
JonathanDNo kids this week. Sleepin time.10:03
rmg51no kids anytime. not enough time to sleep :-/10:39
JonathanDheh :)10:40
rmg51breakfast time10:42
IrishmanlukeI downloaded portal 2 yeaterday and I just realized I could be playing it right now on the train11:47
ChinnoDogI like Portal[12]14:13
ChinnoDogom nom donut15:07
ssweenyChinnoDog, both of those things are good and true15:09
JonathanDjedijf: can you add some details to the SFD wiki page? Or give me an alternate location to link to?15:10
JonathanDjedijf: I'd like to include a mention in the survey email I'm about to send, but theres no location/time/date on the page.15:13
JonathanDhttp://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/2012/USA/PA/Philadelphia/PACS is what I'm looking at.15:13
rmg51JonathanD: ^^15:18
JonathanDgood enough, thanks :)15:18
JonathanDhttp://openetherpad.org/fossconthanksforcoming full email.15:18
andrewI love getting invited to a past event15:38
JonathanDSorry about that.15:42
ChinnoDogGet in your time machine andrew15:42
JonathanDThats how wepay sends them. I just send in a bug report in hopes that they fix it.15:42
ChinnoDogMy time machine is broken. I need a ride into the past to buy pudding pops when they still tasted good.19:39
pleia2did they change or you?19:39
ChinnoDogI am pretty sure they did. When they finally came back into existance a couple years ago they were made by someone else... popsicle? They are not the same though.19:44
ChinnoDogI should just make my own pudding pops. They would taste better and save fuel on the time machine.19:48
jedijfi want to try the blue bunny red velvet ice cream19:50
ChinnoDogThis channel makes me fat19:56
rmg51jedijf: I'll be around all night tonight and tomorrow21:08

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