
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== pi-rho|away is now known as pi-rho
pi-rhocould someone kill the psi-plus ppa builds? I think they are thrashing (iridium,titanium: building for 10 hours, mercury: stuck in 'cancelling build')00:38
wgrantpi-rho: Done -- again.00:41
pi-rhothanks wgrant00:41
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micahgpi-rho: you  might want to consider disabling those builds for maverick as it's no longer a supported Ubuntu version01:44
pi-rhoit's not my ppa ... I disabled maverick builds in my ppas the day maverick retired.01:45
pi-rhoI've seen psi-plus builds all day. iridium, titanium, and mercury are all stuck at 'cancelling build'01:47
wgrantYeah, they'll finish cancelling eventually.01:47
wgrantThey're thrashing quite badly01:47
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Build delays due to hardware move | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
pi-rhoI just wanted to point them out seeing as how i386 has a huge queue... didn't mean to overstep01:48
micahgpi-rho: ah, sorry, there was something else I wanted to chat with you about, mind if we move to PM01:48
wgrantNo, thanks for pointing them out.01:48
pi-rhono problem wgrant01:49
pi-rhomicahg: sure01:49
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
veebersHi all, I have an issue where a jenkins machine can't connect to bazaar.launchpad.net if a specific username is defined in .bazaar/bazaar.conf02:36
veebersbut if I comment out this username it works fine02:36
wgrantveebers: What's the error?02:36
veeberswgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1156459/02:37
* nigelb spots veebers. *waves*02:37
wgrantveebers: Which machine is this from?02:38
veebersnigelb: \o/02:38
veeberswgrant: magners02:38
wgrantveebers: We moved bazaar.launchpad.net to the other DC on Saturday02:38
wgrantyeah, we didn't fully sort out the internal firewall rules02:38
wgrantveebers: Can you ask in #is? A GSA should be able to sort it out for you.02:39
veeberswgrant: cool, can do02:39
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koolhead17hi all07:08
koolhead17can someone help with merging07:08
shnatselSeveral recipes have failed with "BzrCommandError: no such option: --allow-fallback-to-native" error. They used to build fine before. Is this a known bug or I'm doing something wrong?08:11
shnatselhere's a sample log: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/112980369/buildlog.txt.gz08:11
wgrantshnatsel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-buildd/+bug/103837408:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1038374 in launchpad-buildd "bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.BzrCommandError: no such option: --allow-fallback-to-native" [Critical,Triaged]08:17
wgrantIt's fallout from the datacentre move. I've escalated it to the sysadmins.08:17
shnatselwgrant: Thanks!08:21
shnatselwhat about code branches being stuck in "Updating branch..." state? lp:~elementary-os/scratch/deb-packaging has 30 revisions when I branch it but LP shows just 28 and it's updating for the past 45 hours08:27
wgrantI recognise that branch name :)08:29
marmutaHi, I'm trying to assign  Bug #954318  to libx11 (Ubuntu), but can't seem to do that. Can someone help?08:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 954318 in onboard (Ubuntu) "apport-gtk crashed" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95431808:29
wgrantshnatsel: That was pushed just moments after codehosting came back up on its new machine, during the outage window on Friday/Saturday. If you push again it should update properly.08:30
wgrantmarmuta: What's the problem? A timeout?08:30
marmutaWhen I search for libx11 I only get python twisted an "Luz", not the libx11 project I'm looking for: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libx1108:31
shnatselwgrant: thanks, will do!08:31
wgrantshnatsel: Thanks. Sorry about this -- there was a firewall issue that we didn't have resolved for a few minutes afterwards, so the scan failed to read the new revisions.08:32
marmutawgrant, should I be able to assign  the bug to libx11? I might be trying something stupid, not sure.08:44
wgrantmarmuta: What's the error?08:45
