
markitHow can I dock a program in the taskbar? Not in the panel, in the taskbar, like when you create a new default panel and has dolphin and rekonq docked in it00:16
markitI think was introduced with kde 4.6, but I've not found how to do it, just mentioned, sigh00:17
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markitlike "The docking taskbar lets me pin tasks in the taskbar. This turns..."00:17
markitrun the app, right click on it on the task manager, select "show a launcher when not running"00:37
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chronosexist some nice widget that allow me monitor my servers using snmp?03:06
chronosor even a app03:06
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LinusnewbGood morning here is a new user :)04:00
Linusnewbthunderbird sound doesn't work and I don't know why...04:03
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:05
frogonwheelsLinusnewb: does other sound work?04:05
frogonwheelsLinusnewb:  oh.. and welcome :)04:05
Linusnewboh yes good morning04:19
Linusnewbamarok and dragonplayer and kontact has sound04:19
goodtimedoes anyone know about linux game emulators?04:19
goodtimei installed the nes one but haveing trouble getting roms04:20
goodtimei need classic galaga and i remember way back that nes had the original one04:21
goodtimesome of the site ive looked up seem to not be working for me or im just not getting it04:22
goodtimeany help?04:22
Linusnewband I can hear system sound bye messenger and by connection04:22
goodtimeLinusnewb:  havin trouble getting sound on something?04:23
Linusnewbbut I want listen a sexy voice who is tellin me 'youve got gmail' :) gg04:28
goodtimety anyways i figured it out04:37
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noaXessgood morning05:49
noaXesscan someone explain why updatedb.mlocate does run now, instead of AM, check this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1156652/05:50
noaXessmlocate is in /etc/cron.daily and crontab is configured ti run /etc/cron.daily tasks each day at 5:25, right? but why does it run now?05:51
noaXessit's 7:5105:51
speedmaxI don't know what's the differences between the irc &im07:41
hateballspeedmax: So what is your actual question?07:42
hateballI mean... what is it you need help with :)07:42
speedmaxwho can explain some differences between the two stuff?:)07:42
speedmaxirc and istant message07:43
hateballTypically IM requires you to create accounts on some central server, and do 1to1 communication. IRC is the opposite07:43
hateballI'm not sure which differences you want listed :)07:44
speedmaxoh, i see, you mean that IRC is opening to all people and the im belongs to a company and we need a account to use it07:44
speedmaxis that right?:)07:45
hateballPretty much, even if there are exceptions to IM, see jabber/xmpp07:45
hateballOn IRC the communication is by default 1toEveryone07:45
speedmaxAnd i wanna ask a question: which is more popular, IRC or IM07:46
speedmaxI see07:46
hateballThey serve different purposes, and different crowds07:46
speedmaxI know, i got some information about this before:a developer said in his opinion he likes Irc more than forums,because if you got a probiem ,in irc you will imdiately got the answer07:50
speedmax: )07:50
speedmaxwhere are you from, dude07:51
speedmaxwhat's your favourite channel of irc  in your heart07:54
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lordievaderGood morning08:33
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markithi, kde 4.9, sometime in the cashew / toolbox I don't have the option "add panel", is it a bug or a feature that I don't understand is trygged by what?09:50
Peace-markit: ?10:32
Peace-you have not the add panel ?10:32
markitPeace-: no, try to create an activity based upon the "search and run" template10:32
Peace-markit: ok...10:32
markitthen use the toolbox on the upper right10:32
Peace-so ?10:32
markityou will have "add widget" but not "add panel"10:33
Peace-sure you can't use that button to add the panel10:33
markitI think is a bug, but that happend to me also in a different activity10:33
markitPeace-: why not? if I right click on the desktop I have the "add panel" menu item10:33
markit(and it works)10:34
Peace-use the right click then10:34
markitPeace-: I'm not discussing about workaround, but the fact that is missing, seems a bug10:34
markitunless someone gives me a good reason about this behaviour10:34
Peace-markit: ah.. i undestood now10:35
Peace-markit: before the only way to add a panel was with right click10:35
markitI was creating a tutorial, showing how easy is to recreate the panel if you delete it by accident... embarassing moments ;P10:35
Peace-now it seems you can add the panel with that button10:36
