
genii-aroundI don't think CCSM ever worked ok00:02
ironhalikhmm, how can I install nvidia-current?00:39
genii-aroundsudo apt-get install nvidia-current ... ?00:40
ironhalikuhm, sorry, there a package missing00:40
genii-around!info nvidia-current00:40
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 295.40-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 32650 kB, installed size 96032 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)00:40
trismironhalik: can't until https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/1037896 is fixed00:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1037896 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu Quantal) "Starting Firefox kills xserver immediately" [Critical,Confirmed]00:41
ironhalikhmm, ok :>00:41
ironhalikmaybe the better question would be: I've got artifacts on my OSS nvidia drivers :>00:41
ironhalikscreen totally corrupted00:42
ironhalikdmsg spits out "nouveau: PFIFO_CACHE_ERROR"00:43
* genii-around screams in the general direction of the nouveau people00:44
ironhalikhmm, killed lightdm and x11, started X'es again and it works ok now00:45
ironhalikwait, theres no mouse00:45
=== Logan_ is now known as i
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=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
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Logan_what on earth02:57
Logan_my close/minimize/maximize buttons just moved to the right side with the latest update02:57
Logan_was this planned?03:02
* Debolaz hopes not.03:04
Logan_did it happen to you as well, Debolaz?03:06
DebolazNo, I havent been on my quantal since llvmpipe broke the world. :)03:06
Logan_that bug should be fixed soon - a fix was committed03:07
Logan_gnome-panel works fine, fwiw03:07
ritzHow do I use LIM on quantal ? ( https://launchpad.net/~unity-team/+archive/lim/+packages )04:42
scarrscairo dock is nicely broken, anyone know how to fix?04:56
KM0201nicely broken04:57
scarrsseriously... was working GREAT in 12.04... did the upgrade today, and now it doesn't work... I uninstalled it, and now synaptic reports it is not installable :-/04:58
scarrsa little help? :)04:59
histo!info cairo-dock05:11
ubottucairo-dock (source: cairo-dock): Light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version (precise), package size 8 kB, installed size 38 kB05:11
histo!info precise cairo-dock05:11
ubottu'cairo-dock' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, stable, testing, unstable05:11
histo!info cairo-dock precise05:11
histo!info cairo-dock precise05:12
ubottucairo-dock (source: cairo-dock): Light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version (precise), package size 8 kB, installed size 38 kB05:12
scarrspardon me, but what am I to do about compositing with NVIDIA cards?06:48
ikoniain what respect, what are you to do ?06:49
scarrsit works in the "ubuntu" interface and gnome3 but not gnome classic06:49
ikoniaprobably because gnome classic is a fail safe fall back, does it support compositing ?06:49
scarrsI am trying to get compositing to work with cairo dock and gnome... help pls :)06:50
ikoniaplease re-read what I said06:50
scarrsmy bad06:50
scarrsthere is gnome with compositing and "gnome no effects" at the lightgdm screen06:52
scarrsI choose gnome and everything appears to start up correctly, but the desktop pager does not work06:52
scarrsand there is no transparancy06:53
scarrsI am pushing ubuntu to end users and at work, but I would like to get my "pre-release" working the same as in 12.0406:54
scarrs...whick includes cairo dock06:54
scarrssynaptic reports that nvidia-current is not installable06:55
scarrsthe ubuntu desktop and gnome3 work just fine, I am looking to get the cairo dock + gnome working06:56
scarrscairo dock reports that no compositor is available06:58
scarrshowever, I can launch cairo dock in the ubuntu (and I'm assuming gnome3) desktop07:00
scarrsand compositing works just fine07:00
ikoniascarrs: are you using an nvidia card ?07:01
ikoniascarrs: ok, so what xorg driver is being used ?07:01
histoscarrs: are you trying to login to the ciaro-dock session?07:01
scarrs1 sec while I check07:02
histoscarrs: also why are you trying to push 12.10 on employees?07:02
scarrsand histo, yes07:02
scarrsI am pushing 12.04 :)07:02
scarrsI would like to get this working for me07:02
scarrsxorg 1.7.707:03
ikoniascarrs: no, what xorg driver are you using07:04
scarrsnot sure which driver I am using :-/07:04
