
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: hey, we're starting with this once the transition to SUMO is done, right?23:16
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: I have someone else interested and so I set up a moodle.ubuntu-owl.org which she'll start playing with that next month23:17
* JoseeAntonioR checks23:17
JoseeAntonioRoh, that's super cool!23:17
JoseeAntonioRis there a way to export those in any format?23:17
pleia2I think we're planning on doing a similar thing as before, point to help.ubuntu.com23:18
pleia2I don't really see SUMO as a dependency, we can still write documents on help.ubuntu.com, we'll just have to update our materials if the URLs change (I hope they don't)23:18
JoseeAntonioRyeah, but Ben asked for us to wait as he'd have to move more content with his team23:19
JoseeAntonioRso maybe we can write a couple drafts in the wiki, and then I can take care of moving them to help.ubuntu.com23:19
* JoseeAntonioR really loved the moodle idea23:20
pleia2I have no idea what the status of the SUMO thing is, I don't think it'll even happen this year23:23
pleia2stalling this project until that's done isn't awesome23:23
JoseeAntonioRthen let's start once we can start23:30
pleia2we should just start23:31
JoseeAntonioRok, how can I create moodle classes?23:31
pleia2we're updating help.ubuntu.com/community/ that's good! people use that actively :)23:31
pleia2I don't actually know anything about moodle :D23:31
pleia2want an account?23:31
JoseeAntonioRI'll play with it23:31
pleia2ok, go to http://moodle.ubuntu-owl.org/login/forgot_password.php and put in JoseeAntonioR for username23:34
pleia2should mail you a password23:34
pleia2to your ubuntu-pe address23:34
pleia2you're a site admin, so try not to break anything :)23:35
JoseeAntonioRgot it23:35
pleia2(if you do, it's ok, we haven't put anything in it yet)23:35
JoseeAntonioRonce I figure out how to do some cool things i'll let you know23:36
pleia2there are quick how-to guides online if you google, I just haven't taken the time to learn23:37

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