
ActionParsnipshade34321: does dmesg | tail show anything for the insertion?00:00
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ActionParsnipW4sp: ahhh thats how you do it without root recovery mode (mental note ) :). Thanks00:02
zally666hi again00:02
shade34321ActionParsnip: One sec and I'll check00:02
W4spianm_: That means you're almost there. Once you have created the file check if you're not using an xorg.conf already. The file is in /etc/X11. If not you can copy your ~/xorg.conf.new to /etc/X11/xorg.conf. With this nothing will have changed yet. You then need to see if there are parameters to modify the settings. On a side note, can we be sure the driver isn't loaded twice?00:02
ianm_W4sp: should it be in lsmod?00:03
shade34321ActionParsnip: yes it does, It shows both, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1154486/00:04
W4spianm_: Not sure if it is displayed twice. I can't check as I dont have hardware and the issue. Just give it a try.00:04
Poindexter_Greets to the nice folks here. Is there a software for Ubuntu for WIFI that opens up a web page when a local wifi user clicks on your SSID or an automatic page opens up. I have seen this hapen in a coffee shop a page automatically opens up. Any comments?00:05
W4spPoindexter_: There are basically two programs available that do this for you. One is not being maintained since years I'm afraid.00:06
Poindexter_A URL would help though W4sp.00:06
Poindexter_Or a link.00:06
zally666Artemis3: ping00:06
Poindexter_I can modify the software once I see it.00:06
zally666i can add to the bash00:07
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Poindexter_There was a StarBucks that used it. I was curious about it.00:07
Poindexter_It almost seems like a port forwarding program.00:08
ianm_W4sp: the generated xorg file doesn't mention synaptic00:08
W4spPoindexter_: I would like to look it up, I know. I have ISP related network issues. To look it up see if keywords like hotspot ubuntu or linux give you anything. Sorry I canot remember the two product names.00:10
W4spianm_: That's odd. Can you pastebin the newly created xorg.conf please?00:10
W4sp!pastebin | ianm_00:10
ubottuianm_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:10
Poindexter_W4sp at least we are on the same page. I was thinking on the same line of thinking.00:10
W4spPoindexter_: I have successfully installed it for some hotels and it worked.00:11
Poindexter_I personally think that it might be a virtual network with a DNS server re-direct issue.00:11
jhojhohello all.  which channel do I join to request changes to a precise package? ? it would be a compile flag change to enable some additional capability00:11
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W4spPoindexter_: If you find one web page that's greenish or with green background I think. That's the old one that's not maintained anymore.00:11
ianm_W4sp: http://pastebin.com/Te893NQB00:12
ActionParsnipjhojho: could report a bug00:12
jhojhois that usually the fastest way?00:12
jhojhoi was hoping for a path a little faster than that..00:12
Poindexter_W4sp If I find any answer I will let you know. I was just curious about it.00:12
W4spianm_: I can't look up at the moment. :-( The network link is too slow. The ISP is working on their routers.00:13
Poindexter_I think it is a re-direct issue.00:13
Poindexter_Of course a wireless router.00:13
W4spPoindexter_: Please do come back with it.00:13
W4spPoindexter_: The're some good cards out there. But you don't need to go wireless to have the web based authentication AFAIK.00:14
Poindexter_I was in a CAFE and I opened up my laptop and it took me to a webpage of the CAFE.00:14
W4spPoindexter_: Yeah, then enter a coupon or something and you're in for 1/2 hour or so.00:15
Poindexter_No they wanted $5.00/hour to log onto the internet.00:15
W4spPoindexter_: That's the same I installed for the hotels and B&B. That's why an accounting system is usually hooked up to this.00:16
ChogyDanPoindexter_: there are routers that will do that for you00:16
W4spPoindexter_: Sorry I cannot assist you further as my ISP has its maintenance window I suppose. ;-)00:17
Misanhi folks00:17
Poindexter_Thanks W4sp.00:17
W4spianm_: I recommend you sum up what's been done and refer to the pastebin output. I can't help you with it any further as I have uplink issues.00:17
Poindexter_ChogyDan I was thinking on the same lines as a router programmable. Perhaps a CISCO router.00:17
W4spPoindexter_: No problem, very welcome.00:18
ianm_W4sp: could be related to HorizResolution property of the synaptic driver, trying to figure out how to experiment with it00:18
* W4sp .oO(hears cisco and get's orange skin). 00:18
ChogyDanPoindexter_: just a guess, but I think there may be a way to have your router use your computer as a proxy, and then you can configure your computer to proxy however you want00:19
W4spianm_: Cool, you'll get there. I'm sure. That shoudl address the issue.00:19
Poindexter_ChogyDan I was and am still working on a Virtual Network and have about 15 different OS and many servers on the network. It is based on wireless technology.00:20
ChogyDanPoindexter_: cool, I still can't help, sorry00:21
kcahi kind of a newbie00:22
kcahhaving trouble with chrome on ubuntu00:22
kcahthe flash is acting wired00:22
kcahhow do i roll back to previous version of chrome?00:22
MiggsHi guys. I have a pulseaudio/zeroconf question - I can find my network sound sink in avahi-discover (http://paste.ubuntu.com/1154444/ 5.1 Digital on xbmc@xbmc) but it doesn't show up in the list of devices in the sound control panel. paprefs is configured to allow access to remote devices locally. Any hints on how I can resolve this? Cheers00:23
bkc_Miggs: I can give you my config if you'll wait a couple of minutes :)00:24
ianm_W4sp: thanks for the help00:24
Miggsbkc_, cheers00:25
benjoDoes anyone know why I would get severe mouse lag after waking the machine up from idle? Using Xubuntu 12.04 with XFCE 4.1000:26
ActionParsnipbenjo: try unloading and reloading the psmouse module00:27
ActionParsnip!info xfce400:27
ubottuxfce4 (source: xfce4): Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version (precise), package size 5 kB, installed size 31 kB00:27
ActionParsnipbenjo: maybe because you are using a PPA for your DE00:27
Misanonce in a lifetime, I installed Ubuntu to get the full benefits of real developer tools and have full access and controll all over my PC. But I ran into problems with Xorg, the GRUB Boot loader annoyed me and stuff like that. You must know that I am yet a Windows user and I am at least thankful for having a "stable" system with no fatal errors shrinking resolution sized when installing random things (like compiz00:27
Misan earlier these times). After reinstalling Ubuntu for six times I decided to get rid of it and give up on it. And I think that it was not ubuntu what was the irresponsible awful monster. It was me who clicked on random package installer amazed from what ubuntu was capable to perform. that was like back in 2008. Now I am here to give ubuntu another chance and TL:DR; how can I install ubuntu on my windows pc without00:27
Misan screwing my whole system and need to accept tons of things when booting my PC with grub or something like that. Also I would like to know as if there is kinda a list of perfect matching packag00:27
Misanes without screwing my whole XORG stuff :)   best regards - a future confused ubuntu user :)00:27
FloodBot1Misan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:27
benjoSo would it have been better to stick to 4.8 until it's supported? And how would I unload and load psmouse module?00:28
bkc_benjo: rmmod psmouse; insmod psmouse00:28
ActionParsnipMisan: resize your NTFS (In Win7 if you use it). Then install to the new free space00:29
MisanYes I use win7. How am I supposed to resize my NTFS and what is the catch00:30
ActionParsnipMisan: use disk manager, there are guides all over. You will then have a dual boot and can select the OS at boot time00:31
Misanthank you a lot sir :)00:32
=== cyphase is now known as Guest60052
Misanand what when I wan't to get rid of grub again?00:32
Misanis that even possible?00:32
ActionParsnipMisan: run a full backup just in case00:32
ActionParsnipMisan: you can boot to your windows install CD and reinstate the Windows boot loader00:32
MisanI see.. thank you00:33
MisanI may first wan't to try the ubuntu via flashUSBstick like I did in 200800:33
=== Guest60052 is now known as cyphase
builderSUM=0 ; OVERALL=0 ; for DIR in `find /proc/ -maxdepth 1 -type d -regex "^/proc/[0-9]+"` ; do PID=`echo $DIR | cut -d / -f 3` ; PROGNAME=`ps -p $PID -o comm --no-headers` ; for SWAP in `grep Swap $DIR/smaps 2>/dev/null| awk '{ print $2 }'` ; do let SUM=$SUM+$SWAP ; done ; echo "PID=$PID - Swap used: $SUM - ($PROGNAME )" ; let OVERALL=$OVERALL+$SUM ; SUM=0 ; done ; echo "Overall swap used: $OVERALL"00:35
builderwrong chan00:35
* builder shakes vigorously00:35
MisanI may also wan't to learn more about BASH00:36
ActionParsniptoo many backticks for my tastes00:37
ActionParsnipbuilder: you do know that free -m   shows how muchswap is used....00:38
ActionParsnipbuilder: USEDSWAP=free -m | grep -i swap | awk {'print $3'}; echo "Swap used is $USEDSWAP Mb"00:40
ActionParsnipor similar00:41
skeptnixHello, does ubuntu server 12.04 have some default that rejects route based networking.  I get one icmp response indicating the redirect works and then no route to host after.  Same setup is working with debian just fine00:41
ebbersive installed ubuntu 12.04 a few times with different machines and everytime the audacity doesn't work right and the vlc program.Audacity doesn't record correctly and vlc won't stream00:41
shade34321ActionParsnip: Any other suggestions on my keyboard/mouse problem?00:42
ebberswent through several audio recommendations still no cure00:43
ActionParsnipshade34321: if you boot an older kernel, is it ok? If you set the BIOS to USB legacy mode is it ok?00:43
ebbersHas anyone tried to record audio with audacity in ubuntu 12.04?00:44
dez82Hi All00:44
ebbersHas anyone tried to stream audio with vlc on ubuntu 12.04?00:44
builderActionParsnip: nah dude really? i just posted a one liner that uses the procfs to give you a per process swap usage report. i have no idea what the `free` command is though.00:45
th0rebbers: have you tried removing Pulse?00:45
dez82I'm runing precise pangolin. Dual screens. I have 2 screens running in nouveau, but if I install the proprietory Nvidia Driver, it says i only have 1 screen andcalls it "laptop"00:46
builderdoes it have any other flags i should be aware of?00:46
dez82uninstalling the prop driver fixs the problem00:46
ebbersnot yet what is the command remove pulseaudio?00:46
dez82but i'm running games which require it00:46
michelfphow do i install java?00:46
dez82and i dont want to have to turn the prop driver on and off00:46
builderdez82: dpkg --get-selections|grep -i pulse00:47
Suchorskiaptitude is better than apt-get?00:47
ebbersth0r:how do i remove pulse?00:47
optiwhere do i go for quantal questions?00:47
michelfphow do i install java?00:47
dez82pulse audio?00:47
trismopti: #ubuntu+100:48
th0rebbers: there are howtos on the forums00:48
dez82builder:  pulse audio? this is a video prob00:48
builderdez82: meant to say that to ebbers where he could see how to see what packages he had installed00:49
ebbersk im onit thanks00:49
=== jonas_ is now known as Guest43513
dez82builder: ok, ta00:49
ebbersvideo problem??00:49
builderapt-get autoremove pulseaudio00:49
ebberstnx builder00:50
builderdpkg --get-selections|grep -i pulseaudio|while read; do apt-get remove $REPLY;done00:50
builderif you wanna get everything00:50
ebbersshould i restart after removal before testing?00:51
dez82anybody come across this nvidia issue and fixed it?00:52
gunarmPsi-Jack, if you are interested, it turned out that the problem was the permissions on /media/vault.  after a sudo chmod a+rw /media/vault everything works fine00:52
builderebbers: actually just do `pactl exit` first00:53
gunarmi knew it had to be something silly I was overlooking since everything else seemed to be right00:53
Jagst3r15any way this is a ubuntu issue and not chrome's fault? http://tinyurl.com/97hw62w00:54
Jagst3r15only happened after i updated core drivers on ubuntu 12.0400:54
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builderdez82: what issue?00:55
brandonI am trying to run an openssh server on ubuntu 12.04. Running /usr/sbin/sshd -D -d, indicates "Server listening on :: port 8023.", and the terminal stays in non-interactive mode. However, nmap says my only open ports are 53 and 631.00:55
dez82I'm runing precise pangolin. Dual screens. I have 2 screens running in nouveau, but if I install the proprietory Nvidia Driver, it says i only have 1 screen andcalls it "laptop"00:55
ebbersok still have problems00:55
ActionParsnipdez82: do you have hybrid graphics?00:56
ebbersaudacity is hiccuping every couple seconds00:56
W4spbrandon: By default nmap checks only <=102400:56
builderbrandon: pastebin.ca `iptables -L -nv`00:56
builderand that00:56
dez82just an nvidia 8500gt00:56
ActionParsnipdez82: what CPU?00:57
dez82amd phenom x400:57
builderyouy tried xrandr? http://superuser.com/questions/82593/dual-screens-xrandr-get-names-of-video-devices00:57
dez82DVI-I-1 connected 1280x1024+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 338mm x 270mm00:58
dez82   1280x1024      60.0*+   75.000:58
dez82   1152x864       75.000:58
dez82   1024x768       75.1     60.000:58
dez82   800x600        75.0     60.300:58
FloodBot1dez82: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:58
dez82   640x480        75.0     60.000:58
brandonbuilder: http://pastebin.ca/219626600:59
KX1what do you prefer, unity or gnome shell?00:59
=== histo1 is now known as histo
buildergnome +cinnamon but im pretty lame :(01:00
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:01
builderbrandon: i dont see any firewall rules that would be getting in the way, can you ssh to the port local? like just ssh -vv whatever@localhost?01:01
builderwhat nmap flags are you using?01:01
Hetep-AFKhey, is there a way to make a html shortcut from an image?01:02
Hetep-AFKlike a png file01:02
shade34321ActionParsnip: there is no legacy support in the BIOS and no they don't work with an older kernel, sorry for the delayed response takes me a while to get around the lab with a broken leg01:03
ebbersseams like its related to sample rate01:03
ActionParsnipshade34321: np man, totally understand01:03
brandonbuilder: It looks like it was my router level firewall. When I ran nmap against local, I didn't tell to look at ports>102401:05
shade34321ActionParsnip: if it helps at all, while ubuntu is loading, before it hits the login screen, I am able to use the keyboard to get to a VT but once it hits the login screen both seem to die01:06
Hetep-AFKanybody know how to make a html shortcut from a png file?01:10
W4spHetep-AFK: You can create a html page that points to the URI of that image.01:11
Hetep-AFKW4sp, am not certain that is the personal intention01:12
Hetep-AFKam trying to make a png point to a url01:12
Hetep-AFKan image in the personal library turn into a shortcut01:12
Hetep-AFKhave a bunch of Star Wars planet images... am wanting to double click them to open the starwars wiki01:13
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=== Nano`slee is now known as nekura
arrayhey guys01:17
arrayI hope somebody could quickly help me: I want to remove the yellow banner from nautilus that asks me to open audio or imaging programs01:17
arrayI hope somebody could quickly help me: I want to remove the yellow banner from nautilus that asks me to open audio or imaging programs01:18
manas_bhey array01:20
arraymanas_b thanks for answering01:20
manas_bi do not use nautilus so not too sure about it01:21
arrayI know popping in a channel and throwing around questions is rude, but I cant find any answer01:21
manas_bhave you checked in the preferences of nautilus?01:21
arraythere was no option regarding this issue01:21
manas_boh hold on01:21
manas_bi do use nautilus01:21
arrayThe usual popups I long ago disabled01:21
arrayhaha :D01:21
arrayso I open up my phones sdcard01:22
arrayand it tells my01:22
arraythis drive contains images01:22
arraythis drive contains digital audio01:22
arrayclogs up too much of my netbook screen and additionally, annoys me to hell01:22
arrayI mean this aint no mac01:22
arrayI know what my drives contain01:22
manas_bdo you think you could take a screenshot? idunno if ive seen that01:23
arrayof course01:23
JoeQueryHello all. I'm unable to apt-get upgrade due to an error "No filename for libssl1.0.0". Here is a paste of my terminal output. https://gist.github.com/3365121 and then https://gist.github.com/339077601:24
arrayupload where?01:25
manas_bimgur.com is a good site01:26
arrayjoeQuery: looks like you have broken packages01:26
arraydid you try to fix them with synaptic?01:26
skpl^does anyone know if there is a way to tell if my computer has any pci-e slots without opening it up?01:26
monty_slateis there a way to search for packages on the command line?01:26
monty_slateI would like to apt-get boost and it's headers etc..01:26
monty_slatewant to install as I'm connected via ssh01:27
arraymonty_ you could try apt-cache show xx01:27
arrayskpl^ apt-get hardinfo?01:29
arrayperhaps it could show you if you have any01:29
manas_bi have not seen that before01:29
manas_bi don't see anything in the preferences that could have to do with it01:29
JoeQueryarray: I'm using Kubuntu, do I need to go to a different channel for that?01:30
arraymanas_b me to. thats my problem01:30
arrayjoequerry, no this is an issue not with your desktopui01:30
JoeQueryThe kubuntu package manager doesn't seem to have a repair option.01:32
JoeQueryBut command line repair options aren't working.01:32
arraywhat is the kubuntu package manager?01:32
ActionParsnipJoeQuery: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1154589/01:33
ActionParsnipJoeQuery: it does, its just not in a nice command. Its available online though. I just have it in a handy script :)01:34
arrayhoe: try this01:35
arraysudo apt-get --fix-missing install01:35
cocoooenta lazreg01:36
cocoooana hamed01:36
cocooorani hna lazreg01:37
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus01:37
JoeQueryarray: didn't work. Same error. ActionParsnip: I'm about to try.01:37
skpl^how much memory does my video card need to ru unity 3d?01:38
manas_barray: if you figure it out tell me01:38
ActionParsnipskpl^: not much, as long as the chip can run 3D under ubuntu it is enough01:38
arraymanas_b did you see the same problem?01:39
skpl^ActionParsnip: so 64mb would be ebough?01:39
skpl^or shold i get 128mb01:39
JoeQueryActionParsnip: Running the script. Seems to be taking a while. RIP my system :P01:39
ActionParsnipJoeQuery: it will take a while, let it play01:39
arrayJoeQuery: hm, sad, you could always apt-get install synaptic and let fix your packages...01:40
manas_barray: no i can not reproduce that01:40
manas_barray: i tried looking at a folder with just png in it from a flash drive, the bar does not appear01:40
arraymanas_b:takes jpg and mp3 for me :D01:45
manas_bmaybe some application you installed is making it behave this way :s01:46
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arraymanas no, it always was this way01:48
arrayubuntu 10.04 and mint 1301:48
con-mananyone else notice RES not working with Chromium in 12.04?01:49
suprusxris there an MVPS host file/install available? or is my best bet to cut it up and do it myself?01:49
hipitihopI have a virgin box with an Asus P8H77-M LE motherboard, an LGA1115 based board. System only has one hdd, an intel 330 120Gb SSD on sata3. Machine boots Kubuntu 10.04 livecd fine from usb flash drive, but fdisk -l from tty2 only shows the flash drive, the ssd not listed. Can someone pls help.01:53
suprusxroh that was too easy ---01:54
suprusxrsudo gedit /etc/hosts01:54
suprusxrand http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt - If anyone else is interested01:55
ActionParsnipsuprusxr: gksudo for gui apps01:58
hipitihopI suspect the kernel in 10.04 wont detect my SSD but ok under 12.04, I need to stay on 10.04 for now, how can I get around this issue during install01:59
=== ceradon-away is now known as euphoria
ActionParsniphipitihop: what is the install issue?02:00
hipitihopActionParsnip, general issue is 10.04 does not see the SSD so, so can't install, as it is not seen for repartitioning etc02:02
ActionParsniphipitihop: what about in Precise?02:02
hipitihop12.04, is fine, infact booted 12.04 livecd from flash stick, used gparted to create partiotion table + ext3 partition... boot 10.04 and fdisk -l does not see it02:03
hipitihopActionParsnip, so I'm suspecting something in kernel either with the mobo or the drive. It is Sata3 drive, but have also tried running it on sata2 connector and still not visible in 10.0402:05
lime_I have been trying to load a Windows 7 iso onto a thumb drive, but keep running into issues02:05
ActionParsniphipitihop: so why not install Precise?02:05
lime_I have tried unetbootin and grub4dos and both don't seem to work02:06
cfhowlettlime_: windows 7 not supported here02:06
ActionParsniplime_: I've seen it possible with unetbootin if you format the stick NTFS first02:06
lime_in grub4dos I get error 6002:06
hipitihopActionParsnip, it is not currently an option02:06
ActionParsniplime_: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/10/create-bootable-windows-7-usb-drive.html02:07
cfhowlettlime_: but the one and ONLY bit of advice I can give is to use the windows tool http://windows7usbcreator.com/02:07
hipitihopActionParsnip, and 10.04 is supported and recommendation is to wait for precise point release, don't want unity, other issues02:07
MonkeyDusthipitihop  if you don't want unity, don't use it, type !notunity for instructions02:09
lime_ActionParsnip: :) thanks I believe the thumb drive was FAT before I use unetbootin tool, and thanks cfhowlett I'll use that as a backup plan02:09
hipitihopMonkeyDust, sure, but need to stay on 10.04 for now. So how do I go forward.02:09
=== giovanni is now known as Guest23675
hipitihopActionParsnip, not that I know how, but is it possible to bake a livecd/install that has 12.04 kernel instead ? or some other boot option incantation ?02:11
JoeQueryActionParsnip: Script just finished running. Same error :-\02:12
JoeQueryE: Internal Error, No file name for libssl1.0.002:12
yeatshipitihop: have you considered xubuntu?02:12
hipitihopyeats, apart from the window manager, what difference would that make ?02:13
hipitihopyeats, are you suggesting 12.04 based xubuntu ?02:14
yeatshipitihop: yes02:14
ActionParsnipJoeQuery: can you give the output of: sudo apt-get update; lsb_release -a02:15
hipitihopyeats, thanks but it's not just a unity thing ... As I said earlier, 10.04 is supported, 12.04 recommendation is to wait until point release and other restrictions, I need to be on 10.04 Kubuntu02:16
histohipitihop: you couldn't install a newer version of a kernel from backports possibly02:16
yeatshipitihop: who's recommendation is that?  I've been running 12.04 (X)ubuntu on several machines with no issues.02:17
hipitihopyeats, 12.04 release pages.02:17
JoeQueryActionParsnip: https://gist.github.com/339103202:17
MonkeyDusthipitihop  what exactly did you read on those pages?02:18
hipitihopyeats, I have also been running 12.04 on another machine ok to, not seemless but it has been fine too02:18
namoamitabuddhaCan we use tar to backup the difference of the system?02:18
namoamitabuddha"incremental" but with the information of deletion.02:19
hipitihopMonkeyDust, something like "for critical installation, it is recommended you stay on 10.04 until first point release of 12.04" do't have link handy02:19
MonkeyDusthipitihop  link?02:20
namoamitabuddhaMonkeyDust: He said that he did not have link handy.02:20
MonkeyDustok, misread02:21
trismMonkeyDust: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_10.04_LTS_to_Ubuntu_12.04_LTS (for reference)02:21
hipitihoptrism, thanks02:22
hipitihophisto, I like the idea, not sure how to achieve during an install02:23
BrenRSCan someone help me with installing ndiswrapper?02:24
vram .02:24
MonkeyDusthipitihop  that is, because as of that first point release, you can upgrade directly from 10.04 to 12.04, until august 23, a fresh install would be needed02:24
BrenRSPm me if you can help me with ndiswrapper02:25
hipitihopMonkeyDust, fair enough. Still leaves me with unsolved problem, why the 10.04 does not see the drive02:26
namoamitabuddhaBrenRS: Only out of curiosity, why do you want that?02:26
BrenRSPrivate message me please if you can help me with installing ndiswrapper, thanks02:27
cfhowlettBrenRS: describe it in channel first02:27
hipitihopMonkeyDust, as I said, other restrictions not worth arguing over, I understand simplest solution is install 12.04, but it is not an option, so I'm trying to solve the problem using 10.0402:28
namoamitabuddhaBrenRS: At first, it seems that if there's some driver for Linux, it's better to use that instead of the one for Windows.02:28
BrenRSI have a desktop I installed ubuntu amd64 on but I have it wirelessly connected. I am using the Netgear WNA3100 wireless adapter02:28
BrenRSI don't believe there is a driver for it02:29
=== BrenRS is now known as Bren
namoamitabuddhaBren: USB device?02:29
namoamitabuddhaBren: USB wireless device?02:29
BrenYeah I'm on my phone on this IRC so it won't auto update the messages until I send another so please excuse me02:30
namoamitabuddhaBren: Try to paste the result of `lsusb`02:31
BrenHuh? Yes it's a USB device, correct02:32
namoamitabuddhaBren: I want to get the ID of that device, in order to know whether there's a driver in new kernel.02:32
BrenHold on, I'm going to use my laptop in a short while as its more convenient02:33
BrenThe id02:33
BrenLike serial number?02:33
namoamitabuddhaBren: Yeah, get it from the command `lsusb`02:33
BrenThe fcc I'd?02:33
BrenIs that L usb all together and all lowercase?02:34
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:34
BrenFor some reason it won't even recognize it. I02:35
BrenThe blue light won't turn on02:35
namoamitabuddhaWhat's the result?02:36
BrenI even have it plugged in without the wire extension and it's directly in the motherboard02:36
hipitihopI have to shoot out for a bit. Hope someone has a brilliant simple fix for me when I return :-)02:36
Brenlusb: command not found02:36
bazhangLSUSB small case Bren02:37
bazhangpaste.ubuntu.com with the output Bren02:37
namoamitabuddha!paste | Bren02:37
ubottuBren: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:37
BrenOkay found it. Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0846:9020 Netgear, Inc.....02:39
namoamitabuddhaI see. I'm just searching.02:42
BrenNetgear wireless adapter ID 0846:902002:42
BrenOkay sorry about the random messages my irc won't auto refresh until I type another message on my phone02:43
namoamitabuddhaBren: http://wikidevi.com/wiki/Netgear_WNA3100 ?02:44
TreaverHey I know the recommened build of Ubuntu is 32 bit. But I have a 64 bit, if I use the 64 bit version what is the difference.02:44
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1965989    <------ Bren SOLVED02:44
bazhangTreaver, if you have a 64bit machine use the 64bit OS02:45
namoamitabuddhabazhang: awful02:48
bazhangnamoamitabuddha, what is02:48
BrenOkay my problem is that I can't get ndiswrapper installed... Not what are the steps I need to take in order to install ndiswrapper (assuming my desktop is "/home/bren/Desktop" and the file is located on my desktop called "ndiswrapper-1.57.tar.gz"02:48
bazhangBren, the instructions are linked02:49
gryhi. virtualbox keeps complaining that a 'vboxdrv' isn't installed or isn't setup properly. I don't have a '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv' file. How do I install that (12.04)?02:49
jacerAnyone have any idea how to do a whole x session over SSH?02:49
namoamitabuddhabazhang: http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-wireless/msg83255.html02:49
bazhangnamoamitabuddha, its not my card, tell Bren02:49
BrenGetting on my laptop now sorry if I didn't see your messages02:51
BrenPlease wait until I rejoin02:51
ActionParsnipgry: I'd ask in #vbox too :)02:51
gryActionParsnip: indeed! :) they say ubuntu's version of the package is different; appears someone started helping in a longer bit however02:52
ActionParsnipgry: do you have linux-headers-generic installed?02:53
RSWiki-Visitor-8Okay hold on02:53
=== RSWiki-Visitor-8 is now known as Bren
JoeQueryActionParsnip: https://gist.github.com/339103202:53
JoeQueryThought I had pushed enter a while ago :(02:53
JoeQueryOh, I did.02:53
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faousai need help with my poutsn02:53
ActionParsnipgry: after installing that, run: sudo sudo dkms install virtualbox/4.1.1202:54
faousaapt-get install puttin-generic02:54
ActionParsnipgry: source: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox02:54
ActionParsnipgry: have you seen that page?02:54
faousahr BrenRS02:54
BrenRSwhy can I not send anynthing to this channel?02:55
ActionParsnipBrenRS: you can and are02:55
bazhangfaousa, ubuntu support question?02:55
BrenRSsaid I was banned for a second02:55
BrenRSOkay so the ID is 0846:902002:55
BrenRSI have never used Linux before so you really have to help me out02:55
ActionParsnipBrenRS: and the output of:  lsb_release -sc02:56
faousai need help someone?02:56
namoamitabuddhaBrenRS: ndiswrapper is necessary now.02:56
gryActionParsnip: I'll look at it, thanks02:56
namoamitabuddhaBrenRS: It seems that there's no driver for linux for that device.02:56
BrenRSOutput of lsb_release -sc is "precise"02:56
ActionParsnipgry: surely thats the FIRST page you would look at???02:56
BrenRSWhich is exactly why I need ndiswrapper02:56
ActionParsnipBrenRS: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=196598902:56
bazhangfaousa, whats the ubuntu support question02:56
faousai bleed when i cry02:57
ActionParsnipBrenRS: is the system a laptop?02:57
faousahi t0mmy_dk02:57
namoamitabuddhaBrenRS: I looked up some messages in linux kernel mailing list.02:57
bazhangfaousa, WRONG channel02:57
BrenRSActionParsnip, yes.02:57
cfhowlettfaousa: I think you must be confused.  This is ubuntu support.02:57
namoamitabuddhaBrenRS: Therefore the driver for linux is just building.02:57
BrenRSDo I need ndiswrapper? What about something called WINE?02:57
ActionParsnipBrenRS: then take it near the router and use a wired connection and get updated as well as install ndisgtk02:57
namoamitabuddhaBrenRS: wine is used to run win32 programs.02:57
ActionParsnipBrenRS: you don't need wine02:57
namoamitabuddhaBrenRS: You needn't use wine.02:58
BrenRSErr... I don't have one ethernet cable in this house long enough02:58
faousayes i know but my jwubiorek is nto oaidfho02:58
bazhangfaousa, stay on topic, no more nonsense02:58
BrenRSI have my laoptop to transfer files with02:58
BrenRSwhich is what I'm using now is my laptop02:58
namoamitabuddhaBrenRS: Eh, you can download the necessary file from another operating system, say Windows.02:59
BrenRSYes, my laptop has Windows 702:59
BrenRSI'd use that to transfer the file over02:59
ActionParsnipBrenRS: the laptop can be moved so even a 1m cable will do03:00
faousah.i i heavy problem wojth my kb,a, i ccanot wrriite a ffooorm t3fipc abbout gthhis, i jfjtrdised a usb jjekoard buttaa the prbllem perfkpesisisits234.03:00
BrenRSso you're saying I can connect the ethernet cable from my laptop to my desktop? o.O03:00
cfhowlettfaousa: go buy a new keyboard.  fixed.  goodbye03:00
ActionParsnipBrenRS: you can transfer debs but if you need deps you will need to grab those and aga ina and so on, it gets messy03:01
namoamitabuddhaBrenRS: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper03:01
BrenRSlet me go get the wire03:01
namoamitabuddhabrad[]`: See section 2.203:01
namoamitabuddhaBrenRS: See section 2.203:01
BrenRSI now have the ethernet cable plugged into my laptop with the other end plugged into my desktop03:02
BrenRSWhoever was helping me, please PM me03:03
namoamitabuddhaBrenRS: Read that webpage03:03
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BrenRSYou do realise that I am completely new to Linux? Everything in chinese to me.03:04
MoTecMaybe linux isn't for you03:04
MoTecbecause it's actually english, not chinese03:04
BrenRSOkay well whoever was helping me, please pm me.03:04
BrenRSMoTec: Everything takes getting used to.03:04
namoamitabuddhaBrenRS: Chinese?03:05
BrenRSYou aren't automatically an expert at something.03:05
namoamitabuddha!zh | BrenRS03:05
ubottuBrenRS: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw03:05
bazhangnamoamitabuddha, thats not necessary03:05
ubottu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes03:05
namoamitabuddhabazhang: I pasted the URI to him.03:05
bazhangnamoamitabuddha, indeed. no need for the !zh03:05
BrenRSCan someone please help me? Whoever told me to plug an ethernet cable into my laptop and the other end into my desktop, please PM me03:05
hipitihopActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1154669/ & http://paste.ubuntu.com/1154670/ lspci diffs 10.04 vs 12.0403:06
namoamitabuddhaBrenRS: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper03:06
BrenRSfor some reason it keeps popping up with "Wired network Disconnected"03:07
BrenRSit keeps trying03:07
MoTecBrenRS: did you install ndisgtk?03:08
ActionParsniphipitihop: ok , looks good03:08
ActionParsnipBrenRS: reboot with the wire connected, may help03:08
BrenRSI have no clue what is installed. All I have done was install ubuntu version... (idk, I downloaded it last night) and then dragged one file to my desktop called "ndiswrapper-1.57.tar.gz"03:08
BrenRSthat's all I've done03:09
namoamitabuddhaMoTec: Ubuntu GNU/Linux is for people from all over the world, not only for English-native speakers.03:09
BrenRSand change some settings like font size, the icon sizes..03:09
namoamitabuddhaMoTec: Well, be silent of this.03:09
namoamitabuddhaBrenRS: Is your computer connected to Internet?03:09
MoTecnamoamitabuddha: it's not about language.. it's about an inability to read or to even try..03:09
BrenRSJust going to watch this video and see how it goes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbviIHY8iiM03:09
MoTecHe's been linked the instructions to resolve the problem and hasn't even tried the first step.. I doubt he's even opened the link.03:10
BrenRSnamoamitabuddha, I can't connect to the internet without this driver lol... someone told me to connect an ethernet cable from my laptop to my desktop03:10
BrenRSso I did.03:10
BrenRSand it's not working03:10
namoamitabuddhaBrenRS: Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper03:10
namoamitabuddhaBrenRS: Section 2.203:10
MoTec10th time is the charm, maybe?03:10
namoamitabuddhaBrenRS: That's enough.03:10
BrenRSWell, it's not working03:11
BrenRSeven with it connected to my laptop03:11
IdleOneBrenRS: with the computer that has a working internet connection open https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper , read the info, do what it says.03:12
BrenRSYes... my laptop is what I'm using right now to connect to the IRC03:12
subhadipHi. I installed Pybridge from USC and after launching it, it's asking for Host Name, Username, Password eetc. I just want to play bridge game, even if it's online. Can you help me with it?03:13
BrenRSOmg... I'm trying to install ndiswrapper-common and the install button isn't even working03:13
BrenRSI seriously don't know what to say03:13
gryActionParsnip: great, the url you gave fixed the issue.. sorry that I didn't look at it first, the error message was pretty confusing and I ended up chasing things in a web search; thanks again03:17
namoamitabuddhabazhang: Regarding his faculty of English, !zh is highly needed.03:18
IdleOnereally? What has he said that you were unable to parse?03:18
IdleOnenamoamitabuddha: you issued !zh because he said it was all chinese to him. you going to do the same to me now because I mentioned the word chinese?03:19
ActionParsnipgry: np, websearch is your friend :)03:19
namoamitabuddhaIdleOne: Nothing but I doubt he could not comprehend the wiki about ndiswrapper.03:19
* cfhowlett OKAY! Moving on now ...03:20
namoamitabuddhaIdleOne: Fair enough. But I only see somebody said "blahblahblah is all Greek to me" to express that he was not able to understand.03:21
namoamitabuddhaIdleOne: *say03:21
bazhangnamoamitabuddha, thats enough. lets move on.03:22
BrenRSYeah I'm not having any luck whatsoever03:22
werkinsheirHello, im trying to install gnome3 but I keep falling back to classic.03:24
bazhangwerkinsheir, what version of ubuntu03:24
werkinsheir12.04 x6403:24
bazhangwerkinsheir, thats already all gnome303:25
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werkinsheirI actually had it before but I had to do a fresh install as an upgrade form 10.10 -> 12.04 was causing issues03:25
bazhangperhaps you mean gnome-shell or gnome-panel werkinsheir03:25
werkinsheirno I was given unity upon the install03:25
bazhang!notunity | werkinsheir03:25
ActionParsnipwerkinsheir: could just install xubuntu03:25
namoamitabuddhaBrenRS: It seems that the wiki page introduces how to install ndiswrapper clearly.03:26
BrenRSnamoamitabuddah, This is my very first time using Linux, I don't even know what the hell I'm doing..03:26
BrenRScompletely lost.03:26
ubottuwerkinsheir: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic03:26
werkinsheirThats not a solution. I havea fresh install that would be counter productive03:26
werkinsheirwell my problem is I am stuck in gnome-fallback03:26
werkinsheirAKA: looks like 10.0403:26
namoamitabuddhaBrenRS: When I was first touching Ubuntu GNU/Linux, I just enumerated the commands to see what happened. I did not read enough documentations.03:27
bazhangwerkinsheir, what happens when you install gnome-shell03:27
werkinsheirits already installed03:27
werkinsheirI am apparently using the gnome3 GDM but once I login it falls back03:27
bazhangwerkinsheir, and so what errors come about when you select at the login window03:28
werkinsheirNo error occurs03:28
namoamitabuddhaBrenRS: That wiki page teaches you how to install ndiswrapper STEP BY STEP therefore it's not hard to read it.03:28
trismnamoamitabuddha: it does leave out that you need to install ndiswrapper-dkms on 12.04 since the module isn't included by default anymore03:28
bazhangwerkinsheir, you mean lightdm03:28
ActionParsnipwerkinsheir: could install the xubuntu desktop, no unity there...03:28
werkinsheirthe login manager looks like gnome3. It has the click in the middle of the newly designed style that gnome3 uses03:28
BrenRSSo what's the version I have if I downloaded it last night, is it For 12.04 Precise Pangolin?03:28
werkinsheir*click = clock03:28
cfhowlettwerkinsheir: or lxde ...03:29
IdleOnewerkinsheir: check and see if Additional drivers offers anything, you might need to install proprietary graphics.03:29
ElesaHi, can I install Ubuntu to a external USB Hard Drive?03:29
cfhowlettElesa: yes with startup disk creator03:29
ElesaNo, but.. like, a FULL install?03:29
namoamitabuddhaBrenRS: You downloaded a source code tarball, not particularly for Ubuntu.03:29
werkinsheiroh yea that brings another point. I cant activate nvidia graphics with nvidia-xconfig. but that was another task03:29
cfhowlettElesa: ... or not.  sorry, i typed b4 I thought03:29
ElesaAre you sure? D:03:30
ElesaCan it only be a Live USB?03:30
cfhowlettElesa: definitely can install to a USB03:30
i7cElesa: yes that should be possible03:30
ElesaGreat! I'm guiding my friend to do that, but I'm not at her side, so..03:30
ElesaIs Ubiquity going to do anything to her main hard drive? (her Windows is dead)03:31
werkinsheirokay ill have to brb to install03:31
ElesaIt shouldn't install any funny stuff like GRUB, right?03:31
cfhowlettElesa: by default grub is installed.  with advanced options at that point in the installation, you can choose NOT to install grub BUT - no bootloader = no boot.03:33
IdleOneElesa: you will want to make sure you install grub to the USB and then make sure to set the BIOS to boot from USB, but no it should do anything to the internal HDD provided you select to correct drive to install to.03:33
IdleOnes/should/should not/03:34
ElesaOh, OK.03:36
ElesaJust one last question.03:36
cfhowlettElesa: ask03:36
ElesaInternal Hard Drives are usually /dev/sda1?03:36
Elesaor /dev/hda1?03:36
werkinsheirInstalling additional drivers did not help. I was already using a driver for my graphics card03:37
werkinsheirI am unable to use nvidia-xconfig however; is this the root of my problem?03:37
cfhowlettElesa: /dev/sda refers to an un-numbered storage device.  /dev/sda1 = 1st HDD found, etc.  same protocal for /dev/hda03:37
IdleOneElesa: /dev/sda sda1 is your first partition. so if the USB HDD is /dev/sdb that is where you want to install grub.03:37
ElesaWow, great answers. xD03:38
ElesaI remember there was a command to list the USB drives connected to the computer.03:38
ElesaCould you guys tell me what is it so that I can tell her and prevent a disaster? xD03:38
IdleOnelsusb but you might want to use sudo blkid03:39
cfhowlettElesa: without knowing her hardware specs???  PROBABLY /dev/sda1 but ...03:39
ElesaI just tried blkid to test my own USB pendrive, didn't work..03:39
ElesaOr she can check with GParted, right?03:39
cfhowlettElesa: exactly03:39
ElesaYay. xD03:40
IdleOneElesa: you need to use sudo with blkid03:40
ElesaOh, OK.03:40
ElesaPendrive was /dev/sdc03:40
ElesaWell, I think those were all my doubts. Thanks! >_<03:40
aceirc:// #ratio-free-movies03:40
kwtmAm looking for how to look at QCAD documentation; package name = "qcad-doc".  The command "apt-cache policy qcad-doc" shows that this package is installed.  "[sudo] apt-file list qcad-doc" gives no output (I just get the prompt back).  "apt-get install qcad-doc" yields the message that qcad-doc is already installed at the newest version.  How can I find the files from the qcad-doc package?  I just need to read them.03:41
ElesaGood night. <303:42
trismkwtm: looks like it should be in /usr/share/doc/qcad/ if you are on 11.10 or less (could check: dpkg -L qcad-doc;), package seems to be gone in 12.0403:45
kwtmtrism: Thanks for the tip on "dpkg -L".  I had no success with "apt-file list".03:46
bzholy scheisse, nasa.gov03:51
JoeQueryI'm getting "W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/doctormo/wacom-plus/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found" on apt-get update.03:51
JoeQueryAnyone have a suggestion?03:51
bzJoeQuery: pastebin /etc/apt/sources.lst03:52
JoeQuerybz: Will do.03:52
JoeQueryI'm trying to diagnose a bigger problem that's preventing me from apt-get upgrade. If you could take a look at those, that would be great. https://gist.github.com/3365121 and part 2: https://gist.github.com/339077603:53
trismJoeQuery: latest release supported by the ppa is natty (so not precise builds)03:53
ActionParsnipkwtm: try:  sudo updatedb; locate qcad03:56
ActionParsnipJoeQuery: http://ppa.launchpad.net/doctormo/wacom-plus/ubuntu/dists/    only supports up to natty04:00
ActionParsnipbz: the ppa only suports up to natty, not precise :)04:00
bzActionParsnip: down to*04:01
ActionParsnipbz: if you get those, copy the URL up to the word 'dists' I bet that it doesn;t suppoort the release :)04:01
bzActionParsnip: don't make assumptions, could be another problem besides that04:01
ActionParsnipbz: karmic to natty is supported by the ppa04:01
bzActionParsnip: ah, pardon me, i thought natty was after precise for some stupid reason04:01
ActionParsnipbz: the link given by the asker shows precise04:01
ActionParsnipbz: alphabet ;)04:01
bzActionParsnip: ye, i had to go 'jklmno..p'04:02
ActionParsnipbz: i do that too04:02
bzActionParsnip: clearly i need more red bull04:02
ActionParsnipbz: can't have too much imho, tasty04:03
CellTechHow do I 'un soften' the text on my desktop and stuff?04:06
CellTechIt's cloudy looking04:06
ActionParsnipCellTech: ubuntu tweak can do that04:07
CellTechA download I take it?04:07
CellTechOh. I'm on xfce as well04:07
ActionParsnipCellTech: should still apply afaik its gtk based04:08
CellTechOk. Thank you. I'm searching Software center now for it04:08
ActionParsnipcelltech: you'll need a ppa04:14
=== Plinker_ is now known as Plinker
MykleSeaHi guys. does anyone know  how come my linux commands arent working through php? for example  ("exec()")  ?04:17
bkc_MykleSea: have you turned off the safety-flag in php.conf?04:18
MykleSeawhere is php.conf?  ive researched and everyone says php.ini safemode. but i dont have a php.ini... :( when i look for it. i find python.. i didnt set up the server unfortunately :(04:19
bkc_/etc/php.cnf YMMW04:19
MykleSeaunder etc. i found  php3.. i went htere..  i have confd...  and inside theres mysqli.ini..  mysql.ini.. pdo.ini.. and pdo_mysql.ini04:21
bkc_ooh... no idea about php3 :/04:21
bkc_I use php5 :/04:22
MykleSeaoh i think i found it!04:22
bkc_sudo find /etc | grep php.conf04:22
MykleSeawell i found a php.ini..  i need to look for the safemode thing tho04:22
MykleSeait says safemode is already off! :(04:23
bkc_well... what does it actually say when you execute the command? also, what command :)04:23
MykleSeait doesnt say anything04:23
MykleSeaim trying to get it to execute a shel lscript04:23
Larrhi does anyone have idea why precise freezes? it stops working for sometime , but sometimes i've to hard reboot it04:23
bkc_well... obviously ^^04:23
MykleSeau know in notepad ++..  in a php file, when you type a function, it turns blue? it doesnt even turn blue04:24
bkc_Larr: what graphics-card you got? :)04:24
Larrbkc_: it's using 845g ,04:24
Larrbuilt in thing i should say04:24
bkc_MykleSea: well... what does that have to do with php.ini? ^^04:25
Larrvery old computer, made in 200304:25
bkc_Larr: I'm guessing a really old crappy intel-carD? then your f'd until they fix the intel-driver :(04:25
MykleSeawell i figured MAYBE even tho it doesnt turn blue..... it might still execute... except php.ini may have had safemode on.. which it doesnt =[04:25
bkc_MykleSea: pastebin04:25
Larrbkc_: even it doesnt allow me to send error reports04:26
bkc_I'm guessing this is more of a php-question than a ubuntu one :P04:26
Larrsaying I have some obsolete packages04:26
MykleSeaim not sure... it consists of both linux and php working together...04:27
Larrsome time it just blinks04:27
Larrthe whole screen goes black04:27
bkc_Larr: well... there are multiple bug-reports for that problem, on basicaly every distro... but mesa (or tungsten, don't remember) won't fix it because the card is to old... same problem on my GMA945...04:27
MykleSeaanyways. this is my really simple code..04:27
bkc_there's your problem...04:28
MykleSeaive done it without the "echo".. and also without the "sudo"04:28
MykleSeait doens work without sudo either04:28
bkc_"You are not in the sudoers file"...04:28
bkc_wait... you want it to write the return-code? o.O04:28
bkc_and what's in 'test.sh'?04:29
MykleSeai just want it to run my shel lscript04:29
Larri have been user of ubuntu since 2007, but it seems Ubuntu is also doing same thing what they accuse Microsoft of04:29