ikoniascarrs: you're not using the nvidia module as you say the nvidia driver can't be installed07:04
ikoniascarrs: ok, well, that's something to check07:04
scarrscommand? (sorry)07:04
ikonialook in the xorg log07:05
ikonialook if you have an xorg.conf (you probably won't)07:05
scarrsI don't07:06
ikoniahang on - you're pushgin out 12.04 ?07:06
histoscarrs: xorg in 12.04 and 12.10 are the same version right now07:06
scarrsI'm puzzled07:06
ikoniascarrs: what version of ubuntu are you having the issue with ?07:06
histoSo am I I don't understand why you are in ubuntu+107:06
scarrsI just upgraded today07:07
scarrswas curious07:07
histoscarrs: well you are going to experience problems in 12.10 prior to it's release it's not finished yet07:07
ikoniaok, so look at what xorg driver is being used07:07
ikoniathat seems a key thing to get information on07:07
scarrsok, omp07:08
scarrsI believe it is falling back to vesa07:10
scarrsshould I try the to install the driver from nvidia?07:10
ikoniaok, so it's unlikly compositing is workin at all07:10
scarrsyou dev's are awesome, btw07:11
scarrsnice job on 12.04 :)07:11
ikoniaI'm not a developer, but thank you07:11
histoI don't believe ikonia is a dev07:11
scarrsmy boss is intrigued with the linux desktop, I want to teach him :)07:12
scarrsok, since I cannot install the nvidia driver in x I am gonna reboot and see if I can install it :)07:14
histoscarrs: then show him 12.04 not 12.1007:14
scarrs(I have, he likes it)07:14
histo!releases | scarrs07:14
ubottuscarrs: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases07:14
Varikonniemii did an update-manager -d on my 12.04 test media host server yesterday and it left it unable to bootsplash even though it loaded the latest nvidia drivers in the ordeal so yes, you can and will run into problems when running development releases of software :=07:39
scarrshello again07:45
WaltherVarikonniemi: I had some problems a couple days back as well, but a update && upgrade cleaned it07:45
scarrscould somebody please tell me how to toggle x so I can boot into just a shell07:46
Varikonniemii have not tried if i can fall to tty1 and do that07:46
Varikonniemictrl-alt-f1 ... f5 i think07:46
Varikonniemithe onl reason for me to ditch 12.04 is that a python process is always left as zombie on all my 12.04 installations07:49
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BluesKajHi all11:25
ironhalikanyone noticed Xorg CPU usage spikes?12:33
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johnjohn101how soon till 12.10 will be working correctly in vmware or virtual box?  just curious.  I guess I have to reload from scratch, right?13:50
histojohnjohn101: it's a developement version do not expect it to be working untill just prior to the release14:14
johnjohn101histo:  i was testing on vmware player and now it's broken.  I guess I can wait for beta in a few weeks.   Loved the unity changes so far14:21
Logan_johnjohn101: https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/102110414:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1021104 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Severe damage artefacts and flickering when using LLVMpipe" [Critical,Triaged]14:21
Logan_Should be fixed soon. A fix was already committed to the Compiz repository.14:21
johnjohn101Logan_:  thanks, I stupidly applied updates after you mentioned the other day and voila..it broke14:23
Logan_I've been using gnome-panel, which works fine with LLVMpipe.14:23
lamalexhave there been security changes in Q to prevent strace from running? do i need to set up some special permissions to run  it now?14:37
WaltherHey - when can I install nvidia-current again?14:58
WaltherI'm having a thoroughly laggy desktop experience as my laptop tries to have all the desktop effects without using HW acceleration15:02
Walther...my little Atom can't quite keep up15:02
WaltherI would indeed have Nvidia Ion15:02
PiciWalther: not sure, the latest email I see here about nvidia just says that you'll need to wait until a new version becomes available.15:19
Waltherwell, thanks15:30
Waltherat least I know the issue is known and it's being worked on15:30
Waltherbut it seems that the whatever driver I'm on has some serious issues as well15:31
Waltherantialiasing and color gradients are rather borked15:32
Walther(e.g. buttons)15:32
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ironhalikhmm - why is there the whole /run/ dir?16:19
WaltherYeah, what happened with the /media/ and /run/16:21
