
pittiGood morning everyone03:33
ritzrobert_ancell, morning , busy ? https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4817703:33
ubot2`Freedesktop bug 48177 in general "performance of accounts-daemon is very poor" [Normal,New: ]03:33
robert_ancellritz, always...03:35
pittihey robert_ancell, how are you?03:36
ritzrobert_ancell, oh ! I was wondering what is your opinion about the resolution for this issue.03:36
ritzI have created a branch on lp for this https://code.launchpad.net/~khadgaray/junk/accountsserivce-limit-user03:36
ritzwhere I read of logins.def, and limit it to UID_MAX_G03:36
ritzand intend to set a variable say overflow, to let lightdm/gdm/and others know to enable manual login03:38
robert_ancellritz, what's said in the bug reports makes sense to me. The workaround is probably not to use a user list in lightdm but as pointed out we don't have a good solution for if you haven't configured that03:38
robert_ancellsounds good03:38
robert_ancellpitti, hey03:38
robert_ancellritz, yeah, if the accounts service dbus interface had a "user overflow" flag or similar I could make lightdm/unity-greeter just go for manual login03:39
ritzrobert_ancell, sweet, thanks. accountsservice/indicator-session and quite a few other apps can be painful03:39
robert_ancellpitti, do you know much about librest?03:39
* pitti looks that up in apt03:40
pittinever heard of it :(03:40
robert_ancellpitti, you patched it!03:40
pittioh, the thread deprecation03:41
pittibut AFAICS that's upstream now, we are in sync03:41
robert_ancellpitti, yeah, I was just doing the update, I'm pretty sure 0.7.90 is a stable release and we should have 0.8.0 by GNOME 3.603:42
robert_ancellit's very light on a NEWS file etc03:42
pittiprobably best to have a look at the full diff to get an impression of the type of changes03:45
robert_ancellyeah I had a look at that, mostly just additions03:45
robert_ancellSweetsha1k, hey03:50
robert_ancellSweetsha1k, is libreoffice 3.6.0~rc4 ==
desrtrobert_ancell: hacking dconf stuff again? :)03:55
robert_ancelldesrt, updating a package to use the latest dconf03:55
robert_ancellbut that codes just temporary anyway03:55
desrtsurprised to hear that it uses dconf...03:55
robert_ancellit's a workaround I believe03:55
RAOFHas anyone else seen a bunch of gconf crashes?04:00
RAOFLooking like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/banshee/+bug/103692004:01
ubot2`RAOF: Error: <Bugtracker.plugin.Launchpad instance at 0xa2d980c> bug 1036920 not found04:01
robert_ancellRAOF, stop using gconf?04:04
RAOFrobert_ancell: Well, that would be nice, of course.04:05
RAOFBut crashing anything that still uses gconf isn't really a nice deprecation schedule :)04:05
robert_ancellRAOF, you've discovered our impatient master plan04:08
robert_ancellRAOF, is anything else still using it for comparison?04:08
RAOFrobert_ancell: Basically everything C#04:08
RAOFThe things that I've noticed doing it are Tomboy & Banshee.04:09
smspillazRAOF: only think in PS using gconf at this point is compiz and gtk-window-decorator04:37
smspillazboth of which are being migrated over to other things as we speak04:37
robert_ancellsmspillaz, migrate faster!04:41
smspillazrobert_ancell: but tests :(05:34
robert_ancellwell, tests are good too05:34
smspillazrobert_ancell: turns out that writing tons of GObject boilerplate is really really labor intensive ..05:35
robert_ancellsmspillaz, they invented a language for that. Vala05:35
smspillazrobert_ancell: "lets rewrite X in vala!"05:35
smspillaz"but first, here's a dead horse to beat!"05:36
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tkamppeterRAOF, hi07:13
RAOFtkamppeter: Hi!07:17
Sweetsha1krobert_ancell: 3.6.0~rc4 = = 3.6.0 final07:18
Sweetsha1kMoin all!07:18
tkamppeterRAOF, you have found some issues in cups.postinst?07:22
RAOFtkamppeter: Yeah, I did. However, I was misreading the versions we have, so it's not actually a problem.07:23
Sweetsha1khmmm, launchpad seems to be full of fail today. every second thing I do there leads to a "we are sorry-screen"07:26
RAOFtkamppeter: There does still seem to be some sort of regression in cups 1.5.3-0ubuntu3; see the last couple of messages on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/97327007:26
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 973270 in system-config-printer "Printer does not provide REQUIRED job history." [High,Fix released]07:26
tkamppeterRAOF, commented on the postinst stuff in bug 1037845.07:29
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1037845 in cups "[precise-updates] Cups 1.5.0-0ubuntu2 has incorrect postinst" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103784507:29