MykleSeamy shell script simply moves files from one place to another04:29
MykleSeait works when i run it in putty / linux04:29
MykleSeaso i just need to get it to run from php.. on linux04:29
bkc_paste the shell-script :)04:29
ActionParsnipLarr: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove    will remove unecessary packages04:30
Programmer_if i have grub2 installed should i remove grub04:30
bkc_Larr: If, by that, you mean bad support for old hw... it's not really ubuntus fault... it's mesa... as they have 100+ other bugs related to newer more actively used card that has to be fixed first...04:30
bkc_Larr: you can "fix" it by disabling composition04:31
Belial`will any newer versions of unity get backported to 12.04 once future releases reach final?04:31
bkc_Programmer_: well... that depends on what you mean by removing grub :/04:31
Programmer_sudo apt-get install grub <- that one is the one i want to know if i can remove04:31
bkc_Programmer_: afaik, yes... but have a boot-cd handy just in case...04:32
MykleSeathe shell script itself works. i know it does. ive tested it..  i just need to run it from a website.. thats all..  some kind of an administrator panel04:32
LarrActionParsnip: maybe that will solve reporting problem , what about the other one, my computer freezes. i haven't seen my Windows installation freeze since ages, and this precise couple of times in an hour04:32
Larrbkc_: mesa?04:33
bkc_MykleSea: remove the 'sudo' part and try it... does the script do what it should do.... except for the echo-part?04:33
allureI'm having random logoffs and freezes on ubuntu 12.04 LTS. My suspition is that it has something to do with the video card beeing from nvidia... any ideas on how to solve this?04:33
MykleSeai removed sudo.   i have no new files in the test directory04:33
Larris it a  graphics driver?04:33
Larrallure: yea same here buddy04:34
allureLarr, nvidia too?04:34
Larrthey have broken it04:34
Larrno, mine is built-in04:34
MykleSeaand  no it doesnt  copy the files04:34
Larrbut the effect is same for all04:34
SagenthI need some extensive help, i don't know what to do at this point04:34
allurehmmm... I thought it could be memory, then I let the memory test run for a whole day and got no errors04:34
allureprobably a xorg and vga issue04:35
bkc_allure: dump the /var/log/Xorg.0.log to pastebin and I'll have a look :)04:35
Sagenthinstalled proprietary nvidia drivers and now there is no gui showing up when I boot up04:35
allureok bkc_ , just a min =-)04:35
fijilsystem program reporting problem in my system04:36
fijila pop up is comming04:36
bkc_MykleSea: just for starters, $ret=exec("derp.sh"); will assign the return-code of the executed program to $ret... not the stdout-put :)04:36
bkc_Sagenth: nvidia-xconfig04:36
MykleSeaeven if i did just exec("./test.sh")  it still wouldnt work04:37
allurebkc_, it's almost empy, must have rotated04:37
Larrbkc_: what about my Xorg log, doesn't it suit mine?04:37
fijilpls mention which is the answer for me04:37
bkc_allure: then look for ERROR (or [E]) and give me that file :)04:38
bkc_Larr: sure, fire away :)04:38
fijilpls help me04:38
bkc_fijil: more info and I'll try :)04:38
BrenRSHello can someone help me with installing the Netgear WNA3100 driver? (ID 0846:9020)04:38
bkc_fijil: also, it's "please"... not "pls"04:38
fijilk frnd04:39
Sagenthbkc_ I get an error when I do that. " validation error: data incomplete in file /etc/x11/xorg.conf/nDevice section "Default Device" must have a Driver line."04:39
allurebkc_,  I guesst the only (EE) I see is [156962.630] (EE) Failed to load module "nv" (module does not exist, 0) .. :/04:39
Larrok bkc_ in a min04:39
allurebkc_, I can force the freeze/logout, though... maybe if I get it to fail once again04:40
bkc_BrenRS: a quit google-search resulted in this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMYBWMD6cg8 ... please use google more ^^04:41
BrenRSPlease private message me if you can help me with installing the Netgear WNA3100 wireless driver (windows) on Ubuntu 12.04 (USB ID 0846:9020)04:41
fijilsystem program  report error04:41
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fijilplease help me to solve the issue04:42
fizyplanktonis is possible to renumber partitions? like make /dev/sdc2 become /dev/sdc1?04:42
MykleSeabkc.. so how do i just get my php button to juts run the script ? no return value.. no string.. none of that.. just execute the script04:43
BrenRSbkc_: The problem is that I cannot connect to the internet now04:44
fijilwhat is the cause behind the "system program report error"04:44
bkc_BrenRS: then use another computer and transfer it to a usb-stick or burn it to a disk04:44
Larrbkc_: http://pastebin.com/P00ThYgR04:44
BrenRSbkc_: The driver is a .exe windows installer04:45
bkc_Larr: [   741.281] (EE) intel(0): Detected a hung GPU, disabling acceleration. <-- there is your problem... I'd guess overheating04:47
bkc_BrenRS: not if you download the linux-driver...04:47
BrenRSbkc_: There is no linux driver... want to search for it?04:47
Larrbkc_: overheating?04:47
Larrsorry I don't know what you just said04:48
BrenRSbkc_: ID 0846:902004:48
bkc_Larr: It gets to warm... and turns itself of04:49
Larrbkc_: so is it a hardware problem?04:49
bkc_BrenRS: google: netgear wna3100 ubuntu driver04:49
bkc_you will find it...04:49
bkc_Larr: it's a heat problem...04:50
Larrbkc_ so exactly what should I do , to get rid of this problem?04:50
bkc_MykleSea: tryr this one: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.passthru.php04:51
bkc_Larr: cool it down... make sure your laptop (I'm guessing) isn't to hot...04:52
BrenRSbkc_: you're not getting it... I AM NOT connected to the internet04:52
bkc_BrenRS: well... of course you are... you're on IRC aren't you? talking to me... on the *internet*04:52
yahooshuaQuestion on Wine: If you have a dual-boot (ubuntu and win7) is it possible to integrate Wine on Ubuntu with the Win7 partition? For example point libraries and C: at the libraries and C: on the Win 7 Partition?04:52
BrenRSbkc_: I'm on my laptop which has windows 7 on it04:53
BrenRSso therefore NO04:53
BrenRSI'm NOT connected to the internet like I said04:53
BrenRSI'm using my laptop for IRC and the desktop is the one with ubuntu04:53
cfhowlettyahooshua: possible?  maybe...but WHY?  You've got windows, just run your apps there...04:53
bkc_yahooshua: don't do that... I've done it... and f'd up both the wine-setup and the win7-installation...04:53
allurebkc_, now I'm unable to reproduce the failure... bleh =D04:53
allurethings just don't break as we want it04:54
allure 04:54
allure 04:54
allure 04:54
allure 04:54
FloodBot1allure: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:54
WACOMalthey folks, wondering how I can add LAMP serving to the non-server version of Ubuntu 12.04?04:54
bkc_yahooshua: alternative it to set up virtualbox and boot it from a physical partition... that is, if your computer can handle it...04:54
allure sorry04:54
cfhowlettyahooshua: notr to mention that integrating the wine emulator with genuine win7 will likely cause a cascade failure worse than black mesa04:54
rf_c0d3dhello people04:55
MykleSeai dont think php recognizes passthru or exec as functions.. how come?04:55
bkc_BrenRS: as I said earlier... usb-stick or burn it to a cd/dvd... or floppy... if you have the drive/disk/size04:55
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bkc_MykleSea: turn on debugging in php.ini04:55
BrenRSbkc_: You don't get it!!! It says to go into Ubuntu Software Center... how is that possible if I can't connect to the internet on my desktop? I am on the IRC on my LAPTOP04:55
bkc_WACOMalt: google, 'ubuntu desktop install LAMP server'04:56
bkc_WACOMalt: It's a simple sudo apt-get install command...04:56
fizyplanktonyahooshua: sort of. i am assuming that your win partition is /dev/sda1 (if you know that this is not the case, tell me). type into the terminal sudo mkdir /media/win7; sudo echo "/dev/sda1 /mnt/win7 ntfs defaults,users,rw 0 0" >> /etc/fstab; sudo mount /dev/sda1. then in wine, change the c drive to be /media/win704:57
WACOMaltbkc_: all the search results I find for 12.04 are about the server edition04:57
WACOMaltand start by saying "install server edition"04:57
fizyplanktonsudo echo "/dev/sda1 /media/win7*04:57
yahooshuacfhowlett: I'd run it out of Win7 but I'd have to re-boot to do it. Or use VM to access that partition. Which I haven't firgured out how to do.04:58
xanguaBrenRS: if you have an ubuntu cd you can install ndiwsrapper from it04:58
jagginessndiswrapper is horrible.. avoid it as much as possible04:59
jagginessunless you really do have no choice to get networking going04:59
fizyplanktoni agree. ndiswrapper is only for the absolute desperate...... like me. and i hate it04:59
xanguaBrenRS: you need to mark the Cd as install source in Software Center>Edit>Sources04:59
florianHello everybody :)05:00
yahooshuafizyplankton: a few others are saying it will be bad bad bad05:00
yahooshuabkc_: haven't figured out how to do that.05:00
raymond_I have a web app that's stuck on the media player area of the unity bar.  How do I get rid of it?05:00
yahooshuabkc_ have a page on that?05:00
bkc_yahooshua: virtualbox windows physical disk <-- google05:01
raymond_I'd like to do so without disturbing my other webapps, and I can't seem to find the answer on google :(05:01
fizyplanktonyahooshua: thats why i said sort of. it CAN be done, but it is a terrible idea.05:01
xanguaBrenRS: and of course put the cd in the reader :P05:01
fizyplanktonis is possible to renumber partitions? like make /dev/sdc2 become /dev/sdc1?05:02
yahooshuabkc_: plus that takes up resources slowing down the CPU; right?05:02
bkc_yahooshua: afaik it's on the virtualbox wiki :)05:02
xanguaraymond_: sounds like a 12.10 stuff /join #ubuntu+105:02
raymond_thanks xangua05:02
bkc_yahooshua: ofc... you'd be running 2 operating systems simultaniously...05:02
BrenRSxangua, the disc is a windows installer.05:03
bkc_so... have I forgotten someone?05:03
yahooshuabkc_: I've googled all day long and tried a few things... OH! I gave up on it as I'm sharing a storage partition which if both Installs were running at the same time, it would corrupt my storage partition05:03
fizyplanktonbkc_: lol. i get that feeling ever time i start helping people on irc05:03
Larrhello people! suggest me some good ubuntu version preferrably lighter05:03
bkc_fizyplankton: no shit :P05:04
ariel__can anybody tell me where the ubuntu server chat is05:04
xanguaraymond_: but for the record you can add, delete, blacklist etc. that sound indicator stuff with Dconf Editor (softare center) and go to Com>canonical>indicator>sound05:04
raymond_xangua, thanks05:05
yahooshuabkc_: fizyplankton: cfhowlett: thank you05:05
xanguafizyplankton: Lubuntu is the lightest ubuntu flavor05:05
bkc_Larr: there are no "lighter" ubuntu-versions... however, you have lubuntu and xubuntu... alse there's (at least was) a base-version which gives you a clean installation05:05
bkc_Larr: but after ~4years of ubuntu, I moved to arch linux instead... much lighter as it's *clean* on install ^^05:06
Larrbkc_: something which is stable , ofcourse lubuntu or xubuntu, but it must be officially supported and should be stable , I don't want to headbanging05:06
LarrI have spent enough tim rebooting and trying to search for its problem05:07
Larrthis 12.04 doesnt suit me for sure05:07
fizyplanktonLarr: in the grand scheme of things, if you dont want to be headbanging, then why are you using linux? hell, why are you even using a computer?05:07
bkc_I run arch on several sharp servers... no problem, as long as you check the updates before installing them :/05:07
bkc_fizyplankton: +1 :D05:07
allurebkc_, yeah... it has freezed once again :)05:08
Larrfizyplankton: computer is supposed to solve my problem , I am not supposed to get it working05:08
Larrand stop trolling05:08
allurebkc_, only error I can find:  Xorg[1209] general protection ip:7fd4e8c060f9 sp:7fff808a2170 error:0 in nvidia_drv.so[7fd4e8ba4000+6e1000]05:09
ActionParsnipbkc_: is the RAM healthy?05:13
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bkc_ActionParsnip: ?05:13
ActionParsnipbkc_: you can test the ram from grub05:13
ElesaHi again.05:14
LarrActionParsnip: are you an OP here? I may want to report somethig05:14
ElesaHow do I select where I want to install Ubuntu?05:14
ElesaI want to install it to a external USB Hard Drive.05:14
rio_I don't know05:14
ActionParsnipLarr: i'm not an op, try #ubuntu-ops05:14
bkc_ActionParsnip: I have no problems with my ram :)05:15
ActionParsnipbkc_: you sure?05:15
ActionParsnipbkc_: when did you last test it?05:15
bkc_ActionParsnip: ~1w ago?05:15
bkc_ActionParsnip: always do it when installing a new OS...05:15
fizyplanktonLarr: if you urgently need an op, type !ops. that will make ubottu ping all ops. but its ONLY for a channel emergancy05:15
ActionParsnipbkc_: ok cool :)05:16
Larrfizyplankton: I was about to report what you said awhile ago05:16
IdleOneLarr: you can join #ubuntu-ops to report.05:16
IdleOneElesa: You need to select Advanced at the partitioning part of the install05:17
ElesaWell, I'm going to show you a screenshot.05:17
fizyplanktonLarr: thats what i figured, but personally i doubt that the ops will get mad at me since that wasnt really trolling, that was just a light joke. and im here forn support, just like the other people here. some of the ops may even recognize me as a long time member, but then again, knowing my luck, they may not. if you took offence to it, i apologize sincerely05:18
Larrmy problem statement is simple. Either I want my 12.04 to work for me, or some other light version STABLE os that will work for me05:21
Larrsimple as that05:21
LarrI need nothing more05:21
LarrElesa: which one?05:21
bkc_Larr: Lubuntu... or Xubuntu...05:21
IdleOneLarr: try both Lubuntu and Xubuntu, see which you prefer05:21
ElesaLubuntu 12.04 or Xubuntu 12.04 o.o05:21
Larrright now I am using lubuntu 12.04 , but I heard everything is same under the hood05:22
Elesaif your PC isn't very old you can try Xubuntu05:22
IdleOneLarr: that is correct.05:22
ElesaYes, everything is the same. It's only a different desktop environment. Lubuntu and Xubuntu have lightweight desktop environments, but both can do what Ubuntu does.05:22
ElesaThey are compatible with every Ubuntu apps.05:22
fizyplanktonLarr: have you tried an older version of ubuntu? i am using 10.04LTS, and have never had any problems with it. since its been out longer, its had more time to had the bugs ironed out. you might want to give it a try, although unfortunantly, support will br terminated in 201305:23
ElesaWell.. IdleOne05:23
ElesaThat's what my friend gets.05:23
ElesaI'm not sure what we should do there.05:24
Larr2013 , that's the reason I jumped from hardy to precise, I believe in LTS05:24
Elesa/dev/sda is her internal HDD. /dev/sdc is the external one where we want to install Ubuntu.05:24
Larrbut I think I have to re-think my options05:24
fizyplanktonLarr: are you using a server edition?05:24
crimsonmane10.04 is LTS ... and if you use it right up to EOL, then 12.04 will have more time to iron out.05:25
fizyplanktoninstead of jumping to precise, stop midway at lucid. its less of a traumatic transition05:25
IdleOneElesa: /dev/sdc is the USB. She can scroll down to sdc.05:25
ElesaLarr, if you are used to GNOME 2 and don't want to use Unity, you might want to use Xubuntu, since it's a nice alternative and similar to GNOME 2.05:25
ElesaOr you might try installing MATE. But I'd use Xubuntu.05:25
ElesaIdleOne: Then what? She selects it and..?05:26
IdleOneElesa: then format it to ext4.05:26
ElesaBut.. The /dev/sda won't be formatted or anything? I don't want to be responsible for a terrible mistake. x_x05:27
bkc_Larr: ubuntu is stable as long as you don't use testing... I'd say LTS for servers and just upgrade the Desktop :/05:27
ElesaShe has to select the Format? checkbox, right?05:27
jagginessElesa, backup.05:27
fizyplanktonElesa: correct. and if you want to make ABSOLUTELY sure, pull the HDD from the comp05:27
jagginessElesa, always.05:27
jagginessElesa, backup.05:27
jagginessElesa, always.05:27
jagginessElesa, you're new and will screw something up.05:28
IdleOne!enter | jagginess05:28
ubottujagginess: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:28
ElesaWell, I don't think she really wants to open her computer, so I'll tell her to disable it on BIOS.05:28
ElesaThanks guys. =D05:29
jagginessno, just that time.. because nobody is telling her to "BACKUP".05:29
ariel__can anybody tell me the ubuntu server chat05:29
fizyplanktonoh come on. at lease give her the benefit of the doubt. its not like she shuffled the names of everything in /bin05:29
ActionParsnipariel__: #ubuntu-server05:29
Elesarm -rf /* :(05:29
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!05:29
ubottuops is Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!05:29
berryhwitedata loss sucks. there are people who backup, and people who will (after they learn)05:29
* jagginess wants Elesa kicked.05:29
jagginessElesa that's not good.05:29
ElesaIt's not like I told someone to type that lol05:30
ActionParsnipElesa: why even bother?05:30
IdleOneElesa: Don't say it at all05:30
bkerensaElesa: Please do not do that again05:30
IdleOnelet's move on.05:30
fizyplanktoncould be worse. could be "sudo !!05:30
jagginessthere's always a curious roamers around new to linux wanting to try out stuff and bad.05:30
Elesafizyplankton: What does that do? o_o05:31
Elesajagginess: True, I'm sorry xD05:31
fizyplanktonElesa: bad things. the !! means repeat the previous command. inthis case is repeats your forbidden command as root. it will also bite you so hard in the butt that  you wont be able to poop05:32
devilzi just installed wubi but i am not able to connect to wireless networks through it can anyone help me plz?05:32
bkc_devilz: does the network-card show up in network-manager?05:33
devilzbkc_: how to check that?05:33
* jagginess wishes trying out ubuntu in windows would mean a prepackaged vm with virtual box instead of WUBI.05:34
bkc_well... there's a nice button next to that clock-thingy on upper-right corner of the screen... press it ^^05:34
Larrthanks for your time05:34
bkc_jagginess: indeed05:34
ActionParsnipjagginess: could use virtualbox instead...05:34
ElesaBut that would be slow with Unity. D:05:34
bkc_Elesa: depends...05:34
jagginesstalking about suggesting for a uplift/replacement of a "wubi" download link.05:35
ActionParsnipElesa: then use unity2d, or install lubuntu05:35
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jagginessthing is often people come in later asking to resize their windows partitions once they've installed wubi..05:35
devilzbkc_: i don;t see options to connect to a wireless network there...05:35
devilzit only shows wired network05:36
devilzi guess i don;t have the required drivers05:36
bkc_devilz: then you need to install the driver for the network-card05:36
Elesadevilz, maybe you need the wireless propietary drivers.05:36
jagginess(at least seeing that it's a vm, they would know they are really just trying out ubuntu)05:36
devilzhow can i install those?05:36
bkc_jagginess: and then virtualbox caprutes the mouse and puts them in fullscreen-mode... without telling them how to disable it xD05:37
bkc_devilz: google, usb-stick :)05:37
devilzbkc_: usb stick?05:37
bkc_usb-drive* ... some for of external storage-device... external harddrive works to05:38
bkc_or just a cd/dvd05:38
devilzbkc_: lol i knw what a usb drive is :P....i was asking why i need one?05:39
bkc_download the driver on the computer you're @ now... and transfer them to the ubuntu computer :)05:39
ElesaUmm.. Do all BIOS let you disable the Internal Hard Drives? ._.05:39
bkc_Elesa: havn't found one that doesn't...05:39
devilzbkc_: do i need to install windows drivers or there are seperate ones for ubuntu ?05:40
ElesaI'm trying to find out how to do that in the BIOS for a HP Pavilion G4 computer05:40
bkc_devilz: google... I have no idea what driver, any less what card you have/need... so I really can't say05:40
devilzbkc_: k i try to find it05:41
devilzbkc_:thanks a lot for help05:41
ElesaIsn't there a way to make Ubiquity ignore the internal hard drive or something? >_>05:43
ActionParsnipElesa: use the 'something else' option and you can partition another storage to hold the OS05:44
ElesaActionParsnip, I just want to make sure that the internal hard drive isn't formatted by a Ubiquity bug or something..05:45
ActionParsnipElesa: if you tell the installer which partition is / and which is swap, it won't use anything else05:45
Elesahttp://imagepaste.nullnetwork.net/img/1345353698Captura%20de%20pantalla%20de%202012-08-19%2005:21:42.png <-- So I'm guessing my friend has to mark the checkbox on /dev/sdc1?05:46
wilee-nileeNotice that grub is pointed at the sdc drive as well if sdc1 is the one where you want the OS that is correct.05:48
wilee-nileeElesa, ^^^^^05:48
Elesalol, how did Ubiquity know? xD05:49
owcool, TIL about !!05:49
wilee-nileeElesa, sheer luck always check that box is pointed to where the install goes or where you want it05:50
PenartistHey, guys05:50
ElesaOkie. I guess that if she doesn't touches the /dev/sda at all, nothing will happen to it?05:50
RPG-MasterAccording to Disk Utility, my hard drive has "a few bad sectors". For about 3 days now my computer locks up and/or goes read only and I have to kill my computer and run fsck at boot. What's the deal and what do I do?05:50
PenartistI screwed around with the sound after installing 12.04 LTS on my gen 1 macbook.05:50
wilee-nileethe HD=sdc that is not the partition unless you want it there05:50
knobcoreRPG, back up your stuff and get a new drive05:51
knobcoreyour drive will die soon05:51
PenartistGnome Control Center shows my main output as "Dummy Output," and I can't hear a thing.05:51
knobcorepenartist, run the alsa configuration tool05:51
ActionParsnipElesa: it knew by looking at the existing partition table05:51
ElesaWe want to install it to /dev/sdc.. Could someone please guide me/us step by step? I mean at the partitioning stuff?05:52
PenartistI tried unmuting all the channels in alsamixer05:52
ElesaI know how to partition that, but I'm not very experienced.05:52
MykleSeaokay .. so i think my biggest problem is that php isnt recognizing the exec function... does anyone know why or how to fix this?05:52
RPG-Masterknobcore: But Disk Utility had a little green dot, not a red dot next to the error message... doesn't that mean it isn't about to die and it's just an issue?05:52
wilee-nileetrue if it saw not unallocated or ext type partition that makes sense.05:52
ElesaActionParsnip, I see.05:52
knobcoreRPG, occasionally you may get errors and are somewhat still above threshold05:53
knobcoreRPG, if you know how to access SMART data look for seek and read errors, that's usually a tell tale sign05:53
qdbhello. i added "/ " to disallowed places in etc / updatedb conf, that is a search command config. is not it heavily used by ubuntu desktop / menu search  and so required ?05:53
jagginessqdb, that's only for the locate command in cli05:54
qdbjagginess, hank you05:54
RPG-Masterknobcore: Crap, Googled it and I guess it's has the potential to cause terrible, horrible problems. This ain't good. :(05:54
qdbthank you05:54
jagginessqdb, unless you're talking about a front-end to locate for something on desktop, there are alternatives to this so that users can have ~ in their search database..05:55
PenartistThe alsa configuration tool doesn't do anything for the sound on my laptop.05:55
knobcoreRPG, yeah once you start getting bad sectors on your disk it's time to throw it out and get a new one... they're relatively cheap these days05:55
PenartistCan't hear a thing and can't switch my output away from Dummy Output.05:55
jagginessqdb, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_search_engines#Desktop_search_engines05:55
qdbjagginess, i thnk also menu search and nautilus search work without it05:56
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Guest28673hey guys05:56
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jagginessqdb, some of them listed may already be packaged in ubuntu05:56
knobcoreRPG, It might work for a month, it might work for two weeks but when you're freezing and your disk is dumping errors it's a serious drive issue even if it's above failing threshold05:56
RPG-Masterknobcore: Thanks for the help... thankfully I have my school supplied Macbook, so this desktop, while used often, isn't my only comp.05:57
ElesaActionParsnip, can I PM you?05:57
rajui am not seeing anything here ?05:57
rajuany body here ?05:57
RPG-MasterBut being the broke college kid that I am, it could be awhile before that drive gets replaced.05:58
knobcoreRPG, how many gigs of RAM do you have?05:58
ElesaOr wilee-nilee?05:58
PenartistDoes anyone know how to fix my sound problems?06:00
Penartistalsa config isn't working.06:00
knobcorepenartist, what is alsa config saying06:00
PenartistI ran the alsa mixer and unmued all my sound channels06:00
RPG-Masterknobcore: This comp has 8gigs.06:00
Penartistthe internal speakers used to work.06:01
knobcoreRPG, i'll get flamed for this but throw puppy linux on a flash drive and use a few gigs as a RAM disk ;)06:01
arzharcan anyone help with a rdf issue ?06:02
knobcorepenartist, that shouldn't make much of a difference if you just unmuted channels06:02
crimsonmanearzhar: whats up06:02
arzhari am trying to connect to my computer via rdp and all i get is blank screen. it works fine if i connect from a windows machine06:02
jagginessarzhar, xfreerdp is better06:03
crimsonmanearzhar: what program are you using?06:03
arzharthe server or for connecting ?06:03
jagginessarzhar, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FreeRDP -- but its been ages since i played with m$rdp..06:03
crimsonmanearzhar: for connecting06:03
arzharterminal server client06:03
crimsonmanei know nothing about that. i've used Remmina (it supports every protocol)06:04
arzharwell i think it is because of compiz06:04
RPG-Masterknobcore: hmmm... I'll think about that. Thanks for the help.06:04
arzhardoes remmina support it or have an option to run without it ?06:04
crimsonmanewithout compiz?06:04
RPG-MasterI'm off to go look at prices for a new hard drive...06:05
Penartistknobcore: what exactly should I run here?06:05
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crimsonmaneremmina doesn't give a rip06:05
arzhara what ?06:05
crimsonmanea rip... a nice polite way of swearing in front of kids (who might be in the channel)06:05
PenartistThe internal speakers stopped working when I switched my output mode in the control panel.06:05
knobcorepenartist, does your system see the sound device at all?06:05
TreaverCan someone help me when installing Ubuntu one06:05
knobcorepenartist, did you switch it to digital?06:06
arzharhm i might give it a try then06:06
knobcorepenartist, if you've switched it to digital it should be analog06:06
PenartistIt's Analog Stereo Duplex right now06:06
crimsonmanedo you know the difference between analog and digital?06:06
TreaverI keep getting error when I try to install ubuntu one06:07
knobcorecrimsonmane, are you talking to me or penartist?06:07
crimsonmanekinda both...06:07
PenartistI'm running Fluxbox; in Unity, Gnome Control Panel displays two other outputs06:07
Penartistother than Dummy Output, that is06:07
Penartisti can't switch to them though.06:07
Penartistit stays on dummy output06:08
ActionParsnipPenartist: if you run:  alsamixer  and use F6 can you switch06:08
crimsonmanePenartist: two tabs to the left should be another input/output screen06:08
ElesaActionParsnip, can I PM you? Please D:06:09
knobcorecrimsonmane, analog is the actual wave measured in voltage... digital is a pulse wave that is useless unless you have a DAC06:09
tomtomtomhave you guys experience the update manager just won't update06:09
PenartistI've only got the defualt06:09
PenartistHDA Intel06:09
crimsonmanetomtomtom: that's why i use command line to update06:09
tomtomtomit  just stay there with message like " waiting for apply..."06:09
crimsonmanePenartist: are you comfortable allowing someone a remote connection to fix the sound?06:10
ActionParsnipElesa: sure06:10
ElesaOr anyone else who has installed Ubuntu to a external hard drive?06:10
tomtomtomcrimsonmane and how to do that ?06:10
ElesaOkies! Thanks.06:10
arzhar_remmina didnt work either ;p06:10
arzhar_still black screen06:10
crimsonmanetomtomtom: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" without the quotes06:10
Penartistcrimsonmane: okay.06:10
crimsonmanearzhar: then i can be of no further assistance06:10
tomtomtomi don't want a upgrade but update only06:10
crimsonmanePenartist: download TeamViewer - i recommend the no-install-needed package06:10
MykleSeadoes anyone know why some of my php functions dont work which interact with linux?  e.g. ("exec()")06:11
crimsonmanetomtomtom: don't be confused. "update" means update the list of items, "upgrade" means update the programs to current versions.06:11
drw158Problem: I am trying to install ubuntu on my older dell tower that used to be a server (2 HDs). it has no OS on it. I made usb stick with the installation image on it, and the installation process went fine. I restarted it with the boot priority on the HD via BIOS. it returns an error saying that it can't find anything to boot :(06:11
crimsonmanetomtomtom: note - shut down software manager, update manager, or synaptic package manager - only one app at a time can access apt-get06:12
tomtomtomok thanks06:13
TreaverDoes anyone know how I can get a messenger like in Fedora. Like if I'm talking to someone it will popup a notification and I can reply in that notification06:13
crimsonmaneKDE's notification area has a button to view/reply to instant messages06:14
xanguaTreaver: are you refering to gnome-shell¿06:15
Treaverxangua, I just want a messenger that will let me reply easily from the notification06:15
crimsonmanepidgin is a fantastic instant messenger06:15
TreaverLike in fedora the notifcation pops up on bottom and I can click on it and reply from there06:15
Penartistcrimsonmane: TeamViewer is up.06:16
crimsonmaneTreaver: maybe get in the fedora irc and ask them what that is.06:16
xanguahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lepXx1kDelo are you refering to this¿ Treaver06:16
paolooohi @all, can anyone help me about my partition, I'm not sure if I have a correct partition? http://imgur.com/oFCzO06:17
crimsonmanePenartist: send me a private message with your username and password that teamviewer gave you06:17
xangua!nounity | Treaver that is gnome-shell06:17
ubottuTreaver that is gnome-shell: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic06:17
ActionParsnipTreaver: just install gnome-panel and log off then select the new session, if you like the 2 panel desktop use Xubuntu06:18
TreaverWill I still have the left dash bar?06:18
ActionParsnipTreaver: no, that is a Unity feature06:19
TreaverI mean I love Ubuntu as it is now, I just want that one chat feature.06:19
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paolooohi @all, can please any tell me if I have a correct partition? --> http://imgur.com/oFCzO06:21
TreaverSo I installed Gnome-shell06:22
TreaverWill I be able to instantly be able to chat by clickign the notification?06:22
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timfrostpaolooo: That partition table looks valid.  It is unusual to not use sda1, but if the system boots then you are OK.06:24
paoloootimfrost: Thank you very much. Do I need to change sda2 to sda1?06:25
kanhai want to  Make /var/www/socnet as the apache root directory what changes do i need to do in /etc/apcahe2/httpd.conf?06:27
paoloootimfrost: I was planning to have a partition like windows drive C:, D:, and E:. Drives in ubuntu are designated as /sda(:int) right?06:27
chroot_hi, is there any goood text books about computer hardware?06:28
bkc_chroot_: lots06:29
timfrostpaolooo: you don't need to change sda2 to sda1.  Drive designations are complex to explain.  There are 4 partitions described in the disk MBR.  To get more than 4, you need one of the first 4 to be marked' Extended', and logical partitions defined inside the extended partitrion06:29
chroot_bkc_: for example06:30
chroot_bkc_: i need english edition06:30
paoloootimfrost: I see. Thanks tim. hmmm.06:31
bkc_chroot_: none that I can recommend at the top of my head... but there are *lots* of good HW-books :)06:31
chroot_ok, i understand, i am a student, i just want to learn it06:32
iDonevAnyone willing to help a complete newbie?06:33
Moonlightning!ask | iDonev06:33
ubottuiDonev: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:33
BrenRS_I entered "sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb" and it returned "dpkg: error: dpkg status database is locked by another process"06:34
KM0201BrenRS_: are you running update manager, or do you have synaptic open>06:35
MoonlightningBrenRS_: sounds like something else is already using `dpkg` or `apt-<something>`. Arey ou trying to install|remove|update something else?06:35
KM0201something else is using root.06:35
BrenRS_I am running update manager :\06:35
paolooohi @all, Is there a tutorial video on how to install ubuntu correctly? I'm currently using ubuntu but I'm not sure my partitions are correctly installed.06:35
BrenRS_I'll wait until skype installs06:35
MoonlightningWait for that to finish, then try again.06:35
FloodBot1BrenRS_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:35
BrenRS_why is it taking so long?06:35
KM0201BrenRS_: how are you installing it?06:36
iDonevI'm using VMware Fusion to run Ubuntu and I can't figure out how to install VMware Tools. Can anyone help me?06:36
BrenRS_how do I create a google chrome shortcut on my Launcher?06:36
KM0201BrenRS_: open up google chrome, right click it, and choose "lock it" (or something like that)06:37
BrenRS_oh wait, it returned "Errors were encountered while processing: google-chrome-stable"06:37
KM0201BrenRS_: did you try installing the google chrome .deb file?06:37
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BrenRS_no, I saved the deb file to my desktop and used the command line "sudo dpkg -i googlechromefilenamehere.deb"06:38
BrenRS_obviously with the correct file name :P06:38
MoonlightningiDonev: what OS is the host (the main computer) running?06:38
KM0201BrenRS_: why are you doing that, use the repositories, thats what they are for.06:39
KM0201for what its worth, skype just installed in about 2min.. :)06:39
iDonevOS X06:39
iDonevOS X 10.806:40
BrenRS_okay I believe the bad audio quality is because of me not having the correct audio driver?06:40
BrenRS_let me test something06:40
MoonlightningiDonev: have you tried going through http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?cmd=displayKC&externalId=1022525 ?06:41
KM0201damn, i just relaized skype 4.0 is finally out for Linux06:42
plagueHi, anyone please could help me with smb.conf? I just want to share certain folder over LAN, but to enter it id liket hat user need to enter login/passwd?06:42
KM0201plague: thats pretty easy.06:42
KM0201plague: first, you'll need to create that user on the host.06:43
plagueplague well i have headless 12.04 so cant use GUI06:43
KM0201plague: it's just as easy w/o a GUI06:43
plagueKM0201 ok crating user is pretty easy06:43
KM0201plague: ok, so first create a user06:43
plagueKM0201 next?06:44
KM0201plague: sudo smbpasswd -L -a username    (you'll be asked to enter and confirm a password for the user)06:45
plagueI forget to tell other PC is windows box I hope that does not make it harder.06:45
KM0201plague: it doesn't06:45
BrenRS_Okay how do I install flash player after I extracted it?06:46
KM0201BrenRS_: you need to learn to use the repositories.. you're making stuff way to hard on yourself06:46
BrenRS_how do I install flash then?06:46
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash06:46
xanguaBrenRS_: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer06:47
KM0201xangua: well, thats assuming he has 64bit... i think 32bit, its still in ubuntu-restricted-extras06:47
plagueKM0201 done06:47
KM0201plague: sudo smbpasswd -L -e username    this will add the user to the samba group06:48
plagueKM0201 ok it says user enabled06:49
KM0201plague: now.... sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf  (that should open up your samba configuration file)06:50
MoonlightningI have a problem with the graphics…I'm not really sure how to describe it, but it looks more or less like /this/ wallpaper ( http://cl.ly/IqDo ), except that the entire screen is like that.06:50
plagueKM0201 opened06:50
BrenRS_wow. -.-06:51
BrenRS_ndiswrapper was working fine on my desktop until I restarted it06:51
BrenRS_now when I type "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper", it returns "FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found."06:51
KM0201plague: scroll to the very bottom, and add this (be sure to change the username, and set the description name.. to keep it simple, don't use spaces in the description name)...   http://pastebin.com/txTMNB9H06:51
hipitihopI have 10.04 which does not see my SSD and 12.04 which does. for various reasons I need to install 10.04 listings from lspci here if anyone can help 10.04 http://paste.ubuntu.com/1154669/ & 12.04 http://paste.ubuntu.com/1154670/06:51
AL13Nall distro's should have mariadb as default mysql provider06:51
MyrttiAL13N: thanks for the input, but this is a support channel06:53
KM0201plague: by the way, what are you using Ubuntu server for?06:55
plagueKM0201 well have several purposes06:55
plagueKM0201 more like file server i'd also very mutch would like to set up rsync backup for some folders just not yet have enough brain to do it06:56
KM0201plague: can i PM you?06:56
BrenRS_This is really irritating me..06:57
BrenRS_my desktop was connecting to the network fine (using a wireless adapter with ndiswrapper) and now it's not working after the update -.-06:58
BrenRS_I really don't have time for this... can someone please help me?06:59
sambagirlbrenrs time for what?06:59
BrenRS_Can someone please help me?07:01
KM0201BrenRS_: what are you trying to do?07:02
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!07:04
Moonlightningheehee X307:04
knobcorethis digidesign piece of crap07:06
knobcorenow avid07:07
sambagirldoes ubuntu have a module or is there a module that works with fingerprint swipers? bio stuff?07:08
botcitydo i have to convert my sony .mts file into another format, for me to edit it properly ?07:09
knobcorei run windows on my music computer because this digidesign piece of garbage requires windows or osx07:09
sambagirlcant you us vm?07:09
BrenRS_Why is it that when I enter "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" it returns "FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found."?07:10
knobcoreand half the time the clock gets all messed up in win707:10
timfrostBrenRS_: have you installed  ndiswrapper-dkms ("sudo apt-get install  ndiswrapper-dkms")?07:10
knobcoresambagirl, if you're talking to me then no it's proprietary hardware that talks directly to proprietary drivers07:10
sambagirloh knobcore07:10
sambagirli didn't know07:11
andrewh192hey, I have a HP Pavilion laptop and just found out that the QuickPlay feature has a linux version as well..07:11
timfrostBrenRS_: you need to enable universe to find that package on precise07:11
knobcorei have a dedicated computer for it07:11
knobcorebut i'm getting rid of it07:11
knobcoreswitching to RME07:11
andrewh192was wondering how I would go about installing that on my latop, so that I could use the buttons on my laptop07:11
BrenRS_How do I enable universe?07:11
timfrostBrenRS_: in software sources, it is a tick box07:12
BrenRS_I'm sooooooooooooo lost.07:12
BrenRS_I'm completely new to Linux..07:12
KM0201BrenRS_: is the machine conneected to the internet?07:12
KM0201BrenRS_: it needs to be on the internet.07:13
BrenRS_I'm using ndiswrapper for my wireless adapter (which previously was working before I did the system update)07:13
KM0201can you temporarily wire it?07:13
BrenRS_I don't know if it's me or what... but this OS seems far more buggy than Windows as much as I want to use it07:14
KM0201BrenRS_: it's definitely you.07:15
knobcoresambagirl, it's basically a box that has microphone inputs and line in that converts analog to digital07:15
FishsceneBrenRS_: How is it buggy?07:15
knobcorekind of like a giant fancy sound card07:15
BrenRS_KM0201: You're the one telling me I need the internet connected to it to install something07:15
BrenRS_I was expecting something like "Oh, you can use the computure you're on right now since you're on the IRC to downoad a package then put it on a flash drive"07:15
KM0201BrenRS_: lol, software for Linux (any linux distro) is in online repositories, of course you have to be online.07:15
sambagirlbrenrs_ you must be joking07:15
BrenRS_Well, I downloaded packages via my laptop and put it on my desktop just fine so to clarify your statement, "NO you do NOT have to be online to install packages"07:16
BrenRS_why? Because I had someone help me before who knew my situation..07:16
* sambagirl laughs07:17
KM0201BrenRS_: ok...  good luck w/ your problem then.. you obviously have it all figured out07:17
BrenRS_I don't07:17
BrenRS_you're just not understanding what my problem is.07:17
FishsceneA package contains everything you need to install. If there are dependencies, it will try to resolve them (by looking online or failing). However, package managers don't like manual installations07:17
sambagirlyour not explaining it07:17
MoonlightningThe system beep (sound that gets played when e.g. you hit backspace when there's nothing on the line to delete) is exceedingly loud; how can I turn it down or disable it?07:18
KM0201BrenRS_: i understand exactlywhat you rproblem is.. YOU don't understand what your problem is07:18
MoonlightningThis is all in a tty, by the way.07:18
FishsceneMoonlightning: Is the beep originating from your computer or from speakers?07:18
BrenRS_sambagirl, I am using ndiswrapper for the device 0846:9020 and my desktop was working fine. When I did updates on my desktop and rebooted, then it stopped working.07:18
sambagirlmoonlightining you have any idea the steps you have to go thru to turn that off in windows? :D07:19
MoonlightningFishscene: not sure; this is on a PowerBook G4.07:19
Moonlightningsambagirl: nope! I don't use Windows. ;307:19
knobcorelol @ powerbook g407:19
sambagirli had a similar issue when i did an update on a debian update07:19
BrenRS_so samba, you're saying I should NOT update?07:19
sambagirlis that a broadcomm b43 card something like that?07:19
MoonlightningHay, it works! XD07:20
BrenRS_yes it is, sambagirl07:20
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx07:20
sambagirlthere is your answer on that link07:20
knobcoremoonlightning, those things don't die07:20
Moonlightningknobcore: huh?07:20
sambagirlfollow those instructions and it will be up in a snap07:20
knobcorepowerbook g4s07:20
Moonlightning…they don't /die?/07:21
knobcorei had a friend who had one he beat the shit out of it and it's still working07:21
BrenRS_it's USB, not pci.07:21
BrenRS_so therefore it wont.07:21
sambagirllet me think07:21
* KM0201 chuckles because i asked him 10min ago what his wireless chipset was07:21
BrenRS_it's a netgear wna3100 usb wireless adapter07:22
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sambagirlwhich version of ubuntu do you have btw?07:22
BrenRS_12.04 amd6407:22
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BrenRS_with the updates I just installed like 20 mins ago07:22
sambagirlahh ok07:22
BrenRS_that's the current state of the oS07:23
KM0201BrenRS_: just curious, how did you install the driver for that device before?07:24
BrenRS_KM0201: Yes.07:24
KM0201that wasn't a yes or no question07:24
BrenRS_I read this tutorial: http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=9761007:25
KM0201why are you reading mint tutorials for ubuntu?07:25
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BrenRS_Someone linked it to me. The point is this... it was working before the update.07:25
KM0201BrenRS_: thats your problem right there.. you installed the drivers offline, most likely those updates you did pulled in a kernel upgrade, and so you'd need to reinstall the driver on the new kernel, if you'd installed hte driver w/ restricted driver manager (which you need to be online to do) ubuntu will keep track of it and keep the driver installed during upgrades07:26
BrenRS_How will I run the updates first without the driver?07:26
BrenRS_Should I just not update?07:26
FishsceneLike I said. Package managers do NOT like manual installs. :P07:27
sambagirlopps wrong channel :D07:27
sambagirli was in debian07:27
KM0201BrenRS_: plug your machine to the router for a few minutes, and fix the issue, then it won't be an issue anymore07:27
BrenRS_KM0201, the only way I can be online is if I install the driver.07:27
sambagirlbrenrs_ do this http://askubuntu.com/questions/152733/how-can-i-remove-all-updates-installed-after-a-specific-date07:27
sambagirli would back the update out07:27
sambagirland wait for a few days and see if there is a resolution to the problem.07:28
MoonlightningHow do I get `yaboot` to default to `Linux nomodeset` so I don't have to type it every time?07:28
plagueExcuse me cold anyone please help me, how can I map windows share from shell and mount it under certain folder?07:28
sambagirlunless your running the World Bank on that computer the security updates etc...arent that critical :D07:28
bkc_plague: smbclient07:28
sambagirlits not like your going to get a virus07:29
auronandacesambagirl: thats just putting off the problem07:29
bkc_sambagirl: nope... but rootkits07:29
Fishsceneplague: Just a one-time mount or a permanent mount?07:29
BrenRS_So here's what I'm going to do... install the driver like I did before07:29
BrenRS_then never update :D07:29
sambagirlbut i mean it gives you atleast a point to look at where the issue began07:29
BrenRS_that's my solution07:30
plagueFishscene permanent mount,  i wanted to use it afterwards for rsync backup.07:30
Fishsceneplague: This might help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently07:30
dichtbijzeeCan anybody point me to a PPA for chromium. the ones on launchpad are all still on 18.0*** I'm looking for 22 daily/unstable build.07:30
KM0201BrenRS_: thats absolutely retarded, but.. if thats your solution, ok07:30
auronandacesambagirl: we know when the issue began, when he had a kernel update07:30
BrenRS_how's it retarded?07:30
BrenRS_it makes sense07:30
sambagirli would back it out brenrs_07:30
plagueFishscene thank you07:30
KM0201BrenRS_: installing an OS and never updating it (including security updates) makes sense?  My friend, Linux is not you rproblem07:30
sambagirland see if it recovers and functions properly as before07:30
plaguebkc_ thanks07:30
bkc_BrenRS_: or... install old driver, install driver as one should (online), update :)07:31
Fishsceneplague: NP. I set this up myself and it works very, VERY well. :)07:31
KM0201bkc_: THANK YOU... exactly what i was trying to get him to think about.07:31
sambagirlupdate update sounds like a windows channel. look out everyone windows update is coming down the pipe duck :D07:31
