
StevenKlifeless: O hai?03:53
StevenKlifeless: I've been refactoring auditor03:57
StevenKlifeless: python setup.py test is very unhappy, and I've been trying to work out WTF for a bit03:58
StevenKlifeless: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1156558/ is a snippet, all 11 tests are very similiarly unhappy04:00
StevenKWell, that's ... handy04:04
mwhudsonwhat is ROOT_URLCONF set to in settings?04:08
StevenKmwhudson: ''04:10
mwhudsonthat would seem to explain the error message...04:10
StevenKmwhudson: That would indeed be it, thanks!04:11
StevenK(Read as, down to 7 errors)04:12
lifelessbah, NM fail.04:13
lifelessStevenK: you were saying04:13
StevenKlifeless: Since your internet is pure fail and you dropped off, mwhudson helped me.04:21
lifelessNM decided to associate to a random wifi point in the middle of nowhere04:22
lifelessStevenK: cool. What was wrong?04:23
StevenKlifeless: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1156576/ is what you missed.04:24
StevenKsteven@undermined:~/auditor% bzr di | diffstat -s04:27
StevenK 11 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 200 deletions(-)04:27
StevenKlifeless: Do you want to eyeball the diff?04:32
lifelessWere there any surprises ?04:32
StevenKOnly the ROOT_URLCONF gotcha in runtests that tripped me up.04:33
StevenKlifeless: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1156585/ just in case you have any suggestions04:34
lifelessStevenK: A copyright nod to where runtests came from might be nice.04:45
lifelessStevenK: A copyright nod to where runtests came from might be nice.04:52
StevenKlifeless: What was your plan with auditorfixture?05:09
lifelessgive it the django project (on the child side of the process boundary)05:10
StevenKlifeless: As in, I should embed an emptyish django project into auditorfixture? How do I then have buildout slap the egg into it?05:10
lifelesshow was the fixture ensuring it had auditor before ?05:12
StevenKlifeless: It was in test_requires, and the buildout-written bin/auditor-manage did stuff to import the module05:13
lifelessso, same thing05:13
lifelessmore or less - handwaving furiously.05:13
lifelessYou could createa a django project on the fly if you wanted an alternative.05:13
lifelessbut the basic approach is going to be unchanged05:14
StevenKlifeless: So I embed the effectively four files for a django project into the fixture and convince buildout to copy the unpacked auditor egg into it, and then call ../auditor-proj/manage.py runserver05:17
lifelessStevenK: I don't understand why you're talking about the egg05:18
lifelessStevenK: you didn't copy it around before, why would you now?05:18
StevenKlifeless: Because the django project needs to import it?05:18
lifelessStevenK: you'll have your own manage.py in fixture, thats django project stuff, you don't need manage in auditor....05:19
lifelessStevenK: how is that connected to copying it around ?05:19
StevenKlifeless: I thought django would want it in the same layout05:20
lifelessno, thats the point of apps, they just get located via import once they are listed in INSTALLED_APPS05:20
StevenKlifeless: So you were envisioning manage.py and settings.py in auditorfixture base directory?05:21
lifelessor something like that05:22
lifelessgiven all the variou scruft you'll be dealing with. manage.py might be something buildout writes for you, for instance.05:22
StevenKI was going to generate a django project and copy the two bits in05:23
StevenKMunging as I go05:23
lifelesssure, that sounds fine too05:23
lifelessI don't have an exact blueprint for you ;)05:23
lifelessthe key bits were to get rid of the project level stuff from auditor, make a dedicate version of just the project stuff for staging and production deployments, and similar for the fixture.05:24
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=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 4.0*10^2
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jamdpm: I saw that you fully opened the translations queue for Quantal. I'd like to go through the checklist here: https://wiki.canonical.com/Launchpad/Translations/UbuntuOpenings09:48
jamjust to make sure everything got finished, or if we need to update the checklist for any changes (so the person doing it for R will have a clear checklist)09:49
jamIf you could let me know when you could look at it with me, that would be great.09:49
jamjtv: ^^ in case you were involved as well.09:49
jtvjam: this time I mostly wasn't, which is actually great news!09:50
jamjtv: yeah, very good to hear.09:50
dpmjam, sure, we can do it now, if you want.09:51
jamdpm: so I left off around step 5 (jtv and I validated that the translation copy looked sane.)09:53
jam(would you rather do this on mumble/g+ ?)09:53
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dpmjam, sure, g+ is fine? Give me 5 mins to have a quick look at the document and then we can jump into a call09:59
cjwatsonstub: Brad suggested that I should get you to look over https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/queue-filter-source/+merge/119225 for possible improvements10:12
cjwatson(There's an attempt at a performance analysis in the linked bug)10:12
dpmjam, sorry for the delay, ready to start a hangout now10:19
jamdpm: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/fc76b32f50b23d671cf435628e74f3e79e11d871?authuser=2&hl=en#10:22
