
dakerpleia2: try : make clean00:14
dakerthen retype the same commands as before00:15
pleia2I've doen that several times :)00:16
pleia2(retried with 1.3 too)00:16
dakerpleia2: which version 12.04 ?00:18
dakerpleia2: then try :00:18
dakercd ./loco_directory/ && ../env/bin/python manage.py shell00:18
dakerthen paste this :00:19
dakerfrom django.core.management import execute_manager00:19
JoseeAntonioRIdleOne: I can tell you what I did (I'm 15)00:20
JoseeAntonioRIdleOne: if you still need it, just ping me00:21
IdleOneJoseeAntonioR: the info is not for me but for vibhav00:22
JoseeAntonioRvibhav: what do you exactly need to know? you can attend with a legal guardian (parents count as such), and you can't obviously drink as per country legislations00:24
pleia2daker: ok, done (had to make init again, forgot I had make cleaned after trying 1.3)00:26
pleia2no errors00:26
mhall119nigelb: summit moved to 1.3, ltp is still 1.2 I think00:27
mhall119pleia2: the make file isn't very smart, so if you get an error during make init you usually have to delete the ./env/ directory and start ove00:28
pleia2clean removes env00:29
pleia2(it's the first thing it does :))00:29
pleia2clean: rm -rf env/00:29
mhall119pleia2: are you still getting the same error?00:31
nigelbmhall119: if ltp is on 1.2 the requirements file hasn't been updated.00:31
mhall119it's odd, because it found django just fine when it ran syncdb and migrate...00:31
mhall119nigelb: it could be 1.100:31
nigelbthat's the exact same thought I had too.00:32
mhall119whatever the Lucid version is00:32
pleia2requirements fiel has 1.1.200:32
nigelbIt ran syncdb and migrate just fine :/00:32
nigelbpleia2: if you haven't run make clean yet, can you try "cd ./loco_directory/ && ../env/bin/python manage.py help"?00:33
pleia2this is when it dies: cd ./loco_directory/ && ../env/bin/python manage.py init00:33
mhall119wait, mine runs cd ./loco_directory/ && ../env/bin/python manage.py init-ld00:33
mhall119pleia2: try running ^^00:33
mhall119init-ld instead of init00:34
pleia2Unknown command: 'init-ld'00:34
pleia2init is in the help though (init-ld isn't)00:34
dakerno mhall119 it's init00:34
mhall119pleia2: what revision?00:35
pleia2revision of..?00:35
mhall119of loco directory, bzr revno00:35
pleia2oh I just pulled the default one from lp00:36
nigelboh man00:36
nigelbI think I know why this is failing.00:36
mhall119oh, I still have 52700:36
dakermhall119: she can passe the init step since i gave her a fresh db00:36
nigelbsubprocess.call(["python", "manage.py", "compilemessages"])00:36
nigelbthat command isn't finding the right path.00:36
nigelbthat's why it can't find django00:37
nigelbline 22 in init.py00:37
mhall119nigelb: that should work00:37
nigelb(how did this ever work?)00:37
mhall119since it'll be in the virtualenv, 'python' will resolve to the virtualenv's version00:37
mhall119oh wait....maybe not?00:38
nigelbit's not actively in a virtualenv00:38
mhall119since we're calling python, not switching to the virtualenv and then calling it00:38
mhall119yes, you're right00:38
nigelbHah, I'm glad my debugging skills are good even after an all-nighter :P00:39
dakerpleia2: just run : make run00:39
pleia2daker: I'm not using your db because I'm trying to write docs for this to help others who were interested in hacking on ltp00:40
pleia2if we can fix this it would be better to do that instead of having to have you ship fresh dbs to people :)00:40
mhall119pleia2: I'll need to start over with a clean branch of trunk00:41
mhall119I'm afraid I have too much cruft in my old setup00:41
* pleia2 nods00:41
JoseeAntonioRare we having a dentist at uds-r? :P00:41
nigelbmhall119: I still maintain that it's easier to give everyone individual commands to run instead of trying to automate it.00:44
nigelbIt's harder for us to debug if something goes wrong in the automatic one-step way.00:44
mhall119nigelb: I'll buy a beer for you in Copenhagen if you do that00:46
pleia2so, how to manually tell init.py where to look?00:46
mhall119pleia2: run: source ./env/bin/activate00:46
mhall119that'll put your shell into the virtualenv00:46
mhall119then you should be able to run just "python manage.py init"00:46
mhall119(run just 'deactivate' to leave the virtualenv)00:47
pleia2ah, much better :)00:47
nigelbmhall119: Oh, I wrote it for summit. It shouldn't be too hard. I'll write it and put it in readthedocs :D00:48
pleia2and running \o/00:49
nigelbmhall119: I won't be in copenhagen, so buy a beer for pleia2 if she makes it ;-)00:49
dakermhall119, nigelb to fix it : subprocess.call([sys.executable, "manage.py", "compilemessages"])00:52
dakernigelb: mhall119 or maybe we can just use fabric ?00:55
pleia2daker: that did it \o/00:57
pleia2now it completes make init w/o error00:57
pleia2alright, just getting this running is enough for today, I shall bug you guys about what I do next another day :)01:00
dakerpleia2: FYI, you'll need to provide the db in the doc because anyone who want to work on LTP will need data (teams,events, users, etc...) the db has everything in it otherwise they will need to run python manage.py import-live-data and you will have to wait about 1 hour to fetch the data from l.u.c, right mhall119 ?01:01
pleia2oh fun01:02
pleia2ah, much more useful with data in it :)01:06
dakermhall119: review it https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/loco-team-portal/fix-python-path/+merge/120276 :)01:39
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=== IdleOne is now known as Guest336
=== Guest336 is now known as IdleOne
dakernigelb: any idea why this hasn't been merged https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/loco-team-portal/fix-python-path/+merge/120276 ?17:08
nigelbdaker: sec, looking17:10
cjohnstoncause tarmac still isnt working :-P17:10
* cjohnston rruns17:10
nigelbcjohnston: well, if it isn't working, it's your fault. you never told me after that.17:15
cjohnstonI haven't had a chance to use it because I'm still waiting on you to review some code17:19
nigelbby "you", you mean mh, right?17:20
nigelbby "you", you mean mhall119, right?17:20
cjohnstonno. the same review I asked you to do17:20
cjohnstonhe has others to do17:21
cjohnstonand noone does any of them17:21

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