tkamppeterRAOF, about bug 973270, the IPP printing should be all OK, but users with problems in IPP printing need to switch to the ipp14 backend as instructed in this bug report (would we need to add something to the Release Notes here?).07:31
ubot2`Launchpad bug 973270 in system-config-printer "Printer does not provide REQUIRED job history." [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97327007:31
tkamppeterRAOF, the problem happens with USB printing and only for very few people. It is described by bug 995111.07:33
ubot2`Launchpad bug 995111 in cups "Print failure since upgrade to 12.04" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99511107:33
RAOFtkamppeter: The reporter is probably seeing a regression of bug 995111 rather than 973270; cups 1.5.3-0ubuntu2 works, cups 1.5.3-0ubuntu3 does not work. Is that what you were expecting?07:33
tkamppeterRAOF, the problem is in the USB backend. As it is currently, it works for the vast majority of users, but there are some printers for which it needs exception rules. With the transition from 0ubuntu2 to 0ubuntu3 I have changed these exception rules as some users have problems. What happened now is that an additional printer needs its exception rule.07:35
RAOFtkamppeter: Ok. So, we have two options: revert 0ubuntu3, or do a 0ubuntu4 fixing this regression. How certain are you that you can do a 0ubuntu4 that fixes the regressions from 0ubuntu3?07:39
tkamppeterRAOF, I am looking now whether something went wrong in my last change of exception rules, especially if it did not break all Samsung printers. If so, we should do another update to 0ubuntu4 to fix the Samsungs. If it is a single Samsung which causes problems we do not necessarily do the fix in
tkamppeterRAOF, we should not step back as we then break a bunch of Canon printers.07:40
seb128hey desktopers07:44
tkamppeterRAOF, I found it, it actually breaks all Samsungs. How should I proceed to get the fix quickly into 12.04.1?07:56
pittibonjour seb128, ça va?08:00
seb128oh, it's a pitti08:00
seb128pitti, ca va bien ! how are you?08:01
seb128had nice holidays?08:01
pittiseb128: je vais bien, merci! J'ai un bon vacances!08:01
seb128I saw you started catching up with emails on the crazy whoopsie discussion on -release ;-)08:01
pittiJ'aime Strasbourg08:01
pittithis was the end of our Bodensee/Rhine tour08:02
pittiwe finished a bit early (returned last Wednesday) and spent the other days on some cleanup, plumbing, swimming, and table tennis08:02
pittiseb128: heh, yeah; I devote today to bug and mail catch up08:02
seb128yeah, Strasbourg is a nice city!08:03
seb128I hope GUADEC is there next year ;-)08:03
pittiI'd love that08:03
pitti(I don't know conjunctives yet)08:03
seb128pitti, j'aimerai ça ;-)08:06
pittiseb128: that's one word?08:06
pittiseb128: is -rai a standard suffix?08:08
larsuhey pitti, welcome back08:08
larsumorning seb12808:08
pittii. e. would "Je lisrai" mean "I would read"?08:08
pittihey larsu, wie gehts?08:08
pittiseb128: anyway, that's probably still 10 lessons away :)08:09
larsugut! Had one beer too many last night ;)08:09
pittilarsu: with this heat, one beer is one too many08:09
seb128pitti, it's one of the standard ones, "je lirais"08:09
pittiseb128: ah, and "il lirait"?08:10
seb128Laney, larsu: hey08:10
seb128pitti, correct08:10
pitti"vous liraisons"?08:10
pittierr, "nous"08:10
seb128pitti, no, "vous liriez"08:10
pitti"vous liraisez", I gess08:10
pittiah, darn08:10
seb128"nous lirons"08:10
seb128"vous lirez" (sorry, typo)08:11
seb128larsu, did you drink to forget about the coming week madness? :p08:11
seb128feature freeze, always a "fun" time08:12
larsuseb128, not really, was in good company (some open source people met in Berlin)08:12
larsutotally didn't think about ff08:12
seb128great ;-)08:12
Laneymy ISP decided to end my connection early :(08:14
seb128Laney, oh, where are you connecting from? borrowing the neighbour's internet? ;-)08:16
jibelmvo, logs with assertion error message from autopkgtest for software center: http://people.canonical.com/~j-lallement/software-center.log08:16
Laneyseb128: I'm tethering with my phone08:16
jibelmessages* even08:16
Laneyget quite a strong 3G signal so it's not so bad08:16
Laneywas supposed to switch to my new house on Thursday, ho hum08:17
seb128it's 2012 and those companies still don't know how to handle those things correctly...08:18
mvojibel: nice! how did you do that?08:20
pittihey mvo, how are you?08:21
jibelmvo, I ran it manually in the lab.08:21
* pitti waves to Laney08:21
Laneyhey pitti, how are you?08:21
Laneywell rested?08:21
pittiindeed I am! had a really nice holiday08:22
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Laneymentally, if not physically ;-)08:22
