
=== gandhijee___ is now known as gandhijee_
janimoinfinity, do you know why kernel PPA build would be postponed for so long? I have a 2 day old armhf upload of the armadaxp kernel which is still not building22:17
infinityjanimo: DC move, buildds have been down more than up (all the arm ones are still offline right now).22:27
infinityjanimo: See lp.net/builders22:27
ogra_hmm, so my continuous testing started hanging during apt-setup with the most recent image while the former one worked fine23:02
* ogra_ wonders if the aptitude upload is at fault23:03
ogra_(the testing uses the server image, seems it always hamngs around the time it installs tasksel and aptitude ... but never at the same package)23:04
xnoxogra_: /me knows nothing about aptitude upload.....23:05
ogra_hrw did a merge23:05
ogra_(if LP would work)23:06
xnoxogra_: note the sponsored by23:06
ogra_oh, i see23:06
xnoxogra_: much better url https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aptitude/0.6.8-1ubuntu123:06
xnoxwithout distro-series it looks nicer =)23:07
* ogra_ doesnt get either :)23:07
ogra_LP times out23:07
ogra_in any case did my installs stop finishing with todays image, yesterdays works fine23:08
ogra_and the only package uploaded in the set where d-i hangs is aptitude23:08
* xnox =(23:09
xnoxogra_: anyway good night =) all will be good tomorrow23:09
ogra_heh. for sure23:11
ogra_if i didnt melt before23:11
infinityogra_: If that testing is on ARM, I can't see how you can blame aptitude, since it hasn't built.23:32

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