
elfy anyone got any idea why nvidia drivers not showing up in the additional drivers dialogue ?10:08
astraljavaelfy: Nope. I noticed it during the weekend, but ran out of time to pursue the issue.10:09
elfyk - cheers astraljava10:09
astraljavaelfy: Err... sorry.10:10
astraljavaI wasn't thinking straight, too little sleep.10:10
elfywonder if it is something to do with unity and nvidia and xorg10:10
astraljavaelfy: It's because of the new X server, and no up-to-date nvidia package.10:10
elfyaah - thought it might be - thanks astraljava10:10
smartboyhwjibel: Why do you need to +o yourself?10:28
=== jibel changed the topic of #ubuntu-testing to: Welcome to Ubuntu QA and Testing | http://qa.ubuntu.com/ | Currently Testing Precise 12.04.1 Release Candidates and Quantal dailies | http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com
jibelsmartboyhw, to change the topic10:32
smartboyhwjibel: Oh thanks10:32
phillwjibel: do you have a couple of minutes to look at http://pastebin.com/SRLnr5fB and offer advice to one of testing team?10:40
phillwjibel: wb, did you get my last message?11:10
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jibelphillw, I didn't get it sorry. my connection is very poor today11:37
phillwjibel: no worries mate. I've got a starting point to register the bug.11:38
jibelphillw, ok cool11:38
smartboyhwphillw: How's the testing going for 12.04.112:18
phillwsmartboyhw: he he, and I just auto respond to a ping!12:19
smartboyhwphillw: ?12:20
phillwsmartboyhw: as I said on -release, we lack resources to maintain it for 5 years.12:21
smartboyhwphillw: Er...Ubuntu Studio is a small team, and we can still maintain it...12:22
phillwsmartboyhw: The decision for LTS or not, is taken by the devs. In the case of lubuntu as it is still a young flavour and lxde stuff is rapidly changing they chose to use the resources to further develop lxde stuff rather than back-port. If some one was to join who can dedicate their time to back-porting we would be able to issue LTS's12:24
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smartboyhwHmm... Now I'm licking my lips on Lubuntu:)12:25
smartboyhwphillw: Been a bit suprised: Why aren't your name in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Get%20Involved/WhoWeAre12:37
smartboyhwballoons: ping14:14
balloonssmartboyhw, howdy14:17
smartboyhwballoons: How's the 12.04.1 testing going?14:26
balloonssmartboyhw, you tell me :-)14:27
smartboyhwballoons: What the14:27
balloonsthat's the status14:27
smartboyhwKubuntu has no one to test, weird14:28
balloonsI've got to push a note out to everyone to go fill in the gaps as needed14:28
smartboyhwWho's in charge of testing of Kubuntu?14:28
balloonsScottk, riddell, darkwing14:29
smartboyhwHmm, that's weird...14:29
smartboyhwHow about Edubuntu?14:29
balloonsstgraber, and highvoltage are the folks there14:30
stgraberwe'll probably want Edubuntu respun for the cups issue so I'm not spending any time on testing until then14:31
smartboyhwstgraber: Oh14:31
balloonselfy, btw -- https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2012-August/035635.html14:31
balloonstheres the reason nvida is missing14:31
smartboyhwballoons: elfy finally knew, and he wasn't here:)14:32
smartboyhwballoons: I think the most successful testing of 12.04.1 is for Ubuntu Studio:)14:34
balloonsgj smartboyhw14:46
balloonsdid you get upgrade testing in14:46
smartboyhwballoons: astraljava disabled it due to interface change14:47
balloonssmartboyhw, I just noticed it wasn't in the list after I asked14:47
smartboyhwballoons: I've asked astraljava to put it back again for 12.1014:53
smartboyhwBut then we don't need it for 12.04.114:53
smartboyhwballoons: Nice e-mail15:04
balloonssmartboyhw, I haven't sent it yet15:06
balloonslol --15:06
smartboyhwballoons: About the 12.04.1 one15:08
balloonssmartboyhw, ahh yes.. I was laughing because I was writing up a mail about fb15:09
smartboyhwOh....That's why15:09
* patdk-wk works on testing15:10
smartboyhwballoons: Good e-mail now about fb15:10
balloonsI don't want people to confuse the issue.. I think it will make sense to them15:10
smartboyhwballoons: How much do you know about SII? phillw pushed me there15:10
phillwsmartboyhw: he knows of its existance, as we will be asking testers to try speech control out once they are at a level to release it for testing.15:12
smartboyhwOK, I'm building the source now15:12
balloonssmartboyhw, ^^15:12
