
coolbhavihey dpm jocarter mhall119 ajmitch wendar :)06:48
dpmhey coolbhavi, how are you doing?06:48
coolbhavidpm, I'm fine you?06:48
dpmfine too, had a nice long weekend :)06:49
coolbhavigreat :) was just having a look at the app showdown sheet for the remaining uploads and +2's :)06:52
dholbachgood morning07:04
dpmhey dholbach and ajmitch07:13
dholbachhey dpm07:13
* ajmitch needs to hunt down some time for more voting07:15
ajmitchI need to keep up with coolbhavi after all :)07:16
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
mhall119coolbhavi: are you updating the spreadsheet when something gets published?12:58
coolbhavimhall119, I'm updating the votes not the statuses12:59
coolbhavimhall119, btw is there any formula on the sheet to change the status?13:01
mhall119change it on the Submissions page, and it'll update everywhere else13:01
mhall119the "ARB Stage" column13:02
dpmI've been keeping the statuses and votes up to date, but haven't touched the spreadsheet today yet13:42
coolbhavidpm, I'm updating the votes now13:46
dpmcool, thanks coolbhavi!13:48
coolbhavino mention dpm :)13:54
coolbhaviand thanks mhall119 for the info14:08
coolbhavigood night!16:24
jocartermhall119: google+ has conditioned me too much, I was looking for a +1 button on your last mail to the arb list to try to show some support for the idea :)19:04
mhall119you should suggest that to Mozilla, a +1 button that just sends that as a Reply-All19:25
ajmitchjocarter: hah :)20:12

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