
ChTiPowAso its the same system00:00
wsirc_8644875hi, im trying to install ubuntu in my notebook with windows xp previous instaled, how to proceed?00:00
bleemooHello. I am having intermittent problems with xorg restarting after suspend, running 12.04 on a Toshiba laptop.00:00
j5tc3who want to give me a compressed ISO (Installation) Ubuntu Studio ?00:00
idonthaveanameGuys... How do I install 10.04 with wubi?00:00
ActionParsnipChTiPowA: its not supported here, none of the 'ubuntu based' distributions are00:00
idonthaveanameGirls too.00:00
MoneyDustChTiPowA  you've come to the wrong channel00:00
ActionParsnipwsirc_8644875: are you going to quit floodig?00:00
idonthaveanameOh god...00:00
ChTiPowAI told you i asked them the same question but no one knows yet00:00
idonthaveanameWhere's the installer for 10.04?00:00
Jordan_Uwsirc_8644875: Please don't endlessly repeat like that.00:00
ActionParsnipChTiPowA: then wait00:00
ChTiPowAI just wanna put Xchat in Foreground00:00
KM0201idonthaveaname: why do you want to install 10.04 w/ wubi?  why do you want to install w/ wubi period?00:00
Jordan_Uwsirc_8644875: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/install-ubuntu-desktop00:01
j5tc3type it00:01
ChTiPowAWhatever system i use... its the same way00:01
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bazhangChTiPowA, thats enough. stop asking for support here.00:01
ActionParsnipChTiPowA: its stil not supoprted here00:01
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* W4sp ... waits until it's over.00:01
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ChTiPowADamn you are stubborned !!!00:01
Fluid_Mantiswsirc_8644875: You need to create a new partition and shrink your current one. There are specific boot CDs that can do this for you.00:01
idonthaveanameKM0201 because my computer crashes while normal installation procedure00:01
ActionParsnipChTiPowA: no, its channel policy, plain and simple00:01
j5tc3WHATSAPP .... ?????????????00:01
ActionParsnipoh well00:01
KM0201idonthaveaname: what is the "normal installation procedure?"... that is causing your syustem to crash.00:01
ActionParsnipwsirc_8644875: boot to the install CD and you can resize your NTFS partition and install to the freed space00:02
idonthaveanameInstalling it. from a pen drive00:02
Fluid_Mantiswsirc_8644875: Or rather, just shrink your current partition and leave free space on your hard drive. Ubuntu will create the new partition automatically.00:02
idonthaveanameKM0201 pendrive installation00:02
bleemooHello. I am having intermittent problems with xorg restarting after suspend.00:02
* KM0201 sighs00:02
ActionParsnipwsirc_8644875: run a full backup before you start in case of catastrophe00:02
idonthaveanameKM0201 with grub.00:03
KM0201idonthaveaname: thats not an install fail, thats a user fail00:03
Fluid_MantisIndeed, we don't need another flood natural disaster. But it seems he's not replying anyway.00:03
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ChTiPowALook whatever the system i use, you can help me too if you are using Ubuntu since its a linux matter. Just wants to bring that interface FOREGROUND.00:03
idonthaveanameKM0201, well thanks. It's just that what I do is nothing, I just let it in there, and it shuts down.00:03
KM0201idonthaveaname: so you're trying to install ubuntu, onto a USB, or are you trying to put an ISO on a USB, so you can install to a hard drive?  for what its worth, ubuntu writes to disk a lot, so don't expect a thumb drive to have a lot of life if your'e installing there.00:04
idonthaveanameKM0201: I am trying to install ubuntu, from a USB, to a USB.00:05
KM0201idonthaveaname: ok.. most likely grub is getting put on the wrong disk, and thats why you're having this problem.00:05
idonthaveanameKM0201: persistant install00:05
harrisi have an epson wp-4530 how do i get it to work with ubuntu 12.0400:05
idonthaveanameKM0201: No, no, I'm sure it boots00:06
harrisActionParsnip,  i have an epson wp-4530 how do i get it to work with ubuntu 12.0400:06
idonthaveanameKM0201: It shuts down during installation00:06
BigSexySlimerman this channel is insanely active compared to the others00:06
KM0201idonthaveaname: i dunno, seems like an awful strange problem.00:06
Fluid_MantisKM0201: Do you think Ubuntu could shorten the life of an SSD more so than other OS's. Not that I'd stop using it because of that. Just curious.00:06
genii-aroundBigSexySlimer: And just think, it's fairly quiet here right now00:06
idonthaveanamethanks KM0201, will go ask in ##hardware00:06
KM0201Fluid_Mantis: i'm not that familiar with SSD's, but my understanding, is the more an OS writes, the shorter the lifespan, so.. i would say probably..00:07
harrisDr_Willis,   i have an epson wp-4530 how do i get it to work with ubuntu 12.0400:07
SynthonicCan anyone here me? (Testing)00:07
KM0201Synthonic: yes00:07
KM0201!cups | harris00:07
ubottuharris: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows00:07
Fluid_MantisKM0201: Yeah, me neither, I just got on the bandwagon and bought one recently. Thanks, though.00:08
W4sp!test | Synthonic00:08
ubottuSynthonic: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )00:08
ActionParsnipharris: have you checked the openprinting foundation website?00:08
harriswhat's that00:08
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KM0201here we go again..00:09
ActionParsnipharris: seek and you will find00:10
harrisi just need to print00:10
ActionParsnipharris: you will need to check the printer is linux friendly00:10
W4spharris: Source the PPD files for your printer and run CUPS (localhost:631) from your browser.00:11
ActionParsnipharris: as I said: http://www.openprinting.org/printer/Epson/Epson-WP-453000:13
ActionParsnipharris: you could have found that..00:13
Fluid_MantisGonna dash, later.00:14
kosaidpohello guys00:16
kosaidpocan i install a webserver in flahs usb00:17
ActionParsnipkosaidpo: sure00:17
kosaidpoActionParsnip: i mean my flash usb does not have ubuntu installed in it00:17
kosaidpoi just wanna have portabl webserver00:18
d2_guys... how can i start a daemon service (like Jack audio) before PulseAudio starts ?00:18
d2_PulseAudio is launched on startup boot right?00:19
=== bz______________ is now known as bz
ActionParsnipkosaidpo: you can store the website on there but have the app running on the OS itself00:21
kosaidpoActionParsnip: ill use a machine wih guest session so no possibly to install w.e ;]00:21
kosaidpoActionParsnip: and maybe the usb port wont be enabled  tho but ill see00:22
ActionParsnipkosaidpo: should be ok, you can add the USB storage to /etc/fstab to mount it at boot00:23
harrisget wp-4530 printer to work in ubuntu00:23
kosaidpoActionParsnip: at work we use a debian with normal session no root access ; ]00:23
ActionParsnipkosaidpo: then you can use sudo, or ask your admins to setup the mount00:24
kosaidpoActionParsnip: yeh i see but im not allowed  to ;[00:25
harrisget wp-4530 printer working in ubuntu00:25
kosaidpoits a call center so when i dont have calls i wanna do sumthin00:25
ActionParsnipharris: did you see the page I gave?00:25
ActionParsnipharris: http://www.openprinting.org/printer/Epson/Epson-WP-453000:26
harrishow do i9 install it00:27
W4spd2_: See man insserv(8).00:31
ActionParsnipharris: the page has links for debs for the driver. Did you even click the link???00:32
MiggsHey guys, I've got a problem with either PulseAudio or Zeroconf not picking up my network sound sink (even though it can be seen in avahi-discover - http://paste.ubuntu.com/1154444/ - and paprefs is set to make network sinks available locally). Any hints?00:33
zumodokiDoes anyone know much on Ram timings?00:33
WACOMalthey folks. I have a Ubuntu VM running inside of windows, it has its own IP address. I have a web domain pointing to the Ubuntu IP address. Is there any way to have Ubuntu route that to my windows machine's web server?00:35
WACOMaltaka, can I have incoming traffic go to Ubuntu via it's IP6 address, and then point that to my windows IP4 address?00:36
WACOMaltI'm setting up a cjdns web server00:36
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* VirtualBlackness doesn't understand why windows is involved in this equation.00:40
WACOMaltVirtualBlackness, because I already have the webserver running on windows. I just want a redundant copy on the Ubuntu IP6 network Im on00:41
VirtualBlacknessThat doesn't sound like what you are doing. It sounds like you can't figure out how to setup IPv6 in windows so you are trying to cheat using Ubuntu... when you could just use Ubuntu. It is really a question better suited to the VM you are usings channel with regard to networking configuration.00:43
jhojhoinstall nginx on ubuntu, proxy forward to windows00:44
WACOMalt VirtualBlackness the thing is the IP6 network is a TUN interface. which windows doesnt support00:47
WACOMaltit's cjDNS a meshnet00:47
WACOMaltanyways looks like I can set up areverse proxy in apache to accomplish this.00:47
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zechso how is everyone00:58
periHi. I hope someone may be able to help. I have been trying to  record an audio stream on my PC, using audacity. I am using 12.04 and audacity 2.0. I can get it to record. I have looked at audio input - it is iec-958.  Audacity is configued as: Audio host - ALSA and I am using the default input and output.01:00
harrisi downloaded a link now what01:06
TreaverMy Ubuntu isn't working correctly. When I click the Power Off button, it restarts. When I click the restart button it doesn't do anything.01:06
harrisTreaver,  reinsta;;01:06
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nick_cannonHey guys. Are there any programs on ubuntu that let me record sounds from another program? Does anything like that exist for linux?01:09
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nick_cannonI really just need something that will record the audio output of another program01:12
somsipnick_cannon: How about this: http://superuser.com/questions/111114/how-can-i-record-system-sounds-apps-in-audacity01:12
nick_cannonthank you somsip01:13
ehmahey guys. running lucid. ubuntu hangs/freezes after 10 or 15 mins from booting up01:14
ehmaeven if I leave it alone01:14
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crimsonmanefirst guess - heat issue01:14
ehmathese fans are pretty noisy01:15
SnapSnapehma: I've had the same problem with 12.04. Heat issue sounds probable.01:15
ehmaah. what did you do to solve it ?01:15
harrisi installed one now what01:16
acidchildhow do i stop an ipv6 address being assigned to the network interfaces on boot?01:16
somsipharris: you either need to explain your problem clearly, or if English is not your first language, maybe try in a different channel01:16
SnapSnapehma: I didn't. Still have that problem with that computer. I'd recommend opening it up and taking a can of compressed air to the fans and heat sinks. Also, make sure everything works.01:17
KevinC_My Ubuntu server does not seem to want to share internet access with the rest of the LAN... I have tried everything with IP Tables and NAT and I can't figure it out... Any ideas?01:17
harrissomsip,  i was talking to actionparsnip01:17
ehmaSnapSnap, alright. I appreciate it01:17
SnapSnapehma: No problem. Hope it helps.01:17
somsipHarris - ah ok. !who01:17
ehmame too :)01:17
somsipHarris - ah ok. |who01:17
ehmatake care01:17
harrishe left01:18
KatsumeBlisk!who | harris01:18
ubottuharris: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:18
harrisi have a wp-4530 epson printer that wont connect somsip01:18
nick_cannonHey guys. How do I use pulseaudio to route sound to audacity?01:19
harristo my laptop somsip01:19
somsipharris: just to be clear, I have no idea how to help you with this01:20
harrisdoes anyone have an epson printer01:20
nick_cannonharris what are you tyring to do?01:20
harrisnick_cannon,  connect it to my pc by the network yes its a network printer nick_cannon01:20
nick_cannonharris: What OS does your PC run? (not being a smartass)01:21
nick_cannonDoes the printer support linux?01:22
nick_cannonOk good start01:22
nick_cannonh.o plz01:22
harrisi have to eat in 10 minutes01:22
harrisand i need to print stuff for weork01:22
nick_cannonharriss: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu01:22
nick_cannonIf that does not help let me know01:22
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nick_cannonharris: Does this help?01:23
nick_cannonHold on01:23
harrisdoes what model help01:24
nick_cannonWhat are you talking about?01:24
nick_cannonharris: is your ubuntu at the most recent version?01:25
harrisyes 12.0401:25
supercom32For Grub2, should it be installed on the ubuntu partition or the boot partition?01:25
nick_cannonharris: click on the start button (or whatever you call it, where you can search for items) and type "printing"01:25
genii-aroundThe mbr of the first hard drive01:26
somsipsupercom32: either, but I believe MBR is the standard if you have no possible conflicts with other OSs01:26
harrisnick_cannon,  dash01:26
ubottu/bin/sh links to the DASH shell in all releases since Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to « #! /bin/bash01:26
nick_cannonharris: thanks01:26
harrisok nick_cannon  next01:26
supercom32@somsip: Sweet, thanks everyone.01:26
nick_cannonharris: click on add and go to network printer01:26
nick_cannonor enter the name of the device01:26
nick_cannonits all pretty simple from there01:27
harrisok i found my printer next01:27
nick_cannonharris: it should all be simple from there. I have never done it before01:27
harriswhat do i click under connections01:27
nick_cannonI am not sure01:27
nick_cannonagain, I have never done it before.01:28
nick_cannonDoes anyone know how I use pulseaudio to route sound to audacity?01:28
somsipnick_cannon: did that link not help?01:29
nick_cannonsomsip: It was limited in how much it could help01:29
somsipnick_cannon: There were more search results when I found that. Is there nothing else out there?01:29
nick_cannonsomsip: I am not sure, I am new to this sorry01:30
somsipnick_cannon: http://askubuntu.com/questions/29185/how-do-i-setup-audacity-and-pulseaudio-to-record-from-a-line-in is another01:31
nick_cannonsomsip: oh the irony01:31
nick_cannonsomsip: thanks01:32
somsipnick_cannon: though it's not good form on here to recommend google, sometimes a very literal search can show up something helpful01:32
nick_cannonsomsip: I will remember that01:33
harriswhen i download epson inkjet printer driver for linux (recommend) from the print menu01:34
harristhis happens01:35
harrisSorry, installation of this driver failed.01:35
harrisPlease have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log01:35
sambagirlwell what does the log display?01:36
harrishow do i veiw the log01:37
sambagirltype sudo nano /var/log/jockey.log01:38
harriswhat should i be looking for01:38
luftikussIn the row "http" /etc/services lists in the 3rd column "www". What is the effect of a 3rd column entry in /etc/services?01:39
harrissambagirl,  failed: ERROR: modinfo: could not find module vmxnet01:39
=== VirtualBlackness is now known as L3top
sambagirli knew that ws you l3top01:40
sambagirljsut a sec01:40
sambagirljust a sec01:40
L3topsambagirl: This is me.01:40
harrissambagirl,  failed: ERROR: modinfo: could not find module vmxnet01:40
sambagirlharris is this a brand new install of ubuntu?01:41
harrisas of today01:41
sambagirldid you update the install? because the iso is never current unless you do a netinstall01:42
sambagirltype sudo apt-get update01:42
harrisi did a reinstall from my disk01:42
sambagirldid you do a update?01:42
sambagirldo an update01:42
harrisnew install01:42
sambagirli mean update your install because you used a image that was done whenever it was but there have been enhancements since it was provided for you to use for the install01:43
sambagirlit's just like windows or osx or amigaos or bsd it's all the same. you buy the cd's in the store first thing that happens you ahve to update01:43
sambagirljjust type sudo apt-get update01:44
W4spluftikuss: This is for the www multiplexer. It is most likely not enabled on you system.01:44
harrisso i should run the updates01:44
W4sp!who | harris01:44
ubottuharris: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:44
sambagirlthat iso you installed from may have been put up there 6 months ago01:44
sambagirlwho know?01:44
ariqsis ubuntu ever going to stop pumping out so many versions all the time?01:44
harris1 year01:44
harrisas soon as it came out01:45
sambagirlharris huh?01:45
sambagirlharris speak english01:45
luftikussW4sp: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Search&search=www+multiplexer: "The page "Www multiplexer" does not exist." What do you mean by »www multiplexer«, please?01:46
sambagirlariqs is microsoft going to ever stop pumping out so much trash? :D01:46
W4spluftikuss: I'm not responsible for the content on Wikipedia. I never advised you to use Wikipedia nor did I made any reference to that site.01:47
ariqsit doesn't put out new OSes as fast as ubuntu updates, and I have no problem with MS OSes, actually. As a desktop, they have been much less problems for me than ubuntu.01:47
luftikussW4sp: You did not answer my question.01:47
ariqsI am asking because I was planning to download ubuntu to have on hand, but by the time I get to it, you'll have another version out01:48
sambagirlit puts out so many updates and they are jsut as bad as the original product ariqs01:48
Spectacle_KHi, I'm running Ubuntu 12.04. I want to install the KDE environment but when I try to it wants to install extra software. So I end up having double programmes (two calendars, e-mail, etc.). Can I just install KDE as an environment and keep the Ubuntu programmes?01:48
ariqswindows 7 was a big improvement over vista.01:48
sambagirlmicrosoft should have been sued for vista01:48
sambagirlthe only people who used it were amerikan consumers anyway.01:48
ariqsok, well I am not here to defend MS. I don't really care01:48
sambagirlme either01:49
ariqsbut I would sure like to see ubuntu devs slow down and do a yearly release or something01:49
Spectacle_KSo, is there no way I can just install the KDE environment, leaving out the extra software?01:49
sambagirlwell maybe they will change their plans and timelines just for you ariqs :).01:50
sambagirljust kidding ariqs01:50
ariqsnow you're starting to see things my way, sambagirl ;)01:50
ariqsI suppose they figure it has worked for them so why stop? Even if they are running themselves crazy01:51
ariqsbut people like me are turned off by it and don't stay up with it because of it01:51
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
MiggsHey guys, I've got a problem with either PulseAudio or Zeroconf not picking up my network sound sink (even though it can be seen in avahi-discover - http://paste.ubuntu.com/1154444/ - and paprefs is set to make network sinks available locally). Any hints?01:53
sambagirlwell ariqs in reality i stick with what i like and what works. just because something new comes up, doesn't mean you have to jump off the deck and swim thru a torrent of waves and propellers and try to climb back up onto another deck does it? :D01:53
ariqsno, but quite often it's like: "I have a problem" "Well, it's not fixed in your version, but you can get the next!"01:54
ariqsgee, thanks :)01:54
sambagirlwell that's true with anything though ariqs and therefore you just deal with it. if it's that big of an issue you can usually find a solution using good ole google search. you would be amazed how much solutions are at your fingertips. just have to be tenatious in your effort and know what to look for.01:55
Spectacle_KMiggs: Don't even try, no one's listening...01:56
MiggsYeah :(01:56
MiggsI'm not listening to anything either since I can't get it to find my network sink. :/01:56
sambagirlariqs i still run 10.10 on this particular laptop, i figure i am not running the world bank on this laptop, so what do i care about security? it's all paranoia based in some ways anyway.01:57
Spectacle_KMiggs: Ha ha, well I wish I could help you. But I have issues myself and I have no idea what your problem means lol. Sorry...01:57
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mzaamspectatatle_K try apt-get install plasma-desktop02:00
mzaamits minimalis n usable02:00
livetoburnhello all you guys~02:03
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nitrohaxanyone having issues with an apple magic trackpad in 12.04/02:09
nitrohaxor is it supported well?02:10
livetoburnsometimes it doesnt work well02:10
nitrohaxa problem with the bluetooth sweet still or a dev prob?02:11
* n0sq is wondering if anyone still uses ivtv anymore02:12
=== Root is now known as Guest50714
jacernitro, it doesn't work perfectly in 12.0402:18
jacerThere are some kernel modules you need, I can't remember what they are.02:18
diamondsunity: how do I hide an item in the launcher?02:18
diamondsI have some... personal photos that I don't want to pop up when I hit meta02:18
diamondsthis almost caused a serious problem for me whilst giving a presentation yesterday ;)02:19
benniestacksHello All, I have a gateway NV79 laptop runnint 12.04 and can not change the screen brightness or close the screen. Everything I've tried is not working.02:19
xanguadiamonds: check Privacy settings02:19
nitrohaxjacer> it supports click, double click, move the pointer and scroll?02:19
nitrohaxi've been trying to research but haven't found anything i can conclude on.02:20
diamondsxangua: I created an excluded folder but typing any part of its name still shows the image thumbnail02:21
nitrohaxbenniestacks> have you tried from the bios of the laptop?02:21
diamondsand it's still linking from the last location (downloads) :(02:22
benniestacksHey nitrohax : I haven't do anything in the bios yet. I'm not sure what all I would need to do there?02:23
diamondsargh! I deleted all activity history now it's the ONLY thing that shows up02:23
xanguadiamonds: were those images in the directory you excluded from the beggining¿02:23
diamondsxangua, they were in downloads, now in new, excluded directory02:24
diamondsBUT I just cleared all history from priv settings02:24
diamondsand it still says it's in downloads :/02:24
diamondsin launcher02:24
nitrohaxbenniestacks> sometimes in the laptop bios settings you will see something about dc screen brightness or something along the lines of power saving modes. look for that. but don't change anythign else unless you know for sure what you are doing. when in doubt, exit it DISCARDING changes02:24
W4spbenniestacks: Whaat do you mean by 'close the screen'?02:26
benniestacksOh ok, yea I'm familiar with that setting. This is more of my issue W4sp https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/77369102:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 773691 in linux (Ubuntu) "No brigthness on Gateway Nv7915u laptop" [Undecided,Expired]02:27
benniestacksBut all the fixes I see is for older version of ubuntu and I can't get any of them to work02:28
benniestacksubottu, so does that information mean there is no fix for it?02:29
ubottubenniestacks: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:29
nitrohaxbenniestacks> did you install the correct video driver?02:30
benniestacksnitrohax, I'm not sure. Everything worked out of the box except the screen brightness02:30
nitrohaxbenniestacks> have you installed the video drivers (restricted drivers) yet?02:31
benniestacksno not yet02:31
W4spbenniestacks: I see. I can't help you with the screen issue. If you cannot adjust the brightness by key combination you can try echo 100 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/<hardware>/brightness02:32
nitrohaxbenniestacks> try installing the video drivers and if still no success do what W4sp has said.02:33
W4spbenniestacks: where <hardware> is a dir specific to your laptop. You need to figure out for yourself what that is.02:33
diamondsnew question: I have "NVIDIA NVS 5400M Graphics with Optimus Technology, 1GB DDR3 Memory" and I want to install drivers02:34
diamondsI believe they are here:  http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html02:34
benniestacksnitrohax, how do I manually install a video graphic driver02:34
diamondsI have 64 bit ubuntu on intel i5, how do I determine which of those to download?02:34
L3topbenniestacks: lspci -nn | grep VGA02:34
benniestacksThanks W4sp, ima see if I can find what that folder would be02:34
nitrohaxbenniestacks> you should see a picture of a green pci card on the top of your screen (GNOME)02:34
nitrohaxthat too02:34
L3topdiamonds: lspci -nn | grep VGA    as well please02:35
benniestacksok I'm seeing: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:0046] (rev 12)02:35
diamondsL3top, http://pastie.org/pastes/4553436/text02:36
diamondsL3top, that's the integrated graphics card and the GPU, right?02:37
diamondsah it's certainly not ia6502:38
L3topdiamonds: is this a laptop?02:38
L3topYou are going to need to install bumblebee.02:39
diamondswhat's that?02:39
pourtechhow can I run the built-in games on Ubuntu?02:40
L3topdiamonds: you have an optimus chipset. It is a completely unsupported by nvidia dual gpu laptop which shares a single head. Bumblebee gives you the ability to use one, or the other, or try and switch based on need.02:40
benniestacksL3top, does that look correct?02:40
pourtechi can see some games on ubuntu software center. but...02:40
L3topbenniestacks: can you please run: sudo update-pciids  and do that again?02:40
nitrohaxpourtech> have you d/l and installed the games?02:40
icecube45So guys... My ubuntu was workiing fine till a restart, now it says im connected the the internet, but i cant seem to connect to hostname, so any websites.... I can however connect to my router.. And i can use skype and such02:41
pourtechnitrohax: ues02:41
diamondsL3top, optimus chipset refers to the gpu, not cpu, correct?02:41
L3topcorrect diamonds.02:41
nitrohaxpourtech> press the windows button and then type the name of the game you have installed that you want to use02:42
diamondsso practically speaking, I'll just not be using the GPU at all most of the time?02:42
diamondsbut I could turn it on for e.g. gaming?02:42
L3topdiamonds: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nvidia_Optimus02:42
nitrohaxpourtech> windows/command key02:42
icecube45Help, please..02:42
diamondsL3top, would you call this a "recommended" hardware configuration for running ubuntu?02:43
L3topdiamonds: it was designed with power saving in mind. Only use the big guns when they are needed. Unfortunately the official position of nvidia is "We have no plans to support optimus on linux".02:43
diamondsok so sounds like "no" :p02:43
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nitrohaxicecube45> you have limited web access is what you are saying? you can use somethings but webpages won't come up?02:43
diamondsso I overbought it seems02:43
L3topBumblebee is your only option... and it works... pretty good most of the time... but... in the future I would avoid it.02:43
icecube45Nitrohax: yes02:43
nitrohaxicecube45> please include my name when replying. it's very busy in here02:43
icecube45Sorry i added it in nitrohax02:44
diamondsL3top, thank you02:44
nitrohaxicecube45> have you set your router up?02:44
benniestacksL3top, I have run it again and still have 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:0046] (rev 12)02:44
benniestacksbut saw this first Downloaded daily snapshot dated 2012-08-15 03:15:0202:44
icecube45Nitrohax: its alll working fine, this started after a reboot..02:44
pourtechnitrohax: do you mean Opening the terminal and typing the name of game?02:44
nitrohaxpourtech> no. click on the ubuntu symbol on the top to see all of the programs and type in the name of the game02:45
periHi. I am unable to record streaming audio, using audacity and 12.04. I have done so in the past but just today it stopped. The problem appears to be that in the sound control, by way of inputs, all I have is iec-958-stereo-input. This does not allow me to select my sound card. I have tried using alsamixer under from the terminal with no success. Most grateful for any assistance.02:45
diamondson an unrelated note I'm psyched to see that unity has the meta-ctrl-left & right & up from windoes02:45
nitrohaxicecube45> try resetting the router. not a full reset, just a press of the button02:45
diamondsI loove that feature of win702:46
icecube45Ill try.... Ill rep9ort back nitrohax!02:46
nitrohaxdiamonds> blasphemy!!! you heritic02:46
nitrohaxicecube45> thank you02:46
tutehey, anyone here have, or know anyone that has, any experience with ubuntu on the Asus EEEBoxes02:46
pourtechnitrohax: thanks, i made it.02:46
nitrohaxpourtech> you are welcome02:46
diamondsnitrohax, :p what can I say? It's a good feature.  Unity has it too, but I think windows had it first02:46
diamondsI care little for who "had something first", I want linux to copy any good feature from anyone ;)02:47
diamondsand vice versa02:47
L3topbenniestacks: that is just the worst description ever. Please pastebin the output of sudo lshw -c display02:48
tutehey, anyone here have, or know anyone that has, any experience with ubuntu on the Asus EEEBoxes ?02:49
somsiptute: what model?02:50
tutesomsip: the 1012P02:50
somsiptute: I haven't02:50
L3top!anyone | tute02:50
bjvAny thoughts on this Nautilus bug? 'icon' and 'compact' view stop working for me each time i log in   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/103881202:50
ubottutute: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1038812 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "nautilus compact, icons views stop responding to touch clicks" [Undecided,New]02:50
boldfilterThank you for Gnome Classic02:51
pourtechI wanna remote control from Windows PC via VNC.02:52
diamondsL3top, how can I confirm it's working once it's installed?02:53
pourtechbut Linux based PC did not accept the access.02:53
benniestackssorry about that L3top, here ya go http://pastebin.com/1gKwR9Wz02:53
diamondswill that ` lspci -nn | grep VG` show the actual device?02:53
luftikussWhat is the 3rd column in /etc/services for?02:53
W4spluftikuss: That's for the TCP Multiplexer. Did you get my anser?02:54
pourtechmy Ubuntu version is 12.04 LTS. where can I set this pc free access from another PC?02:55
L3topdiamonds: you can run glxgears using different settings... you can lspci -k | grep -A3         but honestly... it should be self evident based on battery consumption/performance. That is the point of it02:55
L3topchecking benniestacks02:55
diamondsL3top, you're saying it'll fix the battery consumption?02:55
diamondsif so -> tears of joy02:55
W4spluftikuss: It's not actively used. The idea is to connect to a port, in yur case port 80, and wait for a response from the target systen. The response is either + or -.02:56
L3topdiamonds: it uses the intel for better battery, it uses nvidia to push what you need.02:56
diamondsjust bought this thing and put an SSD in it, battery runs out pretty quick and I'm pretty sad about it02:56
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icecube45Nitrohax: restart dndnt work02:57
L3topbenniestacks: please give me the output of lspci -nnk | grep VGA -A3      in a pastebin02:57
pourtechcan anybody help me?02:57
L3top!patience | pourtech02:57
ubottupourtech: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:57
trismluftikuss: according to: man services; it is for aliases (other names for the services)02:57
W4spluftikuss: Read RFC 1078.02:57
nitrohaxicecube45> you restarted the router correct?02:58
nitrohaxone sec02:58
icecube45O sorry, yes i did nitrohax02:58
luftikusstrism, W3sp: Thank you very much for your help.02:58
benniestacksL3top, http://pastebin.com/pe7XkC0D02:59
benniestacksThanks for all the help02:59
L3topbenniestacks: what version are you on? lsb_release -sc03:00
icecube45Nitrohax: u still there?03:00
nitrohaxicecube45> are any other computers having this problem on your network?03:00
icecube45Nitrohax: nope03:00
diamondsL3top, so I still need to d/l the driver separately, no?03:01
diamondsbumblebee complains about no gpu driver03:01
L3topdiamonds: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current03:02
diamondsL3top, says it's installed03:03
diamondslet me paste the optirun output03:03
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benniestacksL3top, not sure if you saw it but my version is precise03:04
L3topI dont know how you set your settings diamonds03:04
L3topYou should probably drop into #bumblebee03:04
L3topbenniestacks: sudo apt-get -yf install i965-va-driver03:05
rexishow can i login to pandora.com with wget03:06
diamondsperhaps I just need to apt-get upgrade03:07
L3topbenniestacks: grep model /proc/cpuinfo03:07
L3topjust curious03:07
L3topdiamonds: I don't think that is issue... but and update and upgrade shouldn't hurt.03:08
luftikusstrism: (I did not know that a 'man services' exists. It is dated 2010-05-22.)03:08
benniestacksL3top, installed and there it goes http://pastebin.com/FCmHtZxx03:09
zjhui1hi , everyone, when i run: apt-get update , It comes error -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1156509/03:09
L3topbenniestacks: reboot and see if it is better03:09
zjhui1What should i do ?03:10
benniestacksok, thanks in advance L3top !03:10
diamonds"Also make sure that you don't have drivers installed for older cards. On Ubuntu, these are the packages nvidia-96, nvidia-173 and nvidia-180."03:12
diamondshow do I check this?03:12
mzaamzjhui1 try to do it again, it ever happen to me and it solved03:12
somsipdiamonds: dpkg --get-selections | grep nvidia03:12
L3topdiamonds: dpkg-query -l nvidia* | grep ^ii03:12
trismluftikuss: didn't know myself, but we have a bunch of manpages so I gave it a shot03:12
L3topthats nice somsip... thanks03:13
diamondssomsip, it says "install" next to them03:13
diamondsdoes that mean they are not installed?03:13
L3topit means they are03:13
somsipdiamonds: usually means they're installed. So maybe you should purge them03:14
diamondsoh just -common -current -settings & bumblebee-, not -96 -174 nor -18003:15
diamondsI'm stepping thru their troubleshoot guide which includes apt-get update && upgrade so I'll check back after that03:16
diamondsthanks for the help03:16
benniestacksL3top, i'm back. Still not working :-/03:18
L3topbenniestacks: I dont remember the initial problem03:19
L3topexplain... you appear to have a sandy bridge chipset03:20
L3topI do not have great luck with them... someone else might be able to better help you benniestacks. I don't own one so I am just guessing.03:20
morpheugostaria de saber qual o melhor programa para monitoramento03:20
morpheuno debian03:21
Guest9353can anyone help me?03:21
somsip!anyone | Guest935303:21
ubottuGuest9353: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.03:21
diamondsmorpheu, entengi ingles?03:21
benniestacksL3top, I can't change the screen brightness but more importantly if I close the screen I can't resume because of a blacked out screen.03:21
diamondsmorpheu, better luck with english here :)03:22
Guest9353when i open ubuntu it gets stuck at the text based login screen how do i get to the real ubuntu03:22
diamondsthe best program for... monitoring?03:22
L3topbenniestacks: then all I have done is make your graphics work better... nothing to do with brightness... that is an acpi thing I suspect and am of no use to you... sorry03:22
diamondsGuest9353, what does it say?03:22
Guest9353tells me to login in and some errors03:23
benniestacksOh ok, L3top  for the help anyhow03:23
diamondsGuest9353, some errors... it would help if you could be more specific :)03:23
benniestacksL3top is Awesome!03:23
morpheuI wonder what the best program for monitoring03:24
diamondsmorpheu, monitoring what?03:24
Guest9353says cannot create var/run/motd.new03:24
diamondsmorpheu, `top`? `htop`?03:24
sambagirlhtops too03:24
Guest9353cannot find group id100003:24
diamondsGuest9353, is this a new install?03:25
Guest9353it happened before too03:25
diamondsGuest9353, does it boot from liveCD?03:25
morpheuI would like to monitor memory, CPU, HD and applications receiving them by mail03:25
Guest9353so i installed it again03:25
Guest9353no i inat03:25
sambagirlsorry itis called monit morpheu03:26
Guest9353no i installed it on a usb and it worked before fine03:26
Guest9353when it starts just goes directly to the text login03:26
Guest9353tried to fix packages with recovery mode but it didnt work03:27
Guest9353actually u know what i think i know what it is03:28
Guest9353when it was installing the computer went ro sleep and that might have messed it up03:28
Guest9353i will reinstall it again thanks though03:28
morpheuthe monit is good. Hear that the zabbix or nagios or cacti03:30
physically_fitpastor bazhang are you here?03:30
cornfeedhello, I am having what I think is a weird issue. I have a modified .deb file that keeps trying to pull in the stock dependencies even though I have modified the .deb file....what am i doing wrong?03:30
CellTechIs anyone elses flash crashing on them alot?03:33
bkc_CellTech: when doesn't flash crash ? :/03:34
CellTechbkc_: All the time now. I could just be on a site like facebook, youtube. or even a website builder and it'll just freeze up my FF and I'll have to refresh all tabs03:35
=== euphoria is now known as ceradon-away
KOHUHA<CellTech> install Backtrack, in it flash is main option in firefox and never crash03:36
CellTechSoftware center? Or FF add on03:36
cfhowlettHey #ubuntu: wired network won't connect.  Dual booting and works fine in windows, but ubuntu won't make the connection for some reason.  Hardware is the default Marvell Yukon ethernet controller.  Ideas please?03:37
mgalasAnybody got an idea about who can help me with a technical problem I ran at the Ubuntu Software Centre03:38
KM0201mgalas: just state your problem, if someone can help, theyw ill03:39
jagginessmgalas, and it's slow. there's synaptic03:39
qmanjr5how do I set the shortcuts for the universal access magnifiers?03:40
KOHUHA<mgalas> do you have teamviewer?03:42
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* KM0201 prefers synaptic to USC03:45
* zykotick9 prefers apt-get to synaptic or USC03:46
demonsporkwill a standard Ubuntu desktop CD boot on a macbook pro? I need to back up the data on the system before I attempt to fix the OS and I don't have the proper cable to use Target Disk Mode03:46
KM0201demonspork: if it's an intel Mac, i don't see why not03:46
KM0201zykotick9: apt-get is fine as well.. i just prefer synaptic if i'm not exactly sure of the package name that I'm looking for.03:47
zykotick9KM0201: "apt-cache search foo" ;)03:47
KM0201zykotick9: meh..03:47
KOHUHAbuhaha, if you have a penthium 4, you also can install MacOS on it...but with great fucks))03:48
KM0201why would you put MacOS on a p4?03:48
KOHUHAand because I'm from russia)03:50
KOHUHAbut MacOS sucks)03:51
=== milind is now known as abyss42
diamondscan someone help me make sense of this entry in kern.log? http://pastie.org/455372903:52
cfhowlettHey #ubuntu: wired network won't connect.  Dual booting and works fine in windows, but ubuntu won't make the connection for some reason.  Hardware is the default Marvell Yukon ethernet controller.  Ideas please?03:52
diamondsactually wait a moment, I need to switch a config  & reboot03:53
KOHUHAcfhowlett DHCP is on?03:55
cfhowlettKOHUHA: yes03:55
vokevybezhow to change the default search provider in the address bar in firefox using about:config03:55
xanguavokevybez: keyword.url i believe03:56
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loneTigerhi all!!   Total Newbie here....how do I add pidgin to the menubar???03:56
qmanjr5how do I set the shortcuts for the universal access magnifiers?03:56
jagginessvokevybez, should be in the search box, "manage search engines"03:56
jagginessvokevybez, (oops, i don't use unity :/)03:56
diamondsloneTiger, when it's running, right click & "lock to..."03:57
diamondsloneTiger, right click the icon on the launcher03:57
loneTigerok  trying it out thx diamons03:57
KOHUHAcfhowlett reboot your machine, call to your developer of the internet03:57
loneTigerdiamonds (*  w oops)03:58
diamondsloneTiger, is pidgin installed & running?04:00
MoonlightningIs there some way to make a tty or a `screen` session lock automatically after some time with no input?04:00
loneTigeryep chatting with you from it04:00
diamondsloneTiger, you are using unity?04:00
KM0201pidgin is a horrifying IRC client,.04:00
KM0201pretty good chat client though04:00
diamondsloneTiger, right click on the pidgin icon, do  you see "lock to launcher"?04:01
vokevybezjagginess: i meant in the browser so i can search with the browser04:01
loneTigerno i dont want the lock to launcher......you know the icon like "empathy" shows up...how do i do that04:01
diamondsnot sure04:02
KM0201i don't think thats currently working w/ Unity and Pidgin.04:02
diamondswhich is sad04:02
KM0201why is it sad?04:02
diamondscuz Pidgin is the de facto standard FOSS chat client04:03
diamondsis it not so?04:03
KM0201not really, thats why Ubuntu doesn't ship with Pidgin anymore.04:03
loneTigeryea thats sad......:(    because it make it harder ...have to alt tab everytime to type....04:03
KM0201it comes w/ Empathy.  Empathy is designed to integrate with Unity, Pidgin is not.04:03
diamondshonestly, who goes out and installs Empathy?04:04
KM0201diamonds: lots of people.04:04
KM0201or i should say, lots of people use it.. just because "its there"04:04
diamondsKM0201, there we go ;)04:04
loneTigeryep thats right KM0201........because its there....04:04
diamondsI tried it briefly04:04
nitrohaxdiamonds> some of us that also run straight debian have to d/l something like that to keep everythign working and straight04:04
xanguaKM0201: pidgin does integrate with unity, or at least with the message indicator as empathy does04:04
KM0201some people don't really care what IM/chat client they use.. personally, i hate empathy.04:04
diamondsKM0201, yeah me too :(04:05
loneTigercan empathy handle IRC???04:05
KM0201xangua: yeah, but he wants the old pidgin status icon in the taskbar, like there used to be w/ gnome 2.x (at least i think thats what he wants)04:05
KM0201loneTiger: i think so.04:05
diamondsnitrohax, not sure what you mean.  I mean "people will go out of their way to install Pidgin, not so Empathy"04:05
KM0201personally, if you want to do IRC, bet an IRC client...04:05
loneTigeryep thats right ..actually like yahoomessenger in windows......04:05
KM0201none of the IM clients handle IRC very well IMO,04:06
loneTigertotal newbie here....seeing linux (the whole spectrum) for the first time here....04:06
trismKM0201: you can still have the status icon too, just enable it in the options and add Pidgin to the systray-whitelist04:06
nitrohaxloneTiger> questions/04:06
KM0201well, i have it enabled, but i have no idea how to add it to this "white list"04:06
loneTigeroptions of...which app?04:07
diamondsjust tried out empathy again04:07
trismgsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist ['JavaEmbeddedFrame', 'Mumble', 'Wine', 'Skype', 'hp-systray', 'Pidgin', 'update-notifier']; might have extras I forget the default04:07
diamondsit has styles!!04:07
nitrohaxKM0201> you have the regular xchat and not the gnome xcaht right04:07
