anything on having a half compressed drive?19:26
zerefSquirm: 19:27
Kiloscant member seeing anything like that19:27
Squirmzeref: download it off res net?19:27
zerefoh, we dont have that19:27
zerefasked the res manager if we could create one, said no :/19:28
Kiloseish peeps are so helpful19:28
Kilosmethinks best moves are repair recovery or install to same drive again once you got a cd19:29
Kilosnormally when you install to same place it keeps whatever extras you had19:30
zerefyep, i think thats the best option. so will wait....19:30
Kilosnight guys. sleep warm19:31
zerefciao Kilos 19:31
Kilossorrywe cant help zeref 19:31
Kilosnag nuvolari lekker aslaap19:31
SquirmI think you're going to have a problem19:32
SquirmI know backing up is a schlep, I probably also wouldn't do it. but I have absolutely no idea how a repair would work out19:32
zerefhmm, he did say he would do a fresh install, if it came to that, since he does not anything important on the drive19:34
zeref *have 19:34
Squirmif a repair fails, I can't see another way19:35
Squirmwell, good luck. let me know how it turns out, I'm curious19:44
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