Peace-markit: yes it's a bug ..10:36
Peace-markit: the standard way it's right click10:36
markitPeace-: good to know, thanks10:44
markitPeace-: also I've found troubles with plasmoids...10:44
markitare too general, I mean, you can potentially add them to the desktop AND to the Panel10:44
Peace-markit: btw have you tried plasma panels collection ?10:44
markitbut many have no correct behaviour in the panel10:44
markitno, what is it?10:45
Peace-markit:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYzEty1TYAE10:45
markiturgh, the video runs so fast that I can't understand what is really happening10:47
Peace-markit: 12.04?10:47
markitand kde 4.910:47
Peace-markit: in this page there is the debian package for 12.04 http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Plasma+Panels+Collection+?content=14758910:48
markitinteresting, no package in the 12.04 repository?10:50
Peace-markit: i did a ppa10:50
Peace-actually i did that stuff10:50
markitPeace-: are you the developer?10:50
markitso good, my compliments :)10:51
markitI need some info about javascripting default settings for users, like add resources to dolphin, maybe you have the knowledge for it10:51
markitI have to customize it for some school (LTSP)10:51
markitif so, and you want to help, could you please give me privately your email, so I can contact you when I will try to solve the problem?10:52
Peace-markit: sure10:52
Peace-markit: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/kde+Customization+kit?content=14843010:53
Peace-markit: those are my settings10:53
Peace-markit: for example my dolphin runs by default with terminal integrated10:54
markitI think you definetively are the RIGHT PERSON to ask, lol10:54
markitmaybe just digging your code will be enough10:54
Peace-markit: sure10:54
Peace-markit: you can even see this10:55
markitbtw, so the preferred language for KDE plasma is javascript? not python or ruby?10:55
Peace-markit: http://code.google.com/p/kde-peace-settings/source/browse/10:55
Peace-markit: javascript sets panels and activity10:55
Peace-the other stuff were only config files10:55
markityep, I started with config files, but some stuff can't be done with them, unfortunately10:56
markitI've to run, thanks a lot, see you later!10:57
Peace-see ya10:57
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
markitPeace-: ping in private11:19
utenteciao a tutti11:21
ubottuutente: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:21
anqthere is something odd with my kate11:22
markithi utente, maybe #kubuntu-it if exists is better11:22
anqunder some circumstances it doesn't display tabs in a file11:22
anqthat happened to anyone else?11:23
anqlike, for example, in that line: "2010-08-22 21:07:33pilateg:1"11:23
anqirc, cat and none display the tab after "pilateg" correctly11:24
anqbut not kate11:24
anq*and nano11:24
BluesKajHi all11:25
lordievaderHey BluesKaj.11:25
BluesKajhi lordievader11:26
utenteciao a tutti11:31
utente! list11:31
ubottuutente: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:31
* BluesKaj wonders what makes italians think ubuntu/kubuntu are file sharing channels11:33
susundbergMaybe they are only bots finding out where violation of copyrights might happen and they have made deal with italian operator to use it for this low-profile mission ..11:37
tonberryE352or they are just really bad at finding warez11:39
BluesKajsusundberg, no , someone published an article in an Italian tech magazine , maliciously of course , that ubuntu chats were file sharing channels11:44
BluesKajprobly a frustrated former linux user11:45
Peace-BluesKaj: mm?11:49
Peace-BluesKaj: link?11:49
BluesKajPeace-, you 'll have to ask action parsnip in #ubuntu, he's the guy who told me about it11:52
BluesKajbut he's not there today11:53
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viktori cant install Ubuntu12:01
viktordont recognize my partitions12:01
viktorcan be by mode AHCI?12:01
viktorive got install windows7 in AHCI mode and one free partition for Linux12:02
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BluesKajviktor, are you running a raid array ?12:11
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viktorim running a normal disc12:29
viktorin mode AHCi12:29
viktori ve got install W712:29
viktorand i want install Ubuntu but dont recognice nothing partition12:30
BluesKajviktor, you must use the manual partitoning in the kubuntu installer then format the linux partition to ext412:35
BluesKajor format to ext4 before you try the installation12:36
viktordont recognice partitions...12:36
viktori have to go to eat12:36
viktorim coming now12:36
viktorsee u later bluesKaj12:37