marmutaThere is no error, libx11 simply isn't recognized and "Select a project" search doesn't find it either. I'm not sure what else to try.08:48
wgrantmarmuta: You mean the libx11 package in Ubuntu, I guess?08:48
marmutayep, that one  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libx1108:49
wgrantYou need "Also affects distribution"08:49
wgrantNot "Also affects project"08:49
StevenKGuh, we should fix that.08:50
marmutaAh, stupid me. didn't occur to me. Thank you, wgrant, that worked.08:52
wgrantKeep in mind that Launchpad isn't just about Ubuntu, so you need to actually say you mean libx11 in Ubuntu and not just libx11 in general08:53
wgrant(the latter doesn't use Launchpad for bug tracking, so it won't let you add it)08:53
marmutaThanks for the hint, I'll remember that.08:55
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
mgzwhat is the status of code imports? are they just lagging a bit post-move?10:13
wgrantmgz: That's probably better in #launchpad-ops10:14
mgzthat channel seems busy with more urgent things :)10:15
wgrantRight, but it's where everyone who can answer your question is10:15
* mgz could pick any random channel containing wgrant :)10:18
wgrantBut I'm not meant to be here and can't fix it myself, so it's better if I redirect you to somewhere where someone other than me is likely to notice.10:19
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
newagepunkjust had a strange problem logging in to launchpad website...11:05
newagepunkI just registered an klicked the link in the email...11:06
newagepunkthen i had some problem to get to the right project so i logged out to log in again....11:06
newagepunkbut at this login (the first real login of this account) it asked me to change password (because i had no uppercase... but i had tons of special characters!!!)11:08
newagepunkso I added a uppercase to my password, but it doesnt get accepted... for several times...11:08
newagepunkafter deleting history and everything i could in firefox (via Tools/Clear Recent History) of the last hour it still doesnt worked...11:10
mgznewagepunk: go through https://forms.canonical.com/sso-support/11:10
newagepunkafter restart launchpad and deleting History again (now from ever) it worked again...11:10
newagepunksorry, after restart webbrowser firefox11:14
smartboyhwnewagepunk: Congrats11:14
newagepunkthnx :P11:15
ajf_is the various downtime over now? my repository sync has been stuck on "scheduled to run as soon as possible" for 2 days now11:35
mgzajf_: yes, code imports were only re-enabled this morning though, so there's a slight backlog11:36
ajf_ah ok, thanks11:36
=== Guest57842 is now known as jelmer
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DataJuggleris it normal that everythime when i log in to launchpad homepage I get asked for if it is ok that my real name and my email-adress is getting avaiable to launchpad?12:36
izidorall: is there any reason why I can't branch public branch without giving Launchpad ID?13:23
izidore.g.: bzr branch lp:gtg ; bzr branch lp:~izidor/gtg/collaborative-gtg13:24
czajkowskijelmer: ^^13:24
jpdsizidor: Because then it sends the connection over SSH, I believe.13:34
MkaysiDataJuggler: I think so. At least it always happen for me too13:38
dobeyare recipe builders supposed to still be broken?13:38
jelmerizidor: hi13:39
jelmerizidor: it should work without giving a launchpad id if the branch is public13:39
jelmerizidor: how is it failing?13:39
czajkowskidobey: I think there are still delays13:47
dobeyczajkowski: "bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.BzrCommandError: no such option: --allow-fallback-to-native" isn't exactly a dalay though. :)13:49
wgrantdobey: IS is working on that atm13:49
dobeywgrant: ah ok, thanks13:50
izidorjelmer: it just freezes13:56
izidorjelmer: nothing happends13:56
izidorjpds: I tried it on several computers, without success13:57
jelmerizidor: does it give you a warning of some sort?14:00
izidorjelmer: no14:01
izidoronly that about launchpad ID14:02
izidorjelmer: and it doesn't do anything14:02
mgzif it's giving the launchpad ID warning, it should be using http, but could also be xmlrpc lookup sticking14:04
mgzizidor: do `bzr branch -Dhttp lp:~izidor/gtg/collaborative-gtg` then tail .bzr.log14:05
mgzif you're not sure where .bzr.log is `bzr version` will tell you14:06