Waltherpreviously all the mounts went nicely to /media, now they go to /run/media/username/folder16:22
ironhalikI guess its for users multiple users do do their own mounts16:22
ironhalikbut it would be nice to be able to set it to the old behaviour16:22
genii-aroundIs there some issue between nepomukservicestub and nvidia driver?16:50
trismgenii-around: there are issues with the proprietary driver and the current version of xorg in quantal16:55
genii-aroundtrism: OK. I found nvidia-current groaned about abi versions, putting ignoreabi  in xorg.conf allowed lightdm to work, but after desktop finished loading, kicked back to lightdm again. xsession-errors was pointing at nepomukservicestub. I'm back on nouveau for the time being.17:01
trismgenii-around: yeah, the abi 13 was dropped in -ubuntu4 because there was a structure change that the nvidia guy was unaware of, and it caused the driver to call an invalid pointer and crash the server, it is supposed to be fixed in the version after 304.3717:03
trismgenii-around: it works for some things, but if you say, try to start firefox or run the unity desktop, it crashes immediately17:04
trismgenii-around: probably the same sort of issue in kde17:05
genii-aroundtrism: Yes, as soon as plasma-desktop finishes loading up, kicks out again17:08
genii-around( kde 4.9.0 )17:08
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shadeslayeranyone else seeing this : http://paste.kde.org/537338/18:12
shadeslayer( that's in a chroot btw )18:13
shadeslayerit's a issue in cups18:16
shadeslayerhappens on my normal install as well18:16
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trismshadeslayer: kind of strange, initctl should be installed with upstart, so it should be there18:25
shadeslayertrism: yeah, idk ... someone uploaded a new package18:25
shadeslayerlooks like somone tried to fix bug 1031583, but made a mistake somewhere18:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1031583 in cups (Ubuntu) "dmesg reports: apparmor="DENIED" for cupsd" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103158318:27
shadeslayerthe diff looks fairly non intrusive18:27
shadeslayerthe fun part is that I can't even install a earlier version18:28
* shadeslayer reports bug18:29
trismshadeslayer: yeah I'm not sure that is the issue though, it upgraded fine here, is /sbin/initctl actually present? maybe a path issue?18:29
shadeslayer% which initctl                                                                                                                                                                         shadeslayer@solembum18:29
shadeslayerso yeah18:29
shadeslayerAppArmor parser error for /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.cupsd in /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.cupsd at line 24: Invalid capability block_suspend.18:29
shadeslayermaybe I need a newer apparmor18:30
shadeslayerwhat's weird is that the chroot doesn't find initctl18:33
shadeslayerahh figured it out18:38
trismwhat was it? I could get the start to fail by adding an invalid apparmor option, but I couldn't get the initctl not found message18:40
shadeslayertrism: dpkg-divert --local --rename --add /sbin/initctl18:49
shadeslayerln -s /bin/true /sbin/initctl18:49
shadeslayerdon't think upstart will work in a chroot18:50
shadeslayerwhich is probably why it failed18:50
peterrusanyone currently using dropbox on quantal?21:03
peterrusmine doesnt connect21:03
ior3kworking fine here21:03
ironhalikmine too21:10
ironhalikbut I installed it from their site, not via apt21:10
ironhalikso you could try that21:11
FernandoMiguelmy font just changed21:12
FernandoMiguelpeterrus: mine been like that for a few weeks21:12
ironhalikWelcome to software quality assurance :>21:12
FernandoMiguelboth stable and forum build21:13
FernandoMiguelI'm not sure what to think about the font S:21:13
FernandoMiguelpeterrus: dropbox still works fine21:13
FernandoMiguelyou just can't click on the notifications of changed files21:13
peterrusironhalik, did that as well still cant connect21:14
ironhalikwell, dunno - mine connects21:15
peterrusI have no firewall enabled afaik21:15
peterrusa mystery21:15
FernandoMiguelErrors were encountered while processing:21:15
FernandoMiguel /var/cache/apt/archives/nautilus-dropbox_1.4.0-2_amd64.deb21:15
FernandoMiguellet me try to downgrade nautilus dropb21:15
ironhalikabout mysteries - my main display randomly turns black ;>21:15
ironhalikneed to kill Xorg21:15
FernandoMiguelonly have the current version of nautilus-db21:16