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CombatjuanI just dist-upgraded and restarted and now I have no network.  ifconfig shows eth0 like I'd expect but the kde network manager icon says that my wired connection is "Unmanaged".14:33
CombatjuanI am able to ping specific ip addresses, but don't have DNS and have an X-ed out networking icon.  Kopete, kontact and friends are all spamming failure notifications.14:34
CombatjuanI changed /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf so that managed=true (it was set to false) then restarted it.  Now the kubuntu icons aren't scary anymore.14:38
CombatjuanBut I still don't seem to have DNS.  It looks like it added to my resolv.conf.  That's not going to work so well.14:38
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euryalehow do i add command to dolphin, i have a wireless mouse with a back forward button for the thumb, and it's not working dolphin, but works well with nautilus.15:23
utu-sanis calligra part and parcel of KDE SC?15:29
utu-sanmaybe they should just add an installer for those who wants it like they used to do for firefox instead of rekonq15:30
utu-sanIMO LibreOffice is better if an Office has to be included in the iso15:32
killownDoes anyone know  WHY KDE ignores Option "Emulate3Buttons"  "no" from xorg?15:52
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legodudehi everyone, what's the slickest way to upgrade a main disk?17:07
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legodudeI could dd the partition to the new disk17:08
legodudethen resize the partition up17:08
legodudeand install grub somehow, but it seems there should be a better way in 2012?17:09
genii-aroundYou can partition it then do an rsync from one to the other from a livecd17:09
genii-around( you will need to edit the fstab and grub entries to reflect new UUID )17:10
teddy__hi everyone!17:20
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timhi, quick question: my kde panel just froze, i can still navigate between my running applications, but can't start krunner or the like18:43
timis there any way to restart it without rebooting?18:43
timi have a long-lasting task, running, which i don't want to kill18:44
DeadTOmI've had that happen to me a few times. Killing and restarting plasma-desktop has fixed it.18:45
DeadTOmSo long as your task doesn't rely on that, you should be ok.18:45
timDeadTOm: already tried that18:45
timhowever the pannel is still frozen18:46
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tim:( reboot after 2 hours of computation :/18:48
DeadTOmBummer :(18:49
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viktor_i cant install Ubuntu in my laptop19:45
viktor_dont recognice my partitions19:45
viktor_no help please?19:56
viktor_i cant install Ubuntu20:03
viktor_ive got w7 in a AHCI mode20:03
viktor_but when ive got to install Ubuntu , dont recognice my partitions20:04
viktor_if a change to IDE mode , can i corruptmy w7 partition?20:04
shadeslayerviktor_: that doesn't look anything like K/Ubuntu's installer20:08
shadeslayerand I think you only have one partition in there20:08
viktor_ive got 3 partitionsd20:08
viktor_one to w720:08
viktor_ive got installed w720:08
shadeslayerdoesn't look like it, can you boot into W7?20:08
viktor_boot into w7'20:09
shadeslayercan you login into Windows 7?20:09
viktor_ive got installed w720:09
viktor_one partition to my documents20:09
shadeslayerno idea then, that doesn't look anything like the official Kubuntu installer20:09
viktor_and one free partition to intall linux20:09
viktor_but dont appear partitiones20:09
shadeslayerthat looks alot like mint tbh20:10
viktor_what can i do?20:12
viktor_w7 is in mode AHCi20:12
viktor_can be this the problem? ACHI/ IDE mode?20:12
shadeslayerI don't have a single idea, but I'm sure you won't get support here since it's not a Kubuntu ISO that you're using20:12
shadeslayercan't be20:12
viktor_i cant install Linux distros20:13
shadeslayerok, where did you download the ISO from?20:13
cmaginaviktor_: switching to IDE mode can cause issues with Windows installs or at least I have experienced them in experiments with my own computer20:14
viktor_W7 installation can be erased or corrupted ?20:14
cmaginaviktor_: linux doesn't seem to care and handles the change fine. also, my machine is currently running in AHCI mode. No issues install Kubuntu or Windows 7 on this hardware20:14
viktor_if i change to IDE mode?20:14
cmaginai don't *think* it will corrupt it (not a windows expert) but it probably won't boot20:15
viktor_in clonezilla appear ive got gpt partitions20:16
cmaginabut as shadeslayer said, that is not kubuntu, nor ubuntu. definitely looks like mint, so i'd suggets asking on their user support channel20:16
snagglepussmight try gparted to see if it recognizes the win7 partition.,..20:16