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bkc_KM0201: to some idiots, you actually have to spell it out in words ^^07:31
bkc_sambagirl: try archlinux for a month ;)07:32
bkc_windows has *nothing* on arch :P07:32
KM0201i'm all for helping newbs, but newbs who are also loudmouths are annoying07:32
FishsceneCommon guys, some people have a unique situation or honestly just don't know good practices.07:32
bkc_KM0201: +1 on that one07:32
sambagirlhe said he was just learning the system didnt he? so he is entitled to explore ideas and do things till he learns the better way07:32
sambagirlbkc_ i have it but i only wanted it because it has zoneminder in it07:33
Fishsceneplague: This can also help (not sure which one to use at this point, last time I used these was like, 2 years ago) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently07:33
auronandacesambagirl: doesn't mean you should encourage him to put off solving the actual problem properly07:33
bkc_KM0201: well.. I was the one who told him to download and installa the drivers offline in the first place... but I figured he'd install them properly afterwards :/07:33
KM0201bkc_: yeah.. you would think07:34
bkc_... windows-users  :dunnu:07:34
bkc_ ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌07:34
bkc_damn irssi-autocorrect not working correctly -.-07:34
sambagirlauronandace but it sounds like he is in a panic and has something specific he has to accomplish. what are you supposed to do in a panic? whatever you can to be-unpanic'd and then look at what it is that is occuring and then you know and/or wait for a resolution to be prescribed.07:34
auronandacesambagirl: he was already told how to solve the problem several times and you just want him to put it off?07:35
KM0201sambagirl: i don;t think its panic, i think its impatience (you'll notice his solution was to install the driver the way that it worked, and NEVER update)07:35
BrenRS_Okay I'm checking off the box that says install third-party software07:35
BrenRS_maybe I'll have luck with that07:35
KM0201BrenRS_: is the machine connected to the internet?07:35
* KM0201 has a MASSIVE headache07:36
sambagirlwell linux updating is practical however windows updating is suicide07:36
plagueFishscene thanks!07:36
FishsceneNP Mate07:36
KM0201BrenRS_: how do you expect to install 3rd party software, w/o an internet connection?07:36
KM0201do you think it just magically gets to your computer?07:36
sambagirllook on this laptop i am on right now it has 10.10 and i am never getting any updates but i use it and it works.07:37
sambagirli didnt see the solve unless you mean the link that the bot produced?07:37
auronandacesambagirl: that means you'll never get any support too07:37
KM0201sambagirl: but you'd have to agree that isn't necessarily the right thing to do.07:37
KM0201security updates and all.07:37
jhojhoif you use openssl on a 64bit machine, pls consider upvoting https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssl/+bug/1018522 07:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1018522 in openssl (Ubuntu) "Enable optimized 64bit elliptic curve code contributed by Google" [Undecided,New]07:37
BrenRS_sambagirl is right..07:38
BrenRS_I don't do a lot of downloading07:38
KM0201BrenRS_: no she's not.07:38
FloodBot1BrenRS_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:38
BrenRS_updates won't be crucial.07:38
KM0201not updating an OS that is connected to the internet, is stupid... no other word for it07:38
BrenRS_KM0201: I don't do much downloading, therefore it will be pointless.07:38
KM0201lol.. what the heck does downloading have to do with it?07:39
auronandaceBrenRS_: no, you'll suffer problems guaranteed07:39
KM0201are you going to surf the internet?07:39
bkc_BrenRS_: has nothing to do with downloads xD07:39
FishsceneA savvy user doesn't necessarily need to update their OS.07:39
sambagirlwell i figure the kind of world this really is, it's interesting how things are always being fixed that arent broken in the first place. but i am told they are broken so i need to fix it but i can prove it one way or another but i just go on ignorance i guess.07:39
FishsceneAlthough usually it is not wise to not update.07:39
bkc_Fishscene: s/savvy/stupid/07:39
sambagirli can't07:39
icerootFishscene: please donst suggest something like that in the main ubuntu support channel. of course everyone should update the system with security updates07:39
BrenRS_alright well when I get infected or get something, I'll be sure to let you know07:39
BrenRS_which will most likely not happen07:40
icerootBrenRS_: same for you, please dont suggest something like that here07:40
KM0201BrenRS_: well, of course it won't, because you can't get online07:40
bkc_BrenRS_: rootkits... you wont know what hit you...07:40
BrenRS_How will I get a rootkit out of nowhere?07:40
auronandaceBrenRS_: its not about getting infected, its about bugs and security vulnerabilities07:40
bkc_BrenRS_: sec-vul...07:40
Fishsceneiceroot: No deal. I prefer to keep things real and not treat people like cattle. It *IS* possible to have a machine connected to the internet and be just as secure as a fully-up-to-date OS.07:41
sambagirlwell we go on blind faith that the "fixes" are fixes and for all i know they could actually be vulnerabilities but we have trust in our masters.07:41
BrenRS_So you're saying that ubuntu us open to java drive-bys?07:41
BrenRS_or auto downloaders?07:41
icerootFishscene: as i said, we dont something like that here.07:41
icerootFishscene: if you do something like that, fine but please dont suggest that here07:41
FishsceneI wasn't suggesting that anyone DO that at all.07:41
plagueFishscene works perfectly love you!07:41
Fishsceneplague: Excellent :)07:42
bkc_BrenRS_: infecting linux over internet is easy-peasy :307:42
sambagirlbrenrs nothing is secure but linux is atleast functional and fun. tell me how much fun windows isnt :)07:42
auronandaceBrenRS_: seriously, if you are not going to update and come back here for help the first thing we will suggest is updating07:43
auronandaceBrenRS_: the updates are there to fix problems07:44
irong33kthe new pinguy 12.04 vlc crashes alot of time07:44
sambagirland incidently they create problems as wlll but that is the nature of the beast07:44
auronandaceirong33k: pinguy isn't supported here07:45
irong33kbut its under Linux Mint, which is under Ubuntu07:45
iceroot!mint | irong33k07:45
ubottuirong33k: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org07:45
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irong33kneed i say more,....07:45
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sambagirli will confess this though, i worked for ibm and i know that you never get any support from microsoft but you sure do get support for ubuntu. that's a fact. no fiction.07:47
FishsceneWhat kind of support are you referring to?07:47
MoonlightningInternal error? Oh, there's an option to submit a report. I'll do that…07:48
MoonlightningPrecise is no longer under development. Huh? Oh, there's a convenient “I don't know what to do” option.07:48
dichtbijzeeCan anybody point me to a PPA for chromium. the ones on launchpad are all still on 18.0*** I'm looking for 22 daily/unstable build.07:48
* Moonlightning clicks…07:48
MoonlightningLink to a website…07:49
MoonlightningWhy doesn't it just submit a bug report like OS X does? 6_907:49
sambagirlwhen i had to call up microsoft with lets say a customer on a conference call and they could not get a humanbeing or they get some person that is reading some idiotic script, when they saw the ibm # they would conviently drop us and keep the poor customer online with them and work for their money and never ever ever ever give any support because they neve know what they are talking about but if you have a big account you can buy a few hundred07:50
sambagirlthousands worht of support :).07:50
MoonlightningI don't really want to go to a website and follow through a bunch of stuff…07:50
sambagirlit's a long story07:50
FloodBot1sambagirl: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:50
wilee-nileedichtbijzee, I think this is the pkg it seems to be in the stable?07:51
sambagirlapple is just as frustrating07:51
wilee-nileedichtbijzee, http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/google_chrome/stable/main/base/google-chrome-unstable07:52
MoonlightningAnyway, I have a few problems here still.07:52
Fishscenewow. Sounds like Microsoft treats the smaller businessess with better respect. I had no problems even elevating to Tier 3 support with Microsoft. But I'm off topic now. :S However, Microsoft was trying to shield the Tier3 support because they ddin't want me talking with their developers... not true with Ubuntu. You can talk directly with whoever is helping you... and they could probably link you to the sourcecode too. Not so with Microsoft deve07:52
Moonlightning1. display is borked. Not sure how to describe it, but the /entire/ thing looks like the wallpaper in http://cl.ly/IqDo .07:52
auronandace!ot | sambagirl Fishscene07:53
ubottusambagirl Fishscene: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:53
Moonlightning2. I'm always typing `Linux nomodeset` at the yaboot prompt, and I'd like to know how to automate that.07:53
sambagirli don't ever expect to see a linux commercial ever on tv. never. i can imagine microsoft and apple exploding if one ever came on. it would be like "that wasn't a ufo" that was swamp gas.07:53
Moonlightning3. The system beep in tty's is /really/ loud, and I'd like to turn its volume down.07:54
Fishscene-_- No room for a one line comment, eh? Anycow. Moonlightning: It looks like you're running a very low-end driver07:54
wilee-nileeMoonlightning, yaboot is a OS am I right?07:54
sambagirlfishscene your correct in your assessment07:54
MoonlightningFishscene: okay, how do I upgrade? XD07:54
xanguaMoonlightning:  instead of typing it everytime you boot wy don't set it at grub¿07:55
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter07:55
Moonlightningwilee-nilee: no, the OS is Ubuntu.07:55
Moonlightningxangua: I have yaboot, not grub07:55
dichtbijzeewilee-nilee, Domo arigato07:55
ssta_wilee-nilee: no, it's the equivalent of grub for powerpc07:55
djshotglasshow would i format a fat usb stick to ext2 or something linux07:56
wilee-nileeMoonlightning, ah oh well nomodeset is easy in grub, lol.07:56
Moonlightningxangua: that thread isn't helpful; I don't have grub07:56
sambagirlmy goal is to bring ubuntu up to this level of functionality http://plan9.bell-labs.com/plan9/07:56
Fishscenedjshotglass: Copy everything off of it first, plug it in, then press the Windows/super key and type "disk". You should see a disk utility pop up.07:57
djshotglassfdisk /dev/sdb?07:57
cihhanHi all! Does anybody have experience with collectl?07:57
wilee-nileedichtbijzee, cool that worked.07:59
sambagirl!seen seveas07:59
ubottuI have no seen command07:59
djshotglasswhat partition should i use Fishscene?08:00
FishsceneI dunno. If it's just for files, you might as well use one partition and whatever filesystem you want.08:00
djshotglasswhat type of partition i was asking08:01
djshotglassLinux is standard for the primary?08:01
KM0201djshotglass: what do you mean?08:02
Fishscenedjshotglass: It might be the late hour, but I'm completely lost.08:02
dichtbijzeewilee-nilee, Well actually now i'm switching to Google chrome because chromium isn't being build anymore08:02
plagueFishscene please permisson to PM you?08:02
djshotglasswhen making the new primary partition08:03
Fishsceneplague: Sure thing08:03
djshotglassthere is a drop box of partition types08:03
wilee-nileedichtbijzee, Ah, oh well.08:03
KM0201djshotglass: are you manually partitioning?08:03
djshotglassi just want to format the damn thing from fat to ext208:03
djshotglassim in the disk util ui08:03
KM0201djshotglass: is this a usb drive or something?08:04
KM0201djshotglass: did you try installing gparted, and use gparted to format it?08:05
* KM0201 gets the feeling he is missing something08:06
djshotglassno i just did fdisk and mke2fs from command line08:06
djshotglassthey were close enough to freebsd i managed to pull it off08:06
sambagirlone last question...10.10 server isnt supported either is it?08:07
sambagirlto bad because everything i see is built on that platform08:08
djshotglasseverything you see :o08:08
KM0201what are you seeing?08:08
djshotglassyou need to look in better places08:08
KM020110.04 is still supported i think08:08
sambagirli meant 10.04 :D08:08
sambagirlopps i am tired.08:08
sambagirlthat was an honest mistake08:09
sambagirlit had a 10. in it08:09
KM0201i think 10.04 is still supported for a little longer08:09
ssta_10.04 server is supported until 201508:09
stephanshi everybody! I have a strange effect on ubuntu (on a 2009 mac mini with Nvidia): http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=J1OqqQ8hBXk&vq=medium      this video has a blueshift when played in firefox.08:09
stephansnow it plays with no blueshift in chrome, but then it sputters and stutters08:10
stephansdoes anyone have an explanation for this?08:10
Fishscenestephans: You have adobe flash and gstreamer plugins installed and up to date?08:11
stephansFishscene: yes. the restricted extras are installed and all updates applied08:12
MoonlightningHow do I get the system to automatically connect to wireless networks I've selected as soon as possible, even if I'm not logged in?08:12
ChikoHow can i open a file in the gui with administrative rights?08:12
bkc_Moonlightning: "system connection: yes", "autoconnect: yes"08:13
Fishscenestephans: It almost sounds like hardware accelleration for video playback isn't enabled or is too underpowered to handle the video. Are other videos played back successfully? Even HD videos?08:13
Moonlightningbkc_: do that where?08:13
stephansregular mkv files or avi files on the hard drive play fine... even plays ok in minitube08:14
stephansFishscene: regular mkv files or avi files on the hard drive play fine... even plays ok in minitube08:14
bkc_Moonlightning: in NetworkManager08:14
stephansby the way everything played great on when booted in to OSX08:15
Moonlightningbkc_: how do I get to that? XD08:15
stephansFishscene: how do I enable hardware acceleration for the nvidia drivers?08:15
Calinou> settings > proprietary drivers08:16
Calinounouveau/free drivers have basic 3D accel for some nvidia GPUs but it's quite slow.08:16
stephansFishscene: you may be right on the no acceleration for video... because the cpu does run high when flash video is played...08:16
Marzata!ntp Marzata08:18
Fishscenestephans: I was trying to see if I could play the video with youtube's HTML5 video player, but I'm not having success.  Do you have proprietary drivers enabled/installed?08:19
stephansFishscene: tried with vlc and it plays fine... yes the nvidia drivers are installed.08:19
FishsceneSounds like a flash/browser issue then. I'm at a loss as to where to go from here. =\08:20
stephansFishscene: I tried to enable prefer html5 but could not figure out how...08:20
jhojhodoes someone know how to assign a distribution in a launchpad bug report?08:20
primerasHappy Ramadan Eid to Muslims friends.08:21
jhojhofor example, this bug report shows as affecting precise https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssl/+bug/98614708:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 986147 in openssl (Ubuntu Precise) "openssl 1.0.1-4ubuntu2 breaks a bunch of ciphers" [High,Fix released]08:21
stephansFishscene: ok I will google some more..08:21
jhojhoi would like to do the same for another bug08:21
bakteriaHi, Im having trouble with arecord, when I use "arecord -f dat -v -V test.wav" I get this output: http://pastebin.com/hL837k1S08:23
EbollaWhen trying to install vmware player on Ubuntu 12.04 I get a failure starting Virtual Network Device.  Anyone have any ideas?08:24
bakteriaIt does not give me an error, just ????08:24
plagueLooking for sombady who has expierience with fstab file permissions. Please!08:24
stephansFishscene:  I enabled "Override automatic cache management" on firefox. it worked08:29
stephansFishscene:  that was it08:29
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mobius420greetings #ubuntu :)08:35
cfhowlettmobius420: greetings08:35
mobius420can anyone tell me if it is possible to change the passphrase used to unlock an LVM encrypted hdd?08:35
mobius420after the installation of the OS I mean08:35
MoonlightningHow do I get the system to connect automatically to certain Wi-Fi networks even if nobody's logged in?08:35
mobius420Moonlightning,  "even if nobody's logged in"   do you mean  even if no one is connected to the wifi  network at the moment you are logging in?08:36
MoonlightningIf nobody's logged into my computer *08:36
rexorHe mean that no one using computer in that moment08:36
mobius420ahh kk08:37
Moonlightningi.e. right after boot, without me having to do anything08:37
mobius420I would assume to just diable any power setting which would place the machine in suspend or sleep  and then make certain the "connect automatically" option is selected08:37
Moonlightningconnect-automatically is enabled; I just rebooted, but it doesn't seem to be connected08:38
mobius420or perhaps I am not fully grasping what you wish to accomplish... because that seems deceptively simple08:38
mobius420ahh okay08:38
MoonlightningI just want it to connect automatically without having to log in using the GUI.08:38
captinehi all.  I have a router with a USB drive connected, and when transferring files from Ubuntu to it, it goes at 1.5mb/s.  This doesn't sound right to me.  Even when transferring from my Mac to Ubuntu it is a similar speed.08:39
Moonlightningautoreconnect after sleep and hibernation would be nice, too, but we'll get to that later… XD08:39
captinehave Broadcom wireless chip ubuntu 12.0408:39
cfhowlettcaptine: OK and?08:39
pranjal710I want to tunnel to a computer but I dont have bash access. cat /etc/passwd says /bin/null , how do I tunnel??08:40
pranjal710I have an account on the server08:40
captinecfhowlett, sorry, typing slow.  I am on an Acer 4755 with wireless N.  My router has dualband Wireless N capability.  I just dont know how to get the wireless N type speeds i am expecting08:40
mobius420or are you needing crypto?08:40
Moonlightningpranjal710: you can't change your shell on the server?08:40
cfhowlettcaptine: ah.  sorry, I can't speak to that.  stay in channel and ask.  And ...08:40
* mobius420 fetches a glowing keyboard ;]08:41
ubottucaptine:: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:41
pranjal710Moonlightning, No, In windows I used tunnelier08:41
captinecfhowlett, thanks a mil. :)  i am searching all over at the moment.08:41
nimboscaptine, could the server that your router runs be throttling your speeds?  I had similarly slow speeds when using a USB HD plugged into a router.08:43
Moonlightningpranjal710: no, you can't change your shell on the server?08:43
Afflicto-[ubuntuHello everyone -- I'm trying to install xampp on ubuntu but I keep getting 403 forbidden errors whenever I try accessing localhost/phpmyadmin08:44
pranjal710Moonlightning, I dont have any rights on the server. Isnt there any variant of tunnelier for ubuntu??08:44
Afflicto-[ubuntuI just ran the lampp security command to no avail.08:44
Moonlightningpranjal710: if you have /no/ privileges on the server, how are you logging in? ;)08:44
pranjal710Moonlightning, I do have an account, but it is set to /bin/null. I dont have bash or shell access08:45
captinenimbos, my wireless router is a Netgear WNDR3700V2.  Not connecting to a server.  It has QOS setup for Skype only.08:45
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captinenimbos, the router is running dd-wrt with squid and dansguardian installed, however, the speeds were bad before squid, so it is not due to any memory or processor usage on the router08:46
ssta_pranjal710: ssh -N -L 1234:localhost:1234 username@server08:48
captinenimbos, i am looking at more router settings now.  perhaps my channel settings are not correct08:49
nimbosyou're getting a true 1.5 mbps speed?08:50
Afflicto-[ubuntuI did "chmod 777 /opt/lampp" and now when I try going to localhost I must put a username and password. lease help :\08:51
MoonlightningAfflicto-[ubuntu: you almost /never/ want to use a 777 mode.08:51
Afflicto-[ubuntuI know but I just get 403 forbidden.08:52
chieninfo Moonlightning08:52
Moonlightningchien: huh?08:52
HaltingStatehelp: atomos@maslow:~/ms_data/articles$ sed -n "194973p" moreover-social.2010.2010.mo-sm.cleared.canonicalized.part.1708:52
HaltingStateCannot open file /mnt/tmp2/zv7T2Za.gz08:52
HaltingStatemnt/tmp2 does not exist; i just upgraded and why is this happening08:52
chienMoonlightning I'm just trying08:53
captinenimbos, trying to figure where to paste a screenshot.  the MB/s and mb/s confuses me i think08:54
nimbosbits vs bytes08:55
nimboswhat is the rate you're seeing?08:55
pungi-manis ubuntu or fedora better for setting up a home server ?08:55
nimboswith the units you're seeing08:55
Moonlightningcaptine: I use cl.ly, most seem to use imgur or something like that08:55
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Blackl|Awaybbvs, sorry…08:56
ssta_pungi-man: in the #ubuntu channel, what do you think the answer will be? :)08:56
nimbosssta_ , MS Home Server Obviously...08:57
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EbollaNimbos:  WHS 2011 doesn't like my nic.  I have to run it via a VM on Ubuntu /lol.08:57
captinethanks.  nimbos http://i.imgur.com/qQ56k.png08:58
nimbospungi-man, you gotta figure out what you want to do.   Then once you know that, you look at both servers and see what they have available to accomplish your goal.   Then decide which will best satisfy your needs.08:58
Ebollapungi-man: my server doesn't like booting from FAT16/32 USB drives so I went with Ubuntu as Fedora's USB only works on FAT.08:59
ssta_captine: that's megabytes.  Comes to about 11megabit/s09:00
captinessta_, thanks.  that's not what i am expecting.  let me finish tinkering with the wireless N setup on my router.  perhaps the router is not using the right channel or something09:00
nimboswell, that's not horrible, but I'd expect you to have been getting at least 3 MB/s.09:00
pungi-manwhich one of them has better networking facilities ?09:00
nimbosdude, they basically have the same packages09:01
nimbosgo read the internet09:01
captinenimbos, thanks. on wireless N is 3MB/s really what one would expect?  Only 2 computers connected to the  router09:01
Ebollacaptine:  Understand if you are to close or to far from the router you will lose speed and if you are on a channel that has a LOT of devices on it then you will lose speed as well.09:01
nimboscaptine, most people get around 8MB/s09:01
Ebollacaptine:  You have an android smart phone?  If so get WiFi Analyzer.  It will show all the routers around you and what channels they are on.09:02
nimbosbut if like Ebolla said, you're in a noisy environment, you should expect to have low speeds.09:02
cfhowlettEbolla: hey you're not over here with me in China, are you?  The gov't throttles speeds so they enable surveillance09:03
nimboscaptine, your router claims up to 18MB/s.  So I'd expect at least half of that.09:03
nimbosyou said you get that same speed from computer to computer to right?09:03
Ebollacfhowlett:  No I'm not bro.  But the throttling over there happens at the ISP level just a fyi.09:03
Ebollacfhowlett:  Much like how it is starting to happen here in the US /lol09:04
KM0201i feel bad for people in china09:05
EbollaKM0201:  why?09:05
pungi-manno i get 60-70 kbps09:05
EbollaKM0201:  I'm still waiting for the answer.09:07
KM0201no real answer09:07
KM0201i guess if you don't know you're under communism, it doesn't really matter09:07
EbollaKM0201:  So you feel sorry for a country for no reason what so ever?09:07
KM0201i couldn't stand having the govt. involved that much in my life09:07
EbollaKM0201:  You must not live in the US then.09:08
KM0201Ebolla: trust me, i'm not much happier w/ the our US Govt.09:08
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captinenimbos, thanks.  where did you see the router claim?09:12
captinebig difference between 18 and 1.5 :)09:12
=== Blackl|Away is now known as Moonlightning
Ebollaanyone know a clean way to auto mount NTFS for Samba/Torrent usage?09:13
Afflicto-[ubuntuOk I just did a fresh install of xampp. did the security thing ".../lampp/lampp security". And now I need a username\password to access phpmyadmin. Please help.09:14
kanliothas 12.04.1 been released?09:15
JPSmanHey yall.  What is the name of that program named after Richard Stallman that tells me if I am running truly free software or not?09:18
ghabitkanliot, what is 12.04.1?09:18
Calinouapt-get install vrms09:18
Calinouthen run vrms in terminal09:18
Calinouwith ubuntu you won't run truly free software anyway09:18
maukJPSman: run "yes no". gives a good first approximation09:19
JPSmanI know.  DVD codec pack excluded09:19
glebihankanliot, not yet, August 23rd09:19
Calinoumauk, hih09:20
poc 09:21
Ebollaanyone know a clean way to auto mount NTFS for Samba/Torrent usage?09:22
rafnewshi everybody, i need help with vsftpd. i get a refused connection09:22
air139Kernel panic during a verion upgrade of the os, now boots into a broken login screen, live cd does not see the old OS to upgrade, where do I go from here09:22
captinenimbos, i have been playing and will reboot my router soon.  seems 40mhz wasnt active and bunch of other things, so probably not an Ubuntu issue.09:24
rafnewshelp needed for vsftp issue. someone can help me plz ?09:26
=== pocket_i is now known as pocket
air139Kernel panic during a verion upgrade of the os, now boots into a broken login screen, live cd does not see the old OS to upgrade, how do I go about recovery from here?09:29
SoulTrainHow do I make sure if I have an Independent Ubuntu installation in its defined Filesystem (EXT4) or not (installed in windows)09:30
joooo72guys having problems with grub-install working on a 3TB disk (presuming it's GPT)09:31
joooo72any work arounds for this?09:31
kanliotSoulTrain, did you use wubi?09:31
SoulTrainkanliot:  Dont know. I instaled from USB drive09:32
Chikodumb question how do i get into the terminal in ubuntu 12 oO;09:33
MoonlightningIs it possible to install Ubuntu over the network using another computer?09:33
k1l_SoulTrain: did you boot into windows and launch the installation there? or did you boot up the linux live version to install?09:33
MoonlightningMy friend has a Mac and a PC laptop and wants to install Ubuntu on the PC, but the disc drive is broken…09:34
k1l_Chiko: press: crtl+alt+t09:34
cfhowlettMoonlightning: yep.  can't remember what the method is called though..09:34
SoulTrainI boot with Live USB did not run it in Windows09:34
Chikohow was i meant to know that? :P09:34
k1l_Chiko: or type terminal into the launcher? o_O09:34
Chikoyeah that was the first thing i tried09:34
Chikoused to it just being in the menu on ubuntu 9/1009:34
cfhowlettMoonlightning: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet09:35
k1l_SoulTrain: than it shopuld be a regular install then09:35
Chikoah double click the wierd looking thing at top left09:35
k1l_SoulTrain: just take a look at the partitions table (sudo fdisk -l (small L ))09:35
kanliotSoulTrain, will it boot without the usb drive?09:35
Moonlightningcfhowlett: cool, thanks09:35
k1l_Chiko: just press the windows button and start typing09:35
Chikoyeah just noticed it thanks09:36
cfhowlettMoonlightning: have fun, be safe09:36
Moonlightningheehee, thanks09:36
=== epzil0n_ is now known as epzil0n
SoulTrainkanliot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1155046/09:37
k1l_SoulTrain: that looks fine to me09:37
air139panic during a verion upgrade of the os, now boots into a broken login screen, live cd does not see the old OS to upgrade, how do I go about recovery from here?09:38
Moonlightningcfhowlett: does the server there /have/ to be a Linux machine? We only have a Mac and a Windows machine…09:38
k1l_SoulTrain: you can see the last two partitions are the ubuntu ones.09:38
air139Direct message me please, losing track in all the sys messages09:38
cfhowlettMoonlightning: sorry, I only know OF the method.   Never done it myself.  Like so many things I could mention ...09:38
k1l_Moonlightning: im not sure. but if so you could boot a ubuntu-cd/stick on the windows maschine ?09:40
Moonlightningk1l_: disc drive is broken.09:40
MoonlightningWe're looking around for a USB stick…09:40
MoonlightningBut we might not have one. 9_609:41
=== glebihan_ is now known as glebihan
air139panic during a verion upgrade of the os, now boots into a broken login screen, live cd does not see the old OS to upgrade, how do I go about recovery from here?09:42
TJ-Moonlightning: I've only just joined the room; would you mind restating your problem?09:43
MoonlightningTJ-: trying to see if there's a way to install Ubuntu on a PC laptop with a broken disc drive, without using a USB stick or an Ethernet cable, and with just a working Mac laptop.09:44
delkinI messed up my X by installing the newer version of NVidia drivers. Now I am stuck with the shell... Can someone help me roll back the situation?09:44
TJ-Moonlightning: Well I was about to say PXE network boot but you shot me down! But if the laptop has a broken HDD where would you install Ubuntu to?09:45
TJ-Moonlightning: You could boot it from a LiveCD that has been burnt to disk using the Mac?09:46
MoonlightningTJ-: broken /disc/ drive, i.e. optical, so no CDs09:46
Atlantic777is cdimage.ubuntu.com up? I can't download lubuntu install images.09:47
SoulTraink1l_: Thank you09:47
TJ-Oh OK, so it has a HDD available. What I'd do is pull the HDD out, connect it as a slave drive to another PC, then install Ubuntu to it from a Live CD/USB image then return it to the 'broken' PC09:47
EbollaMoonlightning:  FYI HDD = Hard /Disc/ Drive so that was a valid.    But try doing a network install over the wireless.09:47
MoonlightningI thought /discs/ were the round things. 6_809:48
Moonlightning6_9 *09:48
TJ-Moonlightning: Generally we call CD/DVDs ... CD/DVDs :p09:48
MoonlightningWhat about Blu—*shot*09:48
SoulTrainis it possible to use "Compiz visual effects" with  LXDE?09:48
EbollaMoonlightning:  You've never seen the platters inside a HDD?  They are round.09:49
chroothow to remove an empty line in a file?09:49
MoonlightningFair enough.09:49
MoonlightningThe entire thing is not round, though…09:50
TJ-Moonlightning: Another thought occurs to me - you'd still need to be able to pull the HDD out and attach it to the Mac - install Ubuntu to a virtual machine raw image  (that's a file) on the Mac then write the contents of the raw VM file directly to the attached HDD, then return it to the broken PC09:50
EbollaTechnically a CD Drive. DVD Drive, and BR Drive are not round either.09:50
MoonlightningI'll jus say /optical disc/ then XD09:51
TJ-Moonlightning: If you use a *raw* image file as the backing for a VM it is literally just like a small hard disk. The first byte of data in it is the same as on a physical HDD09:51
Ebollakk lol09:51
MoonlightningEbolla: no, but the entire discs themselves are.09:51
=== piro is now known as Guest61688
TJ-OK... let's focus on the easy problem here... We can't make round discs square :p09:51
MoonlightningTJ-: seems a bit complicated. Wouldn't you need some special kind of cable to do that? XD09:51
Moonlightning…yes we can.09:52
Moonlightningbrb - getting chainsaw09:52
TJ-Moonlightning: don't blame me for being complicated! you set the restrictions! :D09:52
TJ-Go get/borrow/steal a network cable :p09:52
MoonlightningI didn't set the restrictions! We just don't have the hardware! >.<09:52
air139panic during a verion upgrade of the os, now boots into a broken login screen, live cd does not see the old OS to upgrade, how do I go about recovery from here?09:53
Moonlightning!repeat | air13909:53
TJ-Moonlightning: You set them on me! I'm telling you the only way you can do it without access to a USB or optical boot device09:53
ubottuair139: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:53
air139waited the 5-10 minutes described in the room rule09:54
k1l_air139: try the recovery login and go with apt-get -f install?09:54
MoonlightningTJ-: you can't do a netinstall without a /Linux/ server?09:54
SoulTrainAny idea? is it possible to use "Compiz visual effects" with  LXDE?09:55
Moonlightning…actually, hmm…I have a Linux /server/-server, but it's not on the LAN…might that work?09:55
k1l_air139: support only here in the channel pls09:55
air139its so crowded09:55
air139k1l_: so just run that in the terminal in the live cd?09:55
TJ-Moonlightning: Sure you can, from a PXE/TFTP server. Set one up on your Mac and you could. But generally novices find configuring PXE/TFTP difficult since it is complex. And you'd still need an ethernet cable. You can't do it wirelessly09:55
bobvdvHi all09:55
bobvdvI've got a minor question09:56
MoonlightningTJ-: okay…09:56
k1l_air139: but yes. select the recovery entry on grub. and then try that command. BUT before all that i would recommend you to boot up a live-system (usb or cd) and backup your data09:56
TJ-Moonlightning: Does that laptop have a working operating system installation right now?09:56
MoonlightningTJ-: yeah, the laptop runs Windows.09:56
Guest61688ciao a tutti ho un problema con virtual box qualcuno mi può aiutare grazie09:56
joooo72are there any known issues about using grub-install on a 3tb GPT ?09:56
MoonlightningUhh… ^09:56
joooo72seems to keep failing for me09:56
MoonlightningWhat language is that? XD09:56
lotuspsychje!it | Guest6168809:56
ubottuGuest61688: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:56
TJ-Moonlightning: And can Windows via Wireless talk to the Internet?09:56
EbollaUse windows to install ubuntu then with the win executable09:56
MoonlightningErr, don't want to use Wubi.09:57
bobvdvI've installed 12.04 on my MacBook Pro 13" mid 2010, it all works perfectly, yet it seems that the digital audio out is always on (the red light is on when you look in the audio jack port)09:57
MoonlightningI heard it's easier to get running, but harder to fix when things go wrong.09:57
Dr_Willisvbox perhaps09:57
TJ-Moonlightning: You can install using wubi, then use the wubi installation to install properly09:57
Dr_Williswubi is fragile09:57
bobvdvI'm curious as to how this affects my MacBook and if I should do something about it.09:57
altincan anyone help me, every video I play online is lagging :S09:57
Guest61688 /join #ubuntu-it09:57
MoonlightningTJ-: okay, how do we do that?09:57
altinI think is because of flashplayer09:57
Dr_Willisaltin: you mean every flash video:09:58
MoonlightningTJ-: and yes, the laptop has a working Internet connection09:58
TJ-Moonlightning: If in Windows you first *shrink* the partition that Windows is using so the HDD has plenty of free space at the end, then getting Ubuntu installed later is much easier09:58
air139k1l_: having small issues finding out how to access grub without the live cd09:58
altinDr_Willis: yes09:58
MoonlightningTJ-: doesn't the Wubi installer have an option to do that?09:58
TJ-Moonlightning: On Windows Vista and later, in Disk Management, you can select and shrink a partition containing the running windows system09:58
Dr_Willisaltin: i use flash downntions or the flashvideoreplacer extension09:59
SquarepyTJ-, Moonlightning , I use gparted for that09:59
TJ-Moonlightning: I doubt it! wubi installs itself into a raw image file on the Windows NTFS file-system09:59
BoreeasI seem to be unable to switch windows on Ubuntu 12.04 with Gnome 3. Both the Win key and the top left corner don't react, and Alt+Tab lets me switch windows, but mouse input is still only registered in the previous window09:59
altinDr_Willis: is that a plugin for firefox or what ?09:59
joooo72IS THERE A PROBLEM09:59
Moonlightning!caps | joooo7209:59
ubottujoooo72: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.09:59
TJ-Moonlightning: Besides, I trust the windows tool more than I do the ntfs-3g tools that Linux would use10:00
air139k1l_: okay can't get the system to boot the old os, I can see the files if Imount them though10:00
Dr_Willisaltin: yes - several plugins out that do similer jobs10:00
joooo72sorry caps gets attention10:00
joooo72no-one responding10:00
bobvdvhmm, anyone have an idea about the red light in my audio-port?10:00
Moonlightning!patience | joooo7210:00
ubottujoooo72: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:00
TJ-bobvdv: red light? Isn't that an optical out port?10:01
Dr_Williscaps get ignored..10:01
SquarepyMoonlightning, with gparted I can also create the ext2 and swaps space before running the ubuntu live cd, is not essential but windows doesn't have to work for it to work10:01
joooo72lower case gets ignored too10:01
TJ-Squarepy: You're confusing the issue.10:01
Afflicto-[ubuntuHow can I see which user I am in the terminal?10:01
Dr_Willisjoooo72: no one even remembers your question now.10:01
Afflicto-[ubuntuI'm currently logged in as root.10:01
llutzAfflicto-[ubuntu: "whoami"10:01
Dr_WillisAfflicto-[ubuntu: 'whoami' command10:02
SquarepyTJ-, how so?10:02
joooo72Dr_Willis, are there problems with grub-install working on a GPT 3TB disk10:02
TJ-Squarepy: He doesn't have the option of using an Ubuntu install media; but he does have access to a working Windows10:02
altinDr_Willis: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/flashvideoreplacer/10:02
Afflicto-[ubuntuAh ok, so it says Root. How do I get out of root?10:02
SquarepyTJ-, ok, sure10:02
bobvdvTJ, indeed, but it's always on, can I disable it? It has no use for me as I have no digital connection.10:02
llutzAfflicto-[ubuntu: ctrl-d10:02
Dr_Willisaltin: get it from its homepage. i recall, or find a similer extention10:02
Afflicto-[ubuntuThanks :)10:02
bobvdvTJ-, When I work in OS X, it's always off.10:03
Afflicto-[ubuntuit says dvs@ubuntu - but on the top right on the bar it says "dreamvoid". confusing is dreamvoid the nice name and dvs the username?10:03
TJ-Squarepy: He has not network cable, a broken optical driver, and only Wifi connection from Windows. Short of pulling the HDD and attaching it to another PC, installing via wubi first then using wubi to bootstrap into a raw HDD install seems the only option10:03
Afflicto-[ubuntutop right being where the clock is etc.10:03
joooo72no one answers when it's lowercase10:03
TJ-bobvdv: I've no experience of controlling the optical port, sorry.10:03
joooo72i bet if i upepr case it ill start to get some feedback10:04
Dr_Willisjoooo72: if no one knows.....10:04
air139k going to go hit buttons untill this works, pray to the RNG :/10:04
TJ-Afflicto-[ubuntu: Yes10:04
llutzjoooo72: you already got your feedback: you'll be ignored in future if you don't respect the rules10:04
bobvdvTJ-, no problem, thanks for listening though. I don't think it'll hurt my hardware so it's not the end of the world :)10:05
=== Afflicto-[ubuntu is now known as Afflicto[ubuntu]
joooo72where are the rules?10:05
TJ-joooo72: you'll get muted if you spam the channel with repeats10:05
Dr_Willisi belive searching at askubuntu.com was suggested joooo7210:05
TJ-bobvdv: I can imagine it'd be annoying on a dark night!10:05
Afflicto[ubuntu]Tj-: k thx10:05
bobvdvTJ-, in that case I'll put a piece of black tape over it :P10:05
Dr_Willismy optical audio ports had a little black cap/plug over them10:06
TJ-bobvdv: Very high-tech :D10:06
TJ-Dr_Willis: yeah, so do mine. bobvdv find your little black bit!10:06
Dr_Willishe prob found it on the floor and dident know what it was10:06
Dr_Willisi have no idea what that optical thing plugs info....10:07
bobvdvTJ-, if they can fix stuff on the ISS using duck tape, it's quite high tech indeed :D10:07
Dr_Willisold skool high end audio? ;)10:07
bobvdvTJ-, I meant duct tape10:07
TJ-bobvdv: Ahh but they spent $billions on designing that tape10:07
bekksjoooo72: Please STOP sending notices all users.10:08
Dr_Willisi belive searching at askubuntu.com was suggested joooo7210:08
TJ-He's history10:08
bobvdvDr_Willis, the optical port is integrated in my minijack port on my Macbook Pro. So no black cap10:08
TJ-bobvdv: have you searched for this issue on the ubuntu forums?10:08
bobvdvTJ-, indeed I have, but most information seems outdated or not related to my problem10:09
TJ-bobvdv: Did you see this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook4-1/Natty#Sound10:09
Dr_Willisso some surround sound systems have a optical in to channel all 7.1 or whatever audio to them?10:09
bobvdvTJ-, on the other hand I've always been quite the bad Googler10:09
TJ-bobvdv: From that it tells me you need a way to flip the toggle on the "S/PDIF" port, either via the Sound Control GUI or a terminal app like ALSA mixer10:10
bobvdvTJ-, thanks, hadn't seen that page yet10:10
bobvdvwas searching on askubuntu10:10
BoreeasI seem to be unable to switch windows on Ubuntu 12.04 with Gnome 3. Both the Win key and the top left corner don't react, and Alt+Tab lets me switch windows, but mouse input is still only registered in the previous window.10:10
BoreeasDoes anyone have an idea how to fix that?10:10
TJ-bobvdv: I think the first thing you do is try using alsamixer from the command line to prove it can toggle that port10:11
TJ-bobvdv: Then you can figure out how to do that from the GUI, or save the setting permanently10:11
bobvdvthe toggling worked10:11
bobvdvThanks TJ-10:11
TJ-bobvdv: Yay! That's a good start to the day :)10:13
BrenRS_How do I view the list of processes running?10:13
TJ-BrenRS: From GUI or terminal?10:13
BrenRS_terminal please10:14
llutzBrenRS_: ps aux10:14
BrenRS_thanks :)10:14
TJ-BrenRS: "ps -ef" or for more info "ps -efly"10:14
BrenRS_is there a keyboard shortcut for opening terminal?10:14
bobvdvps aux | more10:14
TJ-BrenRS: I'm not sure... depends on the release and desktop I think10:15
BrenRS_it's 12.0410:15
TJ-bobvdv: llutz I try to avoid the BSD option formats ... pedantic I know :p10:15
bobvdvCTRL ALT T10:15
llutzTJ-: do whatever you prefer10:15
=== Gnurdux_ is now known as Gnurdux
bobvdvBrenRS, does ctrl-alt-t work for you? I use it all the time :)10:16
TJ-bobvdv: thanks! I spend all my time in the terminal so never need to hotkey it. Never knew that10:16
TJ-llutz: ahhh, you didn't get my subtle humour :p10:16
Afflicto[ubuntu]What do I look for if I want to kill\terminate all lampp\xampp related processes? I just looked for apache,mysql etc couldn't find anything but it seems its still running.10:17
Name141Is there going to be a schedualed release soon ?10:17
bobvdvTJ-, I do a lot of work in GUI and terminal so it's one of my most used shortcuts. Along with ctrl alt L (for when I don't want my coworkers changing my dasktop and homepage)10:17
bazhangAfflicto[ubuntu], lampp xampp is not supported , use lamp only10:17
bazhang!xampp | Afflicto[ubuntu]10:17
ubottuAfflicto[ubuntu]: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.10:17
tacirusHello, is there anybody speaking russian here?10:17
bazhangtacirus, in #ubuntu-ru10:18
kake123hello forum10:18
Afflicto[ubuntu]Oh, ok.. I guess I'll try that then.10:18
tacirusbazhang: thank u10:18
kake123can anyone advise me on LiveCD NTFS recovery10:18
Afflicto[ubuntu]how do I delete a directory and all its contents? is it mr -r path/to/dir?10:19
bekkskake123: Whats your actual problem then?10:19
k1l_Afflicto[ubuntu]: its "rm" like remove10:19
kake123i am using version 10.10 liveCD and it stops at busybox10:20
SagenthI thought it was rmdir10:20
TJ-Sagenth: only if the directory is empty10:20
bekkskake123: 10.10 isnt supported anymore.10:20
llutzSagenth: rmdir only removes empty directories10:20
Sagenthgood to know10:20
MoosersHello; I am a Ubuntu 12.04 LTS user. I tried to boot with "OpenBox" but it faild. It does nothing, Just a dark screen after I type my userlogin password. Is it possible to go back to Ubuntu3D some how?10:20
kake123I need to mount NTFS and delete an NTFS transaction file10:20
ubottukake123:: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:20
bekkskake123: Which doesnt make 10.10 to be supported :) Use a supported liveCD version.10:21
kake123ok fair enough10:21
cfhowlettMoosers: reboot.  choose your user name and select your desktop environment.10:21
SagenthOkay I got a huge problem, that I have no clue how to fix other than to restore from my initial backup10:22
=== fishwithapipe is now known as f|shy
SagenthI installed nvidia's proprietary drivers from the system settings, and now my window manager appears to be completely gone10:22
kake123Using 12.04 it stops at loading boot logo....i checked some info posts and most replies state redownload and checksum10:22
bekkskake123: Did you do that?10:23
Mooserscfhowlett:  What I see after I reboot is a different user login password screen (blue color) and its shows me a dark screen after I login. Thats all.10:23
TJ-Sagenth: boot to a recovery environment, then investigate the logs in /var/log/10:23
Sagenthis there a hotkey like in windows?10:23
TJ-kake123: checksum it first, then re-download if the checksum is bad10:23
Mooserscfhowlett: There is no screen that i can choose the desktop environment.10:23
cfhowlettkake123: ALWAYS checksum your iso before you install.  You should checksum the iso you installed from.10:23
TJ-Sagenth: Hold down SHIFT as soon as the BIOS messages show, until you get the Ubuntu boot menu10:24
Dr_WillisSagenth:  try 'startx' at the recovery/text mode consoles also. may give an error message . you can usxe weechat or irssi at the console to irc and get help from here10:24
kake123no not yet, just interested, is it to do with data block sizes? that an ISO can fail a checksum10:24
cfhowlettMoosers: not a screen for DE.  You should be able to select a session for unity.10:24
SagenthOh wait actually yes Dr_Willis it did give a message10:24
bekkskake123: It has to do with corrupted data, not with data block sizes, when a checksum fails.10:25
Sagenthit tells me "Error: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has version 304.37 but this NVIDIA driver component has version 295.49. Please.. etc"10:25
Dr_WillisSagenth:  this is 12.04 right?10:25
Sagenththat last part is not quoted10:25
Sagenthyes it is10:25
TJ-Sagenth: You have tried to install 2 different versions of the nvidia driver apparently10:26
Dr_WillisSagenth: reinstall the nvidia-current package would be my guess10:26
MoosersWhen I start the pc It takes me Multiple Boot screen between Windows And Ubuntu. Then I choose ubuntu and Hit Enter then this password screen appeart and then the dark screen. Thats it10:26
SagenthI think this most definitely has to do with installing up-to-date drivers via terminal and then installing drivers from system settings afterwards10:26
Dr_WillisSagenth: or are you using the drivers from nvidia.com?10:26
TJ-Sagenth: 304.37 isn't in the Ubuntu side yet as far as I'm aware10:26
Dr_WillisSagenth: bingo.....10:26
kake123i looked at knoppix and rescuecd, i think they fail because there is no .EXE in the root of the ISO.10:26
SagenthIf I can fix this problem, I will tell you guys what I was trying to fix in the first place >,>10:26
TJ-Sagenth: You need to clean out/uninstall the manual installation10:26
MonkeyDust!nomodeset > Moosers10:26
ubottuMoosers, please see my private message10:26
