
nigelbdaker: tarmac back up. Needed help to figure out the error.05:08
nigelbdaker: your MP is now merged.05:08
dholbachgood morning07:04
dholbachdaker, Eid mubarak!07:28
elfymorning dholbach07:30
dholbachhi elfy07:31
czajkowskidaker: nigelb either of ye around?10:40
nigelbczajkowski: I am, what's up?10:59
czajkowskinigelb: any way to set a ser11:00
czajkowskicertain picture cert on loco.u.c11:00
czajkowskii used the tag ubuntu11:00
czajkowskibut it was then showing up naked people11:00
czajkowskinot really what I want to see on there11:00
czajkowskiso have removed the microtag ubuntu for the images11:00
nigelbThis is the identica feed or twitter feed?11:01
czajkowskiis there a way to make it only show *safe* images?11:01
nigelbFrom flickr?11:01
czajkowskiso have turned it to ugj atm11:01
nigelbWe don't store anything about the image. We pull everything with a certain tag.11:02
AlanBellhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/ubuntu like that11:02
nigelbLet me look if flickr api gives me more control.11:03
AlanBellcurious thing is that the photos are not tagged with ubuntu as far as I can see11:03
nigelbIt is tagged with buuntu11:03
czajkowskiyeah some people will not like some of those images showing up11:04
AlanBelloh, maybe they are, I was kind of expecting the tags to be alphabetical11:04
nigelbwhat happens if we flag that photo?11:04
* nigelb tries.11:05
nigelbczajkowski: For the moment, we can't do much besides reporting that photo :(11:10
AlanBellnigelb: I think if you are including a tag you can exclude other tags11:11
AlanBellin this instance the racy pictures are tagged adult as well11:11
nigelbAlanBell: that sounds like the way to go11:18
nigelbI don't have an LTP setup, so if anyone wants to submit an MP, I'll approve it in.11:18
czajkowskinigelb: nods thanks11:20
czajkowskifor the time being I've turned off the tag ubuntu and replaced it with ugj11:20
* AlanBell wonders if it is art11:25
AlanBellczajkowski: where do you put the tag? on the team page it is a flickr user id rather than a tag11:26
czajkowskiAlanBell: dur the event people tag things11:26
czajkowskiwhen I create the event I pic the tag to be used11:26
czajkowskiI chose ubuntu as this was requested from jono and others the last time instead of the ugj11:27
AlanBellok, global events have more fields than team events it seems11:28
AlanBellczajkowski: looking at the code I suspect if you put in "ubuntu,-adult" it would11:32
AlanBelldo the right thing11:32
czajkowskithe tag wont let you add that on the front end11:34
czajkowskiperhaps back end ?11:34
AlanBellmaybe, I don't have an LTP setup either and would probably need flickr api keys or something to get that bit working11:40
AlanBellwe totally need to ditch identi.ca from the code too11:40
AlanBelllocodir about 728 days ago: ♺ @czajkowski: LoCo Directory - Useful if kept up to date http://ur1.ca/17f7u #locoteams #ubuntu !ubuntu11:41
czajkowskiAlanBell: aye I'd agree however some people get rather upset if you say that11:45
AlanBellwell they should say stuff on it more frequently than every 728 days then :)11:45
czajkowskiI dont use my account at all11:46
czajkowskigot tired of people on trying to take over11:46
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
nigelbAlanBell: don't need keys11:58
nigelbAlanBell: that particular API endpoint doesn't need authentication11:58
dakerdholbach: thanks :)11:59
dakerczajkowski: what ?11:59
vibhavToday is the deadline for sponsorship, right?12:02
vibhavs/sponsorship/sponsorship applications/12:02
czajkowskidaker: read up ^^12:03
vibhavAlanBell: So reviewing of applications start from tomorrow?12:03
dakerczajkowski: where do you see the pictures ?12:03
AlanBellvibhav: it takes a while12:03
dakerAlanBell: we have a fix for identica, but we need ti wait until the new layout of the LTP is finished12:04
AlanBelldaker: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1901/detail/ is the page, which is a separate template to normal events12:04
dakeryes i know12:05
czajkowskidaker: I've removed the tag so the picutres are no longer in view12:05
czajkowskihead away back in an hour12:05
vibhavnigelb: ping12:12
snap-lActually, identi.ca has lost some of the louder idiots12:17
snap-land by idiots, I mean the folks that I respectfully wish wouldn't dogpile on other people.12:18
snap-lIt's pretty quiet over there.12:19
nigelbvibhav: pong12:43
vibhavnigelb: pm?12:45
elfyhi nigelb12:46
nigelbsure, go ahead. I'm not at the keyboard much today though.12:47
nigelbHey elfy :)12:47
elfyhow's things - busy I guess :)12:47
nigelbMoving day. Hectic, heh.12:49
elfyyea - moving home?12:49
elfyif so - not the most peaceful of days - have fun :)12:50
jonodpm, mhall119 can we have a quick call?13:55
dpmjono, sure13:56
jonodpm, lets see if this works, I am in a hotel on their wifi13:57
jonodpm, can we do skype?13:58
jonoG+ is not gonna work13:58
dpmjono, sure, let me grab the phone, skype does not work on my PC13:58
jonodpm, want me to call your home phone?13:58
dpmjono, skype is fine, just logging in13:59
mhall119jono: sorry wasn't paying attention to IRC14:11
mhall119I can jump on a call now14:11
dpmmhall119, no worries, we've basically discussed what you and Jono talked already on Friday. Anything else I can bring you up to date on our call later on14:25
jonomhall119, dpm I just sent you guys an email with next steps14:30
czajkowskicjohnston: might be f interest to you and other summit hackers, https://github.com/CampFireManager/cfm214:32
czajkowskiwe use it for oggcamp and it's used at other conferences14:32
dpmjono, got it, thanks14:32
czajkowskiyou cna do submissions via QR codes, sms14:32
mhall119hmmm, thunderbird+lightning in Quantal isn't loading my calendars...14:35
dholbachjono, are we going to have our call today?15:00
jonodholbach, I am off work today15:01
dholbachah sorry15:01
dholbachthen enjoy your day off15:01
jonoso far I have been working since 7 am ;-)15:02
dholbachman, get off the network15:04
mhall119he never said he was good at taking time off15:06
jonodholbach, just checking in a few things while the wife is in bed :-)15:06
jonomhall119, heh15:07
technovikingwhat is the IS channel, my @ubuntu.com stopped working15:11
czajkowskitechnoviking: canonical-sysadmin15:11
czajkowskion freenode15:12
bkerensaboy never again will I paint a room Orange :P this is taking so many coats15:16
elfydid you not undercoat first lol15:19
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow :)16:11
bkerensaelfy: Nah the paint has primer built in16:13
bkerensaBehr Premium Plus Ultra16:14
elfynever heard of that make - but that's possibly to be expected16:15
pleia2they're the main paint brand sold by Home Depot, so they're pretty popular here16:30
jcastrobkerensa: I proposed orange for our new house's color pallette16:39
jcastroI was immediately declined16:39
bkerensajcastro: well you were supposed to pitch Aubergine16:39
jcastrosame result16:39
elfypleia2: bit like crown and dulux here then I guess16:47
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
jcastropopey: hey what kernel are you using on your microserver currently?18:36
popeyjcastro, Linux homeserver 3.4.0-030400rc6-generic #201205061835 SMP Sun May 6 22:36:08 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:46
mhall119wow, bzr qdiff on quatal just totally owned by system20:05

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