
=== zmoylan1 is now known as zmoylan
ebelAnyone know how to prevent a package from being uninstalled via apt? http://serverfault.com/questions/419231/prevent-a-package-from-being-uninstalled-in-ubuntu11:13
airurandoebel you about?14:34
ebelairurando: aye14:34
airurandojust got a mail re conf pack14:34
airurandoyou too?14:34
airurandocould you apply for the CDs through the normal means?14:35
airurandoyou can give my address for the delivery.14:36
ebelah yes14:36
airurandowhen are you off?14:37
ebelflight is on friday14:39
=== airurando1 is now known as airurando

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