Dr_WillisSagenth: i only use whats in the repos.10:27
bekkskake123: You are entirely wrong.10:27
bekkskake123: Linux doesnt know and doesnt care about .exe files at all.10:27
Sagenththe terminal installation worked great actually10:27
cfhowlettkake123: linux doesn't use .exe files.10:27
TJ-Sagenth: No it didn't - because it didn't package the changes it made so Ubuntu can undo them10:27
Sagenthbut I was still having a particular problem so i thought they didn't install or something10:27
Dr_Williswine sol.exe dosent count. ;)10:27
kake123i am referring to an intel machine using it as a boot rescue disk10:27
bekkskake123: Which doesnt change the fact that linux doesnt use .exe files at all.10:28
kake123i am trying to restore an NTFS disk and get windows going again10:28
Sagenthokay well I've got a backup from before hand10:28
TJ-Sagenth: when the package-manager is not used files can be replaced on the system that we have no way of knowing about10:28
Sagenthhow do I restore? from terminal10:28
bekkskake123: Then compare the checksum of the iso you downloaded.10:28
Dr_WillisSagenth: id remove the drivers from nvidia.com and reinstall nvidia-current10:28
cfhowlettkake123: are you dual booting ubuntu and windows from the same machine?10:28
kake123so how does the computer boot after bios? the bootloader10:28
TJ-Sagenth: First, use the uinstall method of the manual installer10:28
kake123no am recovering a windows machine10:28
bekkskake123: It loads the boot loader and starts the OS.10:28
Dr_Willisbior - reads mbr - loads rest of stuff10:28
Moosersubottu I think I explain my issue in a wrong way.10:28
ubottuMoosers: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:28
TJ-Sagenth: then reinstall the Ubuntu package using "sudo apt-get --reinstall install <package-name>"10:28
Sagentharg I followed some instructions online to install it10:29
MoosersHello; I am a Ubuntu 12.04 LTS user. I tried to boot with "OpenBox" but it faild. It does nothing, Just a dark screen after I type my userlogin password. Is it possible to go back to Ubuntu3D some how?10:29
kake123the bios loads the bootloader, the bootloader finds the boot drive and looks for an .exe??? no?10:29
TJ-kake123: no10:30
Dr_WillisSagenth: you could reinstall the nvidias .run drivers i guess...10:30
MoonlightningQuick question: does apt take options after keywords, like `apt-get install --reinstall $package` instead of `apt-get --reinstall install $package`?10:30
bekkskake123: No.10:30
TJ-Moonlightning: Yes, I believe so, as long as they are before the package names10:30
MoonlightningThanks. ^^10:30
SagenthDr_Willis, TJ-, alright I am searching for the instructions I followed to install them in the first place10:30
bekkskake123: Now please continue with verifying the checksum of the iso. :)10:31
Moonlightninglol ^10:31
kake123yes i know what you meant...ty10:31
SagenthI found this, couldn't I just do this"sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia-*"10:31
cfhowlettkake123: bootloading explained  http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/X86_Assembly/Bootloaders10:31
cfhowlettSagenth: sudo apt-get purge nvidia10:32
Sagenthdidn't find anything when I ran that10:34
Sagenthit did with -* though at the end10:34
SagenthAlright cool was able to startx now10:36
MoosersPlease some one help10:37
SagenthSo, I guess I will just treat this as fix ubuntu day.. When my ubuntu box wakes up from sleep mode I have a black screen10:37
SagenthI am not an expert by any means10:37
Sagenthbut moosers.. why don't you clean install if it is on openbox10:38
Mooserswhat do u mean10:38
Sagenthreinstall ubuntu in your virtual box10:38
Knight7I want to disable a key-combination (view -> key-combination) - how can i do that?10:38
Moosersits not a virtualbox10:39
Knight7*key combination in the terminal10:39
MoosersI installed ubuntu alongside to windows10:39
cfhowlettMoosers: wubi??10:39
Moosersit has its own partition etc.10:39
Sagenthdid you install windows second?10:39
Moosersno not via wubi10:39
bonsaikittenso ... could someone please give me a direct download URL so I can ... like ... download ubuntu, please? preferrably desktop version10:39
MoosersI boot with USB Drive and installe it fom iso10:39
Sagenthyou boot this from a USB drive?10:40
Sagenthin a virtual environment10:40
Sagenthsounds like a recipe for disaster, don't know how to help10:40
bekksSagenth: No virtual environment.10:40
TJ-Sagenth: Mooser's installed from a USB LiveCD... now he has the OpenBox desktop env installed and its broken10:40
bekksAnd booting a vm from USB works perfectly.10:40
MoosersSagenth: where did u get this virtual environment from?10:41
MoosersTJ-:  thank you10:41
Sagenthfrom openbox10:41
bekksSagenth: openbox is window manager. You are mixing it up with virtualbox.10:41
Sagenthyes I am10:41
Sagenthgoogle search10:41
bonsaikitten... found it, thx :)10:42
MoosersTJ-:  bekks  is there a way to revocer to Ubuntu 3D?10:42
bekksMoosers: I never used openbox - and I'll just create a new user (by logging in to a terminal) and start over, to see wether it is a user based issue or a computer based issue.10:43
Knight7i want to deaktivat this keycombination from the terminal - how do i set it to "deactivate" instead of a keybinding? http://www.google.com/search?q=http%3A%2F%2Fimg8.myimg.de%2Fquestion4ea4e.png&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=ubuntu&channel=fs10:43
captineHi all.  I now have my wifi showing connected at 102MB/s, however transferring files is deathly slow.  could this be due to using SSH connection for file transfer?  Would encryption be the issue?10:43
SagenthI got a problem with with sleep mode, maybe somebody can help. I just put my box to sleep and woke it up so I could describe the behaviour. The light is on but pretty much nobody is home. No screen no usb activity nothing. I am using a 4 port KVM though if that would have an effect10:43
bekkscaptine: No. No.10:44
TJ-Sagenth: Try ssh into it10:44
Sagenthis ssh setup by default?10:44
captinebekks. thanks.  any idea of how i can test throughput?10:44
Moosersbekks: how do i create a new user?10:44
Knight7I want to deactivate a keycombination from the terminal instead of setting a new key (see here: http://img8.myimg.de/question4ea4e.png) - how can i do that?10:44
Moosersand how do i reach to terminal?10:44
TJ-Sagenth: Not unless its a server10:45
bekkscaptine: you could use netcat.10:45
SagenthIt is not. So reboot and setup ssh then sleep, wake up and test ssh?10:45
TJ-Sagenth: yes10:45
Sagenthalright.. here goes10:45
bekksMoosers: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto#Command-line10:46
Sagenthdon't suppose you've got the instructions on how to set it up10:46
Afflicto[ubuntu]Ok so I removed lampp and installed the other thing by reading on ubuntu ApacheMysqlPhp page. I did /etc/init.d/apache2 restart and it fails to bind to port\domain or something. It seems xampp processes are still running? if so how can I absolutely destroy all the processes related? thansk in advance.10:47
ubottugalbi: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:47
captinebekks, googling it now. thanks for the suggestion10:47
Moosersthxs for help. I will try what u said10:48
Knight7s is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If   │ adante10:48
Knight7                          | you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a         │ AdedioR10:48
devilzi am not able to connect to wireless network through my wubi can anyone help me plz10:50
jackkHello, can someone tell me if this Linux has flash preinstalled? I am a huge fan of porn and would like to know.10:50
cfhowlettdevilz: what wifi card do you have?10:51
hipitihopcan someone point me at a reference about backporting kernel changes, I'm trying to get 10.04 with more recent kernel so that it detects my SSD10:52
devilzcfhowlett: i have realtek rtl810110:53
devilzcfhowlett: i have realtek rtl8101e*10:53
cfhowlettdevilz: ah.  I've been forced to develop some expertise with broadcom but not realtek.  ask again in channel and, as always ...10:53
ubottudevilz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:54
devilzi am not able to connect to wireless network through my wubi can anyone help me plz10:54
Guest43513I have a problem when trying to log in to x using one of my accounts i get "failed to load session ubuntu-2d" but it works perfectly with all accounts exept one is there a way to reset this ?10:54
devilzi guess i have some driver issues for my lan car so i downloaded drivers from http://www.realtek.com.tw/Downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=14&PFid=7&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false#210:55
devilzlan card*10:55
=== Guest43513 is now known as freebase
devilzstill not working10:55
MonkeyDustdevilz  wubi :(10:55
Dr_Willisyou did install them.. not just dwnloaded them... ;)10:56
devilzdr_willis : yeh i installed them too :P10:56
cfhowlettdevilz: side note: wubi is for TESTING ubuntu.  It is NOT a permanent installation solution = so sayeth the wubi developers.10:56
Dr_Willisid test the card in 12.10 it may be fixed in the next release/kernel updates10:57
devilzi have 12.10.10:57
Dr_Willisnothing is more permenant than a tempaory fix...10:57
Dr_Willisdevilz: yiu are using 12.10 now?10:58
devilzcfhowlett: i was having hard times installing ubuntu alongside windows. so i shifted to wubi :(10:58
devilzDr_Willis : yes :) i upgraded10:58
devilzbut wifi not working :(10:59
delkinMy nvidia drivers aren't working well... startx gives this output: "NVIDIA: API mismatch: the nvidia kernel module has version 280.13, but this nvidia driver component has version 304.37. Please make sure that kernel module and all NVidia driver components have the same version." How am I gonna do that?10:59
bekksIsnt wubi the worst solution possible?10:59
cfhowlettdevilz: understood, however ... "Expect unforeseen consequences."10:59
Dr_Willisit suggest trying a clean 12.10. install. no wubi10:59
devilzcfhowlett : like?11:00
Dr_Willisdelkin: you used the drivers from the nvidia site?11:00
cfhowlettdevilz: it's wubi.  anything could happen.  Perhaps virtualbox would suit you better.11:00
=== Moonlightning is now known as Moonlightning|An
devilzvirtualbox is better than wubi ?? :P11:00
=== Moonlightning|An is now known as Blackl|Anthology
Dr_Willisdevilz: id say yes it is...11:01
delkinDr_Willis: Yes, I downloaded the latest version of the NVIDIA*.sh and run it throught the console. Ever since, I just see my lovely black console11:01
Dr_Willisor a full install to a flashdrive11:01
bekksdevilz: virtualbox is a virtualization solution, while wubi is a windows-based ubuntu installation method.11:01
cfhowlettdevilz: better?  no.  different parameters, different outcomes, but virtualbox will NOT break your system.  also, if you've got a working network on your host, windows in your case, virtual box will pickup the network connection.11:01
Dr_Willisdelkin: reinstall them each time rhe kernel gets updated...11:02
delkinDr_Willis: What can I do to have X working again?11:02
Dr_Willisdelkin: reinstall those drivers......11:03
devilzcfhowlett: what about vmware?11:03
Dr_Willisor stop using them and use the ones from the repos delkin11:04
bekksdevilz: You have to buy it.11:04
cfhowlettdevilz: I've never used it, but it seems to be as well regarded as virtualbox ...11:04
delkinDr_Willis: How can I use the drivers from repos again?11:04
Dr_Willisdelkin: unistall the .run driveres. reinstall nvidia-current11:05
devilzkk. But i think the problem is that ubuntu don;t have drivers for my lan card by dafault11:05
devilzso how wud complete 12.10 ubuntu will have them?11:05
devilzif wubi don;t have those11:05
* chuyizi is away: Away11:05
delkinDr_Willis: How do I uninstall the .run drivers?11:05
Dr_Willisdelkin: no idea check the nvidia .run driver docs11:06
bekksdevilz: IIRC the RTL8101 is supported by Ubuntu.11:06
* chuyizi is back (gone 00:00:31)11:06
Myrttichuyizi: please turn that off on this channel11:06
Dr_Willisdelkin: ther may have a uninstall option11:06
SagenthTJ- that was a good suggestion, as it turns out.. my system is simply not waking up. It is not on the network because my ssh session worked before putting it to sleep. I woke it up and tested a few times and all tests timed out11:07
delkinDr_Willis: gonna check it11:07
cloudgeekhow we can use or install command line version of the goldendict11:07
bekksdevilz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWiredNetworkCardsRealtek11:08
SagenthOkay TJ is not here anymore11:08
PersonI can't boot from my drive, I mounted the drive in the Live CD, and my files are here, but I think the OS is messed up. I crashed during an update. How can I fix this?11:09
delkinDr_Willis: gonna reboot, brb11:09
bekksPerson: Whats the error message you get when trying to boot from your drive?11:09
Personasks for bootarg11:10
cfhowlettPerson: if you have separate /home, I'd say reinstall ... AFTER you checksum you iso.11:10
PersonI only have 2 partisions and one is a swap11:10
PersonSo I'm guessing I dont have a seperate /home11:10
cfhowlettcloudgeek: goldendict is in the universe repo.  Enable that and it should show in Software Center or use the cli11:11
MoosersHeya again11:11
bekksPerson: Could you please give a full error message when trying to boot from your drive in a pastebin?11:11
bekks!paste | Person11:11
ubottuPerson: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:11
Moosersbekks: creating username didnt work11:11
SagenthI've got a problem. I put my computer to sleep, and when I wake it up it I've got a black screen no USB activity and no network connection. Can't ssh to the box. Yet it does wake up, it just doesn't do it right or something. I ran a memory test a week ago to try and fix this issue and found there is no problems with any my memory sticks11:11
cfhowlettPerson: looks like ..11:11
Personbekks this is my only terminal11:11
bekksMoosers: "didnt work" isnt a valid problem description.11:11
qwdThis tells me to copy over the icon to the Unity launcher, how do I do that? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1773598 (Step 2 under " Using the Script")11:11
Personshould I write it down then type it?11:11
bekksPerson: Correct.11:12
bekksPerson: In a pastebin please.11:12
Personk be back in a while folks11:12
Dr_Willisqwd drag/drop     the .desktop file onto the launcher panel11:13
Personbekks: would something like target file does not have sbin edit mean someting to you?11:13
Moosersbekks:  sorry let me state my problem again. I had a very clean Ubuntu 12.04 LTS then I tried to use OpenBox. I went "Logout" then Choose OpenBox. This user login window popup. Then a dark (gray) screen and nothing more.11:14
qwdDr_Willis: I don't have a .desktop file in that folder, at least not one that belongs to that11:14
Dr_Willisqwd: drag the script or whatever over then perhaps.. or however you run it11:15
bekksPerson: That means, that your installation is entirely broken, since there is no /sbin anymore.11:15
SagenthI've got a problem. I put my computer to sleep, and when I wake it up it I've got a black screen no USB activity and no network connection. Can't ssh to the box. Yet it does wake up, it just doesn't do it right or something. I ran a memory test a week ago to try and fix this issue and found there is no problems with any my memory sticks11:15
bekksMoosers: Did you reboot your box?11:15
qwdDr_Willis: Doh, I tried the exakt same thing a minute ago and it didn't work. Now it did. Thanks :)11:15
bekks!patience | Sagenth11:15
ubottuSagenth: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:15
Personbekks: is there any way to install over it and save my files and settings?11:16
cfhowlettPerson:  nope ... and THAT is why I have a dedicated /home11:16
SagenthI am searching right now, I've asked this question here before too. I've been on and off trying to fix this for a few weeks actually11:17
Moosersbox? I reebot the netbook it takes me to this Dual Boot screen, I can login windows normaly but not to ubuntu anymore. This new UserLogin popup appears and then this dark (gray) screen after I enter when I choose ubuntu in Dual Boot screen.11:17
Personcfhowlett: I can see all my home files though still11:17
cloudgeekcfhowlett: :)11:17
cfhowlettPerson: copy and backup to USB.  New install will format that partition and wipe out all the current data.11:18
bekksPerson: No. Use a liveCD to backup everything you want to preserve.11:18
Personuse the back up app thing?11:19
bekksPerson: No.11:19
Dr_Willisi just copy the files somewhere safe11:19
Dr_Willisand use cloud storage ;)11:19
Moosersbekks:  I reebot the netbook it takes me to this Dual Boot screen, I can login windows normaly but not to ubuntu anymore. This new UserLogin popup appears and then this dark (gray) screen after I enter when I choose ubuntu in Dual Boot screen.11:20
bekksMoosers: Then dont enter the user credentials but change the session as you did before.11:20
SagenthCould somebody take a look at this, I am hoping somebody else understands what Post #30 means on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/989674?comments=all11:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 989674 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 12.04 i386 does not reboot back Unity from suspend" [Medium,Triaged]11:21
Personsays its backing up /media/long string of data/home now11:21
Moosersbekks:  but there is no other thing on the screen I do not see anything else then this username popup. its just a little window that asking me for my password thats it11:21
Moosersis it possible to boot in command line and change the sensation11:21
Corelmenis there a command to see whats te systemp of ubuntu server11:21
Dr_WillisMoosers: editthe users .dmrc file is one way11:22
MoosersDr_Willis:  would u tell me more?11:23
bekksI'd purge dlim and use gdm.11:23
Dr_WillisMoosers:  its a file you edit or rename to go back to defaults.. not a lot more to tell11:23
ubottucorelman: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:24
MoosersDr_Willis:  would you tell me how to do it? Its my 3th day on Linux11:24
Dr_WillisMoosers:  go to console, login, use nano to edit the file. or just rename it. mv .dmrc dmrc.old11:25
=== szal_ is now known as szal
Personthe install disc saw the old os and tried to upgrade it!11:25
Personbut it failed?11:25
Personnow it cant see it11:26
Dr_Willisdmrc saves your last selected login session. no file = uses the system default.11:26
bekksPerson: Expected.11:26
Sagenthpci=noacpi any idea where I would make this change?11:26
bekksPerson: Did you create a backup of the files you wanted to preserve?11:26
PersonThe disc had errors11:26
=== Corelmen is now known as CAPSLOCK_ERROR
qwdTrying to send a file from my Ubuntu desktop to Nexus 7 via MTP. It's doing it at 60kb/s, is this normal?11:26
bekksPerson: Thats not an answer to my question.11:26
Dr_WillisSagenth:  if thats a kernel option /etc/default/grub11:26
Personit is backing up now11:26
=== CAPSLOCK_ERROR is now known as CORELMEN
MoosersDr_Willis:  What do u mean with going to onsole? I am on Windows 7 now. Can I do the hange from here. Ist same netbook11:26
Persongetting another disc as well11:26
bekksPerson: You just said you cant see your files anymore - how can you back them up then?11:27
SagenthDr_Willis, alright i will check into /etc/default/grub11:27
Personbekks: I can see my files11:27
Dr_WillisMoosers:  live cd, or usb, or boot linux to the console/text/recovery mode11:27
PersonI can't boot11:27
bekks0819 132604 < Person> now it cant see it11:27
Personthe install disc won't reconize the previous OS to upgrade11:28
Personit still sees the files though11:28
Personit was a bad disk11:28
bekksPerson: You cant do an upgrade on a broken installation. Expected behviour.11:28
PersonI have a good disk now but it wont see it again11:28
cfhowlettPerson: back up your data.  download and checksum a clean iso.  reinstall.11:28
PersonBut it saw it once? If it sees it again could it try to install over?11:29
cfhowlettPerson: CLEAN install is what I should have said.11:29
l3dwhen does 10.04 stop being lts11:29
Personor was that a fluke or error that it saw it before11:29
bekksPerson: Again: You cant upgrade a broken installtion.11:29
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)11:29
SagenthDr_Willis, I opened that file but it doesn't have a pci line nor does it mention pci. So if it goes in here where do I put it?11:29
Dr_WillisSagenth: kernel options are on a line that has 'quiet splash'  in it11:30
MoosersDr_Willis: can u please tell me the code that I will use to edit or rename it please so I boot and do it and come back here11:30
Sagenthcomma separated?11:30
l3dDr_Willis, thank you11:30
Dr_WillisSagenth: could put it between those 2 words..11:30
=== CORELMEN is now known as Corelmen
Dr_WillisMoosers:  i gave the command to mv it... mv = move11:31
aspireHello iam new in the ubuntuworld - where i can become chat-support in german?11:31
Sagenthinbetween quiet splash?11:31
Dr_Willisquiet pci=foo splash11:31
ubottujaspire: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!11:31
MoosersDr_Willis:  this is all I will need to type there?11:31
aspiredanke, thank you11:31
Dr_Willisrerun sudo update-grub  after editing thr filr Sagenth  ;)11:32
SagenthWhy would I do that? wouldn't that mess up whatever quiet splash is there for?11:32
l3danother thought was  in the software center i see a app that i might like but it costs 19.99 was wondering I guess I cant due a quick try before I buy to make sure its what I am looking for11:32
Dr_Willisthose are all options passed to the kernel11:32
Sagenthwhat is quiet splash for?11:32
Dr_WillisMoosers:   mv .dmrc dmrc.old11:33
Dr_Willishmm. what is that factoid...11:33
MoosersDr_Willis:  ok let me try thank you11:33
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto11:33
bekksl3d: No.11:33
bekksl3d: But you can search the web for more information about that app.11:34
SagenthOkay well did a bit of searching, regardless you're saying I have to put this between those two words or did you say that to show me that it doesn't matter where I put it11:35
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:35
Dr_Willisthat line is all kernel options. so bteween, or at the end. i belive11:36
Dr_Williseasier to tell people between the 2 ;)11:37
tacirusHello, Is it possible to force Nautilus at autostart to open certain folders in its tabs11:37
Dr_Willisat autostart?11:38
Dr_Willisand you mean what by autostart......11:38
tacirusI have it autolauncher11:38
tacirusi mean at start-up11:39
Dr_Willislook at nautilus --help for options perhaps11:39
bogorHow to install ubuntu on a usb flash drive (aka pend drive). I searched and all talks about is livecd. I dont want livecd. I want a permanent user account with sudo previlieges and ability to store files in flash drive and save my configurations and should not be setting it up everytime i boot. Like language /keyboard layout etc.11:39
Sagenthif I edit /etc/default/acpi-support will the changes take effect immediately?11:39
Dr_Willisyou mean at log-in?11:39
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
Dr_Willisbogor: same as you do a normal hd. partition, install, be sure grub goes on the usb...11:40
bogorDr_willis, is it so simple. WOW you made my day.11:40
Afflicto-[ubuntuHow can I see my internal IP from the terminal?11:40
SagenthDr_Willis, will the changes in the grub file not take effect, even after a reboot unless I run sudo update-grub?11:41
Dr_WillisSagenth:  update-grub pplies the changes11:41
MonkeyDustAfflicto-[ubuntu  ifconfig11:41
Afflicto-[ubuntuMonkeyDust: thx x)11:41
MonkeyDustAfflicto-[ubuntu  ifconfig|head -211:41
Dr_WillisSagenth:  you can edit the grub menu at boot time to test one time changes11:42
SagenthHow about the acpi-support file (/etc/default/acpi-support) I found another possible fix involving that file, will changes to it take effect immediately?11:42
bekksSagenth: No.11:42
Dr_WillisSagenth:  no idea.. id say beroot to be sure11:43
Sagenthtime to save and reboot then11:43
bilelhi, is there a simple way to avoid cronjobs being executed? during website upgrades for example11:46
rypervenchebilel: Comment it out when running the upgrade.11:47
SagenthAHRG nothing I try works11:51
SagenthSo the computer simply doesn't want to resume from sleep, any ideas?11:51
tomtomtomi think i have set a restriction on download limit for update manager11:54
tomtomtomcan anyone here hlep me to remove it11:55
bilelrypervenche: the issue is that there are a lot of lines, I'll have to comment each line it's not so good11:57
tomtomtomwho can help11:59
BluesKajHowdy all12:03
moosersDr_Willis:  Still around? Here Ive got some screenhots to give more idea about my problem.12:04
Dr_Willisim on my phone so my websurfing is limited12:05
moosersOh sorry12:05
Dr_Willisi dont even remember the problem  either. ;)12:05
moosersthen let me tell you what it says after I hit the code u told me12:05
moosersI wrote; mv .dmrc dmrc.old and this is the result: mv: cannot stat `.dmrc': No such file or directory12:07
Dr_Willisso like it says.. theres no .dmrc file in the current directory12:08
Dr_Williswhat directory are you in?12:08
moosersI dont know12:09
Dr_Willisthe promot shows you..12:09
moosersdev/sda/6 or 512:09
Dr_Willispr the pwd command12:09
mooserslet me open the promot12:09
Dr_Willis .dmrc is in your users home directory12:09
moosersI am now connected here with a different laptop12:09
Dr_Willisit may be a good time to read a few bash beginnere guides12:10
moosersok i boot in to recovery mode then i cill open the promot there12:10
silverarrowis anyone on a powerpc now?12:10
silverarrowor near one12:10
Dr_Willissilverarrow: i gave away my last powerpc imavdv12:10
moosersDr_Willis:  okay what I will type there to see what directory I am in12:10
Dr_Willismoosers:  look at the prompt.. or type pwd12:11
Dr_Willislinux on powerpc was way too flakey for me12:11
silverarrowDr_Willis:  I am hoping it will smooth out12:12
moosersDr_Willis: I will read alot after I survive my Ubuntu12:12
moosersresults of pwd: /root12:12
Dr_Willismoosers:  you are the root user? you want the .dmrc file in the users home12:12
Dr_Willisso cd /home/yourusersname12:13
mooserschtsrl is my username right12:13
Dr_Willisthen ls -l .dmrc    to see if its there12:13
Dr_Willissilverarrow:  i doubt it. powerpc seems sort of dieing off.12:13
mooserscd look smilar.12:13
moosersDr_Willis: what is my username?12:14
Dr_Willismoosers:  you tell me.. its whatever your username is on the system...12:14
Dr_Willisyou just said chtsrl12:14
silverarrowDr_Willis: maybe, but as long as IBM makes computers with the architacture it might live on12:14
mooserssorry I type it wrong12:15
moosersyeah now I am in12:15
mooserslet me do the next command12:15
Dr_Willissilverarrow:  not even sure who/whats using them these days12:15
silverarrowprobably servers mostly12:15
silverarrowand there are a lot still around12:16
moosers-rw-r--r-- 1 chtsrl chtsrl 27 Aug 19 17:53 .dmrc12:16
Dr_Willisid have to wonder why.. ;)12:16
Dr_Willismoosers: so theres your file12:16
moosersnow its time to do mv .dmrc dmrc.old12:16
silverarrowmine had lived in a closet for years though until fairly recently12:17
Dr_Willismoosers:  so move it.. ;)12:17
moosersmv: cannot move .dmrc' to dmrc.old': Read-only file system12:18
* Dr_Willis has no idea what moosers original problem was12:18
Dr_Willisnow thats interesting12:18
Dr_Willistry sudo mv .dmrc dmrc.backup12:18
moosersDr_Willis:  I installed the openbox and Logout from ubuntu and tried to login to openbox then its gave me this: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/69/imag3532.jpg/12:19
EbollaHow do I convert a /dev/disk/by-id to a uuid?12:19
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)12:19
moosersWhich say "Enter password to unluck your login keyring"12:19
Ebollayeah that doesn't work Dr-Willis12:19
moosersI do type my password then just a gray screen thats it12:19
EbollaThat just tells you the /dev/sdXX and uuid but doesn't tell you the respective by-id12:20
mooserssame error with second code12:20
Dr_Willismoosers:  you can boot the system normally, then use alt-ctrl-f1 to get to a console, login and move the file12:21
johnnyatomichello, i'm having trouble finding the libhid-dev pkg for 12.04, does it no longer exist in the repositories?12:21
EbollaHow do I convert a /dev/disk/by-id to a uuid?  (blkid only shows /dev/sdxxx and uuid but not the by-id)12:21
becom33I'm runing ubuntu 12.04 . and I just installed VGA driver NVIDIA . but the problem is in my settings it says Graphic : unknown12:21
Dr_Willisthe recovery mode mounts things read only by default i think12:21
mooserswhat is fl?12:22
Dr_Willisthe f1 key....12:22
Dr_Willistop left..12:22
moosersF1 sorry12:22
moosersi thought it was a L12:22
becom33anyone for me ?12:23
Dr_Willisbecom33: installed how?12:23
EbollaHow do I convert a /dev/disk/by-id to a uuid?  (blkid only shows /dev/sdxxx and uuid but not the by-id)12:23
Dr_Willismoosers: alt-ctrl f1 through f6 = consoles, f7 = x display12:24
moosersDr_Willis:  I am in grub> command line now12:24
Dr_Willisi thought the id was the uuid ;)12:24
moosersthis is not what u wanted right?12:24
Dr_Willismoosers:  you need to boot to the login     screen12:24
moosersWhen I boot the Dual Boot screen comes up12:25
mooserswhere I chose ubuntu or Windows12:25
EbollaDr_willis:  Sadly they're not.   And VMWare uses the by-id to list the drives instead of the uuid.12:25
howardgrigghey guys, I'm about to install my first home server running ubuntu server - does anyone have any cool/useful utilities that I should load on there?12:25
moosersshall i hit ctrl+alt+1 after I hit ubuntu?12:25
johnnyatomichello, i'm having trouble finding the libhid-dev pkg for 12.04, does it no longer exist in the repositories?12:25
Ebollahowardgrigg:  iotop and ntop.   One shows your IOs and their usage and the other shows network usage.   Nice if you're experiencing bad performance on shares.12:26
moosersyeah I think I am there12:26
becom33Dr_Willis, using Additional Drivers12:26
maruni have a web server running on port 8009 on testbox1 in my local network. I want to forward web traffic from 80 port coming from internet to 8009 of testbox1. How do i do that?12:26
moosersits ask me chtsrl-VPCM13M1E login:12:26
howardgriggEbolla, cool I'll check them out12:26
moosersshall i type my password?12:26
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Dr_Willisuser name, then password...12:27
moosersyeah I am now in12:27
mooserslet me try12:27
moosersshall i go in to home/chtsrl/ first?12:27
cairneI use Ubuntu 12.04 on my desktop and I like it a lot, however my old laptop run Fedora LXDE pretty good last time I tried ubuntu on laptop performance suffered even in 2d. Is there a really lightweight distro of ubuntu? something that doesnt require more then 256 mb or ram?12:27
EbollaDr_Willis:  For future reference incase anyone else asks.    ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/ will tell you which by-id = which /dev/sdxx12:27
johnnyatomicmarun: you have to utilize nat (network address translation) and some basic routing. i use iptables to do that.12:27
Dr_Willismoosers:  look at your prompt.. or pwd output12:28
MonkeyDust!mini > cairne12:28
ubottucairne, please see my private message12:28
moosersyeah i thing i am done now Dr_Willis  no error this time12:28
Dr_WillisEbolla: i was looking at that.. figured you wae complex answer12:28
cairneubottu: sorry new to irc how do I see private messages?12:28
ubottucairne: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:28
mooserswhat is next?12:28
becom33Dr_Willis, :12:29
Dr_WillisEbolla:  im not even sure why you would want the id. ;)12:29
marunjohnnyatomic: I tried to open 80 port on my router, but it is not opening to public. the router runs a webserver on 80 port. May be it is conflicting?12:29
EbollaDr_Willis:  I like to follow KISS ;)     VMWare uses by-id instead of /dev or uuid when adding HDD's.12:29
Dr_Willismoosers:  i said alt-ctrl-f7 gets back to x12:29
EbollaDr_Willis:  Of course I just found out VMWare has a 2TB limit /sigh.  So now to find a new way to add in the raid ;(12:29
Dr_Willismoosers: so see if it works12:30
Dr_WillisEbolla:  ;) i dont use vmware, or raids..12:30
moosersit took me the same password popup screen12:30
Dr_Willisi keep it really simple12:30
moosersI hit the password then nothing happen again. gray screen12:30
johnnyatomicmarun: if you're using a dedicated dsl router or something like that, you should be able to use ip forwarding to forward your external port 80 to an internal ip address.12:31
EbollaDr_Willis:  I use R6 just for improved performance and some data redundancy.   And the reason for VMware is Win7 and WHS 2011 don't like to use my nic.  They load the drivers fine but won't let it access the network.12:31
cairneMonkeyDust: So is mini a light weight version of Ubuntu or just a smaller image?12:31
johnnyatomicmarun: the case i was talking about (NAT and iptables) uses a computer to do the routing.12:31
Dr_Willismoosers:  sounds like unity is confused or broken12:32
moosershow can I create a bootable USB and fix broken files recover it? or recover to an early date like yesterday12:32
Dr_Willismoosers:  you installed what exactly?12:32
Ebollamoosers:  Are you not getting the unity desktop?  I had the same problem.  At the password screen click the little ubuntu button and select Unity 2D12:32
becom33anyone for me ?12:33
becom33I'm runing ubuntu 12.04 . and I just installed VGA driver NVIDIA . but the problem is in my settings it says Graphic : unknown12:33
Ebollabecom33:  Did you load the restricted driver?12:33
becom33what are restricted driver12:33
moosersI installed the openbox but never user. I was gonna open Ubuntu2d then I saw the openbox there. and Hit it instead Ubuntu2D then this  http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/69/imag3532.jpg/ came up now. nothing else12:33
MonkeyDustcairne  it ets you choose the packages you want, so you can keep it as lightweight as you like12:34
Dr_Willismoosers:  right click on the desktop shows any menus?12:34
Ebollabecom33:  click on the gear with wrench.  System Settings.  Then click on Additional Drivers12:34
Ebollamoosers:  Are you not getting the unity desktop?  I had the same problem.  At the password screen click the little ubuntu button and select Unity 2D12:34
Dr_Willismoosers: menu shows what?12:34
moosersTerminal emulator, Web Browser, Desktps, ObConf, Reconfigure, Restar, Exit12:35
becom33Ebolla, yes thats how I installed my Nvidia Drivers12:35
Dr_Willismoosers:  you are using openbox then....12:35
moosershow do I change it to Ubuntu?12:35
johnnyatomici'm unable to find libhid-dev anywhere, i need it for an include/hid.h file. I'm pretty sure it was in the repositories before but now, it's not. Any ideas about how I may find it?12:35
Ebollabecom33:  Where does it say unknown on the graphics?12:35
Dr_Willisselect ubuntu at the login screen12:35
becom33Ebolla, in system settings > details12:36
Dr_Willisthe system default is now openbox it seems12:36
mooserswhere is login screen12:36
becom33plus what happening to that wave effect in windows . is it disabled in gnome 3 ?12:36
Ebollabecom33:  I think that is an ubuntu bug.  I have that as well but the graphics work just fine.12:36
Dr_Willismoosers: did you turn on autologin when you installed?12:36
marunjohnnyatomic: my router is not allowing port 80 through public12:37
moosersDr_Willis:  did nothing just the sudo download and install via terminal.12:37
Dr_Willismoosers:  if you select logout.. it goes back to the lightdm login screen12:37
Dr_Willisor 'sudo service lightdm restart' to force x to close and go back to lightdm12:38
moosersThere is no LogOut. You mean Exit?12:38
Dr_Willismoosers:  time to 'think'.. exit makes sence.. to me12:39
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moosersI chose exit now I am in that login screen where can i choose ubuntu! got it took like 3 hours. Dr_Willis I dont know how to thank you. you keep helping me after all hours with all my dump questions thank you12:39
namoamitabuddhaHow can I detect which type my CD-ROM is?12:40
Dr_Willismoosers: all you had to do was exit and select the item.. and if you dont see that screen at bootup then YES you did turn on autologin during the install12:40
Dr_Willisthey really need to remove that autologin option during the install.. it confuses to many beginners12:41
moosershow can i uninstall the OpenBox?12:41
Dr_Willismoosers:  package manager tools.. but why bother12:41
i7c1st question: i installed ubuntu server on my old netbook. when i close the lid this process goes CRAZY with 100% cpu: 14.#openvpn │ Dr_Willis | moosers: did you turn on autologin when you installed?12:41
Dr_Willisyou installed it.. so try it out. ;012:42
i7csorry for that12:42
moosersDr but there was nothing on the screen just a right click menu12:42
i7c"/etc/acpi/events -s /var/run/acpid.socket"  <<--- this is the process12:42
EbollaDr_Willis:  It wouldn't be a problem if they would have autologin use Unity 2D ;)12:42
Dr_Willismoosers:  thats openbox.....12:42
moosersi will try lxde12:42
tech1is there a command to show a list of monospace fonts? like "fc-list" but only returning monospace fonts?12:42
Dr_Williswhat did you expect from openbox?12:42
Dr_Willis;) its just a window manager12:43
Dr_Willisnot a desktop12:43
moosersI thought it was something like ubuntu with less graphic12:43
Dr_Willisthats lxde12:43
moosersDr_Willis:  yeah I know, You said its faster then Unity and lighter12:43
Dr_Willisinstall the lubuntu-desktop package  for a lighter DESKTOP12:43
moosersI will try to install lxde and will try to use compiz with it.12:44
Dr_Willisopenbox is a WINDOW MANAGER used by lubuntu/lxde12:44
KM0201i used to like Lubuntu.. but it's gotten kinda buggy IMO... ended up back at Unity, and frankly, its kind of grown on me.12:44
Dr_Willisunity is gaining a lot of neat features12:44
mooserssudo apt-get install lubuntu-dektop ?12:44
moosersDr_Willis:  u dont recommend to load lxde ?12:45
Dr_Willismoosers: lubuntu is the full desktop that uses lxde12:45
KM0201moosers: whats the specs of your pc?12:45
Dr_Willisand you may want to turn off the autologin feature of lightdm12:46
mooserslubuntu-desktop package what is this? a window manager or a desktop envrm?12:46
Dr_Willis!info lubuntu-desktop12:46
ubottulubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.38 (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 30 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; powerpc; ia64; sparc; lpia; armel; armhf)12:46
Dr_Willisopenbox is a WINDOW MANAGER used by lubuntu/lxde12:47
Dr_Willisinstall the lubuntu-desktop package  for a lighter DESKTOP12:47
bros2106how do I register my IRC nickname?12:48
MonkeyDustmoosers  openbox is a *part* of lubuntu12:48
moosersKM0201:  Memory: 990.6 MiB | Processor Intel IGDx86/MMX/SSE2 | OS tyep: 32-bit | Disk 169.9GB12:48
BluesKaj!register | bros210612:48
ubottubros2106: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode12:48
mueddibbros2106, /msg nickserv register password e-mail12:48
KM0201moosers: you'd probably want to use lxde w/ only 1gig of ram.. .at least in my opinion12:48
moosersyeah this was what I was asking Dr_Willis if this is a good idea12:49
mooserssudo apt-get install lxde12:49
moosersi think this is all i need to do12:49
KM0201moosers: i think you'd just install lubuntu-desktop...12:49
KM0201moosers: or just download the lubuntu ISO, and boot it from a USB/CD12:50
moosersyeah this is what Dr_Willis trying to explain me. sorry Dr_Willis12:50
moosersKM0201:  can I donwload lubuntu-desktop from ubuntu software center?12:50
KM0201moosers: yes12:50
MonkeyDustmoosers  yes, or the package lxde12:50
KM0201i think if he wants the full desktop environment, he'd want lubuntu-desktop12:51
moosersok searching for "lubuntu-desktop"12:51
moosersFound it: Lubuntu Desktop Environment12:51
MonkeyDustalways more than one choice12:51
moosersWill I able to use "Compiz" on it?12:52
Dr_Willisyour apt-get command would install the same thing..12:52
Dr_Williswhy would you want to?12:52
mooserssudo apt-get install lxde is the same thing with lubuntu-desktop ?12:52
johnnyatomici'm unable to find libhid-dev anywhere, i need it for an include/hid.h file. I'm pretty sure it was in the repositories before but now, it's not. any ideas about how i may find it?12:53
Dr_Willismoosers:  lubuntu-desktop is lxde+MOAR stuff12:53
EbollaAnyone here use VMware?12:53
kkfosshello, i have a thinkpad and i used to properly share my internet connection through an adhoc wifi connection. I just formatted the system and again setup a wifi adhoc, but now while other computers can detect and connect to my adhoc wifi connection, internet is not getting shared.  I am using Ubuntu 12.04.  What am I doing wrong?12:54
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing12:55
Ebollakkfoss:  Did you bridge the wireless to the device giving the laptop internet access?12:55
i7con my netbook (ubuntu server 12.04) acpid goes crazy when i close the lid... how can i change that?12:56
moosersDr_Willis:  Compiz wave effect is the reason I change from windows to linux12:56
Dr_Willismoosers:  then use unity. not lxde12:56
kkfossEbolla: i don't know.  lst time I just created a new adhoc connection after starting my 3g data card.  it was working perfectly, I did not do any thing special.  this time too I did the same thing but it does not work.12:56
moosersDr_Willis: why?12:57
Dr_Willischangeing os's for eyecandy.. is a little silly. ;)12:57
MonkeyDustany reason is good enough ;)12:57
Dr_Willisyou want eyecandy.. thats NOT what lxde is about12:57
Ebollakkfoss:  Try the link that Dr_Willis gave you.    !ics12:57
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing12:57
moosersWell lighter and cleaner code is there reason. Compiz proves that clean coding12:57
Dr_Williscompiz is often not very 'clean'12:58
kkfossEbolla: i had already read it since i got that result from google.  But it did not work for me.12:58
moosersDr_Willis:  Cant I use Compiz in lxde ?12:58
kkfossEbolla: i knew it won't yet tryed.  the simple reason is that it does not work as it did before12:58
Dr_Willismoosers:  install kubuntu-desktop if you want to try out other desktops12:58
Dr_Willismoosers:  sort of pointless to try to put compiz in lxde..12:59
moosersBut its cool12:59
Dr_Willislike raceing scripes and spoilers and airdams on a pinto12:59
mooserswindows users getting shocked when windows are moving12:59
Dr_Willisyou should learn the basics of unity first i think...13:00
kkfossEbolla: any other suggestion?13:00
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:00
Ebollakkfoss:  Not sure what to tell you then.  I am using bonding so I don't get the normal network devices screen anymore.13:00
KuuHaHaIs there a bot13:01
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots13:01
MonkeyDustKuuHaHa  and it's a she13:01
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moosersDr_Willis: for this kind of specs ubuntu works a little slow, almost slow as windows 7  Memory: 990.6 MiB | Processor Intel IGDx86/MMX/SSE2 | OS tyep: 32-bit | Disk 169.9GB13:03
moosersthats why I am not happy with ubuntu. There may some settings to make it faster maybe dunno. this is why i need lxde instad of unity13:03
Dr_Willissounds faster then my netbook.. and my netbook runs unity fine13:03
Dr_Willisyou want eyecandy or speed?13:04
KuuHaHaSorry how to command to private chat?13:04
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.13:04
Ebollamoosers:  try netrunner.  It is a flavor of Ubuntu that is suppose to be a bit more streamlined if memory servers.13:04
Dr_Willisspeec = lubuntu, eyecandy = ubuntu, or kubuntu13:05
Dr_Willisspeed ;)13:05
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moosersKubuntu also looking good as ubuntu?13:05
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moosersis it uses Unity?13:05
=== DjFlyBy is now known as Dj_FlyBy
Dr_Willistry it on a live cd and decide..13:05
Dr_Williskubuntu = kde13:05
ubottuKubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces.  See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join  #kubuntu - See also !kde13:05
KuuHaHaMoosers: for me ubuntu with gnome it classic13:06
KuuHaHaUbottu: !13:07
MonkeyDustmoosers  http://i.imgur.com/3N5f6.jpg13:07
morningProblem: "Wireless is disabled by hardware switch." Even though the switch is on. Doesn't seem to be a hardware issue, since the switch does affect the display of "hardlock on" with "rfkill list." (Nonetheless, I'm having a hardware guy come in tomorrow.) Tried: reboot. Tried: "rfkill unblock all." Tried: "Fn-F5." Tried: disconnect battery & AC, press power button several times to discharge." Anything else I can try?13:08
morningI've asked a question, but now I'm being called to leave, so I won't be able to check in further today. Apologies.13:12
Fluid_MantisHi everybody. I downloaded Kega Fusion, a Mega Drive emulator, which was in a tar.gz archive.13:17
Fluid_MantisI've extracted it.13:17
yeahbwoiis it possible to install ubuntu on a 2x2 tbyte raid 0 without efi (this machine has bios)13:17
Fluid_MantisApparently it can be opened easily as an executable.13:17
Fluid_MantisAnd I have checked and seen that it is specified to be opened as an executable in the properties.13:18
Fluid_MantisBut when I try to open it nothing happens.13:18
Ebollayeahbwoi:  Yes if you use the live CD.  It should auto load the raid controller drivers.13:19
yeahbwoiEbolla, i run intel software raid (fake raid)13:19
pablohhow do you disable the extra tty at ubuntu 12.04?13:20
theadminyeahbwoi: Try using the alternate CD. Desktop CDs have no support for softraids, if I recall right.13:20
Jayfluxhey guys, im looking for packages (just downloaded ubuntu server). How do I find out which one of these I am: http://packages.ubuntu.com/13:20
theadmin!apt | Jayflux13:20
ubottuJayflux: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)13:20
Jayfluxor are they just different repos13:20
yeahbwoitheadmin, ill try that since my grub installation fails all the time :(13:20
Jayfluxthanks theadmin13:20
Fluid_MantisAlso, is it possible that unlike Windows, Ubuntu 64-bit isn't as compatible with 32-bit programs?13:21
=== Owner__ is now known as Dj_FlyBy[MS]
theadminFluid_Mantis: It's not.13:22
theadminFluid_Mantis: Well, unless you have all the multilibs set up. Use "sudo apt-get install ia32-libs" to get compatibility.13:22
Fluid_Mantistheadmin: So are you saying that if I install multilibs I may be able to run Kega Fusion?13:23
theadmin!find kega13:23
ubottuFile kega found in scilab-scimax, stormbaancoureur-data13:23
Dr_Willisno idea what kega is13:23
Fluid_MantisI could swear I already searched for that.13:23
Fluid_MantisIt's a Mega Drive emulator.13:23
Fluid_MantisOr Genesis, to the Americans here.13:23
theadminFluid_Mantis: Eh...I would search for a Debian package (or a PPA) instead.13:24
Dr_Willissome emulators use x386 assembly code.. and may not work on 64bit13:24
theadminFluid_Mantis: But yeah, you might be able to do it with the 32-bit libs13:24
Dr_Willisthere are numerous emulators for 64bit13:24
Dr_Willisnot all are in the default repos any more13:24