stubcjwatson: commented10:24
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cjwatsonstub: thanks - yeah, a feature flag might make sense, I shall ponder that10:35
smartboyhwEr, hi, anyone here?10:56
mgzthat question always asks for the response "no"10:56
smartboyhwmgz: Sorry10:57
mgzI'm not succeeding at building the launchpad development community10:58
wgrantWell then10:58
cjwatsonBug 1036597: would it seem reasonable to put UEFI signing keys for PPAs in <signing_keys_root>/uefi/<archive.owner.name>/<archive.name> (and get ops to generate them on a case-by-case basis - there should only be a handful of PPAs that ever care)?  That doesn't clash with anything else currently in signing_keys_root, and it's nicely outside the published PPA tree.11:09
_mup_Bug #1036597: No UEFI signing configuration for PPAs <uefi> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1036597 >11:09
cjwatsonIt does mean that any future horizontal scaling of the PPA publisher would have to keep those keys in sync, but that would have to keep signing_keys_root in sync anyway.11:10
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=== benji changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: benji | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 4.0*10^2
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deryckMorning, all13:00
czajkowskideryck: morning13:01
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abentleyrick_h_: On http://people.canonical.com/~rharding/app/project_home.html I get "The requested URL /api/devel/privatemockup was not found on this server."13:47
rick_h_abentley: heh ok. Hadn't gotten that when walking through.13:48
rick_h_thanks for the heads up13:48
abentleyrick_h_: np13:49
jamjelmer: did you get a chance to upload py2.6 to ~canonical-bzr/py27 ?14:34
jelmerjam: working on that atm14:40
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mgzwhy ~canonical-bzr?14:41
jelmermgz: what would you suggest?14:42
mgzor whatever launchpad group cares about packaging14:44
jelmermgz: I would like to force a rebuild of everything, so a new ppa is easier14:44
jelmermgz: I'd like to leave ~pythoneers, it's adding to my daily spam14:44
mgzyou can unsubscribe, no?14:44
mgzbut this is a temporary measure so I guess it doesn't really matter, a throwaway ppa would be fine14:45
jelmermgz: no, ~pythoneers has a bunch of structural subscriptions14:45
jelmerI can mute mail from individual bugs, which isn't particularly helpful14:46
mgzah, yeay for launchpad email. I just stick it all in a tag I don't look at...14:47
deryckbenji, hi there.  I have a branch for review.14:51
wgrantjelmer: You can mute team structsubs14:51
wgranteg. on https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+subscriptions14:51
wgrantAs long as the team doesn't have a contact address set (since in that case the email is sent before you're even considered)14:52
benjideryck: congratulations! you are the one millionth customer! you recieve a lifetime supply of diffs14:52
deryckbenji, heh.  Long line today?14:52
benjinope, just in a goofy mood ;)14:52
deryckbenji, ah nice :)14:52
deryckbenji, it's here: https://code.launchpad.net/~deryck/launchpad/reauth-gpg-363916/+merge/12040114:53
rick_h_lol, I'll want to use that sometime. "lifetime supply of diffs"14:53
jelmerwgrant: but that means muting it for everybody, doesn't it?14:58
wgrantjelmer: I don't think so14:59
wgrantjelmer: That would be pretty useless14:59
wgrantSince the same could be achieved by removing the subscription14:59
jelmerwgrant: hmm, but that means manually muting all 88 structural subscriptions of ~pythoneers manually?15:01
sinzuiflacoste: We will start the sharing beta within 24 hours. We are waiting for a important branch to land, qa, be for all out important branches to be released...15:03
wgrantjelmer: Or convincing barry that team subscriptions are vile15:04
sinzuiflacoste: ...~launchpad's projects can take immediate advantage of the beta some of us are both members of ~launchpad and ~commercial-admins. We can invite other to participate in the beta a few days later when my work to change permissions allows project maintainers to configure projects using UI and API.15:05
jelmerwgrant: or just leaving ~pythoneers, which I shouldn't really be in anyway :)15:05
jelmerwgrant: I can see how team subscriptions make some sense in this case - you wouldn't want all ~pythoneers members to individually track the set of packages relevant for that team15:06
sinzuiflacoste: I have a draft API script for OEM. They can reconfigure their projects after my permission changes are in place. I image they can participate in the beta with a day of receiving the script.15:06
wgrantIf that's the entire point of ~pythoneers, indeed15:06
flacostesinzui: thanks!15:07
mgzwgrant: well, it also contains some packaging ppas that we wanted to use for this ***** backporting of python2.7 to lucid thing15:07
sinzuiflacoste: once we enter beta, wgrant will close 10 bugs. I hope to see a drop in the predicted days to complete sharing15:11
wgrantI think there's a few more that get closed as well15:11
sinzuiwgrant: I am off next week. I expect you to pass my bug closings for disclosure.15:12
sinzuisorry not pass but surpass15:12
wgrantWe'll see :)15:12
sinzuiYou may need to hide from IS and not work on incidents like last week15:13
wgrantI think the last significant issue is being resolved as we speak.15:13