diamondslast time it had NO styles04:07
KM0201nitrohax: affirmative04:08
diamondsargh still trying to get bumblebee to behave...04:08
nitrohaxgood. at least you have one that works right. now you want to challenge your self some try BitchX. LOL04:08
nitrohaxdiamonds> with that, it's trial/error and patience04:09
diamondsnitrohax, yes04:09
diamondsnitrohax, current status: If I set Driver=nvidia, bumblebee server doesn't start properly04:09
diamondsnitrohax, if I don't, it starts but can't find the driver :p04:09
nitrohaxnvidia xserver tries to regulate it too04:10
bharathI am new to ubuntu developement , can anyone please help me out on how to contribute to ubuntu?04:10
KM0201trism: weird, i ddi what you said, skype shows up, but pidgin and xchat do not.. oh well.04:10
diamondsnitrohax, should/can I disable/uninstall that?04:10
trismKM0201: you probably need to restart the panel, it will probably work next login04:11
KM0201oh ok.04:11
trismKM0201: I have it here, so it is possible in theory04:11
nitrohaxdiamonds, 50/50 another trial error thing.04:11
KM0201trism: i believe you, brb, i'll try logging out/back in04:11
KM0201that seems to have done it04:12
nitrohaxdiamonds> system settings additional drivers. remove and restart04:13
diamondsit says I have no proprietary drivers!!!04:13
diamondswhat the heck!04:13
loneTigerguys......unity added pidgin automatically to the "messaging menu"...don't know if it will give me alerts though04:13
diamondsI'll try to install the nvidia again.. I think I already have it :/04:13
nick1where can i get history command source code ?04:13
nitrohaxdiamonds> it says there aren't any drivers at all for your GPU?04:14
diamondsnitrohax, it says "no proprietary drivers are in use on this system"04:14
Nautilusi believe i've created a mount point (sdb2) and mounted the sdb2 partition to it... now how do get to it so I can see the files?  is it a CD?  "cd sbd2" says No such file or directory.04:14
nitrohaxdiamonds> does it give you an option to activate one?04:14
loneTiger@ nitrohax....if the proprietary drivers don't work out how do you revert back to normal04:15
diamondsnitrohax, no04:15
histodiamonds: If you have the propriatary nvidia driver installed and the kernel updates you need to rebuild the nvidia kernel module04:15
nitrohaxdiamonds> interesting. must be something extremly new04:15
diamondshisto, how do this?04:15
KOHUHAdiamonds reboot from liveusb and enjoy04:16
diamondshisto, when would I have updated the kernel?04:16
nitrohaxloneTiger> system settings>additional drivers. remove the ones you don't want04:16
diamondsKOHUHA, elaborate please04:16
Nautilusshouldnt my newly mounted sdb2 show up in the file browser?04:16
NautilusI -can- cd to /mnt/sdb2 and see my files in CLI04:16
loneTigeryea that happens if i can see my desktop....with the display drivers not working out i won't be able to see the desktop04:16
nitrohaxNautilus> does it show up under computer. you might just need to mount it04:17
nick1pls help me wher can i find the source code for history command04:17
nitrohaxloneTiger> you can always start up in recovery mode04:17
Nautilusnitrohax: in the left pane in the file browser I have no "Computer".  It does show other partitions like the NTFS ones04:18
nitrohaxloneTiger> or live USB/CD and then change files on the host drive if it's not encrypted04:18
loneTigerusing usb and / cd/dvd...rght?04:18
phonebook_im trying to install the java development kit but there are now executables in the file04:18
diamondshow do I list current repos that apt draws from?04:18
nitrohaxNautilus> try clicking on the blank desktop and lookign to the top and then Places>Computer>04:18
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loneTigerthx diamonds..nitrohax.......gotta go...ciao laters....bye04:19
MonkeyDustdiamonds  less /etc/apt/sources.list04:19
KOHUHAdiamonds create liveusb with your distributive, boot from it, reinstall your ubuntu, and your ethernet will work04:19
Nautilusnitorb: no "Places" there.  BTW I'm on 10.04 (basically wanting to check my backup on sdb2 before upgrading)04:19
Nautilusnitrohax: ^04:19
diamondsKOHUHA, I think you have me confused with someone, my ethernet works04:19
KOHUHAdiamonds, oh sorry04:20
nitrohaxNautilus> DO NOT UPDATE FROM 10.04!!! Fresh install only!!!04:20
Nautilusnitrohax: ah, it works as poorly as 8.10 -> 10.04?04:20
nitrohaxNautilus> worse.04:20
KM02018.10 > 10.04 shouldn't have been done anyway.04:20
Nautilusnitrohax: gotcha. ugh.04:21
MonkeyDustupdate from 10.04 will be possible as of august 2304:21
KM020110.04 > 12.04 will be possible soon enough04:21
nitrohaxMonkeyDust> you try it first then i'll belive you04:21
histodiamonds: the kernel gets updated installing updates from software center04:21
* KM0201 always clean installs.04:21
KOHUHAdiamonds, IMHO, from all Ubuntu-based distrs Bactrack5r1 is the best)04:21
Nautilusi wouldnt mind a scratch install but then theres so much to redo04:21
diamondshisto, ah ok04:21
meganerdwhat is wrong with upgrading from 10.04 to 12.04?04:21
* zykotick9 notes it's "possible" now to 10.04->12.04 (but considers it foolish)04:22
ubottuopenbox is a lightweight window manager. For instructions and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Openbox04:22
nitrohaxNautilus> like what? installing soem programs and forgetting the ones you dont' use anyways.04:22
diamondshisto, how do I rebuild that module?04:22
asilhouettehi guys04:22
KM0201Nautilus: if you backup your /home ( i usually just back it up onto my NAS), it doesn't take near as much time as you'd think04:22
Nautilusnitrohax: like all of mysql, vhosts, configs in who knows which programs04:22
histodiamonds: how did you install nvidia binaries in the first place?04:22
* nitrohax is away again (even though i never hit /back)04:22
diamondshisto, apt-get04:22
Nautilusi have used Clonezilla to grab the entire partition as a backup04:23
asilhouettei'm having problem with  rtl8187 driver, its very unstable and wireless doesn't work well04:23
KM0201Nautilus: again, if you b ack up your home, that should all be saved (the configurations) you'd just have to reinstall the software.04:23
NautilusKM0201: nope, wrong04:23
histodiamonds: well then nevermind it should have updated that as well. I though you were using drivers from nvidia.com04:23
KM0201Nautilus: ok, obviously your experience has been different from mine.04:23
KM0201cuz ive done it many times04:23
diamondshisto, no that was disrecommended04:23
Nautilusdid you have vhosts? mysql db's?04:23
nick1hi all04:23
meganerdNautilus: KM0201 for server apps like mysql you will want to take /var and /etc as well04:24
nick1where can i find the source code for linux internal commands ?04:24
KM0201i didn't know we were talking about a server here04:24
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KM0201(since there's a channel for ubuntu server)04:24
histonick1: which commands?04:24
Nautilusmeganerd: a Clonezilla backup should be sufficient, yes?04:24
meganerdKM0201: mysql and vhosts were the clue for me04:24
Nautilusjust a local web dev box04:25
KM0201i wasn't paying that close attention to be truthful.04:25
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meganerdNautilus: it depends on how your partitions are laied out and what are you trying to do.04:25
zykotick9!info coreutils | nick1 linux donesn't have commands, gnu does04:25
ubottunick1 linux donesn't have commands, gnu does: coreutils (source: coreutils): GNU core utilities. In component main, is required. Version 8.13-3ubuntu3 (precise), package size 2133 kB, installed size 5584 kB04:25
nick1<diamonds> could u pls help me/04:25
nick1<diamond>where can i find the source code for linux internal commands ?04:25
Nautilusmeganerd: well, trying to upgrade 10.04LTS to 12.04LTS.  But maybe I shouldn't even bother04:25
KM0201Nautilus: thats not supported yet, why would you?04:26
meganerdI am writing this from a machine on which I did exactly that.04:26
zykotick9Nautilus: it's fine to upgrade - just expect lots of issues.  have backups regardless of what you decide.04:26
meganerdit also has vhosts, DBs, and a couple of VMs04:26
Nautilusi don't mean specifically an upgrade. A scratch install is OK so long as I have backed up what I need04:26
KM0201meganerd: it can be done i imagine, but it's not advised or supported for some reason, until 12.04.104:26
KM0201well if you're going to clean install, you can do whatever you want04:27
Nautilusi'm trying to "move" from 10.04 -> 12.04, unless it's not worth it04:27
meganerdKM0201: that was news to me since I went and did just that months ago, I was just lucky I guess04:27
histonick1: which internal commands are you looking for?  ls and things of that nature are provided by coreutils package you can get the source from apt or the software center.  Also you can dpkg -S /bin/somecommand   and it will tell you the package that it's from04:27
zykotick9Nautilus: fresh install is a LOT "cleaner"04:27
NautilusKM0201: thanks for stating the obvious04:27
meganerdKM0201: I also have nightly backups on both a local software RAID and offsite, so I am less worried04:28
histoNautilus: there are no issues upgrading from LTS to LTS is supported04:28
KM0201meganerd: i don't backup quite that frequently, but i backup enough i'm not concerned if I have some sort of failure04:28
Nautilushisto: w/o 12.04.1?04:28
bharathI am new to ubuntu developement , can anyone please help me out on how to contribute to ubuntu?04:28
meganerdKM0201: dupclicity FTW04:28
histoNautilus: it's suggested to wait untill 12.04.104:28
Nautilusi can do that :)04:29
zykotick9histo: "there are no issues upgrading" you are joking right?  and going LTS->LTS is the most difficult of upgrade to be smooth04:29
xangua!contribute | bharath04:29
ubottubharath: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu04:29
MonkeyDustbharath  http://www.ubuntu.com/community/get-involved04:29
histozykotick9: i've never had an issue04:29
Nautilusbut will it turn out that 12.04.1 upgrade doesn't work either?04:29
meganerdzykotick9: I have done about two dozen LTS to LTS upgrades this year04:29
zykotick9histo: have you been to this channel after a new release?04:29
* KM0201 has never even done an upgrade.. ;)04:29
KM0201lol zykotick9 ... mass hysteria i tell you04:30
bharathMonkeyDust, thankyou04:30
meganerdKM0201: they are usually not that bad, I have been doing them since the Debian Slink days04:30
histozykotick9: i've been using ubuntu since the 5xx days so yes04:30
Nautilusif I can backup to a Q.... a Clonezilla backup should be solid, yes?  exact same sector size partitions.04:31
meganerdNautilus: clonezilla would work, especially if you have a single partition04:31
histoNautilus: yes clonezilla you can clone your drive.  or you can just tar up your home would be sufficient backup04:31
Nautilushome is not sufficient04:32
KM0201histo: he has some server apps as well..04:32
meganerdNautilus: I like backing up the data (like /var /etc and so on,) as it is easier to restore into a new server04:32
histoNautilus: oh if you have a server then no04:32
histoNautilus: just bootup a clonezilla livecd and image the drive to a removable drive04:32
Nautilusthat's what I did04:32
histoNautilus: then you have nothing to worry about unless your image is bad04:33
Nautiluswell, the partition04:33
KM0201but if you restore the image, aren't you more or less just putting the "old" OS back on the machine?04:33
meganerdKM0201: yes04:33
histoKM0201: yes04:33
KM0201oh ok04:33
Nautilusthats why it's called a backup ;)04:33
KM0201i thought hte goal was to upgrade to 12.0404:33
histoNautilus: is there a reason you need to upgrade at this minute?04:33
meganerdKM0201: which is why I like to grab /etc/ /var/ and /usr/local seperately04:33
Nautilushisto: not really04:33
Nautilusjust thoughtit was about time04:33
histoNautilus: all my servers are still running 10.0404:33
Nautilusi see04:33
histoNautilus: As others have stated with the issues people experience. I just wait on my servers untill LTS .104:34
Nautilusi did want to upgrade php to 5.3.3 from my 5.3.2 but that need has passed.04:34
histoNautilus: then others have debugged any issues I may experience04:34
meganerdNautilus: I am happy with 12.04, though I did not start the upgrade until Friday after work when I had time to fix problems04:34
zykotick9Nautilus: if they are server installs, that does change things a bit - less likely to have issues i'd imagine then a regular desktop04:35
Nautilusubuntu desktop installs, with a LAMP stack for local web dev. pretty simple but I don't wanna break it04:35
lotuspsychjehowto fix a corrupt square mouse pointer at first boot?(after a reboot its gone)04:36
Nautilusi guess I stay with 10.04LTS04:36
histoNautilus: if you have a backup though what's there to lose I guess. It's up to you.04:36
histoNautilus: you're not going to see anything earth shatering from upgrading to 12.0404:37
Nautilusyep, that's what i was thinking, "whats there to lose"04:37
Nautilusbut if 12.04 gets me squat, yawn04:37
Nautilus"don't fix what ain't broke" comes to mind04:38
KM0201i like ubuntu server, its a good server distro.. had it on my NAS forever.. then for whatever reason, switched to OMV (which i also like)04:38
KM0201it is kinda nice not having to do every single thing from command line04:38
rkhshmDue to network issues I'm having to connect my 11.10 via a wifi hotspot on my phone. The strange thing is I can see that the Bandwidth i'm getting is about 3Mbps yet when i try to open a webpage it takes ages.. .However if i open the same webpage on my phone it works in a flash..04:38
rkhshmwhy this problem?04:38
NautilusKM0201: yea, nice to have the GUI04:38
KM0201Nautilus: although admittedly, past initial setup, i never use the webUI... go figure.04:39
* zykotick9 if i can't run it in screen, it's not much use to me04:39
archlinuxrussianhey :)04:39
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lotuspsychjerkhshm:what wifi card you got, what security on wifi?04:39
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NautilusWell, many thanks guys!!  Sounds like I'm actually all set.04:40
archlinuxrussiani was hoping i could find out if there was a way to get Ubuntu to stick with the latest stable kernel releases, example being Fedora...where right now im on
ZeroC00LHi all.04:41
archlinuxrussiananyone have any info on that?04:42
MonkeyDustarchlinuxrussian  i guess you mean a rolling release04:42
meganerdarchlinuxrussian: so, you want the latest kernel?04:42
archlinuxrussiannot entirely...just keeping up with a kernel04:42
archlinuxrussianstable kernel*04:42
ZeroC00LI have a problem, I installed the ubuntu 12.x and when I rebooted for the first time I received the following error:  "error: no such device: 1bc..."04:43
meganerdarchlinuxrussian: well, that would break stability, a big no no for LTS04:43
rkhshm1lotuspsychje: i'm using a wifi dongle from cisco and wifi security is WPA2 (AES)04:43
meganerdarchlinuxrussian: I also would never use Fedora for a server or a machine I cared about04:43
histoarchlinuxrussian: you can check if they have a newer in kernel in backports04:43
archlinuxrussianmeganerd: :/ how so? just wondering...since Fedora keeps with the latest stable kernel.04:43
KOHUHAarchlinuxrussian арча-говно, backtrack forever)04:43
archlinuxrussianmeganerd: i use it for everything o_o04:43
xanguaarchlinuxrussian: compile the kernel or use the mainline builds (on your own risk of course)04:43
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds04:43
meganerdarchlinuxrussian: you can of course just build yourself the kernel, it is not difficult.04:43
lotuspsychjerkhshm1: i had same kinda issue on natty, on linksys wifi card, could only have WEP to speed up, WPA messed up speed, did you try?04:44
archlinuxrussianoh ok...was jw if there was a ppa or some crap like that :P04:44
archlinuxrussianthat i was oblivious about04:44
archlinuxrussianthanks :_04:44
KM0201i don't think fedora would make a bad server distro (granted, i don't use fedora as much as i used to, but it seems stable)04:44
meganerdarchlinuxrussian: Fedora and Ubuntu are different, with different goals04:44
rkhshm1lotuspsychje: no i've not tried that.. will do it and let you know .. thanks..04:44
archlinuxrussiani knows :P04:44
archlinuxrussiani use arch on my desktop, and currently Fedora on my laptop04:44
lotuspsychjeZeroCOOL:what had u got?04:45
archlinuxrussianand am on testing repos on both...not rawhide04:45
meganerdarchlinuxrussian: you are free to debug Fedora for Red Hat, but I have things I would rather do with my time04:45
archlinuxrussiano_o i dont debug...04:45
archlinuxrussiani use it for everything i do lol. and it works fine04:45
meganerdarchlinuxrussian: you run fedora, so yes you do :)04:45
lotuspsychjeZeroC00L:its your hd not showing? wich hd you have?04:45
archlinuxrussianmeganerd: o_o04:46
ZeroC00LI don't know...hold on.  I will look.04:46
archlinuxrussianmeganerd: so? lol04:46
ZeroC00LFYI, I had v10 on it before.04:46
archlinuxrussianyou speak as though its not a good thing :/04:46
Iron_ChefHi, does anyone know which file the screen blanking setting is kept in gnome 3?04:47
lotuspsychjeZeroC00L:dualboot on it?04:47
meganerdarchlinuxrussian: this is really OT,04:47
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Iron_Chefnice nick root!!!04:47
Iron_Chefhere's a tip DON'T USE IRC AS ROOT! ;-)04:48
ubottuIt's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.04:49
lotuspsychjeZeroC00L:please provide a little more info on your problem so we can help04:49
KM0201of course, he could be here on a Live CD, which.. logs you in initially as root I do believe04:49
lotuspsychjexchat isnt so bad software right?04:49
Iron_ChefKM0201: ah that's put it nicer :-)04:50
Iron_ChefKM0201: ubuntu is the default user iirc04:50
KM0201lotuspsychje: its not bad software, but you should never run any software as "root" when you don't need it, especially software that is used to access random servers, etc..04:50
KM0201hmm, thats right04:50
KM0201so why on earth would someone run IRC as root?04:51
lotuspsychjeIron_Chef:lets say root was logged in to issri, could one abbuse on terminal irc?04:51
Iron_Chefthese days... trolling perhaps? :-)04:51
histoGuest98915: I would not use irc as root that's a bad idea04:51
ZeroC00Lfair enough, I have an core i7 first gen that I put together myself.  has win7/ubuntu with v10.  Attempted to reinstall/upgrade to v12.04:51
KM0201probably a windows user who doesn't understand that not using root for everything, is one thing that makes Linux so much better than Windows.04:51
lotuspsychjeZeroC00L:try to updat grub and reboot, many dualboots with win7 crash these days...04:52
ZeroC00LOkay...how do I upgrate the grub?04:52
lotuspsychjeZeroC00L:sudo update grub and reboot04:53
ZeroC00LHow do I get to sudo, I am left at the rescue bash04:53
demiurgesup guys. is there a way to increase overall color strenght in ubuntu?04:56
lotuspsychjeZeroC00L:maybe this can help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows04:56
KM0201color strength?04:56
demiurgeyeah, like nvidia digital vibrance, make colors stronger04:57
ZeroC00Llotuspsychje: thanks I will work on that.04:58
lotuspsychjehowto fix a corrpt square mouse pointer at first boot (after a reboot its gone)?05:03
JoeR1The keyboard and touchpad on my laptop suddenly stopped working and I could use some help05:05
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histoJoeR1: can you ctrl+alt+F1 to get to a tty?  ctrl+alt+F7 will get you back to X05:10
JoeR1I am in with a wireless keyboard and mouse combo histo05:14
histoJoeR1: okay does hitting ctrl+alt+F1 switch to a tty?05:19
histoJoeR1: or does pressing the numlock key light up the numlock on the keyboard?05:20
JoeR1yes it does and no it doesn't05:20
KM0201so you can switch to a tty, but you can't enable the number pad?05:21
JoeR1well in case you missed it KM0201 I am using a wireless keyboard and mouse right now05:22
datruthhow can I assign volume controls to a secondary sound device?05:23
KM0201JoeR1: no i caught that05:23
JoeR1all dry for ideas in here?05:29
KM0201yeah, sorry05:29
JoeR1No problem05:30
JoeR1thanks for at least listening and responding05:30
hanslandahello there, can anyone help me? i think its easy to do, but im very new to linux...i was changing some sound settings on XFCE and now i have no sound, just microfone..anyone?05:33
KeanuCould somebody help me with installing Ubuntu on an old desktop?05:35
KeanuCan somebody please help me?05:37
KM0201Keanu: what do you need help with?05:37
KeanuKM0201: I'm trying to install Ubuntu on an old pc, and I'm having troubles booting from a cd05:38
KM02011st, how "old" is old..05:39
histoKeanu: what sort of troubles we can guess all day05:39
KM0201general specs?05:39
aeon-ltdcpu, ram, hdd05:39
histohanslanda: unmute your speakers05:39
histohanslanda: try alsamixer in a terminal and check your levels05:39
aeon-ltdKM0201: cpu/ram/hdd specs are most important05:39
histohanslanda: also make sure you have the right output device selected05:40
KM0201aeon-ltd: i know that... when i said "general" specs.. i assumed thats what he'd get me05:40
KeanuKM0201: Gateway Desktop, 20 GB HDD, 512 MB RAM, 1.6 GHz Pentium 4 Processor, Windows XP SP2, it's from 200105:41
aeon-ltdKM0201: sorry about that, the autocomplete on my client isn't that good.05:41
hanslandahisto, how im gonna know i have the right output device selected?...i have 2....one is intel and other nvidia ...i think its intel05:41
KM0201Keanu: you don't have enough RAM to run a live cd.05:41
KeanuKM0201: I don't?05:41
KM0201and frankly, you probably don't have enough ram to run ubuntu 12.04 successfully.. you need to look at either xubuntu or lubuntu05:41
KM0201Keanu: no, live cd's require at least 1gig of ram... you can try the alternet install cd, but w/ that low amount of ram, ubuntu is gonna run like crap05:42
KeanuKM0201: Would it give me an error message if I didn't have enough ram?05:43
KM0201Keanu: it probably wouldn't even boot, or if it did, it would take abou 10-15min05:43
IlikeMooseKM0201: i ran 12.04 on 512mb and it was a bit slower than 1 gig of ram but it wasn't all that bad05:43
KM0201IlikeMoose: hmm, i couldn't imagine that05:44
IlikeMooseit was better than running xp05:44
xanguaKM0201: you just like to exagerate everything ;)05:44
KM0201xangua: not exaggerating at all..05:44
KM0201at least in my opinion.,05:44
aeon-ltd12.04 will run, just not great. the time is better spent installing xubuntu or lubuntu, Keanu05:45
KM0201thank you.05:45
KM0201either way, you're going to need to use the alternat einstall cd... thats not enough ram for live cd's05:45
slackin#pugbot NEEDS 2 TO START NOW!05:45
histoKeanu: you can use the alternate install cd05:45
Keanuhisto: What's that?05:46
KM0201it's a text installer (ie, not a live cd)05:46
histohanslanda: yes mostlikely it's the intel device. the Nvidia device is probably for sound over hdmi05:46
aeon-ltdOr if you really have time, start from server. use standalone openbox with that you could boot to just under 70mb ram usage. more than one flash video/game running at the same time will slow the system to an absolute crawl. expect the same with java etc05:46
histo!alternate | Keanu05:46
ubottuKeanu: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal05:46
KeanuActually, I should ask my first question. I have this old desktop that I'd like to use as a server... for Minecraft. Should I use Desktop or Server Ubuntu?05:48
aeon-ltdKeanu: server for sure, free up as much ram as possible05:48
histoKeanu: server05:49
aeon-ltdKeanu: How many players do you plan to support?05:49
hanslandahisto, nobody is helping me, ive already selected intel...but nothing happens...all sounds muted...but the sound icon is like it was with sound.05:49
KM0201yup, definitel server05:49
Keanuaeon-ltd: 3-10, but I do plan on upgrading ram eventually05:49
aeon-ltdKeanu: you may need 64bit, depending on the processor you may be capped at 4gb of ram which severly limits the amount of players you can support05:51
Keanuaeon-ltd: Intel Pentium 4 1.6GHz05:51
KM0201Keanu: any way you can bump the ram on that?.. it should be cheap on ebay..05:52
histohanslanda: can you open alsamixer in a terminal and ensure that the pcm and master volumes aren't muted05:52
KeanuKM0201: Where do I check the ram cap for my computer? I haven't used windows in ages.05:52
aeon-ltdhanslanda: colonel, what settings were you changing before this happened?05:52
histohanslanda: also what sound settings were you changing?05:52
KeanuKM0201: It's Windows XP05:52
KM0201Keanu: i've not used windows in about 8yrs, i don't know... google the specs on the machine05:52
aeon-ltdKeanu: your mobo will have a cap aswell as whether your cpu supports 64bit05:53
KeanuKM0201: I can't find my machine online. It doesn't bring up anything05:53
KM0201google the model of you rmachine, and see if you can find gateway docs on it (they usually keep them forever)05:53
Keanuaeon-ltd: mobo>05:53
Keanuaeon-ltd: ?05:54
KM0201Keanu: crucial has a tool you can download and run... that should do the trick (assuming the machine has windows)05:54
KM0201it'll tell you how much ram you have, max, etc..05:54
aeon-ltdKeanu: motherboard05:54
Keanuaeon-ltd: right, I'm still a tad new to this.05:54
hanslandahisto, aeon-ltd , i was changing microfone volume ... here http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-20-08-2012-025346.php05:54
KeanuKM0201: thanks, I'll tell you the results when I get it05:55
LifeSF"random" question,... would most say that running ubuntu 12.04 should be a smoother and faster experience than running windows or osx?05:56
KM0201RAM should be cheap for that machine... i'd max it out, then build the server... a server w/ only 512mb of ram, i can't imagine how slow that would be.05:56
ParkerRLifeSF, Depends05:56
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KM0201LifeSF: its smoother for me cuz i know what the heck i'm doing.05:57
KM0201i've not used Windows in so long (and i've never used Mac) i'd be lost on both05:57
hanslandahisto, aeon-ltd , i was changing microfone volume ... here http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-20-08-2012-025346.php05:57
ParkerRI've been using 12.04 on a little 20gb drive until my new one comes in05:57
histohanslanda: click select controls and select your channels05:58
LifeSFlollll that's the thing though,.. it will be "fast" on a fresh native install, but then again, i always encouter "problems" after an install that cause performance issues, and sometimes too much for me to actually stay on it... ie: graphics card/flash05:58
ParkerRBoth work just fine for me05:58
dottleneed some install help05:58
histoLifeSF: In my experience linux performs much faster than windows in most tasks that I use05:59
KM0201dottle: just ask05:59
dottleinstall locks up on the second splash screen when mouse appears, nothing installed yet05:59
hanslandahisto, these 2 channels only? http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-20-08-2012-025917.php05:59
dottleusing a xubuntu 12.04 install disc06:00
KM0201dottle: cpu/ram?06:00
dottle1.5 gig ram06:00
dottleintel cpu, old, 3000 speed I think06:01
KM0201whatgraphics chipset06:01
dottle2 disc drives06:01
LifeSFhisto: well, it has been the case for me also at some points with certain things but i mean,... my pcs will just blast in heat if i ever run youtube videos or other, and i mean it'll run REALLY well with aero but the new ubuntu unity doesn't run well etc.. all things that make it burst in heat,..06:01
histohanslanda: I would have pcm visible06:01
dottleit has a 6800 graphics card in it06:01
histoLifeSF: run unity2d06:01
KM0201hmm, first thought would be a bad cd burn06:01
KM0201cuz that should run just fine.06:02
histo!md5sum | dottle06:02
ubottudottle: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows06:02
LifeSFyeah, but i don't believe my pc should need to cut down on those,... i mean is unity that much more demanding?06:02
dottleburned xubuntu dvd, then cd, then ubuntu cd, all behave identical06:02
hanslandahisto, http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-20-08-2012-030232.php    ....and still no sound06:02
dottlemd5sum checked out when burned with k3b06:03
dottlerand the disc check also, it passed06:03
LifeSFhisto: i'm comparing to aero because both have these transparency effects,...06:03
LifeSFreason why i bring up the subject is this: i find myself often needing to 'go back' to ubuntu but i also find myself needing to go back to windows,...06:05
KM0201dottle: dunno, i'd try burning a new CD, and burn it very very slow (1-2x)... and try again06:05
KM0201are you using cdrw or cdr?06:05
KM0201i doubt a machine that old can boot usb, if it could, that'd be the way to go.06:05
dottleusing cdr06:07
hanslandahisto, http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-20-08-2012-030232.php    ....and still no sound06:07
dottlerecommended burning program?06:07
ParkerRhanslanda, No need to post twice06:07
KeanuKM0201: 2 gig cap on the RAM06:08
hanslandaParkerR, sorry for giving you that huge problem06:08
KM0201Keanu: what type of ram did it say you had?06:09
KM0201probably ddr400 or something like that i would think06:09
dottlethe checksum on both iso images check out ok06:10
histohanslanda: I'd enable all controls and make sure you didn't tick a switch or mute one that is needed06:10
histo!sound | hanslanda06:10
ubottuhanslanda: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.06:10
histohanslanda: also asking in xubuntu may get your more help if that's what you are using.06:11
LifeSFso many things i love about running on ubuntu i wish i could just stay on it...06:11
hanslandahisto, thank you06:11
histoLifeSF: why can't you?06:12
LifeSFi was expecting google to at some point go after one of your good guys for software and i think it may have helped a bit in a way afterall as they bring out new programs that actually can work just as much on linux allowing so much more than before to userfriendliness06:13
LifeSFno i can't because of performance that just drops06:13
LifeSFand makes my pcs overheat06:13
LifeSFi mean, my quad core with 4gb ram runs smooth with 7 but unity... wow the drop06:13
LifeSFplus i have a nice graphics card but... in the past it was a hassle with nvidia, it's gotten better but still not top notch06:14
KeanuKM0201: Sorry, I had to go for a minute, what do you mean what type of ram I have?06:14
Iron_Chefdoes anyone know the config file where screen blanking is set in gnome 3 ?06:14
KM0201Keanu: well, that will determine how much ram is going to cost to upgrade06:14
LifeSFbut at a certain time ubuntu BEAT my windows in speed incredibly but then again, flash problems occured06:14
KM0201so it will probably say something like "ddr400 500mhz" or something like that06:15
KM0201youc an't just buy any ram06:15
KM0201you gotta buy matching06:15
KeanuKM0201: DDR PC2700, or DDR PC320006:15
histoKeanu: how much ram do you have?06:16
KM0201you should be able to get that pretty cheap.06:16
KM0201512mb histo i think is what he said.06:16
Keanuhisto: On the machine right now? 512MB.06:16
histoKeanu: you have enough ram to run ubuntu06:16
histoKM0201: the minimum specs are 512MB06:16
KM0201512?.. yeah, it'll run, like crap06:17
Keanuhisto: I'm using the machine to run a server for Minecraft.06:17
KM0201minimum specs are always "you should have way over this"06:17
LifeSFi was told to stay away from adobe's flash plugin as it's just a wreck but... with the popularity and use youtube has gained,... it's become a very useful tool and should run smooth as heck even though apart from that flash hasn't been gaining that much popularity no more for websites,.. jquery06:17
histoKeanu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements/06:17
LifeSFam i wrong?06:18
histoLifeSF: there is html506:18
histoLifeSF: I don't have problems with flash or over heating so i'm not sure what you are doing with your system or the apps you are installing.06:18
LifeSFfresh install; chrome or mozila, youtube...06:18
Mehflash works better than html5 atm in my opinion06:19
LifeSFi'm not on it now but that's mainly what it has always been,..06:19
Onixsyoutube can do html5 instead of flash06:19
Mehyea im pretty sure06:19
KM0201Onixs: it should.06:19
histoOnixs: yes youtube.com/html506:19
Mehi know vimeo can06:19
howardgrigghey guys I'm having some trouble - I just installed ubuntu server but I can't ssh into it, the ssh service is running and I can get a connection via telnet 22 but it's saying "operation timed out" - any ideas?06:20
histoOnixs: When I reinstalled my laptop I didn't even realize I did not have flash plugin enabled in chromium due to html506:20
Onixsgreat KM020106:20
histohowardgrigg: you don't telnet to port 2206:20
KM0201Onixs: i didn't know you used ubuntu to.06:20
histohowardgrigg: you use ssh ip.address.of.server   to connect06:21
OnixsKM0201: hehe.. been at it since you left the other channel. youv beeb busy i know06:21
KM0201Onixs: hmm, well good06:21
howardgrigghisto, oh I used telnet to see if i could get a connection when ssh wasn't working06:22
howardgriggnot together06:22
histohowardgrigg: ssh is encrypted traffic telnet does not have these capabilities so it's not an appropriate test.06:22
howardgriggbut I just tried again and now it's working… sorry for annoying you06:22
histohowardgrigg: on the server use netstat -tan  and see if it's listening on port 2206:23
histohowardgrigg: if you are planning on port forwarding port 22 from the outside world for ssh. I would install the fail2ban suite to get rid of people trying to brute force your server.06:23
caixacan anyone help me with pulseaudio equalizer?  i get terrible distortion when its enabled06:24
KeanuKM0201: sooo... What am I doing right now? How do I try and install Ubuntu server instead?06:24
KM0201Keanu: you could do that, just keep in mind, ubuntu server is 100% command line06:24
howardgrigghisto, cool I'll make a note of it - currently I'm keeping it away from the outside world (hopefully)06:24
histoKeanu: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server06:25
KeanuKM0201: oh god. I don't think I... I don't think I can do that.06:25
KM0201Keanu: understandable.06:25
repozitorhow can i read manual for types.h?06:25
repozitori need cmd that can show it for me!06:25
dottlecurrently reburning disc at 4x, slowest it supports according to k3b06:25
KeanuKM0201: Also, I run custom maps on my server and I change it frequently, so should I just go with Desktop?06:26
howardgriggwhat's the best web admin interface for a home server?06:26
KM0201Keanu: thats up to you... ubuntu server isn't hard if you're willing to read a little06:26
bazhang!ebox | howardgrigg06:27
ubottuhowardgrigg: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).06:27
KM0201i'm sure there's a bazillion sites that tell you how to use ubuntu server as a minecraft server06:27
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repozitorhey get my answer to return 0 from this channel!!06:27
histoKeanu: i'm sure there are applications for managing the minecraft server06:28
KeanuKM0201: I think I'll stick with Desktop... for now. Could you help me install it?06:28
KM0201Keanu: installing the desktop is easy.. your issue is (in my opinion) you don't have enough RAM06:29
histoKeanu: the minecraft documentation recomends atleast 1gig of ram free06:29
KM0201and according to ubuntu, you don't have enough ram for a live cd06:29
Keanuhisto: for now, I'm just going to try and install Desktop Ubuntu, then I'll see where I go from there.06:30
histoKM0201: where do you get that he doesn't have enough ram for a live cd?06:30
KM0201histo: the ubuntu docs say you need 1gig of ram for the live cd06:30
KeanuKM0201: But it's not even trying to boot form the cd, I've changed the BIOS, and I've burned the .iso to a disc.06:31
KM0201Keanu: how did you burn the ISO?06:31
histoKM0201: where?06:32
KM0201histo: nevermind06:32
KeanuKM0201: Disc Utility on my Mac.06:32
histoKM0201: everything I see says 384MB is the mimimum06:32
KM0201ok histo06:32
KeanuKM0201: Onto a DVD+r06:32
histo!md5sum | Keanu06:32
ubottuKeanu: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows06:33
KM0201i would use the alternate CD, but.. thats just me06:33
histoKeanu: check the cd with the instructions from ubottu above06:33
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KeanuKM0201 histo Sorry, apparently I'm bad at reading. I have 256Mb RAM.06:36
KM0201that's definitely not enough06:37
histoKeanu: I would look at installing xubuntu or lubuntu something lighter06:37
KM0201or upgrade your RAM, then jump into this.06:37
KeanuKM0201: xubuntu, lubuntu?06:37
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.06:37
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels06:37
histoKeanu: they are variations of ubuntu06:37
histoKeanu: they both run with less system requirements.06:38
Keanuhisto: what's the differences?06:38
KM0201i'm not even sure how well lubuntu will run w/ 256mb of ram06:38
KM0201always ran fine for me w/ 1gig though06:38
histoKeanu: the desktop environment06:38
KM0201Keanu: the difference?  Lubuntu doesn't suck.06:38
Keanuhisto: What do you mean?06:39
histoKennochas: lubuntu uses the LXDE desktop environment xubuntu uses XFCE desktop environment. Ubuntu uses Unity06:39
KeanuKM0201 histo So how do I install lubuntu or xubuntu?06:40
KM0201Keanu: you have to download the appropriate ISO.. http://www.lubuntu.net06:40
KM0201and burn it06:40
histoKeanu: or xubuntu.com06:40
KeanuKM0201 histo Which do I want?06:41
histoKeanu: You will find in linux you have many choices between which software to use etc...06:41
T4bI'm trying to install Ubuntu 12.04 next to Ubuntu 10.04 (and plan to then later remove 10.04 once im 12.04 everything is set up like I want). But every time I try to boot the cd I burned of 12.04 it just skips to the grub menu. So it's definitely booting the cd for a tiny moment, but then stops for a reason I don't know. WHat could that reason be?06:41
KM0201Keanu: i'd highly recommend lubuntu.. xubuntu is still bloated in my opinion.06:41
histoKeanu: they're both free I would try them both and see which one you like more.  just remember you can run a mindcraft server with only 256MB of ram.06:41
histoKeanu: both have livecd so you can burn their cds and boot that and play around in it.06:42
KM0201histo: you can or can't run a minecraft server w/ 256mb?06:42
LifeSFkeanu: i second what histo says: just download both and try, you will then get a taste of the desktop environment and also see where you feel most at ease to start :)06:43
T4bKM0201:  You can in principle, but you'll run out of memory all the time06:43
histoT4b: by grub menu what do you mean? the grub shell?06:43
Garr255_<KM0201> 256mb total ram no. dedicated to the server ,yes06:43
histoKM0201: cannot there docs say something about 1gig being free06:43
T4bhisto:  I could choose which os I want to boot, this selection screen06:43
histoT4b: oh your 10.04 grub screen?06:44
T4bhisto:  Yes. The same thing which appears when I boot the pc without the ced06:44
histoT4b: okay well check the cd for errors06:44
histo!md5sum | T4b06:44
ubottuT4b: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows06:44
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KM0201going to bed06:47
KM0201good luck Keanu06:47
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T4bThe md5 sum of the iso I downloaded is right - but I don't know how I would check the entire cd on whether something went wrong while burning - although I think brasero should have checked that after burning-06:49
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T4bAh, there are some md5sums on the cd¨06:50
T4bI can check those06:50
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vishalI have a problem with Ubuntu Software Center.....can anybody help me out06:51
hateball!somebody  | vishal06:52
ubottuvishal: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.06:52
vishalCan Anybody help me regarding Ubuntu Software Center Problem06:54
jaminvishal, only if you actually tell us what the "problem" is... stop asking to ask, and just describe the issue06:54
fidel!ask > vishal06:55
ubottuvishal, please see my private message06:55
histoT4b: that page should have a command to check the md5sum of the burnt cd06:56
T4bhisto:  Ah, I didn't read it because in principle I know how to check md5 sums06:56
T4bsorry, I'm an idiot06:56
vishalMy Ubuntu Software Center not installing any app which i selects from it06:57
fidelvishal: any error output?06:57
vishali don' know why this happens06:57
fidelvishal: what version of ubuntu?06:57
vishalits Xubuntu 12.0406:57
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vishalAlso Synaptics Package Manager not working06:58
vishalbut when i use commands for those it works as normal06:59
fidelvishal: can you install software from cli via apt?06:59
vishalwhy its happening06:59
vishalyes i can install via apt06:59
thufir_what value do I put for $JAVA_HOME?  https://gist.github.com/340171306:59
histovishal: what is it doing when you select a package and click install in teh software center?07:01
fidelvishal: sounds strange - i would check logs ..i.e. the dpkg.log07:01
W4spvishal: Please can you try 'gksudo software-center &' from command line. Select the package you want to have installed and click install. Please post back your results.07:01
vishalit shows Installing but only for 1 sec.07:01
vishaland also not producing any error log07:01
vishalYes this "gksudo software-center &" command is working07:03
kurtnsanyone know how to remove unneeded compilers in ubuntu07:04
vishalW4sp: this command "gksudo software-center &" worked07:04
fidelvishal: and is the output any helpful?07:04
histokurtns: just remove them with the software center07:04
histo!software | kurtns07:04
ubottukurtns: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents07:04
fidelvishal: W4sp idea was to get some app output - as you started it via cli now07:04
kurtnsreason I ask, I just ran an audit tool that suggested removing unneeded compilers as part of a hardening proces07:05
fidelvishal: so after starting the softwasre center like that - try to install something - and then check back the console/terminal output07:05
vishalfidel: i am newbie of Ubuntu07:05
vishalfidel: ok m doing07:06
vishalfidel: it shows [1] 263307:06
vishalfidel: it shows [1] 263307:07
kurtnsthanks, i'll check it out07:08
thufir_what value do you put in /etc/environment for $JAVA_HOME?  what I mean is, how do you know the value?  https://gist.github.com/340171307:09
vishalFidel: now what i have to do07:10
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dottlecan I trigger a non graphical install with this disc?07:11
histodottle: with what disk?07:12
theadmindottle: Text installers are available on alternate CDs and DVDs (not on desktop CDs)07:12
histo!alternate | dottle07:12
ubottudottle: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal07:12
dottlejust burned 12.04-desktop really slowly and had same problem07:12
histo!md5sum | dottle07:13
ubottudottle: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:13
dottlemd5sum checks out07:13
histodottle: on the cd as well ?07:13