pittiboth actually :)08:22
Laneyso... would you be so kind as to review my l-s branch to kill voodoo in a bit? :P08:24
seb128Laney, try offering a beer or some cookies to pitti, who knows he might be in good enough mood after his holidays to sign for that review ;-)08:26
mvojibel: I have a branch that should add the failure automatically, will be part of the next upload, but thanks, I hope I can fix some on the way to the next upload08:26
mvopitti: hey! I'm good, thanks, how are you?08:26
seb128joke aside I don't know who knows about those stuff, I can have a sanity check look but I don't know enough about the topic to do an useful review I think08:27
Laneywell it's only code deletion really08:27
LaneyI just want to make sure I deleted the right bits08:27
pittiLaney: I can have a look, yes; not that I would know much about fontconfig myself, but two pairs of clueless eyes might still be better than one :)08:28
pittimvo: splendid, thanks! I ♥ Bodensee and Rhein :)08:29
mvopitti: very nice!08:31
Sweetsha1khmm, I need some dbus help: I want to call the IsInstalled method on the org.freedesktop.PackageKit.Query interface. I am giving it a "(ssb)" g_variant and get complains that it wants 3 params, but I am giving 4.08:41
Sweetsha1khttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1156838/ <- here is the code. Any hints?08:42
seb128Sweetsha1k, what error do you get exactly?08:47
pittiSweetsha1k: the g_variant_new looks ok, except for the & before bResult -- does it really want a bool*, not a bool?08:47
Sweetsha1kerror is: "GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.TypeError: TypeError: IsInstalled() takes exactly 3 arguments (4 given)"08:48
pittiseb128: oh08:49
pittierr, Sweetsha1k08:49
pittiyeah, c'est aptdaemon08:49
Sweetsha1kpitti: maybe Im getting that completely wrong ;) the bool is an out param, so giving a bool by value cant work. But appearantly, what I do doesnt work either.08:49
pittiI don't find any method "IsInstalled" in PK or aptdaemon, hm08:50
Sweetsha1kthis is what dbus-binding-tool generates from the xml: dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "IsInstalled", error, G_TYPE_STRING, IN_package_name, G_TYPE_STRING, IN_interaction, G_TYPE_INVALID, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, OUT_installed, G_TYPE_INVALID);08:51
Sweetsha1kpitti: its in gnome-packagekit/src/*.xml08:51
pittioh, that's the session installer stuff, sorry08:52
pittiSweetsha1k: right08:52
pitti                          in_signature="ss", out_signature="b",08:52
pittiSweetsha1k: don't supply the result as a paramter08:52
pittiSweetsha1k: you'll get the out ones in the GVariant that g_dbus_proxy_call_sync returns08:53
pittii. e. that will be (b)08:53
Sweetsha1kpitti: ah! doh. In the example I was cargo cult copying, the returnvalue was never used.08:56
Sweetsha1kpitti: I assume I am owner of the returned g_variant then and need to free it?08:56
pittiSweetsha1k: right: Returns :08:57
pittiNULL if error is set. Otherwise a GVariant tuple with return values. Free with g_variant_unref().08:57
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:59
Sweetsha1kpitti: k, thanks. sexy manual memory management. As you can see I wrote a wrapper right away for that because it scares me.09:00
pitti"Vala!" *cough*09:01
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Sweetsha1koh, somebody declared my blogpost as the mission statement. charming!09:08
Sweetsha1k*grumble* gvariants are no gobjects *grumble*09:14
mlankhorstthat's a weird mission statement to have09:16
Sweetsha1kmlankhorst: huh?09:17
* mlankhorst declared your irc statement as mission statement!09:17
Sweetsha1kmlankhorst: ah yeah!09:18
RAOFSweetsha1k: It'd be *far* too easy if all of glib had a uniform object structure!09:18
* Sweetsha1k feels observed.09:18
Sweetsha1kglib is awesome! *thumbs-up*09:18
mlankhorstYou know, I refuse to make that a mission statement out of principle!09:20
Sweetsha1kg_variant unpacking in glib is just as much fun as com::sun::uno::Any unpacking in LibreOffice.09:20
mlankhorstNow THAT'S a statement!09:21
chrisccoulsoni wish we could see the names of people who select "Yes, it affects me" button in Launchpad09:21
chrisccoulsoni swear that somebody is just going through every bug and selecting that without even reading the description09:21
chrisccoulsoneg, bug 628631, auto-confirmed at the weekend09:22
ubot2`Launchpad bug 628631 in firefox "var/crash/_usr_lib_firefox_firefox-bin.1000.crash" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62863109:22
chrisccoulsonjust like 100's of others in my inbox09:22
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, how are you?09:33