viktor_gpt and mbr partitions20:17
snagglepussif it does then just use gparted to set up the linux partitions and then restart the installer20:17
snagglepussthe installer should then recognize the partitions.   common problem....20:17
viktor_yes is linux mint20:17
viktor_but i try install Ubuntu too20:17
viktor_and the same problem20:18
viktor_and with Kubuntu ... the same problem20:18
cmaginai'd have to agree with snagglepuss and try gparted from the live environment20:18
snagglepussit's a bug in the ubuntu partitioning section of the install.   use gparted and you should be able to install fine20:18
cmaginapartman, such a pita20:19
viktor_gparted dont recognize my partitions....20:19
viktor_ive try this too20:20
snagglepussthen you have other problems20:20
viktor_I do not know if the problem will AHCI / IDE20:20
cmaginawow, that is interesting20:20
viktor_but ive got install windows7 in AHCI mode20:21
snagglepusssuggest you run the windows disk utilities to see if there is a problem with your windows partition20:21
viktor_i thik if i change to IDE mode, windows dont boor20:21
cmaginaquick google says the issues with ahci/ide and windows is going from ide to ahci due to a driver not being enabled, so you might not have any issues changing back20:26
cmaginaviktor_: ^20:26
viktor_im here20:27
cmaginaread my previous message20:27
viktor_ok . can I change to IDE mode?20:27
viktor_and windows can be boot normaly?20:27
viktor_can be got both OS?20:27
cmaginait might, seems the issue is going the other way20:28
cmaginaand only if windows was installed to a system in ide mode20:28
viktor_windows is installed in AHCI mode...20:28
cmaginathe downside being, ahci might be required for some disks20:28
cmaginaswitch it and boot into one of the linux installers and see if it sees the partitions20:29
viktor_wait a moment (image)20:29
cmaginadon't boot into windows, if there is no change with the distro installer, then switch it back to ahci and that is one less piece to worry about20:30
cmaginato be honest, windows 7 sucks to have on the same disk as another os due to the ridiculous boot requirements just to perform service pack updates20:31
cmaginabasically, Windows 7 requires its boot partition (a small 100MB partition it creates) to be the first partition of the first disk on the primary storage controller channel20:32
cmaginaand that no other boot loader was involved in booting the system20:32
cmaginathis is only an issue when trying to install a service pack20:32
cmaginaso, clearly there is another issue. i can't really debug any further based on just pictures. seems partman can't read your partition table20:33
viktor_yes... cant read my partitions20:34
viktor_if i change to IDE mode , reinstall W7 and try to install Linux , can i solve de problem?20:36
viktor_i think this problem is caused by AHCI mode... hmmm i supuose....20:36
cmaginaviktor_: change to IDE mode, boot the linux installer and see if it can see the partitions20:36
cmaginaviktor_: that way you don't have to worry about windows till after at least learning whether it helps at all20:37
cmaginaviktor_: another thing that can help debug this is to grab the /var/log/syslog file from the installer after you've gotten it to the partman point (it will show the kernel boot and installer output)20:39
viktor_i try to change to ide mode20:40
viktor_and comment20:41
viktori change to IDE mode20:50
viktorand the problem is the same...20:50
viktorunallocated partition20:50
viktorwindows dont boot20:51
viktori try to reinstall all20:51
viktorin IDE mode20:51
cmaginaviktor: i wouldn't20:55
cmaginaviktor: get the /var/log/syslog first20:55
cmaginai'm currently running a dual boot system that is in AHCI mode20:56
cmaginaits a ASUS AMD setup20:56
cmaginaThe main difference I have is I am using two separate disks; one for windows 7 and the other for Kubuntu, but the linux installer was able to see the Windows partition, etc,20:57
=== nathanael is now known as natschil
viktori cant do the /var/log....21:17
viktori dont know how to do it21:19
cmaginaviktor: if you boot into the live environment, plug-in a usb disk and mount it. then fire up the installer, go through the steps till you hit the partitioner and minimize it or close it21:21
cmaginathen open a terminal and copy /var/log/syslog to the usb disk, normally found under /media/<usb disk name>21:21
viktorok wait a moment21:21
viktorim in Ubuntu Live USB now21:24
viktorwhat to do ( step by step please)21:24
viktoru there cmagina??21:25
cmaginaviktor: do you have a usb disk?21:25
cmaginanot the installer, a spare one21:26
viktori always install Linux trought Live USB21:26
viktora spare one ive got21:27
cmaginaok, plug it into the system21:27
cmaginamount it21:27