histodottle: you'd have to check that webpage for the command to check the burnt cd's md5sum07:13
histodottle: if that matches there is no reason to burn it again07:14
dottleit checked it b4 and after burning in k3b07:14
fidelvishal: as mentioned above - you started software center from cli if i followed the conversation correct. then try to install something via the software center gui - and paste the c li output of that action in some kind of paste service - which will enable us to see the log07:14
fidel!pm > vishal07:14
ubottuvishal, please see my private message07:14
dottleinteresting change, I removed the usb mouse and now the lockup is instant instead of after 2/3 rotation of the cursor thingy07:15
dottleas soon as the arrow turns round it locks up07:15
dottleif I switch to vt4 and wait, then go back to vt7, the splash screen has got to the pick english page, but then it locks up07:16
vishalfidel: it shows [1] 3000 on terminal when i install app07:21
histodottle: you can try the alternate cd07:21
vishalFidel: if i am wrong so plz guide me as i am newbie to ubuntu07:21
fidelvishal: well i am out of ideas then - as i never use the software center myself - i prefer plain apt/aptutide in terminal as it seems better to me anyway07:21
dottlelet me see if I have a non-usb mouse around here07:22
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theadmindottle: It's unlikely that it is a mouse issue.07:22
theadmindottle: I suggest you try to use the alternate CD.07:22
fidelvishal: as mentioned above  i would check the dpkg log file as i assume the software center is writing its log to it too07:23
dottlethanks, I'll try the alternate cd07:24
vishalfidel: from where we check those logs ca u tell me so its helpful for you07:26
fidelvishal: if you are new to linux - it might be easier to use a gui to check the logs. There should be an app called: 'Log File Viewer'07:29
W4spvishal: '[1] 3000' shows you only the PID and instance of your bg process. You can find log files in /var/log/ as dpkg.log07:29
fidelvishal: in general most logs are located in /var/log/07:30
fidelhi W4sp ;)07:30
W4spfidel: Hi. I didn't want to hi-jack you conversation. Sorry.07:31
vishalfidel: i found log file07:31
vishalFidel: Now what to do07:32
histo!paste | vishal07:32
ubottuvishal: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:32
imadamHello guys. Noob question but has anyone ever come across .itw image files?07:32
W4spvishal: Open another terminal and 'sudo tail -f /var/log/dpkg.log'. Run the software-center again and watch the output of the other terminal while trying to install a package with software-center07:33
ryzzani'm noob on linux... i've downloaded new flash plugin... how am i supposed to acivate it on firefox?07:35
historyzzan: did you download it from the software center? or from adobe?07:35
imadamAnyone have any idea what .itw files are? My boss just sent me a load of these files and I don't have a clue what they are or do.07:35
ryzzani used the terminal07:35
historyzzan: what command did you run?07:36
ryzzani first removed the one i got with sudo apt-get remove --purge adobe-flashplugin flashplugin* nspluginwrapper07:36
ryzzanthen i used sudo apt-get install --reinstall adobe-flashplugin07:36
historyzzan: it should install it to the appropriate place then and should be working after firefox is restarted07:37
W4spimadam: http://filext.com/file-extension/ITW07:37
ryzzanimadam, a free-form database application for the Mac OS07:40
ryzzanhisto: i first removed the one i got with sudo apt-get remove --purge adobe-flashplugin flashplugin* nspluginwrapper07:40
ryzzanhisto: then i used sudo apt-get install --reinstall adobe-flashplugin07:40
historyzzan: Yeah I caught that the first time.07:40
ryzzanhisto: sry... GREAT lag07:41
ryzzanhaving problems with my connection tonight...07:41
ryzzanhisto: well... it simply didn't work...07:41
historyzzan: occording to what you typed you should be good to go then07:41
ryzzanhisto: trying to use chatroulette.com, for example, and it says that i need to update my plugin07:42
Kellishello, can anyone say me is that form working? https://one.ubuntu.com/help/contact/07:42
Kelliswhen i press Submit nothing is happend07:43
historyzzan: I don't believe chatroulette.com works with linux but let me try07:43
ryzzanit does... i use it with chrome07:43
ryzzanbut i wanted to do it with firefox07:43
W4spryzzan: It seemingly works with Firefox, too.07:44
historyzzan: yeah works for me in chrome in firefox go to about:plugins07:44
historyzzan: you should have version 11.2.r202 installed07:45
ryzzanall i got is: Shockwave Flash 10.1 r999.07:46
historyzzan: what version of ubuntu are you running?07:48
Womkesoh no07:49
Womkeswhat do I do now07:49
historyzzan: sudo apt-get purge adobe-flashplugin07:50
* W4sp dreams of an Adobe-free world.07:50
historyzzan: and sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer07:50
* histo dreams of html5 taking over the world07:51
ryzzanhisto, u did it07:53
historyzzan: np you should use the flashplugin-installer package from now on07:56
Shadow`haha im trying to aptitude irssi07:56
Shadow`it wants to uninstall apache2, ftpd, mysql, perl.. and about 20 more packages07:57
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ryzzangonna do it07:58
ryzzanty, histo07:58
Shadow`wth is this, ill use another system, but its ridiculous that 1 tiny IRC package demands the uninstall of these kind of packages that are unrelated to irssi, except for perl -.-07:58
somsipShadow`: seems to be an error. I got irssi here with all of those with no problems. Can you post some output in pastebin?07:59
theadminShadow`: Do you have third-party repositories? Those mess everything up.07:59
Shadow`no error, and no 3rd party repos07:59
llutzShadow`: try to install irssi with apt-get, same situation? aptitude has some problems with multiarch08:00
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Shadow`well apt-get worked, but not really favorable situation to use different apting methods beside eachother, meh08:02
llutz!aptitude > Shadow`08:03
ubottuShadow`, please see my private message08:03
theadminShadow`: Don't use aptitude on 64-bit systems.08:03
llutzShadow`: then wait until they fix aptitude to handle 64bit correct again08:03
Shadow`dont worry, when i have the chance im switching to debian :D08:03
llutzShadow`: which goes multiarch too08:03
theadminShadow`: And you'll have the same problems.08:04
Shadow`have yet to ever get any issues with aptitude08:04
llutzShadow`: aptitude - 64bit and multiarch won't work well at the moment with ANY distro08:04
llutzits an aptitude issue08:04
Shadow`its not just cause of this aptitude i wanna go debian, ubuntu is a hilarious flawed OS for servers08:04
* Abhijit alread switchjed08:05
llutzno distro-rants here pls, use whatever you want08:05
theadminShadow`: Please refrain from opinions in this channel, it's for support only.08:05
* Abhijit already switched08:05
Nicekiwihow can I get Wine 1.5.11 on ubuntu? its not in the wine PPA..08:05
llutzAbhijit: stop08:05
caixaok, i dont really enjoying ubuntu anymore, what software can i use to make a bootable iso for windows08:06
theadmincaixa: "make" a bootable ISO? That's not really something you're allowed to do, that's up to Microsoft. If you want to burn one, any disc burner in Ubuntu will do. I personally use K3b, but Brasero (comes preinstalled) is also good08:07
Shadow`people cant have anything in these channels, say 1 thing, multiple people have to 'fix' my sayings constantly, say 1 think back, same people moan and cry... gah, grow up ppl geesh08:07
Nicekiwitheadmin: what nonsense.. of course anyones allowed to?08:07
llutz!ot > Shadow` keep it to support, and all will be fine08:08
ubottuShadow`, please see my private message08:08
caixatheadmin, eh youre reading too deep into it and troll attempt is laughable08:08
theadmincaixa: Sorry, /me is still waking up.08:08
kjp_1212I have a question. http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/45538-S-Privileges-Permissions-problems-after-running-Qt-Creator-with-priviliges-on-Linux . I have the exact same problem described in the link and I did the exact same thing that was given as the solution but I still cant solve the issue. Can someone help me please?08:09
theadmincaixa: Anyway, any disk burner can burn an ISO in Ubuntu. It comes with Brasero so just use that.08:09
Nicekiwicaixa: this is old, but if ur serious (were u trolling?) this will get u started http://www.g-loaded.eu/2007/04/25/how-to-create-a-windows-bootable-cd-with-mkisofs/08:09
fidelW4sp: dont worry about hijacking ;)08:09
fidelthe smily was just ment as greeting ;)08:10
caixai dont need cd, i need a bootable usb08:10
theadmincaixa: Ah! There you go: http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/winusb-create-bootable-windows-installer-usb-in-ubuntu-linux/08:10
W4spfidel: I know, i know. It's also the lag I got here.08:10
caixatheadmin, thanks08:11
caixamaybe ill come back when they replace pulseaudio08:11
theadmincaixa: That's your only problem? I don't use Pulseaudio on my system (a simple "sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio" did the trick), but... I'm on KDE, Gnome is more pulse-dependent.08:12
caixatheadmin, well there are other small annoyances, but the audio system is awful08:13
timfrostkjp_1212: try 'find  ~/.config/Nokia -print0 | sudo xargs -0 chown $USER' . The sudo part will need your password.  That will make you ($USER) the owner of all files in that directory structure.08:14
caixawell i shouldnt say awful, its adequate for casual use08:14
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W4spkjp_1212: Is it also related to Nokia?08:14
theadminW4sp: Qt is a Nokia product, so it's likely "yes".08:15
kjp_1212W4sp : What do you mean related to Nokia? Im using Qt which is a product of Nokia. So Im not sure what you meant.08:15
kjp_1212timfrost : Thank you so much. It worked !!!!!08:16
W4spkjp_1212: Yeah, it is Nokia.08:16
timfrostkjp_1212: glad to be of assistance08:17
W4sptheadmin: It's Nokia.08:17
kjp_1212timfrost : Can you tell me why the solution in the link didnt work? I went through the manuals of each command. So it should have worked right?08:17
mnicewhat's the proper way to lock several packages (namely 32bit libs in amd64 system) to not being apt-get autoremoved ?08:18
theadminmnice: sudo apt-get install package1 package2 package3 ...08:18
histo!pin | mnice08:19
ubottumnice: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto08:19
theadminmnice: It marks them as "manually installed" this way and ta-da08:19
mniceokay, thanks boys08:19
llutzkjp_1212: the chown-commands are malformed, its "chown username:groupname file"   not "username groupname", it won't work with a space08:20
djjeffI have Windows VISTA (loader) (/dev/sda1) 21GB | Windows 7 (loader) (/dev/sda2) 425GB | Free Space 53.7GB08:20
mnicellutz: will work if $2 exists as filename/directory :P08:20
djjeffwhere am I suppose to install the boot loader for a dual boot08:20
mnicebut that's not of course what you want08:20
llutzmnice: true but not what the user expected :)08:21
kjp_1212llutz : Thank you!!! :D08:21
llutzkjp_1212: from "man chown"  chown [OPTION]... [OWNER][:[GROUP]] FILE..08:21
theadmindjjeff: Put it on /dev/sda (the MBR)08:21
llutzsame for chgrp08:21
yukagot a newbie question guys, i got 2 local ip's which are added inside networking config on my ubuntu 10.04 server, how can i rewrite those two ip's so that they got hostnames like for example i want this to resolve when i type http://web1 for example08:22
timfrostkjp_1212: I am not sure.  I suspect that the directory was created by root, and not writeable by you.  You can't create a new file in a directory that you can't write to08:22
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mnicebtw, i'm not ubuntu user at all but i maintain very few ubuntu servers .. is possible to install and use ubuntu's unity on another distro .. from what i have googled out seems like the only fedora supports unity08:22
kjp_1212timfrost: Thank you for your help :D .08:23
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theadminmnice: Unity is open-source. It's in the repos of Arch Linux, for example (the AUR) and several other distros too. You should have no problems doing so.08:24
foxtheoldoneyuka look into editing the hosts files on your network pc's08:25
W4spyuka: I don't get your requirements clearly but would assume that you just edit your /etc/hosts file provided the hosts in questions are not DHCP'ed.08:25
yukawell i got two local ip's08:26
yuka10.3.182.3, and , my question is how do i set that http://cefdb/ in browser will resolve to and for example http://cefdb1 will resolve to
W4spyuka: Do you have two NICs?08:26
W4spyuka: I don't get your requirements clearly but would assume that you just edit your /etc/hosts file provided the hosts in questions are not DHCP'ed.08:27
yukai am not really sure about whole configuration W4sp if i can provide some settings from some config files i would be glad08:27
theadminyuka: In /etc/hosts add the following two lines: http://bpaste.net/show/2PBRsmTv5hvdWv0sqeaz/08:28
yukaok do i need to restart anything?08:28
W4spyuka: No.08:28
theadminyuka: That's if you only want it to be on the same local computer, though08:28
pungi-manhow to port froward in mtnl ?08:28
theadminyuka: Otherwise you'd need to set some DNS up and that's beyond me08:28
yukawell i want this to be accessible for all local computers in the same network08:29
yukathe thing i want is i got a local database running on the and i want to enable users to type hostname instead of ip08:29
DANYALHow To Secure Bash Prompt From Users?08:29
mnicetheadmin: hmm .. not that easy for opensuse .. no unity in OBS at all .. weird indeed if for this class of software08:30
theadminDANYAL: What? That makes no sense at all08:30
W4spyuka: YOu need to edit the /etc/hosts on all those systems that want to connect to, and
DANYALi mean user cant open like this nano /etc/profile08:31
yukaW4sp ahhhh08:31
theadminDANYAL: Right, they can't. Unless they have admin rights.08:31
theadminDANYAL: Well, they can but in read-only mode anyway.08:31
DANYALis there any way in which user cant read also but execute?08:32
theadminmnice: Err... http://software.opensuse.org/package/unity08:32
llutzDANYAL: no08:32
pungi-manwhat are iptables ?08:32
W4spyuka: If there are too many clients connection to and you may need to consider to configure local DNS and you must get your name resolver configured in order to ahve the IPADDR resolved to the desired names.08:32
W4spDANYAL: No.08:33
yukaW4sp ok seems i will need my server admin then :( i tought i could fix it myself08:33
yukathis will tak ages i guess before they get theri hands on it08:33
yukathanks for info anyway08:33
mnicetheadmin: damned new software.opensuse.org/search iface ... thanks .. i didn't have checked hidden checkbox ``Show development, language and debug packages''08:33
W4spyuka: You define what 'too many' is.08:34
AndroUserHi is there any way to find the broken package in terminal08:35
AndroUserHi is there any way to find the broken package in terminal08:35
auronandaceAndroUser: sudo apt-get -f install08:36
timfrostDANYAL: for /etc/profile to be useful, it *MUST* be able to be read by the user shells on startup.  The same applies to other user-related startup files (/etc/bashrc, etc).08:36
AndroUserFor ubuntu08:36
W4sppungi-man: A interface to manipulate filter rules.08:36
DANYALtimfrost OK )08:37
islandmonkey!info iptables08:37
ubottuiptables (source: iptables): administration tools for packet filtering and NAT. In component main, is standard. Version 1.4.12-1ubuntu4 (precise), package size 352 kB, installed size 1237 kB08:37
pungi-manhow to port forward ? I am trying to make a server .... this is my first experience .... i have low knowledge about networking, W4sp08:37
djjeffI just installed grub on /dev/sda how do I make changes to the list?08:38
AndroUserHi is there any way to find the broken dpkg package in terminal08:38
islandmonkeydjjeff: What are you trying to remove from the GRUB menu08:39
pungi-mantry installing any package using dpkg and it will show you the error , AndroUser08:39
djjeffnot remove but rename08:40
pungi-maneg. sudo apt-get install ffmpeg                  should give you an error , AndroUser08:40
AndroUserPungi thats correct...08:41
islandmonkeydjjeff: I think you can do that in /etc/grub. It's a bit hard since I'm not on a Linux comp right now08:42
islandmonkey*do that somewhere08:42
theadmindjjeff, islandmonkey: /etc/grub.d/ or /etc/default/grub are places you should look.08:42
W4sppungi-man: In short, iptables -t nat -a prerouting -p tcp --dport <PoRT> -j redirect --to-port <toarget port>08:42
foobar_Which fglrx version can be installed on 12.04 via a package?08:42
islandmonkeyfoobar_: The latest one, perhaps?08:43
foobar_islandmonkey: I am not asking for perhaps.08:43
theadminfoobar_: Version: 2:8.960-0ubuntu108:43
foobar_theadmin: that's not a version.08:43
foobar_theadmin: 12.6 is a version.08:43
theadminfoobar_: That's the package version...08:43
foobar_theadmin: those versions are Ubuntu invented numbers which are completely meaningless.08:44
islandmonkeyfoobar_: Well what's wrong with the latest?08:44
foobar_theadmin: I think Ubuntu still distributes 12.3.08:44
foobar_islandmonkey: it not being the latest mostly.08:44
djjeffit was /boot/grub/grub.cfg08:44
theadminfoobar_: I'm not sure. Chasing after the "latest" isn't always a good idea, by the way.08:45
islandmonkeyWell, to add: Latest in the Ubuntu repos08:45
foobar_theadmin: I am not asking for advice.08:45
W4sppungi-man: Before you do anything to modify save the ooutput of iptables -L to a file.08:45
foobar_theadmin: what is the latest version in the Ubuntu repositories without all the obfuscated version numbers?08:45
foobar_I am not sure why I also have to ask the same question 3 times.08:46
pungi-manthanks W4sp ... but I found a better way of port forwarding using portforward.com08:46
islandmonkeyfoobar_: Nobody will help you with that attitude.08:46
foobar_islandmonkey: sure, now it's my attitude.08:46
foobar_islandmonkey: I'd say it's you who cannot answer a question.08:46
theadminfoobar_: This channel consists of volunteers. Not everybody knows everything.08:47
foobar_theadmin: whoever doesn't know, shouldn't answer.08:47
W4sppungi-man: :-) Good luck with portforward.com.08:47
foobar_theadmin: do you see the other 1000 people respond?08:47
foobar_theadmin: no.08:47
pungi-manthanks W4sp !08:47
theadminfoobar_: Okay, point taken.08:48
islandmonkeyfoobar_: I did know by using common sense by saying the latest in the Uubntu repos08:48
lkthomashey guys, I am going to format a 1.8TB partition to save backup image which consist 600GB big image each, how could I format this ext4 properly ?08:48
islandmonkeyfoobar_: Unless something is wrong with the current one in the repo.08:48
foobar_islandmonkey: why can't you just get the message like theadmin does?08:49
llutzlkthomas: sudo mkfs.ext4 -m0 /dev/sdXY    replace XY to your partitions number08:49
_9GAGocean plain picture stood of coat08:49
_9GAGvalley sat hill before colony sheet08:49
_9GAGmark blood house cold book ocean08:49
_9GAGbeat shine leg send might divide08:49
_9GAGquotient woman foot favor lady engine08:49
FloodBot1_9GAG: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:49
_9GAGwork doctor contain possible slave ride08:49
llutz!attitude > foobar_08:49
ubottufoobar_, please see my private message08:49
lkthomasmkfs.ext4: inode_size (128) * inodes_count (0) too big for a08:49
lkthomas        filesystem with 0 blocks, specify higher inode_ratio (-i)08:49
lkthomas        or lower inode count (-N).08:49
foobar_llutz: you also still don't get the message.08:49
foobar_llutz: it's really simple. If you don't know the answer, don't act as if you do.08:50
llutzfoobar_: if you don't get the answers you want, ignore them08:50
foobar_llutz: it's spam.08:50
islandmonkeyfoobar_: If you don't have the correct attitude, no one will help you. I will not help you anymore.08:50
jirxi want my asshole penetrated08:51
foobar_islandmonkey: you haven't helped me.08:51
foobar_islandmonkey: don't think for one second that you did.08:51
llutzfoobar_: drop it now, please08:51
_9GAGsky point guess village speed temperature08:51
_9GAGstick subtract country string million level08:51
_9GAGcotton plant card support ride dream08:51
_9GAGmean song can chick try seem08:51
_9GAGand to pretty dictionary dog except08:51
FloodBot1_9GAG: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:51
_9GAGchange invent process invent spell idea08:51
jirxi think foobar is gay08:51
llutzjirx: stop that08:52
pungi-manhow to check whether i have successfully port forwarded ?08:52
jirxi am looking for an alphamale08:52
islandmonkey*wonders if it is the right time to use !ops due to jirx*08:52
Priceyjirx: Howdy. Ubuntu support only please :)08:53
W4sppungi-man: Try to telnet 'host' 'origport' and see if your natted port is understood on the target host. Usually, however, telnet tells you if you got through.08:54
jirxdo you guys even hack?08:55
W4sp!rules | jirx08:55
ubottujirx: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines08:55
foobar_Can someone explain the purpose of this channel if you cannot even tell me which Ubuntu package corresponds to ATI driver 12.6?09:01
foobar_You (read: Ubuntu packagers) created the problem in the first place.09:01
foobar_Are you suffering from amnesia?09:02
fidelfoobar_: the channels purpose is at least partly explained in the topic isnt it?09:02
fidel!attitude > foobar_09:02
ubottufoobar_, please see my private message09:02
foobar_fidel: it says it is a support channel, but there is no support; only clueless people 'trying' to help.09:02
djjeffis it possible to install syslinux /dev/sda [MBR] ?09:02
fidelfoobar_: well you seem to be a genius/godlike then - enjoy it ;)09:03
theadmindjjeff: Sure, although GRUB is more common. Is there a specific reason you want to use syslinux instead?09:03
dottleI would like to thank those of you that assisted me. The install with the alt disc worked wonderfully.  Now booted into Xubuntu and doing updates, no problems.09:03
theadmindottle: Yay!09:04
djjeffgrub looks plain and bland09:04
theadmindjjeff: Well, syslinux isn't really any better on the bit of looks either09:04
djjeffbacktrack 5 uses syslinux for USB install09:05
dottletheadmin, :no mouse problems, video problems or anything. YAY09:05
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foobar_fidel: I likely solved the problem created by Ubuntu people already.09:05
djjefflooks nice with a background image09:05
foobar_A distribution is supposed to solve problems.09:05
theadmindjjeff: Anyway, you should be able to install Syslinux on the MBR by running "syslinux /dev/sda". I think.09:05
ThinkT510foobar_: stop moaning09:05
theadmindottle: :) Glad it worked out.09:05
foobar_ThinkT510: you could also just say I am right; much easier.09:06
djjeffGNU Grub Version 1.98-1ubuntu13 looks a bit out of date :(09:06
ThinkT510foobar_: i thought you wanted support, not an ego boost09:06
xorox90when will grub2 bug (multiboot on GPT disk) be fixed?09:06
fidelThinkT510: use the power if ignore ;)09:06
foobar_ThinkT510: I wanted support, yes. I got ignorance.09:07
fideli doubt anything else will help with him09:07
theadmindjjeff: It's not. Grub2 = 1.x, grub1 = 0.x actually09:07
ThinkT510foobar_: perhaps your attitude is the prohibiting factor09:07
foobar_ThinkT510: nah, I think it's the limited minds of the people on the other side.09:07
ThinkT510foobar_: everyone is a volunteer here09:07
foobar_ThinkT510: and that gives them the right to waste my time?09:07
foobar_ThinkT510: don't think so.09:08
foobar_ThinkT510: they should just shut up if they don't know what they are talking about.09:08
ThinkT510foobar_: i'm not going to argue with you, have fun09:08
gnomefreaknot everyone but alot\09:08
foobar_ThinkT510: I don't care for nobody answering; I do care for people who are ignorant to respond.09:08
gnomefreakfoobar_: please stay on topic09:09
foobar_gnomefreak: please obtain a brain09:09
llutz!ops | foobar09:10
foobar_gnomefreak: it has been pointed out a million times now.09:10
ubottufoobar: ops is Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!09:10
foobar_gnomefreak: do you really think it is useful to point it out again?09:10
DJonesfoobar_: Thats not appropriate to this channel09:10
DJones!coc > foobar_09:10
ubottufoobar_, please see my private message09:10
histo!info fglrx | foobar_09:10
ubottufoobar_: fglrx (source: fglrx-installer): Video driver for the AMD graphics accelerators. In component restricted, is extra. Version 2:8.960-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 38286 kB, installed size 114917 kB (Only available for amd64; i386)09:10
foobar_DJones: I am saying that a billion people already said exactly the same thing.09:10
gnomefreakfoobar_: if you cant stay on topic please join #ubuntu-offtopic09:10
foobar_DJones: it is completely _stupid_ to say that again.09:10
gnomefreakllutz: on it thanks09:11
elkyfoobar_, if you don't stop complaining, i'm going to mute you. Your choice.09:11
llutzgnomefreak: sry, i hadn't recognized that you are one of the ops09:12
gnomefreakllutz: np09:12
ThinkT510foobar_: did you get the info histo showed you?09:12
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ThinkT510foobar_: just incase you missed it:09:14
ThinkT510!info fglrx | foobar_09:14
ubottufoobar_: fglrx (source: fglrx-installer): Video driver for the AMD graphics accelerators. In component restricted, is extra. Version 2:8.960-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 38286 kB, installed size 114917 kB (Only available for amd64; i386)09:14
cppkinghey,guys,I installed "fetchmail" today, i did some configuration with "fetchmailconf",and i got my mail successfully, but i can't run fetchmail "in daemon" it says:no mailserver have been specified09:15
W4spcppking: Do you not want to run it from crontab?09:16
EricKawhen i am running "iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc essid my-mesh-network ap 02:12:34:56:78:9A channel 1"09:16
W4spcppking: it usually uses .netrc and is user-specific.09:16
cppkingW4sp:i want run it as a service09:17
EricKawhen i am running "iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc essid my-mesh-network ap 02:12:34:56:78:9A channel 1" i am getting the following error "Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :09:17
EricKa   SET failed on device wlan0 ; Operation not supported." can any one help me to understand the error and if possible help me to resolve it .09:17
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namoamitabuddhaHow to detect a filesystem is fat12, fat16 or fat32?09:20
namoamitabuddha*whether a filesystem is fat12, fat16 or fat3209:20
lordievadernamoamitabuddha: Perhaps fdisk -l shows you?09:20
namoamitabuddhalordievader: It shows the information of disk MBA, but not exactly the filesystem.09:21
lordievadernamoamitabuddha: How about gparted?09:22
namoamitabuddhalordievader: It does the same thing.09:22
namoamitabuddhalordievader: and for example, if I'm trying to detect an image file.09:22
namoamitabuddhalordievader: Those tools don't make sense.09:22
jattwhy do you want to detect whether a filesystem is fat12, fat16 or fat32?09:23
tacirusHello, what is the russian channel`s name?09:24
ThinkT510!ru | tacirus09:24
ubottutacirus: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.09:24
tacirusthank u09:24
lordievadernamoamitabuddha: Apparently when the image is mounted "mount" will tell you where and what type it is.09:25
ThinkT510tacirus: no worries :)09:25
namoamitabuddhalordievader: it's vfat09:25
namoamitabuddhai.e show the cluster size of fat filesystem.09:27
djjeffgrub2 themes sounds promising can I download and use some?09:29
zazzlehello,I have got a IP in my LAN and a port,how can I telnet into this host?09:30
lordievadernamoamitabuddha: Hmm, perhaps "sudo parted -s /dev/sdb1 print" shows you what you want to know, else I'm afraid I can't be of any help. Rarely work with FAT.09:31
W4spzazzle: telnet <IPADDR> Not sure if that's what you ask though.09:31
W4spzazzle: In case it's not the hdefault port use telnet <IPARRD> <PORTNUMBER>09:32
zazzle<W4sp>:I have waited for 5 minutes09:32
zazzlethe port is 16000/tcp09:32
lordievaderzazzle: Firewall somewhere blocking the port?09:32
W4spzazzle: You have probably nothing listening on the other side.09:33
zazzleno,it just saying "escape character is '^]'"09:33
djjeffcheck netstat to make sure the host is listning on the port you want09:33
zazzlecan I telnet someone without interupt him?09:35
GeorgeJHello folks!09:35
W4spzazzle: telnet is meant to interact as a terminal with a system. It's not to chat to someone.09:35
lordievaderzazzle: May I ask why you use telnet instead of ssh?09:35
zazzlejust for fun,I'm new to linux and want to give my neighbor a surprise :p09:36
abhishekzazzle: "escape character is '^]'" this means you are connected ... type this character and you will get telnet prompt09:36
W4spzazzle: What do you have on port 16000?09:36
GeorgeJI'm having a very strange, reocurring issue(I don't know how to reproduce it though, it seems to start randomly).  When I right click within a window, the context menu loses focus over the window, everytime.09:36
GeorgeJIt would appear as if the context menu doesn't even appear, however if i click somewheren ear the right edge of a window, the context menu is shown, but the window is above it.09:37
GeorgeJThis happens with all windows. Is this a know issue? How can this be fixed?09:37
zazzleW4sp:I have nothing on 16000,but want to connect to my neighbor through that port09:38
W4spGeorgeJ: What desktop environment do you have?09:38
lordievaderzazzle: Does he have a telnet server running on that port?09:38
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GeorgeJUbuntu 12.04 running Unity3D09:38
histoGeorgeJ: I do not experience thta behavior09:38
W4spzazzle: It your neighbour has nothing listening on that port you will not get an answer.09:39
zazzle<lordievader> I don't know,I just use nmap and find some port but don't have port 2309:40
W4spGeorgeJ: Admittingly I haven't heard about it. That doesn't mean anything though. :-) If you have the scroll bar minimized (scroll bar doesn't show until you are with your pointer at the right hand side of your window) ...09:41
GeorgeJI'll post a screenshot right away.09:41
anasHey does anyone know how to Change 802.11bgn to 802.11bg in Ubuntu 12.04 ?09:42
W4sp... I would suggest you try with Firefox and see if it's the same behavoir . Firefox doesn't support the minimized scollbar. Hence the test.09:42
zazzle<W4sp>: he has port 135 139 2869 9000 16000 on ,I tried all but all return "waiting"09:42
GeorgeJIt's pretty hard though.09:42
lordievaderzazzle: I have a feeling that what you are trying to do will not work.09:42
GeorgeJW4sp: It happens with all windows, and even with the top-bar menus drop-down menus.09:42
zazzlebut someone tell me if I have the IP address and port number I can log into any host09:43
W4spzazzle: I have the impression that your attempt to telnet/ssh into your neighbours without consent. At this diversion I will not be of any further help.09:43
JotekHello everybody, i need a little help with graphic card drivers09:43
lordievaderzazzle: Let me get this straight, what you are trying to do is hack into his box, without his approval?09:43
W4spzazzle: Besides, it's a Windows box anyway.09:43
zazzlethen how should I do fellows09:44
lordievaderzazzle: Answer my question please.09:45
zazzle<lordievader>:yes I don't have his permission09:46
W4spGeorgeJ: That's odd. I am on thin ice. ;-)09:46
gnomefreakzazzle: we can be of no further use to you on this subject09:46
lordievaderzazzle: Then that makes it illegal and we can not help you with this.09:46
djjeffis burg better then grub?09:47
zazzleI don't want to attack him,just for fun09:48
gnomefreakdjjeff: never uysed it but i would think that grub is better since that is what we ship with09:48
gnomefreakzazzle: drop the subject09:48
W4spdjjeff: What do you want to achive? I use GRUB2 to boot my OS. I'm not sure if burg can always fulfill this. This is the reason why burg isn't supported.09:49
zazzle<gnomefreak>: I heard that linux is hacker's os,and I don't mean to attack09:49
djjeffburg can support themes and grub2 cant?09:49
anasCan anyone help me with Changing 802.11bgn to 802.11bg in of my Network settings in Ubuntu 12.04 ?09:49
W4sp!ask | Jotek09:49
ubottuJotek: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:49
djjeffzazzle: download backtrack join #backtrack-linux and drop it09:50
GeorgeJHere's two screenshots that show my problem: http://i48.tinypic.com/ne8hfd.png (dropdown menu), http://i49.tinypic.com/2yni9w3.png (context menu).09:50
JotekWell, I'm trying to get any drivers for my GeForce2 MX, but I can't do it propertly...09:50
DaniG2kguys I need to program in Java for a coursera course but I've never set my linux box up for it09:51
DaniG2kwhat do I need to download in order to make small java programs09:51
zazzledo you guys hack other's computer?09:51
ThinkT510!java | DaniG2k09:51
ubottuDaniG2k: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.09:51
W4spGeorgeJ: Thanks. It slowly dawns in me. Can you check if you have auto-raise activated?09:51
gnomefreakzazzle: dont make me ban you09:51
ThinkT510zazzle: no09:51
GeorgeJW4sp: Sure, just a second.09:51
cppkingDaniG2K: pacman -S openjdk7  ,,,try it09:52
zazzleok,don't ban me gnomefreak09:52
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.09:52
ThinkT510cppking: thats archlinux, you are in #ubuntu09:52
no-nThis may sound strange but since I installed Xubuntu 12.04, I've been unable to connect to Freenode using Xchat... I could not connect when i was running Xchat/Xubuntu 12.04 under a virtual machine also, and had no problems connecting to Freenode with Xchat under Ubuntu 10.04 .... also I am able to connect via webchat.freenode.net09:53
Guest46623iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc essid my-mesh-network ap 02:12:34:56:78:9A channel 1 , i am running this command on my ubuntu 12.04 and i am getting the following error:-  Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :SET failed on device wlan0 ; Operation not supported .Can any one help?09:53
Guest46623can any one help me on this issue09:54
Guest46623am struggling to resolve it for quite a few time09:54
rgrHi, a simple enough FAQ I guess but google is running me in circles : caveat - I dont use Ubuntu (I use debian) but am trying to help a friend here with me get sudoers rights. Whats the "correct" way to add someone to sudoers if (a) sudo doesnt work because shes not in sudoers and also root is disabled.09:54
yeats!fixsudo | rgr09:55
Jotek!ask Well, I'm trying to get any drivers for my GeForce2 MX, but I can't do it propertly...09:55
ubottuJotek: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:55
yeatsrgr: see here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo09:55
GeorgeJW4sp: If you don't mind me asking. Where is auto-raise? I can't seem to find it in CCSM09:55
rgrthanks -I'll take a squint. Appreciated.09:55
lordievaderJotek: The jockey doesn't give you anything?09:56
Guest46623is here any one here man enough to help me in my problem09:56
lordievaderJotek: Jockey = additional drivers.09:56
Joteklordievader: gonna check, one sec09:56
W4spGeorgeJ: OK, i will figure it out for you. Regrettably I don't use unity nor GNOME. But I will somewhat find it out as I have all this installed.09:56
no-nfound the solution to my problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159545609:57
rgreek. So its broken? I wonder how.09:57
GeorgeJW4sp: Well, the issue rarely occurs. I'll keep search for autoraise. There seems to be no mention of this when searching the web.09:58
lordievaderJotek: Also what card do you have? I see on nVidia's website several under GeForce 2 MX.09:58
GeorgeJThe issue seems to apply to ALL pop-ups(even browser dropdowns).09:58
ThinkT510GeorgeJ: are you using unity?09:58
GeorgeJThinkT510: I am.09:58
W4spGeorgeJ: Do you have ccsm? Terminal and 'ccsm &' should give you that. But ccsm isn't really supported.09:58
GeorgeJW4sp: I do have ccsm.09:59
ThinkT510GeorgeJ: just so you know, it is not recommended to change settings in ccsm, it can break unity09:59
Joteklordievader: I have Jockey already on my pc, and nope, it doesnt works. My card is GeForce2 MX09:59
GeorgeJRestarting the X session would probably fix this(it did before), but this isn't really a fix.09:59
GeorgeJThinkT510: I've not changed any settings using ccsm, afair.09:59
W4spThinkT510: Please go ahead as I do not have GNOME in use. The issue is an off behavior that I belive is related to sloppy focus, auto-raise and active window hover mouse.09:59
GeorgeJThe issue randomly occurs.10:00
GeorgeJW4sp: I've found auto-raise. It is not enabled.10:00
GeorgeJEnabling it does not fix the issue.10:01
Joteklordievader: I have found an "nvidia96" driver for my card in repository (Synaptic) but I cannot download it.10:01
SEEVCarhi i think i have a 64bit cpu how can i tell?10:02
lordievaderJotek: If the current driver really isn't working out you might try a manual install of the closed-source driver.10:02
lordievaderJotek: http://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/3555510:02
lordievaderJotek: And the readme: http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/96.43.20/README/index.html10:02
=== GirlyGirl_ is now known as GirlyGirl
Joteklordievader: thanks :).10:03
W4spGeorgeJ: Yes, better not use ccsm. I understand that not everything that ccsm is capable of is supported by GNOME3/Unity.10:03
ThinkT510SEEVCar: sudo lshw10:03
timfrost!64bit | SEEVCar10:03
ubottuSEEVCar: AMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. Consider using 64-bit if your memory ussage exceeds 4GB. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit10:03
lordievaderJotek: Do note that the manual install (usually) involves killing X, in other words your GUI.10:04
GeorgeJMeh, I'10:04
GeorgeJI'll just relog.10:04
Joteklordievader: why?10:04
SEEVCariv got a amd sempron 3000+10:04
lordievaderJotek: In the past the nVidia driver required X to be stopped if you wanted to install it, however I might be living in the past, let me check the manual.10:05
Joteklordievader: I cannot find there my graphic card :/.10:06
GeorgeJActually, killing compiz(so it restarts) seems to have worked just fine!10:06
lordievaderJotek: Nope it still is, I quote the manual: Prior to beginning the installation, you should exit the X server and kill all OpenGL applications10:06
lordievaderJotek: It's under legacy, it is quite an old card.10:06
Joteklordievader: yup, I know, so there is nothing to do?10:06
lordievaderJotek: What do you mean?10:07
Joteklordievader: Is there way to make it working or not?10:07
GeorgeJW4sp, ThinkT510: Thanks!10:07
lordievaderJotek: I'm not sure what your problem is, your GF2MX is probably one of the tree listed.10:08
SEEVCarThinkT510: thanks 64 bits cool i can have a look at the zorin 64 respin :)10:08
ThinkT510GeorgeJ: i didn't do much but your welcome :)10:08
Joteklordievader: huh, I don't understand10:08
GeorgeJIs there any way of switching workplaces on monitors separately?10:09
lordievaderJotek: Well you say you have an GeForce 2 MX (GF2MX), there are in the driver search three listed under the "GeForce 2 MX series"10:10
SEEVCarthanks guys ;)10:11
Martiinipliiz helpp! I'm trying to recover broken HP laptop && install opensuse on sda5 (since my Dell laptop died week ago). ..  Most distro installers crash during installation (live environment runs fine). .. ok .. HOW-DO-I set nice value of installer process .. (so it won't overheat CPU and kill the process)10:11
Joteklordievader: yay! Found it now.10:11
lordievaderJotek: I say again, note that you have to kill X, so you have no access to a gui webbrowser on that particular machine.10:13
Joteklordievader: im affraid that I wont get it working without gui...10:14
lordievader!ask | Sam``10:15
ubottuSam``: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:15
islandmonkeySam``: On what?10:15
islandmonkeyAnd that ^10:16
Sam``sorry ,wrong command10:16
islandmonkeyGuest983764: Shush and enjoy the silence10:25
MonkeyRobotZombiY'a t-il des français ici ?10:28
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:28
Patero-ngI have a question10:33
Patero-ngI have a problem with windows xp10:33
Patero-ngit replacing my ubuntu boot loader10:34
Patero-ngnow I only see windows boot options10:34
DJones!grub | Patero-ng10:34
ubottuPatero-ng: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)10:34
Dr_Willisanti virus siftware or windiws updates can do that10:34
Patero-ngI'll check et out10:35
DJonesPatero-ng: Have a look at that first link, if you've just installed windows after Ubuntu, thats normally the way to sort it10:35
Dr_Willistheres a boot repair live cd at one of the links. a myst have10:36
Patero-ngis ubuntu 12.04 final out10:39
Dr_Willisversion number is the date...10:39
ThinkT510Patero-ng: 12.04 has been out for a while10:39
Patero-ngdec 2004?10:39
Dr_Williscane out in the 4th month10:39
=== anas is now known as seek
Dr_Willisof 201210:40
ThinkT510Patero-ng: april 201210:40
Patero-ngthat long10:40
=== seek is now known as anas
Dr_Willis12.10 is progressing nicely...10:40
lordievaderDr_Willis: That is good to hear :)10:41
Dr_Williswonder when 12.04.1 will be out..10:42
lordievaderDr_Willis: Ain't it already: Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS is what my lsb_release shows me.10:42
ThinkT510Dr_Willis: 23rd10:43
ThinkT510Dr_Willis: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule10:43
Dr_Willisthought it was soon. ;)10:43
Dr_Willisbeen using 12.10 so havent paid attention to .0410:44
Patero-ngu guys know if ubuntu 12 has good graphix support10:45
Patero-ngfor my atiradeon 980010:45
Dr_Willistry it and see is the best answer10:46
Patero-ngI'm using 10.0410:46
Dr_Willisi try to avoid ati10:46
Patero-ngati r da b3st10:46
ThinkT510!u | Patero-ng10:46
ubottuPatero-ng: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'ryt',  'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.10:46
lordievaderWhat a lovely feature of ubottu!10:47
Patero-ngam i writting the wrong wey10:48
Patero-ngis anyone here lindo10:54
=== lubmil is now known as lub
Jake232I',m having trouble connecting to memcached from outsie localhost, but I think the issue is probably my usage of ufw10:59
Jake232This should allow me to connect to port 12111 correct? https://gist.github.com/8aa3c0c6f5e0e16cf74111:00
Dr_Willis!info memcached11:04
ubottumemcached (source: memcached): A high-performance memory object caching system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.13-0ubuntu2 (precise), package size 71 kB, installed size 217 kB11:04
Dr_Willisno idea what that does from its description... ;)11:05
Jake232Well, I guess my question extends to anything, rather than memcached. I don't think its memcached not accepting connections to the port11:06
Jake232It's more likely ubuntu in some way11:06
Dr_Willisport forwarding/firewalling fundamentals.. ;)11:06
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.11:06