teklordI cannot boot Ubuntu from a USB due to a bad hard drive.  The bad drive is the entire reason I am trying to boot from USB.   I am getting a udevd/blkid error, and Ubuntu hangs at the loading screen, followed by a 120 second timeout.13:25
Dr_Willisor use wine to run the windows version13:25
Dr_Willisteklord: unplug the hd?13:25
Fluid_MantisYeah, I might try Wine.13:25
teklordDr_Willis: I shoudlnt have to, and its a damn netbook -- not easy to do.13:26
Fluid_MantisBut I'll install those libs.13:26
teklordWhy the hell does Ubuntu hang on a hard drive THAT I DONT EVEN WANT TO USE?13:26
teklordIt shouldnt even try to audit for that drive until I ask it to./13:26
Dr_Willisits scanning the system/hardware ..13:26
MonkeyDustteklord  a computer does not do what you want, it does what you tell it to do13:26
teklordSo, are you saying that Ubuntu wont work with a box that has a faulty drive?  That is absurd13:27
teklordI use Arch/Debian, and I never have this problem, and be assured, this is a technical problem.13:27
Afflicto-[ubuntuI have now installed apache2, mysql, php and phpmyadmin it's all working fine now but I need to change permission on /home/dvs/public_html folder so my IDE can read\write to it. How do I do that? the owner of the directory is "root".13:27
teklordMonkeyDust: it does what I tell it to?  Ubuntu is doing stuff I didnt tell it to do13:27
savioAfflicto-[ubuntu, use chown13:28
saviowith sudo13:28
saviosudo chown13:28
MonkeyDustteklord  a computer doesnt *think*, it's a calculator, a machine13:28
teklordHow the hell am I supposed to even use Ubuntu from a USB is it wont get past this udevd error?13:28
teklordMonkeyDust: thanks for the speudo-educational nonsense, Im not here to be lectured about what computers are.  I asked a very specific question.13:28
Dr_Willismay be some bootcodes to tell it to not scan/look for the hd13:29
teklordDr_Willis: please elaborate.13:29
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto13:29
Afflicto-[ubuntusavio: I'm reading on "man chown" but I'm not sure what to do :P13:29
Dr_Willismay be some boot options.13:29
teklordDr_Willis: dont just wave a bot-hand at me, that link will not solve this problem.13:30
Fluid_Mantistheadmin: Now it's running, thanks.13:30
Dr_Willisteklord: reading the link may.. have a nice day.13:30
savioAfflicto-[ubuntu, what actually you want13:30
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:30
teklordWell well, another Ubuntu-fail.  No wonder everyone talks shit about this channel and how useless it's catalysts are.13:31
saviowhat's happening13:31
Afflicto-[ubuntusavio: nvm I got it to work I did chown dvs /home/dvs/public_html :P13:31
savioagain netsplit13:31
Afflicto-[ubuntusavio: was just afraid mysql or apache would stop working but it's working fine :P13:31
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savioAfflicto-[ubuntu, fine or you can just   change the permission by using chmod13:32
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Dr_Willispoint to information.. get yelled at... joys..13:32
savioinstead of changing owner13:32
SagenthCannot resume from suspend, computer turns back on and fans start up but that is it. No network connectivity, no USB activity, no video output. I need help, I am at my wits end on this one.13:33
Dr_WillisSagenth: one of the many reasons i never use suspend. ;()   that and my 10 sec boot times13:34
SDXUbuntu 12.10 will have GIMP 2.8 in its repositories, right?13:34
=== carlos is now known as Guest32715
Dr_WillisSagenth:  you could try hibernating instead - but it may be just as flakey13:34
Dr_WillisSDX: if not th3res allways the ppas13:35
SagenthI use my computer as an extension of my windows computer, but I don't always need it to be turned on. I just keep my applications open etc etc I've got reasons for suspending13:35
SagenthI would prefer to just fix the suspend13:35
SDXDr_Willis: I tried the PPA on my current 12.4 install.  It broke the qtcore package.13:35
Dr_Willisgimp dosent use qt  as far as i know..13:36
Dr_Willisunless they did a major rewrite13:36
SDXThat's the only thing I can think of that could've broken a package.13:37
SDXEverything else I installed was from the repos.13:37
SDXNot to mention that the package was working before I tried the PPA and wasn't afterwards.  But I digress...13:38
=== sun_ is now known as Guest57133
silverarrowanyone on ppc?13:40
Dr_Willisstill looking? ;)13:40
Dr_Willisyou could state the question about it.13:40
EvydderrHey What the best file sync app. i got a ubuntu server13:40
Dr_WillisEvydderr: depends on the details.  rsync is commonly used13:41
Evydderrall the Development pccs are using Windows for game devlopmen13:41
Guest32715please help with aircrack..... using ar9285 and ubuntu apgrated to 12.04 lst13:42
silverarrowDr_Willis: yes13:42
silverarrowI have a testpage for java based Bank ID, that immediately crashes on powerpc, in firefox13:43
silverarrowI wondered if anyone with ppc was will to open the page on the site13:43
truexfan81any idea why my ethernet would not work in 12.04, when it was used for the netinstall? seems strange to me13:43
=== n is now known as Guest56287
Guest32715please help with aircrack..... using ar9285 and ubuntu apgrated to 12.04 lst13:44
Dr_Willistruexfan81: could be theres 2 or more  modules/drivers for it. and the installed system is trying the other one.13:44
truexfan81i used the 12.04 minimal iso to install13:44
Dr_Willis!details | Guest3271513:44
ubottuGuest32715: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:44
Dr_Willistruexfan81: see what module the minimal used.. compare to what the installd version is trying to use13:45
truexfan81Dr_Willis: i have no idea what the installer used13:47
Dr_Willisboot it up again and look13:47
Dr_Williswhat is the nic exactly?13:47
truexfan81it doesn't say, it just auto detects the network devices and gives me the option to use the ethernet or wifi, i told it to use the ethernet13:48
Dr_Willislsmod = shows what modules are loaded13:48
truexfan81it is a Realtek13:48
Dr_Willisdmesg may give some info also13:48
Dr_Willislspci  should show some info also13:49
truexfan81i'm gonna get on here from the netbook so i can copy/paste13:50
Guest32715sorry for my english, im working in ubuntu 12.04 lst  upgrated from 10.04   when i was working my aircrack in 10.04  the aircrack worked good, but when i upgrated to 12.04 , when i try to attak with the aireplay  show this: mon0 is on channel -1, but the AP uses channel13:51
tf81_netbookDr_Willis: from lspci :13:51
tf81_netbook02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 02)13:51
Guest32715USING ar928513:52
zykotick9truexfan81: even if you find out what driver you need - from mini (aka netinstall) there is little to nothing you can do about it...  if the driver isn't present you might be outta luck for netinstall13:53
tf81_netbookwell since the Atheros wifi works, it seems like i should be able to install the correct driver on here13:54
zykotick9tf81_netbook: installing ANYTHING on netinstall is difficult to impossible...13:54
zykotick9tf81_netbook: almost no tools on mini13:54
Guest32715i have been searching for compat-wireless2.6.3013:55
Guest32715but i cant find it13:55
tf81_netbookwhat tools would i need?13:55
superfabbbhi, when i load an ELF 32-bit LSB executable, what folders in ubuntu are modificated?13:55
tf81_netbookjockey doesn't find any proprietary drivers, so i figure i should be able to find something in synaptic13:56
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tf81_netbookzykotick9: if nothing else i can build from source if i need to13:57
zykotick9tf81_netbook: on the mini?  good luck with that (the tools i suggested where missing)13:58
theadmintf81_netbook: Installing drivers is the simpliest with the jockey tool.13:58
theadmin!find /usr/bin/jockey-text13:58
ubottuFile /usr/bin/jockey-text found in jockey-common13:58
tf81_netbookyeah jockey finds nothing13:59
KuuHaHa!develop ubuntu14:00
superfabbbhi, when i load an ELF 32-bit LSB executable, what folders in ubuntu are modificated?14:02
Dr_Willissuperfabbb: clarify what you mean14:02
superfabbbi've done an error, how can i clean?14:06
Dr_Willissuperfabbb: clarify what you mean........14:06
tf81_netbookthis is really confusing, the network manager shows the nic's mac address and shows it as eth0, but it doesn't connect14:06
MonkeyDustsuperfabbb  start from the beginning, what brings you here14:07
i7con my netbook (ubuntu server 12.04) acpid goes crazy when i close the lid... how can i change that? i checked /etc/acpid/events/   and there is no file called lid... any suggestions?14:07
superfabbbok, i've downloaded pcsx2, i've uncompressed it and i've load pcsx2, how can i remove it and his temporany files?14:07
mooserI tried lubuntu and openbox UBUNTU is absolutely the winner14:08
Dr_Willissuperfabbb: delete the files you decompressed, or did it have some installer script?14:08
mooserThey are only spending lower CPU and RAM usage when you do nothing with them. Browsering or any other program use gives u same pain for RAM and CPU14:08
superfabbbyes, it have a installer script14:09
superfabbbit has14:09
Dr_Willismooser: the browser uses more cpu then the gui.. thats not uncommon14:09
mooserDr_Willis:  You were absolutely right...14:09
Dr_Willissuperfabbb: check its docs. it may have an ununstall option14:10
Dr_Willisthe point of a light gui is to save resources for the apps mooser14:10
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mooserDr_Willis:  I will read some pages for faster Ubuntu. Startup applications was a good start for me.14:11
Sagenthhow do I change power management stuff like the discs shutting off14:11
Dr_Willismy ubuntu boots to the desktop in like 12 sec..14:12
Atlantic777lubuntu 12.04 on machine with sis graphics fails to run graphics mode. I've tried to blacklist b43 and disabled apic, acpi, modeset etc. Any other ideas?14:12
mooserMine for 714:12
Dr_Willissis is perhaps the worst video card chipset when it comes to linux support14:12
Dr_WillisAtlantic777: determine the exact chipset, and check the forums and askubuntu.com perhaps14:14
Atlantic777Dr_Willis: yes, I know. I'm using radeon cards but I would like to get this machine to work.14:14
mooserDr_Willis:  Do you use Launcher menu left of the screen? I more like it where it was in task bar on the top as a drop down menu in GNOME14:14
Dr_Willismooser: unity uses the left launcher panel. add a dock if you want. there are some 'indicator-applets' to add the classic type menus  to the top right.14:15
Dr_Willisand i recall some app to add a different menu to the panel. but i forget its name14:16
Dr_Willisaskubuntu.com has a list of indicator applets14:16
mooserlet me check14:16
Dr_Willisomgubuntu and webupd8 blog sites also list other applets, and classic menu tools14:16
Dr_Willisi basically use unitys default setup14:17
stratokahi guys, im repartitioning my disk, i just want to know if I should format as fat32 or ntfs my storage partition?14:19
SagenthCan anybody tell me where to manage power options for the HDD14:19
Dr_Willisdepends on what you are storeing stratoka14:20
Dr_Willisnot m uch reason for fat32 these days14:20
zzuperstratoka, ext314:20
stratokaso neither way fat?14:20
Dr_Willisi can think of no reason for fat3214:21
stratokaok, thanks guys14:21
stratokaim off now, by all14:21
afflicto[ubuntu]So I just went to localhost/test.php and it works fine. Went and created a folder then went to localhost/folder/index.php and it throws 403 forbidden. What's wrong?14:21
tf81_netbooki fixed it, am now online with the nic14:21
tf81_netbookchanged managed=false to managed=true14:23
tf81_netbookrebooted, and it connects using the nic14:23
Dr_Williswonder why it was false14:23
tf81_netbookno idea, sagir3 tells me he had to do that when he tried ubuntu minimal, so apparently its set to that by default14:24
Dr_Willisnever used  inimal. ;)14:24
tf81_netbooki like it, loads much faster on my acer aoa150 :)14:25
bond_i just installed 12.04 using the alternate cd. does it come without a desktop environment by default or why do i only see a blinking cursor on terminal 714:25
Dr_Willis!nomodeset | bond_14:25
ubottubond_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter14:25
Dr_Willisalt. cd installs same desktop as the desktop cd.14:26
Dr_Willisbond_: whats the video card?14:26
superfabbbdr willis i'm not able to remove totally it, :(14:26
bond_Dr_Willis: nvidia gtx 460 on pcie and intel hd 2000 in cpu14:26
Dr_Willisbond_:  a dual gpu optimus thing?14:27
om26erhow do i move window buttons in precise ? somehow they went to the right side14:27
TetracommWhat is the Wine channel?14:27
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:27
theadminTetracomm: #winehq14:27
bond_Dr_Willis: no real dual gpu setup. i wanna use only my nvidia gpu14:27
Dr_Willisbond_: install the nvidia-current package, or run jockey-text from a console perhaps14:28
Dr_Willisdisable the intel in the bios.14:28
Dr_Willis!controls | om26er14:28
ubottuom26er: Starting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information and workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/53263314:28
om26erDr_Willis, ehm, i know that. but the opposite happened for . I logged into gnome classic session once now when I come back to unity window buttons are on the *right*14:30
om26eri want them on the left14:30
Dr_Willisthe same commands can move them letf or right side if you use diffent options14:31
TetracommHas anyone used the Timex Ironman Data Link with Ubuntu?14:31
Dr_Willisthe themes can move the controlls around.14:31
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Dr_Willisi just use ubuntu-tweak to set them how i want. ;)14:32
bond_Dr_Willis: i installed nvidia-current. do i need to do anything else or should i reboot or whut? -.-14:32
Dr_Willisbond_: if lucky just reboot.14:32
bond_ok brb14:32
langhunhello,i want to make friend with foreign .im from china14:33
MonkeyDustlanghun  try in #ubuntu-offtopic14:34
bond_Dr_Willis: i still dont see any gui. this time the ubuntu splash showed up correctly though.14:35
langhunwhat doing in the channel14:36
Sidewinder1!ot > langhun14:37
ubottulanghun, please see my private message14:37
foobArrrdoes grep have a logical and?14:38
langhunhello,i want to make friend with m14:38
|newbie|foobArrr: use grep and pipe it to another grep14:39
langhuni use the mobie phone14:39
foobArrr|newbie|: that's problematic with -A -B and -C14:39
Bastian_BHello how can I check what app/process is using my port 8005? lsof -i doest not show it :(14:40
|newbie|you can use -v to exclude some resluts14:40
bond_can anyone help me get my desktop to work14:40
pawloaIs it possible to include additional software in a LiveCD image?14:40
|newbie|you can use -v to exclude some results14:40
pawloaso that I don't have to go through another hour installing extra software after I install ubuntu?14:41
theadminpawloa: http://remastersys.com14:41
MonkeyDustBastian_B  netstat with some option(s) ?14:41
langhundon't know how to see the message14:42
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Bastian_BMonkeyDust Thanks14:42
=== Muty is now known as Kassad
TetracommWould someone be willing to help me with this? Even if it requires hard work to get the program to work in Wine for other people?: http://pastebin.com/xc6p0Nxz14:42
pawloatheadmin: beautiful. thanks14:42
afflicto[ubuntu]I created a .htaccess file but I can't see it?14:42
Sidewinder1!ot | langhun14:42
ubottulanghun: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:42
MonkeyDustlanghun  type /j #ubuntu-offtopic to make friends14:42
Dr_WillisTetracomm: what program?14:43
Sidewinder1langhun, I hope that helps. :-)14:43
Sidewinder1langhun, #ubuntu-offtopic is a better place to chit-chat and make friends.14:44
W4spBastian_B: You can check /etc/services what port are declared. A netstat --numeric-ports gives you the current status. Grep the output of this command with |grep 8005.14:45
langhuno i see14:45
Bastian_BW4sp netstat does not show it too, I will try this /etc/services thing14:45
langhunthanks every body14:45
Sidewinder1Our pleasure.14:46
W4spBastian_B: Then it's not currently in use.14:46
Bastian_BW4sp, it is, but even /etc/services does not show it14:46
bond_can anybody help me with my fresh ubuntu install please? i cant get to the desktop even though i installed nvidia-current14:47
bond_im in console hell :)14:47
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W4spafflicto[ubuntu]: You would need ls -a. If you have done so already it is supposed to be in your www root. Is Apache chrooted?14:47
Dr_Willisbond_: tried the nomodeset option? checked the x logs?14:47
bond_Dr_Willis: i cant open a web browser right now since this is the only pc here14:48
Bastian_BW4sp, hum I am getting an Error 101, does it mean that the port is not used?14:48
Bastian_Bhttp error14:48
Dr_Willisedit the grub boot line, (hit e at the menu) put 'nomodeset' betweek the words 'quiet   splash'  and boot14:49
W4spBastian_B: Then it is not declared (yet). You can telnet/ssh into your machine by 'telnet <yourhost> 8005' and see on <yourmachine> with the netstat command I gave you.14:49
Dr_Willisor edit the /etc/default/grub and add the option, and rerun sudoupdate-grub14:49
W4spBastian_B: What prog gives you 101...?14:49
tf81_netbookguys thanks for the help, i'm off to bed14:50
Bastian_BW4sp 'Connectio refused' for telnet/ssh14:51
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W4spBastian_B: I see, see if your name services are fine or use IPADDR instead. If the connection is refused there's no prog listening on that port not is any inetd mapped to it, see /etc/services.14:52
Urchinwhy does GRUB2 automatially remove old kernels from the list at boot?14:52
Dr_WillisUrchin: adds them to a sub menu last i looked14:52
Urchinok, how do you access the submenu?14:53
xalimsMy ubuntu 12.04 server boots really slow when I don't connect it to eth. It continues to wait for internet connection. Please help14:53
truexfan81thats how it is on mine, adds a submenu14:53
StompinBroknGlasHi everyone14:53
Dr_Willisselect the old kernel....... item i belive14:53
UrchinI haven't noticed an old kernel item14:53
StompinBroknGlasI'm having some weird problem with my USB headset14:53
truexfan81reminds me, i've been meaning to ask if usb headsets work in linux14:54
Dr_Willistruexfan81: some do.. depends on the chipset14:54
W4spxalims: That's of no surprise. As you have figured out yourself it requires a network connection. That's the point of having a server.14:54
Bastian_BW4sp there is nothing in the files about a port 8005, When I am trying to Listen on port 8005 with apache for example it tells me that it is allready in used that amazing14:54
truexfan81ah ok, so if i got one from walmart, it would have a 50% chance of working?14:55
xalimsW4sp: Yeah I do know it but I installed it for educational purpose..14:55
Dr_Willistruexfan81: try it and see14:55
truexfan81maybe later lol but if it works i will let you know14:55
threex5hi, briefly: I installed ubuntu to a USB stick. I didn't use any fancy method: just partitioned the usb like i would a drive and installed14:55
StompinBroknGlasMy headset was working, now it doesn't show up in my audio outputs under volume control14:55
Dr_Willisgrabbed a $30 logitech webcam for the grandkids windows box.. it also worked on linux14:56
threex5the performance is pretty poor. I'm d/ling lubuntu now. would like some advice on portable ubuntu if anyone has any. thx14:56
djbpythonim just an ubuntu user, but i restarted my computer and now the UI looks like windows 95. Very grey and square. Can I fix it?14:56
djbpythonI tried changing the appearance, but it styles the wrong things14:57
Dr_Willisthreex5: ran ubuntu from a 32gb usb for some time.. of course it was slower then on hd.. they do have usb3 flash drives out now. ;)14:57
Dr_Willisbut it was useable.14:57
djbpythonubuntu 11.04 gnome 2.32.114:57
Dr_Willisdjbpython: you installed gnome 2 somehow?14:58
threex5Dr_Willis, thanks. I am trying 32g too. Maybe I need a faster flash drive14:58
Dr_Willisor am my versions backwards. )14:58
threex5unless there's a hack where I can use the host HD for swap or something14:58
Dr_Willisthreex5: just put the swap partition on the host hd and edit fstab.. no hack needed14:58
djbpythonDr_Willis, i didnt change anything except to reboot14:59
threex5you were running ubuntu, though, not lubuntu right?14:59
W4spBastian_B: I assume you have configured apache with 'Listen 8005'. That should do. Anything more and the logfile should/will tell you. Do you use a firewall? Is IPv6 enabled. Did you try IPADDR instead of DNS resolver? Telnet should have told you something more than CONN_REFUSED to be honest. :-(14:59
djbpythonim not sure what to google either. The things i come up with dont have any relevant hits14:59
Dr_Willisthreex5:  if you are using swap.. thats most likely your biggest bottleneck15:00
W4spxalims: Irrespective of its final purpose it requires a working network connection.15:00
Dr_Willislunch time..  bbl15:00
threex5Dr_Willis: good to know. Thanks15:01
bob__euh ... helooo!! :D15:02
bob__someone speak french here?15:03
W4sp!fr | bob__15:03
ubottubob__: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:03
theadmin!fr | bob__15:03
bob__threex5 > lol .. en fait c'est la premiere que j'utilise xchat ... :)15:03
Melifarrroxdmcp not working on ubuntu?15:04
bob__someone can help me? I've a problem for downloading videos from youtube with linux15:05
superfabbbhow can i see the configuration of  ELF 32-bit LSB executable15:05
Moonlightning!metaquestion | bob__15:06
ubottubob__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:06
theadminbob__: You can use youtube-dl, there are also numerous Firefox and Chrome addons for the purpose.15:06
bob__theadmin> thanks a lot ...15:06
kjp_1212Hey, Im new to Ubuntu and was wondering whether anyone knew the exact file path to the terminal. I tried searching for the web, but all the results are just about how to open the terminal15:07
MonkeyDustkjp_1212  press ctrl-alt t to open the terminal15:08
MoonlightningI don't know, but have you tried launching it and then `ps`?15:08
MoonlightningMonkeyDust: not what he asked15:08
W4spThe terminal you're most llikely about to use is /usr/bin/gnome-terminal15:08
MonkeyDustkjp_1212  it's /usr/bin/gnome-terminal15:09
MonkeyDustW4sp  was faster :)15:09
W4spkjp_1212:   The terminal you're most llikely about to use is /usr/bin/gnome-terminal15:09
Auditorkjp_1212  /usr/bin/gnome-terminal15:09
Moonlightning…I think we got that XD15:09
W4spMonkeyDust: You beat me!15:09
Melifarrrowho used xdmcp ?15:10
W4spkjp_1212: If you know the prog name you can use 'which'. It gives you the first occurence based on you environment settings $PATH for executables.15:10
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kjp_1212awesome!! Thank you guys. Hopefully I can get Qt to work now. :D  Thank you all again !!15:11
W4spkjp_1212: Credit goes to MonkeyDust: as he was significant faster than me. :-(15:11
* MonkeyDust puts hands in the air and cheers15:13
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kjp_1212Lol, I havent seen people in race to help someone first XD. Thank you all anyway. :D15:15
headbangerhello guyz15:18
MoonlightningI have this weird display problem…I'm not sure how to describe it other than the entire screen looks like the wallpaper in this image: http://cl.ly/IqDo This is on a PowerBook G4 booted with `nomodeset`.15:18
* smartboyhw waves at headbanger15:18
superfabbbhow can i read elf 32 executable file?15:20
headbangerI have a query.15:20
headbangerhello smartboyhw and all15:21
Sidewinder1headbanger, Just ask..15:21
ninjafishI feel like this is a dumb question, but does anyone know where the binary for cd is located?15:21
ninjafishOr is it part of bash15:21
Umo111ninjafish: You want the ISO?15:22
Frozenlo`Linux newbie here... how can I put multiple command in a shell script? I want them to execute one after the other.15:22
headbangerI have optimus graphics card laptop. One is Intel HD and other is Nvidia card. I have installed bumblee. Do I need to install noveou also.15:22
ninjafishUmo111: For example, if I go to /bin/ls the binary for ls is in there15:23
ninjafishbut I cant find a binary for cd15:23
theadminFrozenlo`: Simply a script? Separate them with newlines.15:23
theadminFrozenlo`: On the actual command-line, use && (if whether the first command succeeds is important) or ;15:23
ninjafishUmo111: or if I go to /usr/bin/head I find the binary for head15:24
Frozenlo`&& will prevent them from running simultaneously?15:24
ninjafishBTW I mean the command cd, not a compact disk15:24
Frozenlo`I'm not THAT noob :p15:25
theadminFrozenlo`: No, but... Okay, example: false && blah will ONLY run "blah" if "false" succeeds. In our case, never ("false" always fails)15:25
theadminFrozenlo`: false ; blah will run blah regardless.15:25
Frozenlo`Oh ok.15:26
Frozenlo`In my case I really want them to wait for the previous command to terminate.15:26
ninjafishThe command 'ls' is located in /bin/ls, the command 'head' is located in /usr/bin, where is the command 'cd' located?15:26
Vlanhi there, someone experiencing low read/write rates w/ SSD drives even w/ AHCI enabled?15:27
JayfluxHey guys, is it possible to get apache 2.4 without installing from source?15:27
nothingspecialninjafish: cd is built into bash15:28
ninjafishnothingspecial: okay, thanks15:28
MoonlightningJayflux: `apt-get install`?15:29
JayfluxMoonlightning that will get vers 2.2 I believe15:29
headbangerAny answers to my query??15:29
MoonlightningIf the version in the repos is outdated, then I think you'll have to install it yourself…15:30
Moonlightningbuild *15:30
Moonlightningusually, though, it's just download, dearchive, cd-configure-make-install15:30
Moonlightningheadbanger: dunno. Is it working without it?15:31
headbangerShould I install vouveau driver in optimus  switchable graphics15:31
MoonlightningI dunno, but I'd say if it works, just leave it…15:31
headbangerMoonlightning: Its working but I am having loads of problems on suspend, hibernate and poweroff15:31
Moonlightningheadbanger: do you know that they're related?15:32
bzghostery: lol15:32
headbangerMoonlighting: I read it in bumblee wiki that;s the reason I wanted to ask because I had installed bumblee only not the noveua15:33
headbangerMoonlighting: Any thing you have in mind15:37
Moonlightningheadbanger: tbh, I don't know XD15:40
MoonlightningTrying to get help here myself, but nobody seems to know, and I end up helping other people instead… XD15:40
headbangerOh Moonlighting15:40
Sidewinder1Moonlightning, It's all good, though. :)15:42
lolcatHow do I mount a corrupted .dmg image?15:44
MoonlightningTrying to salvage data from it?15:44
kjp_1212Hey guys, I had the same bug as this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtcreator/+bug/566387 . I was wondering if I could help document it somewhere so that people wont have to run around asking the same question I had. Im really new to all this so I cant fix it on my own. I can however help document it somehow. Any suggestions?15:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 367954 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #566387 gnome-terminal does not honor x-terminal-emulator -e option" [Low,Expired]15:44
lolcatMoonlightning: Yes, I used ddrescue to make it. The first 93MB is corrupted. I want to see the last 268mb to know if it is anything usable15:45
bond_hello. i run 12.04 with lightdm and want to login to xfce4. when i login it throws me back to lightdm login prompt. what can i do?15:47
ruffyenis there a way to set your socks5 proxy info via cli?15:48
headbangerok I am leaving15:48
ruffyenim looking for a way to enable and disable system wide socks515:48
Murd0ckoff topic room?15:48
ruffyenall the tuts i see say to set an environment variable15:48
ruffyenbut i dont see it set when i set it from the network console15:49
Murd0ckoff topic room?15:49
ruffyenare you saying my question is for the offtopic room?15:49
Murd0ckno I am looking for the room :)15:49
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Moonlightning!offtopic | Murd0ck15:50
ubottuMurd0ck: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:50
Murd0ckneed to book mark that thing15:50
mzaamjayflux search for ppa15:50
Jayfluxmzaam ppa? Search for it where, via the browser or in apt15:50
mzaamvia browser15:51
Jayfluxok thanks15:51
ruffyenin case anyone ever comes back looking for this answer -- you do it via gsettings15:53
mzaambond_   try using gdm15:56
dotnulldoes anybody know where the Ubuntu 12.04 LTS login logo is located on the filesystem?15:56
bond_mzaam: i did15:57
bond_mzaam: same problem15:57
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mzaambond_ try purge n reinstall xfce15:58
dotnullnvm, I finally found it, took a long time. found it in the lightdm unity-greeter.conf16:01
Jayfluxmzaam massive thanks for that, saved me a lot of time building from source16:04
scooterj'ai un petit souçis16:05
bugs_un soucis de quel ordre?16:05
Moonlightning!fr | scooter, bugs_16:05
ubottuscooter, bugs_: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:05
michealhey i'm having trouble upgrading from maverick16:07
theadminmicheal: Details, please.16:07
islandmonkeyWhoops, wrong factiod16:08
Moonlightning!details | micheal16:08
ubottumicheal: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:08
michealwell i just installed 9.04 and forced it to update to maverick but i can't get it to go to 11.04 or newer with the update16:08
theadminmicheal: Wait, "forced to update to maverick"? You can only go to Karmic from Jaunty. Whatever you did sounds fishy.16:09
* NoFace hello !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!16:10
michealwell i had to make it go to karmic then maverick but as karmic is no longer supported via update manager i had to do a trick or two to update but i used apt-get to go to maverick16:10
theadminmicheal: That's your problem... I think your only real option is to reinstall now. For the future, see this guide.16:11
theadmin!eolupgrade | micheal16:11
theadmin!eol | micheal16:11
ubottumicheal: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:11
xanguamichaelhow about you do a fresh install instead of breaking it more¿ :)16:11
IdleOneubottu: eolupgrade is <alias> eol16:11
ubottuI'll remember that, IdleOne16:11
michealquestion is 11.04 when they went to the new gnome?16:12
IdleOnetheadmin: it should work from now on :). I've made that mistake a couple times myself16:12
theadminIdleOne: Thanks :)16:12
islandmonkeymicheal: No 11.1016:12
bond_i just installed the xubuntu-desktop package and everything went fine so far but i cant login to my desktop. when i enter password in lightdm i get thrown back to lightdm. help! :LO16:13
islandmonkeyIf you want to use GNOME 3 I recommend 12.0416:13
IdleOnemicheal: follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades and you should be able to upgrade to 11.0416:13
islandmonkeyIdleOne: theadmin already said that :)16:13
IdleOneislandmonkey: thanks.16:14
theadminHm, what display manager is used in Xubuntu?16:15
thedarkiwhy xubuntu too slow brightness?16:15
mzaamtheadmin i think metacity16:16
islandmonkeymzaam: Not window manager, display manager16:16
bond_theadmin: i use lightdm16:17
mesheltonhi everyone, I have a question about networking in ubuntu, specifically getting my laptop to recognize my kindle through ethernet over usb16:17
bond_but i have the same problem with gdm16:17
islandmonkeythedarki: That's not Xubuntu's problem, it's a problem with your graphics card or you might of accidentally put it too low16:17
islandmonkeyOops he left16:18
mesheltonanyone skilled with networking in ubuntu?16:18
michealone last question what would cause graphics to strip like a slash across the screen?16:18
* micheal expects a bad graphic driver16:18
islandmonkeymeshelton: Don't ask to ask, just ask the whole question16:19
islandmonkeymicheal: ATI?16:19
deadmundmicheal: I believe the keyword for that is clipping.  Specifically, incorrect vertical refresh rate / bad driver.16:20
mesheltonislandmonkey: I literally just got it, thanks anyway guys16:20
deadmundmicheal: Or something is moving very fast across the screen.  In which case the clipping maybe part of the video16:20
bond_can anybody help me with my login manager problem16:20
threex5Dr_Willis, are you around?16:20
islandmonkey!patience | bond_16:20
ubottubond_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:20
islandmonkeythreex5: No, you assume Dr. Livingston.16:21
nOStahlhi everyone, i have an older tower with two ide hard drives in it i'd like to install ubuntu 12.04 desktop on raid 116:21
nOStahlI am not seeing any options in the installer for this.16:21
luyangHi I find Ubuntu runs really slow inside Virtualbox16:22
luyangis that normal?16:22
threex5If I'm running lubuntu on a usb drive, what would be an ideal partitioning scheme?16:22
michealwhen doing a system test the error ocures durring glxgears16:22
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threex5I normally do 100mb /boot, 4gb swap, 15gb / and the rest /home16:22
threex5for non usb installation16:22
deadmundluyang: If you don't have a machine that is like 2 x the hardware of a normal machine then yes.16:22
deadmundluyang: particularly, ram16:22
Animus123anybody know working sis 671 3D graphic driver?16:23
bogorIs there any disadvantage of installing ubuntu on pen drive instead of running it as live cd ?16:23
luyangdeadmund: I have an Intel i7 8GB RAM with an SSD disk16:23
=== dpac_ is now known as dpac
deadmundbogor: not really16:23
threex5bogor: it's faster and writable16:23
deadmundluyang: It should be fast! :)16:23
bogorThanks guys that gave me confidence.16:23
threex5also you can have swap16:23
dzragonluyang: have you enabled the setting for virtualbox to see your .vdi file as ssd-disk?16:23
deadmundluyang: How much ram did you allocate to the VM?16:23
Animus123anybody know working sis 671 3D driver?16:24
bogorNow i am proceeding to install on flash drive16:24
luyangdeadmund: well it's not that fast... alt tabbing sometimes hangs but I wonder if it's due to system updates in the background or a bad configuration16:24
luyangdzragor: I don't think I have... how do I?16:24
islandmonkey!patience | Animus12316:24
ubottuAnimus123: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:24
dzragonlet me check and make a screenie16:24
luyangdeadmund: not sure how much RAM I allocated16:24
deadmundluyang: Check the VM config.  ON a machine like that updates in the background should be insignificant16:24
deadmundluyang: Probs give it at least 1Gb if not 416:24
shade34321I recently upgraded a computer from 11.10 to 12.04 and other than twinview problems it seemed to be working. While trying to fix the twinview issues I rebooted the computer and the keyboard and mouse no longer worked. I can hit F12 during boot to pick boot device but once the login screen hits neither work. When I ssh into the machine lsusb shows that both the keyboard and mouse are seen. Any suggestions on getting them working? Thanks!16:25
theadminmzaam: "metacity" is the window manager (that's xfwm4 in Xubuntu, by the way). I'm talking about the login window thingie.16:25
=== RK is now known as utoh
Animus123ubottu:do you know something about sis 671 3D driver?16:25
ubottuAnimus123: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:25
mzaamAnimus123 try hellnest driver, compile it with full xorg dev and mesa dev package, not accelarated 3d, but at least i can play some 3d game here16:25
=== sam101 is now known as samcoldham12
dzragonluyang: http://i.imgur.com/h8ypw.png16:26
luyangdeadmund: I think I have 512MB base memory and that might be the problem16:26
deadmundluyang: that is the problem!16:26
Animus123mzaam:can you completely describe it?16:26
deadmundluyang: rather, that is definitely A problem.16:26
samcoldham12does anyone now anything about ubuntu tv how do i install it16:27
luyangdeadmund:  oh you're swedish too? ok I'll check that and increase the base memory from 512 to 1024 MB16:27
mzaamAnimus123 describe which part?16:28
theadminsamcoldham12: It's simply a concept. It doesn't exist yet, I'd believe.16:28
zzupersweden rules the earth16:28
Animus123mzaam:do it really work in ubuntu 12.04?16:28
samcoldham12ok thanks16:28
MikeRLIt's not really available yet. You can get it touch with Canonical about it on http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/tv16:28
luyangzzuper: sweden rules Assange16:28
deadmundluyang: I am not Swedish but I am flattered by the 'compliment' if it is one16:28
luyangdeadmund: sure why not16:28
Animus123mzaam:complete process!!16:28
threex5can anyone help me out wrt getting lubuntu on my usb stick?16:28
mzaamAnimus123 yes, i use it now16:29
nOStahlwhere can I find a guide to install ubuntu 12.04 on raid 116:29
luyangdeadmund: it seems I have to stop the VM to change the SSD setting... so see you later16:29
deadmundluyang: haha16:29
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto16:29
deadmundluyang: yep16:29
MonkeyDustthreex5  a live installation or persistent installation?16:29
Animus123mzaam:can you please tell complete procedure? i will send you and email id of mine if you need!16:30
MonkeyDust!persistent > threex516:30
ubottuthreex5, please see my private message16:30
mzaamAnimus123 install all xorg-dev and mesa-dev related package then search hellnest blog on web, then u can go on your own16:30
threex5i saw this, thanks. i opted to just run the lubuntu live cd16:31
threex5and install to usb like i would a hard drive16:31
MonkeyDustthreex5  then there's unetbootin16:31
threex5only it installed the whole os in /boot, which surprised me16:31
theghostcan u prebuild teamspeak 3 via adding the repositeries16:32
threex5ok with unetbootin I don't need to boot into my live disc to make my thumb drive, correct?16:32
Animus123mzaam:right now!i too using a different driver,but that's giving me a 2D appearance! so do i want to remove this one to install suggested driver?16:32
Animus123mzaam:sorry it's uninstall not install!16:33
theghostcan u prebuild teamspeak 3 via adding the repositeries16:34
mzaamAnimus123 don't need to remove it, just install the driver and it will replace it, i guess16:34
Animus123mzaam:can you please display the link,for download of hellnest driver?16:35
Ca11umIn Ubuntu 12.04, is it possible to enforce some form of 'parental controls'?16:35
Ca11umI need to block users from accessing the system settings, and being able to download programs.16:35
BankZAny recommendations on a ultrabook?16:35
threex5do partitions matter on a usb?16:35
theadminCa11um: Unless they are members of "admin" group, they won't be able to do either. Well, they can download programs, but not install them anyway.16:36
threex5Ca11um, don't you need administrative priviledges for that anyway?16:36
MoonlightningWell, they can /install/ them, just not in places like /usr/bin16:36
Ca11umYou're able to run programs though?16:36
mzaamAnimus123 here16:36
theadminCa11um: Sure.16:36
Ca11umMy users have easily installed tonnes of crappy toolbars and other junk16:36
Ca11umI need to prevent downloading altogether then16:37
Sidewinder1Ca11um, You are not dealing with a wubi install, are you?16:37
=== Spacewalker_ is now known as Spacewalker
theadminCa11um: Hm, well, I can only suggest something like making .mozilla read-only and blocking access to ~/Downloads.16:37
Ca11umAre there no services that can be installed, from the Ubuntu Store perhaps?16:38
jemaduxcan some one fork a ppa >16:38
theadminCa11um: (chmod 555 ~/.mozilla ; chmod 000 ~/Downloads)16:38
sun_devil10I am trying to ssh or even telnet into my virtual with apache running. Keeps saying that host is down or blocking?16:38
Animus123mzaam:do it form different color strips during shutdown or watching hd videos?16:38
edgyHi, if I changed MaxClients how can I confirm whether it's applied?16:39
Marzatawhat time of the day /etc/cron.daily/ is executed?16:39
Ca11umSo Ubuntu has no parental controls whatsoever?16:39
theadminCa11um: Well, no, it doesn't directly offer "parental controls". You simply have to get your permissions straight, you know?16:40
MonkeyDustCa11um  there's nanny, but it has bugs16:40
MonkeyDustinfo nanny16:40
MonkeyDust!info nanny16:40
ubottunanny (source: nanny): Parental Control System. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.31.1-0ubuntu4 (precise), package size 968 kB, installed size 2784 kB16:40
theadminHuh, never heard of that one.16:40
Ca11umWhat kind of bugs?16:41
glitsj16Marzata: that is set in /etc/crontab i believe16:41
MonkeyDusti tried it, did nothing, wanted to report in launchpad, but it's already reported16:41
Animus123mzaam:can i play HD videos with the help of this driver?16:42
mzaamAnimus123 during shutdown yes, during watching video i don't think so. as long u use X11 video output, see the blog comment for detail16:42
sun_devil10I can ping my ip and it is up16:42
Animus123mzaam:so do you know how to remove this strips shutdown problem?16:43
Marzataglitsj16: than you very much!16:43
* Sidewinder1 Never heard of Nanny either; learn something new everyday. :)16:44
mzaamAnimus123 i don't know but it dont bother me, it doesn't stop me from shutting down16:44
theadminAnimus123: It seems to be a thing with video drivers of certain manufacturers, it's no big deal really, just ignore it16:45
=== Fish is now known as Guest89339
shade34321I recently upgraded a computer from 11.10 to 12.04 and other than twinview problems it seemed to be working. While trying to fix the twinview issues I rebooted the computer and the keyboard and mouse no longer worked. I can hit F12 during boot to pick boot device but once the login screen hits neither work. When I ssh into the machine lsusb shows that both the keyboard and mouse are seen. Any suggestions on getting them working? Thanks!16:45
Animus123mzaam:well! i want to tell you,recently i solved that problem recently!!16:45
mzaamAnimus123 how?16:45
Animus123mzaam:sorry for two times recently!16:45
BankZWhat do you guys think about thiks? http://weeklyad.staples.com/Staples/BrowseByPage?storeid=2278517&promotionviewmode=2&promotioncode=Staples-120819&listingid=0&sneakpeek=N ?16:46
Animus123mzaam:wait,i will tell you!!16:46
Animus123mzaam:does your unity interface working in 3D?16:47
histoMarzata: anacront controls the cron.daily weekly and monthly16:47
histoMarzata: man anacron  and have a look at /etc/anacrontab16:48
michealwhen i attempt to update from 10.10 to 11.04 i get error "Could not find the release notes" "The server may be overloaded. "16:48
histomicheal: can you be more specific what command are you running when you are trying to update and getting this error?16:49
histomicheal: also what previous commands did you run prior to it16:49
mzaamAnimus123 no, ever make it but unusable cz window dont render correctly16:49
micheali'm using update manager16:49
Animus123mzaam:ok,for strips problem,Please edit /etc/grub.d/00_header as root.16:50
Marzatahisto: thans so much, man!16:50
histoMarzata: np16:50
Animus123mzaam:After a few lines you can find16:50
Animus123cat << EOF16:50
Animus123if [ -s .16:50
wlosioi need help, how to part and convert .APE to .FLAC ?16:51
ThinkT510!eol | micheal16:51
ubottumicheal: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:51
wlosioon ubuntu exist any gui program?16:51
Ca11umDo Linux executables not have a file extension?16:52
Animus123mzaam:and add one line, set recordfail=116:52
islandmonkeyCa11um: No16:52
bzCa11um: they're extraneous16:52
deadmundCa11um: that's correct16:52
deadmundCa11um: discover the magic of the 'file' command16:52
michealthe eol does not cover 10.1016:52
bzCa11um: both varieties exist16:52
bzCa11um: executability is a consequence of the file perm, not its extension16:52
michealplease read the support before shoving me at it16:52
ThinkT510micheal: 10.10 is end of life16:52
ThinkT510!10.10 | micheal16:53
ubottumicheal: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.16:53
histomichaeljones: any reason you don't want to upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 ?16:53
michealThe first part will cover upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04 and up (eventually to 10.04). We will do the following upgrades, 8.10 to 9.04 to 9.10 to 10.04 LTS.16:53
Animus123mzaam:if you facing some problem,or you are confused,then please see bug report-#1031414.16:54
ebberswhich version of ubuntu works best with vlc and audacity?16:54
nOStahlebbers any16:54
histomicheal: don't you have 10.04 LTS installed ?  upgraded from one LTS to the next is supported so you could go to 12.0416:55
histomicheal: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades16:56
michealFailed to fetch http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/CODENAME/main/source/Sources.gz  404  Not Found16:56
ebbersany is not the answer im looking for16:56
ebbersdo you have experience with audacity and vlc?16:57
shade34321I recently upgraded a computer from 11.10 to 12.04 and other than twinview problems it seemed to be working. While trying to fix the twinview issues I rebooted the computer and the keyboard and mouse no longer worked. I can hit F12 during boot to pick boot device but once the login screen hits neither work. When I ssh into the machine lsusb shows that both the keyboard and mouse are seen. Any suggestions on getting them working? Thanks!16:57
ebbersthat seems awfully ubuntu centric16:57
ebbersMy experience is that some versions work out of the box and others don't16:58
ThinkT510ebbers: i've not had any problems with any release of ubuntu with vlc16:58
micheali'm on 10.1016:58
ebberswhat do you do with vlc?16:59
sun_devil10I think my iptables might be blocking my access via ssh16:59
wilee-nileewlosio, Not sure there any gui's for this but here is an option. http://technoergonomics.com/articles/2011/12/converting-audio-file-formats-ape-cue-flac-linux  from this Google search  https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=ubuntu+convert+.APE+to+.FLAC+&gbv=1&sei=PxoxULCWH8bpiwLs54CwAw16:59
mzaamAnimus123 thx, will try it16:59
ebbersWhat do you use vlc for? Because that may be why you havent had any problems17:00
wilee-nilee!nicks | please use nicks in responses17:00
ubottuYour nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.17:00
ThinkT510ebbers: watching various vids and listening to music17:00
ebbersI have loaded Ubuntu 12.04 ten times on three different machines and everyone gave me trouble with sound including support for audacity and vlc17:00
Deku!wilee-nilee lol :P17:01
ubottuDeku: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:01
ebbersok well there you have it. Watching videos and listening to music works but how about streaming to http17:01
necro_my fan only works after it reaches 75ºC in my laptop17:01
ebbersdoesnt work17:01
necro_Is there a way to fix that? Im affraid my processor gets damaged17:02
glebihanwilee-nilee, I think you were looking for !who17:02
ebberstry streaming an mp3 w vlc on ubuntu 12.0417:02
wilee-nileeebbers, please use the nick of the person you are addressing the tab will complete the nick if you type a few of the first letters. ;)17:02
ebbersAnd Audacity is as glitchy as ever worse than ever before.. ok17:03