cmaginathis should be done from the live environment (boot to the desktop to 'try it out')21:27
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viktoryes im in enviroment21:28
viktorim just moun the USB21:29
viktorwhat to do21:29
cmaginaok, start the installer and get to the partitioner21:30
viktorah no no21:30
viktorok ok21:30
FloodBotK1viktor: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:30
viktorim in partitoner21:31
viktorunallocated system appear again21:32
cmaginaok, minimize the installer21:32
cmaginaopen a terminal and type: ls /media/21:33
cmaginawhat is the directory name in their21:33
cmaginathis can be done graphically, its just i can give you a single command to copy the log file instead of walking you through the gui21:34
viktori cant use / symbol21:34
cmagina? ls /media/ will give you a listing of that directory's contents21:37
viktori cant write with / symbols21:37
viktorcdrom appear21:38
viktorls /media/ >> cdrom21:39
cmaginais that the only directory in their? didn't you mount the usb drive?21:39
viktoronly appear cdrom21:41
cmaginaok, not sure where your usb drive is mounted then21:43
cmaginabasically, what you need to do is copy /var/log/syslog somewhere on the internet where you can share it with others21:43
cmaginaits just a text file21:44
cmaginajust contains a lot of text21:44
viktorok wait a moment21:44
viktorusb appear now21:44
cmaginaopen the file manager program (dolphin/nautilus)21:46
JMichael|workis there a way to disable the file transfer popup notification, while still keeping the systray notification?21:46
cmaginatype in the address box21:47
cmaginaoops, remove syslog21:47
cmaginatype /var/log in the address box21:47
cmaginafind a file called syslog and copy it to the usb drive21:48
viktorehmm wait21:49
viktorit says : bash: /var/log/ : its a directory21:49
viktorno open folder21:49
cmaginaoh, your at the terminal, type cd /var/log21:50
viktorok ok21:50
cmaginacd = change directory21:50
viktorim in var/log/ now21:50
cmaginacp syslog /media/<name of your usb drive>21:51
cmaginaso, copy it to whatever the other folder under /media/ is, not cdrom21:52
viktorpermission denied21:52
viktorcp: cannot create regular file /media/8006-ACA7(my usb )21:53
viktorPermission denied21:53
cmaginaadd a '/' at the end of that21:54
viktorend of my name usb?21:54
cmaginacp syslog /media/8006-ACA7/21:54
viktorpermission dennied21:55
viktorah no21:55
viktornot a directory21:55
FloodBotK1viktor: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:55
cmaginaok, your typing something wrong. just open the file manager and do it that way21:56
viktorive got syslog now22:01
viktoru there?22:02
viktorwhere i copy the txt?22:02
cmaginayeah, you need to upload it somewhere or copy all of the text and paste it to paste.ubuntu.com22:03
viktorhere is valid to?22:04
cmaginaviktor: looks like it must be an installer bug as the system sees the partitions and the installer actually looks at them22:10
cmaginaviktor: i don't know anything about the installers workings, so sadly i cannot help you further with that. my advise is to go to #ubuntu or mint's equivalent user support channel and see if you can find someone who knows a bit more about the installer22:11
cmaginaviktor: save the syslog file and you can show that to them to hopefully get to the solution faster22:12
viktorahm ok22:15
viktorthanks a lot22:15
viktory try to format all the HDD22:15
viktorand install W7 again and Linux22:16
viktorand if this doesnt work22:16
viktori find help in Ubuntu channel22:16
cmaginaviktor: install win7 first and partition the system yourself22:16
killownabout this https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=305498 --- Comment #1 from Christoph Feck <christoph@maxiom.de> ---23:08
ubottuKDE bug 305498 in general "kde ignores Emulate3Buttons option from xorg" [Normal,Resolved: downstream]23:08
killownKDE does have no mouse button emulation code. Please ask in the forum of your23:08
killowndistribution which configuration could cause this issue.23:08
killownthe developer is saying this is a kubuntu issue23:08
phunyguySo is it true what I read? Is IRC support being dropped from KDE-Telepathy?23:38
Sentynelphunyguy: yeah, the prevailing viewpoint was there's two good kde irc clients already23:43
phunyguyAhhh.   I was one of those that liked having one client for all chat protocols.23:44
phunyguyso I dn't like it  :)23:44
Starcraftmazterhello, i get a blank screen on an imac running the kubuntu installer, after the progress cubes23:49
phunyguyis there a seperate channel for 12.10 issues?23:57
bazhang!12.10 | phunyguy23:58
ubottuphunyguy: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+123:58

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