njinballoons, have you alredy run maas in virtualbox ?15:15
njinI have it working in hardware but not on virtualbox15:15
njincannot understand why15:16
balloonsnjin, there was something to doing it virtually15:18
balloonsI remember a post on it15:18
balloonsumm.. it's a question for the server guys15:18
balloonslet's see.. was it clint, or deigo..15:18
njinballoons, I'm asking15:18
phillwballoons: that's new news re: nvidia problem, I was on #ubuntu-x earlier and they asked that the bug be reported against xorg, is that information incorrect / out dated?15:19
smartboyhwballoons: Any fix on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/subscription ?15:22
balloonsphillw, as far as I know nvidia isn't working in quantal15:23
balloonsand it's been disabled15:23
balloonssmartboyhw, what do you mean fix?15:23
smartboyhwI mean has it been done...15:23
phillwballoons: did you catch the email from Greg?15:23
smartboyhwballoons ping15:26
phillwballoons: http://pastebin.com/SRLnr5fB is the question, http://pastebin.com/ELA3TjMU is the reply from #ubuntu-x15:26
balloonsphillw, which email?15:29
smartboyhwballoons: Will we be busy after FF to test the features? Also, http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/subscription anyone is working on it?15:30
phillwballoons: surmised above ^^15:30
balloonshttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/subscription is on the list of things to dev out completely15:30
balloonsbut we need help on the qatracker15:31
balloonsmost of the dev on it that's going to happen this cycle is done15:31
balloonstimeframes and commitments are difficult15:31
balloonssmartboyhw, post ff we'll still be busy15:32
balloonsbeta1->beta2 will be busy busy15:32
balloonsit will slow only slighty as we seek to finish the release15:32
balloonsno break now really until the end of the cycle :-)15:32
smartboyhwno break at all:(15:33
balloonssmartboyhw, I kid a little.. there's always something to do15:33
balloonsbut yes, you shouldn't kill yourself in doing it15:33
balloonsin the beginning of the cycle, there is less..15:33
phillwballoons: for 10.04 --> 12.04.1 test, is a VM okay?15:33
balloonsso to some extent before alpha1 your waiting for things to happen15:33
balloonsphillw, yes VM is fine.. I want to make sure the upgrade goes well.. and having non-default mungled installs go through properly would be good15:34
balloonsit's more of a software test that hw15:34
* patdk-wk really needs to install a local apt cache15:35
phillwI've just been clearing out my myriad of VM's, so I have room for a ubuntu 10.04 :)15:35
smartboyhwballoons: A very strange thing: I'm actually not running any Ubuntu or its deriatives in real machine15:37
balloonssmartboyhw, ohh?15:40
balloonsall vm's eh?15:40
smartboyhwDon't worry, I'll be installing Ubuntu Studio 12.04.1 soon:)15:41
patdk-wkhmm, this is looking nice15:41
patdk-wkall my testcases are passing first try :)15:41
patdk-wkI need to attempt an upgrade test though15:41
smartboyhwpatdk-wk: That's great15:42
balloonspatdk-wk, yee-haw!15:49
patdk-wknow to clone a lucid install, and attempt to ugprade it15:55
patdk-wkall esx/iscsi tests passed :)15:55
smartboyhwpatdk-wk, phillw, balloons: Bye!16:00
balloonswe need to add the social networks info to the our wiki16:37
phillwokies, where do you want them putting?16:46
balloonsphillw, I guess it's all on the main page16:50
balloonsI'm going to post about the new groups16:50
balloonsit would be good to point folks to the wiki for full details16:50
phillwballoons: the FB page currently has "General chat and introduction to QA, of all things please realise one thing... WE DO NOT BITE!! Feel free to ask, but please do use our mailing list & IRC channel. Tell us what you need to help you to help the ubuntu family ... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam  "17:01
balloonsphillw, short and sweet17:02
balloonsI don't see anything wrong with that17:03
phillwgood, I just sort of threw it together when I created the group, it can be edited.17:03
* patdk-wk attempts to get back on track17:13
balloonsI survived the reboot.. hurray17:19
elfyalways a good acid test17:27
balloonselfy, :-)17:35
elfyballoons: thanks for pointing me at -arm :)17:36
balloonselfy, yea, handy channel isn't it?17:36
elfyit is - I shall find it useful I think17:37
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njindamn, more than one hour to run a minimal installation and it is not ended, KVM is really buggy18:21