ebbersThinkT510, is who i'm addressing17:03
michealwait natty has the first of the funky gnomes17:04
ThinkT510micheal: unity17:04
michealyes when gnome started looking like an apple product17:04
g4m30v3rcan someone tell me how to install the downloads i got off the internet?17:04
michealvery bad interface17:04
ebbersSo it goes. Trouble finding any support for this. I've been looking and looking for weeks17:05
ThinkT510micheal: actually unity isn't as bad as i thought it would be17:05
wilee-nileeg4m30v3r, Do you check to see if the downloads are in the repo's first?17:05
micheali guess i should work on addressing my graphics driver rather then mod to a newer less friendly os17:05
g4m30v3rwilee-nilee: repo's?17:05
ebbersWhere do i find support for ubuntu12.04 and vlc/audacity?17:06
michealtheres something wrong with the graphics that causes it to go crazy when 3d rendering17:06
wilee-nileeg4m30v3r, repositories17:06
islandmonkeyebbers: Here. And #vlc and #audacity17:07
michealbut it's also linked with quadrapassel17:07
g4m30v3rwilee-nilee: where do i find that i'm sorry im very new to ubuntu 12.0417:07
ebbersislandmonkey, #Audacity is empty went to #vlc no one could solve17:07
ThinkT510!software | g4m30v3r17:08
ubottug4m30v3r: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents17:08
theghostcan u use ubuntu for setting up a company lets say to run a website and help users with remote support and things like that17:08
wilee-nileeg4m30v3r, you should have a ubuntu software center and you can install things with sudo apt-get install "pkg name"17:08
ebbersislandmonkey, #Audacity says send us an email17:08
necro_does anyone know why my ñaptop fan only works in very high temperatures?17:08
wilee-nileeg4m30v3r, It is not often you have to install from the net.17:08
=== bjv is now known as Guest26271
g4m30v3rwell i was downloading stuff off of thepiratebay17:09
islandmonkeynecro_: Because it's common sense.17:09
ebbersislandmonkey, I'm here because both vlc and audacity don't work in ubuntu 12.04. But I had no trouble with previous versions of ubuntu17:09
wilee-nileeg4m30v3r, not a good source17:10
ThinkT510ebbers: did you use unity in previous versions? are you using unity now?17:10
ebbersislandmonkey, or should i say less trouble. VLC was a little glitchy on the 10.04 lts17:10
ebbersno this is the first time i have used unity17:11
g4m30v3rwilee-nilee: i know but i was also getting stuff from isohunt and other sites how do i install the downloaded content17:11
kjp_1212Is there a higher privilege than root. Im trying to run QtCreator with opencv(in Ubuntu)  and the compiler says " cannot execute permission denied". Any idea why?17:11
ThinkT510ebbers: try unity2d17:11
ebbersislandmonkey, I don't know much about unity does it relate to the performance of these programs?17:11
Sidewinder1ebbers, If 10.04 works best for you (it's what I use), use it until it's EOL.17:12
ebbersislandmonkey, so log out and back into unity 2d?17:12
ThinkT510ebbers: unity uses compiz which can be buggy at times, unity2d uses metacity17:12
islandmonkeyebbers: ThinkT510 is talking to you, not me17:12
wilee-nileeg4m30v3r, First check if they are in the repo's packages there may have been modified to run best in ubuntu, and are a safe source. If you need help otherwise you need to name the package type you have like is it a tar.gz....etc17:12
ThinkT510ebbers: if it works in unity2d then you know compiz is at fault17:12
ebbersSidewinder1, Thank you for that. I'm just trying to give the 12.04 version benefit of my doubt17:13
nOStahlhey guys I'm on the alternate cd installer for 12.04   how do you delete an LVM17:13
ThinkT510Sidewinder1: eol for desktop support is fast approaching for 10.0417:13
ebbersThinkT510, K I'm trying now17:13
g4m30v3rwilee-nilee: its a .rar and a .exe17:13
wilee-nileeg4m30v3r, you running wine?17:14
wilee-nileeFOR THE .EXE17:14
Sidewinder1ebbers, No worries; I've installed 12.04 on another box, just to be prepared for the inevitable, as ThinkT510 above mentioned. :)17:14
wilee-nileeopps cap lock sorry17:14
g4m30v3rwilee-nilee: whats wine and do i get it by typing  sudo apt-get install wine?17:14
red_baronln: failed to create symbolic link `/home/jony/.PlayOnLinux': File exists17:15
ThinkT510g4m30v3r: seriously, read up on this17:15
ebbersSidewinder1, I'm suprised that I haven't found someone who is dealing with this already17:15
red_baronplease help me in this17:15
ThinkT510!software | g4m30v3r17:15
ubottug4m30v3r: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents17:15
red_baronI want to modify the path17:15
wilee-nileeg4m30v3r, I'm not familiar with wine never used it, but it is for running a limited amount of MS programs.17:15
g4m30v3rty wilee-nilee17:16
wilee-nilee!wine  g4m30v3r no proble look here.17:16
ubottuwilee-nilee: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:16
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu17:16
Sidewinder1ebbers, There are probably quite a few; it goes EOL next April (2013) if memory serves, at least for desktop, not server.17:16
ebbersThinkT510, Nope 2d no luck with vlc17:16
ThinkT510ebbers: then compiz is not the problem, well at least you can rule that out17:16
ebbersSidewinder1, OK back to my original question what is the best version of ubuntu for vlc and audacity?17:17
g4m30v3rand to the rest of you i have read up on it and i'm sorry i thought this was a support channel not a put down and make myself feel bigger channel bye17:17
ebbersThinkT510, Thanks it might help with audacity's glitch17:17
wilee-nileehehe the IRC is not always a comforting place.17:18
ebbersAudacity recods fast then slow then fast ug17:18
Sidewinder1ebbers, Well, I'm no expert; that said, I use Totem and Audacity also runs on this 10.04 machine. "Best" is way subjective, why not try them all and see which fits your needs the "best." Not trying to be wishy-washy, but I think you know what I mean. ;-)17:19
ebbersSidewinder1, Doesn't it seem like the question which version of Ubuntu is best for working with Audacity and Vlc is a valuable and needed question?17:19
sun_devil10trying ssh into virtural but getting a host down or host is blocking.  Checked my iptables and they look they are allowing that port?17:19
wilee-nilee!best | ebbers17:20
ubottuebbers: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:20
ThinkT510ebbers: not really, they are meant to work in whatever release you use17:20
Vlanhi there, someone experiencing low read/write rates w/ SSD drives even w/ AHCI enabled?17:20
michealso my graphic driver seems to be jacked and theres no way to fix it17:20
ebbersSidewinder1, Thank you. And yes I have tried them all and frankly I'm running out of time to dabble. I'm looking for things that work not a dabble around and look for things that don't17:21
red_baronpls help me hw can I change a symlink path?17:21
Sidewinder1ebbers, Nothing at all wrong with your question. As I don't use vlc and only rarely audacity, I'm not really qualified to fully answer, sorry.17:21
satyanashHello All!17:21
glitsj16ebbers: might be helpfull to approach your problem(s) from the opposite viewpoint: which vlc/audacity version works best for your installed ubuntu version .. have you tried the latest vlc from a PPA (http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/07/how-to-upgrade-to-the-latest-vlc-release-in-ubuntu-12-04) yet?17:21
Sidewinder1ebbers, Good luck, either way. :-)17:22
satyanashI have started my session using startx, and everything is working fine except sound. How would I turn on sound?17:22
ebbersSidewinder1, Yes I hear you and I'm trying to locate the community that does use vlc and audacity which cover audio recording playback and streaming.17:22
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge17:22
Sidewinder1Note the unsupported.17:22
ebbersSeems that audio playback/recording/streaming are valuable functions of an OS17:22
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satyanashI have checked alsamixer And all my bars are maximixed. I am also a member of the 'audio' group.17:23
rebornhello there? i need a little help, please? thanks.17:24
ThinkT510reborn: rather difficult to help without a description of your problem17:24
Sidewinder1ebbers, Just as a side note, I'm currently listening to an old radio broadcast recording (mp3 format) using Totem. Whatever works for you.17:24
wilee-nileereborn, tell us the problem.17:24
ebbersHence I come here for my questions but I'm finding an Ubuntu centric community that has not asked the value of support for other applications seemingly.17:24
rebornlook this link http://tinypic.com/r/116tdms/617:24
wilee-nileeebbers, you will see what you project to be the truth.17:25
ebbersSidewinder1, I'm not talking about listening to a stream i'm talking about broadcasting a stream17:25
rebornhow do i fix this window theme?17:25
mzaamred_baron delete it and create new one,17:25
Sidewinder1ebbers, Seems to me that you're getting a wealth of suggestions; why the light hostility?17:25
red_baronok, but where I could find the symlink file?17:26
ebberswilee-nilee, Thank you as I rely on myself and others to see the truth17:26
mzaamreborn whats wrong with your theme?17:26
rebornMzaam, last night i installed ubuntu PC, everything is perfect, then now in the morning, a different window theme.17:27
Sidewinder1ebbers, Since I'm totally unfamiliar with streaming (other than on the receiving end), I'll politely and respectfully bow out. Again, good luck. :-)17:27
michealVGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. KM400/KN400/P4M800 [S3 UniChrome] (rev 01)17:27
michealSubsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Device 811817:27
ebbersSidewinder1, I'm frustrated that some of the most popular applications are seemingly not interesting to ubuntu irc17:27
wilee-nileeebbers, hehe truth is s illusion, but carry on.17:27
michealmy graphics driver is currently wacked out can i just remove and re install it17:28
ebberswilee-nilee, I'll take that into consideration and thanks for the permission to carry on17:28
mzaambaron use settings>>appearance to change theme17:28
bond_somehow my login managers dont take me to xubuntu17:28
bond_i tried gdm and lightdm17:29
wilee-nileeebbers, you are welcome. ;)17:29
ei2matrixhi guys, question, what iso must download for install on a mac based on intel hw?17:29
bond_they both fall back to the login prompt after entering the password17:29
reborni've tried, that, it seem don't work, command line?17:29
bond_startx works though17:29
ebbersSidewinder1, Audacity and VLC are staples in the opensource community why can't we support them?17:29
ThinkT510!volunteers | ebbers17:30
ubottuebbers: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:30
ebbersSidewinder1, Or rather5 support Ubuntu using them?17:30
mzaamreborn install ubuntu tweak17:31
ebbersI am a volunteer. Volunteering information. Perhaps its not of value and I am barking up the wrong tree?17:31
reborni already have.17:31
ebbersInteresting how the volunteer culture works17:31
mzaamreborn: cant use it?17:32
ThinkT510ebbers: tone done the attitude, if people aren't using the features you are then they can't really help you17:32
reborni already to change the window theme, and still same window theme. i don't understand why.17:32
ThinkT510ebbers: try looking at the forums17:32
MiggsHey guys, I've got a problem with either PulseAudio or Zeroconf not picking up my network sound sink (even though it can be seen in avahi-discover - http://paste.ubuntu.com/1154444/ - and paprefs is set to make network sinks available locally). Any hints?17:32
mynicknamedo you guys think that a file with a virus, like a .pdf or .wmv file would be a threat in linux?17:32
Sidewinder1Yes, the forums is/are a most valuable resource!17:33
ebbersThinkT510, I guess i'm amazed that no one cares to use Audacity and VLC   I truly find it hard to accept but i will stop interuptinfg this chat thank you!17:33
glitsj16ei2matrix: http://lifehacker.com/5934942/how-to-dual-boot-linux-on-your-mac-and-take-back-your-powerhouse-apple-hardware might be worth a read17:34
wilee-nileemynickname, hard to sya but it could be passed on to a OS that would be affected, having one on board is not good.17:34
ebbersThinkT510, I have and usually check high and low before asking for a volunteer to help. I have looked everywhere. NOTHING about 12.04 and Audacity and VLC that was effective17:34
i7cis there a way to keep an encrypted /home mounted after logging out from ubuntu server? because i might have processes running in background that keep use /home17:34
Sidewinder1mynickname, The short answer is a resounding no. That said perhaps you could have a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51081217:35
mzaamreborn try lxappearance17:35
mzaambaron what link are you going to change?17:35
UnknownForkHello, I have had an installation of Xubuntu 12.04 for over 3 months on my Toshiba Mini NB505-N508BL. Two days ago its touchpad randomly stopped working and it still won't work after I rebooted multiple times. The touchpad used to stop working for short periods of time, but would continue to work after a reboot. Help?17:36
Sidewinder1mynickname, And, what wilee-nilee said. :-)17:36
mynicknameso a resounding maybe? :)17:36
ebbersTHE LAND MAYBE17:36
mynicknamethat off chance makes me want to install avast or something17:36
rebornbrilliant, thanks..17:37
ThinkT510ebbers: lets be specific, what is the problem you are having with audacity17:37
Sidewinder1mynickname, Please read the forum link that I gave you. :)17:37
mynicknameI think I'll check out that ubuntu security page; I'm multitasking intensively right now17:38
mynicknamethanks, btw17:38
Sidewinder1My pleasure.17:38
L3top!virus | mynickname17:38
ubottumynickname: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus17:38
wilee-nileemynickname, the definition of a virus lets just say badware here is different in opensource, you can install an av but they work diffrently in open source it is not a find a kill mech it is justa a find, and you decide how to kill it and you will get false positives most likely.17:38
ebbersThinkT510, When I record it speeds up and slows down every 3 seconds roughly17:38
bond_does anybody know an answer to my question? :( its kinda annoying to use the console all the time17:39
ebbersThinkT510, I tried changing the project rate and that did affect how often this would occur but it continued anyway17:39
wilee-nileebond_, you might start a thread at the ubuntu forums just to have another option.17:40
mzaambond_ simply fresh install xubuntu or try other window manager17:40
wilee-nileeor try #xubuntu17:41
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ebbersTruly just frustrated about how many times I've loaded 12.04 and now I'm coming to the realization that I have to load 10.0417:41
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ebbersThanks for all your help and responses!  -Ebbers17:42
mynicknamethanks, guys17:42
i7cis there a way to keep an encrypted /home mounted after logging out from ubuntu server? because i might have processes running in background that keep use /home17:43
qdbwhy in ubuntu 12 04 , after install of it , connecting to internet, when i run update manager, then restart it, it do not work. if i look with top command, i see dpkg, aptd and other such install processes. it is some background update.17:43
Dr_Willisif you got processes running. arent you still logged in?17:44
wilee-nileeqdb, What is not working?17:44
qdbwilee-nilee, i say update process is strange in 12 0417:44
ActionParsnipqdb: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade    same as in all releases of Ubuntu.17:45
wilee-nileeqdb, Hmm seems the same as any other release to me, not sure I understand you problem.17:45
Dr_Willistry just using the cli tools above. not the manager17:45
qdbwilee-nilee, i have to wait for ending of update processes , i do not see any report, what it is installing17:45
* ActionParsnip thinks apt-fast should be default installed :)17:45
A_JActionParsnip oh hai.17:45
wilee-nileeqdb, use apt-get you will see everything installed.17:45
wilee-nilee+1 apt-fast17:46
ebbersActionParsnip, I've tried both the apt-get update and upgrade as well as software updates and I don't think they operate exactly the same. What do you think?17:46
qdbwilee-nilee, after that process starts, apt-get wont work also , because installing is locked17:46
shade34321I recently upgraded a computer from 11.10 to 12.04 and other than twinview problems it seemed to be working. While trying to fix the twinview issues I rebooted the computer and the keyboard and mouse no longer worked. I can hit F12 during boot to pick boot device but once the login screen hits neither work. When I ssh into the machine lsusb shows that both the keyboard and mouse are seen. Any suggestions on getting them working? Thanks!17:46
qdbthat process seems starts by itself sometimes17:46
ActionParsnipebbers: they achieve the same end17:46
wilee-nileeqdb, you can only have one install running at a time and if you stop it in the middle it will lock.17:46
wilee-nileeand only one open as well17:47
qdbwilee-nilee, any way, as ubuntu is going to be graphical desktop, you should talk about it17:47
ActionParsnipebbers: you just get to see what is going on, plus any errors will be shown. The GUI apps don't really show that17:47
qdbwilee-nilee, yes . i know. i hope i can read about that new technology updating17:47
wilee-nileeqdb, you are not making sense I suspect this language barrier or cultural.17:47
ebbersActionParsnip, I've noticed a big difference when loading systems if I use apt-get verses software update. What I notice is that the software update seems to not work in the same order as it would if I didn't uses aopt-get17:47
wilee-nileeis an*17:47
qdbwilee-nilee, yes . i know. i hope i can read something official about that  updating in new technology way17:48
ebbersActionParsnip, Meaning I end up with a different system load based on which style i choose17:48
ActionParsnipqdb: if you are having issues with the GUI updater, use the CLI and it cleans things up well17:48
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AcidRain2012someone hacked my forums :/17:48
ActionParsnipebbers: do you mean load as in CPU usage?17:49
ebbersActionParsnip, This is just one thing I've noticed over the years. No I mean a different set of packages and updates17:49
bond_i just found out the guest account logs into xfce17:50
Metzeehello....can help me for find windows 7 ultimate free??17:50
bond_but my other user cant17:50
ActionParsnipebbers: the packages and deps are identical, so the same packages will be updated and installed17:50
bond_this must be related to the user :X17:50
Dr_Willisbond_: so whats the issue?17:50
Metzeehello....can help me for find windows 7 ultimate free??17:50
ebbersActionParsnip, The system performs differently based on the procedure. I tend to stick with software updates until they are complete then I use apt-get17:51
ActionParsnipebbers: the required packages are read for each package and satisfied17:51
Dr_Willisbond_:  how about just starting a x session with a terminal and launching xdce desktop by hand and look for errors17:51
Dr_WillisMetzee:  no..17:51
ebbersActionParsnip, Why inconsistency then?17:51
qdbActionParsnip, ok i may do  that, but before that i should kill several processes. now i want just read some explanations from ubuntu17:51
ActionParsnipebbers: i'm very sure its identical, otherwise you would gen an inconsistant package state if deps are not all met17:52
bond_Dr_Willis: when i run startx as root xfce starts automatically17:52
ActionParsnipebbers: itd be a massive bug and would have been sorted ages ago as it is a fundamental foundation of the OS17:52
Dr_Willisbond_: carefully check the files and dirs in the problem users home.. last timr i saw somthing similer .Xauthority and other files were owned by root when thet shouldent been17:53
ebbersActionParsnip, So you are saying that software update does the exact same thing in the exact same order as apt-get update and upgrade?17:53
ActionParsnip!aptfix | qdb17:53
ubottuqdb: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »17:53
ActionParsnipebbers: yes, its just a pretty GUI,some insall the recommended packages, others don't but they will definately install what is needed for the application to run as expected17:54
qdbActionParsnip, thank you. i do not need that right now. i want just find some info in internet17:54
livingdaylightafter apt-get update it is apt-get dist-upgrade? NOT apt-get upgrade?17:54
ActionParsnipebbers: where have you heard this from?17:54
Dr_Willislivingdaylight: i do both17:54
MoonlightningDr_Willis: isn't that redundant?17:54
MoonlightningI just do dist-upgrade17:54
Dr_Willislivingdaylight: dist-upgrade is a more intensive upgrade17:54
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: you can use dist-upgrade and upgrade, you need update to reread the repos17:54
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bond_Dr_Willis: actually .Xauthority IS owned by root and has rw rights on my system17:55
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.17:55
ebbersActionParsnip, Its been my experience I've loading ubuntu since version 617:55
Dr_Willisbond_:  it should be owned by the user. id say just move/rename it.. and try logging in17:55
root_Q all17:56
ActionParsnipebbers: there is no version 6, there is 6.06 and 6.1017:56
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ActionParsnipebbers: I've used ubuntu since Gutsy (7.10)17:56
* Dr_Willis used to use cp/m and minix ;)17:56
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ebbersActionParsnip, I've loaded Ubuntu 500 +/-. I just noticed this again and again sometimes more than others but definately noticed that the order matters.17:57
* ActionParsnip used to use Mandrake 7 (not quite that far back)17:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 500 in kdegraphics (Ubuntu) "Package description does not match content/dependencies" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50017:57
ActionParsnipebbers: then I suggest you report a bug17:57
Dr_Willisorder matters in what way? whats different...17:57
KOHUHADoes anybody know how make working pulseaudio+jack?17:58
Coltcan anyone help with sda1 filling up rapidly?17:59
qdbis there ubuntu developers channel?17:59
ubottumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU17:59
ZummiG777Question: I'm using Ubuntu Server 12.04 (fully patched).  I put some rules into /etc/sysctl.d/, including ending them in .conf.  However, when I run sysctl -p or reboot the system the rules are not17:59
mooserAnyone knows how to run awn-applet-indicator on ubuntu?17:59
ActionParsnipColt: you can use disk space analyser to see what folder is largest.17:59
Dr_Willismooser: you add it to the awn dock18:00
bond_Dr_Willis: i chowned .Xauthority to my user and group but the problem persits. actually there are other files owned by root in my users home dir. can i just chown them all?18:00
Coltdid a du --max-depth=1 -h18:00
* KOHUHA f@cks with backtrack18:00
Coltleft over space is in .18:00
mooserwhere is awn dock ?18:00
Dr_Willisbond_: you could just move everything to some backupdir so your home is clean.. and see if it works.. then move things back one by one18:01
ubottuUbuntu includes several dock-like navigation bars. Some options are: avant-window-navigator, cairo-dock, docky (formerly part of gnome-do), stalonetray, simdock, kdocker, kooldock.18:01
Plumblumafter installing phpmyadmin i cant axcess it -at all, does it have to do with me having the webroot folder in my home folder ?18:01
moosershall I download it from software centeR?18:01
shade34321I recently upgraded a computer from 11.10 to 12.04 and other than twinview problems it seemed to be working. While trying to fix the twinview issues I rebooted the computer and the keyboard and mouse no longer worked. I can hit F12 during boot to pick boot device but once the login screen hits neither work. When I ssh into the machine lsusb shows that both the keyboard and mouse are seen. Any suggestions on getting them working? Thanks!18:02
Plumblumaka do i have to add special perms for the user phpmyadmin is running under18:02
Dr_Willismooser: err.. if you want to use awn.. you need to install it of course.....18:02
mooserby the way where can I change the pidgins keyboar language setting. I am having hard time to type18:02
ActionParsnipColt: you can use bleachbit to free space up18:02
Dr_Willisi suggest you use xchat for irc, not pidgin18:02
ActionParsnipmooser: i love pidgin for irc18:03
theadminmooser: The language settings are in system settings, nothing to do with Pidign18:03
ShirakawasunaI'm getting somewhat crappy graphics performance with an integrated nvidia card (not really unexpected). Does anyone here have experience with having *two* nVidia cards but only actually using one? I'm thinking about buying one.18:03
theadminShirakawasuna: I'm not too sure about nVidia, but with AMD cards you can select which to use in amdcccle easily.18:04
moosertheadmin but keys are acting different in browsers address bar and in pidgin18:04
Dr_WillisShirakawasuna:  if they both use the same version of the nvidia driver they should work fine.18:04
theadminmooser: Oh? That's not supposed to happen though18:04
bond__Dr_Willis, finally im on my desktop :) i just chowned my whole home dir18:04
ShirakawasunaDr_Willis: Work fine as in I can easily configure it to just use the discrete card?18:05
ActionParsnipmooser: you may be able to set the language maybe and then run pidgin...not sure really18:05
Dr_Willisbond__: running things as root withoug gksudo, or running nautilus as root can mess permissions up18:05
Dr_Willisbond__:  seen this many times18:05
MoonlightningI think I have outdated or wrong drivers for my system. How can I find and install the correct ones? (PowerBook G4 | Ubuntu 12.04)18:05
ei2matrixGuys, this version work on Mac/Intel based? ubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso18:05
theadminMoonlightning: Use jockey (It's called "Additional Drivers" in the menus)18:06
Dr_WillisShirakawasuna: switch cards, use both, use multi monitors... i do it all with my 2 nvidia cards18:06
theadminei2matrix: That is for any 64-bit machines.18:06
Moonlightningtheadmin: is there a way I can do it through a CLI? It's hard to see anything in the GUI…18:06
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages18:06
ActionParsnipei2matrix: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleIntelInstallation18:07
theadminMoonlightning: Sure thing. "sudo jockey-text -l" will list available drivers, and "sudo jockey-text -e 'drivername'" will enable any driver you choose.18:07
Moonlightningtheadmin: okay, thanks ^^18:07
ActionParsnipMoonlightning: what video chip are you using?18:07
MoonlightningActionParsnip: I'm not sure. This is a PowerBook G4, and I'm not sure how to find out from Ubuntu.18:08
MoonlightningI wiped out the OS X installation and don't have the install disc, either.18:08
ActionParsnipMoonlightning: if you run:  lspci |grep -i vga    what is output?18:08
MoonlightningHang on…18:08
Moonlightning(Why does it take so long to log in on a tty? 6_9 )18:09
ninjafishCan anyone direct me to a working tutorial on how to chroot ssh users, I just followed through a couple tutorials I found online and neither seemed to have worked properly18:09
MarcoC'è qualcuno che parla italiano?18:10
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:10
MoonlightningIs there an easy way to force the system to rescan for Wi-Fi networks?18:12
ActionParsnipMoonlightning: sudo iwlist scan18:12
shade34321can you use ext4 for /boot or should you use something else?18:12
moosertrying to get ride of UBUNTU's LAuncher bar18:12
theadmin!nounity | mooser18:13
ubottumooser: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:13
wilee-nileeshade34321, A boot partition?18:13
shade34321wilee-nilee: yeah18:13
wilee-nileeshade34321, Are you sure you need one?18:13
ActionParsnipmooser: install gnome-panel and log off, then log in to the new session. If you dislike Unity, install Xubutu, Kubuntu or Lubuntu and it won't even be installed18:13
MoonlightningActionParsnip: does that affect the GUI? I still don't see anything in the network list…18:13
moosertheadmin yeah I want the drop down from task bar18:13
Moonlightning…weird…I don't see the hidden-network option here either. 6_918:13
ActionParsnipMoonlightning: if the CLI can scan the network then the GUI should18:14
theadminmooser: You might want to install gnome-panel then18:14
sam1967anyone heard about synthetic telepathy ?18:14
theadminmooser: sudo apt-get install gnome-panel18:14
theadminsam1967: offtopic much18:14
shade34321wilee-nilee: I'm doing a custom partition on the install, mainly due to a NFS mounted home partition and if I need to reinstall b/c a user messed something up it'll be a bit easier for me18:14
mooserI just installed Avant WIndow NAvigator18:14
MoonlightningArgh. Plan B: How do I connect to a WPA2-secured network through a CLI and get the system to remember the network?18:14
wilee-nileeshade34321, A standard msdos table with extension type partitions should not need a boot partition, but if you feel you need it a ext 4 type is fine.18:15
ShirakawasunaDr_Willis: awesome, thank you! I'll be off to the good will soon to see what cards are available :)18:15
sam1967thheadmin: where should i go to discuss it ?18:16
shade34321wilee-nilee: well that was my question, is there something I should be using instead18:16
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theadminMoonlightning: Not sure about the "remember the network" bit, but... wpa_passphrase "your_essid" "your_passphrase" | sudo tee /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf && wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf18:17
wilee-nileeshade34321, I'm not familiar with a  NFS mounted home partition so not sure in regards to that and a boot partition, others should know though.18:17
Moonlightningtheadmin: shouldn't that be `tee -a`?18:18
theadminwilee-nilee: /home is defined by FHS as an optional thingy, so that's no big deal. You're fine without a /home altogether.18:19
mooserDr_Willis:  How do I use indictor with awn? I installed both18:19
bogorI am trying to install ubuntu 12.04 LTS on flash drive. It seems to be stuck as there is no progress in progress bar. Is there any log to see if it is stuck and why it is stuck? I heard flash drives are faster the usual HDD. But my hp v220w pen drive seems to be 100 times slower than my sata HDD.18:19
milen8204Hello all how can I add a folder in menu "Place" on gnome 3 ?18:19
shade34321wilee-nilee: thanks anyways18:19
theadminMoonlightning: If you already have other networks there, maybe. But that is fine for an initial config.18:19
ActionParsnipmilen8204: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc18:19
Dr_Willismooser: check the awn settings and docs/guides/homepage you add the widgit to the awn dock18:20
Moonlightningtheadmin: ah, it doesn't exist yet. Okay…18:20
mooserIts not applets menu in AWN?18:20
wilee-nileetheadmin, Thanks I was not sure in regards to the questions by shade3432118:20
Dr_Willismooser: you are looking at awn right now.. im not... so you tell me..  experiment..18:21
mynicknameif I am port forwarding for a file sharing program, should I use iptables or is there not a security risk?18:21
ActionParsnipmynickname: do you use a router18:21
zykotick9bogor: if you are using USB - it's gonna be VERY slow compared to IDE/SATA HDs...18:21
Dr_Willismynickname: your router is forwarding ports to the pc?18:22
Dr_Willisso what are you going to use iptables for? ;0'18:22
Moonlightningtheadmin: invalid-argument from the last part18:22
ActionParsnipmynickname: then its fine, the router is doing the firewalling for you18:22
milen8204ActionParsnip, \oneiric18:22
deadmundmynickname: You need to configure the router.  Not the PC that is running the service18:22
theadminMoonlightning: Oh, huh. Odd. That normally worked for me.18:22
nathanel1does anyone know what is the username access for the dconf settings of the lock screen (to change the wallpaper)?18:22
Moonlightning> ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Invalid argument18:23
Moonlightningthis twice ^18:23
ActionParsnipmilen8204: With nautilus as the active window, move the mouse to the global menu18:23
theadminMoonlightning: I'm not into CLI-based network configs though. You might want to install wicd -- it has a nifty CLI-based configuration tool (wicd-curses)18:23
bogorzykoticks9, Does pen drive connect other way or are you saying pen drives are slow since they connect via usb ?18:23
sam1967anyone heard about synthetic telepathy ?18:23
theadminMoonlightning: But, it doesn't enjoy networkmanager so it'll remove that during the install (if you use APT, that is)18:23
MoonlightningOkay, thanks…18:23
=== Spacewalker_ is now known as Spacewalker
zykotick9!tab > bogor18:23
ubottubogor, please see my private message18:23
zykotick9bogor: USB is a slow interface18:23
DJonessam1967: Thats not an ubuntu support question18:23
Moonlightning…argh. Can't install anything because I don't have a connection.18:24
* Moonlightning facehoofs18:24
milen8204ActionParsnip, and then ? :Д18:24
theadminMoonlightning: Oh... Rats, sorry, my bad.18:24
mynicknameI have configured the router to forward a port. When the program is not using this port, is it still open and is there a risk?18:24
ActionParsnipmilen8204: or you should be able to drag to the left panel18:24
MoonlightningThe menu seems to be working again anyway, though (I rebooted), so… XD18:25
Dr_Willismynickname: if no service is listening to the port.. nothings going to happen18:25
theadminmynickname: There's no risk in "open" ports, you're misunderstanding the concept.18:25
milen8204ActionParsnip, ok I will try thanks18:25
bogorzykotick9, so all pen drives are slow ? BTW tab completion is not working for me. Should i install any package ?18:26
Dr_Willisbogor:  usb3 pendrives exist now18:26
zykotick9bogor: i meant in IRC (you got my nic right this time).  Yes all USB drives will be slow compared to IDE/SATA (maybe not with USB3), very slow.18:26
zykotick9bogor: bash-completion installed?  for bash.18:27
Dr_Willisi found ubuntu installed to a usb to be useable.. at least18:27
bogorI will install bash-completion. Thanks18:27
Dr_Willisbetter then a live cd18:27
MoonlightningArgh. As far as I can tell from what I can see of the menu, I'm connected…and yet, I get network-unreachable from anything. >.<18:28
theadminDr_Willis: Heh, so I'm not the only one who experimented with OSes on a USB drive18:28
Moonlightning…oh, the key I entered is wrong. Derp. 9_618:29
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ActionParsnipMoonlightning: can you ping ?18:29
Moonlightning> connect: Network is unreachable18:30
ActionParsnipMoonlightning: can you ping your routers internal IP?18:30
MoonlightningAhhh, I'm not sure what that is…just redid the setup here…uhh, hang on…18:30
bogorzykotick9: bash-completion is awesome. Thanks18:31
MoonlightningHere we are.18:31
MoonlightningAnd, no, I can't.18:31
Plumblumcould somone help me with phpmyadmin ?18:31
ActionParsnipMoonlightning: does the interface have an IP via DHCP18:31
Plumblumthe package is installed and connected to the sql server18:31
Plumblumbut i cant axcess it18:32
Moonlightning…no, it doesn't.18:32
MoonlightningInvalid key. DERP!!18:32
Moonlightningsorry *facehoofs at self*18:32
MoonlightningI'll get this thing eventually!18:32
bogorThe usb pen drive is new. But the PC is old so slow. I have a newer laptop. Will try making a large io like apt-get upgrade after this installation get over to see if there it is more usable.18:33
bogorDoes ubuntu installer have a log ?18:33
wronaso is maybe that place can ask for some support about ubuntu ?18:33
theadminwrona: This is the place.18:33
Moonlightning!metaquestion | wrona18:34
ubottuwrona: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:34
wronai am fresh user Pawel is my name and quite stupid about systems have just two question about18:34
MoonlightningQuestions? Awesome. Let's hear 'em!18:34
theadminwrona: Just ask your questions.18:35
Dr_Willisask them in the form of a hiaku for bonus points...18:37
wronatheadmin today is sunday no need to be rough so much or need :)  so. First is can I have cube 3d if I have intel integrated card, and second is whether is possible that when watching movies on web , screen is switching off , and if can be done that during watching movie on the web is not turning off ?18:38
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: that'd be badass18:38
MoonlightningThis keeps rejecting the network key, but it's working fine on this Mac…18:38
theadminwrona: You can set it to not turn off at all, that'd be in power management settings. As for the cube thing, I think that doesn't work with recent Ubuntu releases.18:38
Dr_Williswrona: the cube is worth forgetting.. it has issues with unity18:38
wronaok thank you18:39
moosertheadmin:  Gnome-MEnu shows "Installed" in Software Center. how do I run it.18:39
satyanashHi All! How can I have the "New Login" feature provided by xscreensaver for xdm instead of gdm? I know xscreensaver calls gdmflexiserver, but since I do not want to use gdm, what would I call?18:39
mooserDr_Willis:  THis dock looks like apple dock.18:39
theadminmooser: You want "gnome-panel", not "gnome-menu"18:39
Dr_Williswrona: askubuntu.com had some info on disabling the blanking for movies18:39
Moonlightningmooser: ooh…how did you do that? :318:39
Dr_Willis!dock | Moonlightning18:39
ubottuMoonlightning: Ubuntu includes several dock-like navigation bars. Some options are: avant-window-navigator, cairo-dock, docky (formerly part of gnome-do), stalonetray, simdock, kdocker, kooldock.18:39
moosertheadmin: Sorry Gnome-Panel . may mistake .. Gnome-Panel shows installed18:40
Moonlightningah, okay, thanks ^^18:40
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: My Ubuntu system runs slowly, Its a new install, Help me please   ;)18:40
wronai found ubumatic but is not working with this, any way thank U guys and have a good sunday :)18:40
theadminmooser: Okay, great, now log out, click the gear icon, choose "GNOME Fallback" from the list and log in18:40
satyanashDoes anyone have any idea?18:41
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Dr_Willisshould i mention that in 12.0 - the fallbackmode is.. well gone i think.. )18:41
satyanashI think gdm starts a new xserver when you click New Login, right?18:41
bogorThis may not be dir5ectly ubuntu related. But if usb is slow, what portable storage techology provides near or greater HDD speeds ?18:41
ActionParsnipwrona: why is that necessary? You can do all that stuff yorself18:41
pranavki am kindda new to rss feeds, i want to fetch all the data from the rss feeds but currently i am shown only top 30 entries (sorted by date), but i want all 112 entries. is there any way out i can get those  ?18:41
zykotick9bogor: esata would be one option18:42
theadminDr_Willis: Nuh-uh, you install the gnome-panel package and you get that. It's not GNOME2, it's GNOME3 which "looks" and acts like gnome218:42
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zykotick9bogor: it makes me cry that i have to reboot to use esata on my mother board :(.. so i don't really get to use it.18:42
KircleI'm updating to 64bit precise from 32. When booting the disc will it give me the option to leave me home folder alone?18:42
bogorzykotick9: yeah i saw there is a esata port in my laptop. I will research. Thanks.18:43
zykotick9bogor: i'm sure regular USB is your best bet - but it's slow... live with it ;)  it's handy18:43
ActionParsnipKircle: you will need to reinstall18:43
ActionParsnipKircle: its not really an upgrade18:43
Dr_Willisesata never had time to take off. ;(18:44
mynicknamethanks, guys18:44
Dr_Willisi never got esata working right.. not it seems obsolete18:44
bogorzykotick9: i like usb. b'cos it is small and looks cool and comes in sufficent large capacity.18:44
hamdi1984I upgraded ubuntu from 10.10 to 11.04 then 11.10 to 12.04 LTS finally, and it seems like mate is not working properly (especially with compiz) any solutions ?18:45
bogorzykotick9: just that it performance is not so good. I think situation will improve wth time. Maybe i need to wait.18:45
zykotick9bogor: ya, nothing wrong with running from usb.  i personally just find it extremely slow for some things, and thus not sufficently fast (perhaps i'm spoiled by ssd os drive ;)18:45
Dr_Willishamdi1984: we cant support 'mate' here18:46
mooserHello again18:46
mooserThere wasn't any option called "GNOME FALLBACK" I chose GNOME CLASSIC18:46
Dr_Willishamdi1984: and it may be time for a clean install..18:46
hamdi1984thnx Dr_Willis. How can I at least get my classic gnome desktop with ubuntu 12.04 ?18:47
tizbaczykotick9, still faster than windows :P , i have too an ssd and when i boot a machine with hdds i start freaking out , but the i see windows: "wtf is that , 10 mins to boot ..."18:47
mooserhamdi install GNOME-PANEL18:47
Dr_Willishamdi1984: install gnome-panel and select it at login18:47
mooserI just did18:47
theadminmooser: Well that's the one18:47
moosertheadmin this is what i just wanted thank you. But i really miss the DASH Serach!18:47
hamdi1984thnx a lot Dr_Willis. I should try that.18:47
theadminmooser: Heh can't have both18:48
Dr_Willisbut fallback may go away  in the next few releases...18:48
zykotick9tizbac: i personally don't see the big deal about "boot times", but i never reboot 99.957% uptime since may 1918:48
theadminmooser: Try installing Launchy. It provides very similar functionality.18:48
Dr_Willisstick with unity, old gnome is time to move on18:48
moosertheadmin and can I use Compiz in GNOME CLASSIC?18:48
theadminmooser: You should be able to, yes.18:49
moosershall i install it again or its already installed? cause i had it in other side18:49
Dr_Willis'in other side' ?18:49
mooser:( No items match "Launchy" in Software Store18:50
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theadminmooser: It's not in the store, see http://launchy.net (they provide an ubuntu package)18:51
MoonlightningWell, anyway…18:51
xanguasoftware center is called now software store¿18:51
theadminxangua: Nope, we just have someone calling stuff weird names.18:52
Dr_Willisnext will be ubuntu play app market....18:52
Moonlightningoutput of `lspci | grep -i VGA`:18:52
Moonlightning0000:00:10.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation NV34M [GeForce FX Go5200] (rev a1)18:52
theadminxangua: Probably using a localized Ubuntu18:52
killerubuntu 11.04 is supported till october (exact  date)?18:53
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110418:54
Dr_Willishmm.. that factid dont say. ;()18:54
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:54
Dr_Willismost do say18:54
DaekdroomThat first link in !eol does say18:54
Daekdroom(But yeah, it'd be better if the factoid did)18:55
Moonlightning…okay, let's go /way/ back. XD18:55
MoonlightningI think I have outdated or wrong drivers for my system. How can I find and install the correct ones, preferably using just the CLI? (PowerBook G4 | Ubuntu 12.04)18:55
Dr_WillisMoonlightning: thr nvidia-current package works for all my nvidia mahcines18:56
Dr_Willisor see what jockey-text suggests18:56
MoonlightningDr_Willis: what was the command again?18:57
i7chi, i would like to use disk encryption on my ubuntu server, but i dont like the fact that it unmounts /home when no one is logged in to the system. how can i change that?18:57
Dr_Willisjockey-text --help     perhaps18:58
Dr_Willisor sudo apt-get install nvidia-current18:58
MoonlightningDr_Willis: unavailable-package error19:00
SeednodeDoes anyone know how to fix that annoying white flash when switching workspaces with Desktop Cube?19:00
Dr_WillisMoonlightning: what ubuntu release?19:00
xanguaSeednode: are you using unity¿19:00
SeednodeNo, I'm not.19:01
SeednodeDoes Unity not have that issue?19:01
bekksxubuntu runs on powerpc, too.19:01
Umo111Anyone know how run ubuntu from USB with a GTX 550 ti?19:01
Dr_WillisMoonlightning: may not be a powerpc package..19:01
ActionParsnipUmo111: add the boot option: nouveau.blacklist=119:01
Dr_WillisUmo111: you can do a full install to usb, same as you would a real hard drive19:01
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Seednodexangua: Does that flash not happen in Unity?19:02
Guest22821Hi, I'm trying to repair a system that lost power during an upgrade; I've booted form a live stick and chrooted to the hard drive but am seeing problems because things can't access /dev or /proc19:02
MoonlightningDr_Willis: >.<19:02
Umo111OK il try that thanks19:02
Dr_WillisMoonlightning: i gave up on powerpc.. ;) my imac was just a ssh terminal for ages19:03
MoonlightningYeah…I mostly use the tty's anyway…19:03
Dr_WillisMoonlightning: even those were messee up on m y imac19:03
astropirateHello all. I have connected a second monitor but it is not recieving any signal. How can I diagnose this?19:04
Dr_Willisastropirate: video chipset? what drivers?19:04
Dr_Willisastropirate: it  was plugged in when you booted up?19:04
astropirategtx 670 nvidia propitory driver that comes iwth ubuntu19:04
astropirateno it wasnt19:04
astropirateit was pluged in19:05
FloodBot1astropirate: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:05
Dr_Willisastropirate: seen that confuse the nvidia cards on some machines19:05
astropirateOhh I should reboot then?19:05
Dr_Willisplug in, power on, reboot, try nvidia-settings tool19:05
Dr_Willisjust to eliminate any potential issues19:06
astropirateAhh the nvidia-setting did it19:06
astropiratei wasn't aware I had to do that. thanks Dr_Willis19:06
Dr_Willissome times it dosent. ;)19:06
Dr_Willishad issues with older cards needing things in at power up. or the card turnrd off the port19:07
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astropirateDr_Willis, hmm although, my mouse cursor does "stick" on the launch panel on the second montir which makes mouse transition between monitors un-smoth19:07
jason__Hi I have a new install of ubuntu 12.04 and tried the unity desktop found in buggy, thunderbird crashed on start firefox slow and greyed out, gone over to using gnome classic19:07
Dr_Willisdual monitors? theres a sticky edge feature19:07
Dr_Willismove the mouse fast...19:07
astropirateSo its a feature not a bug? :p19:08
mooserDr_Willis: I found something like Ubuntu Dash Search for GNOME called "bolt" > https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/330/bolt/ . "But it tells me You do not appear to have an up to date version of GNOME3. You won't be able to install extensions from here. See the about page for more information."19:08
Dr_Willisastropirate:  yes. to make window moveing easier19:08
astropiratesounds good. thanks A LOT Dr_Willis19:08
trismmooser: extensions.gnome.org is for gnome-shell not gnome-panel19:09
Dr_Willismooser: i use unity. not gnome-shell19:09
devilzi have dell 5520 and install complete ubuntu 12.04 alongside windows19:09
tunsais there any msn clientthat comes with latest ubuntu19:09
devilzmy wifi card is 08:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation Device 4365 (rev 01)19:09