Jake232Yeah, I've read through that, which is how I got to https://gist.github.com/8aa3c0c6f5e0e16cf74111:06
Dr_Willisi rarely mess with the firewall stuff11:07
Jake232and it works on localhost, telnet localhost 1121111:07
Jake232works perfectly11:07
Jake232however telnet server.ip 11211 just gets "Trying…" and then hangs11:07
Dr_Willisturn off all firewall rules as atest11:08
zykes-what is a good chunk size for a mdadm raid with 3-5*2tb disks ?11:08
dupondjeWould it be possible to install grub2 on a partitionless system with LVM ?11:08
dupondjeso with pvcreate /dev/sda (so there are no partitions)11:08
KeithWeissharwhy do I get a blank screen when booting the ubuntu 12.04 lts dvd on my gtx 570 unless i use nodmaset11:09
KeithWeissharand also when i use nodmaset there is a black border on all four sides of my 1920x1080 widescreen monitor11:09
Dr_Willisplymouth and the nvidia drivers like to fight11:09
Dr_Willisthe actual nvidia driver may fix the wrong res issue11:10
KeithWeisshardoes anyone else have the same time11:10
KeithWeissharsame video card11:10
KeithWeissharany of the gtx 500 series11:10
KeithWeisshari have the dvd version11:11
=== patrick is now known as Guest9411
Dr_Willisdvd is same as cd.11:11
Jake232Dr_Willis: works perfect when I turn off ufw11:11
Dr_Willisuses the noevau drivers by default11:11
KeithWeissharwhat card does the noveau driver support11:11
KeithWeisshari have gtx 570 hd11:12
ubottunouveau is an open-source nvidia driver included by default since Ubuntu 10.04. Currently, 3D rendering is only partially supported. More information can be found at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/ | See !nvidia for the closed-source Nvidia driver.11:12
KeithWeissharnoveau doesn't work on my gtx 570 hd11:12
Dr_Willisinstall the nvidia drivers from the repos11:13
Dr_Willisnoveau seema best with cards that have been out a while11:13
hellyeahis it possible to make "memtest" in livesystem11:14
fidelhellyeah: the ubuntu install cd should come with a memtest option which you should be able to select during startup11:15
Dr_Willisgrub2 i thought had memtest on it here. theres an option in /etc/default/grub to add/hide it11:15
fidelhellyeah: so yeah - should work in general - as the official memtest iso is some kind of live-system as well11:15
hellyeahroot@ubuntu:~# memtest8611:16
hellyeahmemtest86: command not found11:16
fidelhellyeah: so your question is: is memtest preinstalled?11:16
Dr_Willismemtest will be on the grub menu...11:16
hellyeahmemtest brings with live system or nıt?11:17
hellyeahyeah but i am on the live system11:17
hellyeahi have hardwares problem11:17
hellyeahand i need to check on live system11:17
hellyeahmy hdd is broken11:17
Dr_Willisboot live cd, select memtest...11:17
hellyeahcan i do within live system11:18
=== logan is now known as Guest36420
Dr_Willislive meaning?11:18
Dr_Willisa normal install has a memtest option in grub i belive11:18
hellyeahi opened ubuntu with cd i guess its called live system11:20
fidelhellyeah: what is your native language?11:20
Dr_Willisopened with cd makes no senced to me11:20
fidelDr_Willis: i guess its a language issue in the first step ;)11:20
Dr_Willisno hablo.. ;)11:21
hellyeahi boot my computer with cd11:21
hellyeahand select try ubuntu without installing11:21
fidel!tr > hellyeah11:21
ubottuhellyeah, please see my private message11:21
Dr_Willisselect memtest... befor it asks to try/install11:21
fidelhellyeah: consider asking in the turkish support as well - might be easier for you.11:21
hellyeahsometimes this channel even dotn listen anyway11:22
LolcustBackupHello community!11:23
LolcustBackupNeed a little advice on SSH tunnels11:23
trijntje_hi there qwebirc759711:23
=== trijntje_ is now known as trijntje
qwebirc7597hi trijntje11:24
lordievaderHello qwebirc7597, LolcustBackup.11:24
lordievaderLolcustBackup: What do you want to know?11:24
BluesKajHi all11:25
qwebirc7597how to install Moonlight via Chrome Web Store11:25
tim-cthi all11:25
LolcustBackupSo I have two boxes. One (WS) runs a mini web server on 2727 and SSH on 22. The other is an "open to all winds" VPS.11:25
LolcustBackupMy plan: ssh -L 2727:WS-IP:2727 username@WS11:25
tim-ctwhat is the latest mysql and php versions on 12.0411:25
LolcustBackupquestion: will I be able to allow 2727 only from localhost on the WS11:26
LolcustBackupor will I still need to expose 2727 to "the world"11:26
LolcustBackupI'd very much rather have only 22 port exposed on the WS11:26
qwebirc7597@trijntje hi trijntje11:27
lordievaderLolcustBackup: If you have the time watch this: http://hak5.org/episodes/hak5-111211:27
Dr_Willis!info mysql11:27
ubottuPackage mysql does not exist in precise11:27
dupondje!info mysql-server11:28
ubottumysql-server (source: mysql-5.5): MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.5.22-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 11 kB, installed size 112 kB11:28
lordievaderLolcustBackup: Might've also been this one: http://hak5.org/episodes/hak5-111311:28
qwebirc7597how do I install Silverlight/Moonlight in  Ubuntu?11:28
LolcustBackupok, thanks...11:28
LolcustBackupLearnin time11:28
Dr_Willismoonlight is in the repos i belive11:28
tim-ctubottu amd php?11:29
ubottutim-ct: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:29
qwebirc7597any alternative for Moonlight?11:29
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Dr_Willisqwebirc7597: not that ive heard of11:29
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tim-ctwhat is the latest php on 12.0411:30
qwebirc7597ok thx Dr Willis11:30
kandinskiwhat is a good command line torrent client that does magnet links?11:31
BluesKajgoogle was supposed to add a plugin/app for playing netflix in it's Linux  browsers , but nothing has come of it so far11:31
Pici!info php5 | tim-ct11:37
ubottutim-ct: php5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.1 (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 21 kB11:37
=== shyam is now known as samfromat
no-ndoes ubuntu use pulse audio or alsa by default these days?11:54
BluesKaj yes it uses both , no-n11:54
no-nat the same time?11:54
MonkeyDustno-n  pulse depends on alsa, or vice versa, i forget11:56
jayeshahirwhen i open facebook.com than one error display like Current Internet Access Configuration does not allow you to visit sites within this category at this time.11:56
cfhowlettjayeshahir: at work?11:56
no-nwell, according to amixer I'm getting mono sound. wondered how to make it stereo?11:57
MonkeyDustjayeshahir  ask your boss or administartor to grant access11:57
jayeshahirbut i want access without permission?/11:57
cfhowlettjayeshahir: stop going on FB at work.  PLUS your activity is definitely monitored and may be reported as a violation to management.  Just sayin '11:57
MonkeyDustjayeshahir  wrong channel11:57
Fishface12.04. MS Wireless mouse. Works fine except for scrolling which is incredibly slow. No settings for scroll speed in system settings. Ideas?11:58
jayeshahirso no one can help about this topic?11:58
cfhowlettjayeshahir: not an ubuntu issue, so no.  sorry.11:58
susundbergjayeshahir: use proxy11:59
MonkeyDustjayeshahir  please stop11:59
ubottujayeshahir: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:59
k1ljayeshahir: ask your admin/boss about it. there is a reason why they block it12:00
jayeshahirsusundberg:tell me something about proxy plz..12:00
llutz_jayeshahir:  Do you have any ubuntu support related question?12:01
cfhowlettjayeshahir: wrong channel.  do your research and you'll find your answers.  don't be lazy.12:01
jayeshahirtell me any channel name where can i find my answer?12:02
llutz_!alis | jayeshahir12:02
ubottujayeshahir: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*12:02
samfromatscreen lock is not working in ubuntu 11.10.  can anyone help?12:05
fidelsamfromat: have you configured it in the first place?12:07
samfromatfidel: no, also clicking on the 'screen lock' from the menu on the right upper corner, it is not working. auto screen lock is enabled.12:09
=== cryptfu_ is now known as Guest57973
krakas in here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromium_%28web_browser%29 22.0.1217.0 is the latest version of Chromium Web Browser; ho can I install that on 12.04 amd64?12:13
BluesKajkrak, install the browser from the repositories , it's safe and stable ..usually your best option12:14
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krakBluesKaj: I know that, but I'd like to try out the latest version, no matter if it's buggy or unstable... Only I can't find latest version 22.0.1217.0 in no places around the web... O.o12:16
MonkeyDustkrak  better ask in #chromium, then12:17
krakMonkeyDust:  fine12:17
samfromatkrak: check if the website provides binaries for linux(should be tar.bz/tar.gz like file) available or not. if yes then download it.12:18
kraksamfromat: could be so easy... :p12:18
datruthHow can I assign volume controls to a secondary sound device?12:18
qdbhello. emachines d620 touchpad did not work. now it even did not login. now i have tried recovery mode then resume normal boot, and i see that touchpad works! but there is no eth0 in ifconfig and internet do not work.12:21
livingdaylightdl and installed Opera from synaptic. When I launched it, it says that there is a newer version. Can I safely install the ubuntu package from the opera website?12:21
Dr_Willislivingdaylight: i tend to use their deb/ppa12:22
qdb i tried sudo start networking, then eth0 has not appeared12:22
BluesKajkrak, there is a chromium / chrome chat  , they could tell you more12:22
krakBluesKaj: I'm there! ty guys!12:22
no-namixe reports that I'm getting mono sound. How do I make it stereo?12:23
qdbemachines d620 touchpad did work partially. its keys did not work, then i connected usm mouse and it worked . but keyboard press results appeared only after moving mouse or touchpad12:23
livingdaylightDr_Willis, thx12:23
qdbhow to enable network ?12:23
qdbwhat to do if normal boot goes to black screen?12:24
qdbi ll try just normal boot12:24
MonkeyDust!nomodeset > qdb12:24
ubottuqdb, please see my private message12:24
qdbMonkeyDust, thank you12:25
samfromatcan anybody help me with screen lock, my system just refuse to lock my screen.12:26
n30g8Can someone please recommend or point me in the right direction, I would like a guide for installing grsecurity on Precise, if possible?12:29
n30g8I've put together a kind of minimalist customized build based off of server but wanted to do some hardening but so far have run into some snags and thought someone might know of the best way to install grsecurity etc.?12:31
n30g8in Precise12:31
n30g8Like, is there a certain grsec Ubuntu patch I should be using?12:33
n30g8or, is it just download the kernel, apply the patch and configure, then compile?12:33
Dr_Willismay want to check askubuntu.com n30g8 thats a sit specilized.12:34
qdbi have entered with nomodeset , but here us no eth012:34
Dr_Willisnomodeset dosent affect networking.12:34
Dr_Williswhat  is the network card12:36
qdbDr_Willis, http://support.emachines.com/em/driver/nb/d620.html says marvell...12:38
qdbDr_Willis, it worked yesterday12:38
MonkeyDustuser  ok, you're in12:39
MonkeyDustuser  it works, you can stop now12:39
DJonesuser: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?12:39
cfhowlettuser: yes we see you.  ask you #ubuntu question.12:39
theghostcan u create something iike windows directory in ubuntu12:39
userrjegmgbn e12:39
samfromatuser; all your keys are working. thanks. you can leave now.12:39
MonkeyDusttheghost  mkdir windows12:39
DJonesuser: Stop that12:40
FloodBot1user: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:40
ThinkT510theghost: what exactly do you mean?12:40
theghostno i am saying windows directory service 2003 where u can see all the computes on the network and manage them12:40
ThinkT510!ad | theghost12:40
ubottutheghost: You can learn more about ActiveDirectory intergration at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto12:40
MonkeyDusttheghost  ubuntu has landscape12:41
zazzlehello .which IDE do you guys use to write C/C++ programs?12:41
MonkeyDusttheghost  and there's also Zimbra12:41
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator12:41
samfromatzazzie: depends on personal choice. try geany.12:41
MonkeyDust!landscape > theghost12:42
ubottutheghost, please see my private message12:42
jhouranii like notepad++ for C12:42
zazzleI installed eclipse today but can't build a C project12:42
theghosthow do you check privaate messages12:43
ThinkT510theghost: what irc client are you using?12:43
theghostxchat irc12:43
jhouranizazzle you have to install a C/C++ compiler i think. Eclispe doesnt come with one out of the box12:43
ThinkT510theghost: look to your left, the nick in red12:43
theghostoh i see thanks12:44
zazzlein the project slot I can only find "general" and "cvs"12:44
jhouranizazzle check this out http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/moreinfo/c.php12:44
samfromatzazzie: eclipse is only for java. find ide for c/c++.12:44
jhouraniyou can use it for C/C++...just need to configure it12:44
jhouranithere is a different distro...Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers12:45
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall12:46
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theghostwhat would would be the diffrence in using landscape or setting the service up yourself manualy12:48
theghostwithout software12:48
MonkeyDusttheghost  why don't you start from the beginning -- what brings you here?12:48
quick-hi can u please tell me how to make the windows the default selected  os in grub12:49
ubottuquick-:: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)12:49
llutz_quick-: sudo mv /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober /etc/grub.d/09_os-prober && sudo update-grub12:50
livingdaylightI'm looking for the "System Monitor" app in in previous gnome editions, in synaptic, but don't readily find it by that name. Anyone, know what I'm looking for?12:51
theghostI am trying to set up a service to manage all the computers like windows active directory but i want to do it with ubuntu you suggested lanscape but you also gave me a website that shows how you can set it up yourself and i was wondering what the diffrence would be if you set it up by landscape or the website you suggested12:51
samfromathey, does anyone tried this - two wireless connections on same pc?12:51
livingdaylightis it "gnome-system-monitor" ?12:51
codezpsamformat it should work but not to same access point12:51
samfromatcodezp: two service providers?12:52
livingdaylightyup, got it, thank you.12:53
MonkeyDusttheghost  are they ubuntu or windows computers?12:53
qdbifup eth0 do not help, etc init d networking restart also. i can send ssylog..12:53
Jezzz< -- noob:    my windows equivalent of 'explorer.exe' isn't working.  My app launcher is sort of frozen/gone.  How do I restart it?12:54
MonkeyDustJezzz  in wine?12:54
MonkeyDusttheghost  then try landscape, it's for ubuntu machines12:55
Jezzzis it called Unity?12:56
qdbi thought i found.. should set to auto dhcp. but no. indeed i need manual, with ips12:56
theghostok i will but whats the diffrence between setting up via landscape ir setting up via terminal or something like that12:56
Jezzzi did compiz --replace, which seemed to restart something, but didn't get my launcher bar back12:56
MonkeyDusttheghost  landscape is a gui, the terlinal is cli12:56
MonkeyDusttheghost  how familiar are you with ubuntu?12:57
theghostok thanks so you saying landscape makes it easier to manage12:57
theghosti know quite a bit12:57
Jezzzi restarted gnome also and it's still gone12:58
=== Belial is now known as Guest82321
=== MartinS is now known as Guest29272
qdbeven lan leds do not light13:03
* Jezzz just reboots :/13:04
=== Gapit is now known as Gabit
samfromatanybody knows about configuring two wireless connections on same pc?13:05
qdbi disabled network boot today, i ll try to enable it back13:07
quick-hey can you please tell me how to change the the time required  to select the in the grub menu13:08
jrib!grub | quick-13:08
ubottuquick-: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)13:08
jribquick-: you'll want to change the GRUB_TIMEOUT option13:08
llutz_quick-: change GRUB_TIMEOUT=10   in /etc/default/grub13:09
cfhowlettdhez: greetings13:09
dhezThanks, its been a long time since ive used irc :-)13:10
quick-jrib i tried it its already 1013:10
jribquick-: tried what exactly?13:11
qdbindeed it makes lan leds light, but how can i enable it without network boot13:11
quick-jrib:  changed the GRUB_TIMEOUT t0 10 in /etc/default/grub13:11
jribquick-: and did you run « sudo update-grub » after changing it?13:11
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x010100xsomeone had use nagios in ubunutu?13:12
quick-jrib : yes i did .13:12
jribquick-: and what behavior does grub display?13:12
dhez I had a quick question: ive just installed ubuntu 12.04, changed the desktop to gnome (it appeals to me more than unity) and installed the basic things. I wanted to ask what steps i should take to learn the ins and outs of the OS better(ubuntu and/or linux in general? Any recommendations?13:12
x010100xjrib: can you help me13:12
jribx010100x: start by asking your real question (to the channel)13:13
Guest99485ciao, ho un problema col pc dopo aver cancella to dei file libgeoip. qualcuno ha tempo di aiutarmi?13:13
jrib!it | Guest9948513:13
ubottuGuest99485: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:13
quick-jrib: Would you please tell me  what does you exactly mean by behaviour ?13:13
x010100xjrib: you see I have the cfg file but it shows errors after any file change13:13
jribquick-: what does grub do?  Does it still wait?  Is the countdown different than 10?  How long is it?13:13
x010100xjrib: for example if I change a word the nagios shows this error: Running configuration check... CONFIG ERROR!  Restart aborted.  Check your Nagios configuration.13:14
quick-jrib:  The countdown is still the same . i guess it s0 . It shows the screen like a spalsh and then boots into ubuntu13:14
x010100xjrib: is weird that after just a word changed everything mess up >_<13:14
x010100xpermissions are 777 to files and dirs13:15
jribx010100x: I don't know anything about nagios.  You should ask the channel in general (not address me).  I suggest you: 1) post the configuration file before and after your changes, 2) state whether the error is displayed before you make your changes, 3) pastebin the entire error in full13:15
qdbyukon pxe v 6 55 1 3 (20080222) (c) marvell13:15
jribquick-: the same as what13:15
x010100xok got it+13:15
quick-the same is before 0 .13:15
nitrohaxjrib> i'm thinking Quick wants the time out of the grub to be longer13:16
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qdbbios can enable lan13:16
jribquick-: are you sure you don't have another copy of grub?  Maybe on a different linux install?13:16
qdbif it is high in boot order13:16
qdbbut user need to press a key  to cancel lan boot with that option13:16
nitrohaxqdb> that's a network boot option in the bios.13:17
quick-jrib:  i just only ubuntu installed . How shoudl i check if i have a different copy of the grub installed ?13:17
qdbthat has not helped , i do not have connection in network manager menu13:17
jribquick-: do you have multiple installs of ubuntu maybe?13:18
nitrohaxqdb> are you saying that you don't have an internet connection with ubuntu?13:18
qdb"ip link set dev eth0 up" - this enabled eth0!13:18
MonkeyDustquick-  firstt get familiar with ubutu, then try messing with grub13:18
quick-no i dnt have multiple installs of ubuntu , i just ubuntu and windows 7 installed13:18
qdbwill it be saved?13:18
qdbnitrohax, yes13:19
quick-jrib:  I just have ubuntu and windows 7 installed13:19
qdbit worked yesterday13:19
jribquick-: do you get any output when you run « sudo update-grub »?  Pastebin your /boot/grub/grub.cfg13:19
alapmokushy all13:19
nitrohaxqdb> are you using a wired or a wireless connection?13:20
qdbnitrohax, wired13:20
quick-alapmokus:  hey :)13:20
qdblshw class network shows just a word.. pci sysfs, and i need to press ctrl c13:21
qdb2 words )13:21
qdbah no...13:22
qdbafter several seconds answer appeared13:22
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
BluesKajqdb,  rub, eth0=dhcp , then ,sudo ifconfig eth0 up , then sudo dhclient eth013:24
nitrohaxqdb> is this an error before Ubuntu even starts13:24
kiddorailsHey. Is AMD Radeon HD 7xxxM series supported by Ubuntu yet?13:25
kiddorailsI was looking forward to buy HP Envy 6 ultrabook which features 2 GB of HD 7670M GPU.13:26
BluesKajkiddorails, it should be , most radeons are13:26
kiddorailsI'm not sure if 12.04 will support it.13:26
quick-jrib:  the output of update-grub and /etc/default/grub is at http://pastebin.com/NBvDYVwD13:26
qdbnitrohax, yes13:26
kiddorailsBluesKaj: This range of GPU is new.13:26
jribquick-: I need to see /boot/grub/grub.cfg, not /etc/default/grub13:26
qdbsudo dhclient eth0     do not respond nor stop13:27
qdbi have tried to delete config files in home folder , did not help13:27
qdbhas not helped13:27
nitrohaxqdb> you have network boot enabled in the bios. this is trying to do a network boot. you will have to go into the bios and disable it or move it to the bottom of the boot order.13:27
nitrohaxqdb> this shouldn't affect the connection in ubuntu13:28
qdbnitrohax, but then even lan leds do not light13:28
BluesKajqdb, does not stop .. in what manner ?13:28
qdbBluesKaj, i need to press ctrl c13:28
nitrohaxqdb> do you have any lights on the lan card of your computer, and on the router/switch also?13:29
BluesKajqdb, have you run ifconfig , if not do so then pastebin the output13:29
qdbnitrohax, now yes13:29
=== TheVoid- is now known as TheVoid
nitrohaxqdb> on both things correct?13:29
danpsyWhy can't I append the unallocated space into my /dev/sda4 partition?  http://i.imgur.com/KVWOL.png13:29
qdbBluesKaj, i need to copy through usb flash drive. ifconfig now shows eth013:30
theadmindanpsy: Because /dev/sda4 is not directly near the unallocated space.13:30
quick-jrib:  here you go http://pastebin.com/bj0UwmDm13:30
MonkeyDustdanpsy  swap is in the way13:30
qdbseems partial updaet made this error13:30
theadmindanpsy: Get rid of swap for a while. Then resize /dev/sda4 and recreate swap.13:31
nitrohaxqdb> have you tried in terminal $ sudo dhclient13:31
qdbnitrohax, it says nothing13:32
theadminnitrohax: That's a wrong syntax, you need an interface there ("sudo dhclient eth0")13:32
BluesKajdanpsy, too many primary partitions , you're allowed only 4 , if you feel adventurous you could delete the Windows reserved / recovery , then you could use the unallocated one as ext4 for linux13:32
danpsytheadmin, MonkeyDust, BluesKaj: Thanks!13:34
jribquick-: so does grub just wait indefinitely or does grub not wait at all at the moment?  You said before it was "0", but I'm not sure what you meant13:34
quick-jrib:  i mean it doesn't wait at all .13:34
obryanI am curious, is there a way to make a particular app specifically use a particular network device?  I want vnc to use my wifi but I want pan to use eth013:35
obryanwould I have to set up some sort of firewall or ipchain rule?13:35
jribquick-: well /boot/grub/grub.cfg gets updated correctly.  If you don't have a different grub running, then I don't know13:36
MonkeyDustdanpsy  create an extended partition, inside it, you can make more partitions13:36
quick-jrib : would you please tell me how do i check if there a different grub running ?13:37
=== ProfessorL0Lingt is now known as QubitSmuggler
jribquick-: well kludgy way: edit the name of one of the entries to something like "Ubuntu, with Linux 3.2.0-27-generic-pae FOOBAR" and see if your menu shows it13:38
=== Rez is now known as LoRez
llutz_with a menu not shown at all? ^^ ;)13:38
quick-jrib:  where do i edit it ?13:39
Karencan't see bios to get boot from cd or usb; laptop monitor dark after dual-monitor setup laptop-builtin/HDMI; help?13:39
jribquick-: does your menu not show at all?13:39
quick-jrib : its comes and goes in a spash . i dnt even get a time to press a key so that i can stop the count down time13:40
llutz_quick-: (jrib) if you really have only ubuntu+win7: "sudo grub-install /dev/sda"  should make sure that you are using the correct grub13:42
FernandoCuevaI have some weird issue13:44
quick-llutz :  but will that effect the current install of the current grub ?13:44
llutz_quick-: it'll just rewrite grub into MBR13:44
superfabbbhow can i install a library if it  is not included in my repositories?13:45
quick-llutz :  will it effect the system , i mean the current config i want the default config which ubuntu gives by default13:45
llutz_quick-: no13:46
natexIs Ubuntu One extremely slow to sync for anyone else right now?13:46
FernandoCuevaI set sudo passwd and assigned a password but I was told not to do that I want to know why and how to revert it13:47
quick-llutz : Are you sure that the grub is installed on the /dev/sda . just confirming ? :)13:47
llutz_quick-: YOU should be sure about that, you installed the system. it would be system-default for ubuntu-installs13:48
jribFernandoCueva: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Re-disabling_your_root_account13:48
theadminFernandoCueva: Setting the root password gives you much less ways to manage your permissions and is a security flow.13:48
mooserTrying to uninstall a game (which comes default with ubuntu) called "Penguin Freecell" I do type sudo apt-get remove Penguin Freecell but it gives me that: E: Invalid operation Penguin Freecell13:48
qdbi have static inet now13:48
qdbby cmdline edits13:48
theadminmooser: That's unlikely a valid package name. Package names NEVER have spaces. They also are always fully lowercase. Try "sudo apt-get purge penguin-freecell"13:48
quick-llutz :  i didnt install the system :)13:49
quick-I guess its a default install .13:49
quick-jrib: Thanks a lot for the help :)13:50
quick-jrib:  llutz Would you please tell me how do i make the windows boot in the grub as the default one .13:51
moosertheadmin, resul of: sudo apt-get purge penguin-freecell is > E: Unable to locate package penguin-freecell13:51
llutz_quick-: i did13:51
theadminmooser: Bah. Well. I don't know the package name. Try looking in the Software Center to remove it.13:51
llutz_quick-: sudo mv /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober /etc/grub.d/09_os-prober && sudo update-grub13:51
llutz_quick-: that needs DEFAULT=0 in /etc/default/grub13:52
=== Gapit_ is now known as Gabit
moosertheadmin its because of the wrong package name?13:52
mooserwhat is different beetween remove and purge ?13:52
theadminmooser: "purge" removes configuration stuff as well, other than that no difference13:53
llutz_quick-: but if you cannot access grub-menu, you won't be able to boot into ubuntu then13:53
theadminllutz_: One can always access the grub menu, even with timeout=0, one can simply hold left shift down on the "Loading GRUB..." screen (which lasts for like 3 seconds even on the very fast modern machines)13:54
llutz_theadmin: seems to be untrue in his special case13:54
theadminllutz_: Oh, weird.13:55
quick-llutz :  i know that but i dnt have 09_os-prober13:55
kiddorailsIs wifi bcmwl 4365 unsupported on 12.04 ?13:55
moosertheadmin,  i see13:55
llutz_quick-: correct, thats why you should rename the 30_os-prober13:55
theadminkiddorails: most broadcom devices are supported either with the kernel drivers or the closed-source wl13:56
llutz_quick-: if you just don't want to use ubuntu and boot windows, better to use fixmbr/fixboot from windows13:57
stephanie88Hello guys i have found fantastic blowjobs!  http://www.gallery-dump.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=29729213:58
quick-quick-:  if i use the fix/fixboot the grub will be replaced by the windows mbr . Right ?13:58
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quick-llutz:  and then i can format the ubuntu partition from the wind0ws ?13:59
darkeldahi everybody14:01
llutz_quick-: and support ends at this point14:01
quick-llutz : one last question14:01
darkeldaI'm looking for a todo list manager with gantt view14:01
darkeldaany idea ?14:01
quick-llutz : Thanks a lot :)14:02
quick-where do i study all these things you know (if u dnt mind , i know its off-topic ) :)14:02
Frowardhello sexy linux people!14:03
llutz_quick-: learning by doing, reading "the internet" and lots of dcoumentation14:03
FrowardI am looking for an alternative to openoffice for my boss's ubuntu PC14:03
=== VirtualBlackness is now known as L3top
Frowardit refuses to print in greyscale, only color! I have determined it is openoffice's fault, not the printer.14:04
quick-llutz : i ll do it14:04
quick- fixmbr cmd is there in windows14:04
Frowardany suggestions?14:04
quick-llutz : fixmbr isnt there in windows :(14:04
llutz_Froward: tried libreoffice? same issue?14:05
FrowardI haven't! I will install it.14:05
AdvoWorkjust done something but don't know what. in a cli, i was already postgres user ,but i've then done su postgres and it says Added user postgres. can I delete that somehow without removing my main user?14:05
llutz_quick-: /join ##windows14:06
quick-llutz : Thanks a lot again . I really appreciate the effort :)14:08
B100d1u5twhat is the proper way to load this iso file onto a flash drive14:10
B100d1u5tjust xfer the file or do i need to embed the image in some way14:10
DJonesB100d1u5t: What are you trying to do? Create a startup usb stick with Ubuntu on it?14:11
B100d1u5tDJones just trying to run the setup14:11
B100d1u5tthought it said that i had to burn the iso image to a dvd or flash drive14:12
histo!usb | B100d1u5t14:12
ubottuB100d1u5t: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:12
B100d1u5tflash drive would be more conveineint14:12
W4spFroward: Did you see Taskjuggler, GanttProject (Java), OpenProj (similar to Microsoft Project), Koffice KPlato?14:12
FrowardW4sp: no, thanks! I will look into these..14:12
B100d1u5tso that is still  a full install?14:12
Frowardinstalling libreoffice apparently overrides openoffice. I'd like to have as many options as possible, side by side.14:13
=== zao__ is now known as zAo^
zAo^is there a PPA for the latest radeon drivers? XorgEdgers doesn´t provide xserver-xorg-video-radeon14:14
histoB100d1u5t: it's like a full install but it uses the casper filesystem for persistence14:14
FrowardW4sp: that stuff looks like time management software.. I need to be able to do basic desktop publishing. Like openoffice, but so it prints without screwing up.14:14
FrowardEven running notepad in WINE is more reliable.14:14
jagosixdoes libre office screw it also ?14:15
llutz_Froward: looked at scribus?14:15
jagosixI havent used open office in a while14:15
jagosixlibre office is so much better14:16
W4spFroward: I used the wrong nickname. It wasn't meant for you14:16
jagosixwell use office 201014:16
jagosixi also use that via crossover office14:17
Frowardllutz: thanks :D14:18
W4spdarkelda: Did you see Taskjuggler, GanttProject (Java), OpenProj (similar to Microsoft Project), Koffice KPlato?14:19
jerry_KMI am new here.14:20
Calinou<Froward> Even running notepad in WINE is more reliable.14:20
Calinounotepad is terrible14:20
jerry_KMnice to meet you14:20
Calinouhi jerry_KM, welcome14:20
FrowardCalinou: yeah but at least it prints in black and white instead of color14:20
Calinouyou can set libreoffice's printing properties to print in black in white..14:20
jerry_KMHi, Calinou14:20
Calinouyou're doing it wrong14:20
FrowardI set every possible OO setting to print in black and white.. didn't work14:20
FrowardI'll install libreoffice when I find out the root password.14:20
histoFroward: set the printer to be black and white in cups14:21
=== Plinker__ is now known as Plinker
FrowardI don't know how to do that, it didn't come up in my google search.14:21
end_guyI'm trying to get two finger scroll working on my laptop but Synaptics TouchPad driver doesn't seem to work when I try to enable the two finger scroll option.14:22
end_guyHow can I make sure Synaptics TouchPad driver is running?14:23
llutz_end_guy: grep -i synap /var/log/Xorg.0.log|grep II14:25
end_guyllutz_: nothing returned14:26
llutz_end_guy: it "uppercase i" twice at the end. try without the second grep14:27
end_guyllutz_: how about this :-) http://pastebin.com/f8DAnXet14:29
llutz_end_guy: well, noise. no synaptics at all it seems14:30
mejowhich graphics chip do you suggest for dual-head unity 3d with high resolution? I would prefer open source drivers.14:30
end_guyllutz_: it's strange that it can recognize the touchpad gesture for zooming in and out but not two finger scroll14:31
mejocurrently I use an old onboard AMD card with ati rs690 [radeon x1200] chip.14:31
Dr_Willisnvidia,intel,ati, others.... in that order14:31
mejodual-head support in unity3d works only with very low resolution14:32
llutz_end_guy: i cannot help you with that, i don't use those features14:32
mejoit advices me to switch to unity2d. and there the performance is really bad14:32
end_guyCan anyone help me in getting my two finger scroll working on my touchpad?14:32
Dr_Willisavoid 'just came out' video card/chipsets.. they may not have driver support yet14:32
mejoDr_Willis: is the dual-head support for recent nvidia chips good in open source neauvou driver?14:33
Dr_Willismejo: nvidia drivers + twinview feature work better then noevau does14:33
mejoI'd like to avoid using proprietary drivers14:33
daemonhello all how do I make it so resolv.conf will not be automatically generated14:33
Dr_Willisi can only clonw, nd get limited res with noevau and my year old nvidia card. and clone only... but i am testing 12.10 here14:34
end_guydaemon: you need to get rid of network-manager?14:34
daemonend_guy, I dont think its installed14:34
end_guydaemon: Are you trying to set static IP and custom nameservers?14:35
Dr_Willismejo:  i dont see any gain by avoiding the propity drivers14:35
llutz_daemon: set your dns either in the networkmanager-connections or in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/*14:35
mejoDr_Willis: sounds to me like I will not take nvidia ;)14:35
daemonend_guy, yes14:35
daemonPackage network-manager is not installed though14:35
Dr_Willismejo: ati is worse.. so that leaves intel..14:35
llutz_daemon: use "nameservers a.b.c.d e.f.g.h" in /etc/network/interfaces14:35
end_guydaemon: http://codesnippets.joyent.com/posts/show/31914:36
daemonllutz, ah than kyou14:36
mejoDr_Willis: thanks, I'll do some research regarding intel dual-head support14:36
llutz_daemon: use "dns-nameservers a.b.c.d e.f.g.h" in /etc/network/interfaces14:36
docBrown_i have three nameserver entries in my resolv.conf file; one was there already and two i added using /resolv.conf.d/tail ... how can i remove the first one that was there to begin with?14:36
Dr_Willismejo: nvidia works better for dualhead.. moar power/features14:37
daemonllutz, works perfectly; thank you :), thank you also end_guy14:37
Dr_Willisintel i guess is ok for most peoples.14:37
frxstremare there any programs I could use to get the speed at which data is read from a pipe (e.g., written to stdout from another program)14:38
dv310p3rNeed Help. My Ubuntu 12.04 was working fine in Unity 3D mode. Now all of a sudden it says it's in 2D mode only.14:41
iroquoishi,i'm running ubuntu 10.04 and like things the way they are.How long past the end of support date could i keep running it?14:41
SliTazoh dear dv310p3r14:42
SliTazdv310p3r do a full clean reinstall14:42
SliTazdv310p3r and baby it for the second time :)14:42
dv310p3rSliTaz, thanks for the help. Much appreciated.14:42
Dr_Willisiroquois: as long as you can live without security updates...14:43
dv310p3rAnyone else have any productive feedback, or flaming only?14:43
iroquoisty dr willis14:43
Dr_Willisdv310p3r: what video driver/card14:43
compdocdv310p3r, did you actiate the propritory videos drivers?14:44
iroquoissure hate it when they change things that are working just fine14:44
Pumpkin-Froward: from memory a tool called pv can do that. I just checked and ubuntu has a package for it.14:44
Dr_Willisirdxafk: gnome2 was killed by the gnome devs.. it was showing its age14:44
dv310p3rDr_Willis, Intel HD Graphics 400014:45
dv310p3rcompdoc, Intel HD Graphics 400014:45
dv310p3rcompdoc, Dr_Willis, everything had been working just fine. After a reboot, bamn!14:45
Frowardyou guys are super helpful.14:46
Dr_Willisdv310p3r: try an older kernel from the grub menus as a test?  i dont do much with intel14:46
dv310p3rDr_Willis,  the grub menu isn't showing me any older Kernels.14:46
Dr_WillisFroward: we try our best14:46
Dr_Willisdv310p3r: should be an older kernels... item14:46
dv310p3rDr_Willis, I'll check it out. Thanks.14:47
tripolarhow can i deactivate plymouth in ubuntu?14:47
ubottuPlymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »14:47
Dr_Willistheres a text plymouth theme that basically turns it off. or use the 'text' boot option14:48
Pumpkin-I'm installing Ubuntu on a temporary desktop for some testing, and I need to buy a second NIC for that testing. When I installed, it identified the machine as a Compaq-MODELNUMBER (because that was the default hostname for the machine). Now I have installed, is there any way I can get it to tell me what that model number is (to save me a long walk to find out - and so I can buy the correct NIC - I suspect I need a low profile one).14:48
Dr_Willisor try the 'nosplash' kernel option14:48
dv310p3rDr_Willis, ok, just restart into .27 kernel, same thing.14:48
Dr_Willisdv310p3r: id have to suggest checking the forums an d  askubuntu.com  i rarely touch intel video.14:50
dv310p3rDr_Willis, thanks, I'll do hat.14:50
nitrohaxinteresting thing i just learned. you can turn your swapdrive on/off.14:51
llutz_nitrohax: sudo swapon/swapoff14:51
Dr_Willisyoucan  have several swap partitions.14:52
nitrohaxllutz> it wasn't showing a swap drive so i went into gparted and saw the option "swapon" now things run better.14:52
Dr_Willisnitrohax: check fstab for a swap line14:53
nitrohaxDr_Willis> it's there. all good now. I'm not sure why it was even turned off or when. one of those thinsg14:54
keliorihi all14:56
keliorihello everyone, i just installed ubuntu in virtualbox, i like it very much but now i have problem how to connect to pptp vpn server? my host is windows xp sp314:58
DonDis there a command that let me check if my server can run a 64 bit version ?14:59
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llutz_DonD: grep " lm " /proc/cpuinfo14:59
jeniahello everyone14:59
jeniai removed myself from the sudo group14:59
jenia(by accident)14:59
jeniaso can i reset that setting?14:59
nitrohaxyeah, that fixed the lagging with more then one vbox open15:00
llutz_DonD: if it shows the "flags" line, its 64bit capable15:00
jribjenia: reboot into recover mode and issue the command: adduser YOUR_USERNAME_HERE sudo15:01
mzuverinkwhat is the status of classic gnome in the current release? Has it recieved more attention than in prior releases since the advent of Unity?15:01
jagosixhello peopl15:01
MonkeyDustmzuverink  i use classic as we speak, works fine15:01
jagosixI use crossover Office 11.2.0 and was wondering, does anyone here use it? If so I need some input and help.15:03
phildaianHey guys, I was wondering if anyone had experience doing 2x1440p or 3x1440p monitors in Ubuntu.  I'm looking at a 6870 for this (all productivity, non-gaming), but I'm not sure if the Linux drivers on current Ubuntu are capable of doing dual or triple 1440p, and I'm open to a different card15:03
mzuverinkMonkeyDust, in previous releases it seems to have been incomplete, as in they did put much attention to classic.  Does it seem that they put the proper amount of attention to in now?15:03
docBrown_i have three nameserver entries in my resolv.conf file; one was there already and two i added using /resolv.conf.d/tail ... how can i remove the first one that was there to begin with?15:04
MonkeyDustmzuverink  meaning? why do you ask? what do you expect from classic?15:04
compdocdocBrown_, where does it come from? /resolv.conf.d/body?15:04
compdocI would just delete it from resolv.conf15:05
docBrown_compdoc: i dont see it in any of the files in /resolv.conf.d/15:05
docBrown_compdoc: ok ill try that15:05
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compdocdocBrown_, there are several files in these distros like Ubuntu that once you edit it, the OS leaves it alone. Not all config files are that way, but several are15:06
compdocgtg - good luck15:06
docBrown_compdoc: not the case.. it was re-added in after i did an update15:06
=== danielbw_ is now known as danielbw
mzuverinkMonkeyDust, it seemed if I remember correctly that things like Epiphany was not compiled with the sys try icon, and that there were just peices missing from the ubuntu-desktop package, I cannot remember much more.  I will just need to download and install to check for myself.  I appreciate your quick response. I am not a fam of the whole shell game, it is a shame in my opinion that linux as a whole, in terms of desktop distibutio15:07
mzuverinkns are all going the way of the shell15:07
nitrohaxhow do you get to the main terminal page again?15:08
kelvinellahi how do you share an external drive in ubuntu with different user?15:08
phildaianAlso, I'd like to be able to mount a few hard drives in RAID (with redundancy, speed is not critical) and share the storage array with networked Mac, Windows, and Linux computers... can anyone point me in the direction of a tool/something to google for that15:08
Pumpkin-any idea why "cu -l ttyS0" gives me "Permission Denied", even if run with sudo (but chmod'ing /dev/ttyS0 to 777 fixes it) ?.15:08
tripolarhow can i disable plymouth? text as kernel boot option doesnt seem to work15:08
MonkeyDustmzuverink  yeah, try it and decide for yourself, if you find bugs or have ideas, use launchpad or !brainstorm15:08
mzuverinkMonkeyDust, Thanks, I appreciate the response, downloading now...15:09
kelvinellalets say my brother is using the computer with user name bro and i ssh into it with user me.  when i do ls-l /media/USB shows "bro" as permission and i cant access it15:09
kelvinellahow do i work around with this?15:10
GirlyGirlkelvinella: Use nautilus to set the folder permission and add the second user to it15:10
truexfan81what kind of bot is ubottu?15:10
kelvinellaGirlyGirl, how?15:11
jribubottu: tell truexfan81 about yourself15:11
ubottutruexfan81, please see my private message15:11
GirlyGirlkelvinella: Right click properties on the folder ... I'm not sure of the exact names of the settings as I use KDE but it should be something like that15:12
kelvinellaGirlyGirl, can i do that via my terminal?15:12
kelvinellalets say i am not home15:12
truexfan81jrib: probelm is i can't visit any of the links it provides due to the site being moved15:12
kelvinellai ssh into the box from the street15:13
afaffahow do i make windows my default on the GRub15:14
CharlieSuHi all.  I have a SFTP server that constantly gets locked up because the 'console-kit-daemon' process is taking a lot of CPU usage..  Any ideas why?15:14
jribtruexfan81: what do you mean?15:15
truexfan81nevermind, firefox being a pain15:15
truexfan81i'm on the site now15:16