balloonsnjin, what did you find out about maas?18:25
njinballoons, nothing, just a little step, but till now no way to connect to the VM18:25
njinin hardware it works out of the box, in VM no18:26
njinballoons, i've tried JeOS in kvm, but I cannot understand where's the difference with the testcase installer run in a vm20:02
balloonsnjin what do you mean the difference>/20:03
balloonsinside a VM, to the extent hardware is invovled, you'll be testing only the emulated hardware20:03
balloonsmost of the install process is software side, though there are certainly bugs with hardware interacton20:03
njininstaller (default) i mean20:04
njinthe same steps and the same result20:05
jibelnjin,  JeOS stands for "Just enough Operating System." in other word it is the minimal installation to have a working Ubuntu20:05
njinjibel, thanks, then is the default one20:06
jibelnjin, the test case here is to verify that installation fits below certain limits20:06
njindefault testcase i mean20:06
jibelnjin, default installs the task standard and jeos  the task minimal20:10
jibelthe result is different20:11
patdk-wkthe instructions linked to the testcase decribe it all20:13
patdk-wkmake sure virtual kerne is installed, make sure large ubuntu- package isn't installed20:14
patdk-wkmake sure it uses <500m diskspace, and <40m? for kernel modules20:14
patdk-wknormal install is using 890megs diskspace, and 130m for kernel modules20:15
* patdk-wk is happy though20:17
patdk-wkI can upgrade my lucid vm's without grub failures now :)20:17
njinwell, seems to me that install the default instead, no virtual kernel, ubuntu-standard installed, linux>140 MB, size of / 1,1 GB20:20
njintomorrow will retest better, jibel:^^20:20
njinnow is late, good night20:21
jibelnjin, good night, thanks for your help20:21
njinballoons, jibel, see you tomorrow20:21
pinchmeshlo all, am having a problem with cad... programs expect sslv2, 12.04 has sslv1. can I symlink files?21:06
pinchmeshdocumentation says numbering system is different.21:07
patdk-wkpinchmesh? heh?21:28
* patdk-wk wonders what that has to do with testing ubuntu iso's21:28
patdk-wkand also, sslv2 should not be used, for atleast 5years now, or longer21:29
patdk-wkI can't remember the last time sslv1 was supported21:29
pinchmeshhey, i stepped out21:29
pinchmeshi'm attempting draftsight..21:30
pinchmesherrors are sslv2 not found, followed by multiple application/mime errors21:31
pinchmeshcurious as to why the program ran for a week, then problems.21:32
patdk-wkpinchmesh, probably cause your in the wrong channel?21:33
patdk-wkis that related to testing ubuntu iso's somehow?21:34
patdk-wksomehow related to the channel topic?21:34
pinchmeshprolly, cause something has changed, or a bug..21:34
pinchmeshdraftsight is in beta though...21:34
patdk-wkthen you probably want the #ubuntu+1 channel21:35
pinchmeshah, ok...thanks21:35
patdk-wkI still probably wouldn't expect much there, though21:35
patdk-wkI would try to look for a channel about that program itself21:36
pinchmeshi have21:36
pinchmeshbeen at this all weekend21:37
* patdk-wk still has no clue what the issue is :)21:38
patdk-wkor what package21:38
pinchmeshit loads with apt-get... same as ubuntu pkg mgr21:39
patdk-wkyes, but WHAT?21:39
patdk-wkI can't find a package called draftsight21:39
patdk-wkthat isn't a ubuntu package21:40
patdk-wkthat is 3rd party21:40
pinchmeshdownload the ubuntu version, then use software manager21:40
patdk-wkyou are going have to go ask them21:40
pinchmeshi have21:40
pinchmeshit's a good replacement for autocad 2d21:41
pinchmeshprolly the best that's free21:42
patdk-wkstill totally out of scope, not even a part of ubuntu21:42
pinchmeshbut, how do I set sslv2 in the program to what's included in ubuntu???21:43
patdk-wkyuk, it's a i386 only package21:43
patdk-wkno clue, this is about testing ubuntu iso's21:43
pinchmeshhey, I would be happy if it worked21:44
elfypinchmesh: try posting on the forums21:44
pinchmeshk, will do21:44
patdk-wkcan't even review the release notes without making an account? annoying21:45
pinchmeshthought you guys might know21:46
patdk-wkthat isn't your issue :)21:46
patdk-wkbut I don't even know what you mean, by set sslv221:46
patdk-wksslv2 has been dead for half a decade, and disabled for even longer21:46
pinchmeshcad wants v2 or v321:47
pinchmeshlater all, and thanks21:48
* balloons missed interesting driveby22:09
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