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, good thanks. how are you? did you have a good weekend?09:33
mejoI've some questions regarding unity 2d and dualhead mode, is this the right channel?09:33
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good thanks, I had though weather was not so nice, too warm here (over 38°C yesterday)09:34
mejoperformance is really bad here, and unity (3d, with compiz) doesn't support the required display resolution.09:34
Sweetsha1k\o/ LibreOffice has become selfaware. It knows how much of it is installed (and in two hours, I hope I taught it to install more).09:34
seb128mejo, hi, try #ubuntu-unity rather09:34
Sweetsha1k\o/ LibreOffice has become selfaware. It knows how much of it is installed (and in two hours, I hope I taught it to install more).09:34
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, was pretty warm here yesterday too. i spent the entire day outside, cleaning the car09:35
Sweetsha1kIm not so sure really, if that is a good thing -- that quote from T2 about SkyNet comes to mind.09:35
seb128Sweetsha1k, nice09:35
mejoseb128, thanks for advice, I'll do so :)09:35
Laneya whole day to clean the car? must have been really bad!09:35
Sweetsha1kStarBasic macros in your document installing universe ;)09:35
seb128chrisccoulson, water, clever move ;-)09:35
chrisccoulsonLaney, i don't do half a job ;)09:35
chrisccoulsoni washed it, got rid of some scratches, polished it, waxed it, polished all of the glass and plastic trim, and then gutted the inside of it too09:36
chrisccoulsonit looks like new!09:36
jasoncwarner_chrisccoulson: now would be the time to sell the car ;)09:43
chrisccoulsonheh :)09:49
chrisccoulsoni did have a little helper: http://ubuntuone.com/70Oi8mNc7EO89LxuifRswB09:49
chrisccoulsonand http://ubuntuone.com/535JCGT1mYUmuVAI7m8yBK09:49
jasoncwarner_chrisccoulson: awww...that's cute:) did she get some money out of the deal? allowance?09:54
chrisccoulsonshe did remove the money from the drivers door pocket afterwards ;)09:54
jasoncwarner_ha! so like a typical carwash ;)09:54
mvorobu: good morning, thanks for your u-m review, do you run the tests on a i386 system by any chance? it should work there too, I'm looking for clues why the test is failing for you currently09:59
seb128mvo, you forgot a "r"10:03
seb128robru, ^10:03
seb128chrisccoulson, good, she didn't even try to clean it with a rock or something? ;-)10:04
seb128the kids are no fun nowadays :p10:04
chrisccoulsonseb128, she did drop her sponge on the floor a couple of times, but i managed to grab it before her so i could wash the grit out of it ;)10:04
seb128chrisccoulson, ;-)10:05
ogra_hmm, did you guys drop metacity from the CD along with uniity-2d ?10:09
ogra_seems non GL machines cant even start ubiquity-dm now10:09
ogra_(Bug 1037515)10:10
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1037515 in ubiquity "ubiquity-dm crashed with MissingProgramError in run(): No window manager found (tried metacity, xfwm4, matchbox-window-manager, openbox-lubuntu, openbox)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103751510:10
dpmhi pitti, I hope you had a great holiday! When you've got a minute, would you mind double-checking the langpack crontab? I updated it with the new build times for Quantal, but I wasn't sure if the quantal line needed a 'quantal-updates' or some other location10:10
pittihey dpm, thanks for covering!10:10
seb128ogra_, if ubiquity-dm needs it, it should depends on it10:11
pittidpm: no, just "quantal"10:11
seb128ogra_, I guess it falled out by lack of depends putting it on the iso10:11
dpmpitti, np, ok, let me change that :)10:11
ogra_seb128, it needs *a* wm and will work fine with compiz ...10:11
chrisccoulsonseb128, oh, me and ruby also made ice cream this weekend :)10:11
pittidpm: I don't see a quantal line? and the other releases are all disabled10:11
ogra_just not on machines that cant run it10:11
chrisccoulson(which i've still not eaten yet!)10:11
seb128chrisccoulson, hum, yummy, I want ice cream! ;-)10:11
chrisccoulsoni might go and eat some in a bit ;)10:12
seb128lucky you ;-)10:12
seb128what flavor did you pick?10:12
dpmpitti, oh, I just needed to :q, now it should be installed and up to date10:12
chrisccoulsonwe made peach flavour10:12
pittidpm: looks good to me, thanks! (I assume the days match the LP export days?)10:13
seb128chrisccoulson, refreshing by a hot summer day, I like that ;-)10:13
dpmpitti, yeah, the exports were set up a while ago, I'm just updating the wiki page with the info about the times now10:14
Laneyupdating vala10:50
