
derekvThis Developer's Life00:42
rick_h_droidthe only thing I got out of that was this backlog link doesn't show pyohio at all01:03
snap-lYeah, I know01:03
rick_h_bwuhahaha https://twitter.com/zzzeek/status/23734472331927142401:06
snap-lrick_h_: That is awesome.01:06
brouschrick_h_: suckup :P01:34
rick_h_droidyou know it01:35
rick_h_droidI live on his software libraries, gotta suck up01:36
brouschThat is awesome though01:48
rick_h_brousch: yea, nice to have your programming hero say a nice thing or two.02:06
snap-lGood morning11:16
CrusaderADHello, anyone in here familiar with reading usb plug n play devices?12:21
CrusaderADyep, I've got a Dymo USB pnp scale and was curious how I'd go about reading it's weight. The manufacturer and seller are useless resources.12:22
snap-lCrusaderAD: Well, in order to read the device, you'd need something to tell the device what sort of device it should be12:29
snap-lwhether that's a serial device, or what-not12:29
snap-land then some program to interpret the results.12:29
snap-lYou can usually get the vendor ID and device ID by typing `dmesg` soon after plugging in the device.12:30
snap-lsorry, product ID, not device ID.12:31
CrusaderADyep, I found that article on google too, I didn't know that about the vendor id, thanks!12:32
CrusaderADhttp://pastebin.com/J7YFSi8L do you know which set of numbers it is?12:41
snap-lI can finally talk about this. :)12:42
snap-lCrusaderAD: one sec. There's an easier way.12:42
brouschsnap-l: Dammit. That started blasting music when I opened the page12:42
snap-ltry usb-devices12:42
snap-lbrousch: UNfortunately yes12:43
brouschSo streaming metal station?12:43
CrusaderADspan-l thanks, that's better12:43
snap-lWith me doing some of the programming (check the schedule)12:43
snap-lhttp:// <- direct link12:44
brouschI like span-l. You should change your name12:48
snap-lActually I was thinking of changing my handle12:49
CrusaderADsnap-l: I'm getting a "usb.core.USBError: [Errno 16] Resource busy" error, any idea what that means?13:11
smoserjcastro, do you have your X1 Carbon yet ?13:33
jcastroit's too big13:33
jcastrobut I have been eyeballing it13:33
smoserits 14 inch?13:33
jcastroalso eyeing the X23013:33
rick_h_x230 ftw13:34
rick_h_dual ssd :)13:34
jcastrowhat a shame about the X113:35
jcastro14 inch laptop is not an ultrabook, it's just a really thin laptop!13:36
smoserthat is true. the 14 inch doesn't open all the way in those coach seats.13:43
rick_h_I'm debating getting that slice battery before my next conference for the x23013:46
rick_h_go all day long!13:46
rick_h_jcastro: bug heads up, with the x230 I did have a lockup bug going on and some wifi dropping issues on occassion13:47
jcastroI am not buying any time soon13:47
jcastrowhich wifi card on your X230?13:48
snap-lCrusaderAD: Try running as root to see if that'll fix it13:51
CrusaderADsnap-l: tried with sudo, I get that result13:52
snap-lCrusaderAD: Perhaps it has already registered itself as a serial device, then?13:53
snap-lNot sure, as I don't have that scale to test. :)13:53
CrusaderADsnap-l: no big deal, thanks for the help, I'll keep researching it :)13:53
rick_h_cop out13:53
snap-lrick_h_: Feel free to step in13:53
* rick_h_ goes back to work13:53
snap-lThe dance continues, even if the partners change. ;)13:54
jrwreni wrastled with lvm last night and won.14:13
jrwrenam tip: if you don't say what kind of mirror log to use it will be disk and lvm will put it on any disk, probably one you didn't want it too14:14
jrwrenwhat about the thinkpad t430u, even smaller than 430s ?14:14
jrwrensnap-l: that ACM post is really just someone who doesn't understand the difference between source and build results and packages.14:18
jcastrothe 430s looks great14:19
jcastrosnap-l: do you still have that X130?14:19
snap-ljrwren: It's a UNIX Grognard hoping for a retro-world where machines were sacred resources, not something you carried in your pocket.14:19
snap-lX120, and yes.14:20
jcastroI think I might get the newer one of that model14:20
jrwreni'd like to try a samsung seriews 7 or 9 for a year14:20
snap-ljcastro: Go for it14:20
greg-gsnap-l: I haven't read either Chris Randall's pdf, nor this post by Techdirt on it, but, here you go: www.techdirt.com/articles/20120815/15530420064/musician-chris-randall-music-has-no-monetary-value-connections-it-forms-are-priceless.shtml17:30
brouschI think snap-l posted that last week17:32
greg-goh, wow, that is from 8/15, huh, I'm a bit behind (Senior Leadership Retreat thing Tues-Thurs, then Tahoe Sat/Sun)17:40
greg-galso, who here follows FLOSS Robotics stuff, do you know/have an opinion on http://www.willowgarage.com ?17:40
krondorI don't know too much about it, but I like their vision statement.  I dislike that it's bsd license I think17:52
greg-gas opposed to apache or gpl?17:54
greg-g(apache having clear patent language, gpl being reciprocal)17:54
krondorexactly... I also think hardware not just software is going to be big sticking points in robotics but maybe I'm wrong.17:55
krondorlike patent on grasping hands and locomotion systems and such17:55
greg-gwe (CC) are going to have a couple people from there come talk to use during our quarterly staff get together, why I asked.17:55
* greg-g nods17:55
krondorI once worked on this, but it was ages ago and I haven't really followed legal hardware stuff in awhile; http://orpp.sourceforge.net/17:56
