
wangel_Hello all.   Has anyone setup XBMC to connect to the mythtv backend?  I'm following the wiki page but I can't get it to connect, I know I'm missing something easy =(01:17
tgm4883wangel, I've not done it in quite some time. If you are using MythTV 0.25, then XBMC probably doesn't work with it01:34
tgm4883although I haven't checked it recently01:34
wangel_tgm4883, doh!  I thought I was reading it is supported.  hmph =(01:41
tgm4883wangel_, could be, i haven't checked in a long time01:42
tgm4883where were you looking01:42
wangel_oh, maybe it's only 0.2401:42
Zinn[wiki.xbmc.org] MythTV - XBMC01:43
wangel_and that leads me to01:43
tgm4883the github page returns 40401:44
tgm4883I hope that they added 0.25 support correctly01:45
tgm4883plus that thread ends in july01:46
wangel_yah, was reading thru it01:47
wangel_the xbmc installed w/ mythbuntu (without adding a ppa) installs a build from April 2301:47
wangel_april 24th01:48
tgm4883wangel, a xbmc build from april 24th?01:56
wangel_tgm4883, yes01:56
wangel_I even added the team-xbmc ppa and did apt-get install --reinstall xbmc and it's the same version01:57
tgm4883wangel, ok, I'm unsure if that will work with 0.25 or not01:57
wangel_yah, I don't think it will :D01:57
tgm4883The good news is that once they get it working with 0.25, it should work with all future versions (providing they do it right)01:58
wangel_one of the last posts in that one thread says01:59
wangel_the latest windows build works with 0.2501:59
wangel_now to find out how to update my xbmc to the latest01:59
tgm4883do you have a link to the PPA?01:59
wangel_sorry, caps.  I added team-xbmc02:01
tgm4883are you on 12.0402:02
wangel_I just downloaded mythbuntu and installed everything :D02:02
tgm4883wangel, I don't see a XBMC build from after March02:03
wangel_eh?  Mine is XBMC 11.0 Git:UnKnown (compiled : Apr 24 2012)02:03
tgm4883the builds on the official repo are from april02:03
wangel_yah, I bet02:03
tgm4883wangel, yea the PPA doesn't have anything newer02:03
wangel_I have to go to a nightly build02:04
tgm4883are their nightly builds somewhere?02:04
Zinn[launchpad.net] XBMC Nightly : Nathan Rennie-Waldock02:04
tgm4883do you know who nathan renniewaldock is?02:05
tgm4883IDK if he is a XBMC developer or just some random guy02:06
wangel_the link was from the ubuntu wiki on xbmc.org02:06
wangel_oh well02:07
tgm4883sounds good i guess02:07
wangel_hah, I'm scared to run a nightly build :D02:08
tgm4883I don't know how their repo is setup, so IDK if it's a good idea or not02:09
wangel_yah, I'm too chicken :D02:10
wangel_tgm4483, I bit the bullet and did... the nightly builds are "alpha" ... but it work with myth 0.2502:55
wangel_just an fyi02:55
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