truexfan81oh its a supybot? i have one of those15:17
jeniahello everyone15:17
jeniai removed myself from the sudo list15:17
jenianow i tried to reboot in recovery mode15:17
jeniadamn i have to leave for 5 min15:17
jeniaill be right back15:17
GirlyGirl!language | jenia15:18
ubottujenia: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:18
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »15:18
truexfan81was trying to find out the bot version lol that command works on mine15:18
cubix`The VERSION request on truexfan81 has timed out15:19
bazhangcubix`, what15:19
Myrttifoo bar bot version baz wibble15:20
bazhang!version > cubix`15:20
ubottucubix`, please see my private message15:20
cubix`The VERSION request on > has timed out15:21
bazhangtruexfan81, cubix` is yours?15:21
truexfan81mine is named Jadzia15:21
jeniai didnt use any obscene words15:21
jeniai removed myself from the sudo list15:22
jribcubix`: feel free to join #ubuntu-ops to discuss this, but talking bots are not allowed in #ubuntu.  Your ban will be removed, once you join #ubuntu-ops and discuss it15:22
jenianow when i go to recovery mode, theres a dialog that pops up15:23
jeniaits called Removery Menu15:23
jeniaand it says in it that filesystem state:read-only15:23
GirlyGirljenia: Select something that says drop to root shell or something in that menu15:23
GirlyGirljenia: Then follow this http://www.pendrivelinux.com/how-to-add-a-user-to-the-sudoers-list/15:23
GirlyGirljenia: But why did you delete yourself from the sudoers list?15:24
jeniaby accident15:24
roadfishIs there some kind of web-api to Ubuntu packages. For example, to issue a query to look up packages in a given category and get results in JSON format?15:24
oolumpixs Hi, i am using  xfce and was fiddling with my login options and changed something in the login xserver settinsg, now all i get is a login screen with"no serving host found"15:24
truexfan81how does one accidently delete one's self from the sudoers list?15:24
MonkeyDustroadfish  there's packages.ubuntu.com15:24
Piciroadfish: the launchpad api can do something like that.15:24
llutz_truexfan81: usermod is an easy way, used a lot here :)15:25
jribtruexfan81: using usermod -G usually15:25
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in_DEEP_Crisis Hi, i am using linux mint 13 xfce and was fiddling with my login options and changed something in the login xserver settinsg, now all i get is a login screen with"no serving host found"15:25
MonkeyDustroadfish  or the non-supported website appnr.com15:25
jeniaso yea. thats the problem. when i type visudo it tells me:15:25
truexfan81ah ok15:25
jeniavisudo: /etc/sudoers: Read-only file system15:25
bazhangin_DEEP_Crisis, get mintsupport it's not supported here15:25
Pici!mintsupport | in_DEEP_Crisis15:25
ubottuin_DEEP_Crisis: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:25
truexfan81jrib: i've been using linux for a year, and have never used the usermod command15:25
in_DEEP_Crisisbazhang: yes i know but there isn't any one there helping (as yet) and this is my friends machine15:26
GirlyGirljenia: When you drop to root shell, you get a message about how to mount with write support , do that15:26
in_DEEP_Crisisneither is there anyone at #xfce15:26
bazhangin_DEEP_Crisis, then be patient. it's not supported here.15:26
ThinkT510in_DEEP_Crisis: that doesn't mean that mint is supported here15:26
in_DEEP_Crisisbazhang: ok15:26
in_DEEP_Crisisok got it , don't mind though :-)15:26
Slendywhat is the point of xchat15:26
roadfishMonkeyDust/Pici: ok good stuff ... I guess I can google on something like "api json" at those websites. thanks.15:27
bazhangSlendy, its an irc client15:27
KvaksSlendy: Hello.15:27
GirlyGirljenia: Did you get it mounted?15:27
ThinkT510Slendy: it is an irc client15:27
Slendywhat does irc mean?15:27
bazhangSlendy, see #xchat15:27
jeniait doesnt say that15:27
jribjenia: don't use visudo by the way, just add your user back to the sudo group15:27
SlendyWhats an irc?15:27
ThinkT510Slendy: internet relay chat15:27
SlendyWhat do you chat about?15:27
bazhangSlendy, easy on the enter key there15:27
jeniabut let me check the net maybe ill be able to mount it15:27
ThinkT510Slendy: there are many channels, this one is a ubuntu support channel15:27
jribSlendy: this channel is for ubuntu support.  If you want to talk about other things, join us in #ubuntu-offtopic15:28
bazhang!chat | Slendy15:28
ubottuSlendy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:28
Slendyohh i get it its for support :)15:28
SlendyIs there any way to get nvidia optimus ion 2 Graphics Drivers to work?15:28
daemonhey all how do I debug a program startup issue15:29
GirlyGirldaemon: Run it in a terminal15:29
daemonGirlyGirl, it works:15:29
GirlyGirldaemon: e.g type "firefox" in terminal15:29
daemonGirlyGirl, pgbouncer -u nobody -d /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini15:30
daemonGirlyGirl, works perfectly15:30
daemonGirlyGirl, I set the same in /etc/default/pgbouncer and it does not work15:30
GirlyGirldaemon: then what do you want to debug, you didn't give the software name, problem details or anything15:31
llutz_daemon: use strace to find out if pgbouncer even reads /etc/default/...15:31
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daemonGirlyGirl, I want to know why the init.d version does not work and the console does15:31
daemonllutz, according to its startup file it does15:31
stephanie88blowjobs for everyone! http://www.gallery-dump.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=29729215:33
prasI still have the Linux kernel power regression problem with Ubuntu 12.04 running default kernel 3.2, I have been experiencing this since ubuntu 11.10 and my processor is intel i5 sandy bridge, i know this power regression is a common bug for Intel sandy bridge. Recently read a post in Phoronix that says it will be fixed in 3.3, was that really fixed?15:34
daemonllutz_, I had to init its startup file init.d/pgbouncer it was trying to su to the user 'postgres' which does not exist15:35
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jeniaokay it worked thank you very much15:38
jenianow i want to ask you something about groups and permission15:38
GirlyGirljenia: Are you addressing me?15:38
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:38
jeniayes and to the person who told me to use useradd jenia sudo15:38
jeniathanks very much both of you15:38
GirlyGirl!tab | jenia15:39
ubottujenia: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.15:39
quick-!who | jenia15:39
ubottujenia: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:39
jeniaGirlyGirl, okay thanks15:39
prasI asked my query in common.. can someone help me out?15:39
jeniaGirlyGirl, can you please tell me, how  do i change the group owning a folder15:40
quick-pras : EVerybody asks the query in common , if someone know s the answer they ll reply .15:40
GirlyGirljenia: Its easier in GUI, with nautilus or whatever filemanager15:40
llutz_jenia: chgrp group folder15:40
utu-sanjenia:  chown -R owner: <folder>15:40
llutz_utu-san: that will change the owner, not the group15:40
jeniaGirlyGirl, i did sudo chown -R jenia:mediagroup ./My\ Book15:41
jeniaGirlyGirl, and it returned: operation not permitted15:41
utu-sanjenia: that shud do it15:41
prasquick-, thanks..  but my msg is getting lost.. i don't think so reposting it again and again is not fair.. so what can i do to bring attention back?15:41
GirlyGirljenia: Try sudo chown -R jenia:mediagroup ./My\ Book15:41
llutz_jenia: on what filesystem is ./My\ Book?15:41
MonkeyDustpras  arrow up to go back to your original question and repeat15:42
llutz_jenia: unix permissions only work on unix-filesystems15:42
prasI still have the Linux kernel power regression problem with Ubuntu 12.04 running default kernel 3.2, I have been experiencing this since ubuntu 11.10 and my processor is intel i5 sandy bridge, i know this power regression is a common bug for Intel sandy bridge. Recently read a post in Phoronix that says it will be fixed in 3.3, was that really fixed?15:42
jeniaahhhh yea15:42
jeniaups. sorry again15:43
jeniabut in any case15:43
jeniathats true. its  a fat 32 file system15:43
jeniahaha thanks15:43
llutz_jenia: sudo mount -o remount,gid=group-you-need ./My\ Book15:43
utu-sanllutz I thought the owner and group is the same for her case15:44
quick-pras:  I guess you should try #kernel.org or #kernelnewbies15:44
aguitel02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation G72 [GeForce 7300 SE/7200 GS] (rev a1)15:44
aguitelwhat driver need to install for this card ?02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation G72 [GeForce 7300 SE/7200 GS] (rev a1)15:45
not_in_Crisis_anbazhang: ThinkT510 : managed to solve the issue - had to edit the /etc/mdm/mdm.conf file and managed to remove the offending lines that were at the end :-)15:45
=== not_in_Crisis_an is now known as not_in_Crisis
prasquick- , thanks for those channel.. i would try them too.. but i am facing it in Ubuntu since 11.10 and so i thought i shall ask here... I tried Fedora 16 with same kernel version but there was no issue.. but i want to get back to ubuntu since a year..15:45
utu-sanpras: kernel 3.3.x is EOL15:45
DonDif i put in a ubuntu 64bit cd in a pc that dont handle 64bit, will it say soo?15:46
DJonesDonD: Yes, it won't install15:46
WaltherDonD: yes15:46
utu-sanpras: there is a new 3.2.28 which may have the fix?15:46
WaltherDonD: it will not even boot properly15:47
WhereIsMySpoonHi, i dont have any sound at all after unplugging and replugging my headphones (because the mic wasnt working) - any ideas? I've done 'sudo alsa force-reload' with no visible effect15:47
quick-pras:  Just wait for the reply , is somebody know s they ll surely answer15:47
jvns_ick jvns15:48
MonkeyDustWhereIsMySpoon  in a terminal, type alsamixer, maybe it's mute (MM) or 00 volume15:48
WhereIsMySpoonMonkeyDust: Master and headphones have 00 in a green block but below master it says 4415:49
prasutu-san : i read about fixes with recent kernel versions. but before myself trying to update to latest stable kernel, i am looking for someone who really had this trouble and got fixed by updating...15:49
MonkeyDustWhereIsMySpoon  arrows to modify it15:50
WhereIsMySpoonMonkeyDust: i press up, the number below the 00 in green goes up15:50
WhereIsMySpoonbut the 00 doesnt15:50
=== redflea is now known as redflea-work
furkani add a partition a usb memory stick with gparted, then i use unetbootin for installing ubuntu to usb memory stick15:50
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: Options are 00 and MM15:50
furkanbut it isnt boot15:50
WhereIsMySpoonwell there is no mm15:51
WhereIsMySpoonjust all 0015:51
WhereIsMySpoonand volume on master is 3715:51
coldpizza72iWhat exactly is "ubuntu-desktop".. One of the fixes for a problem I'm having says to reinstall that15:51
MonkeyDustWhereIsMySpoon  yeah, it's the bar that counts15:52
WhereIsMySpoonMonkeyDust: that bar is going up15:52
furkancan anybody help me15:52
WhereIsMySpoonstill no volume15:52
furkani use gparted15:52
furkani format a partition fat3215:52
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: PCM  (is it turned up?)15:52
WhereIsMySpoonthat was a mistake15:52
furkani install ubuntu on it with unetbootin15:52
WhereIsMySpoonusr13: pcm is almost maxed15:52
furkanbut it isnt boot15:52
WhereIsMySpoonhow on earth did you install ubuntu on a fat32 parition15:52
MonkeyDustWhereIsMySpoon  press TAB inside alsamixer, it goes to more options15:53
furkanlive ubuntu15:53
furkanwe can do it15:53
llutz_coldpizza72i: its a meta-package, which pulls a lot of packages as dependencies when being installed15:53
WhereIsMySpoonMonkeyDust: pressed tab a few times, one-two more bars, all are above 0 and not muted15:53
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: ... and F6 to select sound card.15:53
coldpizza72iI don't have X right now… How can I connect to network via command line15:54
WhereIsMySpoonusr13: thats on default15:54
furkanWhereIsMySpoon: on usb memory stick. with unetbootin. i can do it on Windows15:54
hidn_shadowsWhat's the program that controls the bars at the top of the screen, usually has the exit, minimize, and maximize buttons, as well as drag functionality? I'm using 10.04, and they disappeared15:55
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: What to do a test?  play /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*15:55
WhereIsMySpoonusr13: was just playing a yt vid15:55
MonkeyDusthidn_shadows  metacity15:55
hidn_shadowsMonkeydust I'll try a reinstall, thanks bro15:55
furkanf*ckin gparted15:55
MonkeyDusthidn_shadows  no15:55
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: What?  (I am newcomer to this issue/conversation).15:55
MonkeyDusthidn_shadows  just type alt-f2 metacity15:55
WhereIsMySpoonusr13: was playing a youtube vid to test it15:55
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: play /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*15:56
WhereIsMySpoonjust tried that too15:56
WhereIsMySpoonit plays15:56
WhereIsMySpoonbut no sound15:56
FloodBot1WhereIsMySpoon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:56
WhereIsMySpoonoops, sorry, i do that when im frustrated :(15:56
hidn_shadowsMonkeydust alt f2 turns it into CLI mode, doesn't it?15:56
coldpizza72illutz_: DO you know how i can connect to network via command line15:56
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: Ok.  Please see that you have working speakers plugged into active port.15:56
WhereIsMySpoonusr13: i do15:56
llutz_coldpizza72i: did you setup your network in /etc/network/interfaces ?15:57
TriBeCa99anyone know how to boot to a degraded RAID10 in 12.04?15:57
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: It appears that your sound is working.  Please double check.15:57
WhereIsMySpoonusr13: i just did15:57
MonkeyDusthidn_shadows  kind of, yes15:57
coldpizza72illutz_: Not particularly but i have been on the network when my X was running15:57
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: See that headphones channel is turned up and try ear-phones.15:57
WhereIsMySpoonusr13: i have volume on high adn im using headphones15:57
hidn_shadowsMonkeydust never mind, thats ctrl alt f2. It didn't work though, the bars didn't reappear. I've had my computer go CLI, and I'm too dumb to switch back to GUI so I had to restart.15:58
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: Is this a laptop or desktop.15:58
llutz_coldpizza72i: "nmcli con"  does it list any connections?15:58
MonkeyDusthidn_shadows  not ctrl alt f2, just alt f215:58
WhereIsMySpoonusr13: desktop15:59
hidn_shadowsI did that, it went to a Run prompt window. It didn't do anything though. The Ctrl alt F2 was a past experience15:59
coldpizza72illutz_: Warning… couldn't connect to system bus15:59
usr13!sound | WhereIsMySpoon15:59
ubottuWhereIsMySpoon: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:59
coldpizza72illutz_: is that supposed to happen15:59
llutz_coldpizza72i: i doubt that...15:59
hidn_shadowsMonkeyDust sorry, losing my mind... I did that, it went to a Run prompt window. It didn't do anything though. The Ctrl alt F2 was a past experience16:00
coldpizza72illutz_: wht do i do16:00
llutz_coldpizza72i: are you using wired or wifi?16:00
TriBeCa99anyone know how to boot to a degraded RAID10 in 12.04?16:00
usr13WhereIsMySpoon:  Unplug from headphones jack and try speakers.16:00
WhereIsMySpooni dont have any speakers16:00
llutz_coldpizza72i: sudo ifconfig eth0 up && sudo dhclient eth016:00
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: That is unfortunate.16:01
howardgrigghey does anyone have any experience setting up a watch folder with transmission?16:01
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: uninstall pulseaudio16:01
jasonzhi  have installed claw email in ubuntu 12.04 to replace thunderbird can anyone advise me on how to turn on notifications when I get an email. yhank you16:01
WhereIsMySpoonusr13: done16:01
hidn_shadowsmonkeydust and the weird thing is, it's only this account. my main one works just fine, this is my school acct.16:02
jasonzthank you16:02
usr13WhereIsMySpoon:   If I were you, I'd get or borrow some speakers for testing.16:02
DucBlangisWhats a good text based mp3 player?16:02
coldpizza72illutz_: it wants me to user service utility16:02
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: Could be there is a hardware problem.16:02
DucBlangisCurrently using Mp3blaster16:02
WhereIsMySpoonusr13: these headphiones worked fine half an hour ago in windows16:02
WhereIsMySpoonand haev worked fine in linux before16:02
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: Before ____________?16:03
llutz_coldpizza72i: you are not root/sudo-user on that machine?16:03
WhereIsMySpoonin fact, i was using them fine in this linux session before i unplugged them16:03
WhereIsMySpoonthen replugged16:03
WhereIsMySpoonusr13: yesterday, today16:03
coldpizza72illutz_: I used sudo16:03
mbeierlhidn_shadows, did you check group permission between the two accounts then?16:03
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: Still not sure it is not a hardware issue.16:03
peko_lapGet a spare set? Reboot?16:04
peko_lapThere are sound-issues in Ubuntu for me to.16:04
hidn_shadowsmbeierl would metacity be affected that much by account permissions? It should be standard for every account. I'm guessing I just FUBAR'd the settings a while ago16:04
WhereIsMySpooni might just reboot16:04
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: Do you have any newly install apps or updates since sound was working?16:05
coldpizza72illutz: I'm online now16:05
peko_lapAnyone have the time and will to help me upgrade Java to 7?16:06
peko_lapIn Firefox.16:06
Chelsea__Hi all, is there an updated version (12.04) of the 11.04 Unity keyboards-shortcut wallpaper?16:06
mbeierlhidn_shadows, true.  What about the (?) gconf-editor - under apps/metacity?16:06
wilee-nileepeko_lap, look on the web with webud8 and java 7 they have all the info.16:06
hidn_shadowsMbeierl I honestly don't have much experience with gconf16:06
peko_lapI need to get into my bank account. dnb.no16:07
=== nitro is now known as Guest80086
peko_lapTried http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-oracle-java-7-in-ubuntu-12-04.html16:07
peko_lapNo luck.16:07
=== jack_ is now known as wN
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: cat /var/log/dpkg.log16:08
mbeierlhidn_shadows,  - silly question - can you get an xterm/gnome-term or any other terminal started when you are logged into this account?  Try a simple "metacity --replace&" and see what happens16:08
mbeierlhidn_shadows, also, you're not using compiz or the "emerald decorator" are you?16:08
TriBeCa99can anyone help? I have a RAID10 mounted to /home and need to boot with a single drive missing, but I keep getting boucned to BusyBox prompt16:08
ubottugigio94: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:08
wilee-nileepeko_lap, http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-via.html16:09
coldpizza72iI just turned my computer on and its stuck after "* Checking battery state…  [ OK ]"16:10
hidn_shadowsmbeierl I can open terminal fine, and I'm not using compiz16:10
mbeierlhidn_shadows, and the metacity --replace & - did that cause anything interesting to appear?16:11
coldpizza72iwhat do i do16:11
WhereIsMySpoonusr13: no new apps, and why do you want the dpkg log16:11
hidn_shadowsmbeierl everything just flashed and then the bars appeared... then Docky (a secondary dock) says it needs compositing to work. Maybe I was dumb and disabled metacity to get docky to work16:12
hidn_shadowsMbeierl because docky just took up a third of my screen and it was working fine before, I'm assuming that's it.16:12
mbeierlhidn_shadows, that would be compiz - to get compositing.  Not sure that metacity can do compositing.16:13
shade34321The mouse and keyboard for my computer are no longer working. When I ssh in the Xorg logs show this, http://pastebin.com/mdVYQyxD , any suggestions on how to fix it?16:13
hidn_shadowsmbeierl I'll probably try switching later, I'm in the middle of my school's lecture/free work period. Thanks for the help mate!16:14
coldpizza72illutz: do you have any idea what i could do?16:14
mbeierlhidn_shadows, glad that got the decorations back.  Now - will they stay is a different question :)16:14
peko_lapI get this error: raise NoDistroTemplateException("Error: could not find a "16:14
peko_lap<peko_lap> aptsources.distro.NoDistroTemplateException: Error: could not find a distribution template16:14
mbeierlhidn_shadows, now get back to your lab work!!!16:14
WhereIsMySpoonusr13: ok somehow the sound is working again16:14
WhereIsMySpoonbut my mic isnt16:14
usr13wilee-nilee: I don't, you do.  (Mine is working :)16:14
WhereIsMySpoonthere's no device in input in sound prefs16:15
WhereIsMySpoonand my mic jack is deffo in the right slot16:15
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: ps aux |grep flash16:15
qmanjr5Anyone know of a magnifying software that will follow the cursor whilst typing?16:15
peko_lapGood that your sound is back Spoon. I too have the input problem.16:15
WhereIsMySpoonusr13: nothing16:15
WhereIsMySpoonjust the grep process16:15
WhereIsMySpooni think im gonna reboot again16:16
WhereIsMySpoonsee if that makes it aware16:16
qmanjr5Anyone know of a magnifying software that will follow the cursor whilst typing?16:17
TriBeCa99i can't apt-get install mdadm in a live CD session because I get a Postfix Configuration screen that I'm locked out of16:17
TriBeCa99anyone seen this before?16:17
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: There is probably no device input because you have not configured one.  Try alasmixer16:17
peko_lapqmanjr5: Thread about magnifying here. But sorry I'm noob. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62874116:18
TriBeCa99nm i got it, bizzarre interface16:19
usr13TriBeCa99: I do not believe you can install new apps on LiveCD16:19
TriBeCa99usr13 hmm, that's a problem16:19
WhereIsMySpoonusr13: alsamixer: input source is mic, volume is up16:20
coldpizza72iis gem the default display manager16:20
MonkeyDustusr13  TriBeCa99 you can, but as soon as you end the session, it's lost16:20
W4spcoldpizza72i: It is lightdm.16:20
TriBeCa99MonkeyDust thanks16:20
TriBeCa99i figured that16:20
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: arrows will select mic1 or mic2 (if mic2 exists)16:21
WhereIsMySpoonusr13: there is only mic, front mic and line16:21
WhereIsMySpoonand my mic is in a jack in the back of the comp, which is mic16:21
TriBeCa99so usr13 and MonkeyDust, can either of you help me set up my new RAID10?16:21
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: Sounds like there may be some sort of conflict.16:21
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
WhereIsMySpoonusr13: there hasnt been before16:21
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: before _______________ ?16:22
WhereIsMySpoonlike i said, earlier today and before today16:22
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: ( date, time, event etc...)16:22
qmanjr5Anyone know of a magnifying software that will follow the cursor whilst typing?16:22
shade34321The mouse and keyboard for my computer are no longer working. When I ssh in the Xorg logs show this, http://pastebin.com/mdVYQyxD , any suggestions on how to fix it?16:23
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: cat /var/log/dpkg.log16:23
=== Guest80086 is now known as x-nitro
WhereIsMySpoonusr13: how will that help16:23
TriBeCa99so usr13 and MonkeyDust, can either of you help me set up my new RAID10? I have 4 1.5TB drives mounting /home, a single SSD mounting /, and 4 brand new 3TB drives that need to replace the 1.5TB drives.16:23
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: I don't know16:23
TriBeCa99and only 6 SATA ports16:23
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: It is OBVIOUS!16:24
WhereIsMySpoonusr13: what on earth are you on about16:24
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: You will see if there were package changes on or before the date of the anomaly16:24
TriBeCa99the problem is that I can't seem to boot with a degraded RAID array16:24
WhereIsMySpoonusr13: the last thing i installed before sox (the play program) was monodevelop, which was weeks ago16:25
ofcanhello! I cannot use update manager, and I get this error > Error:Opening the cahce (E:Encountered a section with no Package:header, E:problem with MergeList/var/lib/apt/lists/hr.archibe.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_main_binary-i386_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.). This usually means that your installed packages have unmet dependencies. What to do?16:26
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: Ok.  Good.  (You have now ruled out the possibility of a package installation or update that may have caused the issue.)16:26
W4spTriBeCa99: I didn't follow the thread you are on about but you would need to have GRUB installed on all HDD. If you have to remove the one containing GRUB the others will have it still.16:27
phasmamay I request assistance with fixing my resolution, please? I have an sis 771 and using the driver as directed by this page: https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/sis - The laptop supports 1440x900. Here is the xorg log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1157452/ - Thanks in advance16:27
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: You do understand that the process-of-elemination is a valid method of diagnosis.  Right?16:27
WhereIsMySpoonusr13: yes16:27
coldpizza72iI installed gdm but my computer is still using lightdm… how do i change it16:28
usr13Ok good.16:28
W4spcoldpizza72i: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm  Did you see my previous post?16:29
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: Did you check to see that alsa drivers are new as possible?16:29
Gianlucahello! can i ask one information?16:29
Gianlucacan u tell me one channel for the file sharing? ..with xdcc16:30
Walther!ask | Gianluca16:30
ubottuGianluca: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:30
W4sp!list | Gianluca16:30
ubottuGianluca: W4sp: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:30
shade34321The mouse and keyboard for my computer are no longer working. When I ssh in the Xorg logs show this, http://pastebin.com/mdVYQyxD , any suggestions on how to fix it?16:31
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: You could purge any custom configurations that you've made, and any hand-compiled modules that you've built, and restore your sound stack to the "Official" Ubuntu core.16:32
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
coldpizza72ihmmm… My gem is failing16:33
usr13hi dell, btw, I have your computer here.16:33
WhereIsMySpoonusr13: how16:33
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting16:34
peko_lapcolor test16:34
W4spcoldpizza72i: I gave you two responses. Do not expect any assitance if you don't read them.16:34
usr13WhereIsMySpoon: You could also the latest drivers from alsa-project.org (In fact, I would try that first.) See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting16:35
W4spcoldpizza72i: You can repeat that your gdm isn't working but that will not invoke any changes in your configuration.16:35
coldpizza72iW4sp: huh? I already reconfigured it to gdm… It says "Starting GNOME display manager    [ fail ]" when i boot16:35
ubottuGianluca: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:35
TriBeCa99W4sp there's no thread, as there's noone helping me yet16:36
WhereIsMySpoonusr13: theyre at the latest16:36
TriBeCa99I have GRUB on the SSD, so the HDDs in the RAID shouldn't need it afaik16:36
usr13dell: Just teasing, (an attempt at humor - alluding to the fact that my computer says "Dell" on the front of it.)16:36
dellwhy you words is red16:38
W4spTriBeCa99: Yes, that's correct. I didn't know the first part and noticed you're not assisted yet. Hence my comment re. GRUB. If you boot from SSD, then mounting your array it 'should' work. Should... ;-)16:38
WhereIsMySpoondell: cause he highlighted you16:38
WhereIsMySpoonby saying your name16:38
SnapSnapAnyone know of a PGP or Seahorse channel?16:38
dellso i can say someone's name,16:39
=== marrusl_ is now known as marrusl
delland highlight ?16:39
TriBeCa99my plan was to take out 1 of the RAID disks, boot degraded, assemble a new degraded array, copy /home over to it, destroy the old array, and put in the last disks for the new array16:39
vishethi can someone help me with something i have linuxmint maya and got help getting here because I have a problem with my computer16:39
TriBeCa99however, i can't boot degraded at all, although in principle it SHOULD work16:39
dellthis is an amazing place16:40
W4spSnapSnap: PGP is commercial, you may need to look for GnuPG or GPG. Seahorse come from the GNOME tree and is part of GNOME16:40
dellusr13:do you think so?16:40
SnapSnapW4sp: Thanks16:40
W4spSnapSnap: YOu can also ask questions of it is Ubuntu related, ie seahorse, GPG.16:41
visheti get the option s mount manually ... or d recovery before i get to linux and one time i probably by acident pressed d and it stared memtest and never stopped, re installed linux mint but still have the problem16:41
aboudreaultdamn... I think I'm experiencing this issue: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=67058116:41
ubottuDebian bug 670581 in src:ntp "openssl: ntpd segfaults with error 4 in libcrypto.so.0.9.8 on Debian squeeze" [Important,Open]16:41
visheti think after talking to people at linucmint chat that its because i used a usb before i restared the computer16:41
wilee-nileevishet, This is ubuntu support we can only help there, try ##linuxmint  ;)16:41
vishetand i need to se if something is wrong16:42
jrib!mint | vishet16:42
ubottuvishet: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:42
vishetok but they sent me here16:42
jribvishet: why would they send you here?  This channel is for ubuntu, not mint16:42
usr13dell: Yea, it is amazing here.  (This is where people come when they have problems, issues, or just have questions, needing to learn more about their Ubuntu systems.)16:43
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest66987
vishetbecause they dont understand whats wrong with my computor i guess and though you might no more about this kind of installation error?16:43
visheti have no idea16:44
TriBeCa99W4sp are you able to help?16:44
dellusr13:how to change my nickname?16:44
usr13vishet: memtest stops when (and only when) you hit the Esc key.16:45
SnapSnapOkay. More of a curiosity than a problem: When verifying a signature, GPG tells you when the signature was created. When creating the signature, does the program consult the system time, or does GPG just look at the signature's creation/modification date when verifying?16:45
Guest66987Hey guys, Can someone help me to get my 5.1 surround working on Ubuntu 12.04 ?16:45
vishetusr13 i know but it did not stop so i reinstalled linux that problem is solved16:45
usr13dell: /nick <new-nick>16:46
W4spTriBeCa99: I don't know. I understand that you need assistance in setting up aRAID array. The best is to post the question all in one paragraph. They all come and go and chances are that your problem can be solved.16:46
phasmamay I request assistance with fixing my resolution, please? I have an sis 771 and using the driver as directed by this page: https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/sis - The laptop supports 1440x900 but I am only getting 1280x768. Here is the xorg log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1157452/ and here is my xorg.conf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1157481/  - Thanks in advance16:46
vishetusr the problem is that i still get the option s for manual and d for recovery because i thought the installation was finished but forgo to restart the computor before i used my usb16:47
=== Guest66987 is now known as UbuntuN00b
dellusr13:/ok,thanks, but now I like this nick16:47
TriBeCa99W4sp the main thing I need help with right now is simply booting into 12.04 with a degraded RAID10 array. At present I just get bounced to a BusyBox prompt during the OS boot up16:47
dellusr13:thank you16:47
vishetusr13 the problem is that i still get the option s for manual and d for recovery because i thought the installation was finished but forgo to restart the computor before i used my usb16:48
dellSnapSnap:a chinese student16:48
shade34321The mouse and keyboard for my computer are no longer working. When I ssh in the Xorg logs show this, http://pastebin.com/mdVYQyxD , any suggestions on how to fix it?16:48
dellSnapSnap:in fact, i know too little16:48
ldpGuys, I need some help with audio16:48
usr13shade34321: Do you use a KVM?16:48
vishetusr13 is that a permenent problem or will it disapear if i reinstall?16:49
ldpHDMI audio on my nvidia card isn't being detected16:49
ldpand I followed the troubleshooting guide16:49
ldpbut there's no alsa update for my current kernel version16:49
W4spTriBeCa99: AFAIK you need an alternate ISO image. What ISO is in use?16:49
usr13shade34321: What kind of keyboard is it?16:50
usr13shade34321: Does it work in tty6 ?16:50
W4spTriBeCa99: But I'm on thin ice and would prefer if someone else gives expertise. But let's see how far we can get.16:50
ldpanyone? :/16:51
vishetusr13 if not how could i check what the problem is i already checked something that is called fstab and it looked fine16:51
TriBeCa99I have a 12.04 liveCD if that's what you mean. If I have to work from a liveCD I'm a bit confused--I installed mdadm in the liveCD but I can't seem to see the existing RAID16:51
usr13shade34321: Oh, sorry... you probably don't know because you can't get to tty6, never mind.16:51
SnapSnapdell: me too, but it's not a problem so I can take my time looking for an answer16:51
W4spTriBeCa99: Is it an 32 or 64 bit you have?16:51
ubottuIbra25: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:51
shade34321usr13: no I am not using KVM. It's a dell keyboard.16:52
usr13shade34321: Does the display look normal?  (Screensize is correct for monitor.?)16:52
shade34321usr13: I am able to login to the machine through ssh16:52
shade34321usr13: yes16:52
W4spTriBeCa99: OK, let me see what I can figure out. IT's perhaps down to the wrong image and easy to fix.16:52
usr13shade34321: Is the keyboard USB or PS2 ....?16:52
dellSnapSnap:Take time to do what I want, Nice guy16:52
TriBeCa99I have 12.04 desktop x6416:52
usr13shade34321: Did you try un-plugging and plugging it back in again?16:52
W4spTriBeCa99: OK, let me see what I can figure out. IT's perhaps down to the wrong image and easy to fix.16:53
usr13shade34321: Does keyboard work at grub screen?16:53
shade34321usr13: both are USB. Yes I have unplugged them, used different keyboard/mice/, put them in different ports16:53
shade34321usr13: yes it works at grub screen. Booting into an older kernel does not fix the issue16:53
TriBeCa99fwiw, 'sudo mdadm --query --detail /dev/md0' returns "cannot open /dev/md0"16:54
shade34321usr13: The keyboard and mouse seem to work all the way up until the login screen where it does. I am able to get to a VT while it's loading but unable to login completely16:54
usr13shade34321: Did you try failsafe mode? (or "text-only" mode?)16:55
coldpizza72iWhen i boot my computer… right after the motherboard screen my display looses signal.16:55
W4spTriBeCa99: Does your dmesg inform you that md0 is detected?16:55
usr13shade34321: Ok, then it is a problem with xorg16:55
abletony84Have two identical backup HDs here. Is there a nice way to keep the secondary one in sync with the primary one?16:56
abletony84I.e. when files on the primary are added, deleted, modified or renamed -- so that I don't have to repeat stuff over at the secondary one.16:56
TriBeCa99W4sp dmesg prints kind of a lot of text... how do i check for md0 specifically?16:56
shade34321usr13: xorg won't load the drivers. In the log it shows that it sees them but then says No input driver specified, ignoring this device16:56
usr13shade34321: do you have an xorg.conf file?16:57
usr13shade34321: If so, remove it.16:57
usr13shade34321: Did you just install a new kernel? or...?16:57
abletony84TriBeCa99: dmesg | grep md016:57
W4spTriBeCa99: you can 'sudo cat /var/log/dmesg |grep md0' if it's found it will give output.16:57
shade34321usr13: right now I don't...I purged xorg and reinstalled it. I just did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to see if it fixes it. I recently upgraded from 11.10 to 12.0416:58
abletony84W4sp: ubuntu doesnt have a "dmesg" command?16:58
usr13shade34321: Did it work after the upgrade?16:58
coldpizza72iI think i accidentally uninstalled my graphics driver… any ideas what i should do?16:58
TriBeCa99W4sp abletony84 nothing16:58
shade34321usr13: I'm about to go check on it, may take me a sec since I have to go downstairs slowly with my crutches. Yes it worked but while configuring the Nvidia drivers it stopped after a reboot16:58
usr13shade34321: Did you do:  rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf    ?16:58
shade34321usr13: no but I did mv them yesterday so they no longer reside there but rather under /root just in case16:59
usr13shade34321: ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf      #What does that say?16:59
shade34321usr13: there isnt a xorg.conf file there17:00
usr13shade34321: hummm.. that is interesting.  And your  keyboard and mouse are both USB?17:01
W4spabletony84: It has but I'm an OpenBSD girl. It's better to stay safe. You'r right, your command is shorter and better.17:01
shade34321usr13: yes17:01
usr13shade34321: Try PS2 mouse and keyboard.17:01
abletony84W4sp: cool, im an openbsd boy17:01
usr13shade34321: Just plug in a ps2 keyboard and see if it works.17:02
abletony84i was actually gonna recommend openbsd's sexy blue dmesg17:02
shade34321usr13: should I try and get a xorg.conf file? or am I better off without one?17:02
abletony84it's ridiculously cool17:02
usr13shade34321: For now, you are better off without one, but after you solve the keyboard/mouse problem(s) you can do nvidia-xconfig from text mode.17:03
W4spabletony84: Grand. :-) I make a mental note of your nick. I hope our paths will cross again. Are you on -current?17:03
abletony84W4sp: yeah that'd be cool17:03
shade34321usr13: ok. Well I just rebooted that computer. Headed downstairs to see if they are working...brb17:03
abletony84W4sp: nope release17:03
kasturiHello all, i am having a small mobile internet problem17:03
usr13shade34321: You an do it now, I supppose, but I doubt it will fix anything.17:03
usr13shade34321: Ok17:03
Jayfluxhey guys, when preseeding I get the filename and the answer, but where do you find the question string? For debconf-get-selections.17:04
usr13shade34321: *can* not *an*17:04
W4spabletony84: I need to see how hibernation does in -current as I have the platform for it. But at the same time it's my day-in-day-out laptop for everything and that's read as 'production'. At the end of the day, obsd requires 15 secs to boot. :-)17:05
kasturihello, i am using 3g internet through mobile at wired usb connection, but unable to go above 15kbps, can anyone help ?17:05
ariqzthat sounds like gprs to me, kasturi17:06
TriBeCa99soooo W4sp, abletony84, any help with the RAID scenario? If I can't at all boot to a degraded array, I'm going to have to be able to get /home off of a degraded array from a liveCD onto a 'new' degraded array... then get the new array healthy and be able to boot into my 12.04 install17:06
TriBeCa99or actually here's another idea.17:07
kasturiyes, but that is all iam getting, i am able to get hi speeds with windows 7 though17:07
abletony84W4sp: openbsd sounds perfect for you girl!17:08
abletony84*high five*17:08
TriBeCa99all the data in /home is backed up to another machine already. Could I just delete the non system files in /home, boot with the array intact, make a copy on my 60GB SSD and mount to that, and then just take the current array offline entirely?17:08
abletony84they say "perfection is achieved, not when there's nothing left to add, but when there's nothing left to take away"17:08
abletony84to me, openbsd is what happens when the right people take charge ;)17:08
W4spTriBeCa99: IF your RAID is on /home can you change fstab and mount your RAID (after you logged in) to /mnt/blabla?17:08
W4spabletony84: Do you refer to Theo?17:10
TriBeCa99W4sp I'm shutting down the live session, will do so in a sec17:11
TriBeCa99try that, that is17:11
W4spTriBeCa99: OK, fine.17:11
abletony84W4sp: theo is a baaaaad mother...17:12
abletony84but nah not just him17:12
gandhijee_hey, how the heck can i cross compile for 32bit in ubuntu 12.04?17:12
gandhijee_i can't even install the 32bits with out a huge number of conflictrsa17:12
gandhijee_and pretty much making userspace 32bits17:12
abletony84just generally the people at the top, they dont take in all the bullshit and stupid ideas most other os'es do.. like freebsd or whatever17:12
W4spabletony84: You're probably right. The risk is why devs should bother to contribute if friendly projects are out there. The misc@ and #openbsd are hostile territory at best. ;-)17:13
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:14
sportsfreund20hi Leute17:14
abletony84W4sp: hehe yeah true true:-)17:14
W4spIdleOne: Point taken, IdleOne.17:14
W4sp!de | sportsfreund2017:14
ubottusportsfreund20: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!17:14
sportsfreund20hey guys17:15
sportsfreund20I have a big problem with my bootloader17:16
abletony84W4sp: remember these next time you party: http://ftp.uio.no/pub/OpenBSD/songs/17:16
TriBeCa99W4sp If I change fstab to put md0 on /mnt/blabla won't it bork my installation? how will i be able to log back in?17:16
sportsfreund20somebody told me the solution a few days ago17:16
abletony84oh yeah OT17:16
abletony84my bad17:16
genii-aroundgandhijee_: Might want to try installing the -dev packages you need specifying i386 ...eg: sudo apt-get install manpages-dev:i38617:16
sportsfreund20he meant I should install the "refind"  bootmanager17:17
sportsfreund20but I dont know how to do that17:17
sportsfreund20can somebody give me some tipps?17:17
usr13!grub | sportsfreund2017:17
ubottusportsfreund20: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:17
W4spTriBeCa99: That's not what I meant. Sorry. Instead of automount your RAID to mntpoint /home use /dev/alternate and mount to /home temporarily. Mount /dev/md0 on /mnt/...17:18
shade34321usr13: still doesn't work17:18
sportsfreund20grub doesnt recognize my windows 7 SSD.. @ usr1317:18
W4spTriBeCa99: That way your /home is alive and you can work the /dev/md017:18
TriBeCa99the only other device (other than swap) is already mounted to "/"17:18
WhereIsMySpoonis there any way to change the order of what is on the right click menu when i right click in a terminal window?17:19
usr13shade34321: Did you try ps2?17:19
TriBeCa99don't i need to make a copy of /home first?17:19
shade34321I don't think it has a ps2 port17:20
usr13sportsfreund20: Win7 is beyond the scope of my interest.17:20