greg-gyeah, the open hardware problem is a tough legal nut to crack17:58
greg-gpatents are horribly hard to deal with17:58
jrwrenhow can you dislike BSD Liencse?  its the freeest of free!17:59
greg-gdefine free ;)18:00
greg-gI like to know that the software I'm using doesn't also have patents attached18:01
greg-gpatents that will be enforced on me, that is18:01
jrwrenfree for me to use.18:01
jrwrenonly thing freer is CC0 or PD18:01
greg-g(yes, there is no gaurantee that some random other entity doesn't have a patent covering the exact same process, thus, the quagmire of open patents)18:02
jrwrenfree to abuse18:02
jrwrenfree to embrace and extend18:02
jrwrenpatents can diaf :)18:02
jrwrenthe red flag of patents gets raised far too often.18:02
jrwrenrule 1 of patent fear: don't be afraid, if you are so big that someone wants to come after you for infringement, you are already a success.18:03
greg-gits the reason CC0 isn't an OSI approved option18:03
jrwrenrule 2 of patent fear: if you are still reading, you arn't a success and are small potatoes, so go get successful and stop fearing the patents18:03
krondorjrwren: in software I would agree on patents, in hardware I would disagree.18:06
krondorbecause I've seen small time companies slapped with patent suits early in dev stages after demoing a prototype on a tradeshow floor18:07
jrwrensucks to be them.18:08
krondormy point being that in hardware patents are much more often enforced (and probably more legitimate than software).  Which is fine.18:10
krondorBut in open source robotics the fear is that because they're much more often enforced the open source startup will be bullied even if there is prior art as the field is new.18:11
krondorBig companies have an opportunity to grab patents on the X ways to do Y, which given laws of phyics, might be the only viable ways to do Y leaving you at an impass18:11
jrwrensounds like fud18:12
greg-git isn't though18:12
greg-gpatents should diaf, not only because FLOSS hardware startups are bullied with them18:13
jrwrensnap-l: someone commented on reddit and now its gone or I can't find it. They said "ah you used my favorite stack, pyramid, mako, etc..."18:18
jrwrenand I was looking for the list of etc.18:18
jrwrensqlalchemy is in there, but I can't find this comment.18:18
rick_h_jrwren: that was mike bayer on twitter18:18
rick_h_he wrote sqlalchemy, mako, and alembic18:18
jrwrenrick_h_: ah, thanks.18:19
jrwrenthanks again.18:22
jrwrenthat is above and beyond18:22
rick_h_yea, nice to get kind words from your programming heros and all that18:24
snap-lgreg-g: That techdirt article on Chris Randall's post is an excellent summary18:27
snap-lAnd i posted the original article. Saw the Chris Randall post this morning.18:28
snap-ler, the Techdirt summary18:28
brouschOoooh, this has potential http://www.geeknote.me/18:38
brouschEvernote command line client18:39
jjesseanyone listen to the interview w/ Leo Laporte and the CEO of Evernote?18:45
jjessei think it was on triangulation or whatever it is called18:45
rick_h_jjesse: yea18:46
rick_h_listened to half of it18:46
jjessei thought it was very interesting, said the company was willing/open to an Open Source version of Evernote18:46
jjesseand i think he even mentioned they might help fund it?18:46
jjessei thought that was pretty cool18:46
rick_h_time to add an 'evernote suppor level' to your kickstarter for your linux app :)18:47
rick_h_hmmm, think this geeknote could just be dropbox + grep though18:47
rick_h_but one guy on my bookie reddit thread brought up his bookmark tool he wrote that used evernote as a backend to sync off18:48
rick_h_interesting idea for backup strategy, and our notes would be cool because they have web page content18:48
* snap-l sees a bookie dropbox api in the future18:53
rick_h_I debate on that. I think it only makes sense for non-html content like pdfs and such you might 'bookmark'18:55
snap-l"Make offline"18:56
snap-lor even "sync to dropbox"18:56
snap-lYou already have readable support18:56
rick_h_yea, one day I guess18:56
snap-ldrop it in my read_review folder on dropbox, and I love you long time. ;)18:56
rick_h_well yea, i did think about dropping the readable content you mark !toread into a single .html file and dump into dropbox18:56
rick_h_yea, exactly18:57
rick_h_it's part of the work for the reading view to do18:57
snap-lhttp://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/yiw4s/instead_of_buying_instagram_for_1_billion_cash/ <- ouch18:58
snap-lNIce to see the logging bot back here19:03
snap-lDropbox acting strange for anyone else?19:20
brouschNot that I noticed19:22
jcastrojrwren: hah, stay classy yahoo answers20:01
snap-lJust saw twitter20:29
snap-lI'd trust Yahoo Answers to let me know how to get crumbs out of my toaster with a fork sooner than trust them for anything else.20:30
brouschSo sad. I think Django will get Python3 support before Flask20:36
jrwrenit was funny.20:40
jrwrenyahoo answers is entertainment.20:40
greg-greally, they should just rebrand it as the StackExchange for Comedy20:49
BlazeixStackExchange: Jersey Shore Edition20:50
jrwrenhaha, nice, both of you.20:53
waldo323_wait, yahoo answers isn't run by the onion?21:37
* snap-l loves UHF23:52
snap-ljust picked up four Obituary CDs23:52
snap-lto add to the two that I picked up last time.23:53

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