devilzSubsystem: Dell Device 001619:09
devilzFlags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 1119:09
devilzMemory at c1500000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=32K]19:09
devilzCapabilities: <access denied>19:09
Dr_Willis!im | tunsa19:09
Moonlightning!flood | devilz19:09
ubottudevilz: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:09
ubottutunsa: The Empathy Instant Messenger is installed by default and supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and  variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete and !pidgin19:09
devilzcan anyone tell me how to get drivers for that?19:10
ActionParsniptunsa: amsam emesene, pidgin19:10
ActionParsnip!broadcom | devilz19:10
ubottudevilz: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:10
ActionParsniptunsa: amsn   sorry19:10
MoonlightningSo, if there's no powerpc package with the drivers…19:11
MoonlightningAm I just out of luck?19:11
devilzActionParsnip : thanks for link. I try this and tell u :D19:11
Nintendoo64I'm not sure how much RAM I have. I have a 32bit installation and system monitor says I currently have 3.9GB. I've booted into 64bit ubuntu via liveCD and system monitor stills says I have 3.9GB. Is this reading accurate?19:13
deadmundNintendoo64: you don't think you have 3.9 / 4Gb ?19:15
deadmundNintendoo64: you there?19:16
Moonlightning…no, wait, here it is: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/powerpc/nvidia-current19:17
diminotenit's the little things... like right now19:18
diminotenI can't change my desktop background19:18
diminotenwhy would that sort of thing even break?19:18
sebastoramais there a way to resize a partition "on the fly" on linux?19:20
sebastoramaI mean.. without the need to do it from a live cd for instance..19:20
deadmundsebastorama: yes but not the root partition or any partition that is mounted19:20
FloodBot1ender__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:21
deadmundender__: yeah, hi19:21
Moonlightning!es | ender__19:21
ubottuender__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:21
Moonlightning…wait, how is that possible?19:21
moosertrims no version for gnome-panel ?19:21
sebastoramadeadmund, hum.. on OS X, disk utility can do this... It may dismount the partition and do it's magick.. bcoz the system freezes for a while while doin'g it :D19:22
MoonlightningWhat's up with the /modes/ on this network? 6_919:22
astropirateMy sounds keeps repeating for 1-2 seconds like a broken CD. It plays sounds fine for a minut or so but it keeps doing this. How can I fix this?19:22
sebastoramadeadmund, but thanks anyway19:22
MoonlightningI've seen ChanServ set +o on the flood bots even though they're /already/ +o, and now /all three/ of the bots set -q ender__!*@*, one after another…19:22
deadmundsebastorama: yeah, there might be some crazy way using chroot.  IDK19:22
mooserI really miss the Dash Search from Unity here in gnome-panel19:23
histomooser: gnome3 has search19:24
sebastoramadeadmund, yeap.. who knows what apple do in order to keep users happy :D19:24
deadmundsebastorama: yeah19:24
sebastoramadeadmund, but thanks for the help :D19:24
mooserhisto I am not on gnome-shall this is just gnome-panel19:24
mooseraslo I am not even sure if i can update this gnome-pnel to gnome3 dunno19:25
WeThePeoplehow to download the max quality video using youtube-dl19:26
BluesKaj!man unity19:26
mooserWhere do I run installed programs or how do i do it in terminal19:26
=== TimothyA1 is now known as TimothyA
Moonlightningmooser: generally you can just type the name of the program19:27
deadmundmooser: sudo apt-get install <package-name>19:27
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity19:27
deadmundmooser: what are you trying to install?19:27
MoonlightningAre we talking about /getting/ or /running/ programs?19:27
deadmundOh!  I misread :P19:27
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Vlanhello, someone experiencing low read/write rates w/ SSD drives even w/ AHCI enabled?19:28
deadmundmooser run them by name in the term19:28
mooserdeadmund I am a Ubuntu Unity user. I am now installed gnome-panel cause i hated the unity launcher bar on left. But i really missing the unity DAsh serach19:28
histomooser: pres your windows key19:29
mooserdeamund like: run programname ?19:29
deadmundmooser: alt + f2    ?19:29
histomooser: did you setup X with just gnome-panel launching?19:29
mooserwhat is X?19:29
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:30
mooseri just installed gnome-panel from Ubuntu unity Software Center19:30
mooserand logged in19:30
histomooser: well is the unity panel still on the screen?19:30
mooserhisto,  no. I am now in gnome classic. launcher panel is on the top left. drop down menu. just like how i wanted.19:31
mooserI still did not understand what is X19:31
histomooser: okay well alt+f2 should get you a run dialog19:31
WeThePeopledoes anybody have youtube-dl installed19:31
Vlansomeone with an SSD drive could do a "sudo hdparm -Tt /dev/sda1" for me?19:31
mooserIs it kind of Dash Search for Gnome Classic?19:31
bekksWeThePeople: Why?19:31
bekksVlan: And you are expecting which result in particular?19:32
ThinkT510mooser: X is the graphical server19:32
histomooser: no alt+f2 is a run dialog you can type a programs name in the there with tab completion19:32
mooserhisto is it possible to use Dash Search in gnome?19:32
MoonlightningGot connected. /Sheesh./19:32
WeThePeoplebekks, if i try to download the best video quailti using youtube-dl --max-quality (url) it comes back and says i need atleast one url..??19:32
deadmundmooser: There are other more modular solutions like gnome-do  that you might wanna look at too19:33
Vlanbekks: i'm only getting half the speed declared by the manufactor, i'd like to see if i'm the only one with this problem19:33
histomooser: is there a particular part of the dash you want? there are many apps that will accomplish certain parts of it.19:33
bekksVlan: And getting our output will not help you at all on solving your issue :)19:34
bekksVlan: I have a SSD, and I am perfectly happy with it.19:34
MoonlightningI'm getting a package-not-available error from trying to install nvidia-current on a powerpc system, but the website has a page for the package…19:35
Vlanbekks: ok but if you say that you're running at 100 mb/s probably there's nothing i can do about it as well...19:35
DarkenvyWhat are the choices for display managers? Gnome, Unity, KDE, ????, what else?19:35
moosercan alt+f2 also do search the programs while i am typing? or I have to write the complete name to run a program?19:35
Troy^Darkenvy: LXCE, XFCE19:35
Darkenvyis that everything?19:35
ThinkT510Darkenvy: those are desktop environments, not display managers19:35
histomooser: yes it will search you can hit tab to complete the name19:35
Troy^Darkenvy: LXDE sorry,19:35
bekksVlan: I am not running at SATA HDD speed :) I am meeting the specifications of the manufacturer.19:35
mortezaI installed ubuntu in my netbook19:36
Darkenvythats what I said desktop environments :P19:36
RalliasWhat are my options for volume controls on tint2?19:36
mortezabut when I start it , my monitor will be turn off19:36
histomooser: also take a look at this http://askubuntu.com/questions/122437/how-to-access-applications-menu-in-ubuntu-unity-desktop  to get a gnome applications menu in unity19:36
Troy^Darkenvy: you could pretty much use whatever display manger you wanted or environment19:36
mortezawhat is this? crash? what?19:36
Darkenvyone last question: alternatives to nautilus? I am unable to drag and drop19:36
histoDarkenvy: thunar is a good one19:37
ProtekNickzHi all got a sticky situation, i was going through my GPG keys and deleted the launchpad. one's for ubuntu 12.04, any one know how i re add it, or where it's located if still on the computer ?19:37
histoDarkenvy: there is also roxbox pcmanfm a ton of file managers19:37
ThinkT510Darkenvy: thunar, pcmanfm19:37
mooserwell why do I need Gnome Do when there is already a tool in Alt+F219:37
mooserGod I loved Linux!19:37
Darkenvythanks guys!19:38
RalliasProtekNickz, apt-cache search ubuntu keys19:38
mooserGuys sorry about my dump questions. This is my 3th day on Linux and I just loved it...19:38
histomooser: you could also type a app name in a terminal and use tab to complete the name19:38
DarkenvyMan I love Linux!19:38
deadmundmooser: gnome-do also looks for files and can index a lot more information like contents of emails, recent pidgin conversations, web pages, and similar19:38
Troy^lol linux is great minus games19:38
deadmundmooser: alt+f2 is ONLY programs19:38
Dice-Manhello all people19:38
mooserdeadmund,  now it makes sense.. downloaded... let me try19:39
Dice-Manhow to load a keyboard layout from the commande line ?19:39
deadmundmooser: have fun.19:39
MoonlightningI'm getting a package-not-available error from trying to install nvidia-current on a powerpc system, but the website has a page for the package…19:39
BenBEHy, anyone around who could package a new version of php-geshi for Ubuntu?19:39
islandmonkeyTroy^: The minus games part will all change when Steam arrives19:39
Troy^islandmonkey: there is really not going to be that many games though19:39
BenBEread man ...19:40
islandmonkeymobile: Help on what?19:40
islandmonkeyPlease do not ask to ask19:40
mobilesorry i was trying to invoke my irc client help19:40
=== badwolf is now known as Guest50203
islandmonkeyOh sorry :)19:41
WeThePeoplelol, i have to type -i to ignore an url error to get it to work19:41
islandmonkeyTroy^: Well we'll have to see19:41
RalliasTroy^ There's supposed to be a few good games for release.. not many, but the ones that do are good.19:42
Troy^islandmonkey and Rallias: well LFD2 seems to be the first port. Well i own that game and it ain't any different from the first one and quite boring19:45
Snow-Manhas anyone got bonding & VLANs working, from a cold boot, on 12.04?19:46
test_Linux question: how can it be that: 1.ping works 2. arping does not work.19:47
BenBEtest_: You're not root.19:47
deadmundtest_: arping only works local network19:48
BenBEtest_: Alternative: You card can't do promiscious.19:48
bogorI am trying to setup my ubuntu pc1 as a wireless hostspot. pc1 has wireless network card and wired ethernet connection. It is connected to internet via wired connection.19:48
deadmundbogor: that is not a question19:48
bogori clicked on use hotspot, but it keeps disappearing.19:49
gmachine_24My install of Ubuntu 11.04 won't boot; end up with the initram error, etc. From a "Live" CD, how can I repair/restore the Grub files?19:49
RalliasTroy^, If rumors are to believed, HL3 is a part of the steam release on linux aswell19:49
bogorgmachine_24: 11.04 is old , try 12.0419:50
Troy^Rallias: well that will be awesome then. HL2 episodes were pretty decent19:50
theghostcan you set up a service on ubuntu where one computer takes control of all of them like the master the domain19:50
mooserwhat is the short key to run gnome-do ?19:50
islandmonkeygmachine_24: Better hurry up, support for 11.04 is running out thick and fast19:50
gmachine_24I know I can try 12.04; that is not the point. I need to fix the installation.19:50
islandmonkeygmachine_24: Why can't you just grab another CD (or wipe the USB on) and place 12.04 on it?19:51
TheMinertheghost you can setup a cluster of machines and manage them from one spot19:51
theghostwhat would i need to set up a cluster19:52
TheMinerIf you only have a few machines I would recommend something like webmin19:52
Ralliastheghost, what type of cluster?19:52
TheMinerThere are some pretty straight forward cluster distro's that you could use19:52
nick_cannonHey guys, How can I tell what my video card is?19:53
TheMinerThe cluster would allow you to pool resources19:53
saviolspci nick_cannon19:53
theghosta type of cluster so i can manage multiple machines from one point19:53
devilzhow can i find drivers for 14e4:4365 in zip format ?19:53
lwizardlif I have a deb installer how can i autohave it also grab any required Dependencies ?19:53
TheMinerwhat are the different machines going to be doing theghost?19:53
gmachine_24Because I don't want to.19:53
Ralliaslwizardl, "dpkg -i $packagename && apt-get -f install"19:53
islandmonkeygmachine_24: It is the easiest way to do it19:54
lwizardlRallias, thanks19:54
mytoz_question: I'm upgrading Ubuntu and now it seems X (or my WM, the default one) doesn't want to render any windows etc. only my cursor is visible. can I somehow reload X without killing all the running programs, and especially the upgrade process?19:54
mytoz_or is there something else I can do?19:54
deadmundmytoz_: ctrl + alt + F2,  then log in and kill X or Xorg and it should restart itself19:55
mytoz_deadmund: the upgrade process as well? won't that break the current installations etc?19:55
histomytoz_: you can hit ctrl+alt+F1 to get to a tty and ctrl+alt+F7 should bring you back to X.  In the tty you can see if the upgrade process is still working with top19:55
theghostbasiclly i want one machine as like the master and managing lets say 10 pcs and i can manage them 10 pcs from the master pc19:55
TheMineror cntrl-alt-f719:55
deadmundmytoz_: What I described will not effect the upgrade process or any packages19:55
histotheghost: manage what?19:55
histotheghost: upgrades?19:56
TheMinermanaging what?19:56
mytoz_deadmund: ah cool19:56
TheMinerare they going to be running webservers?19:56
deadmundmytoz_: sure19:56
TheMinerftp servers?19:56
mustafahow to open firefox on local machine bu using ssh?19:56
TheMinerthen just use Webmin19:56
bekkstheghost: "yes" to what?19:56
bekkswebmin? NO.19:56
bekksDONT use it.19:56
mustafahow to open firefox on local machine by* using ssh?19:56
bekksUse ssh and administer your servers properly. Webmin introduces various security wholes.19:57
ech0dishwhats wrong with webmin?19:57
TheMinerHe can run upgrades, start/restart servers etc all with Webmins cute GUI interface19:57
bekksech0dish: Wrong question. "Whats not wrong with webmin?"19:57
Ralliasbekks if properly configured, nothing's wrong with webmin19:57
bekksWebmin is the worst "GUI", from a security point of view.19:57
UnknownForkHello, I have had Xubuntu 12.04 installed on my Toshiba Mini NB505-N508BL for over 3 months. The touchpad recently stopped working on it. It has stopped working before, but has started working again after a reboot. Whenever I reboot it now it still doesn't work. Help?19:57
TheMinerI would agree that someone with experience should just be using ssh19:57
histomustafa: ssh -X to the host then firefox19:57
bekksRallias: Almost everything is wrong with webmin, because it is a secuity whole by design.19:57
TheMinerUnknownFork sounds like a hardware issue19:58
histomustafa: unless you want to open firefox locally19:58
Ralliasbekks that's why I said "if configured properly"19:58
Ralliasas in, only listen on localhost.19:58
UnknownForkTheMiner, maybe a driver issue19:58
TheMinerYou can lock Webmin down pretty tight19:58
ech0dishwebmin helped me get started up when i was a teenager.. good for learning but once you've learned i agree it's more proper to use ssh for everything.19:58
mytoz_deadmund: seems X didn't really start again after I softkilled it19:58
mustafahisto I tried but I get "No protocol specified Error: cannot open display: :0"19:58
UnknownForkI will run an operating system via live cd to see if it is a hardware issue19:59
histomustafa: are you ssh'd from a windows box to a linux box?19:59
TheMinerholy hell I am old,...Webmin was a LONG way from being around when I was a teenager19:59
RalliasWebmin by default is just as insecure as any web administration panel.19:59
histoDo not recomend webmin in here it's not supported19:59
TheMinerHell OpenSSH is unsecure until you get it setup properly19:59
deadmundmytoz_: startx  from the cli19:59
mytoz_deadmund: ah okay19:59
bekkstheghost: Not nearly insecure as webmin by default.20:00
histo!webmin | Rallias bekks20:00
ubottuRallias bekks: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.20:00
bekkshisto: I know. I am not suggesting using it.20:00
Ralliasbekks oh, and what's one that's more secure than webmin?20:00
TheMinerubottu, hence the reason you download the source and compile it yourself20:00
ubottuTheMiner: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:00
duckxxcan anyone point me to a place on how to specify ip ranges.. i dont understand the /24 /15 endings on ips20:00
theghosttheminer: thanks20:00
bekksRallias: ssh.20:00
mustafahisto No. linux to linux20:00
duckxxi want to ban all of china20:00
duckxxfrom going to my server20:01
RalliasBy default, just as insecure.20:01
histomustafa: do you have X running on the machine you are using to ssh to the host on?20:01
RalliasFind a user with sudo access, you've compromised the system.20:01
duckxxhell i want to ban the entire eastern countries20:01
TheMinerduckxx good luck20:01
bekksRallias: Nope. BY default, webmin doesnt use SSL, while ssh is using a secured connection.20:01
histomustafa: to forward X applications via ssh you need to have a local X instance running then you can ssh -X host   once in you can launch any X based applicaiton on the host and it will forward it to the local machine.20:01
Ralliasbekks how have YOU installed webmin in a way that doesn't use SSL? The deb package they provide always enables it.20:02
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foul_owlHello. I am having a problem with OpenGL. I have an Nvidia GeForce 6600 video card that does not seem to have OpenGL acceleration enabled. Running glxgears gives me a black windowed gtk window. This problem occurred with the default nouveau drivers for 12.04, and again when I uninstalled nouveau and installed the latest Nvidia drivers from the Nvidia driver ppa (304.37) Trying to run other OpenGL apps (such as openarena) produces a black screen 20:02
bekksRallias: The last time I've used webmin is 15y ago. Actually, I am wondering why it isnt prosecuted to use it nowadays.20:02
Ralliasbekks because it isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be.20:03
duckxxbekks, so wat do u use now ?20:03
mustafahisto I have X on running machine20:03
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bekksRallias: Actually it is. Just take a look at the security fixes.20:03
bekksduckxx: ssh.20:03
histomustafa: are you trying to launch firefox ont eh host machine you are connected to and have it open on the local machine?  Is that the goal here?20:03
duckxxi cant wrap my head around the /8 /24 /25 wildcard ip ranges.. anyone care to explain20:04
sam101can use ssh to manage ur website of the server20:04
mustafahisto exactly20:04
bekkssam101: Sure.20:04
Ralliasduckspeaker, /8: x.*.*.*, /16: x.x.*.*, /24: x.x.x.*20:04
gunarmwhen I just went to Disk Utility and clicked Check/Repair array on my RAID volume, it started this long repair process.  Is there any way to tell what the errors are that it's fixing?  I just set the array up like yesterday20:04
TheMinervia SSH you can do anything on the remote machine that you could do on your local machine20:04
stephenmac7Hey, I was wondering if it was possible to have all incoming network traffic go through a firewall on an ubuntu server?20:04
stephenmac7(For a home network, not just the server.)20:04
histomustafa: when you connect to that machine make sure you use the -X option with ssh. so ssh -X whatever.ip.address    then it will allow forwarding of X applications20:05
foul_owlstephenmac7: look into iptables20:05
Ralliasduckspeaker, just think of IP addresses as base-256 and netblocks as a chunk of it in base 220:05
histostephenmac7: yes20:05
mustafaI tried but not working20:05
TheMinerstephenmac you just need to have your router forward everything through your machine20:05
TheMineriptables get complicated pretty quick though20:05
mustafahisto  I tried but not working20:05
stephenmac7TheMiner: How do you do that? (I have linksys)20:05
histomustafa: please pastebin the commands you are trying along with the connection string like ssh -X someserver20:05
mustafahisto ssh -X server20:06
openyostHi all!  I'm hoping someone can help out with this fun I'm having.  Earlier this week, my comp was reporting 100% usage of my hard drive with the home folder being the culprit.  When I du -h in my home folder the sum of the folders does not equal the total sum of files (http://pastebin.com/QfS5hDhJ)  I ran fsck at boot and it fixed it. But now it has happened again with the exact same issue.  The file usage should be about 20% at20:06
openyost most.  Any ideas on how to fix this?  (if it helps to know, this is my mythtv box)20:06
mustafahisto ssh -X a.machine.at.server20:06
mustafahisto firefox www.google.com20:07
mustafathat is all20:07
gunarmopenyost, i dont know what your issue is but also check out the GUI utility baobab to graph disk usage, and sometimes hard/soft links can confuse disk measurements20:08
mytoz_interesting. when I run startx, it just repeatedly prints out "no protocol specified"20:08
openyostgunarm I can't even get x to start right now because of the full disk20:09
histo!paste | mustafa20:09
ubottumustafa: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:09
histomustafa: and are you logged into the Desktop on the local machine?20:09
mustafahisto yes20:09
histomustafa: you can't do this through  tty as I said earlier X needs to be running20:09
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histomustafa: Does the other machine have xauth installed?20:10
foul_owlopenyost: Do you have backups?20:10
foul_owlopenyost: I don't know off the top of my head what could cause this, but in case of catastrophic hard drive failure, be absolutely sure to have full backups20:10
mustafahisto how to sure that?20:11
histomustafa: dpkg -l | grep xauth20:11
openyostfoul_owl not of recent changes.  Do you think it's software or hardware.  It's such a weird hardware problem20:11
foul_owlopenyost: Are you getting any SMART errors?20:11
foul_owlopenyost: (I have also heard that SMART isn't that great of a metric as hard drive mfgs try and downplay SMART errors to prevent premptive RMAs)20:12
openyostfoul_owl when I ran disk utility, it had a grey icon, saying it wasn't communicating20:12
mustafahisto installed20:12
Ralliasopenyost, is the power cable to the hard drive fully inserted?20:12
openyostRallias, it's internal and yes :/20:13
histomustafa: okay then it should work20:13
UnknownForkHello, I have had Xubuntu 12.04 installed on my Toshiba Mini NB505-N508BL for over 3 months. The touchpad recently stopped working on it. It has stopped working before, but has started working again after a reboot. Whenever I reboot it now it still doesn't work. I have just booted Xubuntu 12.04 from the CD and the touchpad works perfectly. Help?20:13
mustafahisto but not20:13
Ralliasopenyost, have you tried rebooting?20:14
mustafahisto how to check  X running properly on the machine I ssh'd?20:14
foul_owlIt is true that links can cause disk space usage confusion, but filesystem errors make me cringe20:14
foul_owlThus, the backup recommendation20:14
openyostRallias, it worked the first time but not the last 5 times.20:14
histomustafa: X doesn't need to be running on the machine you are ssh'd into.  make sure the /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the remote machine has "X11Forwarding  yes"20:15
openyostand i'm doing fsck each boot20:15
Ralliasopenyost At this point, get a ubuntu livecd burnt and use it to back up precious's20:15
histomustafa: if not change it from no to yes and restart sshd20:15
openyostRallias, I think i might try to clonezilla it to a virtual machine and fsck it there.  :)20:15
jonysomebody pls tell me how to remove symlink20:16
Ralliasopenyost, how big a hard disk?20:16
mustafahisto exactly it is  X11Forwarding yes20:16
bekksopenyost: clonezilla will not convert anything to a vm.20:16
histomustafa: also make sure you are using -X not -x20:16
jonyi forgot to save another friend advice20:16
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mustafahisto I am aware of it20:16
openyostbekks, I know  but i can liveiso clonezilla to a VM20:16
Ralliasopenyost if its 1 tb, it has a 31% (roughly) chance of failing to copy byte by byte.20:17
openyostRallias, its 8020:17
bekksopenyost: No.20:17
openyostbekks, Yes.  I've done it several times20:17
W4spjony: ln -f <>20:17
bekksopenyost: clonezilla isnt even capable of converting anything to a vm.20:17
foul_owlRallias: wut20:17
bekksclonezilla can create images of a partition - thats all.20:17
histomustafa: again can you please pastebin the output of the terminal starting from your ssh line20:17
Ralliasfoul_owl, modern HDD's have a 10^14 chance of unrecoverable unreadable sector.20:18
MoonlightningWhy isn't /etc/group- world-readable?20:18
RalliasAt 1 TB, that chance over copying the entire hard disk, is roughly 69.8% chance of completing successfully20:18
bekksMoonlightning: Because that isnt needed.20:18
jabesvga port not working in ubuntu but will in windows. Why?20:18
foul_owlRallias: Do you have a source? I believe you, but I would like more information20:18
Ralliasfoul_owl, give me a minnute..20:19
histojabes: what type of video card?20:19
MoonlightningIt's the only-allow-what's-needed security paradigm, huh?20:19
jabeshisto nvidea20:19
W4sp!pm | jony20:19
ubottujony: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:19
histoso you get no display booting?20:20
openyostfoul_owl & Rallias thanks, I'm gonna try some recovery fun.20:20
histojabes: so you get no display booting?20:20
mustafahisto http://paste.ubuntu.com/1155954/20:20
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jabeshisto when i boot to windows it comes up, but grub loader doesn't show, so for linux there nothing20:21
jonypls help me someone: I want to moove playonlinux default folder path to my previously mounted NTFS partition20:21
foul_owlRallias: Eh who needs data integrity anyway? Random bit flipping just adds character to your data.20:22
bekksjabes: Grub is hidden by default, you have to press esc or shift its menu.20:22
histomustafa: don't know haven't seen that error before20:22
bekks*to display20:22
histomustafa: perhaps someone else can help20:22
jabesbekks, not if you dual boot :)20:22
mustafahisto thank you for your afford20:22
bekksjony: You will lose all permissions and totally break that folder contens.20:22
jabesbekks, my vga port isn't working20:22
gunarmsince raid6 is bad for constant, small writes.  for torrenting, would it better to download stuff to a drive not part of the array and then rsync them over when they finish?20:22
mirandanight all20:23
jonyok, but I want to moove it since I don't have much free space on linux partition to install new games20:23
openyostHA!  Found it  .xsession-errors is 64GB large20:23
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foul_owl openyost: Nice!20:23
bekksjony: That doesnt change the fact of breaking it, when moving it onto NTFS.20:23
Ralliasfoul_owl, http://www.zdnet.com/blog/storage/why-raid-6-stops-working-in-2019/805 under the bold "The crux of the problem"20:23
bekksjony: No matter what you want. :)20:23
foul_owl openyost: Good old runaway log file20:24
openyostfoul_owl I have no idea how fsck fixed it the first time20:24
jonyany ssugesion then?20:24
foul_owlRallias: oh dear :(20:24
RalliasI cited the wrong number...20:24
mooserSomething interesting happen on reboot this time! It show "Lubuntu" logo When I chose Ubuntu on Dual Boot screen where I choose Windows Or Ubuntu... is this because I installet lxde after I installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.20:24
foul_owl openyost: Yeah no idea on that!20:24
Ralliasits 2 tb have a 38% of failed images.20:25
openyostAnd i found the error, someone has been trying to hack into my VNC20:25
foul_owl openyost: You can always set up logrotate :P20:25
openyostlike Dbaggs :)20:25
jabesmooser, that sounds logical20:25
mooserdidn't really get it now. Is my Ubuntu runs on lxde instead of unity?20:25
Ralliasopenyost, how's that the problem? Huge log files?20:25
MoonlightningI'm getting a package-unavailable from nvidia-current on powerpc, but the website has a page for it…20:25
bekksjony: Dont move it onto NTFS, thats the only suggestion.20:26
openyostRallias that is all the log file even is, rejection from vino20:26
jabesmooser, you can choice with desktop you want to run on. lxde or unity20:26
foul_owlRallias: The solution is clearly 4 disk raid 120:26
MoonlightningAnd yes, I did just do an `apt-get update`20:26
Ralliasfoul_owl, is raid 1 stripe or mirror?20:26
foul_owlThe only problem is finding a decent raid controller20:26
Ralliasah mmk20:26
mooserjabes isn't lxde more ligher and faster then unity?20:26
foul_owlso you have four copies of your data :)20:26
RalliasI liken to do 3-mirror raid 1020:26
jabesmooser, yep20:26
foul_owlGreat read speed on a raid 1 afaik, but again, I don't have a decent (non-fakeraid) controller yet20:27
mooserbut how could i run unity stuff on lxde? like unity launcher bar?20:27
UnknownForkHello, I have had Xubuntu 12.04 installed on my Toshiba Mini NB505-N508BL for over 3 months. The touchpad recently stopped working on it. It has stopped working before, but has started working again after a reboot. Whenever I reboot it now it still doesn't work. I have just booted Xubuntu 12.04 from the CD and the touchpad works perfectly. Help?20:27
jabesmooser, can't20:27
Ralliasfoul_owl, I have to work with raid-0 daily :/20:27
schneidaPlz help: Is there a way to prevent the at command from stripping all quotes, so that echo 'command "my string"' | at now doesn't turn out as 'command my string'?20:28
Guest41027nick luisnux20:28
mooserhmm i am now logged in to "gnome-panel". so u say it will not show unity launcher bar if i login to Ubuntu 3d?20:28
foul_owlproduction raid 0?20:28
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Ralliasfoul_owl, in an openvz environment to boot20:28
jabesUnknownFork, your configuration for your touch pad has been disabled most likely20:28
Moonlightningschneida: it works like that for me…20:28
RalliasWe have offsite backups.20:28
mooseror it will automaticaly turn back to unity and not boot in lxde?20:28
foul_owlso the host is running raid 0...?20:28
Ralliasfoul_owl, yes.20:29
RalliasIt has 2 raid 0's set up, one's for creating backups.20:29
schneidaMoonlightning: did you try it by using echo 'command "my string"' | cat or with the real at command?20:29
UnknownForkjabes, How do I enable it?20:29
ubifreakguys guys, so I got ubuntu to install on my system, and it unmounted my hdd, what do?20:29
ubifreak(It's not installing on my hdd)20:30
foul_owlI guess that is kind of like a raid 10 then :P20:30
RalliasWith an excruciatingly boring script my boss wrote.20:30
ubifreakHow do I mount it back?20:30
Ralliasfoul_owl, technically, no.20:30
Moonlightning< echo 'something "something else"' | cat20:30
Moonlightning> something "something else"20:30
Ralliasfoul_owl, its like an onsite backup20:30
foul_owlthe :P was implying that haha20:30
foul_owlWhat filesystem?20:30
jabeswhat is the configuration editor for ubuntu? it use to come default on 10.10?20:30
ubifreakI tried to mount from terminal, from nautilus but I can't.20:30
Ralliasfoul_owl, ext320:30
schneidaMoonlightning: that works for me too, but using at, it strips all the " which makes the string appear as multiple parameters to my command program20:31
jabesUnknownFork, you will need a configuration editor20:31
foul_owlDo you know if its possible to run OpenVZ on a filesystem that doesn't need to fsk?20:31
schneidagoogling for my problem wasn't helpful at all, because "at" is not really a good searchquery at all20:32
Ralliasfoul_owl, meh, boss likes default configs.20:32
ubifreakCan you see this, or do I have to /NickServer register?20:32
mooserwill Compiz work in Gnome-Panel? lxde?20:32
W4spubifreak : You can be seen.20:32
Moonlightningschneida: can't you just pass the command to `at` rather than piping it?20:32
ubifreakW4sp always.20:32
bekksmooser: No. No.20:32
ubifreakSo any one can help? Thanks in advance.20:33
mooserit will not?20:33
mortezamy grub can load with text mod , but can't load with default mode20:33
xanguamooser: bekks it does, yes20:33
mortezamy grub can load with text mode , but can't load with default mode , how to fix it?20:33
W4spschneida: Whatevery you try to achieve it's not an 'at' issue. See sh/ksh/bash or whatever you have.20:33
mooserit does or not?20:33
g00053i get this error when i try to install et , can anyone point me in the right direction...20:34
g00053./setup.sh: 191: ./setup.sh: /home/g00053/.setup26647: not found20:34
ubifreakNo one can answer my basic mount ntfs question?20:34
TrevMysterCan anyone tell me what the best Note Taking Application is in Ubuntu (Like OneNote)20:34
bekksubifreak: You cant install Ubuntu onto NTFS.20:35
schneidabut it only happens with the at command, piping is the only option because it should eventually work from inside a non blocking php script20:35
ubifreakbekks, I just want to mount it, thanks.20:35
mooserxangua how do i run compiz in gnome-panel?20:35
ubifreakI installed ubi to ext4, but it unmounted my ntfs20:35
bekksubifreak: you dont need it to be mounted for installing ubuntu onto another partition. :)20:35
xanguamooser: select fallback mode with efects in the login screen20:35
ubifreakI want to retrieve a file that I need to mail right now20:35
bekksubifreak: So you used Wubi to install Ubuntu?20:36
ubifreakI use live usb20:36
ubifreakto install it on a usb.20:36
W4spubifreak: With 'guys' you mask 50% of potential assistance. :-) Maybe that's what it is.20:36
ubifreakyeah I'm sorry W4sp..20:37
moosermooser there was no fallback mode. I had to choose GNOME CLASSIC20:37
Ralliasfoul_owl, the problem with it is that whatever filesystem is getting used has to support the 2.6.18 kernel, alot of stuff is fishy with that one.20:37
W4spubifreak: No problem.20:37
devilzi deleted the partition in which my ubuntu was installed from windows. now when i boot my windows isn't loading but i am getting a black window with grub rescue can anyone help me ?20:38
ubifreakSo, my problem is as following, I am trying to install ubuntu on a usb (ext4) from a live usb (fat32) and it for some reason unmounted my main ntfs, can any one help me, gender doesn't matter?20:38
Ralliasdevilz do you have a windows disk?20:38
devilzu mean a recovery or backup disk?20:39
W4spschneida: Please, that can't be a big issue. Can you tell the entire command line so I can test it. Also, to be more specific... What shell do you use?20:39
Ralliasdevilz recovery20:39
RalliasI'm not sure about backup20:39
devilznopr :(20:39
sambagirlis there any effort for fingerprint reading with ubuntu? specifically20:39
bjvubifreak, i dont see how unmounting your main ntfs impacts ability to boot from usb to install to another usb.. or are you attempting to overwrite the install drive?20:39
sambagirlUPEK TCS3 TouchStrip™ strip sensor with20:39
sambagirlCMOS active capacitive pixel-sensing20:39
bjvHow can i troubleshoot Nautilus?   after restarting compiz (compiz --replace ccp) i find i am unable to click to focus folders or files in nautilus?  click works in firefox/gnome-terminal, i tried running nautilus --check and also killall nautilus then starting a new one.  Same behavior.  nothing in /var/crash... options?20:39
FloodBot1sambagirl: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:39
Ralliasdevilz get the grub boot disk and install it. Only thing I can think of.20:40
ubifreakbjv, I just want to retrieve a .txt file from main hdd (ntfs)20:40
ubifreakmain hdd is not used in any way.. it just unmounted it.20:40
devilzgrub boot disk?? whats that?20:40
fabiociao a tutti20:40
Ralliasdevilz livecd used for installing grub20:40
schneidaW4sp: i'm using bash with ssh20:40
Ralliascan't think the exact name on the spot.20:41
schneidathe point is to execute a long running command with a string parameter followed by multiple numbers from inside php20:41
ubifreak#ubuntu-italia fabio20:41
W4sp!it | fabio20:41
ubottufabio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:41
=== Guest30043 is now known as uw
devilzRallias: u mean livecd for ubuntu?20:41
ubifreakyeah ubuntu-it..20:41
Ralliasdevilz it would work..20:41
Ralliasdevilz in the ubuntu livecd, make a partition for a bootloader (ext2, 256mb should be enough)20:42
ubifreakAnyone, guys? It's not a hard question, I just can't figure out due to lack of using linux.20:45
W4spschneida: I see. To let me know the command line woudln't help then. I was wondering about your single and double quotes though ... There is #bash on FreeNode too. Maybe they can spot something.20:45
TrevMysterCan someone help me with gnome-shell? The batter icon is like dissapered. But I can click the empty space and it will tell me my battery information20:45
Kryptronubifreak: http://linuxconfig.org/How_to_mount_partition_with_ntfs_file_system_and_read_write_access20:45
devilzRallias: last time when i was installing ubuntu i didn;t create any partition for bootloader. i think it was using the same one which window uses.does that mean the my windows and data can be lost?20:45
W4spubifreak: Did you try to mount your NTFS after boot from CD? ?You should be able to cp the .txt to your USB (ext4).20:45
=== scottas is now known as zz_scottas
Seven_Six_TwoDoes anyone know how to stream with pulseaudio now that padevchooser isn't available? None of the pulse tools seem to have the option.20:45
ubifreakthanks guys.. krypton post is kind of relevant to my problem20:45
W4spSeven_Six_Two: I have never tried but is 'vlc' not able to do that?20:45
Seven_Six_TwoW4sp, possibly, but that isn't what I want to do. I am using MPD for music. VLC can't do the same thing20:45
ubifreakThanks and sorry again20:46
retnanhello world guys! am trying to setup virtual host with apache to fetch website from /home/username but gets this error /home/.htaccess pcfg_openfile (13) permision denied20:46
Kryptronubifreak: all hail mighty google ;)20:46
MonkeyDu1t!google > Kryptron20:47
ubottuKryptron, please see my private message20:47
=== MonkeyDu1t is now known as MoneyDust
pranavkdoes anybody know a good add on for firefox that let me queue the items i want to download and then download one by one20:47
rubatharisanHi, it appears like my ubuntu installation won't recon my grapichs card20:47
mooserxangua, this is what I see in login screen. http://i45.tinypic.com/359ikvc.jpg There is no GNOME FALLBACK option in list... Why its missing?20:47
ubifreakStill not allowing me but I will not waste #ubuntu's time.. Thanks again20:47
trismmooser: Gnome Classic is the one with compiz, the (no effects) one is without20:48
W4spSeven_Six_Two: I see. I have no expertise i multi-media. Only advice would be to see what exception is thrown by the clients connecting to MPD.20:49
W4spretnan: Why's it /home and not /home/$USER...?20:51
deadmundI'm using vlc (via cli) to download a stream to a file.  However, when I run the vlc command it opens a gui window which doesn't close.  I wanna script the command and run it many times in a row, how can I keep the gui window from opening?20:52
retnanW4sp: yeah /home/$USER but the error says /home/.htaccess i wander why too20:53
MoneyDustdeadmund  vlc is a media player, it's not a terminal command20:53
rubatharisanHi, how do i remove folders at the right side Nautilus?20:53
W4sppranavk: I'm a CLI frak and curl ususally does the things.20:53
rubatharisanleft side*20:53
johanai've just installed ubuntu studio20:53
deadmundMoneyDust: You can use it on the command line like this: http://wiki.videolan.org/Documentation:Streaming_HowTo/Receive_and_Save_a_Stream20:53
W4spretnan: How do you start it and what does /etc/passwd have to say about apache or _apache?20:54
retnanW4sp: since i got the permission error, i added www-data to the group $USER belongs to and the error still persist20:54
johanaand I think i need some help20:54
moosertrism, then how do i run compiz in gnome-panel classic?20:54
retnanW4sp: apache username on ubuntu is www-data and i added it to $USER's group20:55
W4spretnan: Did you compile apached? I wonder if it is chrooted? maybe it can't read its config files.20:55
Kryptrondeadmund: try cvlc20:55
retnanW4sp: i installed from repository20:56
xanguamooser: there are gnome classic & gnome classic (no effects) ; wich do you think uses compiz¿20:56
deadmundKryptron: is this what I think it is?20:56
W4spretnan: OK, then it's not chrooted, I suppose. Sorry.20:56
fidelhi - is there a software-way to define screen brightness on a desktop running ubuntu?20:56
PioneerAxonI need a working PPA for compiz, which has flickering on desktop cube fixed. Where can I find that?20:56
psilo23Hi everyone, i am trying to install Despotify on a 64bit machine running 12.04, but i keep getting the error: libtool: link: `aes.lo' is not a valid libtool object20:57
fidelit works flawless using the brightness buttons on my laptops - but i cant find a method to do the same on my main desktop pc20:57
deadmundKryptron: seems to work but the command never returns :/20:57
psilo23i tried to search everywhere but i couldnt find anything, does anyone know what this error might mean ?20:57
deadmundKryptron: I think it will work though...20:58
W4spfidel: Yes, there is. What hardware do you have?20:59
fidelW4sp: 2 samsung led displays and a passive nv card using the origial nv driver20:59
fidelnv 9500 card21:00
W4spfidel: It's something like this... echo 100 | tee /sys/class/backlight/samsung/brightness or similar.21:00
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Jiremii just reinstalled windows on a dual boot machine and lost grub, is there a way to boot into my Ubuntu installation without reinstalling grub from the Ubuntu disk?21:01
psilo23nobody has a clue ?21:01
W4spfidel You should check where it is located.21:01
Kryptrondeadmund: Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface21:01
deadmundKryptron: yeah... I know21:01
fidelW4sp: ok thanks for the pointer ....gonna continue my search21:01
W4spfidel: just 'find /sys -name brightness may lead to results.21:02
ClientAliveHi. I'm at a loss to understand why something is happening on my system. I started with ubuntu server 12.04, installed lxde on it then decided I would rather have gnome. I installed gnome but it comes with a bunch of extra apps I don't want (stuff like evince and empathy, etc, etc). When I do a sudo apt-get remove for any one of those extra packages it want's to remove gnome and gnome shell as well - leaving the system broken. Is there no21:02
ClientAliveway to simply get a full gnome 3 on my ubuntu without all the extra suff?21:02
savioi think use apt-get dselect method21:04
ClientAliveedit: first I removed lxde (I think I got it all) then I installed gnome21:04
=== tMopps is now known as nMC
W4spClientAlive: That's probably caused because it has the user status that want's to tell empathy if you're online. :-(21:04
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TJ-Jiremi: There is. You can add Ubuntu to the Window's boot menu21:04
Kryptrondeadmund: pm ?21:05
shade34321does anybody recomend a VNC server for ubuntu 12.04?21:05
savioHudderStorm_, hello21:05
ssta_ClientAlive: look at the "equivs" too (but be careful)21:05
fidelW4sp: you expect some kind of config or executeable with that name?21:05
W4spfidel: That's right. I will tell you in a minute. I need to swap drives to check as I normally run OpenBSD. Will you stay online?21:06
fidelif so - would that be installed by default or part of a specific package - search is still running as the search sinde /sys gave nothing i am searching the entire FS now21:06
moosersome one help me to run Compiz in Gnome Classic?21:06
fidelW4sp: yes - will stay online21:06
auronandace!rootirc | nMc21:06
ubottunMc: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.21:06
W4spOK, Cool21:06
Kid_MatthewCan any body help me21:07
fidel!ask > Kid_Matthew21:07
ubottuKid_Matthew, please see my private message21:07
Jiremiok ill go search it and try it21:07
TJ-Jiremi: http://neosmart.net/EasyBCD/21:08
TJ-Jiremi: see this for a guide http://neosmart.net/wiki/display/EBCD/Linux21:09
ClientAlivesavio: W4sp: thks for the tips. So if I'm understanding correctly it seems there are two methods by which I may reach my goal...  (1) from the bare 12.04 server, use some deselect flag with apt-get (first I've heard of that flag). or (2) find a way to remove the (whatever it is) that wants to tell empathy when I'm online first - then go about removing the little extras I don't want. Is that on target?21:09
W4spfidel: Back ....21:10
Kid_MatthewiI download and install Ubuntu Desktop 12.04 LTS on Windows Vista. When i booted it up it loads a splash screen for a good minute, Then it will say Gave up waiting for Root Device, /dev/disk/by-uuid/acaca27aaca23eab Doesn't Exist Dropping into shell.21:10
ClientAlivessta: what are equivs?21:10
W4spfidel: My command is echo 200 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/panasonic/brightness and I can adjust brigtness on a scale from 0 to 254.21:10
ssta_ClientAlive: it's a tool that lets you create metapackages that pretend that dependencies you don't want intalled are actually installed21:10
auronandaceKid_Matthew: any reason you are using wubi?21:11
Kid_Matthewidk i was just following the tutorial ubuntu had on their site...21:11
fidelW4sp: there is no /sys/class/samsung here.... but i'll check if i can find sonething via websearch for this folrder-structure21:11
W4spfidel: If you cd into /sys/class/backlight you should see your manufacturer.21:11
fideli assume you run a panasonic display right?21:11
ClientAlivessta: I see21:11
auronandaceKid_Matthew: wubi is awful, better to use a vm or dual-boot21:12
fidelW4sp: /sys/class/backlight is empty21:12
=== christian is now known as Guest65729
W4spfidel: Mine is Panasonic. That's why I asked you what manufacturer you have. But if you cd  into /sys/class/backlight it should show up a link. Can you see it?21:12
Kid_Matthewauronandace,  so wwhat do i do then?21:12
=== Moonlightning is now known as Moonlightning|Bu
fidelW4sp: no backlight is completly empty21:13
W4spfidel: No worries, let me check here.21:13
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ClientAliveok, well, I'll look into it more sometime soon. (tired of messing w/ it today). Thx guys.21:13
auronandace!install | Kid_Matthew21:13
ubottuKid_Matthew: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:13
=== Moonlightning|Bu is now known as Blackl|Busy
fidelW4sp: are you using a manual compiled kernel?21:13
W4spfidel: No, jsut from the shelves. Do you have /sys/devices?21:14
Kid_Matthewok auronandace  how do i unstall what wubi installed21:14
auronandaceKid_Matthew: i assume its in the add/remove programs thingy21:15
GodelHas anyone know about the Ubuntu 12.04 with built-in laptop webcams? Google doesn't find a solution but many reports of the problem.21:15
fidelW4sp: yes i have that one. it contains the following folders: breakpoint, cpu, LNXSYSTW:00, pci:0000:00, pci0000:3f, platform, pnp0, rapidio, software, system, tracepoint and virtual21:15
auronandaceKid_Matthew: try installing ubuntu in a vm first, a vm is a brilliant practice ground21:16
=== adrian is now known as Guest38966