usr13sportsfreund20: But, I do know this, many others are using grub to boot Win7 so....17:21
usr13sportsfreund20: (... just not me ...)17:21
kasturigot disconnected for while, anyone for mobile internet solution, i am only getting 15kbps max, when connecting to 3g connection17:21
TriBeCa99W4sp I see what you're getting at, and that's probably the best approach, however please assure me I don't need any of the contents of /home copied to the device that will mount it in future17:22
shade34321usr13: I don't think there is a ps/2 port17:24
W4spTriBeCa99: I don't see that it would do that way. Do you have shiploads of disk space? I would consider dd them to a save place.17:24
phasmamay I request assistance with fixing my resolution, please? I have an sis 771 and using the driver as directed by this page: https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/sis - The laptop supports 1440x900 but I am only getting 1280x768. Here is the xorg log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1157452/ and here is my xorg.conf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1157481/  - Thanks in advance17:25
usr13shade34321: nvidia-xconfig17:25
usr13shade34321: Do the usb ports work for anything else? (Test and see...)17:25
TriBeCa99W4sp the data contents of /home are all backed up on the 6TB RAID10 on the computer i'm currently typing at you from17:25
Kre10sso i upgraded to 12.04 LTS and to my unpleasant surprise wireless did not work anymore... I did a quick google search and found that many others also had this problem. however i could not find any definitive fix. I have a BCM4313 which driver works best with that?17:26
shade34321usr13: it wrote a new xorg.conf file, reboot now? I will stick a USB drive in them when I go down in a sec17:26
TriBeCa99so i could, e.g., delete the data out of /home and copy it17:26
usr13shade34321:  Ok17:26
kasturianyone for mobile internet solution, i am only getting 15kbps max, when connecting to 3g connection17:26
W4spTriBeCa99: Yeah. And there is / with the all the configs. It's jsut that you need to stay on the safe side as there is not time for loosers and no space left for goof-ups.17:27
W4spTriBeCa99: (just saying... )17:27
TriBeCa99so... you're suggesting what, exactly?17:27
TriBeCa99a) edit fstab so md0 mounts to /mnt/blabla instead of /home, and then... ?17:28
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onicevI need help17:29
W4spTriBeCa99: comment out /home in fstab, mkdir /home on / partition. Boot from SSD with madm installed and see what can be done with /dev/md017:29
onicevHow can I go to Ubuntu in spanish, please?17:29
Slart!es | onicev17:29
ubottuonicev: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:29
W4spTriBeCa99: I would try to mount manually and see what it gives.17:29
onicevgracias ubottu. Thank you ubottu.17:30
W4spTriBeCa99: I can see we sing from the same hymnsheet.17:30
Areckxssh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service not known17:31
TriBeCa99okay, let's see how this goes17:32
AreckxThis is my iPhone, I used to be able to SSH but out of nowhere it stopped working..17:32
usr13Areckx: drop the last : ?17:32
sportsfreund20how can i find out if grub is installed porperly?17:32
usr13Areckx: (unless that is just part of the error message...)17:33
W4spTriBeCa99: OK, I stay tuned and cross my fingers. If there's anything you need me for I'll be available for you.17:33
Areckxusr13::  ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host17:33
usr13Areckx: Are  you sure the IP os correct?17:33
sportsfreund20and when i look with "gparted" where is the "Efi System Partition"??17:33
TriBeCa99by mount manually, you meant unmount manually correct?17:33
Areckxyes I am staring at it right now17:33
TriBeCa99fstab line is commented, no i need to unmount /home and create it on the / partition?17:33
AreckxI didn't change anything on my iPhone, and this is a fresh isntall of ubuntu 10.04, it worked fine then out of nowhere sstopped17:34
usr13Areckx: nmap -p22
AreckxI tried reinstalling openssh on iPhone17:34
usr13Areckx: Sounds like you are on wrong network...17:35
W4spTriBeCa99: Sorry That's just me trying to be careful. If it's in automount it may attempt to repair things. So if you umount /home and mount it back after reboot it may try to fix things you don't want to fix manually.17:35
amokpauleHello, i have a very long start command in java for a programm. Is there a so that it will appaear short in ps ax so that i can kill it easier?17:35
Areckxno that's not the case17:35
W4spTriBeCa99: ... upi don't want to be fixed automaticaly.17:36
Areckxusr13::  Note: Host seems down. If it is really up, but blocking our ping probes, try -PN17:37
AreckxNmap done: 1 IP address (0 hosts up) scanned in 3.06 seconds17:37
W4spTriBeCa99: Does it make sense? I suggested not to run automount for /dev/md0 as things may break and we don;t want to have any fsck modding the drives.17:37
TriBeCa99W4sp i'm not sure i understand17:37
TriBeCa99i've commented out the line in fstab that mounts /home on fstab... what did you want me to do now?17:38
usr13Areckx: Again, sounds like you are not on the network.17:38
Areckxusr13::  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1157560/17:38
TriBeCa99btw I'm no longer in the liveCD session, I rebooted into my ubuntu installation17:38
Areckxusr13::  yes they are both connected to the same netowork!17:38
AreckxI triple checked usr1317:39
eyepatchI'm trying to get both ati and nvidia drivers for my two video cards, is this possible? my ati driver install is failing atm.17:40
Areckxusr13::  it worked on the other router I was connected to, but the admin plays videogames and would randomly turn off wireless so I connectefd to the router downstairs which is on a different modem and then SSH stopped working17:41
usr13Areckx:  There is your answer:  "22/tcp filtered ssh"17:41
Areckxusr13::  how do I fix it17:41
W4spTriBeCa99: That's what I meant referring to SSD. So... comment out /etc/fstab for /dev/md0, umount /dev/md0 (then do with it whatever you want) but have /home/<youruser> available just in case you need another login. Get the SSD system into single user mode of course so no users can bother you.17:42
usr13Areckx: I don't know.  Could be your router is blocking port 22?17:42
Areckxusr13::  ahhh I see, I can fix that I am basically the admin17:42
usr13Areckx: (I don't know anything about your LAN so....)17:42
TriBeCa99so now i umount /dev/md0 and mkdir /home/<myuser>?17:43
shade34321usr13: It is recognizing other USB products, I just plugged in 4 different USB drives and it recognizes all of them17:44
W4spTriBeCa99: Yes, I would do that. But if you are unsure about those things it's better not to do it.17:44
usr13shade34321: Ok, good.  Another issue eliminated17:46
TriBeCa99ah, yeah. "/home: device is busy"17:46
usr13shade34321: So, you how have /etc/X11/xorg.conf?17:46
usr13shade34321: lsb_release -r  #Tell us what that says.17:47
Praxihmm ubuntu 12.04, I click on firefox and nothing is happening.  Is there some type of process viewer?  Similar to what I would get in Windows if I hit CTRL-ALT-DEL and then went to task manager?17:48
usr13Praxi: Run   firefox  from terminal17:49
Dr_WillisPraxi: top in a terminal shows processes17:49
usr13Praxi: or  htop17:49
Praxipid is 24459 how do I kill that17:50
Praxiwait, it probably is kill isn't it lol17:50
usr13Praxi: kill 24459   or  pkill firefox17:51
shade34321usr13: lsb_release -r says Release: 12.0417:51
usr13shade34321: you just upgraded from _________ ?17:51
W4spTriBeCa99: Are you in single user? Is fstab still commented out?17:52
usr13Praxi: But from top,  just  k  2445917:52
shade34321usr13: 11.1017:52
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usr13shade34321: http://askubuntu.com/questions/127410/upgrading-to-ubuntu-12-04-loses-keyboard-and-mouse17:53
shade34321usr13: after the upgrade it was working but I had to move the computer and after I moved the computer I had problems with the nvidia drivers so when i was messing with that I rebooted and that's when it stopped working.17:53
A_J_my upgrade to ubuntu 12.04 is stuck.17:53
A_J_says 11 mins left from the last 2 hours17:54
shade34321usr13: I saw that. I will try it again17:54
usr13A_J_: Patience is a virtue17:54
A_J_usr13: i think it's stuck.17:54
genii-around2 hours of patience is pretty virtuous17:54
usr13A_J_: Internet connection still up?17:54
A_J_using the laptop atm to speak to you17:55
A_J_it's at the step installing the updates17:55
usr13A_J_: Any errors ?17:55
A_J_usr13: nop.17:55
kasturianyone for mobile internet solution, i am only getting 15kbps max, when connecting to 3g connection17:56
A_J_says installed notificaion demaon17:56
Areckxusr13::  ok I gave permission to that ip and port... but now it says connection refused on ssh...17:57
A_J_any idea usr13. or anyway to restrat it without breakin the os17:57
Areckxssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused17:57
usr13A_J_: I don't know.  You may end up with something like this:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/129964/resuming-an-upgrade-to-12-04-which-got-stuck-on-reconfiguring-dropbox  #but again, I just don't know.  Maybe someone else can give more specific advise.17:57
usr13A_J_: It could be the sources file did not get written correctly for 12.0417:58
Praxithanks for the tips on kill, didn't get it to work, ended up doing killall -9 firefox and that worked17:58
A_J_usr13: WOULD  A hard reboot kill the os A?17:58
usr13A_J_: pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list17:58
usr13A_J_: I don't know, maybe it will, (kill it).17:59
Bastian_bHello, I was looking for something that launch a script at startup, some people suggested me to add the scrit to init.d and services. But it is only launched when I log in. I need the script to be launched before login screen. How can I do please?17:59
usr13A_J_: I would avoid the urge to reboot.17:59
A_J_usr13: it's gonna be stuck like then only i guess18:00
A_J_could leave it overnight18:00
usr13Bastian_b: To run as root, or user?18:00
Dr_WillisBastian_b: what does it do?18:00
Bastian_busr13, as root18:00
janne_hello iḿ new at this ubuntu thing ..need some help whit some things ..enyone that will help me ?18:01
leehambleyhow does one begin to debug a `runsv' service that is refusing to come up throwing "timeout: down: nginx: 0s, normally up, want up" ?18:01
A_J_i cant install pastebinit cause of the update usr1318:01
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:01
quick-janne_:  Go ahead ask the question18:01
A_J_Dr_Willis: o/18:01
Bastian_bDr_Willis, it forces my ethernet car to be on 100mb.s^-1 FD to be able to negociate with the router18:01
Bastian_bcard not car sorry18:01
usr13Bastian_b: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto18:01
jellybearanybody knows what happened to lxr.linux.no? it seems to be down from some time now18:01
janne_i have a laptop that i like to close the screen on and have the pic in my bigger screen18:02
janne_how do i do that ?18:02
Dr_WillisBastian_b: use /ect/rc.local perhaps18:02
DucBlangisI cannot, for the life of me, remember how to save a PS1 customization18:02
DucBlangisi.e. PS1="\[\033[1;37m\] \A \w \h \$ "18:02
Dr_WillisDucBlangis: .bashrc18:02
quick-janne_:  you want that pic to be your wallpaper .Am i correct ?18:02
Dr_Willisexport ps1.......18:02
A_J_oh great now it says not responding.18:02
armani dont know xchat18:02
A_J_i'm doomed18:02
usr13A_J_: Just look at the sources.list file and see that you are on 12.0418:03
quick-A_J : wat happened ?18:03
A_J_quick-: ubuntu 12.04 upgrade18:03
DucBlangisDr_Willis : Thank you!18:03
quick-YOu dnt have to restart if the system isnt responding18:03
janne_i like to close my laptop window and have it running enyway on my bigger screen18:03
A_J_was stuck now the update manager crashed18:03
MonkeyDustjellybear  use this http://downorisitjustme.com/18:03
quick-A_J_ just wait it ll respond , happened to me once . Battery went down .Still u get the cli depending upon the install progress18:04
CJKayMan I hate Java with a passion18:04
CJKayWhy is the Ubuntu font not available to Java?18:05
CJKayIt just picks ridiculously large bold fonts that don't fit in the spaces they've been given, and look ugly *as*18:05
janne_meening that the top of the laptop is closing and the pic is still running on my bigger screen ..i have a 22" that i like to use istend18:05
usr13A_J: It should say "precise"18:05
quick-janne_: change the power settings , when the lid is closed . i guess that shoud work18:06
A_Jit broke usr1318:06
janne_ok quick i will try that ...thx18:06
A_Jdoin a reinstall :/18:06
janne_be rigth back ...whit new question *S*18:06
jellybearMonkeyDust: thanks, that site tells me it's up but I can't load it in any browser18:07
usr13A_J: Let me ask  you this;  Did you do updates before pulling starting: sudo do-release-upgrade -d   ?18:07
A_Jyes usr1318:08
usr13A_J: Ok, well, sorry....18:08
Areckxusr13::  I think I found the solution, I need to remove the ssh keys on my iphone18:08
MonkeyDustjellybear  i noticed the same, look odd18:08
Areckxusr13::  I need to do some instaling/reinstalling of openssh on iphone side and terminal commands etc so I'll get back to you if it works or not18:08
usr13Areckx: Ok, good.18:09
janne_lol did not work *S* both gets black18:09
A_Jthis is why i dont like to upgrade :/18:09
CJKayDoes anyone have problems with Java like the stupid fonts in this picture? http://imgur.com/SK5Gb.jpg18:09
usr13A_J: Well, it usually works fine.  I've done it a number of times.  In fact, I'be got a box here that was originally 6.0618:11
A_Jusr13 hmm bad luck i guess18:12
natschilHello, I just installed ubuntu using the alternate x64 installer, but somehow it did not install grub. Is there an easy way to do it quickly, manually? (I'm currently in a shell running ubuntu 12.04 on the computer, so a simple command would be nice)18:12
usr13!grub | natschil18:13
ubottunatschil: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:13
quick-natschil:  grub-install /dev/hda18:15
quick-natschil:   sorry grub-install /dev/XXX18:15
usr13natschil: sudo grub-install /dev/XX where XXX is the device of your Ubuntu install. (eg: grub-install /dev/sdb). Hint: You can also use /dev/disk/by-label/ if the partition you installed on has a label. You can determine the /dev node for such a device by running: ls -l /dev/disk/by-label/18:15
wilee-nileenatex, you are in a install right now, or a live cd?18:16
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wilee-nileenatschil, ^^^^^^^18:16
natschilwilee-nilee: nope, in the shell of the alternate cd18:18
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natschilwilee-nilee: it has no grub-install program, only grub-installer18:18
usr13natschil: From the alternate CD, you used "rescue"   Right?18:18
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natschilusr13: yea18:18
wilee-nileenatschil, you can chroot in and run a grub install hold on.18:18
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nick_hwhat causes a GNU Screen session to die and require wiping?18:19
A_Jusr13 you here for a little while ?18:19
A_Ji have an installation question18:19
wilee-nileenatschil, this link defaults to the chroot ask any questions if needed.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#ChRoot18:19
usr13natschil: .... and you selected your boot partition.  Right?18:20
usr13*root* partition18:20
andrewxI tried creating a shortcut to an application to Desktop, but I don't see anything!18:21
wilee-nileeA_J, And what would that be. ;)18:21
andrewxExplanation why I wouldn't see it on Desktop?18:21
A_Jwell i installed ubuntu on a palmtop. it cant get it to boot18:22
wilee-nileeandrewx, You are running what release?18:22
natschilusr13: that didn't work, so no18:22
andrewx10.04 LTS I think this is...18:22
Bastian_bDr_Willis, thanks rc.local work like a charm as expected :)18:23
erictr1ckwill there be any known issues running ubuntu 12.04 on this asus tower: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883220155 ?18:23
usr13andrewx: Then you will need to chroot to the root partition.18:23
andrewx~/Desktop does list the link, but is in Italics18:23
qaliihHello. I just installed ubuntu and my cpu runs above 65 celcius.. help?18:23
andrewxI don't understand.18:23
usr13natschil: You can follow instructions at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub18:23
natschilusr13: ah, here we go, I managed to select my root fs now18:24
wilee-nileeandrewx, you can right click and make a launcher I believe in 10.04, and figure out what release it actually is releases after you can make a launcher but in a different manner18:24
usr13natschil: sudo grub-install /dev/XX where XXX is the device of your Ubuntu install. (eg: grub-install /dev/sdb). Hint: You can also use /dev/disk/by-label/ if the partition you installed on has a label. You can determine the /dev node for such a device by running: ls -l /dev/disk/by-label/18:24
andrewxI found another solution that appears to work: Just drag/drop that file from ~/Desktop onto my actual Desktop!18:24
thebishopis it possible to configure pidgin so the notify icon turns blue when a new message comes in, but does not pop up the text in a libnotify bubble?18:24
qaliihCPU above runs hot on 65 Celcius, help?18:25
andrewxSeems strange I have to do it that way. But it works.18:25
* natschil has a wtf moment seeing fdisk -l show "hidden" windows partitions I new nothing about18:25
kashminderhow can i install themes in ubuntu18:25
wilee-nileenatschil, your boot partition eh.18:26
royphelps@kashminder in the software center, install my unity.18:26
wilee-nileethe ms boot anyway18:26
minimecerictr1ck: Well... There are some issues with the current ubuntu kernel. They are working on it. You might experience that whith all ivy bridge cpu/gpu combos. I have a i5 3570k/HD4000, and I had that problem. Newer kernels should be ok https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/99991018:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 999910 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "[IVB]12.04 64 bit System freezes (mouse, keyboard)" [High,Fix released]18:26
natschilusr13: weird.... it's as if the windows boot loader keeps installing itself when it shouldn't... I used the rescue option to reinstall grub and it claimed to be working, but booting up just brought up windows18:26
usr13natschil: Education is a wonderful thing.18:26
natschilusr13: thanks for the link btw18:26
shade34321usr13: it still doesn't work. I may just end up reinstalling and going from there18:27
natschilusr13: sorry?18:27
shade34321usr13: thank you for your help though18:27
wilee-nileenatschil, Did you install ubuntu from windows?18:28
natschilwilee-nilee: no18:28
natschilwilee-nilee: I used the alternate install cd18:28
usr13shade34321: NP  Sorry I could not help.18:28
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wilee-nileenatschil, there is a bootscript that can be run that will give us a better look at the boot and other issues,18:28
natschilwilee-nilee: where is it?18:29
usr13natschil: Are you sure the Ubuntu install finished?18:29
usr13natschil: Show us the output of sudo fdisk -l   (List of partitions.)18:29
kashminderhow can i install themes in ubuntu?18:29
TriBeCa99W4sp you still here? I finally bit the bullet and rebooted with the commented fstab... now I can only get in as a guest18:30
TriBeCa99which means i can't sudo, apparently18:30
quick-TriBeCa99:  Wats the issue ? If u dnt mind18:30
usr13TriBeCa99: You're going to have to boot to single-user mode and fix it.18:30
TriBeCa99usr13 how do i do that?18:31
lmannhi can anyone help with a wireless issue18:31
TriBeCa99nm i'll just google it18:31
usr13TriBeCa99: I think you type text at the grub prompt. or rescue?18:31
natschilusr13: wilee-nilee: strange.... I was able to chroot into my installation and then run grub-install, and it reported no errors... however booting up again just brings up windows18:31
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natschilusr13: I'll bring up fdisk -l as soon as I can boot18:32
kashminderhow can i install themes in ubuntu?18:32
natschilusr13: as in boot the alternate installl cd again18:32
TriBeCa99is it f6 to get the grub menu?18:32
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natschilusr13: fdisk -l shows me sda1,sda2,sda5,sda7 as windows partitions, sda7 as swap and sda8  and 9 as "Linux partitions".... it also shows sdb1 as fat3218:33
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TriBeCa99apparently not18:33
crimsonkingI updated ubuntu to 12.04 on a dual boot on a lenovo G560 and the wireless now does not work in windows 7, but only in ubuntu18:33
crimsonkingany ideas?18:33
minimecTriBeCa99: left<shift> button after your BIOS boot screen.18:33
TriBeCa99i'm not getting a grub loader menu during the boot cycle18:33
natschilusr13: sorry I can't paste the output, as im running this irc on the other computer18:33
TriBeCa99minimec ty18:33
wilee-nileenatschil, run this first for getting the boot script eventually. sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo apt-get install boot_info_script18:34
erictr1ckminimec: thanks for pointing that out. have you had any issues after updating the kernel?18:34
quick-amokpaule:  You can do a reverser search to get the cmd or make an alias18:34
kashminderhow can i install themes in ubuntu18:35
wilee-nileenatschil, then this sudo boot_info_script | pastebinit    then post the http address you get18:35
quick-amokpaule:  reverse search not reverser search18:35
sarsaeolkashminder: usually you just put the theme package into your /home/.themes and it will show up in the appearance menus18:35
leehambleyis there any way to "restore" /usr/bin/sv - I've accidentally removed it (well, bad Chef recipe)18:35
leehambleyit was symlinked to /etc/init.d/nginx18:36
sarsaeolkashminder: beyond that im not sure18:36
wilee-nileenatschil, if you are still in root with a chroot I don't think you are since you rebooted, sudo is not needed in root.18:36
kashmindersarsaeol: its not working18:36
natschilwilee-nilee: sure. What would you be looking for in whatever fdisk -l returns? my theory is that there is some sort of "restore" functionality somewhere that "restores" the mbr to what windows wants it to be18:36
loganruni just plugged in two hard drives into a computer. the two hard drives are a raid 1 array. I am booting from a third hard drive. How do I mount the raid array. There is no /dev/md0. I tried mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=raid1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdb1, but it says  /dev/sdb1 appears to be part of a raid array and askes me if I want to continue. not sure what to do18:36
leehambley(ahh, got it, reinstalling runit)18:36
wilee-nileenatschil, fdisk wont help18:36
minimecerictr1ck: I am testing two kernels. The 3.4 kernel from the ubuntu kernel mainline repo, and the 3.2.27-44 kernel from ubuntu kernel pre proposed ppa. The 3.4 kernel gives me some USB3 issues. 3.2.27-44 is working ok.18:36
kashmindersarsaeol: its not working18:37
quick-kashminder:  check out this http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/how-to-install-gnome-themes-in-ubuntu-11-10-tip/18:37
wilee-nileenatschil, your theory only gets in the way of helping by the way. ;)18:37
minimecerictr1ck: https://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/pre-proposed/18:38
wilee-nileenatschil, I hope that on a alternative that the two apps the pastebinit and bootscript will down load this would be easier from a live cd with a desktop.18:38
usr13natschil: Sorry, but would need to know which it is, sda8 or sda9  (One may be /  and the other may be /home but I don't know, only you can tell.)18:39
Areckxusr13::  SUCCESS!!18:39
ryzzananyone knows a server with javascript channel?18:39
natschilwilee-nilee: not if the theory were correct. I found nothing supporting it though yet18:39
Areckxusr13::  thank you so much for your help, it kept my brain from screaming18:39
natschilusr13: my root partition is sda918:39
usr13Areckx: How did you fix it?18:39
wilee-nileenatschil, is this a msdos partitioning set up not another18:40
usr13natschil: Then you should be able to designate it as root partition in the rescue mode and then re-install grub to the MBR18:40
Areckxusr13::  Exactly what I mentioned, I had to remove openssh on my iphone, delete the folder with ssh keys [/etc/.ssh] restart, and reinstall openssh, it was all iphone side18:40
erictr1ckminimec: thanks! bookmarked it and am going to order up my new ai7 machine :)18:41
natschilusr13: wilee-nilee: I just noticed an error message "prefix is not set" pop up a moment before the livecd bootloader starts. It might be related.(well probably it is)18:41
usr13Areckx: Ok, good.18:41
usr13natschil: You might just re-install18:41
kashmindersarsaeol: its not working18:41
ryzzananyone knows an irc server with javascript channel?18:41
greenthumb5I'm trying to get GSL to run on ubuntu. I installed the package via apt-get, and then ran $ gcc test.c -lgsl. I get all kinds of weird errors, though: http://pastebin.com/x0wDF52318:42
erictr1ckminimec: do you think the problem would still happen if i used a pci graphics card instead of the onboard one?18:42
kashmindersarsaeol: its not working18:42
kashmindersarsaeol: its not working18:42
kashmindersarsaeol: its not working18:42
kashmindersarsaeol: its not working18:42
bikcmpryzzan: #javascript18:42
natschilusr13: nope, that error message is from the alternate installer, removing the usb stick I'm booting from gets rid of it.18:42
bikcmpwell, ##javascript18:42
greenthumb5am I linking it wrong, or what?18:42
wilee-nileenatschil, Try hitting f6 at the live cd menu and pick nomodeset and boot in.18:42
kashminderhow to install themes in ubuntu?18:42
natschilusr13: I doubt that that will help, as reinstalling the bootloader does nothing at all to help.18:42
natschilwilee-nilee: what will that do?18:42
kashminderhow to install themes in ubuntu?18:42
kashminderhow to install themes in ubuntu?18:42
kashminderhow to install themes in ubuntu?18:42
kashminderhow to install themes in ubuntu?18:42
kashminderhow to install themes in ubuntu?18:42
kashminderhow to install themes in ubuntu?18:42
kashminderhow to install themes in ubuntu?18:42
kashminderhow to install themes in ubuntu?18:42
kashminderhow to install themes in ubuntu?18:42
kashminderhow to install themes in ubuntu?18:42
kashminderhow to install themes in ubuntu?18:42
kashminderhow to install themes in ubuntu?18:42
MonkeyDust!eyecandy| kashminder18:42
bikcmp!ops kashminder18:42
ubottukashminder: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy18:42
kashminderhow to install themes in ubuntu?18:42
kashminderhow to install themes in ubuntu?18:42
kashminderhow to install themes in ubuntu?18:42
kashminderhow to install themes in ubuntu?18:43
wilee-nileenatschil, that is for any graphic drivers not being found18:43
kashminderhow to install themes in ubuntu?18:43
ubottuops is Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!18:43
kashminderhow to install themes in ubuntu?18:43
kashminderhow to install themes in ubuntu?18:43
ikoniakashminder: STOP18:43
kashminderhow to install themes in ubuntu?18:43
kashminderhow to install themes in ubuntu?18:43
kashminderhow to install themes in ubuntu?18:43
minimecerictr1ck: I am not sure, but it seems that the bug is related to memory allocation of the intenal HD400 GPU. So probably an additional GPU would solve the problem.18:43
wilee-nilee!ops | kashminder18:43
ubottukashminder: please see above18:43
natschilwilee-nilee: how is this related to graphic drivers in any way? grub doesn't need graphics drivers, and I'm able to chroot into the root directory fine.18:43
MonkeyDustbikcmp  ignore it, bored script kiddies are attacking18:43
ariqzI want to see the size of files. when I ls -s, I get blocks or something. Can't I just see megs or what not?18:43
bikcmpMonkeyDust: i wouldn't even consider them script kiddies18:43
bikcmpok :)18:43
attarootHello I have a questin, can you ppl tell me please how to edit gedit I want to change the autosave feature so that it saves every 1 second, I was able to investigate further that I needed gconf-editor so I installed it but when I launched it and went to /apps/gedit-2/preferences/editor/save/auto_save it says: This key has no schema, so I found this: http://www.mail-archive.com/scientific-linux-users@listserv.fnal.gov/msg08917.html 18:44
wilee-nileenatschil, you suggested a problem with the live cd, and the alternative has not worked so far, the live cd would be easier to work from18:44
usr13natschil: Did you verify your iso image?  (md5sum)18:44
ariqzlets say I want to see in KB. ls -s isn't18:44
catasrophy-delHELP: I just accidentally deleted /home/ when using rsync --delete. What do? Use power button to force shut down, first adduser?18:44
erictr1ckminimec: well thats good to know. i am probably going to get a dual monitor setup anyhow, any suggestions on compatible cards?18:45
Riley24hey guys i was wandering if there was anyway to use my ati driver but use x.org config options instead of amdcccle for whatever reason the control center will not fix tearing no matter what but i need it to stop over heating18:46
=== colinf is now known as hammerhead
minimecerictr1ck: I have two screens on the internal HD4000. That is no problem at all. The HD4000 can even handle 3 screens. Right now my screens are plugged on HDMI and VGA. I will soon switch to HDMI/DVI.18:46
wilee-nileenatschil, if you have an extra disc or a usb supergrub should get you in to the install to load grub to the mbr from there as well, about the easiest method. This is a tiny download. http://www.supergrubdisk.org/super-grub2-disk/18:46
DracoDanLRPCwhats the irc channel for ubuntu developement builds?18:47
DracoDanLRPCIE 12.1018:47
=== nathanael is now known as natschil_
erictr1ckminimec: well that takes care of that then. thanks again!18:47
FREElinuxVPSFREE SERVER LINUX VPS LIFETIME      http://www.host1free.com/free-vps/?ap_id=hollyboom  bnc bot18:47
FREElinuxVPSFREE SERVER LINUX VPS LIFETIME      http://www.host1free.com/free-vps/?ap_id=hollyboom  bnc bot18:47
zumoI cant seem to get an install to complete on my machine, Anyone have nay suggestiosn18:47
Riley24do yall no what im talking about18:47
wilee-nilee!pastebin | Freeaqingme18:47
ubottuFreeaqingme: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:47
ikoniamode +b *!*@42.Red-83-36-206.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net18:47
bikcmpworks better with a /18:48
groupcatI have a spare18:48
wilee-nileeFreeaqingme, hehe actually please don't spam. ;)18:48
=== greenthumb5 is now known as hamster27
attarootRegarding gedit is it difficult to work with that?18:49
=== Guest32947 is now known as dpb___
natschil_usr13: wilee-nilee: It seems that some sort of recovery program *is* overwriting the mbr, due to the fact that I get the option of whether to boot a "startup help" or not a "startup help" only after I have just installed grub. Hence, it knows that the mbr has been changed, meaning it must have installed grub successfuly.18:49
Freeaqingmewilee-nilee, I will try even harder ;)18:49
wilee-nileenatschil_, So what is this recovery program you imagine is it windows based or linux?18:50
natschil_wilee-nilee: well obviously neither, as it needs to be executed before either windows or linux does. Hence probably it's in the bios18:51
natschil_wilee-nilee: if it exists18:51
wilee-nileenatschil_, Here is where we just have problems with helping, if I have to work against your imagination it is a waste of both of our times.  If you could show some prof I would take it seriously.18:52
=== anuvrat_ is now known as anuvrat
Areckxok this may be impossible... but is there a way to browse a list of changes you've made in nautilus? such as filename changes? so I can revert back to a filename I changed and didn't backup?18:52
MoonlightningIs it possible to boot to a disc in an external drive? No, right?18:52
emanon_hi there18:52
Riley24does anyone know what im talking about18:53
emanon_i have some problems18:53
wilee-nileeMoonlightning, yes if the drive has a OS and a bootloader.18:53
Moonlightning!metaquestion | emanon_18:53
ubottuemanon_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:53
emanon_I can't install wine18:53
Moonlightningwilee-nilee: yes if the /disc/ in the drive has an OS and a bootloader?18:53
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:53
Moonlightning...oh. I meant an external /optical/ drive, sorry.18:54
emanon_The following packages have unmet dependencies:18:54
emanon_ wine1.5 : Depends: wine1.5-i386 (= 1.5.11-0ubuntu1)18:54
emanon_           Recommends: gnome-exe-thumbnailer but it is not going to be installed or18:54
emanon_                       kde-runtime but it is not going to be installed18:54
emanon_           Recommends: ttf-droid18:54
emanon_           Recommends: ttf-umefont but it is not going to be installed18:54
emanon_           Recommends: ttf-unfonts-core but it is not going to be installed18:54
emanon_           Recommends: winbind18:54
natschil_wilee-nilee: The fact that a different windows bootloader is run after reinstalling grub, for example.18:54
Areckx!paste | emanon18:54
ubottuemanon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:54
wilee-nileeMoonlightning, can you explain more what exactly your trying to do.18:54
natschil_wilee-nilee: I'm not suggesting that the only possible cause of this would be some sort of recovery functionality of the bios, however, I'm saying that since there is evidence to support it, it should be taken seriously.18:54
wilee-nileenatschil_, I don't have the time for your imagination.18:55
Areckx!pastebinit | Areckx18:55
ubottuAreckx, please see my private message18:55
Moonlightningwilee-nilee: install Ubuntu from a CD|DVD. The computer in question has a broken internal (optical) disc drive, though, so...18:55
emanon_http://paste.ubuntu.com/1157680/  how to solve this one?18:55
emanon_i have 64 bit distro 12.04 lts18:55
wilee-nileeMoonlightning, use a usb.18:55
[S]upI am wondering if Opera is the fastest browser for ubuntu...18:55
Moonlightningwilee-nilee: might not have one. We'll check, though.18:55
MonkeyDustemanon_  try #wine18:56
emanon_i have such problems not only with wine18:56
auronandace[S]up: do some benchmarks and find out18:56
attaroothow to utilise gconf-editor in order to a add a schema so that I can edit source code of gedit?18:56
kingjameswhere can one get the latest chromium18:56
kingjameschromium for 12.04 old18:56
kingjames12.10 has nwere one18:57
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Precise, and help keeping the servers' load low!18:57
A_J!torrents lubuntu18:57
wilee-nileekingjames, Chromium is not being developed I have heard now.18:57
ubottuPrecise can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/desktop/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/server/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696918:57
kingjameswilee-nilee what18:57
wilee-nileekingjames, is that sentence indecipherable?18:57
kingjameswilee-nilee sorry i just mean why they stop?18:58
TriBeCa99okay, usr13 quick- W4sp; i'm in a recovery prompt as root. i have a backup of the contents of /home in /media/home, now I just need to copy it over to /home but when i try i get "cannot create directory : Read-only file system"18:58
wilee-nileekingjames, I would not know.18:58
auronandacewilee-nilee: what you mean is that ubuntu doesn't have someone who maintains it to update it regularly18:58
wilee-nileeauronandace, That seems apparent. ;)18:59
Piciwilee-nilee: that doesn't mean that its not being developed anymore.18:59
kingjamesonly reason i ask is because chrome is broken in ubuntu18:59
kingjamesknown bug is yet to be fixed by chrome so i switch18:59
k1lkingjames: chrome or chromium?18:59
kingjamesgoogle chrome18:59
[S]upIt would be so dump to say what is best when your so new with linux. Just wondered some experienced recommendation here..18:59
wilee-nileePici, This is ubuntu I would think that this is obvious.18:59
Areckxugh looks lie I just have to erinstall the ebook app...18:59
kingjamesnot just my system many have reported bug but they dont fix :c19:00
auronandace[S]up: use whatever browser you are comfortable with19:00
natschil_wilee-nilee: I said that within the set of possible errors is the fact that some propretiary bios "feature" could be causing problems, not that this has to be the case. At what point are you therefore working against my imagination?  Quite frankly, if you fail to understand the need for considering diverse causes of errors when debugging a computer program, I doubt your experience in this field is broad enough to dismiss that cause19:00
natschil_of the error.19:00
A_Jfound out why my install failed. stupid disc was curropt.19:00
MonkeyDustkingjames  use chromium, it's safer than chrome19:00
kingjamesmonkeydust albeit out dated19:00
kingjamesthey could at least give quantal version 20 to precise19:01
kingjamescant be that hard19:01
twardnw|awaycan anyone point me to info on how to update past php 5.3.10 on Ubuntu 12.04? There is a vulnerability in php 5.3.10 that is preventing my server from passing a PCI compliance test19:01
=== twardnw|away is now known as twardnw
MonkeyDust!latest| kingjames19:01
ubottukingjames: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.19:01
wilee-nileekingjames, I think you can get that from a deb download on the web19:01
AreckxI renamed an app folder to ebook so I could find it easier... I guess it needs to be named 249875435fgg-84hjkf-o9875eu-riutyhw4 in order to function LMAO19:01
kingjameswilee-nilee i have looked but some site look sketchy :c19:01
Picitwardnw: its very likely that the 'vulnerability' that you are referring to has already been patched into 5.3.10 on Ubuntu. Do you have the CVE number for the issue?19:02
natschil_wilee-nilee: I reiterate that the fact that windows seems to know when grub has been reinstalled suggests that *something* was done to the mbr, suggesting that grub installed fine. Now let's take this to its logical conclusion -> grub installed fine, but windows booted, therefore grub was not run. If grub installed fine into the mbr, but was not run, something must have changed the mbr before booting. make sense?19:02
Areckxkingjames::  only use trusted sites with heavy reviews from ubuntu website users etc etc19:02
usr13A_J: Were you doing an install or distribution upgrade?19:02
kingjamesyes i am careful Areckx that why i have not fiound yet19:02
twardnwPici: CVE 2012-1823 and CVE 2012-231119:02
ubottusapi/cgi/cgi_main.c in PHP before 5.3.12 and 5.4.x before 5.4.2, when configured as a CGI script (aka php-cgi), does not properly handle query strings that lack an = (equals sign) character, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by placing command-line options in the query string, related to lack of skipping a certain php_getopt for the 'd' case. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2012-1823)19:02
Areckxkingjames::  unless you want to be a bleeder19:02
ubottusapi/cgi/cgi_main.c in PHP before 5.3.13 and 5.4.x before 5.4.3, when configured as a CGI script (aka php-cgi), does not properly handle query strings that contain a %3D sequence but no = (equals sign) character, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by placing command-line options in the query string, related to lack of skipping a certain php_getopt for the '... (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2012-2311)19:02
Areckxbleeding edge!19:03
=== kaktuskuchen is now known as Guest79329
=== fisted is now known as Guest46547
IneluctableI installed Ubuntu in a virtual box and I had the ability to choose what I wanted to install.  I think I used the Alternative CD.  I do not remember however I need to do this again.  I am not fond of all of the pre-installed software.  Would someone mind pinting me in the right direction.19:03
=== babilen_ is now known as babilen
usr13TO ALL WHO DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL UBUNTU:  Verify your iso  md5sum is your friend19:03
Areckxkakt street fighter? lol19:03
Areckxoh oops this isn't #ubuntu-offtopic19:04
wilee-nileekingjames, http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/webapps_preview/precise/main/base/chromium-browser19:04
zertshi  I just want to delate the left menu of 12.04, but went I go to SysConfig Appearance the Behavior tab its not there, plz help.19:04
ubottuusr13: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:04
kingjameswilee-nilee tat good safe?19:04
Picitwardnw: Take a look at http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-1437-1/19:04
kingjamessorry english is bad i german :)19:04
wilee-nileekingjames, yes19:04
twardnwPici: thank you19:04
janisozaurI have a laptop with radeon hd 2600. until now I've been using foss drivers, but it seems that I cannot get audio over hdmi with them, which brings me to installing fglrx. which version should I use, as I heard that support for r600 was to be dropped?19:05
W4spTriBeCa99: Are you there...?19:05
usr13bekks: Thanks for your constructive criticism  :)  (but it was not helpful/useful)19:05
bekksusr13: Your comment wasnt helpful, too.19:05
W4spTriBeCa99: Did you boot into single user mode?19:05
TriBeCa99if by that you mean a recovery shell, yes19:05
wilee-nileegotta study see you all later19:05
TriBeCa99i used grub's "recovery mode"19:05
TriBeCa99i have a root prompt19:06
usr13bekks: Ok, if you think I am giving false information;  SAY SO!19:06
* W4sp <sigh>19:06
[S]upI like chromeium..19:06
bekksusr13: No one accused you of giving false information. There is a big difference between false and useless information, you know?19:06
bekksAnd yes, thats offtopic in here.19:06
W4spTriBeCa99: Good to hear. :-)19:06
IneluctableI Googled this once before, and was able to do this but I can not find the information I read before on how to accomplish this.  Ahhh - Wanting to pull my hair out.19:06
TriBeCa99W4sp so what now?19:07
loganrunhow do I set up ubuntu to boot from raid array, something is not correct after install with the booting. I have a raid1 array19:07
[S]upIs it possible to see  all keyboard shortkeys on screen as a list? or is it possible to give to a program a shortkey like Alt+F2 ?19:07
auronandace[S]up: if you are running unity hold down the super key (windows logo)19:07
loganrunI don't see where the devices are set up with grub, there used to be a simple config file for grub, but that seems to be gone in the newer version19:08
Moonlightning...is is by any chance possible to install from an SD card? XD19:08
usr13bekks: If you did not notice, there have been two people that have just had major problems with installs due to defective iso images.  But never mind, this conversation is OT and not of any  use to anyone.  (You could have kept your criticism to yourself so... just letting you know.)19:08
[S]upauronandace, I was! now i installed lxde on ubuntu its logs in to gnome-panel with lxde...19:08
bekksloganrun: Which devices do you want grub to setup?19:08
bekksusr13: Exactly. It is OT.19:09
