
JontheEchidnanew light-dm pushed to quantal00:13
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Riddelllthanks JontheEchidna 09:12
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
Riddelllast day for UDS sponsorship applications!10:35
Riddellafiestas, allee, bulldog98_, claydoh, davmor2, JontheEchidna, jussi01, Mamarok, maco, rbelem, ScottK, shadeslayer, valorie, vHanda apply apply!10:37
vHandawhat me?10:37
MamarokRiddell: I did10:37
vHandawhy me?10:37
RiddellvHanda: so we can harrass you about nepomuk :)10:38
Riddellit's good to have upstream people there10:38
RiddellMamarok: excellent10:38
* vHanda thinks about it10:38
vHandaIf it's in the US then I cannot come.10:38
vHandaThey don't like me10:38
MamarokvHanda: it's in Denmark10:43
Quintasan_Riddell: I can't apply? :<10:58
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
RiddellQuintasan: ooh yes do11:04
=== aleix is now known as apol
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1028846] vlc crashed with SIGSEGV in QMetaObject::changeGuard() @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1028846 (by Alex Peters)11:10
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1034986] vlc crashed with SIGABRT in __assert_fail_base() @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1034986 (by Ricardo J. Moreira Teixeira)11:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1028846 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "vlc crashed with SIGSEGV in QMetaObject::changeGuard()" [Medium,Incomplete]11:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1034986 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "vlc crashed with SIGABRT in __assert_fail_base()" [Medium,New]11:10
apolRiddell: did you package kdevelop beta? I'd like to test it while working... :D11:24
Riddellapol: mm yes but then launchpad was down,let me see where it got to11:31
apol:) thank you11:32
Riddellapol: mm, it's in quantal and due to compile in beta backports PPA sometimes today https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/beta/+packages11:35
apoli see11:36
Riddellbut with the backlog of builds who knows11:36
apolok thank you Riddell, i'll be attentive11:36
QuintasanRiddell: Applied.11:50
RiddellQuintasan: agooga11:53
QuintasanRiddell: Hopefully will see you in Denmark :P11:58
mikhasquite a bit to next UDS, no?12:23
jtechidnawhee, archive skew with the latest cmake12:52
apoljtechidna: what happened with the configure sources action? :P12:53
jtechidnaapol: it has to be connected in MuonMainWindow or else the MMW subclasses will never get their reimplemented methods called12:54
apoljtechidna: that change broke discover, that was using it :P12:55
apoli'll try to bring it back12:55
jtechidnaoh, sorry. I thought it had its own editor12:55
apoljtechidna: well it does, but it's a bit sparse12:56
* jtechidna ndos12:56
* jtechidna nods12:56
apolyou have the option to open this one in case you want something more specific12:56
apoljtechidna: what reimplemented method are you talking about?12:56
jtechidnaapol: checkForUpdates12:57
apoljtechidna: so you want me to copy this code?12:58
apoljtechidna: probably QAptIntegration should emit a checkForUpdates signal12:58
jtechidnaapol: ok, do that, and we can connect muonmainwindow to that signal, and put the sources editor stuff back in qaptintegration12:59
yofel_apol: my problem with the back button in discover was that it has absolutely no purpose on that page currently, and you already make the search field on the right vanish. A bit consistency would be nice, or at least make the button do *something* - otherwise great software ;)13:00
apolyofel_: hmm... it's true that the search disappears, but removing the back arrow would make all buttons move13:01
apolyofel_: also, if you filter an origin, you get to use it too13:01
shadeslayerRiddell: "You've already requested sponsorship to uds-r"13:01
yofel_true :/13:01
apolyofel_: so it has the same behavior as discover and installed13:01
yofel_uh, how do you filter an origin?13:02
apolyofel_: that ugly icon at the right shows the packages installed from the origin13:02
apolor it should, at least13:02
yofel_ah, so that's what it's supposed to do. It doesn't show anything for me though :/13:04
yofel_nvm the button then13:04
apolyofel_: if you could help by investigating a bit why it doesn't show anything (and considering there is actually something to show) it would be awesome13:06
apolit works for me, I think :D13:07
yofel_will try, as I only know the bare minimum about QML don't expect too much though :/13:08
jtechidnaapol: aww, man. I should have said something about the reload calls in OriginsBackend. I had seen some compiler warnings about that. :(13:12
apoljtechidna: I have it fixed in master13:12
jtechidnaI thought it was some Qt automoc magic xD13:12
apolforgot to backport the fix -.-13:12
apoljtechidna: yeah... xD I'm a ninja13:13
apoljtechidna: is updateCache being properly integrated in ApplicationBackend?13:18
