
Jordan_Uoping from a phone is hard.00:02
bazhangLOVELY PM from chtipowa00:03
elkymust be if it needs capslock to describe it.00:03
genii-arounda/s/l kinda crap?00:03
Jordan_Ubazhang: The person I quieted is not responding to PM. Could you unquiet them and see if they continue repeating (after explaining in-channel that they are getting a second chance, blah blah)?00:04
bazhangI'd quote from it, but 98% would have to be redacted00:05
bazhangJordan_U, a bit busy in the PM with chtipowa00:06
elky'nuff said.00:06
Jordan_USomeone else then? Typing and reaction time slow from phone.00:06
genii-aroundIs that n-iCe ?00:07
Jordan_UI guess that sort of solves the problem.00:08
jbichahi, could I get unforward-banned from #ubuntu-devel please?04:47
AlanBellI unbanned jbicha07:22
Pricey /msg'ing jirx08:55
elkyi wonder if he knows how his nick is pronounced...09:02
elkylooking at the backlog, i'd guess yes09:04
* Pricey grins09:06
PriceyAlso, hey elky.09:06
ubottullutz called the ops in #ubuntu (foobar)09:10
* elky sighs.09:12
gnomefreaki thought about sdending him here for complaints but he was trying my patience09:13
elkynow he's whinging at me.09:13
gnomefreakhe was removed once remove him 1 more thime than ban?09:13
elkyincluding calling everyone there monkeys and idiots.09:14
gnomefreakin pm?09:14
Myrttiso, good morning09:14
gnomefreakMyrtti: good morning09:14
elkygnomefreak, yes, he thinks im the one who kb'd because i warned him i'd mute him before you banned him09:15
gnomefreakopps sorry didnt know you muted him. feel free to tell him it was me and not to bother pming me09:16
elkyi didn't mute. I told him i would if he didn't stop09:17
gnomefreakoh ok09:17
gnomefreakbrb smoke09:17
gnomefreakelky: for his complaining(topic of complaint) would he send him here?09:23
elkygnomefreak, depends, do you want to spend an hour debating whether the people there are worthy of his presence?09:24
gnomefreaknot really09:24
gnomefreakwhere should we send someone like that09:25
elkyit's up to you if you want to PM him to correct him, but then again, someone of his intelligence would surely figure it out.09:25
gnomefreakhe really didnt seem all that smart but maybe i missed something09:25
gnomefreaksomeone keep an eye on zazzle in #ubuntu he has been warned and removed so far for asking for help with illegal things, next step for me to him is to ban him but i have to step away from keyboard for a bit09:54
bazhang<cubix`> The VERSION request on truexfan81 has timed out    looks like a bot15:20
Piciircname  : I am just a bot15:20
ubottuIn ubottu, GirlyGirl said: Why is ikonia short minded? Ubottu, I do think you are intelligent!18:26
* Pici rolls eyes18:27
ikoniaif chanserv was available, I'd have banned her18:27
ikoniasick to the back teeth of her18:28
ikonia(if your reading this girlygirl, take it as a warning)18:28
Fuchsthere you have your chanserv18:36
ikoniabit late now18:36
ikonia(but thank you)18:37
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (kashminder appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)18:42
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (kashminder appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)18:42
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (kashminder appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)18:42
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (kashminder appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)18:42
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (kashminder appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)18:42
ikoniachanserv's gone again18:43
ubottubikcmp called the ops in #ubuntu ()18:43
Fuchsall services, yes :(18:43
ubottuwilee-nilee called the ops in #ubuntu (kashminder)18:43
ikoniatomaw: thank you18:43
Picitomaw: thanks18:44
tomawPici, ikonia: np18:45
tomawdo you guys need some ops?18:45
Piciif you don't mind18:45
ikoniaoops, that kick kicked in from ages ago18:45
ikoniathanks tomaw18:45
tomawservices should return soon; we're just fixing it now.18:46
ikoniadon't think it's a problem now, thank you18:46
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (FREElinuxVPS appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)18:47
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (emanon_ appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)18:54
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (emanon_ appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)18:54
genii-aroundDarned emergency mode!18:54
ikoniathese people seem to be taking advantage of te lack of services18:54
Piciugh, fud.19:00
Piciikonia: we probably should write up a factoid about PCI compliance and version numbers.19:05
ikoniait would probably be useful19:06
bazhanga simple look at manpages got me that22:15
bazhangzip -e somefile etc22:15
genii-aroundYup. Too many people don't know about manpages22:16
bazhangis the point release already out for 12.04? thought it was not until the 23rd22:21
elkymany manpages are ridiculous22:46
genii-aroundThe one for smb.conf as an example is pretty tedious, that's for sure22:47
elkyman man is a perfect example of ridiculous22:51
Myrttiit was useful to me23:06
Myrttilearnt how to exit it from the manpage of it23:07
Myrttitook me few years to learn that23:07
knomebut you've managed so well in the Q cycle too! ;)23:13
elkyno wonder she doesn't like vim23:14
elkyyou not only have to hit q, but other things too23:14
Jordan_UNot like vim? Unpossible.23:14
knomelike vim? impossible.23:14
elkyJordan_U, careful, she'll hit you with her emacs book.23:14
Jordan_Uelky: Oh no. If she does that, and I actually read it, I might injure my pinky!23:15

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