
bazhang<faousa> i need help with my poutsn02:54
bazhangnot sure how connect a cable to a desktop computer would get internet for the notebook, absent ics setup03:08
IdleOnebazhang: is he just trolling/wasting time? I just got here and already feel that is what he is doing03:13
bazhangIdleOne, first BrenRS says his laptop has no internet, then it does. refuses to read anything at all. not sure. either reaaaaaally confused or something else03:14
IdleOneI think he is just trolling. Actionparsnip told him to connect the laptop, never told him to connect it to his desktop.03:17
bazhangwhat's the "install button". that seems an odd thing to say03:18
IdleOnesoftware centre has a install button03:20
IdleOnenext to the package desc.03:20
bazhangfor his laptop03:20
bazhangwhich has no internet connection, or his win7 desktop, that does03:20
IdleOneThat I don't know03:20
bazhanghe's not a Mandarin speaker, its just namoramiritebuddha going trigger happy on the word Chinese03:21
bazhangsince when is grub 'funny stuff'03:34
IdleOne!list > ace03:41
ubottuActionParsnip called the ops in #ubuntu ()05:29
ubottuIn ubottu, vibhav said: !themes is Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy13:45
vibhavI submited this factoid since the freshcode link was 404ed13:45
Myrttiyou mean freshmeat13:47
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy13:47
vibhavMyrtti: yes, freshmeat13:48
* vibhav got confused :(13:48
Myrttiso did you search freshcode for themes?13:49
Myrttithey might still be there with another name13:49
vibhavactually, freecode = freshmeat13:50
Myrttiyes, but the link itself points to freshmeat13:50
Myrttivery confusing anyway13:51
vibhavBut its 404ed13:51
vibhavHence, I submitted it to you guys13:51
Myrttiyes, but did you search freecode for themes?13:53
* vibhav checks13:53
Myrttiit's not a trick question, I'm just interested did you find anything that I didn't13:53
vibhavso, could it be approved?13:55
Myrttiso "nope you didn't search" or "nope didn't find anything"13:56
vibhav"nope didn't find anything"13:56
MyrttiI have to go shopping but someone else might have a look13:57
Myrttiif not, I'll have a look if I remember, when I get back13:57
* vibhav needs to go somewhere too13:58
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1513 users, 0 overflows, 1513 limit))14:09
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1511 users, 0 overflows, 1511 limit))14:10
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1513 users, 0 overflows, 1513 limit))14:10
codemaniachi mods14:24
codemaniacwant to take your attention to #ubuntu-in14:25
codemaniacthere are no mods at #ubuntu-in and people guests swear each other at will14:27
codemaniacplease make that channel a better place to live in .:)14:28
mneptokcodemaniac: LoCo channels are not administered by the core ops team. ask in #ubuntu-irc14:44
codemaniacmneptok: thanks14:45
* mneptok bows14:45
codemaniacmneptok: wow it a nice gesture14:45
mneptokcodemaniac: also, you'll want to read the /topic for this channel ;)14:45
codemaniacsure , see you guys14:46
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest336
=== Guest336 is now known as IdleOne
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
bazhang@mark #ubuntu raphael [raphael] (~raphael@ raphael  trolling, abusive, foul language22:48
ubottuThe operation succeeded.22:48
* genii-around slides bazhang a fresh coffee and a tasty cookie22:50
bazhang<Kaim5> Hi! I'm Kaim5, #ubuntu's channel bot. The funny stuff you see from me, like (n-iCe@SN), are people on other nets. I provide a channel link between this channel on 8 nets.22:51
bazhang<Kaim5> To see who else is on the channel, type  !cnlist in the channel.22:51
Fuchsyes, how about: no?22:51
genii-aroundUnauthorized bot?22:51
bazhangalready removed and banned, have n-ice in PM but no response22:52
bazhangn-iCe, hi23:03
bazhangn-iCe, you were asked to join here in reference to Kaim5, which claimed to be the #ubuntu channel bot.23:05
n-iCeyeah that tcl was made like that, just wanted to link a bot to other #ubuntu network so others can get help, I already removed it from #ubuntu on freenode yours petition23:09
n-iCethanks :)23:09
bazhangwell, it's been removed from the channel, yes.23:10
Fuchsn-iCe: we (staff) had to forward-ban it out of #freende a few minutes ago, I assume this is fixed as well?23:10
Fuchselse please have a look at that, thanks :)23:10
n-iCeI removed it after you banned, eggdrops needs to be configurated with a .conf, you banned it, but I did remove it from source.23:10
n-iCebot was configurated to join to #ayuda in the other network, I was using the same .conf, he tried to join to #ayuda as well which forwarded to #freenode somehow23:11
Fuchsyes, #ayuda here is +if #freenode23:12
Fuchswhich is expected behaviour. Please be careful with such things.23:12
Fuchsanyway, don't want to abuse ubuntu ops space here, sorry :)23:12
n-iCehave to go23:14

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