
=== nick is now known as Guest34175
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
diwicis it safe to just run "sudo depmod"?07:07
diwicI'm triaging a bug and suspecting that the stuff in /lib/modules/<current> has become corrupt for some reason07:08
diwicas the sound card is not detected on bootup, but successfully starts showing up if "sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel" is called.07:09
mustafa_how to take part into kernel development as a developer? could you inform me?07:11
diwicmustafa_, hi! It depends on what area you're interested in07:12
mustafa_what is the structure of kernel development? (areas)07:13
diwicmustafa_, and what knowledge you currently have. 07:13
mustafa_how can I get detailed info? and any news group for that? for communication?07:14
diwicmustafa_, are you interesting in writing code, writing documentation, analysing bug reports, helping people on IRC, etc?07:15
mustafa_diwic writing code07:15
diwicmustafa_, maybe http://kernelnewbies.org can be a good starting point for you?07:16
mustafa_diwic I will scan it 07:17
mustafa_diwic any other recommendation?07:18
diwicmustafa_, yes, learning by doing - find something that you would like to fix or improve and see if it is possible07:19
mustafa_diwic thanks07:19
cooloneyppisati: do you have sometime to help do sbuild testing on your pandaES?07:27
cooloneyppisati: i got several package building failure on PandaES 07:27
ppisaticooloney: nak, still busy with 3.5 kernel, and i need my board for testing&c07:30
cooloneyppisati: np, man07:31
MacSlowGreetings everybody!09:04
MacSlowIf someone has a moment (or two) and could skim LP: #1038926 and give me his/her best guess at a way to work-around this, I'd be very grateful :)09:06
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
* ppisati -> out for lunch11:14
ppisati(there's 33C outside, wish me good luck...)11:14
ogra_ppisati, dont melt !11:15
phillwHi folks, could some one please advise as to against what this bug should be reported...http://pastebin.com/SRLnr5fB11:27
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
ppisati34c now...12:26
dileksppisati: underess!12:29
dileks35c here12:30
rtgppisati, you should annoy an archive admin to get Ubuntu-3.5.0-207.13 published and send  out the ABI bumper announcement.12:49
rtgbug #103534812:55
smbbug 103534813:01
rtgsmb, seems the bug bot has died13:02
smbor lp13:02
rtgsmb, true. more likely LP13:02
smbAt least it tells me I lost it (or its private)13:02
ppisatilp works here13:05
ppisatibut not that bug...13:05
ppisatirtg: we need that headers fix for the 3d driver, so i'll cut a new relase with what we've now + that fix13:18
ppisatirtg: and i'll send a pull req13:18
rtgppisati, you gonna rebase against master-next ?13:18
rtgor just cherry-pick it ?13:18
ppisatirtg: cherry-pick, there's a regression in latest master (somehwre between 9.9 and 11.11) and i'm boisecting it13:19
rtgppisati, ah, right. I forgot about that.13:19
ppisatirtg: hopefully i'll fix today, but i don't want to delay the 3d driver for unity3d13:20
rtgppisati, if you get Ubuntu-3.5.0-207.13 promoted, then I can upload directly to -release13:21
* ppisati notes he can't really type today...13:21
ppisatirtg: with whom do i need to talk to get it promoted? release manager?13:22
rtgppisati, yeah, go on #ubuntu-release and see if infinty is around.13:23
ppisatiinfinity: ^13:23
ppisatirtg: infinity: actually rsalveti told me that even with this fix pvr-omp4 still doesn't work13:43
ppisatiso it's not as urgent as i thought13:43
rsalvetippisati: it works!13:44
rsalvetiit's not stable enough, but not related with sgx13:44
rsalvetithe kernel is freezing from time to time on my panda, without any logs at the serial 13:44
rsalvetibut works just fine at the 4430 panda13:45
rtgrsalveti, well, it _is_ a staging driver, right ?13:45
rsalvetiseems it's an issue at the power management side on panda ES13:45
rsalvetirtg: yeah, but the issue I got is not related with sgx itself 13:45
rsalvetiwhich I'd not be surprised, as for the landing team tree we had to turn cpu idle off for a while 13:46
rsalvetiCONFIG_OMAP_SMARTREFLEX_CLASS1P5 was also causing issues, but it's currently disabled at our kernel13:50
rsalvetippisati: but probably something to check, omap 4460 should behave better with SR1.513:52
ppisatirsalveti: do you experience these hangs even with agreen tilt-3.4?13:59
rsalvetippisati: not with the current head14:02
rsalvetibut was when using the tree from last cycle14:02
rsalveti*last linaro cycle, 12.0714:03
ppisatirsalveti: so i'm probably missing something that went in lately14:04
ppisatirsalveti: or it's a config diff14:04
ppisatirsalveti: i dont' see any tag about 12.07, do you know what HEAD was pointing back then?14:06
rsalvetippisati: http://git.linaro.org/gitweb?p=landing-teams/working/ti/kernel.git;a=commit;h=5bab9831a9d00db116a7db5634bb3386ae17f15214:08
rsalvetippisati: but you might look at the git log just before the tag 14:09
rsalveticheck the ones related with smartreflex 14:09
akuaI am building my own linux 3.5 kernel to install on 10.04 ( needed for some peripherals ). After a few tries I have what seems to be good .debs. I did it with the "cp ubuntu-kernel/debian/control-scripts/* /usr/share/kernel-package", "tar xvf linux-3.5.1.tar.bz2",  "make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-custom1 kernel_image kernel_headers". 14:53