W4spTriBeCa99: No that I got you there you can to with it whatever you want. Is you rintention to change the entire array with the new one? Do you want to restore from your other box?19:09
=== pr0ton_ is now known as pr0ton
usr13bekks: So drop it19:09
loganrunbekks: well right now I have my two raid drives plugged into a differnt computer to fix them. on the computer I want them to boot from they will devices sda and sdb I think, on this computer they are sdb and sdc19:09
TriBeCa99i want to change the entire array with a new one... but first I need to get my /home directory fixed19:09
bekksusr13: I dropped it with my 2nd comment already.19:09
TriBeCa99i already have a backup of the contents of /home in /media/home, but I'm unable to copy it over19:10
bekksloganrun: The order of devices recognized does not have anything to do with grub.19:11
TriBeCa99as /home/ is reporting that it's a read-only file system19:11
alfatauhello, i need help to enable bluetooth. I turned it on from upper unity toolbar but I can't enable it in bt settings dialog. my pc is a lenovo g560 and i'm running the latest ubuntu 12.04.19:11
loganrunbekks, within the raid array there will be a logical volume group and then the root device within that19:11
alfatauthank you in advance for your attention19:11
usr13TriBeCa99: See that your fstab entry is correct.19:11
loganrunbekks, what are you asking then19:11
lmannI updated ubuntu to 12.04 on a dual boot on a lenovo G560 and the wireless now does not work in windows 7, but only in ubuntu how do I correct this?19:12
bekksloganrun: And that doesnt change the fact that grub isnt responsible for detecting devices.19:12
W4spTriBeCa99: Do you want me to assist further?19:12
TriBeCa99usr13 there is no longer a mount point for /home in fstab19:12
bekksloganrun: I wanted to know what you are trying to achieve with a "grub device detection".19:12
TriBeCa99W4sp yes!19:12
* abletony84 is now playing: Abletony84 - New Look (http://home.no/dwaynie/abletony84-new_look.mp3)19:12
Piciabletony84: Please disable that script if you are going to idle in this channel.19:13
MonkeyDustabletony84  please don't19:13
loganrunbekks, all I want is grub to boot the the system that consists of the raid array that contains the boot partition and the root partition and the home partition (in the logical volume)19:13
abletony84sorry, something my roommate set up19:13
Ineluctablelmann: Give this a try: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185360919:13
abletony84thought i'd disabled it19:13
superfabbbhi, how can i use sopcast player with vlc?19:13
bekksloganrun: So which error exactly do you get then?19:14
W4spTriBeCa99: OK. I think the best is to pastebin the output of mdadm '-D /dev/md0' That way we know both what's on the screen.19:14
W4spTriBeCa99: Also, Please can show me the /proc/mdstat as pastebin as well.19:15
TriBeCa99i can't, i'm in a shell prompt19:15
j|Greets, peeps.19:15
TriBeCa99i can't pastebin from that machine19:15
TriBeCa99i can only retype it from here19:15
MoonlightningIs it by any chance possible to install from an SD card?19:15
loganrunbekks: think at present it is ignoring the fact that there is a raid array and just trying to boot from one of the drives. I can't see the error because the display shows gibberish. need to disable the graphics boot, found and option for that in /etc/defaut/grub, but not sure how to reinstall grub on the array to refresh this option while the array is mounted on another system19:15
j|the fuser.c bug that shows up as a fork bomb in the php session clean up job19:15
j|that was supposedly fixed in October 201119:15
j|but it still shows up.. what are people doing generally on Ubuntu to manage PHP session file clean ups?19:16
minimecTriBeCa99: Change the user rights of the old /home directory... SOmething like 'sudo chown youruser:youruser /home/youruser'19:16
j|any tips / pointers??19:16
bekksloganrun: "update-grub"19:16
minimecTriBeCa99: In your case /media/home probably...19:16
TriBeCa99minimec the old home no longer exists19:16
TriBeCa99ahh, okay one sec19:17
IneluctableMoonlightning:  I would imagine it would be the same as installing from a USB, or CD.  Providing your SD Card will be able to boot, and your bios has the ability to boot from the sd card.19:17
snagglepussTriBeCa99:   might want to install/try    pastebinit    which is commandline.   will post and return url19:17
W4spTriBeCa99: :-( I see. Can you get pastebin it with sudo apt-get pastebinit? If you use it it uses your ENV settings and you may disclose personal information. To get around you can edit a cfg fgile.19:17
j|original bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/31644119:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 316441 in php5 (Ubuntu) "PHP session garbage collection" [Low,Confirmed]19:17
loganrunbekks: at present I put the array on another system and am button from a different HD. I mounted the array however. if I run update-grub it will just install it on the native system not the raid array19:17
TriBeCa99minimec but i'm in as root, permissions shouldn't matter?19:17
MoonlightningIneluctable: if the BIOS supports it, could I just follow the same instructions as for making an install USB stick?19:17
bekksloganrun: "update-grub" doesnt install grub anywhere.19:17
TriBeCa99hang on a sec here19:18
TriBeCa99W4sp for the time being I'm not concerned with getting the new RAID up19:18
bekksloganrun: "grub-install ..." will install it to where you want it.19:18
rexishow do you pull source from github19:18
TriBeCa99W4sp right now I just want to get the contents of /media/home into /home19:18
j|rexis: git clone19:18
minimecTriBeCa99: I did not follow the whole story. You got a backup of you old /home/youname directory, and that one is read only?19:18
TriBeCa99so i can get into a normal boot19:18
usr13The best way to move /home/ is to create the new filesystem and copy it all over and change the fstab mountpoint, (while leaving the original /home/files as they are until you can successfully boot up with the new /home/ in use, (and THEN remove to old one).19:18
rexisj|: ty19:18
IneluctableMoonlighting: Correct.  Don't quote me on this, I have never personally tried this however logic's  says yes.19:18
MoonlightningIneluctable: okay, thanks.19:19
TriBeCa99minimec when i try to copy it say /home is read only19:19
loganrunbekks: grub-install will take its information from /etc and put it in /boot I think, but what I want is to use the configuratino information in /mnt/root/etc and /mnt/boot19:19
TriBeCa99not /media/home19:19
MoonlightningAnd it's /Moonlightning/, by the way. X319:19
IneluctableMoonlighting: not a problem.19:19
TriBeCa99usr13 what UUID would i use in fstab though?19:19
IneluctableMoonlightning: My bad.19:19
Moonlightningnp ^^19:19
TriBeCa99usr13 i don't have a separate partition to use at the moment19:19
usr13TriBeCa99: I don't know, would have to use blkid and see.19:19
TriBeCa99i'm trying to get it onto the same partition that has / mounted19:20
minimecTriBeCa99: Is that a new clean install, you did?19:20
j|no one has any ubuntu+PHP session advice at all?19:20
TriBeCa99minimec No, I'm trying to migrate /home from a 4 disk RAID10 to a new 4 disk RAID1019:21
Jordan_Uloganrun: grub-install does not read from /etc/, grub-mkconfig/update-grub does. To run update-grub and have it work with the information from /mnt/root/ you'll need to chroot into /mnt/root/ (and mount the boot partition to /mnt/root/boot/, not /mnt/boot/).19:21
TriBeCa99with only 6 SATA ports19:21
j|okay, guess I delete the default cron job and make my own.19:21
dv310p3rSo, I've been at it since this morning, and still nothing. After a reboot this morning, all of a sudden my Unity will not be in 3D, It's only 2D. Also, I've installed the latest 3.4 kernel to see if this fixes it, nothing. I'm guessing it has something to do with the driver, but I don't know where to start. It's an Intel HD 4000. Please any help would be awesome.19:21
minimecTriBeCa99: Ok. I am sorry, I probably cannot help you with RAID problems. I guess, there's a RAID configuration problem..19:22
TriBeCa99usr13 I only have 2 ext4 paritions, sda1 which mounts / and md0 which I need to NOT use any more so i can remove it19:22
TriBeCa99minimec for now the raid is not the issue19:22
loganrunJordan_U, aren't there some kind of command line options for this?19:22
TriBeCa99minimec for now i just need to move /home from the raid to the device that's mounting /19:22
loganrunJordan_U, I don't think chroot would work very well on a running system19:23
TriBeCa99i've backed up and deleted all the data contents of /home so that it's currently very small in terms of disk space19:23
usr13TriBeCa99: So just mv /path/to/home /19:23
zertsI just want to delate the left menu of 12.04, but went I go to SysConfig Appearance the Behavior tab its not there, plz help.19:23
devishthere are debian packages for latest kernel in ubuntu?, can someone direct me to it19:24
Jordan_Uloganrun: What do you mean by "on a running system"19:24
TriBeCa99usr13 you mean "mv /media/home /19:24
usr13TriBeCa99: What promped this process in the first place?  Were you trying to solve an out-of-disk-space issue?19:24
attarootim back19:24
MonkeyDustdevish  debian is not ubuntu, don't mix ditros19:24
usr13TriBeCa99: I would do:  cp /media/home  /19:25
attaroothow to edit gedit autosave feature via gconf-editor?19:25
TriBeCa99usr13 I'm upgrading from 1.5TB drives to 3TB drives because I'm about 6 months from running out of space19:25
usr13TriBeCa99: for now....19:25
loganrunJordan_U, doesn't chroot alter the location of / on the running system?19:25
=== attaroot is now known as wowwtf
devishthere are *.deb packages for latest kernel in ubuntu?, can someone direct me to it19:25
loganrunJordan_U, or is that just for the specific shell19:25
MonkeyDustdevish  debian is not ubuntu, don't mix distros19:25
usr13TriBeCa99: Well, I dont know, but you need to use the uuid in /etc/fstab and it usually just works ok.19:26
MonkeyDustdevish  misunderstood, go to packages.ubuntu.com19:26
Ineluctablezerts: Your talking about the launcher correct?19:26
devishMonkeyDust: can you please tell me the .............cool19:26
usr13TriBeCa99: But /media/home/ would be a temporay mount point  so.....19:26
TriBeCa99usr13 "cp: omitting directiory 'media/home' # cp -R media/home / "cannot create directory '/home/user': Read-only file system19:26
loganrunJordan_U, sounds like from the man page it only affects the current shell19:26
usr13TriBeCa99: /home is always just   /home19:26
zerts Ineluctable yes plz help19:27
minimecTriBeCa99: Ok. So you got a /media/home directory mounted, and a the normal /home of the system? Couldn't you just rename that /media/home to /media/home-backup, and then 'sudo mv /media/home-backup /'? Then boot into recovery mode, drop to a root shell, delete /home and 'sudo mv /home-backup /home'?19:27
Night-hacksI can't change the brightness after suspending my laptop19:27
Night-hacksi've also set acpi_backlight=inte to my /etc/default/grub , but it doesn't work19:28
usr13minimec: Seems like he could just do  mv /media/home  /19:28
TriBeCa99minimec as I've been saying, when I try to copy to /home from the root shell I get a "read-only file system" error19:28
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TriBeCa99usr13 see above19:28
usr13minimec: unless /home already exists....19:28
=== toto is now known as chimay
minimecusr13: I guess /home exists...19:28
TriBeCa99oops wrong keyboard19:28
TriBeCa99there is indeed a directory called /home, but it is currently empty19:30
usr13minimec: Well, if /home exists (and his user dir is there)  and there is not a proper fstab entry for it, then editing /etc/fstab is what needs to be done.19:30
Night-hacksany idea ? i'm on Toshiba satellite R63019:30
Jordan_Uloganrun: Indeed, it only affects the processes which are children of the chroot command.19:30
TriBeCa99which device do i mount to /home?19:30
usr13TriBeCa99: Where is your user files?19:30
TriBeCa99the only free one is the one that mounts /19:30
TriBeCa99it's on md0, which i'm trying to remove19:30
usr13TriBeCa99: What is the user name?19:30
TriBeCa99let's just call it USER19:31
usr13TriBeCa99: mkdir /home/USER  ; cp -ar /mnt/home/USER/ /home/USER/19:31
TriBeCa99cannot create directory '/home/Jared': Read-only file system19:32
usr13TriBeCa99: How are you logged into the system?19:32
usr13TriBeCa99: As guest?19:32
TriBeCa99no that was just for the mkdir /home/USER19:32
TriBeCa99usr13 root19:33
loganrunJordan_U, o.k. I get cannot find device for /19:33
usr13TriBeCa99: Have you chrooted over to the root filesystem?19:33
TriBeCa99do explain19:33
loganrunJordan_U, /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).19:33
usr13TriBeCa99: Well, you have to chroot over to the root filesystem first.19:34
Ineluctablezerts: Not sure if this will help: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/04/things-to-tweak-after-installing-ubuntu.html19:34
loganrunusr13, I did19:34
danandTriBeCa99: can't you mount the / rw?19:34
usr13loganrun: You did what?19:34
Jordan_Uloganrun: From another shell, run this: for dir in /dev/ /proc/ /sys/; do sudo mount "$dir" "/mnt/root/$dir"; done19:34
loganrunusr13: did chroot /mnt/root first19:34
Jordan_Uloganrun: Then run "mount" and pastebin the output.19:35
TriBeCa99usr13 do you have a command for me to run?19:35
usr13loganrun: and TriBeCa99  are one in the same?19:35
zertsIneluctable thx I will check :-D19:35
TriBeCa99no i have no idea who loganrun is19:35
usr13TriBeCa99: where is the root filesystem mounted?19:35
FloodBot1TriBeCa99: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:35
usr13I think loganrun has a similar issue.19:36
Jordan_Uloganrun: And don't continue until I have seen the output of "mount" and confirmed that it is correct.19:36
usr13TriBeCa99: where is sda1 mounted?19:36
loganrunJordan_U, the comman does not work maybe. I get  /dev is not a block device19:36
loganrunmount: /proc is not a block device19:36
loganrun mount: /sys is not a block device19:36
usr13TriBeCa99: mount19:36
TriBeCa99sda1 is mounted to /19:36
Jordan_Uloganrun: Sorry, my mistake.19:36
Jordan_Uloganrun: for dir in /dev/ /proc/ /sys/; do sudo mount --bind "$dir" "/mnt/root/$dir"; done19:37
usr13TriBeCa99: How did you boot?19:37
Guest74054hi guys. got some wierd issues here19:37
TriBeCa99in recovery mode19:37
usr13TriBeCa99: from CD?19:38
TriBeCa99no, GRUB recovery mode19:38
usr13TriBeCa99: Ok.  ls /home   just shows nothing?19:38
Guest74054I have PXE booted netboot version of precise, installed base install. Ran apt-get gdm gnome-shell xorg. I set Login Automatically in Preferences. When I reboot, Ubuntu hangs at Plymouth's Starting Ubuntu. On further inspection of /etc/gdm it seems that no X session's specified. I used an undocumented /usr/lib/gdm/set-default-session but no joy. Now I have removed gdm and tried tinywm still hangs.19:38
danandTriBeCa99: can you try an sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda1?19:39
usr13TriBeCa99: Is USER in /media/home/ ?19:39
=== Moonlightning is now known as Starthunder
TriBeCa99yes, USER, USER2, and lost+found19:39
pmelseHi folks horrible question regarding Ubuntu package versioning.. does anyone know what % indicates? (non dfsg)19:39
usr13TriBeCa99: mount  #tell us what that says about /dev/sda119:40
loganrunJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/q2Q1JPBc19:40
TriBeCa99usr13 /dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)19:40
loganrunusr13, no I am not that other person19:40
usr13TriBeCa99: Ok, remount as rw (as suggested earlier)19:41
IneluctableWhen installing Ubuntu you can not select what packages you what to install and what packages you do not want to install?19:41
melodie_is there something special about the ubuntu LTS coming the next 23th, apart from package updates ?19:41
rexishow do you use find command to search everywhere for a file/folder19:41
IneluctableIf you are able to do this then how does one do this?19:41
TriBeCa99usr13 you mean sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda119:41
loganrunusr13, seems like update-grub kind of runs, but it is giving me unknown LVM metadata header19:42
usr13TriBeCa99: Yes, try that.19:42
danandTriBeCa99: yes19:42
Guest74054lol i assume my question was too nooby19:42
=== Guest74054 is now known as nazarko
Jordan_Uloganrun: Can you pastebin /mnt/root/boot/grub/grub.cfg ?19:42
TriBeCa99ty ty ty19:42
melodie_rexis, : updatedb as root first (with sudo) then "locate <file>"19:42
TriBeCa99looks like the cp command worked19:42
TriBeCa99gonna try booting normally now19:43
grendal_primehey, i tried to add gdebi to my application handler thing. now i cant get it out of there..wher do you adjust that list of applications you want to handle a download?19:43
melodie_rexis, welcome. ;-)19:43
soupeeeanybody use xoscope here or can recommend a channel19:43
pmelseGuest, I'd hardly call pxe booting noobish, but it practically takes a duplicate setup to troubleshoot19:43
grendal_primei want to remove all the ones listed cause they are wrong19:43
soupeeethat discusses it?19:43
wowwtfhow to set up bridges in Linux it isn't working for me I selected shared to other computers and it doesn't connect19:44
Dr_Willis!info xoscope19:44
ubottuxoscope (source: xoscope): digital oscilloscope. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0-3.1ubuntu2 (precise), package size 113 kB, installed size 302 kB19:44
usr13TriBeCa99: ls -l /home19:44
danandTriBeCa99: You may need to set uid and gid on the files you copied19:44
usr13TriBeCa99: See that /home/USER is owned by  USER19:44
Dr_Willissoupeee:  id have to say check its homepage.19:44
soupeeemakes sense )19:44
loganrunJordan_U,  grub.cfg : http://pastebin.com/vfy0wcx319:44
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases19:44
melodie_!release LTS19:44
usr13!LTS | melodie_19:45
ubottumelodie_: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)19:45
melodie_!release 12.04.119:45
melodie_thanks usr1319:45
danandTriBeCa99: sudo chown -R <uid_of_USER>:<gid_of_USER> /home/... blah19:45
wowwtfhow to change source code of gedit and compile gedit19:45
melodie_usr13, do you know the answer to my question ? is there anything special about the coming one on the 23th ?19:45
danandTriBeCa99: cat /etc/passwd and cat /etc/group to find uid and gid19:46
usr13melodie_: What?19:46
nazarkoguys i'm at my wits end here19:46
melodie_usr13, my question is this one : "<melodie_> is there something special about the ubuntu LTS coming the next 23th, apart from package updates ?"19:46
TriBeCa99ty, rebooting back to root shell 1 sec19:46
pmelsewowwtf, may I suggesting the ubuntu packaging guide?19:46
nazarkohow can I find out why the heck plymouth is looping19:46
wowwtfpmelse what is that?19:47
melodie_usr13, would you happen to know the answer ?19:47
xanguamelodie_: updates...wich you already have if you have been running the update manager19:47
Ineluctablenazarko: Me too.  1725 people in this irc and no one can answer a question I have been trying to get answered for three days now.19:47
nazarkomelodie_: there is no LTS next year19:47
loganrunJordan_U, hmm, seems like it combined stuff from both the raid array and the hardrive on the other system19:47
nazarkoIneluctable: :/ I don't think it is answerable my one. The Gnome documentation is out of date19:47
Jordan_Uloganrun: How did you try to "disable graphics boot"?19:48
Ineluctablenazarko: Are you talking about my question?19:48
Vasahello i have configured my vps to work as a pptp server, i managed to connect to it fine and got an internal ip, but i do not have access to the net through it, how do i set up iptables so it allows full internet access?(command line only)19:48
Ineluctablenazarko: Or yours?19:48
nazarkoIneluctable: i meant my one. just joined whats ur problem19:48
nazarkoIneluctable: Ahh you want to pick pages19:48
loganrunJordan_U, uncommented the line in /mnt/root/etc/default/grub that says GRUB_TERMINAL=console19:49
DanteviosI'm pretty sure iptables allows all by default Vasa19:49
Danteviosif you do iptables -L you can see all your rules (if you don't have any that means any port is open)19:49
Ineluctablenarako: I would like to choose the packages I want during the install and not a predefined set of packages.19:49
nazarkoIneluctable: for the most minimal version you can either debootstrap // or try a netboot ISO which will give you a core install. then you can install via apt-get or tasksel19:49
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:49
nazarkodebootstrap --arch=amd64 precise --variant=minbase . for example19:49
nazarkocan't find out about gnome19:50
loganrunJordan_U, I am seeing something about windows 7 which is not on the raid array19:50
loganrunJordan_U, in the grub.cfg file19:50
Ineluctablenazarko: Ok. cool.  What do you need help with my friend19:50
usr13I have to go now....19:50
Jordan_Uloganrun: Yes, because update-grub by default looks for other OSs. It's not something to worry about.19:50
IneluctableBy the way thank you nazarko, and ubottu19:51
nazarkoI have PXE booted netboot version of precise, installed base install. Ran apt-get gdm gnome-shell xorg. I set Login Automatically in Preferences. When I reboot, Ubuntu hangs at Plymouth's Starting Ubuntu. On further inspection of /etc/gdm it seems that no X session's specified. I used an undocumented /usr/lib/gdm/set-default-session but no joy. Now I have removed gdm and tried tinywm still hangs.19:51
loganrunJordan_U, o.k. does that look correct for it to boot from the raid array now?19:51
nazarkoIneluctable: ubottu is a bot lol19:51
loganrunJordan_U, the error about the metadata when I run update-grub concerns me19:51
TriBeCa99usr13 and danand okay, looks like ownerships are set19:52
Dr_Willisnazarko:  you could use rc.local to auto start a X session if you want total control19:52
Ineluctablenazarko: well then... that is quite funny.19:52
Jordan_Uloganrun: OK. In the chroot, please run "cat /etc/default/grub; echo; grub-mkconfig -o /tmp/grub.cfg; echo $?; echo; cat /tmp/grub.cfg" and pastebin the entire output.19:52
TriBeCa99NOW I'm going to try a normal boot19:52
nazarkoJordan_U: I tried startx. Black screen. How can I diagnose that19:52
zoehi, I just want to make friends19:52
nazarkowhoops meant that for r_Willis:19:52
nazarkoDr_Willis: *19:52
Dr_Willisnazarko:  look at the console where you ran startx for messages and the x logs19:53
nazarkoDr_Willis: will do.19:53
Dr_Willisnazarko:  make a .xsession or .Xinitrc for startx to use - may be needed19:53
bobo37773zoe: Hey19:53
nazarkoI made a .Xinitrc19:53
Dr_Willisand what is .Xinitrc running?19:53
nazarkoDr_Willis: rc.local works on Ubuntu? I thought Upstart ignores that19:53
Dr_Willisnazarko:  err... no it dosent..19:53
IneluctableDr_Willis: You could just remove the xorg config file and reboot couldnt you?19:54
bobo37773rc.local? For starting X?19:54
nazarkoyou said use rc.local to start a X session19:54
Dr_Willisbobo37773:  su -c username startx19:54
=== W4sp_ is now known as W4sp
IneluctableDr_Willis:  Woulnt this rebuilt the xorg config file and fix this issue?19:54
nazarkostartx is mesed19:54
Dr_Willisand what is .Xinitrc running?19:54
loganrunJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/gmAkC98M19:54
Dr_WillisIneluctable:  xorg.conf is NOT needed at all by most setups19:55
nazarkoexec gnome-session19:55
Dr_WillisX autoconfigures if no xorg.conf is found19:55
superfabbbhi dr willis,19:55
Dr_Willisnazarko:  try simthing simpiler.. like 'xterm &' 'exec metacity'19:55
nazarkoill try xterm19:56
Dr_WillisExec=gnome-session --session=gnome19:56
nazarkolol all this issue just trying to get my gdm to auto login19:56
nazarkoI want gnome-classic will try that19:57
Dr_Williswhy use gdm?  and your gnome-session command seems wrong19:57
nazarkowould only let me login as guest19:57
nazarkoi assume some19:57
nazarkouid issue19:57
nazarkolightdm hangs with no network too19:57
Jordan_Uloganrun: It's odd that that looks completely different from the /boot/grub/grub.cfg you pastebinned earlier.19:57
nazarkocant help but feel gnome has gone downhill19:57
Dr_Willismost likely your .Xauthority got owned by root nazarko ..... common issue19:57
nazarkoDr_Willis: hmm19:58
nazarkomy tty2 for some reason giving me no protocol specified19:58
Jordan_Uloganrun: Can you run "update-grub && cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg" within the chroot and pastebin the output?19:58
loganrunJordan_U, not sure, I just ran diff /mnt/root/boot/grub/grub.cfg /mnt/root/tmp/grub.cfg and they look the same20:00
Jordan_Uloganrun: Also note that if you were trying to disable the boot splash, that is *not* what you have done.20:00
=== obryan1 is now known as obryan
Dr_Willisalways good when the original 'problem' is racially differnt from what the person is trying to do and asking about...20:00
loganrunJordan_U, only thing I changed was the console for text boot instead of graphics, since the graphics prints out gibberish20:01
Jordan_Uloganrun: Was the grub menu itself displaying gibberish, or was there gibberish during boot?20:01
loganrunJordan_U, never saw a grub menu, just gibberish come up and then things seemed to stop at some type of prompt20:02
loganrunJordan_U, after spitting out a screen or two of stuff it seems like20:02
Dr_Willisyou can set grub to use a old standard text menu item...20:02
MoonlightningIs there any reason to use an earlier version of ext rather than a later one? This is on the disk that will be used for installing the system and storing data.20:03
nazarkoDr_Willis: i have chowned my xauthority gonna see what happens. startx couldnt lock it20:03
Dr_Willisnazarko:  perhaps just remove it20:03
Jordan_Uloganrun: OK. Try rebooting then. The grub.cfg looks fine. You might or might not want to remove the "splash" kernel parameter later, but try booting as it is.20:03
nazarkonope still dont work20:03
magnumi need help20:03
sfearsubuntu 9 doesn't support ext4 Moonlightning, if you're running old OS's20:03
Moonlightning!ask | magnum20:04
ubottumagnum: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:04
Moonlightningsfears: is that the only reason?20:04
sfearsIt's one reason.20:04
MoonlightningAny others?20:04
xanguasfears: 9.04 and 9.10 are also no longer supported ;)20:04
Moonlightning…lol, obvious question. XD20:04
MoonlightningWhat I meant is…should I just go with ext4?20:05
Jordan_UMoonlightning: Yes. Go with ext4.20:05
loganrunJordan_U, o.k. will try, have to wait for the system to resync the raid array before I can remove it and boot from it20:05
Dr_WillisMoonlightning:  i have some old Linux media players for the tv that cant do ext4. so i havbe to use ext3 for them for the externalusb hds20:05
MoonlightningThanks. XD20:05
Jordan_Uloganrun: OK. I'll be gone for about an hour anyway.20:05
Jordan_UMoonlightning: You're welcome :)20:05
loganrunJordan_U, how is grub able to differentiate booting from a raid array rather a single drive20:05
MoonlightningDr_Willis: hardware isn't too old over here…20:05
phy1729I failed and didn't select ssh server on install what package do I need to install and what do I do so it runs on start?20:05
MoonlightningThanks everyone. ^^20:06
Dr_WillisMoonlightning:  i have several older 'media players' :)20:06
nazarkoDr_Willis: xinit works but startx dont why might that be20:06
icerootphy1729: sudo apt-get install openssh-server20:06
Dr_Willisnazarko:  no idea. Ive not heeded to use  startx in ages.20:06
icerootphy1729: it will start automaticly20:06
viktor_tengo ese problema20:07
Moonlightning!es | viktor_20:07
ubottuviktor_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:07
viktor_hi ive got this problem20:07
magnumI have format one of my disk, so i deleted the boot partion. Now i would like to install ubuntu from my USB stick. Now im on my friends PC so i would like to get the Ubuntu install file on the USB and install it on my PC how to do that ?20:07
MoonlightningWe got the link twice already. XD20:07
nazarkoDr_Willis: well i assume the default boot process starts X?20:07
viillinnyHey! I got curious and wanted to ask here because i don't have much time to do research tonight20:07
nazarkoiceroot: how is X launched in ubuntu20:07
Dr_Willismagnum:  the install file? you want to do a wubi install? or a normal install.20:07
loganrunJordan_U, looks like it will take a couple hours to complete the resync, so may have to try and catch you tomorrow if you are on, if all does not go well20:08
viktor_i cant instal Linux in my laptop. Dont recognize my partitions20:08
pinchmeshhi all, I'm running 12.04 and am attempting to use draftsight (which is a beta cad 2d program). Problem is it expects sslv2 and 12.04 has 1.0.0. is there a way to symlink sslv2 which doesn't exist with sslv1?20:08
Dr_Willisnazarko:  desktop install starts up lightdm - which uses X yes...20:08
viillinnyIs there a system i can use to distribute computing to all of my home ubuntu boxes? Like... make a makeshift cluster at home?20:08
Dr_Willisviillinny:  dozens of ways to do that.. depending on the details20:08
nazarkoDr_Willis: yes but where in the boot process is it firing? Some upstart script in /etc/init?20:08
magnumi can not turn on my PC, so i would like to do normal instal from boot USB20:08
Dr_Willisnazarko:  lightdm is a upstart service i belive20:08
viillinnyDr_Willis oh, and is this general system load that gets distributed?20:09
viillinnyand is a 1000 home network viable media?20:09
minashokryhello, df command reports that "/run" is 100% in use, what can I do to fix this?20:09
Dr_Willisls -l /etc/init.d/lightdm20:09
Dr_Willislrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 Aug 15 02:52 /etc/init.d/lightdm -> /lib/init/upstart-job20:09
nazarkoDr_Willis: gdm here but its fine20:09
Dr_Willisminashokry:  /run is special20:09
TriBeCa99just double checking before I get going here, but for setting up 3TB disks for a RAID10 array, I want to use GPT partition table and format with ext4 filesystem, is that right?20:09
nathanaelokay so it turns out I have a laptop with UEFI, which is preventing me from installing grub.... well I can install it without any errors, but grub does not boot. The laptop model is Fujitsu Lifebook AH532.....anybody have any experience on howto install ubuntu on such a system20:09
minashokryDr_Willis: so is this a problem I need to fix? or this is normal?20:10
nazarkoDr_Willis: i fixed it!20:10
Dr_Willisminashokry:  its normal.. why are you even worried aboiut it?20:10
viktor_hi , can somebody help me?20:10
nazarkoDr_Willis: Well the hanging.20:10
viillinnynathanael - i've installed ubuntu/mint/debian on three separate lifebooks in the last 3 years, i had no problems... maybe thats reassuring to know?20:10
viktor_i cant install Linux in my laptop20:10
viktor_no partitions appear20:10
nazarkonazarko: by the way are upstart scripts ln -f to /lib/init/upstart-job then? I thought they were scripts20:10
magnumDR_Willis can u answer ?20:11
viillinnyDr_Willis: sorry to keep bothering, but any key words i could use to find something interesting about clustering? Like a special name that linux uses or so...20:11
minashokryDr_Willis: because I am trying to run jenkins and it fails to start with a message in logs saying "no space left on device" I am sure I have enough free space everywhere, when I checked df, only /run is 100% used so I thought it can be related20:11
Dr_Willisminashokry:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/169495/what-are-run-lock-and-run-shm-used-for20:11
pinchmeshvictor, sec....let me check something20:12
nathanaelviillinny: uefi is relatively new so it's a slightly different problem... does wireless etc work well on the lifebooks you have though?20:12
nazarkoDr_Willis: up and running with xinitr20:12
nazarkoDr_Willis: thank you very much sir!20:12
Dr_Willisminashokry:  /run/ is a special filesystem in ram20:12
Dr_Willisnazarko:  old skool20:13
nazarkoDr_Willis: hell yeah.20:13
MoonlightningHow do I set a firmware password on a PowerBook G4? The instructions on Apple's site are only for OS X and I've installed Ubuntu instead.20:13
nazarkoDr_Willis: forget startx lol xinit20:13
magnumDr_Willis: can u help ?20:13
minashokryDr_Willis: yes, I understand this, my question is that, is this related to my problem that jenkins report that there is no space left on disk or not? and if it is, how can I have more space for this tmpfs?20:13
viillinnynathanael: , no problems :)20:14
Dr_Willisminashokry:  no idea if its related or not..  no idea what jenkins is..20:14
Dr_Willismagnum:  i dont even recall the origianl problem20:14
minashokryDr_Willis: don't worry about what jenkins is, can I have more space for this /run fs? how?20:15
pinchmeshvictor, check out fdisk .... works when others won't http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-disk-format/20:15
magnumDr_Willis: how to make a boot USB to instal Ubuntu, but on my PC (this is my friends PC)?20:15
Moonlightningmagnum: follow the same instructions for creating it, then eject it and move it to the destination computer.20:16
MoonlightningI think.20:16
Dr_Willismagnum:  you can image  iso  to flash using dozens of diffent tools.  the pendrive linux site has several20:17
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Dr_Willisminashokry:  no idea.. i dont see why the app would care about /run/20:17
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pinchmeshvector, check out fdisk .... works when others won't http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-disk-format/20:17
MoonlightningHow do I change the login window so that it doesn't show a list of users?20:18
nazarkoDr_Willis: how should I launch X. Tried this in rc.local but errors, running manually OK: su sam -c xinit&20:18
magnumDr_Willis: It reports some error when extracting files "file is broken". I have download it from ubuntu site.20:18
minashokryDr_Willis: it seems the app is extracting some files to start running and it seems it is using this path :-S20:18
Dr_Willisminashokry:  a read of --> http://askubuntu.com/questions/169495/what-are-run-lock-and-run-shm-used-for   shows that /tmp MAY be using /run20:19
Dr_Willisminashokry:  i would guess thats what its trying to use20:19
pinchmeshhow to change dep sslv2 to sslv1?20:19
Dr_Willisminashokry:  so move /tmp/ to a real partiion perhaps20:19
minashokryDr_Willis: ok, thanks will try20:20
Dr_Willis   /tmp → /run/tmp [optional; currently only Debian plans to offer this]20:20
Dr_Willisso ubnuntu may not do it..20:20
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MoonlightningHow do I change the login window so that it doesn't show a list of users?20:23
Dr_WillisHmm. My /run/ is showing 1% full.  but im on 12.1020:23
trismMoonlightning: add: greeter-hide-users=true to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf20:24
MoonlightningOkay, thanks.20:24
trismMoonlightning: zless /usr/share/doc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.gz has all the options20:24
TriBeCa99how do i get the UUID for md0?20:24
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MoonlightningIs there any way someone that's not logged in might be able to get a (partial or complete) list of accounts on the system?20:24
TriBeCa99it's not showing up in blkid20:24
TriBeCa99ohhhh, the array is syncing, never mind i'll give it a while20:25
Dr_WillisMonkeyDust:  ls /home/  ;)20:25
Dr_Willisbut they need some sort of access20:25
Moonlightningtrism: do I add that in the /SeatDefaults/ section? That's the only one there is…20:25
minashokryDr_Willis: ok, solved it by configuring the app to extract its files to another path (/tmp) instead of /var/run/20:26
minashokryDr_Willis: thanks20:26
Dr_Willisno idea why an app would extract installer files to /run/20:26
sta7icits been 15 years since i registered a domain from internic, went to do this and they dont allow full control? any trusty worthy sites? i am going to  host from my house and i want full control of my domain, i did buy  it right? any suggestions are appreciated20:26
MoTecsta7ic: I've had good luck with GoDaddy.  Dozens of domains hosted there.20:27
pinchmeshsta7ic, try godaddy20:27
sta7icthey dont allow full control20:27
MoonlightningBesides the login screen, is there any way someone that's not logged in might be able to get a (partial or complete) list of accounts on the system?20:27
Dr_Willisnot  exactly a ubuntu support question....20:27
MoTecWhat do you mean full control?  I can specify my name servers..  Oh, nevermind.20:27
pinchmeshyou want a dedicated server??  ==expensive20:27
MoTecJust STFU instead.20:28
IdleOne!language | MoTec20:28
ubottuMoTec: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:28
sta7icMoonlightning: if someone cannot cat /etc/passwd how would the be able to see accounts?20:28
Moonlightningsta7ic: login window, for one20:28
Dr_WillisMoonlightning:  one of the points in favor of using sudo is  that attackers cant be using the 'known' root account. they have to guess user names also20:28
Wingshey guys20:28
MoonlightningDr_Willis: not if they can get a list from somewhere else…20:28
Dr_WillisIf someone has physical access to the box.. you dont have much security20:29
Dr_Willis'social engineering'  ;)20:29
trismMoonlightning: yes, SeatDefaults20:29
Moonlightningtrism: `/usr/share/doc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.gz` is some kind of binary file for me…20:29
trismMoonlightning: that's why I said zless20:29
Dr_WillisMoonlightning:  use zmore to view it20:29
Dr_Willisor zless or decompress it20:29
MoonlightningI did use `zless`…20:30
Moonlightning< zless /usr/share/doc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.gz20:30
Moonlightning> sh: 0: Illegal option -/20:30
Moonlightning> "/usr/share/doc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.gz" may be a binary file.  See it anyway?20:30
Dr_Williswillis@SSDBuntu:/tmp$ zmore /usr/share/doc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.gz20:30
Dr_Willisworks here20:30
TriBeCa99question about my brand new raid10 array... I used mdadm --create blah blah to set it up, now a mdadm --query is showing "Resync status: 0% complete". I take it I need to wait for this to finish before I use the array?20:30
MoonlightningBesides the login screen, is there any way someone that's not logged in might be able to get a (partial or complete) list of accounts on the system?20:31
MoonlightningAnd how do I set a firmware password on a PowerBook G4? The instructions on Apple's site are only for OS X and I've installed Ubuntu instead.20:33
MoTecMoonlightning: if you are running samba isn't possible to use prcclient to enumerate users.20:33
icerootMoonlightning: what is a firmware password?20:33
MoTec*it is possible20:33
MoTecMoonlightning: if you are running samba is is possible to use rcclient to enumerate users.20:34
MoTecthat was all messed up, heh.20:34
Moonlightningiceroot: a password that's required to boot to something other than the default (which is the hard disk in my case)20:34
MoonlightningI think that would be a way to prevent evil-maid attacks.20:35
icerootMoonlightning: you mean a bios-password?20:35
MoTecMoonlightning: and good grief.. I meant rpcclient20:35
icerootMoonlightning: should not be OS related, even in the evil propitary apple world20:35
MoonlightningMoTec: if samba isn't installed by default, I shouldn't have it.20:35
MoonlightningThis is a fresh install…20:36
Moonlightningiceroot: so it's not an Ubuntu question and I should ask elsewhere?20:36
Dr_Willisthere are mac focused forums20:36
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. Kubuntu Forums are found at http://www.kubuntuforums.net. There is also a channel on freenode IRC #ubuntuforums20:36
Rusherhi, how to disable / hide maximalize button for windows? I tried by ubuntu-tweak, gconf-editor and gnome-tweak-took, but no result..20:37
Dr_Willisand askubuntu.com may know.20:37
kill_boxCan anyone recommend reading for system hardening for Linux?20:37
W4spMoonlightning: No, not by design. Also, can you boot Tiger and set the password.20:38
W4spCan Ubuntu have full disk encruption?20:38
MoonlightningW4sp: can't boot something that's not installed. :V20:38
_Tristan1Hallo. Aptitude shit the bed. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1157824/ what do?20:38
MoonlightningW4sp: yeah, I'm using it.20:38
W4spMoonlightning: ...from CD?20:38
MoonlightningAs far as I know, though, you need to enable it on boot.20:38
MoonlightningW4sp: don't have a Tiger disc…20:39
MoonlightningOr any OS X disc for that matter.20:39
W4spMoonlightning: See, I have been under the impression only home folder can be encrypted.20:39
zykotick9_Tristan1: NOT's use aptitude with 12.0420:39
Moonlightning…well, I have a Snow Leopard disc, but it came with my /Intel/ Mac…20:39
_Tristan1zykotick9: really? No more aptitude?20:39
zykotick9!aptitude | _Tristan120:39
ubottu_Tristan1: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.20:39
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Dr_Willisbeen that way for a while now. bad to use aptitude20:40
W4spMoonlightning: Latest you can use is Tiger as it was the last of the mohicans to have PPC, AFAIK.20:40
_Tristan1zykotick9: thanks :)20:40
MoonlightningW4sp: machine had Leopard when I got it…20:40
DanteviosI miss aptitude being in ubuntu :( having to use two commands to manage everything is an annoyance20:40
W4spMoonlightning: I see. Leopard is the latest then, I suppose.20:41
MoonlightningAnyway, here's an actual Ubuntu question.20:41
_Tristan1I've been using aptitude ever since 12.04 came out. I wonder if that's bad...20:41
bekksDantevios: You can easily install it.20:41
MoonlightningBesides the login screen and samba, is there any way someone that's not logged in might be able to get a (partial or complete) list of accounts on the system?20:41
* Dr_Willis gueses that since no one can think of any way.. the answer is no20:41
zykotick9bekks: don't suggest that20:41
k1lDantevios: bekks but aptitude does still have problems with multiarch.20:41
MoonlightningOkay, thanks. ^^20:42
Dr_Willisnot sure why it matters much anyway20:42
bekkszykotick9: I am not suggesting it :) It's just installable, technically - thats what I meant to say.20:42
tech1im trying to install chrome but i keep getting "libcurl3 dependancy error".. what is this thing i need? i cant find it20:42
MoonlightningDr_Willis: it doesn't, really…just being a bit paranoid. X320:42
W4spMoonlightning: No, not my design. But as you have already guessed you can boot from CD and mount the hard drive to browse /mointpoint/etc/passwd20:42
MoonlightningW4sp: that's another reason to have a firmware password…20:43
Dr_Willis!info libcurl320:43
ubottulibcurl3 (source: curl): Multi-protocol file transfer library (OpenSSL). In component main, is optional. Version 7.22.0-3ubuntu4 (precise), package size 235 kB, installed size 540 kB20:43
_Tristan1ok, so now apt-get dist-upgrade installs everything:i386 and keeps back wine1.5, while apt-get autoremove removes everything:1386. This is a problem.20:43
icerootMoonlightning: bios password is totaly stupid20:43
W4spWell, because it matters.20:43
Moonlightningiceroot: buh?20:43
icerootMoonlightning: disc encryption is what you want if you want to protect your installation20:43