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ogra_chrisccoulson, hrm ... is there any limit in the amount of tabs that FF can show ? since today the little side scrolling arrow from the tab bar doesnt allow me to get to the last tab in the list anymore10:52
ogra_i can select it from the pulldown list ... but cant reach the tab to close it10:52
ogra_(thats precise)10:53
seb128Laney, oh, while you are looking at vala...10:56
seb128bug #103884310:56
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1038843 in librsvg "Update to 2.36.2" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103884310:56
seb128Laney, we should maybe build vala-0.18 without --disable-unversioned10:56
Laneyoh i see10:56
seb128Laney, no, see the comment ;-)10:56
seb128Laney, I think the way it was done in the past is that the "default" vala version (e.g the one providing "valac") would build without --disable-unversioned10:57
seb128that should probably be 0.18 in quantal10:58
Laneyit didn't get swapped from 0.16?10:58
seb128let me look, I've no strong opinion on whether we should default to current stable or unstable10:58
Laneywe have it on 0.16 atm11:01
Laneybut librsvg is asking for 0.18 explicitly in its build-deps, not sure why11:01
seb128we should maybe patch librsvg to check the -0.18.pc then11:02
Laneythat's what i'm getting at11:02
Laneyif you ask for the non-default then you get to check for that ;-)11:02
Laneyi'll do it11:02
Laneyafter making sure it is necessary11:02
chrisccoulsoni guess the DC move is the reason i currently can't upload from chinstrap?11:06
Laneyyep, see #is11:07
chrisccoulsonah, thanks11:07
chrisccoulsonthat kind of sucks. i don't really want to upload firefox and thunderbird from my own connection11:08
Laneycanonistack works11:14
seb128chrisccoulson, yeah, I asked about that a bit earlier, they will fix it11:19
seb128chrisccoulson, speaking of which11:19
seb128they just fixed it11:19
seb128if you want to try ;-)11:19
ogra_chrisccoulson, hmm, did you see my ping above ... seems i cant even reach the first and last tab in the list with the scrollwheel11:45
chrisccoulsonogra_, yes, i'm not sure what would cause that though. firefox hasn't changed for a while12:00
chrisccoulsontried disabling addons? ;)12:00
Sweetsha1kheh, I just got my own press article: http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/LibreOffice-team-to-focus-on-hard-bugs-1670366.html12:07
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tkamppeterpitti, hi12:50
pittihello tkamppeter, wie gehts?12:50
tkamppeterpitti, alles in Ordnung, und kaum bist Du zurück schon habe ich etwas für Dich: Kannst Du cups-filters (1.0.22) und CUPS (1.6.1), jeweils den aktuellen BZR-Stand nmach Debian und Ubuntu hochladen?12:52
tkamppeterpitti, enthält alles, was vor FF noch rein muss.12:52
pittitkamppeter: doing cups-filters now; does cups' test suite work now?12:53
tkamppeterpitti, I did not test the CUPS test suite again. I am rushing stuff into Quantal FF and into
pitticompletely disabling cups' test suite really sounds bad12:54
pittiwe WILL forget about it, and fixing it later is only going to be harder than fixing it now12:54
mdeslaurtkamppeter, pitti: do you have a cups upload planned for quantal? Could I get you to add this to it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1157149/12:54
tkamppeterpitti, I am simply mirroring the SRUs for Precise to the BZR and to Quantal.12:55
pittitkamppeter: could you rather disable the two tests that break?12:55
mdeslaurI was going to upload it in a half-hour, but don't want to collide with you12:55
pittitkamppeter: oh, I see quantal already has 1.6.1; please only upload to quantal for now, then12:55
tkamppeterpitti, can we adjust the test suite after FF?12:56
pittitkamppeter: it seems you already uploaded the test suite disabling to quantal, so sure12:56
pittitkamppeter: but I won't upload it to Debian as it is; I really don't want to be responsible for breaking it one some of the architectures12:56
pittitkamppeter: also, I can upload cups-filters to experimental, but not to quantal as libqpdf-dev is in universe12:57
tkamppeterpitti, libqpdf-dev has already an approved MIR, the MIR is waiting for a package actually pulling QPDF, so we need to upload cups-filters to complete the MIR now.12:58
pittiah, I see; great12:59
tkamppeterpitti, bug 1024435. You will fix it today.13:00
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1024435 in qpdf "[MIR] qpdf" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102443513:00
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tkamppetermdeslaur, what is your patch exactly good for?13:03
mdeslaurtkamppeter: it adds apparmor information to the apport report if any denials are found in the logs files13:04