akuaIt installs and reboots fine, but then I try to build the nvidia drivers ( because I need CUDA ), and it complains about finding headers...14:54
* ogasawara back in 2014:54
akuaThe first error is:  "Unable to find the kernel source tree for the currently running kernel……." 14:58
akuaThen I had to symlink: :/usr/src# ln -s linux-headers-3.5.1-custom1/   linux-3.5.214:59
akuaThen the error is: " If you are using a Linux 2.6 kernel, please make sure14:59
akua         you have configured kernel sources matching your kernel14:59
akua         installed on your system. "14:59
balloonsit appears like the builder got stuck (or is simply still that far behind) on building the LTS enablement packages -- https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/q-lts-backport15:36
ogasawaraballoons: it's still that far behind15:37
balloonshttps://launchpad.net/builders doesn't show a bug bug queue15:37
balloonsodd.. anyways.. ok.. :-)15:37
ogasawaraballoons: the original quantal upload just finished earlier today15:37
ogasawaraballoons: last I checked, i386 was going to kick off in 4hrs15:38
balloonsogasawara, wow.. 4 days.. you'd think your building libreoffice on arm or something :-)15:38
jsalisburyrtg, ppisati, did you guys happen to see this bug: 103884616:02
rtg_jsalisbury, looks like a duplicate16:04
jsalisburyrtg_, ok, I'll mark it as such16:04
rtg_ jsalisburyoh, hang on. I just commiutted a fix for that bug.16:05
jsalisburyrtg_ ok16:05
rtg_jsalisbury, forgot to mark it as fix committed16:05
jsalisburyrtg_, cool, thanks16:06
rtgppisati, don't forget the ABI bumper email to the installer list so that they can take advantage of your new kernel.16:15
ppisatirtg: actually i never sent any email...16:21
ppisatirtg: besides, i found the problem and fixed it16:21
ppisatirtg: i'll have a new kernel soon16:21
rtgppisati, I _know_ you didn't send any email. Thats why I'm bugging you.16:22
ppisatirtg: so, what's the ml? and what do i have to tell them?16:45
rtgppisati, hmm, there some stuff about this in the wiki. lemme find it...16:45
ppisatirtg: besides, i just cut a new release16:45
rtgppisati, its not an ABI bumper, is it ?16:45
ppisatirtg: yes it is16:46
rtgppisati, well, might as well hold off until its built16:46
ppisatirtg: ok, then let's do it tomorrow16:46
rtgppisati, ack16:46
* ppisati -> EOD16:47
rtgppisati, there is a blurb in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/StableHandbook/StablePackageBuilding about sending out ABI bumper emails16:48
ckingrtg, thanks for handling a bunch of those eCryptfs patches while I was away, I will see if I can back port some of these to lucid, natty etc and get some tests written to catch regressions16:56
rtgcking, that works for me16:57
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
* rtg -> lunch17:37
infinitybjf: No copies for precise for ti-omap4 or armadaxp?17:59
bjfinfinity: they were still building when i last checked18:00
bjfinfinity: if they are ready, they can go as well18:00
infinitybjf: ti-omap4 should be done, I think.  I can bump up aramdaxp.18:00
infinitybjf: I'll just copy when they're ready then, if there was no other reason to hold them back.18:00
infinityOh, there was a new ti-omap4 a couple of hours ago.18:01
infinityRight, I'll give that a nudge too.18:01
bjfinfinity: nope, just waiting for buildds18:01
infinitybjf: I'll get it all built and copied over the course of the day, then.18:02
bjfinfinity: thanks18:02
infinitybjf: No hardy in this round?18:02
bjfinfinity: nope \o/18:02
infinitybjf: Don't fret too much about overrides and other bits possibly being slack on my part, I'll make sure everything's consistent by the end of the day when I get the ARM builds caught up. ;)18:07
bjfinfinity: ack :-)18:08
* smb -> EOD18:08
bjfinfinity: though they pay me specifically to fret18:08
* bjf will just do it silently18:08
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rtgjsalisbury, rebooting tangerine for kernel update19:02
jsalisburyrtg, ack19:02
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
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hggdhbjf: for the precise LTS-HWE, when are the package linux-image-generic-lts-quantal created?20:20
rtg_hggdh, it lives in a PPA for now, and won't be uploaded to Precise main until 12.10 is released.20:22
hggdhrtg_: indeed, and I am looking at the PPA, but I do not see this package20:22
rtg_hggdh,  linux-meta-lts-quantal20:23
hggdhrtg_: this is still pointing to 3.5.0-1020:23
bjfhggdh: are you looking at: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/q-lts-backport20:23
hggdhbjf: I am20:23
bjfhggdh: yes, the meta is still -1020:24
bjfhggdh: may be due to the buildd carnage of last week20:24
rtg_hggdh, 3.5.0-10 is the right version because 3.5.0-11 has yet to finish building20:24
hggdhrtg_: ah. I will wait for it, then, otherwise I will need to perform another carnage on the test scripts20:25
rtg_the build is still awaiting completion of i38620:25
rtg_hggdh, LP says it will start building in one hour. we'll see...20:26
* rtg -> EOD20:39
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