icerootMoonlightning: remove the battery and the bios password is gone20:43
Moonlightningiceroot: I have disk encryption…20:44
MoonlightningBut encryption doesn't protect against evil-maid attacks.20:44
Wings<Wings> so when I boot into Xen 4.1 on Ubuntu20:44
Wings<Wings> I get about 1GB of RAM on dom0 and 3.5GB for the hypervisor to spread around20:44
Wings<Wings> I've got 8GB in my system, everything's 64-bit... how do I get back the missing memory?20:44
tech1nevermind i fixed it20:44
zykotick9iceroot: some bios don't have that battery clear anti-feature.  (most do)20:44
MonkeyDustMoonlightning  what kind of attack?20:44
icerootzykotick9: then use the cmos clear jumper20:44
zykotick9iceroot: correct ;)20:45
W4spMoonlightning: evil-maid20:45
icerootzykotick9: :)20:45
MoonlightningMonkeyDust: boot to a CD or something, install a malicious bootloader to get the encryption key…20:45
icerootMoonlightning: putting the key on the drive is stupid20:45
Moonlightningiceroot: tell that to the people that made the system?20:45
* Dr_Willis wonders if theres a #ubuntu-paranoid20:45
MonkeyDustMoonlightning  why has it never happened, if it were that that easy?20:46
Dr_Willisbye all.. off to the store...20:46
MoonlightningMonkeyDust: how do you know it hasn't?20:46
pmelsehrm, if you could include two keys.. one for the bootloader, the other for the key20:46
icerootMoonlightning: i see a bigger problem in using apple-products then be afraif of strange bootloader attacks (just my opinion)20:46
rogerpozzilisting channels20:46
Guest80323Hi all, I'm trying to copy my home folder in preparation for receiving a new mobo/upgrade. I want to copy it from the harddrive to a usb drive. However, the files on the harddrive all show as being owned by '1000' and '1001' and I can't copy them when booting from the live cd. The permissions also have all the access options grayed out. Any idea how to get around this???20:46
W4spMoonlightning: Can you not introduce to have the encryption key on a USB?20:46
Moonlightningiceroot: this computer was just given to me.20:46
MonkeyDustMoonlightning  in fazct this is offtopic, but i follow blogs on a daily basis and never read anything about it20:47
Moonlightning> Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.20:47
_Tristan1all of my important files are encrypted with the biometric information stored in my blood. The blood won't work if there's lots of adrenaline or other things added, and it won't work if the blood is dead.20:47
_Tristan1that could go in #ubuntu-paranoid20:47
MoonlightningW4sp: wha?20:47
pmelseGuest, run $ gksudo nautilus &20:47
iceroot_Tristan1: nice one :)20:47
W4spMoonlightning: Can you have the key on a USB drive. That would be a two factor authendification.20:47
MoonlightningW4sp: that's one way, but I don't have a USB stick at the moment.20:48
W4spMoonlightning: There's a risk, of course, that someone copies it from USB though.20:48
icerootMoonlightning: type in the passphrase by hand20:48
icerootMoonlightning: problem solved20:48
centrelinkpmelse: zsh: command not found: $20:48
Moonlightningiceroot: that's what I've been doing?20:48
icerootMoonlightning: so what is the problem?20:48
W4spiceroot: The password and the key are eintirely different parts.20:49
Moonlightningcentrelink: the $ is to indicate that you type it into a terminal, I think.20:49
k1lis the Moonlightnings issue smth for #ubuntu-discuss?20:49
icerootW4sp: the key is protected with the passphrase20:49
Moonlightningiceroot: the problem is that it's still vulnerable to evil-maid attacks?20:49
pmelseah yes, sorry20:49
icerootMoonlightning: you are using apple products so why be afraid of people which can control your system?20:49
Moonlightningiceroot: I didn't ask to be given a PowerBook.20:50
Guest80323pmelse, I am running xubuntu, there is no gksudo and/or nautilus.20:50
icerootMoonlightning: sorry but i dont see a problem in the method you are using20:50
W4spiceroot: He? You said 'type in the password by hand' and 'problem solved'20:50
_Tristan1wine1.5 depends on wine1.5-i386, and wine1.5-amd64 requires wine1.5:any, so how do I get it on amd64?20:50
MoonlightningI'm just making the best of it. In case you haven't noticed, I wiped the disk and installed Ubuntu. :P20:50
icerootW4sp: the passphrase to unlock the key20:51
W4spiceroot: Are you implying that MAcBooks are vulnerable to remote access?20:51
icerootW4sp: no20:52
icerootW4sp: just that apple is evil20:52
MoonlightningHay, if you don't mind…I'm trying to get help here, not be bashed for a choice of brands that I didn't make. :P20:52
icerootMoonlightning: and we are telling you that there is no need for such a panic about that20:53
Oenhi all.. when I upgrade from one release to another, will my network settings be affected in any way?20:53
icerootMoonlightning: there are much bigger problems out there then that20:53
OenI am trying to do it remotely, so don't want to lose connection after a reboot20:53
W4spiceroot: It's still excusable to be uninformed.20:53
icerootMoonlightning: you are using flash? java? skype?`a good way to get into a system20:53
_Tristan1Oen: get a kvm if you can20:54
Moonlightningiceroot: no, no, and no.20:54
k1lOen: will need a reboot for the new kernel.20:54
MoonlightningI'll keep those in mind, thanks.20:54
freakingass1!info startupmanager20:54
icerootMoonlightning: sounds like a good system, nice :)20:54
ubottuPackage startupmanager does not exist in precise20:54
Oenright.. reboot is fine.. but will my network settings change?20:54
Oenor will it require manual input?20:54
freakingass1!info startupmanager lucid20:54
ubottustartupmanager (source: startupmanager): Grub, Usplash and Splash screen configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.13-4ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 114 kB, installed size 1360 kB20:54
Oenrunning 9.04 I think server20:54
freakingass1!info startupmanager oneiric20:54
ubottustartupmanager (source: startupmanager): Grub, Usplash and Splash screen configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.13-5 (oneiric), package size 114 kB, installed size 1360 kB20:54
OenI know server edition.. not sure if 9.04 or 9.1020:54
k1lOen: souldnt. problem could be wifi with its drivers.20:54
Oenit has no wifi20:55
Oenit is a remote server20:55
iceroot!eol | Oen20:55
ubottuOen: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:55
_Tristan1Oen: your network settings probably won't change, but something could still go wrong. If it's not really used for anything important, go for it. Otherwise, NO.20:55
Oenhmm will see if that covers network settings being saved20:55
k1lOen: and with the 9.04/10 ubuntu, you are quite late for that. you will need a special upgrade rutine20:55
freakingass1!info grub-customizer20:56
ubottuPackage grub-customizer does not exist in precise20:56
freakingass1what can I use in Precise?!?!20:56
copaceticwhat is a good way to log outgoing email from my ubuntu server?20:56
Oenso I should do a fresh install?20:56
zykotick9freakingass1: what do you want to do exactly?20:57
W4spcopacetic: All MTA log in /var/log or its subfolders. That said, it does not log the contents of outgoing mail.20:57
k1lOen: read the link in the bots message. but you need every upgrade (if its not a lts-upgrade like from 10.04 to 12.04)20:57
zykotick9Oen: fyi 10.04->12.04 isn't ready yet, perhaps a couple of days though - see "/msg ubottu schedule" and look for release of 12.04.1 for correct day20:59
MoonlightningI keep getting “System program problem detected” whenever I do something with networking in the GUI. This is on 12.04-LTS, but they don't accept bug reports? Huh?20:59
bekkszykotick9: Whats not ready at that update?20:59
SolarisBoytime to find a new os20:59
zykotick9bekks: you'd currently need to use "development" to make it work.  LTS->LTS are on the first point release20:59
bekkszykotick9: Ah ok.21:00
Fluid_MantisHi. I installed Deluge but when I download a torrent file and open it it opens with Transmission. Yes, I can right-click it and open with Deluge that way, but how can I make it the default?21:00
ratcheerSolarisBoy: What's going on?21:00
Oenalright, thank you everyone for your help!21:00
MoonlightningI keep getting “System program problem detected” whenever I do something with networking in the GUI. This is on 12.04-LTS, but they're apparently not accepting bug reports. What do I do about this?21:01
SolarisBoyratcheer: nothing much at the moment - but this is the all time record for weird things occuring on my systems i've upgraded , luckily they are all desktops of no importance to anyone..21:01
pmelseGuest80323, is the file manager Thundar?21:01
SolarisBoyand further stroke of luck - very minor more annoying events than fatal errors,, but in the same,, i was reminded by the individual saying hes getting those weird crashes with no information in the dumps..21:02
ratcheerSolarisBoy: Weird. Precise has been rock solid for me.21:02
W4spMoonlightning: Why do they not accept bug reports?21:02
pmelsesounds like a SPARC :P21:02
MoonlightningW4sp: hang on, I'll see if I can trigger one again…21:02
bekksSparc? Who hilighted me? :)21:02
Fluid_MantisAnything, anyone?21:02
Fluid_MantisYou'd think it would just have a simple "Open with this program by default" checkbox in the GUI.21:03
SolarisBoyratcheer: did you clean install or upgrade?21:03
W4spMoonlightning: It should be accepted but it it's reported already you may not be able to submit it agian.21:03
pmelseFluidMantis, hit properties on the file, and there's probably some sort of default application option21:03
Ubuntuuser22Can some one help me install ubuntu, i added 12.04 to a disk and im running it vm right now21:04
ratcheerSolarisBoy: I'm pretty sure it was clean.21:04
Moonlightning> System program problem detected21:04
Moonlightning> Do you want to report the problem now?21:04
Moonlightning< Report problem...21:04
Ubuntuuser22but when i install it it asks for a new partion table and a place for boot loader what do i choose.....21:04
Fluid_Mantispmelse: Spotted it. I don't know how I missed it. I guess it's the sleep deprivation. Thanks.21:05
Ubuntuuser22So can any body help me21:05
Moonlightning> Sorry, Ubuntu 12.04 has experienced an internal error.21:06
Moonlightning> If you notice further problems, try restarting the computer.21:06
Moonlightning< Continue21:06
Ubuntuuser22Can some one help me with my problem?21:06
deadmundUbuntuuser22: Are you trying to install ubuntu in a VM?21:06
pmelseUbuntuuser22, is ubuntu the only operating system on the machine? **disclaimer I'm not responsible for data loss21:06
Ubuntuuser22leadmund i want to install it onto my computer and still be able to have vista21:06
Ubuntuuser22i have vista currently instakked'21:06
pmelseokay, so you've installed it along side (probably using the default option?21:07
Ubuntuuser22no i havent installed it yet21:07
Moonlightning> 'precise' is no longer under development, but technical support is still available and will give you quicker results than filing a bug here. Also, if you do have a bug, we will give it higher priority if you've gone through technical support channels first.21:07
Ubuntuuser22thats what i need help with21:07
=== |newbie| is now known as mcduffy
Ubuntuuser22because i tried to install it yesdterday but i didn'21:08
Ubuntuuser22t have enough time21:08
* Moonlightning pings W4sp21:08
Ubuntuuser22and now this time it doesn't give me an option for to install along side21:08
Ubuntuuser22it only says erase old os and other21:08
* W4sp send ECHO to Moonlightning 21:08
MoonlightningW4sp: huh?21:08
bekksUbuntuuser22: Whats "other"?21:08
=== nathanael is now known as natschil
Ubuntuuser22one of the options when i click to install it21:09
bekksUbuntuuser22: What are the other options?21:09
pmelseUbuntuuser22: see if this answers your questions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nN-egbYERdo21:09
W4spMoonlightning: I see, that's disappointing. You're right, that's the way they do. Admittingly I don't like it.21:10
pmelsefat32 or ntfs will be your vista partition21:10
MoonlightningW4sp: there's no way to just have bug reports be submitted automatically without me having to do anything?21:10
peterrushmm dropbox just isnt connecting21:10
Ubuntuuser22yeah when i click to install it it only has to options not 3.....21:11
Ubuntuuser22thats why im confused21:11
W4spMoonlightning: Not that I'm aware of. There's the exclamation mark and then all that can be done is to follow the GUI instructions.21:11
pmelsehave you considered a wubi install (I think that's still a real thing :P )21:11
W4spMoonlightning: Is there an alternative one, such as using web?21:12
Ubuntuuser22pmelse that didn't work for me , all the partions i see all say nvidea21:12
MoonlightningW4sp: no…21:13
pmelsedo you have multiple hard drives installed?21:14
Ubuntuuser22i have 2 one is a restore harddrive and one is my windows21:14
MonkeyDustwubi is a pseudo-installation inside windows21:14
MoonlightningW4sp: there's five options here…21:14
=== JasonK75 is now known as teresa91180
Ubuntuuser22idk which partion to delete or add too21:15
pmelseMonkeyDust: I figure it's easier (and safer) than trying to remotely diagnose an unrecognized vista partition21:15
pmelseunder type, does anything say ntfs?21:15
Ubuntuuser22there is 6 ntfs21:16
W4spMoonlightning: You can do that in Launchpad though.21:17
pmelsehrm, that seems an awful lot of partitions for a default vista install21:17
Ubuntuuser22yeah idk what to do.... like i said they all say nvidea on them21:17
pmelseI'd discard any changes, reboot into windows, and figure out what's on them21:18
W4spMoonlightning: https://login.launchpad.net to log in and report a bug.21:18
MoonlightningW4sp: I don't even know what the bug /is…/21:18
pmelseif you can't figure it out 22, consider this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/125015/can-i-install-12-04-inside-windows21:18
Ubuntuuser22ok pmelse  ill be back on windows, ps do u have team viewer to help me?21:18
Ubuntuuser22pmelse do u have team viewer?21:19
=== admin-tori is now known as Xelrebrus
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Ubuntuuser22pmelse u here?21:20
pmelseyes, I don21:20
pmelse't presently have teamviewer21:20
Ubuntuuser22think u can get it ?21:20
admin-toriI have a question, I'm running Ubuntu Server 12.4, how do I get a script to run and show output after login using the CLI command prompt?21:21
pmelsenot likely, this is a work machine (offering some help since I received some)21:21
Ubuntuuser22ok but ill be back hold on21:21
pmelseadmin-tori, what is the script written in?21:21
pmelsedo you want it globally, or for specific users?21:22
admin-toriglobal would be preferred21:22
pmelseadmin-tori I believe you can add it to /etc/rc.local (make sure the exit status is 0)21:25
admin-torijust add in the path?21:25
pmelseyes.. but on second thought, that will run at the end of each runlevel..21:26
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pmelseyou'r better off putting it in ~/.bash_profile on a per user basis21:26
ubuntuuser22ok pmelse what should i do im on windows now21:26
pmelseubuntuuser22, have a look in my computer, and see if you can locate those partitions21:27
admin-torihmm. okay I'll try both methods. Thank you for your help21:27
Jordan_Uadmin-tori: To have something added to the motd, you'll probabl want to add the script to /etc/update-motd.d/ . But that depends on what exactly you want. What does this script do?21:27
ubuntuuser22pmelse all i see in windows, i took that and made it to 100 gb and i made a new hd called Ubuntu21:28
pmelseadmin-tori: Jordan's idea is probably better21:28
ubuntuuser22i also see local disk D21:28
pmelseubuntuuser22, if you can wait an hour or so, I'll get teamviewer on a box21:29
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ratcheerpmelse: That is seriously good service!21:30
RichRany Sonicwall gurus?21:30
=== Guest38 is now known as FireQueen
DanteviosOk hardcore question time... I have an intel laptop that uses a BIOS. I have installed ubuntu 12.04 in it. I want to transfer this hard drive to my MacBook Pro. MacBook pro uses EFI (but is still an intel based chip). When I try to boot from my mac all I get is the purple splash screen (with no graphics). What is possibly happening?21:32
pmelseDantevios, you probably need a uefi bootloader?21:32
pmelsethough I've swapped a drive using syslinux into a g1 macbook and had it boot 8.0421:33
flybackdid something happen between 11.04 and 12.04 dramatically that totally fubared liveUSB to the point of almost being unbearable21:34
flybackif I put firefox in private browsing, it helps a good bit with firefox freezing but other stuff still ugh21:34
flybackmultiple systems and multiple flash drives so it's not a hw issue21:35
pmelseflyback: I wonder if unity has anything to do with it21:35
flybackwell I hacked in gnome21:35
flybackit helped but still ugh21:36
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Guest35263
pmelseif lubuntu has a live cd (or one can be made with unetbootin) I'd give that a try21:36
ubuntuuser22pmelse:  so around 5:30?21:36
sveinseHow do I configure kernel commandline to print *everything* during boot, rather than having this plymouth text theme which hides it all?21:36
bekksSeveas: By removing "quiet splash"21:37
pmelseubuntuuser22: 6:30 for me (approx an hour)21:37
flybackpmlse you can use startup disk creator to make a liveusb21:37
mazeHi I'm wondering what a good vpn service for ubuntu is?21:37
DanteviosI've had the same results with 8.04 pmelse21:37
DanteviosI'm thinking i may need a boot loader as well but that may not be the case21:37
sveinsebekks: I have none. splash and quiet is not in /etc/default/grub. Yet the installed text theme shows a "text splash"21:38
bekkssveinse: Then remove "splash".21:38
sveinsebekks: From where? /etc/defalt/grub has no "splash" in it21:40
bekkssveinse: From the kernel command line in the grub menu, when booting.21:40
pmelseDantevios: is this a newer mac?21:40
Danteviosno it's an older one pmelse like 2009ish? something like that21:42
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sveinsebekks: Well that's why I'm asking. There is no splash in the kernel commandline at all. Yet something hides everything from grub until getty is started. I have plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text installed and it shows a Ubuntu 12.10 text and a few dots during the time21:42
Vlan2hello, how can manage file indexing with 12.04?  I know i can use tracker, but i can't really get it to work21:43
FroZen_hi guys i have a question21:44
MonkeyDustFroZen_  let's hear it21:44
FroZen_i installed centos alsongside several partitions21:44
FroZen_and centos overwrote the grub during installation21:45
FroZen_but it didnt detect all of the partitions21:45
FroZen_and due to a mistake i made (i.e setting 777 permisions on everything) the centos partition cannot boot (kernel panic) and i need to find a way to repair grub21:46
MonkeyDustFroZen_  you're in the ubuntu channel21:46
FroZen_well how can i use a live cd of ubuntu to repair grub?21:46
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)21:47
=== zz_scottas is now known as scottas
pmelseFroZen, there's a pretty awesome live cd available called Ultimate Boot CD... it may have automated tools to help you, and in generally a good thing to have in one's tool kit21:47
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ubuntuuser22brb pmelse  updating drivers21:54
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coldpizza72iBy accident I got rid of my video driver… If i boot a live cd how can i restore the driver22:00
* satorisanja is away: Ich rauche gerade mal eine und trink nen Kaffee im Raucherraum22:02
wilee-nileecoldpizza72i, If you can get to a cli from the recovery kernel at grub it will be easier to just install, from a live cd you would have to chroot.22:03
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Jagst3r15hi i cant use the default ubuntu 3d, only 2d22:04
Jagst3r15computer crashes when I do unity reset too22:04
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* satorisanja is back (gone 00:03:56)22:06
* satorisanja is away: gleich wieder da22:07
* satorisanja is back (gone 00:00:04)22:07
gbear14275Hello, I just suffered a hard stop on my laptop... was wondering if someone might be able to tell me which logs I might consider checking to figure out what just happened?22:08
Jordan_U!away | satorisanja22:08
ubottusatorisanja: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»22:08
ubottuMONDRA85: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:09
wilee-nileeJagst3r15, Any relevant history up to this point, like fresh install, messing with compiz, no graphic driver installed...etc.22:09
Jagst3r15wilee-nilee well u know im kind of thug so i like to mess around abit22:10
Jagst3r15but i havent really touched anything22:10
ubuntuuser22im back pmelse22:10
Jagst3r15i tried to install web apps on 12.04 but got an error22:10
Jagst3r15i then removed the ppa22:11
Jagst3r15then unity bugged out22:11
gbear14275Anyone able to suggest which logs would help me diagnose a random hard restart?22:11
Ca11umHow do I create a password-protected ZIP file using 'zip' command line?22:12
Jagst3r15wilee-nilee should i try unity reset again and tell u the error message?22:13
Rick__Does Ubuntu work well with games like World of warcraft?22:14
cowslammercan someone tell me how to reset the root passwd if you don't know what it is22:14
genii-aroundCa11um: Use the -e option22:14
Ca11umI was trying at first, genii-around, but I got it working (thanks);22:15
Ca11umzip -P test -r test.zip hai22:15
elspuddyhi, any one know what config file i edit to tell vnc what screen res to run at ?22:15
wilee-nileeJagst3r15, I would not really know what it meant, so I'm not familiar with web apps as well, I'm not really sure that web apps would be the cause of this is it a PPA download?22:15
coldpizza72iwilee-nilee: I can't seem to get in the grub menu… Aren't I supposed to hold the shift key down when I see my motherboard screen to load the grub menu?22:15
Jagst3r15wilee-nilee maybe its just a good old compiz crash then?22:16
wilee-nileecoldpizza72i, should yes if you have only one OS, and you have not changed the timeout.22:16
wilee-nileeJagst3r15, could be have you rebooted?22:16
coldpizza72iwilee-nilee: timeout?22:16
Jagst3r15wilee-nilee i log in with ubuntu 3d and only see my background, nothing else comes up. i can hit ctrl + alt +delete to logout though22:17
wilee-nileecoldpizza72i, grub has a time out that is the time you have to use it before it boots.22:17
bazhangRick__, check  the appdb and join #winehq for particular app help22:17
coldpizza72iwilee-nilee: perhaps I should use a live cd to get the grub menu to stick at boot22:17
wilee-nileestop it actually would be a better description22:17
=== Robert_ is now known as Guest97374
bazhang!appdb | Rick__22:17
ubottuRick__: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help22:17
Rick__ok thanks22:17
wilee-nileecoldpizza72i, What happened or what did you do that removed the graphics driver or make you think you had?22:18
coldpizza72iwilee-nilee: I put fglrx then wanted to switch back to the default one22:19
Jagst3r15wilee-nilee i get this when i just did unity -- reset : (compiz:2964): GConf-CRITICAL **: gconf_client_add_dir: assertion `gconf_valid_key (dirname, NULL)' failed22:19
Jagst3r15now my screen is frozen and cant move anything22:19
flan_suseIs it possible to download the .iso for 12.04.1? I do not see any directory / file on cdimage.ubuntu.com.22:20
wilee-nileecoldpizza72i, I think you want help from someone more familiar with that stuff, my answer originally was just a easier method then using the cd.22:20
flan_suseI want to test out 12.04.1, and I believe it's already been frozen for release.22:21
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Jagst3r15_wilee-nilee sorry it froze22:22
wilee-nileecoldpizza72i, Is this a install from windows perchance?22:22
Jagst3r15_had to logout22:22
wilee-nileeJagst3r15, So it seems your not reading my responses, not sure really what to do here.22:23
coldpizza72iwilee-nilee: …Iv had ubuntu for a while, I was having problems booting today for some reason22:23
Jagst3r15_wilee-nilee sorry my screen is freaking out22:23
pmelseI'm going to be delayed another 4522:23
Jagst3r15_hard to see22:23
wilee-nileecoldpizza72i, But can you actually answer the question?22:23
wilee-nileeJagst3r15_, Have you rebooted since this started?22:25
bmhatfieldI have a question about dh_python2, and why it's adding a dependency on "python (>= 2.7.1-0ubuntu2)" for a package that I am building22:25
Jagst3r15_wilee-nilee only once. ill try again, thnks for the help btw22:25
bmhatfieldIs anyone here experienced with building packages that use dh_python2?22:26
MonkeyDustbmhatfield  maybe #python suits you more22:28
coldpizza72iwilee-nilee: the answer is no22:29
ubuntuuser22plouffe:  u ready?22:29
wilee-nileecoldpizza72i, ah cool thanks, I was just wondering on that in regards to know grub, others are going to be more helpful than me here.22:30
ubuntuuser22pmelse:  im ready22:30
ubuntuuser22pmelse: u here?22:32
koxgeneral linux question: how to open initrd when "file initrd" shows format: data?22:36
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ubuntuuser22pmelse: u here?22:40
flan_susekox: You want to inspect the contents? I assumed an initrd file is basically an archive (gz, bz2, xz, et al)22:40
Ca11umHow is /tmp kept clear? Is it deleted on an interval, when you shutdown, or...?22:42
ubuntuuser22pmelse:  u here? did u forget22:43
louiematdoes anyone know how to get other start screenbs for Pinguy OS22:44
=== Guest92612 is now known as otak
TheLordOfTimelouiemat:  this channel is for Ubuntu support, not Pinguy.  Try ##linux, or use their support system(s).22:45
TheLordOfTimelouiemat:  try asking in #pinguyos22:46
TheLordOfTimelouiemat_:  not sure if you saw this:  This channel is for Ubuntu support, not Pinguy.  Try #pinguyos22:46
koxflan_suse> no compress format recognizec - file shows format: data22:48
ubuntuuser22pmelse: ............22:49
avengrehello.  I've got a windows 7 system running atm, with a second harddrive installed in the desktop.  I'm cheap/can't find a USB drive atm, is there a way to install ubuntu to the second harddrive so I can just switch out the drives and have the installation finish, and make it the primary drive? (While leaving the origional Win7 drive as a backup22:50
satorisanja /msg NickServ identify <ThunDerstrucK>22:51
MrGadgetDoes the main ubuntu website have an application for that? Install ubuntu while running windows?22:51
avengrei'm not sure... i don't want to corrupt the windows install by accidently trying it22:52
otakkox, I'm reading this: http://linux.koolsolutions.com/2009/11/12/initramfs-ramfs-tmpfs-compressed-image/22:53
otakavengre, if you're willing to move drives, then you can unplug w7 before the install22:54
ubuntuuser22pmelse: u around?22:54
=== arleslie3 is now known as arleslie
i7cavengre: mhm you want to disconnect one drive? didn't get it22:57
coldpizza72iIm in a live cd trying to get grub to not timeout on my main hdd… is sda1/boot/grub/grub.cfg what I have to edit?22:57
ozpyHi. I run ubuntu 12.04 on Acer 5336. I have black screen. I run it on nomodeset as per NixiePixel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTmZYzaxR_k indications...However, my resolution is really low 16:4!. I get nothing when running "Additional drivers"22:58
deadmundozpy: 16:4?  Firstly, what is that ratio of?  Secondly, you realize that resolution and aspect ratio are not the same thing right?23:00
koxotak> tried - file isnt compressed23:00
Jordan_Ucoldpizza72i: First mount your Ubuntu partition, "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/" then create a /boot/grub/custom.cfg containing 'timeout=-1' by running "echo timeout=-1 | sudo tee -a /mnt/boot/grub/custom.cfg" then reboot. After booting into Ubuntu you should properly edit /etc/default/grub ( to have GRUB_TIMEOUT=-1 ) and remove /boot/grub/custom.cfg.23:00
ozpydeadmund, the resolution of the screen is really low23:01
deadmundozpy: look at the output of xrandr23:01
deadmundozpy: :P23:01
ozpydeadmund, Can you guide me on that? Too technical for me23:02
deadmundozpy: open a terminal, type xrandr, read the output23:02
deadmundozpy: can you do that?  (oh I forgot to tell you to press enter after you type xrandr)23:02
ozpydeadmund: One sec. I'll do it on nomodeset23:02
djjeff|ubuntutried to install boot loader to a usb stick syslinux /dev/sdb1 and we are getting a read only error what could cause this?23:02
ozpydeadmund, no problem.23:03
deadmundozpy: yeah :)23:03
deadmunddjjeff|ubuntu: boot loader is installed to a disk (/dev/sda) not a partition (/dev/sda1)23:03
djjeff|ubuntusyslinux: this doesn't look like a valid FAT filesystem23:05
avengrebasically I want to install ubuntu on a drive w/o a USB stick / DVD23:05
avengreThere's 2 drives in the computer right now, 1 is windows, 1 WILL be Ubuntu23:05
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avengrecan I install Ubuntu (and make bootable) the second drive23:06
ZaNeIuMhow do i save my histoy to a file in the terminal, plz23:06
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pmelsepmelse has returned, give me a second to swap PC's23:06
keithhey who/where should I complain about a broken core system package in 11.04?23:06
deadmundavengre: yes, but you have to tell the bios to boot the other hdd23:06
avengredeadmund: that's no problem23:07
deadmundavengre: then there is no problem :)23:07
ozpydeadmund, www.pastebin.com/G7XKGEk823:07
coldpizza72iJordan_U: what stops grub from using the original config file instead of custom.cfg?23:07
avengreokay, so the installer will give me that option?23:07
* flyback ponders making the plunge to his new bedroom tonight23:07
avengreit won't just rewrite the boot record for the windows drive at random during install?23:07
* flyback bbl23:07
deadmundozpy: It seems to think that this is the only resolution available.  What res are you looking for? What video card do you have?  What does your monitor support?23:08
coldpizza72iwilee-nilee: you there?23:09
wilee-nileecoldpizza72i, yeah.23:09
ozpydeadmund,  I want 16:9 1366:768. This are the specs http://pastebin.com/5mx1Xz2g23:10
coldpizza72iwilee-nilee: i just got into grub, what should i do again? enter recover mode?23:10
Jordan_Ucoldpizza72i: It's *not* that the custom.cfg overrides the grub.cfg. The grub.cfg generated by update-grub/grub-mkconfig contains a line which sources /boot/grub/custom.cfg if it exists: if [ -f  $prefix/custom.cfg ]; then source $prefix/custom.cfg; fi23:11
wilee-nileecoldpizza72i, That was my idea as far as a easier then the cd method at messing with the graphics WHICH I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT.23:11
deadmundozpy: probably a limitation of the graphics driver in Ubuntu.  Since the pastebin you just showed me explicity says you can have 1366 x 76823:11
deadmundozpy: hang on23:11
coldpizza72iwilee-nilee: and what do i do in recovry mode23:11
deadmundozpy: can you xrandr -s 1366x76823:12
ozpydeadmund, one sec23:12
ozpydeadmund, www.pastebin.com/JdyVUsBr23:13
deadmundozpy: try this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/60579/intel-gma-4500m-screen-resolution-problem23:13
wilee-nileecoldpizza72i, You wanted to reload the graphics. You asked if from the cd was possible or best. My only remark was from a recovert terminal would be easier then having to chroot from a cd, That is where it ends as far as I know. Do you understand this, you can't just throw commands at the install from a cd without getting into the install a method used is called a chroot. I can't really help you.23:14
deadmundozpy: read it all! I've never tried to fix this problem before so the thread knows more about the problem that I do23:14
coldpizza72iwilee-nilee: I'm no longer using a cd23:14
ozpydeadmund, let me see. one sec23:15
deadmundozpy: sure, I can help if you get stuck / confused reading the thread23:15
W4spozpy: deadmund: PMFJI. See if 1360x768 will do. Also, while booting within GRUB2 list the video modes GRUB2 supports. MAke a note of what's listed and close to your desired resolution. Set the modes on GRUB2 prompt and continue booting.23:15
deadmundozpy: One of the worst things about ubuntu support is that there is so much noise in the threads! :(23:17
ozpydeadmund: yeah23:18
stalthe "try ubuntu cloud" thing is a nice touch23:18
=== Logan_ is now known as Fluffer
coldpizza72iI just pastebined a long command to use in recovery console shell… Im going to wget it but how can i run it then?23:21
Dr_Williscoldpizza72i:  save it to a file...23:24
deadmundmuch easier to save it to a file23:24
Dr_Willisthen look at it once you are in the console, and perhaops run it..23:24
coldpizza72iDr_Willis: this is what i ran, but it says its unable to locate the last two packages23:27
ozpydeadmund: w4sp: now backlight works, but there's a problem. The system asks for username and password on no backlight. once I log in, brighness is on reverse mode... I mean I have to hit FN+Left key to increase brightness23:27
pmelse2okay, ubuntuuser22, I'm here again23:27
Dr_WillisI have no idea what command you are runniong or what your issue is coldpizza72i23:27
deadmundozpy: change the brightness before you log in?23:28
coldpizza72iDr_Willis: I'm trying to restore my video drivers and reinstall xorg http://askubuntu.com/questions/68306/how-do-i-restore-default-video-drivers23:28
ozpydeadmund: When I log in, it asks for user name and password, I turn on brightness on that screen. Only once logged in23:28
ozpydeadmund: I can't turn on backlight  when introducing username and password23:29
mrdigitalhi i am having a bit of trouble with my BASHRC, just installed todo.txt cli program and now everytime i start my terminal i get a line which says "bash:alias:alias:not found"23:29
ozpydeadmund, only once logged in23:29
deadmundozpy: Can you set a different default brightness?  http://askubuntu.com/questions/66751/how-do-i-set-default-display-brightness23:29
zenmasterHi, I did a split command of a large 120gig file. On my external drive.23:30
zenmasterAnd now it is not letting me unmount the drive.23:30
zenmasterThe command completed successfully....23:30
beniaminanyone knows, why I cannot connect irc.gnome.org?23:30
stalinstall windows23:30
zenmasterbeniamin: Probably down.23:30
zenmasterstal: Wrong channel.23:30
Jordan_Uzenmaster: What umount command are you running and what is the exact output?23:30
zenmasterumount /dev/sdc123:31
mrdigitalhi i am having a bit of trouble with my BASHRC, just installed todo.txt cli program and now everytime i start my terminal i get a line which says "bash:alias:alias:not found"23:31
zenmaster/home/flowmobile/Backup1TB: device is busy.23:31
zenmaster        (In some cases useful info about processes that use23:31
zenmaster         the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))23:31
Jordan_Umrdigital: How did you install this program?23:31
zenmasterSorry should have pastebin.23:31
zenmasterJordan_U: Did I mention I am also doing this as root.23:32
mrdigitaloh manually23:32
mrdigitalnot installed23:32
Jordan_Uzenmaster: Please pastebin the outptu of "fuser /home/flowmobile/Backup1TB".23:32
mrdigitaljsut followed the docu on their website23:32
zenmasterJordan_U: Output of that was nothing. :)23:32
ariane5i install java and flash on linux and system works bad23:32
ozpydeadmund: everytime I reboot i have the same issue. the same happened to ghozy on this post23:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 740893 in linux (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #752165 Kernel 2.6.38-7 completely dims screen on Intel GMA 4500M" [Medium,Incomplete]23:33
mrdigitalJordan_U: it was a manual install like how they have mentioned on their website23:33
deadmundozpy: Mmm, I'm not sure.  Does the thread not list what to do?  Cause I don't know.23:33
l_runder unkown conditions some processes end up using 100% cpu. this is ubuntu 12.04. for example, now I am using an editor based on java, and the java process is using 100%cpu. I am doing no special activities  with editor. I am waiting the system decreases the cpu usage23:33
ozpydeadmund: one sec23:33
zenmasterJordan_U: You know what....23:33
mrdigitalJordan_U: but i had to add environment variable @ bashrc23:33
zenmasterI bet Samba is making it trip out.23:33
coldpizza72iHow can i determine the hdd name my system booted off of?23:34
Jordan_Umrdigital: Please link to the directions you followed.23:34
zenmasterSince I then copied a file from there.23:34
twardnwPici: re : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/5.3.10-1ubuntu3.1 -- if my apt cache is showing a deb package for 'php5_5.3.10-1ubuntu3.2_all' does that mean that I already have that patch?23:34
coldpizza72iIs it always sda?23:34
mrdigitalJordan_U: ok give me a sec23:34
l_rdid it ever heppen to you?23:34
zenmasterJordan_U: Nope not that. :*(23:34
l_rthere must be something wrong at kernel/scheduler level23:34
pmelse2127.0.0.1 returned ICMP fail, imploding23:35
mrdigitalJordan_U: here it is : https://github.com/ginatrapani/todo.txt-cli/wiki/User-Documentation23:35
scott_zwhy when I do a 'sudo apt-get upgrade' are packages being 'kept back'?23:36
Picitwardnw: yes, if you already have something past that version, then it has that patch applied.23:36
scott_zoops why are packages being 'kept back'?23:36
otakcoldpizza72i, df23:36
jenmy computer starts slower than it did before, how can I change that?23:37
Jordan_Ucoldpizza72i: What do you mean by "booted off of"? Do you mean that you want to know the device node for the drive containing the root partition which is currently in use?23:37
mrdigitalJordan_U: do you know what is wrong with my bashrc?23:38
threex5jen, what changed from before?23:38
threex5did you install somehting?23:38
Dr_Willisscott_z:  try a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:38
ozpydeadmund: w4sp: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/752165 this post has helped me solve this issue. Thanks23:39
jenthreex5,  i have installed stuff lol23:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 740893 in linux (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #752165 Kernel 2.6.38-7 completely dims screen on Intel GMA 4500M" [Medium,Incomplete]23:39
deadmundozpy: sure!23:39
deadmundozpy: for the record, I hardly did anything23:39
threex5well it's hard to say from your request what the problem is23:39
deadmundozpy: But I'm glad you fixed it.23:39
threex5are you seeing anything different during boot up?23:39
Jordan_Umrdigital: What is the output of "source todo_completion"?23:42
mrdigitalJordan_U: let me check23:43
mrdigitalJordan_U: under normal user (no such file/command) under root (no output)23:45
Kuifjehi all23:46
=== chris_ is now known as uuser-guid
KuifjeI have a setup that consist of ubuntu 9.04, but from what I've read the repositories have been shut down. is it safe to edit the sources.list so that the respositories of a newer version is used so I can update the system?23:47
uuser-guidHi. My wired Internet connection is working fine, but network manager says "Wired network" "device not managed". How can I fix this?23:48
bazhang!eolupgrades | Kuifje please read this23:48
ubottuKuifje please read this: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:48
deadmunduuser-guid: I think you have to remove all references to it from /etc/network/interfaces23:49
mzuverinkWhat do I need to do to get to be able to log into a gnome classic desktop session? I do not see that as an option, only Ubuntu and Ubuntu 2d23:49
uuser-guiddeadmund, I'll try that23:49
Dr_Willis!eol | Kuifje23:49
ubottuKuifje: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:49
Kuifjeok, thanks23:49
Dr_WillisKuifje:  You can still upgrade it.. but for that old of an install.. i would suggest a clean install23:49
xangua!nounity | mzuverink23:49
ubottumzuverink: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic23:49
coldpizza72iWhen I boot my system gets stuck after "Checking battery state"… I have to goto Ctrl-Alt F5 and startx myself… any ideas on how to fix this?23:50
matts45acpcan someone here please tell me when i use ubuntu from a cd just trying and i download a program where does it install too? and will it still be here when i start up again?23:50
xanguamatts45acp: it will no23:51
scott_zWhy when I do 'sudo apt-get upgrade' some packages are being 'kept back'?23:51
mrdigitalmatts45acp: no it wont be available again, it just install temporarily under your RAM memory23:51
=== chris_ is now known as uuser-guid
Dr_Willisscott_z:  they are held for some reason or another.. use apt-get dist-upgrade' if you really want to update them23:51
uuser-guiddeadmund, thanks, it worked :)23:51
mrdigitalmatts45acp: so as soon as you restart your pc that RAM session is wiped out23:51
deadmunduuser-guid: sure :)23:52
deadmundthat was fast23:52
mrdigitalJordan_U: any luck with that?23:52
scott_zDr_Willis: is it my settings or is the PPA holding them?23:52
W4spozpy: MAny thanks for the feedback. Highly appreciated.23:52
Dr_Willisscott_z:  no idea..   I just dist-upgrade and continue  with my day23:52
scott_zDr_Willis: I will give it a try. Thanks.23:53
Dr_Willisscott_z:  i test the betas a lot.. so im alwyas haveing to dist-upgrade23:53
Jordan_Umrdigital: How exactly did you modify your bashrc? Can you pastebin your current bashrc?23:53
mrdigitalJordan_U: i just added a few line son the top, ill just paste them here23:54
scott_zDr_Willis: No luck still held back. Any more Ideas?23:54
W4spdeadmund: Do you know if ozpy's issue has been addressed with this command 'sudo setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B=00'?23:54
deadmundW4sp: I don't know how he resolved it but he posted a link to some bug report.  You can scroll back to find it.23:55
Dr_Willisscott_z:  nope..  if some packages are broken. they can get held to prevent firther breaking.. see the url i posted.23:55
mrdigitalJordan_U: PATH=$PATH:"/home/mrs/Scripts/todo/todo.txt_cli-2.9"23:55
scott_zthanks. I keep working on it.23:56
ozpyw4sp: Yes. That was te command I used for rebooting... however the brightness function is on reverse... I have to FN+left to get backlight23:56
mrdigitalJordan_U: thats all i added23:56
W4spdeadmund: I did. I've gone through the post and there a some recommendations. Not sure though if the command I pasted is the right one. I want to make a mental note as ozpy wasn't the only one with the issue.23:56
ozpyw4sp: I don't know how to restablish the backlight as usual (FN+Right key23:56
deadmundW4sp: IDK and he's gone :(23:57
deadmundW4sp: there he is! :P23:57
W4spozpy: Oh, you're back. :-)23:57
ozpyw4sp: deadmund: but FN+left key helped me solve the first step which was to get backlight23:57
mrdigitalJordan_U: what do you make of it?23:58
Jordan_Umrdigital: Please pastebin your entire bashrc.23:58
ozpyw4sp: there are thousands with the same issue. Graphics card must be the issue23:58
W4spozpy: The command seems to be an operational fix. That can't be a permanent one as it is entirely unsatisfactory.23:59

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