mdeslaurtkamppeter: it'll be easier to see if apparmor caused cups to break13:04
pittitkamppeter: qpdf promoted, c-filters uploaded to quantal and experimental; thanks!13:05
pittitkamppeter: I'll let you deal with mdeslaur's patch and uploading cups to quantal13:05
tkamppeterpitti, thanks for all this.13:37
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robrugood morning!14:05
robruhi mvo, still around?14:06
mvorobru: hello, yes14:07
mvorobru: in a call right now though, so I may be a bit slow14:07
robrumvo, no worries, I need to take care of some first-day administrative things. let me know when you're free14:07
seb128hey robru, welcome!14:07
robruhi seb128 !14:08
mvorobru: thanks, my first question would just be if you are on a i386 install14:10
mvorobru: thanks for the robustness branch btw14:10
robrumvo, I am on an i514:11
robrumvo, you're welcome ;-)14:11
seb128robru, uname -a ?14:13
robru$ uname -a14:13
robruLinux feztron 3.5.0-10-generic #10-Ubuntu SMP Mon Aug 13 15:23:58 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:13
seb128robru, ok, so 64bit install14:13
seb128I think that's what mvo was asking14:13
seb128i386 = 32b14:14
seb128x86_64 = 64b14:14
robruI know that. I thought 'i5' was clear enough that it was 64bit :-P14:14
seb128I've an i5 and run 32bits ;-)14:14
robruwell you're just crazy ;-)14:14
seb128could be :p14:14
robruseb128, I don't seem to have access to the NewStaffTasks just yet...14:22
seb128robru, let me check14:23
mvorobru, seb128: thanks14:24
kenvandinewelcome aboard robru!14:24
robrukenvandine, thanks!14:24
robrumvo, still on that call?14:26
mvorobru: yeah, sorry14:28
robruno worries14:28
robrumvo, might as well do that review while I wait to be given access to the wiki14:28
mvorobru: but I'm keen to reproduce the test case failure in a chroot14:29
mvorobru: that would be cool14:29
robrumvo, what info do you need from me to do that?14:29
Laneyhey robru, welcome!14:31
robruhi Laney ! thanks!14:32
seb128robru, I pinged Michelle about your wiki access issue, she's trying to get it figured out14:32
Laneyif you're in ~canonical then you should be able to get in the wiki14:32
Laneylooks like you are: try logging out?14:32
robruLaney, it doesn't seem to be working!14:32
Laneysometimes stuff is cached14:33
Laneyalso, hate hate hate 3g14:33
robruoh, there we go!14:33
robrualright I'm in14:33
robrunm seb128 ^14:33
chrisccoulsondoes anyone have oneiric and natty installs to do the rubber stamp thing on bug 1035305, so we can actually make it possible for people to run firefox again?14:37
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1035305 in firefox "Crash when switching apps back to Firefox (may be Firebug related)" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103530514:37
seb128chrisccoulson, is that a security targetted upload?14:42
seb128chrisccoulson, e.g do we need all series approved for precise to go in?14:42
chrisccoulsonseb128, no, it's just a normal SRU14:42
chrisccoulsonwell, not exactly normal. it's the "firebug update caused firefox to crash on start" issue14:43
seb128mdeslaur, micahg: ^ I'm sure our security team friends have oneiric and natty installs to test one... ;-)14:44
dobeyseb128: hey14:47
dobeyseb128: can you attach your screenshot(s) of the u1ms issues you were having in rhythmbox, to bug #1034320 as well?14:48
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1034320 in ubuntuone-music-store "Checkout button is invisible" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103432014:48
mterryrobru, belated welcome!  (I've been having some wifi issues)14:48
robrumterry, haha, well I'm drowning in the company wiki so I haven't actually accomplished much yet ;-)14:49
robrumterry, but thanks ;-)14:49
mvorobru: call is over now14:53
robrumvo, oh, ok.14:53
robrumvo, sorry for rushing you14:53
pittiLaney: reviewed the l-s MP, LGTM!14:56
Laneyawesome, will get it uploaded after i've wrangled vala!14:56
mvorobru: no worries, I can reproduce one of the issues in a chroot now, I work on a fix14:58
robrumvo, one of the issues? I thought there just was the one... I had four failures in the test suite but it was the same error each time.14:59
mvorobru: *cough* should be all good now, please try bzr up and then run the test again15:05
robruugh, bzr up is not working. How do I tell it that there's an update? it's a bit confused.15:09
robruah, 'rm -rf', perfect.15:12
mvomterry: \o/ for your review15:13
mvorobru: mterry also put in a review15:13
seb128robru, how not working?15:13
mterrymvo, oh sorry, didn't mean to duplicate robru15:13