ironhalikhmm, to be exact - I installed nautilus-dropbox, when I wanted to start it, it opened dropbox website, where I downloaded their package and installed21:16
FernandoMiguelwhy is apt so bad in getting older versions :(21:16
peterrusironhalik, thats what I currently have, i am pretty sure it was updated a few days ago21:26
peterrusit will just redownload the latest daemon from the site21:31
peterrusso that does not work21:31
peterrusthis might just have something to do with a specific file it cant sync21:32
peterrusI give up xd21:34
peterrusremoved my dropbox-dist and let it reinstall21:35
peterrusremoved .dropbox21:35
peterrustried previous version, which just downloads the latest daemon21:35
peterrustime for the expirimental build21:36
peterrusto no avail21:38
peterrusthe ubuntu version of dropbox installs to /var/lib/.dropbox-dist21:41
peterruswhile dropbox's stock version installs to ~/.dropbox-dist21:41
peterrusif you're trying to install the expirimental version over the stock version21:44
peterrusremember that21:44
peterrusstill nothing solved though21:44
pinchmeshlo all... can i symlink opensslv2 to v1?? Docs say the coding uses a different numbering system.21:50
pinchmesh12.04 comes with v1, but cad programs require v221:51
pinchmeshworked about a week, then something changed...21:54
pinchmeshnow, errors about sslv2 not found, and multiple application/mime errors21:55
pinchmeshscreen has multiple lines and black areas that change in scale... so they are not in the files21:56
pinchmeshhappens with two different cad programs, so the problem is prolly the os.22:01
jtaylorsslv2 is removed22:02
jtaylorits deprecated since ages22:02
jtayloryou should use v322:02
pinchmeshsomeone said maybe 5 years ago..22:02
pinchmeshv2 is insecure anyway22:03
jtaylorI think the only way to get v2 is back is recompile the package with support for it22:03
pinchmesh12.04 uses v1.0.022:03
jtaylorbetter bug the cad distributors to update22:03
pinchmeshv2 sucks..22:03
pinchmeshyeah, agree jtaylor22:04
pinchmeshwhy would things work... then stop???22:04
jtaylorsupport for v2 was removed in 11.10 or 12.04, don't remember22:05
pinchmeshlong time ago22:05
jtaylorin ubuntu I mean, it was likely unsupported upstream much longer22:06
pinchmeshah, ok22:06
jtaylorthere is probably a simple --enable/disable flag in the build of the openssl package22:07
pinchmeshthere must be a setting somewhere to link v2 to v122:07
jtaylorbut only do that if you really need to, as self built package don't profit from security support22:07
jtaylorits v2 or v322:07
jtaylorits the ssl protocol version, its independend of the openssl version number22:08
jtaylor1.0.0 and the older 0.9.X both have v2 and v3, though since some time v2 is disabled22:08
pinchmeshthe package manager says i have v122:08
pinchmeshahhh.. /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgnutls-openssl.so.27.0.022:15
pinchmeshbut libc is also there..22:15
pinchmeshmaybe it just need to be renamed, or linked22:16
pinchmeshpath problem???22:18
jtaylorno, you mix up version numbers22:20
jtaylorthe package version and the protocol version are two different things22:20
jtaylorwhat kind of errors do you get?22:20
pinchmeshSSLv2 client and server not found.... then a ton of application/mime errors22:21
jtayloryes there is no way around that besides recompiling22:21
pinchmeshcrap.... lots to lose22:21
pinchmeshthere's a lot of symlinks in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu22:22
jtayloryes thats how shared libraries work in distributions22:23
jtaylorlots of symlinks22:23
jtaylorthere is one abi/api version, usually named .so.X which links to the actual library22:23
jtaylorand .so which links to the newest available for development22:23
pinchmeshahhh, I forgot that22:24
pinchmeshbeen a long time since I fooled with it22:25
pinchmeshlrwxrwxrwx   1 root root       35 Aug  1 14:22 libssl.so -> /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.0.022:31
pinchmeshwhat about this??22:31
pinchmeshlook at the date22:31
jtaylorwhat about it?22:32
pinchmeshI'm wondering what has changed22:34
jtaylorthere was a security update in may that accidentally disabled TLS 1.1, but that was fixed quickly22:35
pinchmeshwhole bunch was changed this month22:36
=== Logan_ is now known as Fluffer
Dr_Willisyea. webapps started working.. nvidia-current.. broke.. ;P23:41
Dr_Willisbut now i have a reddit webapp.. so  its all good. ;P23:42

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