TJ-Godel: Depends on the camera and driver support mostly. What specific problem are you having?21:16
Kid_Matthewi installed it into oracle just fine21:16
W4spfidel: After you cd into /dev/devices run 'find . -name brightness'21:16
UnknownForkIs xfconf included in xubuntu?21:17
fidelW4sp: no hits21:17
mooserW4sp,  do u have any idea about running compiz in gnome classic?21:17
GodelTJ-, Cheese says it cannot find any video device. I used to use the camera on this computer before upgrading to 12.0421:17
Kryptrondeadmund: "cvlc <options> <stream> &"21:17
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=== xubuntu is now known as Guest23885
TJ-Godel: first you need to find the camera's vendor:product ID... if it is a USB camera you can check what USB devices are connected using "lsusb"21:19
GodelTJ-, Bus 001 Device 002: ID 05a9:2640 OmniVision Technologies, Inc. OV2640 Webcam21:20
TJ-Godel: arghh... omnivision!21:20
mooserTJ-,  Do u have any idea about using compiz in gnome classic21:20
W4spfidel: The directory content I have is actual_drightness, brightness, max_brightness, bl_power, and type. Also, there's power/ (directory).21:22
TJ-mooser: None.21:22
TJ-Godel: My checks show that the ID of that device is *not* in the kernel IDs for Precise's v3.2 kernel21:23
fidelW4sp: ok. thanks for your nice support btw. i guess my way is now to continue searching ..maybe why i dont have anything brightness related inside /sys in the first place21:23
=== mooser is now known as Su_Girl
W4spfidel: If you can find that you can run the command I gave you. It will work. The question however is now why are those files not available on yous sustem. :-(21:23
Su_GirlTJ-,  thx anyway21:23
fidelyep hehe21:23
TJ-Godel: It *is* in the ID map for v3.5 kernel (from mainline) matching the uvcvideo driver, so it's a UVC camera21:23
pranavkmy proxy server refuses connection after a particular time, so to solve it i make ssh tunnel which is not broken even after thr time limit ends. i just restarted my network interface and connected again. after waiting sometime i found out that the terminal session using ssh tunnel reconnected itself but new connections to make tunnel in another window is rejected. this is making me think if its possible to reconnect even after rebooting the pc. is it possible21:23
W4spfidel: I suppose The reason why you can't adjust it is because the dirs are not there.21:24
fidelthats the main question right now - guess i'll continue digging tomorrow as i need some sleep now. again: thanks for the great help you offered.21:24
Su_GirlWould there be a relation about missing effects in GNOME CLASSIC with my lxde install?21:24
TJ-Godel: You could try installing one of the packaged mainline recent kernels. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds21:25
W4spfidel: Very welcome.21:25
Su_GirlI had Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and then installed lxde on it.21:25
Su_Girlis this why gnome-panel (gnome classic) is missing visual effects?21:25
k1lgnome-classic is just a light version of the old gnome2. thats why there is no effects (iirc)21:26
david23400Please someone show me a laptop which doesnt HEAT much!!!! as cold as possible Thanks21:26
Su_Girlk1l,  then what is GNOME CLASSıC (WITHOUT EFFECTS)21:27
k1lSu_Girl: its a 2d fallback for those without 3d support who cant run the gnome-shell (needs 3d)21:28
auronandacedavid23400: thats pretty difficult given the nature of laptops and also offtopic in this channel, try ##hardware21:28
pranavkdavid23400. most laptop heat up with linux as compared to wondows21:28
foul_owlHello. I am having a problem with OpenGL. I have an Nvidia GeForce 6600 video card that does not seem to have OpenGL acceleration enabled. Running glxgears gives me a black windowed gtk window. This problem occurred with the default nouveau drivers for 12.04, and again when I uninstalled nouveau and installed the latest Nvidia drivers from the Nvidia driver ppa (304.37) Trying to run other OpenGL apps (such as openarena) produces a black screen 21:28
pranavkdavid23400. though i have heard that lenovo laptop are good for linux and dont heat up...i m not sure21:28
Su_Girlk1l,  All i wanted to do is using GNOME's wonderfull Launcher menu stands left-top dropdown and i still like the compiz wave effects...21:29
GodelTJ-, Is this going to mess up one thousand other things? :) The webcam is the only problem I am having now, and it used to work just fine before the upgrade. It looks like I am replacing the Kernel which scares me.21:29
k1lSu_Girl: gnome2 is dead. so you need to look out for smth new. there are some things that come close to gnome2 but they wont be gnome221:30
Devilzi want to completely remove ubuntu 12.04 which is installed along with windows on my system. Can anyone tell me how to do that without harming windows files??21:30
TJ-Godel: Well I've been running the v3.5 kernel since it was released and I've found Precise is snappier and better behaviour21:30
W4spIs there a CLI for XMMP?21:30
GodelTJ-, okay. Thank you. I will do that.21:30
TJ-Godel: and it doesn't replace your current kernel, it just selects the new one as the default. You can always choose to boot the previous version(s) from the boot menu at start-up21:31
=== default is now known as Guest58640
Shogootquick question, does the iptable block or allow connections by default?  out of the box sort of speak?21:32
Su_Girlk1l, well cant I use Gnomes LAuncher BAr in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS?21:33
=== christian is now known as Guest40738
k1lSu_Girl: the old gnome2 isnt compatible with the new gnome3 basis. so more gnome2 as in gnome-classic wont be there.21:34
MoneyDustSu_Girl  install gnome-panel21:34
Su_GirlMoneyDust,  this is the gnome-panel21:35
k1l!notunity | Su_Girl21:35
ubottuSu_Girl: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:35
Su_GirlI alreay installed the gnome-panel21:35
W4spSu_Girl: You can install the gnome-panel.21:35
=== Devilz_ is now known as Devilz
k1lmost users wanting the gnome2 feeling i know of went to xfce (xubuntu) Su_Girl. maybe you want to take a look at that21:36
Su_Girlk1l, MoneyDust , W4sp  I do have gnome-panel installed. This is how I logged in Gnome-Classic . Here > http://i45.tinypic.com/359ikvc.jpg21:37
Su_Girlwhy cant i use gnome3?21:38
W4spSu_Girl: Chances are that your hardware (graphic card) is considered as not suitable. You can use Ubuntu 2D that will give you the launcher.21:39
deadmundI have hundreds of mpeg video files.  How can I string them all together?21:39
GodelTJ-, Thanks for your help! :) Have a good Sunday afternoon.21:39
MoneyDustdeadmund  find them all and put in one folder?21:40
W4spSu_Girl: Would you like to try it and see if it suits you? It is liked by many as it has the launcher (to the left) and uses meta key <number> for quick launch shortcuts.21:40
=== pranavk is now known as pranavk1
W4spSu_Girl: As Ubuntu 2D is offered I would try that one.21:41
threex5yo! Today I ran the xubuntu, lubuntu, mint cinnamon and mint mate live disks and none of them have the look and feel i want21:41
deadmundMoneyDust: I'm not an idiot.  Of course I can put them in the same folder (they already are).  I need to combine them into one long video file.21:42
MoneyDustthreex5  create your own then, it's open source21:42
threex5I just want good old gnome2, clearlooks, tango icons, some shadows and no visual effects21:42
W4spdeadmund: HAve a look at 'mediabuntu' and see what tools they offer. The progs can be used on your installation, too.21:42
threex5if I roll my own, MoneyDust, what do you think I should use as a starting point? None of the distros use gnome 2 anymore21:43
nsaquaticsafternoon, quick question. Ubuntu 10.04LTS. Every time the system has to access the disk for more than just a few meg's, the OS bog's down to an almst frozen state. I've watched the CPU, I have 8 cores and maybe one or will max out to 100% but sometimes they are all mostly idle.21:43
W4spthreex5: There's Linux from Scratch. But why don't you just install the DE of your choice?21:43
MoneyDustthreex5  if you're skilled enough, better ask in #gnome21:44
nsaquaticsI have an Intel Raid card in it, and have both the OS and the Data drive Mirrored.21:44
Su_GirlW4sp, I can run Ubuntu3D21:44
nsaquaticsSATA6 Drives and Card.21:44
W4spSu_Girl: Hey, that's great. Somewhat I got you wrong then.21:44
foul_owlHello. I am having a problem with OpenGL. I have an Nvidia GeForce 6600 video card that does not seem to have OpenGL acceleration enabled. Running glxgears gives me a black windowed gtk window. This problem occurred with the default nouveau drivers for 12.04, and again when I uninstalled nouveau and installed the latest Nvidia drivers from the Nvidia driver ppa (304.37) Trying to run other OpenGL apps (such as openarena) produces a black screen 21:45
threex5i doubt i'm skilled enough. I've been using ubuntu on and off for like 6 years now and I was still banging my head against the wall last night trying to get rid of unity, or just to get the top panel to autohide, basic stuff21:45
=== vjn_ is now known as vjn
MoneyDustthreex5  gnome classic and xfce are very similar to gnome221:46
threex5MoneyDust, maybe I should give xubuntu another shot then21:46
threex5what about xubuntu v lubuntu? any opinions?21:46
crimsonmanexfce is not similar to gnome221:46
W4spthreex5: If you have ever installed any package on your existing Ubuntu then it will be the same experience. Just select the different and newly installed desktop environgment during login.21:47
W4spthreex5: Why don't you install Xfce or LXDE and see for yourself?21:47
W4sp!es | Nudista_madrid21:48
ubottuNudista_madrid: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:48
MoneyDustthreex5  try both xubuntu and lubuntu, then choose the one you prefer21:49
threex5MoneyDust, I ran both live discs but I thought I'd ask because sometimes it takes using a distro for a while before you realize its strengths and limitations21:50
W4spIt is an overall misconception that the choice of Unity, Xfce or LXDE leads to a specific distro.21:51
MoneyDustthreex5  no system is perfect21:51
* W4sp leans back and watches.21:52
=== n is now known as Guest41183
deadmundI have many video files that I can use cat to combine.  They are numbered (e.g. 1, 2, 10, 25, etc).  How can I run cat so that they will be combined in numerical order (as opposed to stupid order 1 10 100 101 102 103 ...)21:52
MoneyDustdeadmund  better ask in #bash, i guess21:53
deadmundMoneyDust: yeah...21:53
deadmundMoneyDust: thanks21:53
cc11rocks*Note that this was done from a LiveCD, which I am still in currently21:55
threex5MoneyDust: true. I'm trying out Mint Cinnamon right now, though, and it's pretty solid21:56
DebolazMint would be pretty nice if it didn't lack full disk encryption.21:57
ubottukekko: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:57
=== Guest99070 is now known as euphoria
W4spWhat is a good CLI for XMMP?22:06
soupeeeI'd like to transfer files over wifi from my desktop PC to a netbook, what pkg(s) do I need?22:08
nsaquaticsNobody has an Idea?22:08
W4spsoupeee: What OS are involved?22:09
ubottukekko: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:09
=== hg is now known as Guest97746
soupeeepc is linux(gentoo) netbook is lubuntu 12.0422:09
W4spsoupeee: I would evaluate rsync, that you probably have already installed...?22:11
goththe battery on my mouse is running out, how do I use my keyboard as mouse?22:12
W4spgoth: You probably use Unity or GNOME3. You can use Ctrl+Alt+t to open a terminal. From then onwards everything is CLI.22:16
W4spgoth: That said, you cannot use a keyboard as a mouse.22:17
W4sp!ask | Apel22:17
ubottuApel: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:17
W4spApel: You can be seen.22:18
cc11rocksUpdate : http://pastebin.com/XnZsF9TU22:18
threex5Is Cinnamon the linux mint default, or mate?22:20
threex5which one is the 'official'?22:20
gunarmsince raid6 is bad for constant, small writes.  for torrenting, would it better to download stuff to a drive not part of the array and then rsync them over when they finish?22:21
cc11rocksUpdate 2 (More info given) : http://pastebin.com/Lb51mb6122:21
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
xanguahttp://askubuntu.com/questions/78534/where-is-the-keyboard-mouse-feature-in-gnome-3 goth W4sp22:23
xangua!mint | threex522:23
ubottuthreex5: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org22:23
W4spgunarm: I would worry about that one. What is you maximum transfer rate and what latency can you get from your22:23
WeThePeoplehow do i find a .flv file.. i cant get it to ls the path22:27
gothW4sp: but with the cli I cannot navigate the browser22:27
ghanokaim2: thank you22:27
MoneyDustWeThePeople  try locate flv or *.flv22:28
trismWeThePeople: if you mean one streaming from flash, the file is in /tmp but immediately unlinked, although you can usually find it with: lsof +L122:28
JotekHello everybody, I have problem22:29
omidoHey . I have an Acer Travelmate C110 with 900.0 mhz CPU and 512 mb memory. what edition of ubuntu is suitable to install on such hardware?22:29
v1c3hello, i´ve got a problem with the well known rings lua-script for conky. conky works well but there are no rings..22:29
W4spgoth: Almost every application can be used with a keyboard. If it gets too complicated just buy new batteries.22:29
W4spomido: To run the OS Lubuntu and Xubuntu are fine. Ubuntu may work as well but don't expect wonders. Lubuntu has a smaller footprint than Xubuntu.22:30
MoneyDustomido  lubuntu is very light, also try !mini22:30
omidoThank you so much guys22:31
gothis there no packaGE TO USE KEYB. AS MOUSE?22:31
v1c3hello, i´ve got a problem with the well known rings lua-script for conky. conky works well but there are no rings.. do i need any packages except cairo to draw the rings? has the script to be set as executable? any other ideas?22:31
WeThePeoplemoneydust, trism, i am trying to find a .flv i downloaded with youtube-dl22:32
danielkarlssonHi everyone! I need some help with troubleshooting. I run 12.10 fully upgraded and I'm having problem with memory leaks and 100% CPU usage with software-center and indicator-datetime-service. I've run them both with strace and the both get stuck in a loop with the message: unable to create file '/home/daniel/.cache/dconf/user': Input/output error.  dconf will not work properly. All help appreciated!22:32
xangua!11.10 | danielkarlsson22:32
ubottudanielkarlsson: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) was the fifteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/111022:32
xangua!12.10 | danielkarlsson22:32
ubottudanielkarlsson: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+122:32
bazhangdanielkarlsson, #ubuntu+1 for that22:32
n-iCe!addclink #ubuntu #ubuntu22:32
ubottun-iCe: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:32
W4spdanielkarlsson: There's #ubuntu+1 for that.22:33
danielkarlssonThanks W4sp!22:33
MoneyDustWeThePeople  you shou,d find it in the folder where you typed the command22:34
victor_buenas tardes gente22:34
cc11rocksTu hablas ingles victor_ ?22:34
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
JotekWell, again: Hello everybody. I have a problem. I am running on Lubuntu, and Ive downloaded a "Tibia" client from its main site, and when I try to run it, there appears and window where I have to choose an application to make it works. When I choose terminal, nothing happens.22:35
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:35
hoyathanks Kaim522:36
n-iCe!addclink #ubuntu #ubuntu22:36
ubottun-iCe: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:36
n-iCehi hoya22:37
raphaelWhats the best and easy program to protect the network22:37
hoyahi n-ice22:37
Jotekcan anybody help me?22:37
raphaelhello fellows, i am from brazil and glad to meet you guys22:38
openyostJotek what file type is it?22:38
Jotekuhm... there is not written anywhere22:38
raphaeli need someone to help me because my network, computer, celphone.. all hacked!22:38
Jotekin lubuntu it looks like a rack on grey background (icon)22:38
TreaverCan someone tell me how to fix suspend in Ubuntu 12.0422:39
raphaeli do not understand whtats happening22:39
W4spraphael: In short, pf as open source, Checkpoint-1 clustered.22:39
W4spraphael: Checkpoint-1 is a commercial product.22:39
Kaim5n-iCe: This net is named "Freenode" in my records.22:40
openyostJotek from a quick look, it appears that Tibia is a windows program.  So i think the extension will be .exe22:40
Jotekopenyost: you have to choose between windows version and the linux one, ive choosen that compatible with linux22:41
gunarmW4sp, did you mean to say you wouldn't worry about it?  i'm sure my transfer rate is less than my hard drive write speed22:41
openyostOh ok, I have to make an account to find the linux file22:41
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W4spgunarm: Yes, there yoiu have it. See my response.22:42
Jotekopenyost: not really, go into "account" section and you will have there an option to download it without registering22:42
W4spraphael: How do you know it's hacked?22:43
TreaverAnyone know how to change the login shell of Ubuntu 12.04? Anyone help with getting suspend to work (Hibernate)22:43
Jotekopenyost: ill be thankfull if Ill be able to play22:43
W4spTreaver: What login shell do you want...?22:43
openyostJotek, I'm gonna try my best to help I'm not too used to how lubuntu works, I usually use ubuntu  It downloads as an archive file,  right click it and extract that in your download folder22:44
WeThePeoplemoneydust, i looked in youtube-dl but the vid didnt show up there, when i type ls the video file is shown and the color is a pinkish color, do you know where the location is for the corresponding color?22:44
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raphaeli dont know how to explain22:44
Jotekopenyost: i did it22:44
W4spraphael: The I don't know how to help you.22:44
raphaeli dont know how to explain22:44
openyostJotek so you were trying to run the StartTibia.sh file?22:44
raphaellisten... hack me!22:44
JotekStartTibia.sh runs here as default text file22:45
raphaeli cant explain.. the google search is weird22:45
raphaelmy twitter... facebook22:45
openyostok.  Right click and change properties find the box that allows it to run as a program22:45
W4spraphael: This is not a 2600 or grey hat stuff. We support Ubuntu.22:45
raphaelthe snort shows that modem is hacked22:45
Treaverhttp://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Sunshine?content=43012 this one22:46
raphaeli understand22:46
raphaeli am sorry22:46
Jotekopenyost: im now unable to do it (pc is under occupation) but ill try it when ill get it back to my hands22:46
raphaeli wonder that u all couldnt do nothing22:46
Jotekopenyost: thanks alot =)22:46
raphaelbecause u are a bunch of lames22:46
raphaelsuck my dick22:46
raphaelI AM THE HACKER22:46
openyostJotek  making it able to run as a program should make it so you can easily run it.22:46
FloodBot1raphael: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:46
NekuraDoes anyone know if ufw will block ssh access by default?22:46
NekuraGlad I caught that.22:47
TreaverW4sp do you know how I can do that22:47
openyostJotek  good luck!22:47
MjbmrHello, How I can make a virtual system with "ubuntu-vm-builder" and assign external IP to it?22:47
Jotekopenyost: i was checking properties of this file and I do not remember if there was a function to check 'run as program' but i cant say if there wasnt22:47
Jotekopenyost: thanks again for help mate :)22:48
NekuraMjbmr does that use QEmu?22:48
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw22:48
Kaim5Hi! I'm Kaim5, #ubuntu's channel bot. The funny stuff you see from me, like (n-iCe@SN), are people on other nets. I provide a channel link between this channel on 8 nets.22:48
Kaim5To see who else is on the channel, type  !cnlist in the channel.22:48
MjbmrNekura: yes.22:48
openyostJotek!  I got it to launch on my comp.  It's the Tibia file  not the StartTibia.sh file22:48
bazhangn-iCe, /msg ubottu22:49
Nekurahmm, I've got no idea then, sorry. Was more or less just wondering. If it were xen it'd be complicated22:49
Jotekopenyost: is there the same way to run it?22:49
Nekuraopenyost are you setting up a tibia server?22:49
Nekuraopenyost may I pm you?22:49
gunarmno way... tibia? the mmorpg? on linux?22:49
openyostJotek I just double clicked the Tibia file and it ran22:49
iamsuperuserHello, how do I enable sound on root?22:49
openyostNekura, sure  I'm about to go pick up dinner tho22:50
MjbmrAre you making fun of me? why you asked that then?22:50
Jotekopenyost: when im doubleclicking it, then it gives me back a window to choose the best program to run it with22:50
openyostlame  try changing the permissions under the file's properties22:50
dj_segfaultHi. I'm trying to start my 10.04 (Lucid) computer in text mode.  I found http://fooninja.net/2010/07/29/text-boot-in-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-10-04-disabling-gdm/ which says to put  'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="text"' in /etc/default/grub, but that file doesn't exist on my system, and when I created it and rebooted, it didn't change anything.  Is that file somewhere else?22:51
MjbmrNekura: I used this instruction https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Installation22:51
openyostI'll be back in a few minutes, pm me if you have issues laters22:51
iamsuperuserNevermind, How do I install drivers? *root*22:51
W4spTreaver: Normally yu use chsh. You can edit /etc/passwd, ensure shell is on the root partition and statically linked. See if you work with /etc/shells22:51
Troy^is there any good alternative to putty?22:52
Scelldj_segfault try /boot/grub/menu.lst22:52
W4spTreaver: Make sure you have another user still able to login prior any manual work.22:52
bazhangScell, that does not exist any longer22:52
Fluid_MantisHi, I'm a bit stuck with something. Temporarily I'm using a small partition for Ubuntu, which is around 5GB on a solid state drive. I will increase this soon when I migrate some Windows data.22:52
iamsuperuserSo I switched to root account and it has classical gnome theme.. Is this caused by my graphics card not being recognised?22:52
ScellI know, hes on ubuntu 10.0422:52
dj_segfaultScell: That line should work in there?  Thanks.22:52
bazhang!grub2 | scell dj_segfault22:52
ubottuscell dj_segfault: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)22:53
Fluid_MantisHowever, I am baffled as to why I am constantly being told I am running out of disk space.22:53
Fluid_MantisI installed from the live CD and I've installed a few programs.22:53
WeThePeoplehow do i find a .flv i downloaded with youtube-dl22:53
Fluid_MantisThis would hardly fill up a 5GB~ partition.22:53
ScellAh, my bad thought it was there for 10.0422:53
gunarmdoes a mdadm resync always take hours even if there is no problem?  it doesnt just resync errors is what I asking?  does the length of time indicate the number of problems?22:54
dj_segfaultFluid_Mantis: Try running "df -h" which will give a clear picture of just how much space there is left22:54
W4spTroy^: Why not just ssh...?22:55
Fluid_MantisDj_FlyBy: Thanks, I'll give it a try.22:55
iamsuperuserhttp://i.imgur.com/qiq6m.png Any ideas on how to fix?22:55
dj_segfaultFluid_Mantis: Then to find out what's taking up all the space, there's a program called FileLight that will let you drill down and show a pie chart of what directories are the biggest hogs22:55
lauratikaim trying to install ubuntu 12.04 along side a windows 7 laptop via usb stick, i created in windows 7 a partiton 50 gb to install ubuntu, now when i go to gparted to tell ubuntu to install on the unused space i just created i wont aloud me to edit the tab. any idead why this?22:55
iamsuperuser*the appeareance is my problem http://i.imgur.com/qiq6m.png22:56
=== fernando is now known as Guest29959
iamsuperuserI tried changing theme, nothing changes, just the windows.22:56
Fluid_MantisDj_FlyBy: /dev/sda5 is 5.5GB and apparently 5.2GB is used, somehow. I'll delete a couple of videos I have which are just a couple of hundred megabytes, then I'll try out that program. Cheers.22:57
iamsuperuserplease help?22:58
bazhang!helpme | iamsuperuser22:58
ubottuiamsuperuser: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude22:58
neyder_hi, i'm having troubles with turtleart, stand alone of the sugar learning enviroment. My system is in spanish, but it aunchs in english,23:00
neyder_how can I launch in spanish?23:00
Argatsudo hat23:01
WeThePeoplei am having trouble finding the .flv i downloaded with youtube-dl, and i did check the dir. youtube-dl23:04
Fluid_MantisDj_FlyBy: This program seems great for handling my data and I'll be sure to use it, except it is listing every partition EXCEPT the one Ubuntu is installed on. As well as my SSD I also have connected an internal hard drive (1.5TB) and an external hard drive (2GB). The SSD it is installed on is 128GB, most of which is taken up by the Windows 7 partition (which I will be reduced in size soon) and the 5GB Ubuntu partitio23:05
=== scottas is now known as zz_scottas
Fluid_MantisSo what would I type in as the directory for my primary system partition?23:06
neyder_WeThePeople, its on the same directory of you launch the comman23:06
Fluid_Mantis2TB I meant for the external :P23:06
neyder_in the terminal write pwd23:06
WeThePeopleneyder_, i dont understand that23:07
iamsuperuserhttp://i.imgur.com/qiq6m.png gnome menu.. How do I make it black instead of grey?23:07
neyder_WeThePeople, tell me how do you use youtube-dl23:07
crimsonmaneneyder_: you forgot to use sudo23:08
* neyder_ I'm spanish speaker, so give me a chance when my english is very poor23:08
WeThePeopleneyder_, i type 'sudo youtube-dl --max-quality -i (url)' and it downloads the vid23:08
crimsonmane"sudo tell me" :) lol23:08
neyder_crimsonmane, sudo isn't necessary in this case23:08
crimsonmanemake me a sandwhich23:08
WeThePeoplei use sudo anyway23:08
crimsonmanesudo make me a sandwhich23:08
neyder_crimsonmane, i got! LoL23:08
bazhangcrimsonmane, thats enough23:09
=== cyphase is now known as Guest82730
bjvI cannot open files by clicking on them, does nautilus have a touch feature that is not working?23:09
bjvI can click to open files until i use my touchscreen, then suddenly i cannot open with either mouse or screen23:09
neyder_WeThePeople, so then you can't delete the files without sudo again, sudo is for administrative taks23:09
bjvi notice that mouse to left opens the launcher, until i use my touchscreen.  then mousing to left does not open it, only 4-finger touch gesture23:10
bjvare there settings for this stuff? i;d like to be able to use nautilus ... and not have to log out, back in every time i use my touchscreen23:10
Fluid_MantisAnybody got any clues for my issue? Thanks.23:10
neyder_WeThePeople, befo you type and "Enter"  'sudo youtube-dl --max-quality -i (url)' please type pwd23:10
peterrusbjv, have a look at geis23:10
peterrusand what it does23:10
WeThePeopleyes i have to type my pw23:10
peterrus!tell geis23:11
neyder_no your password23:11
neyder_the command name is: pwd23:11
peterrushow to tell ?23:11
neyder_that stands for present workin directory23:11
dj_segfaultFluid_Mantis: Sorry I was elsewhere.  You can pass where to start to FileLight23:12
=== Guest82730 is now known as cyphase
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest66368
dj_segfaultFluid_Mantis: So if you're talking about your root partition, it would be "filelight /"23:13
WeThePeopleneyder_, here is the output  [youtube] Setting language23:13
WeThePeople[youtube] FKScJ9ueC2U: Downloading video webpage23:13
WeThePeople[youtube] FKScJ9ueC2U: Downloading video info webpage23:13
WeThePeople[youtube] FKScJ9ueC2U: Extracting video information23:13
WeThePeople[download] Destination: FKScJ9ueC2U.flv23:13
WeThePeople[download] 100.0% of 116.79M at   55.65k/s ETA 00:0023:13
FloodBot1WeThePeople: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:13
bjvpeterrus: i dont have GEIS installed, but it looks like 'ginn' is on 12.04?23:13
WeThePeoplewhere do i find those modes?23:13
DarkenvyI enabled the propriatery drivers but I cant get opengl to work23:14
wmaronehas anyone else run into a problem with the tightvncserver package in 12.04?23:14
=== tim is now known as timc
nanderssonHi, got a kernel-update and suddenly vboxguest.ko was nowhere to be found in /lib/modules/$(uname -r). My virtual guest is back to static 800x600 or whatever the standard resolution is. What to do? Revert to older kernel? Can I force dkms to compile? Wait for upgrade?23:14
DarkenvyI also dont have an official 'openGL' test23:14
Fluid_Mantisdj_segfault: Thanks. It's scanning the files now. Why would the proc folder be reported to have a total size of 141TB though?23:15
neyder_WeThePeople, as i can see, better user a firefox addon 'easy youtube downloader'23:15
Fluid_MantisI've been reading about the different directories.23:15
W4spWeThePeople: That's usually /help mode ;-)23:15
Fluid_Mantisproc is information about processes, right? I don't see why it would be 141TB nevertheless.23:16
dj_segfaultFluid_Mantis: proc is not a real filesystem, and is not really taking up disk space.  It's a convenience mechanism to get information from the kernel23:16
Fluid_Mantisdj_segfault: Ah, okay. :)23:16
dj_segfaultFluid_Mantis: All the same that seems excessive.  Where did you see that number?  In filelight?23:16
dj_segfaultFluid_Mantis: I think you found your culprit.  Proc should not show up in anything as taking up disk space23:17
dj_segfaultFluid_Mantis: How did you get 141TB for proc?  Using what command?23:18
Fluid_Mantisdj_segfault: No, I've been investigating using Ubuntu's file browser. I simply viewed the properties.23:18
Fluid_Mantisdj_segfault: Also, it seems most of the 5TB partition is in usr, so I think now it seems that is the culprit, but I'm not sure what. I'm looking into this...23:18
dj_segfaultFluid_Mantis: You sure it's not showing it taking 141GB or 141 MB?23:20
neyder_how can I launch a python app in a locale different than english23:20
wmaronerecommendations for a vncserver whose package works? tightvncserver seems to be broken23:20
neyder_because, i'm trying turtleart in an spanish system but it loads in english.23:20
Fluid_Mantisdj_segfault: Certain.23:20
Fluid_Mantisdj_segfault: "88,501 items, totalling 140.7 TB23:20
Fluid_Mantis(some contents unreadable)"23:20
dj_segfaultFluid_Mantis: You must have one hell of a power supply to power 141TB of hard driv espace ;)23:21
Fluid_Mantisdj_segfault: Haha, you would think so.23:21
=== cyphase is now known as Guest91120
Fluid_Mantisdj_segfault: Perhaps my SSD is faulty... :/23:21
foul_owlHello. I am having a problem with OpenGL. I have an Nvidia GeForce 6600 video card that does not seem to have OpenGL acceleration enabled. Running glxgears gives me a black windowed gtk window. This problem occurred with the default nouveau drivers for 12.04, and again when I uninstalled nouveau and installed the latest Nvidia drivers from the Nvidia driver ppa (304.37) Trying to run other OpenGL apps (such as openarena) produces a black screen 23:21
W4spneyder_: export ENVIRONMENT=en_US <command>23:21
dj_segfaultFluid_Mantis: If you're bootin' then it's workin'23:21
W4spneyder_: where en_US your desired locale is.23:22
neyder_doesn't work23:22
Fluid_Mantisdj_segfault: Yeah, I guess. But something went terribly wrong with Windows 7 when I migrated from my HDD to SSD. Some of my data got corrupted for a completely unknown reason. I've only had the SSD for a few weeks.23:23
dj_segfaultFluid_Mantis: Your best bet is to point FileLight at your home directory and find out what's using the space under there23:23
ironhalikIs there a way to disable the edge stickiness with launcher auto-hiding?23:23
dj_segfaultDoes anyone know if there's an equivalent of SMART for SSDs for Fluid_Mantis?23:23
Fluid_Mantisdj_segfault: Yes, I think I'll point it to usr since home in usr is only like 20MB or so.23:24
mazeIs there anyway I can connect to my apple time machine and backup a few files on ubuntu??23:24
dj_segfaultFluid_Mantis:  You could boot off of CD and run fsck on the SSD to verify it23:24
Dian|Busymaze: you mean Time /Capsule?/23:24
trismironhalik: there is an option in System Settings/Displays or in ccsm on the unity experimental tab if you are using proprietary drivers23:24
Fluid_Mantisdj_segfault: Isn't it bad to do a check disk on an SSD?23:24
W4spneyder_: You can try LC_CTYPE, LC_TYPE, all in one line. There are side effects using LC_ALL as it is often not read by progs.23:25
Dian|Busy!pm | maze23:25
ubottumaze: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.23:25
dj_segfaultFluid_Mantis: I think so, but would you rather deteriorate it a bit and find out if its good or bad, or have it fail on you unexpectedly?23:25
W4spneyder_: You can do this all in one line followed by the program name.23:25
neyder_export LC_TYPE=es_ES turtleart23:26
neyder_but turtleart doesn't launch23:26
Fluid_Mantisdj_segfault: Good point. Well, I checked out usr with FileLight and most of it is taken up by lib and share.23:27
ironhaliktrism: ah! At last, fully usable multi-monitor setup! Thanks23:27
ironhalika lot23:27
dj_segfaultFluid_Mantis: That makes sense.  When you said "user" I thought you meant your home directory23:27
W4sp!pm | Treaver:23:28
ubottuTreaver:: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.23:28
Fluid_Mantisdj_segfault: A lot of lib is "i386-linux-gnu" and "x86_64-linux-gnu", I believe this is from when I installed Wine and support for 32-bit Linux executables. I didn't realise they'd take up quite a lot of data.23:29
Dian|Busy!trailing-colon | W4sp23:29
Dian|BusyIn any case, if you use a pipe like that, W4sp, it automatically appends a colon. So you don't need to. XD23:30
W4spDian|Busy: I got it.  :-)23:30
bleemooHello folks who know more about maintaining Ubuntu than I do :) When returning from suspend, about a third of the time, with no discernible pattern, my system boots normally, and then, anywhere from 10 to 45 seconds later, freezes and xorg reboots (or at least that's what I think happens). I'm not even sure what to do to diagnose this further, so any help would be much appreciated.23:30
bleemooI am running 12.04 on a Toshiba laptop.23:30
W4sp!language | Dian|Busy23:30
ubottuDian|Busy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:30
Dian|BusyYes, like that.23:31
W4spDian|Busy: Lovely. Thanks a lot.23:31
Dian|Busy(I'm assuming you didn't actually mean that for me, lol)23:31
stef1ahey, i'm using 12.04 and my sound doesn't work through my headphones23:32
ehmahello, running ubuntu 10.04 (lucid). lately I've been receiving a 'power manager not responding error' at the login screen + seemingly random freeze ups within 10 minutes of booting up. am googling to see what some of the causes might be, but offhand would anyone have any suggestions for things to check ?23:32
SeednodeDo you have it enabled in PulseAudio?23:32
Fluid_Mantisdj_segfault: Also, the fonts folder is 200MB. Seems unusual to me. Well, I guess all I can do for now is just uninstall a few unnecessary things and sort out my partitions. I just wish I had learned that uninstalling things that rely on a lot of packages using sudo would also break anything else that used the packages. :P23:32
stef1aSeednode: me?23:33
dj_segfaultFluid_Mantis: Yes.  If you use "synaptic" to install and uninstall you can clearly see the dependent packages23:33
Gallomimiawhat is Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (as opposed to something without LTS?)23:33
SeednodeLong-term support.23:33
SeednodeIt'll be supported for the next 3 (or 5?) years.23:34
Gallomimiaright. nothing i need to concern myself with. thanks for that23:34
SeednodeJust download the LTS, if it's an option.23:34
KM0201Gallomimia: non-lts releases are only supported with updates for 18mo...23:35
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)23:35
KM0201the current version is 12.04, which is an LTS, so if you want a non-lts version, you'll have to wait till 12.10 or go back to 11.10 (which I wouldn't recommend)23:35
Fluid_Mantisdj_segfault: I just installed it. Seems very useful. Thanks again for all of your help.23:36
Dian|Busy...why would anyone want a non-LTS?23:36
dj_segfaultFluid_Mantis: No problem23:36
KM0201Dian|Busy: i only use a LTS when it's the current stable... i never stick w/ LTS versions.23:36
dj_segfaultDian|Busy: Because some people want the latest and greatest instead of super stable23:36
KM0201LTS does not mean super stable23:36
KM0201thats the biggest problem, is most people don't even know what the hell an LTS is23:37
KM0201saying it's "super stable" is just not right... if you used ubuntu 8.04, you'd surely know that.23:37
Dian|BusyBut if the latest version is an LTS, why would you go back to an earlier version just to avoid LTS?23:39
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:39
MoneyDustKM0201  please stop being so negative23:39
ChTiPowAhi. Please i need help : You know i'm using Xchat to speak on IRC. Sometimes when my desktop is refreshed, the "Xchat" tray icon has gone but the process is still alive. So everytimes it happens, i need to kill his ID before to start Xchat again. Is there any way to bring foreground Xchat instead to kill it ? Thx :)23:39
KM0201Dian|Busy: now thats dumb... i never suggested such a thing23:39
ai6pgLTS = Long term support23:39
KM0201MoneyDust: i';m not being negative at all... learn english23:39
Dian|BusyKM0201: I know that now...I wasn't thinking about version numbers, just the LTS XD23:39
MoneyDustKM0201  please, discussions in #ubuntu-offtopic23:40
bleemooNot sure if my message went through. Am having intermittent problems with xorg restarting after returning from suspend, running 12.04 on a Toshiba laptop. Not sure what to do to fix this, or even diagnose what's actually wrong.23:40
KM0201whatever... discussing an LTS is certainly on topic here23:40
=== sun is now known as Guest54628
stef1ahey, i'm using 12.04 and my sound doesn't work through my headphones23:41
KM0201ChTiPowA: what do you mean "when you rdesktop is refreshed"23:41
stef1aand i dunno how to check through pulseaudio23:41
ChTiPowAKM0201: actually i'm talking about my DESKTOP not "rdesktop" which is another tool out of subject. Well its easy, i press ALT + F2 then i write R to refresh the desktop when i changed any settings23:42
KM0201.. ok23:42
foul_owlHello. I am having a problem with OpenGL. I have an Nvidia GeForce 6600 video card that does not seem to have OpenGL acceleration enabled. Running glxgears gives me a black windowed gtk window. This problem occurred with the default nouveau drivers for 12.04, and again when I uninstalled nouveau and installed the latest Nvidia drivers from the Nvidia driver ppa (304.37) Trying to run other OpenGL apps (such as openarena) produces a black screen 23:43
KM0201stef1a: try this... sudo apt-get install pavucontrol   once it installs, open pavucontrol , click on the "configuration" tab... and try making some changes to the profile, and see if you can get your headphones to work23:43
djbpythonso i rebooted my system and now the UI looks like windows 95. not sure if its a ubuntu or gnome thing23:43
KM0201looks like win 95?23:43
ChTiPowAKM0201: So the main problem is easy : Xchat tray icon just disappears ... but the process of Xchat is still alive and running. I need so to bring the window in foreground with any solution you might teach me to avoid to killl the ID instead.23:44
KM0201!screenshot | djbpython23:44
ubottudjbpython: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.23:44
KM0201ChTiPowA: no idea.23:44
Fluid_MantisA quick question. It's not Ubuntu-related, but it should be easy and quick to answer. I believe that one of my RAM sticks is faulty. I'm going to try removing them and running scans using memtest and Dell's own diagnostic utilities. My computer has four RAM bays. Does it make any difference if I have, say, just two RAM sticks in and one is in RAM bay 1, and one 4, as opposed to them next to each other in RAM bays 1 an23:44
Fluid_Mantisd 2?23:44
KM0201it might make a minor difference, but not much....23:45
erpoFluid_Mantis: It shouldn't make any difference for a reliability test. It will make a difference for performance if you have more than one memory channel.23:46
dj_segfaultFluid_Mantis: On most motherboards it DOES matter.  the manual will tell you which slots to use in pairs, sometimes the sticks must be identical too23:46
djbpythonKM0201, yea, the toolbar and menu bar are a bland gray with odd shadowing23:46
djbpythonKM0201, http://imagebin.org/22516423:46
Fluid_MantisOn the motherboard itself two of the bays are black, and two of them blue if memory serves.23:46
bleemooAre my messages going through at all?23:46
djbpythonKM0201, it looked a lot different than that before23:46
Fluid_Mantis1 = black, 2 = blue, 3 = black, 4 = blue.23:46
j5tc3why i can't add panel in Ubuntu Precise ?23:47
Fluid_MantisThe four sticks I have are 4GB each and all the same type.23:47
KM0201djbpython: that looks like gnome 2.x  click System/About Gnome  and see what version it tells you it is... what version of ubuntu are you using?23:47
stef1aI've tried messing around in Alsamixer and pavucontrol, but cannot get my headphones to work.23:47
djbpythonKM0201, gnome 2.32.1 ubuntu 11.0423:47
KM0201djbpython: so whats the question?.23:47
KM0201i believe 11.04 used gnome by default.23:48
DarkenvyI cannot get openGL working with nvidia. help?23:48
djbpythonKM0201, the menu bar and task bar did not look like this before I rebooted23:48
DarkenvyI can get a game running under wine but I cant get opengl running23:48
Darkenvycompiz also seems to be running23:48
djbpythonplus, my terminal has a different color scheme as well, something changed, not sure what23:48
KM0201djbpython: you mean where it says application/places/system?23:48
Fluid_MantisIt's too bad I don't have the manual anymore with this Dell system, although I could try and find it online. I guess I could just try switching them around. I would hope it's not actually one of the RAM bays that is faulty.23:48
djbpythonKM0201, right, and the bottom tool bar too23:49
djbpythonwhere my applications list is23:49
KM0201djbpython: honestly, it looksl ike i always remember gnome 2.x23:49
ChTiPowANobody knows how to bring a process to foreground ???23:49
djbpythonKM0201, right, but i must have been able to change it at some point, not sure how to change it back23:50
KM0201djbpython: well, i don't know what you had before, so i'm not sure... i would log out, and at the login screen, click Sessions, and click some of the other options, and see if it takes you back to what you want23:51
ActionParsnipChTiPowA: use fg23:53
ChTiPowAActionParsnip: i tried but it never works23:53
Fluid_MantisOh, and on a sidenote, this is the error I got when testing all four of the RAM sticks at once with Dell's own diagnostic tests: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVuWVfZ7Do423:53
bleemooHello. I am having intermittent problems with xorg restarting after suspend.23:53
ActionParsnipChTiPowA: try:   fg 123:54
Fluid_MantisAn integrity error probably means one of them is bust.23:54
ChTiPowAActionParsnip: when Xchat is hidden and his icon has disappeared, i'm not able to call back Xchat to put it foreground with FG, the terminal says : "no jobs" but there is one and i given him the good ID i can check with PS or the Monitor System23:54
ActionParsnipChTiPowA: then its not backgrounded in terminal, if you use ALT+TAB does it show ok?23:54
ChTiPowAActionParsnip: i did also some tests with BG to do the reverse it never works too... I don't understand how to  use.23:55
ChTiPowANo it doesn't23:55
W4spChTiPowA: fg only works within the shell session as it brings into fg a process of that shell.23:55
ChTiPowAIf the application was hidden on Systray23:55
ChTiPowAthen there is no way to call it back23:55
ChTiPowAW4sp: okay but Xchat is not on terminal its on the desktop23:55
stef1aI've tried messing around in Alsamixer and pavucontrol, but cannot get my headphones to work.23:56
Jordan_UChTiPowA: fg has nothing to do with bringing a GUI application to the foreground.23:56
W4spChTiPowA: Exactly, and you normally don't start your xchat from command line. Hence fg is useless.23:56
ActionParsnipChTiPowA: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc23:56
W4spWhat version ov xchat do you have anyway. There are two a) xchat and b)xchat-gnome. Also, what DE do you use?23:57
AhrimanSup guys23:57
ChTiPowAI use Linuxmint based on the latest version of Ubuntu, so its the same ways. I asked also on Linuxmint help channel but no one is able to help me...23:57
ActionParsnipChTiPowA: not supported here mate23:58
ActionParsnipChTiPowA: mint has its own support23:58
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org23:58
bazhang!mintsupport > ChTiPowA23:58
ubottuChTiPowA, please see my private message23:58
wsirc_8644875hi, im trying to install ubuntu in my notebook, with windows xp previous instaled, how to proceed?23:58
wsirc_8644875hi, im trying to install ubuntu in my notebook, with windows xp previous instaled, how to proceed?23:58
wsirc_8644875hi, im trying to install ubuntu in my notebook, with windows xp previous instaled, how to proceed?23:58
wsirc_8644875hi, im trying to install ubuntu in my notebook, with windows xp previous instaled, how to proceed?23:58
FloodBot1wsirc_8644875: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:58
wsirc_8644875hi, im trying to install ubuntu in my notebook, with windows xp previous instaled, how to proceed23:58
wsirc_8644875hi, im trying to install ubuntu in my notebook, with windows xp previous instaled, how to proceed23:58
wsirc_8644875hi, im trying to install ubuntu in my notebook, with windows xp previous instaled, how to proceed23:58
ActionParsnipwsirc_8644875: doing that makes people want to help you less,not more23:59
ChTiPowAActionParsnip: As i said its the same way... Its still ubuntu and its just a problem with Ubuntu23:59
bazhangChTiPowA, no.23:59
EbbersActionParsnip, I loaded Ubuntu 10.04 and now audacity works great! VLC has same problem23:59
ActionParsnipChTiPowA: mint isn't supported here23:59
ChTiPowAThe problem affects only Xchat23:59
wsirc_8644875hi, im trying to install ubuntu in my notebook with windows xp previous instaled, how to proceed?23:59
wsirc_8644875hi, im trying to install ubuntu in my notebook with windows xp previous instaled, how to proceed?23:59
wsirc_8644875hi, im trying to install ubuntu in my notebook with windows xp previous instaled, how to proceed?23:59
wsirc_8644875hi, im trying to install ubuntu in my notebook with windows xp previous instaled, how to proceed?23:59
wsirc_8644875hi, im trying to install ubuntu in my notebook with windows xp previous instaled, how to proceed?23:59
ChTiPowANot the others applications23:59
FloodBot1wsirc_8644875: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:59
ActionParsnipChTiPowA: ubuntu is based on debian but if you ask for ubuntu support in #debian you wil be pointed here23:59
ChTiPowAUbuntu and Linuxmint have the same depots23:59
bazhangChTiPowA, ask in #xchat then. MINT is not supported here23:59

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