
xnoxmpt: in the LUKS encryption for the manual partitioner we simply have the password fields.13:51
xnoxbut the alternative installer exposes many encryption options13:51
xnoxe.g. key size, encryption & IV algorithms.13:51
xnoxtypically there is no reason to change them.13:52
mptxnox, dude, now you tell me? :-)13:52
* xnox sorry13:52
xnoxnow the question is shall I keep the current design.13:52
xnoxOr do it "LVM" style13:52
xnoxe.g. Add a button "Encrypt volumes.."13:53
xnoxand do something like: pick a volume to encrypt, pick settings & password.13:53
xnoxand go back to the usual screen.13:53
xnoxand treat the encryped volume as a normal disk, with no other changes =/13:53
xnoxuse your design, and not expose the encryption options.13:54
xnoxthe caveat there is "support for legacy system / keep encryption options the same as installs from ages ago for _compatability_"13:54
xnoxmpt: sorry for spoiling your Monday. But it's just something to think about.13:56
xnoxtbh. these encryption settings can be preseeded & i like your design.13:56
mptxnox, I probably won't have time to look at it until Thursday, but feel free to add an "Encryption Options…" button to the "Add Partition" and "Change Partition" dialogs, which opens a secondary dialog with fields for those. Then we can tidy up the fields after Feature Freeze.14:00
xnoxmpt: ok. Passwords in the encryption options... or not? I'd rather people not go there.14:02
xnoxmpt: ditto erase available space first.14:02
xnoxcool thanks.14:02
mptxnox, separately, send me (or put in the spec directly) a description of each of the parameters, what the default is, and what the other options are14:25
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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