robruseb128, well I'd run 'bzr up' and it'd tell me that it's already up to date, despite the fact that it's clearly one revision behind what's on launchpad. don't worry, I deleted the whole tree and rebranched it from scratch.15:14
mvomterry: no, the more the merrier :) I mean, you raise valid points15:14
mvomterry: latest rev should fix the test failure, sorry for that one15:14
seb128robru, not a solution though ;-) did you bzr push that somewhere? maybe it was trying to pull from the location where you pushed15:14
seb128ok, dunno then, weird15:16
mterryrobru, just jumping in in the middle of this conversation.  is it a branch or a checkout?  bzr up won't help with branches15:17
robruit was a branch. so there you go15:18
seb128I'm doing the gnome-screenshot update15:19
mterrymvo, I still get the same error in test_phased_percentage_from_security (but the others are fixed, oddly).  And the pep8 test still fails15:23
robrumvo, test suite looks good to me15:24
seb128updating libsecret15:31
mvomterry: hm, hm, pep8 is fixed now, let me look at the percentage one15:32
mvomterry: hm, work for me in both my devbox and in a chroot now :/15:35
mterrymvo, let me try again, maybe I'm crazy15:35
mvopython3 -m unittest discover is what I used15:36
ayanwhat exactly does it mean to 'safely remove' a usb device under ubuntu?  does this merely unmount the device or is there more to it?15:36
ayanerr -- specifically a usb storage device.15:36
mterrymvo, nosetests3 is what the dep8 test runs15:36
mvomterry: Ran 57 tests in 41.479s15:38
mvomterry: are you on a i386 by any chance?15:38
mterrymvo, yeah15:39
seb128ayan, safely remove power down the port the device is connect to I think15:42
seb128ayan, see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=598690#c815:42
mvomterry: could you please try r2546?15:42
ubot2`Gnome bug 598690 in general "Context menu for an USB pendrive shows "Unmount", "Eject" and "Safely Remove Drive"" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]15:42
ayanseb128: thanks.  i have an Alcor card reader that powers down when you 'safely remove' a device connected to it and never comes back until the machine resumes from an s3 or s4 cycle.15:44
mterrymvo, now they all give the list index-out-of-range error.  :-/15:45
mvomterry: aha, ok, not good, I think I fixed that now in r2547, I will create a i386 chroot to see whats going on15:49
mterrymvo, yup, the revision fixed it, all pass15:51
mterrymvo, I'll mark my approval in the merge request15:51
mvomterry: excellent, thanks a lot15:52
kenvandinemterry, MIR bug 1029549 is ready for the final package to get ACKed :)15:55
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1029549 in signon-ui "[MIR] online-accounts and friends" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102954915:55
kenvandinemterry, can you please do that so I can start upload the stuff that depends on it?15:56
mterrykenvandine, done15:57
mterrykenvandine, phew!15:57
kenvandinephew is right!15:57
kenvandinei will be adding 2 more packages to that bug today :)15:57
mterrykenvandine, stop it!15:58
kenvandinebut enough is approved that i can start landing empathy and gwibber :)15:58
kenvandinemterry, i know... it's crazy!15:58
seb128doing the gnome-system-log update16:10
mterrytedg, from your latest remote-login-server merge, I get a bunch of warnings from the test suite: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1157459/16:30
mterryThey still pass, but I'm not sure they are working right, with all those critical warnings and failures to get a dbus name16:31
tedgmterry, Yeah, that's the negative testing.16:32
tedgmterry, If you look at that test case it adds a handler for the messages so they don't block the tests.16:32
mterrytedg, OK, awesome16:32
mterrytedg, I had to add python and dbus-test-runner to my Build-Depends, which you may want to do on your side too, for your automatic builds16:33
tedgmterry, Oops, thanks!16:33
mterrytedg, just filed a branch to convert slmock to python3 too16:34
mterrytedg, not a blocker for MIR like the other package, since it won't land on the CD, but still nice16:34
tedgHeh, EVERYTHING needs to be Python 3 ;-)16:34
tedgYup, thanks as well!16:34
davmor2hey guys can someone with quantal on a laptop try the following please, let it sleep/blank screen on mains, then move the mouse to wake it,  repeat on battery,  on battery I get the lock screen password but on mains it goes back to desktop16:36
mterrytedg, and lastly: uccs-server.c:553:32: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'strlen'16:36
davmor2if I do ctrl+alt+l I get the unlock screen on both battery and mains16:38
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tedgmterry, Did you push your branch?16:39