wgrantBasically I get to blame everything on firewalls and IS fixes it :)15:14
sinzuijcsackett: are you available to discussing allowing commercial admins to help setup project sharing?15:33
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jcsackettsinzui: sure.15:37
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abentleywgrant: why did you set bug #1032717 to "in progress"?19:21
_mup_Bug #1032717: blueprint data model doesn't support private projects <qa-ok> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by abentley> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1032717 >19:21
sinzuiabentley: maybe because it is not the devel branch yet?19:29
sinzuiIt can only be use on staging?19:29
abentleysinzui: I believe it's in devel.  It landed in db-devel more than a week ago.19:29
abentleysinzui: landed in r15768, with wgrant as the reviewer.19:31
sinzuiI agree that I see it in devel. I think the bug is fix released19:32
abentleysinzui: I tend to agree.  I wondered whether wgrant was referring to the lack of an index, but that needs to be a separate bug.19:33
sinzuiindexes would indeed be separate.19:34
sinzuiabentley: maybe wgrant is thinking model as in code. Your branch provided schema. lp.blueprints.interfaces.specifications.py does not know about InformationType19:37
sinzuiabentley: I would change the bug title to be about schema and mark it fixed release.19:38
* sinzui is tempted to do it right now19:39
sinzuiabentley: I have revised the bug to make it clear it is about the schema, and since that change is in production, it is fix released.19:42
abentleysinzui: Cool.19:45
sinzuiabentley: np.19:45
lifelessabentley: sinzui: there is an idiom wgrant has been using where successive landings for the same bug are used to add schema, tune, and then deliver the thing.19:46
lifelessRather than bug per landing.19:46
lifelessThis is a useful idiom because it makes it clear you can't land more than one branch at a time when you're doing the schema-code-schema-code etc dance.19:46
lifelessSo I suspect he assumed you were doing the same, and was helping in that process.19:47
lifeless(its fine to do it differently, just explaining what I see that would line up)19:47
czajkowskiis anyone else seeing an issue where you go to edit your mails and you're made relogin again ?19:48
abentleylifeless: In the past, I've found that multiple-landings-per-bug confused qa-tagger, so I actively avoid doing that.19:48
cjwatsonI do it a fair bit, but you do have to careful to serialise things (and that isn't always appropriate), or else deal with a bit of QA confusion.19:51
cjwatson(Perhaps because I picked up LP development processes somewhat osmotically.)19:51
sinzuilifeless: I don't like that idiom. I will not QA someone else's bug if it has more than one branch associated because I cannot tell what the nuances of QA are. Aaron's branch adds value (specifically infrastructure for more than one developer to extend)19:56
sinzuiSomeone could land an index on the db in one branch, while I land a interface and model change that makes the feature work over API. (4 hours work for 2 independent developers)19:57
lifelessabentley: it should be fine unless you have >1 branch undeployed-but-landed at any time. Which you shouldn't with the db change sequence.20:07
lifelesssinzui: I'm agnostic, was only seeking to explain the behaviour.20:07
rick_h_welcome back deryck20:21
deryckrick_h_, thanks!  very frustrating.  it's like a once a week event here at the shop now.20:21
rick_h_what's the net at the new place?20:22
rick_h_gotta call ahead and get that fiber line run to the front door :P20:22
deryckrick_h_, it's cable.  pretty stable for my friend who telecommutes in the same neighborhood.20:25
sinzuiFiber is only as good at the vendor's own desire to keep a net work up. I loose DNS several times a week because Verizon sucks marginally less than Cox Cable (which name is a homonym for what I really think of them)20:25
rick_h_never use providers DNS, lesson I learned back on comcast days20:27
sinzuiI now add my own to keep the house running20:28
rick_h_yea, I run one on an ec2 box and use google as a backup20:28
sinzuiI have yet to find a solution for U1 backups that incite Verizon to block my house. I suspect they think U1 is a warz site.20:29
lifelesssinzui: it is :P20:59
=== benji changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 4.0*10^2
cjwatsonwgrant: https://dev.launchpad.net/Contributions ;-)21:40
wgrantcjwatson: Heh, well done22:14
sinzuiwgrant: Do we want to say this bug is closed when beta starts? This instance looks fixed by sharing, though the technical issue could still happen from untrusted users: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/90043122:49
_mup_Bug #900431: branch visibility queries do not consider visibility of stacked on branches <403> <branches> <disclosure> <privacy> <sharing> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/900431 >22:49
wgrantsinzui: It's not truly fixed22:52
StevenKsteven@undermined:~/launchpad/lp-branches/destroy-security-contact% bzr di | diffstat -s23:33
StevenK 14 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 713 deletions(-)23:33
StevenKBloody hell, and I'm not done yet.23:33
StevenKwgrant: Something must be wrong. You're at -502 and I'm at -128023:59

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