apolas in, reloading it when it's done...13:18
jtechidnaapol: oh, probably not. I never had muon-installer have an update cache function, aside from when the external sources editor finished13:20
apolok it's ok13:20
jtechidnaworkerEvent in ApplicationBackend just needs a case for the update cache finished event13:20
apoljtechidna: pushed the change for the cache update13:22
apoljtechidna: also I pushed the reload after update13:24
jtechidnaapol: btw, we'll also need to figure out how to share the queryExit() function between Muon Discover and MuonMainWindow13:24
jtechidnaright now nobody can use it xD13:24
apolyofel_: well, it's not QML you have to review, but OriginsBackend.cpp13:24
apoljtechidna: yes definitely13:25
jtechidnaworkerEvent too13:25
shadeslayerI think I've had too much coffee :>13:26
mparilloIs there a way to retrieve the indicators that pop up before the desktop loads? It looked like the normal alerts, except it came at the top, and I do not see the option to pull up the list.  I am on a daily build of 12.10, and I noticed something about a power profile for AC, but is closed quickly.. 14:02
jtechidnaI don't think there is, if the notification came before the panel notification applet could record it14:06
macoRiddell: im not an ubuntu dev anymore. i resigned in february14:38
macoor january14:38
macosomething like that14:38
blazewhy plasma-desktop package depends on akonadi-backend-mysql?16:01
Riddellblaze: it doesn't directly16:02
Riddellit probably depends on something which brings it in16:03
blazesure, the only package that depends on mysql backend is akonadi-server16:13
blazethat's why i can't remove akonadi-backend-mysql16:14
shadeslayerRiddell: ubiquity        ubiquity/keep-installed string icedtea6-plugin openoffice.org16:21
shadeslayerI think that needs updating on the live ISO's16:21
shadeslayerunless we still ship openoffice on them16:22
Riddellshadeslayer: where does that come from?16:25
shadeslayerit's on /preseed/kubuntu.seed on the CD if that's what you're asking16:25
shadeslayerI have no idea where kubuntu.seed comes from though16:26
Riddellblaze: yes, akonadi-server does depend on akonadi-backend-mysql, else it won't do much16:26
shadeslayerI know that it's hand written though16:26
blazeit works pretty nice with sqlite backend, so i don't need any of mysql parts16:29
nixternalclaydoh: love the Trek 1220! I have been trying to find one for myself to turn into a single speed for putsing around at races16:29
nixternalScottK: i will hang around, but my open source contributions are done with, at least for the time being16:30
nixternalclaydoh: how about some new bar tape for that machine? :)16:30
shadeslayer!find kubuntu.seed16:31
ubottuPackage/file kubuntu.seed does not exist in precise16:31
shadeslayer*shrug* then16:31
Riddellshadeslayer: time to resort to asking cjwatson?16:33
shadeslayerI guess16:33
cjwatsonHuh what?16:33
shadeslayercjwatson: where does kubuntu.seed come from?16:33
cjwatsonIt's in debian-cd.  I pointed you at the branch earlier.16:33
shadeslayerbecause it's a bit outdated16:33
* shadeslayer looks again16:33
debfxblaze: there were some upgrade issue where the mysql backend is replaced with sqlite so it's hard dependency now16:33
shadeslayerit's still branching here16:34
Riddelldebfx: applied for UDS?16:34
nixternalclaydoh: if you haven't gotten new tires, I would recommend a set of Continental Gator Hardshells - http://www.biketiresdirect.com/product/continental-gator-hardshell-700c - go for the 700x25 at least. you can't flat these bastards!16:35
nixternalyou will spend over $100 for a set, but they will last at least 2 years if not longer. amazing flat protection16:35
nixternali have over 5000 miles on a set, and i beat the hell out of them16:36
nixternalon that note, gotta roll and do some more live-build loving :/16:36
debfxnope, won't be able to attend UDS16:38
debfxScottK: is it possible that ubuntu-backports is a bit understaffed?16:39
Riddellunderstaffed and a bit too buerocratic16:41
RiddellScottK: print-manager reuploaded documenting GPL 2 only for that file17:41
danttiScottK: congrats, you found a bug deeper that I thought, actually the notification thing stopped working because the code to renew the dbus subscription wasn't running on the right thread...17:55
claydohnixternal: lol the bike was almost free, so I doubt I will spend 100 on tires! I could buy a walmart fixie for that :)17:57
shadeslayerAlpha 3 has no seeders18:08
shadeslayerjust one or two18:08
shadeslayer( i386 )18:08
yofel_nobody really seeds those..18:17
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Quintasanshadeslayer: buy a seedbox, you are rich now :P19:41
shadeslayerdoesn't mean I spend my money carelessly19:42
ScottKdantti: Great.  Now it can be fixed.21:31
ScottKRiddell: I'll try to look at it, but I'm about to go on vacation.21:31
* JontheEchidna orders internet for his new place :D22:45

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