mterrytedg, not yet.  Can in a second16:39
tedgAh, okay, was going to grab your changes.16:39
mterryone moment16:40
mterrytedg, pushed16:43
Laneymy, uploading over 3G is a dream16:44
tedgmterry, Ah, the strlen issue was because I was including "strings.h" instead of "string.h" ;-)16:45
* Laney declares fontconfig-voodoo dead16:57
dobeympt, seb128: can you ensure you have all updates installed in quantal, and go to the 'Basket' page in u1ms in rhythmbox again and see if it's still an issue please?17:12
robruhey, did the company IRC just go down, or was it just my connection?17:14
dobeyrobru: your connection i guess17:14
kenvandinerobru, i see a "max connections" error17:14
kenvandinebut i am still connected17:14
robruI also can't get through to smtp it seems...17:14
robruman, I can't get through to the wiki either! it's like the whole company has gone offline17:17
robruyep, seems I'm somehow locked out of irc, imap, smtp, and the wiki. no idea what the hell happened, I was using these all successfully a couple minutes ago, so it's not like I'm trying the wrong password or something.17:26
mterryrobru, you can't even get to the wiki page, or you can't login?17:26
robrucan't even get there. page won't load.17:26
robruit's as if some kind of company-wide firewall is locking me out because I can load other pages on the web just fine17:27
robruoh, and launchpad too17:28
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robruimpressively terrible17:29
mterryrobru, let me try to ask somebody on canoni irc17:29
robrumterry, can you ping deej on the company irc? he was helping me get things set up before, and he'll be able to confirm that I had sent & received company emails17:29
robruI just rebooted my computer just in case it was some kind of connection issue on my end, but that hasn't helped17:30
ricotzLaney, hi, are you going to do the same packaging changes of vala-0.18 to 0.16?17:41
Laneyricotz: I haven't planned to, but I was going to send it up to Debian (http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=678342)17:49
ubot2`Debian bug 678342 in valac "Autotools helpers are not installed" [Normal,Open]17:49
Laneyif you want to do it I'll sponsor for you tomorrow?17:49
ricotzLaney, i see, it would be pretty nice to have it there too17:50
ricotzi am not sure i will get to it17:51
Laneynone of it is Ubuntu specific17:51
Laneyare you in pkg-vala?17:51
Laneywell I'll see if I get time to send it up there17:52
ricotzgreat :)17:52
LaneyI don't plan on adding it to Ubuntu unless you see a need for it in .1617:52
Laneythese changes were for librsvg17:52
ricotz0.16 can be synced17:52
Laneyyes, I mean that I don't plan to diverge it17:52
Laneyand I doubt they would upload given the freeze17:53
ricotzah right, yeah that would be my favorite solution too17:53
ricotza git sync seems fine too17:53
Laneywell, hopefully they will be in git so the future person who needs it can sync17:53
Laneyif it becomes a blocker for something17:54
* Laney is out for some time, ttyl :-)17:54
Laneybicycle couriering a modem to my new house ...17:54
robrutest test18:43
robrucan anybody hear me>?18:43
micahgseb128: I'm on vacation until next week18:44
kenvandinerobru, loud and clear18:46
robruk, lost my connection for a minute there.18:46
* kenvandine wonders how many times he'll get to rebuild empathy today18:46
kenvandinemight set a record :)18:47
davmor2kenvandine: can anyone bet on this outcome?18:47
kenvandinesure :)18:47
davmor2I'm going for 32 nice round number :)18:47
mterryrobru, welcome back  :)18:47
kenvandinedavmor2, i am very likely already past that :)18:48
mterrykenvandine, answer is clearly 4218:48
robrumterry, well, I'm still locked out of anything that would allow me to do my job. freenode is all I got.18:48
davmor2kenvandine: no I meant more times :D18:48
mterryrobru, oh right.  I forgot you had been here before.  /.\18:48
robruheh, yeah18:48
mterryrobru, mentally classed you as off IRC, despite having chatted to you earlier18:48
kenvandineadding 16 new binaries to it and shlibdeps is being a pita18:48
kenvandinemterry, 42 might be a good guess :)18:49
seb128dobey, it seems it stopped being an issue and I didn't update anything today that should make a difference...19:03
seb128dobey, oh, got it again, hum19:04
seb128dobey, I got it randomly, tried by closing and reopening rb and clicking download and then basket for a few albums19:06
dobeyseb128: hmm. how often does it happen?19:07
seb128dobey, 30% of the time?19:08
seb128it's not a very scientific approch, I tried like 10 times and got the issue 3 times19:09
dobeyright; so maybe it is a webkit heisenbug then19:10
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