izidormgz: jelmer: after long time, standard bzr finishes14:11
izidormgz: jelmer: bzr branch -Dhttp works immediately14:11
mgzizidor: hm, wonder if it was some intermittant network issue that has now passed then14:15
izidormgz: probably, it works now14:20
izidormgz: jelmer: thanks for your support14:20
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czajkowskidobey: you ok?15:52
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
mitya57hi, can someone explain what has happened to vcs imports?16:05
mitya57git import branches are not updated since 2012-08-17 and are marked as "has errors"16:05
mitya57examples are lp:nautilus and lp:retext16:06
alo21I am trying to add an email on launchpad, but I do not reiceve any indication email by launchpad16:12
alo21can someone help me, please?16:12
czajkowskimitya57: we did have some issues over the last few days with the maintainence they should be coming back slowly16:13
czajkowskialo21: what do you mean adding an email address where?16:13
alo21czajkowski: I would like to add an emial in my account16:13
alo21czajkowski: but I can't because Lunchpad does not send me any confirmation email16:14
czajkowskialo21: https://launchpad.net/~username/+editemails  have you gone there and added the address?16:15
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
alo21czajkowski: yes16:15
mitya57czajkowski: thanks, hope it'll start working by next week :)16:17
czajkowskialo21: it should send you a link with a verfication code in it16:17
czajkowskialo21: have you checked all of your folders16:17
czajkowskimitya57: it should be fixed sooner than that there are just some delays16:17
alo21czajkowski: yes16:19
alo21czajkowski: I received only this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1157446/16:20
czajkowskialo21: no link in the mail ?16:21
alo21czajkowski: no link and no attachments16:21
czajkowskiwgrant: any idea ?16:21
czajkowskiam now confused16:21
wgrantThat could be a firewall issue16:22
wgrantsince it's DC-internal mail16:22
czajkowskimore firewall issues :)16:23
czajkowskialo21: I can see whats up but this isn't a LP issue16:27
alo21czajkowski: is about my eamil configuration?16:27
czajkowskino it's not a LP specific issue, it's to do with the hosting of the address and a side effect of the downtime16:28
czajkowskilet me go ask elsewhere for you16:28
kashminderhow can i install themes in ubuntu16:41
alo21kashminder: I thins this is not the right channel16:47
alo21kashminder: go #ubuntu please16:47
dobeyczajkowski: uh, i'm fine i think. why?17:03
czajkowskiyou just randomly went hhi17:03
czajkowskiusually followed by something is broken17:03
czajkowskijust checking :)17:03
dobeyczajkowski: oh i was replying to kashminder's 'hi' :)17:03
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
jonrafkindmy build just failed in the 'binary-arch' step because it ran 'dh_auto_configure' which tried to run cmake. why did it try to run cmake?17:42
dobeybecause you have a CMakefiles.txt file?17:42
dobeyalso, probably a question for #ubuntu-packaging as it doesn't really have anything to do with launchpad17:42
jonrafkindoh well, launchpad was the builder thing so I thought it was relevant17:43
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=== Guest32947 is now known as dpb___
ajf_is it known that code imports don't seem to be working? at least two imports have run for me, but the changes aren't being processed20:53
czajkowskiajf_: evening, there was/is a back log20:55
czajkowskilet me see if there is any update.20:55
ajf_hello, yeah I knew about that, it just seems a bit odd/wasteful to do the syncs but then not process the updates from them20:57
czajkowskithedac: ^^^ has more information21:01
czajkowskiajf_: thedac is going to look into it21:01
ajf_cool, thanks czajkowski21:01
czajkowskiajf_: seems it's one of them that's in the back log21:15
czajkowskisorry it should be resolved soon21:15
wgrantajf_: There's an issue with a firewall between the import machines and the codehosting service. We're fixing it now.22:41
wgrantThanks for letting us know.22:41
TheLordOfTimeso... has the recipe bug been fixed?22:42
wgrantTheLordOfTime: Yes22:42
wgrantbzr-builder has been re-upgraded on all the builders22:42
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