
pleia2er, looks good, published :)00:06
pleia2oh, need to give photo credit00:06
pleia2can you still edit?00:06
JoseeAntonioRlet me check00:06
JoseeAntonioRurgh, can't00:07
JoseeAntonioRsorry about that, forgot it00:07
pleia2no worries, sorted :)00:08
pleia2no summaries for UWN have been written yet, can anyone pitch in? http://bit.ly/vDkJyf03:34
pleia2holstein: you maybe? :D03:34
* pleia2 writes some summaries before bed07:27
pleia2oh yeah, these are my saturday nights ;)07:27
MrChrisDruifYeah, that's how it goes pleia207:30
MrChrisDruifSunday morning here.07:30
pleia2goes ok :) hoping I can get to sleep soon07:30
pleia2good morning07:30
holsteinpleia2: its going to be tight today... i'll check back in though when im idle and around the computer13:12
holsteinpleia2: in the AM for sure, i could clean up whats left, if there are any13:12
pleia2ok, thanks anyway :)17:25
pleia2ok, who's up for some summary writing? :D http://bit.ly/vDkJyf17:52
pleia2ok, copied over a bunch of sections, still need a few summaries in blogosphere, other news and podcasts19:14
pleia2still need 7 or so summaries20:48
* pleia2 works on stats21:35
JoseeAntonioRI'll check if I can do some, just finished with some u-PE stuff21:50
pleia2thanks :)21:51

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